UAU American UAU
UAU Party

   USA American USA Party

  Z-A Information Events  dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
that need to be address

to USA American USA Party

Z-A Iformation Events

Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
A Country without Borders is Not a Country [CWW]

 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future




American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)
UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus



::: UAU Party Infrastructure taking action :::
the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

 Full View of UAU Party

American Buffalo
(commonly know as the American Bison)


The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self)

Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace


USA Mitch.-- Strategist --- Creature of Habit --- dealing with People US Gov't (All Three Branches that has Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be but should Maintain The Fruit of the Spirit



December 20, 2010 Operation: Downgrade the decisions that against morals & Values == Basics of ethics

 (The White House) Former President Obama's can't change his mind in signing ending Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Bill CHANGE OF HEART TO not to PROTECT THE GOV. Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA specially same-sex marriage and all their principles are wrong Does Jesus & Obama believe the same way We the People don't think So! So Ask! Jesus - God - Holy Spirit Mr. Obama believe in something else, beside Jesus Rule of Law A Christian beliefs & practices are not secrete daily duties of Christians -- Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3) Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23) Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46) Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47) Win souls (Acts 2:47; 16:5) Preach Jesus (Acts 5:42) Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11) Discuss Scriptures (Acts 19:9) Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28) Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13) *****This set (The White House) Former President Obama's & The 65 US Senator (believe in something else, beside Jesus Rule of Law) that voted for Repeal Don't Ask, Don't *****apart from Jesus Rule of Law [[[[(Heaven or Hell) (Family morals & Values == Basics of ethics specially in USA Military & US Congress)]]]] & American Citizens We the People
 US Commander in Chief state: Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal ---- No separate living or bathing facilities --- No "early outs" for those opposed to change

December 11 2010 Operation: Downgrade the decisions :::::::
 US Senator Tax Cut Compromise Plan Senate Votes 81 - 19 to Pass H.R. 4853 Tax Bill (The White House) Former President Obama's CHANGE OF HEART TO PROTECT THE HIGHER CLASS(Wealthy) in TAX CUT DEAL FOR Wealthy Class -------- Wall Street- Big Bussiness -Lobbyists , GMC & Personal Income Tax plus bonus added to willn't be Tax like the Middle Class that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD --- Former President Obama's CHANGE OF (T)une
December 11 2010 NO WAY (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) - willn't be Tax like the Middle Class ---- Coming from the SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD from all corner of USA Gov't

Anti-GOP & Some Anti-Democrat(s') On What for or against Wealthy Class or for or against Middle Class then Tell why! to their home State -- why! Anti-Middle Class

Former President Obama-Marathron Tax-Cut Compromise Extend GOP tax cuts for GOP -- Minority Leader Mitch McConnell SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD & etc.(Republican Senate(s') ----- in TAX CUT DEAL FOR Wealthy Class

December 11 2010 Going on Now! Former President Obama-Marathron Tax-Cut Compromise Extend GOP tax cuts for GOP -- Minority Leader Mitch McConnell SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD & etc.(Republican Senate(s') ----- in TAX CUT DEAL FOR Wealthy Class

Anti-GOP & Some Anti-Democrat(s') On What for or against Wealthy Class or for or against Middle Class then Tell why! to their home State -- why! Anti-Middle Class

December 11 2010 We the People need to know ----- What way the US Congress voted ---- but We the People know ---- what way (The White House) Former President Obama will vote ----- Why! in order to follow-up on the Tax-Cut --- Maybe to take Legal Recall & Legal


November 2010 (in my opinion) Made in China that not true Made in Communist China Communist Leaderships === a Single Communist Party Leadership Government Type ::: communist state ---- single communist Party leadership with the elimination of private ownship of property or capital -- in which state plans & controls the economy and the single communist Party holds power specially in life & Dead in Communist China without any laws, constitution, or legally organized opposition The USA American Citizens in trouble if Communist China take-over US Economy (What % have Communist China have Now! is that Why! US jobs going to Communist China)



December 6 2010 who(+) will voted for what? GOP -- Minority Leader Mitch McConnell & etc.(Republican Senate(s') & Some Democrat(s')) closing in on TAX CUT DEAL FOR Wealthy Class The Higher Class Personal Income Tax plus bonus added to willn't be Tax like the Middle Class to get some kind of reward with Wall Street- Big Bussiness -Lobbyists & themself Higher Class Former President Obama's CHANGE OF US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)

Republican [GOP(Tea)] Party Sarah Palin & David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Rallying for a cause David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) ---- Big Business-Wall Street Take-over in 2011 & 2012 Big Business-Wall Street (foreign investors) need the $$$$$ David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Take-over in 2011 & 2012 -- GOP & US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)

Bush -era Tax Cuts expire January-Now! it go to US Sentate for approvable that the the US House of Representatives that voted 234-188 to extend Tax Cuts to those making under 250k($250,000) Majority of the Senator(s') Republican [GOP) Party motto:: It wil not Pass 100 - 1 to get some kind of reward with Wall Street- Big Bussiness -Lobbyists & themself Higher Class Majority of the Senator(s') motto ::: Nobody is going to Tax the personal income plus bonus added to those making over 250K The Higher Class Personal Income Tax plus bonus added to willn't be Tax like the Middle Class Who(+) are the US Senator(s') & the US House of Representatives that making over 250K The News(+) not Who(+) are in the US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) making over 250K

December 2 2010 Republican [GOP) Party motto:: One Moment Please The Higher Class Personal Income Tax plus bonus added to willn't be Tax like the Middle Class ------ Why! Majority of the Senator(s') are Wealthy - Money at means - Higher Class December 2 2010 The Majority Dems in the US House of Representatives that voted 234-188 to extend Tax Cuts to those making under 250k($250,000) who(+) voted against the extend Tax Cuts to Middle Class are in trouble with American Citizens ::: Its Truth: Be careful the toes you step on today [American Citizens Middle Class ] maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow [Truth - Justice] -Now! it go to US Sentate for approvable BUT Republican [GOP) Party motto:: One Moment Please It wil not Pass 100 - 1 maybe if not voted in then their will be in Legal real of Political action on each Senator(s') Some of Senator(s') need to be disbarred for being too greedy & butter-up to gain stasis to get some kind of reward with Wall Street- Big Bussiness -Lobbyists & themself Higher Class Majority of the Senator(s') motto ::: Nobody is going to Tax the personal income plus bonus added to those making over 250K Are hypocrite -- Riff Raff

n my opinion) 2011 U.S. Secrets LEAK Sensitive U.S. Files Leaked +++ That is U.S. Treason U.S. Military Justice --- in US Military Court U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3

November 2010Republican [GOP(Tea)] Party motto:: One Moment Please Their will be a change in the Federal Income Tax that makes over $250,000 the same as the Middle Class How it will be done in 2011 - that include Federal Income Tax being Pay from 2010 GOP & Dems -- Wealthy - no way

Bush -era Tax Cuts expire January IS Over

Majority of the Senator(s') are Wealthy - Money at means - Higher Class is that Why! The Wealthy - Higher Class will not pay Federal IncomeTax like the Middle Class Sentor(s') are Greedy & Majority House of Represtatives are Wealthy as well -- Money at means Some of Senator(s') need to be disbarred for being too greedy & butter-up to gain stasis to get some kind of reward with Wall Street- Big Bussiness -Lobbyists & no more bailout for the Bank & Bank(Foreign investors)didn't help the middle Class Just the Higher Class to get
We the People --- American Citizens want to know which way the US Congress Voted in order to take UAU Political action
The White House (Former President Obama)
Not doing their Job The White House IRS (Former President Obama) need to Clean House with Top IRS Employer & employee for not taking action on the Higher Class & Check to see if the IRS paying their Federal Income TaxFormer President Obama --- US Internal Affairs need to take action on the IRS & Maybe the IRS are butter-up to gain stasis to get some kind of reward with Wall Street- Big Bussiness -Lobbyists & & US Congress

(male - male) husband-husband marriage or (female - female) wife-wife marriage Vs.
(man - woman) husband - wife marriage

in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA specially same-sex marriage and all their principles are wrong

Rally Wrapped in The Republican [GOP] Party

November 2010 Republican [GOP] Party--- Rally Wrapped in Humor with The Tea [Tea] Party(new set of values) -&- The Republican [GOP] Party The Republican Party & The Tea Party (Captain of the Ship) not TOMORROW in 2011 The Republican [GOP(Tea)] Party Sarah Palin (next USA President-GOP) & David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) David Koch(next USA Vice President-GOP) Sarah Palin & David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Rallying for a cause David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) ---- Big Business-Wall Street Take-over in 2011 & 2012 Big Business-Wall Street (foreign investors) need the $$$$$ David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Take-over in 2011 & 2012 -- GOP & US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)

Sarah Palin (next USA President-GOP) & David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Take-over in 2011 & 2012 -- GOP & US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)




Rally Wrapped in The Republican [GOP] Party

November 2010 Republican [GOP] Party--- Rally Wrapped in Humor with The Tea [Tea] Party(new set of values) -&- The Republican [GOP] Party The Republican Party & The Tea Party (Captain of the Ship) not TOMORROW in 2011 The Republican [GOP(Tea)] Party Sarah Palin (next USA President-GOP) & David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) David Koch(next USA Vice President-GOP) Sarah Palin & David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Rallying for a cause David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) ---- Big Business-Wall Street Take-over in 2011 & 2012 Big Business-Wall Street (foreign investors) need the $$$$$ David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Take-over in 2011 & 2012 -- GOP & US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)

Sarah Palin (next USA President-GOP) & David & Charles Koch (Captain of the Ship) Take-over in 2011 & 2012 -- GOP & US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)

NITTY-GRITTY HARD FACTS - ABOUT LIFE IN TODAY WORLD --- DO & DON'T USA American USA Party.............................Breaking News.....................USA Virtuosity Hunter.......................


YEMEN need help 10-29-2010 -- From USA to become a poor country to a wealthy country Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda are using USA American Citizens IRS $$$$$ to increase their income It will become A No-win War -- in YEMEN it over funding the Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda -- the American Citizens come first -- did you (+) hear that --I(USA Mitch -UAU Strategist ) do not think All three US Branches still don"t get it -- --- 2011 USA Military agenda Virtuosity Hunter will be secret to destory the Tailban & Al-Qaeda in YEMEN Plus Afghanistan & Iraq THEN IT WILL-BE A WIN-WAR IN DEFEATING THE Tailban & Al-Qaeda ------ NO MORE TRAINING THE GOV'T MILITARY TO BE USE AGAINST USA MILITARY LATER! & DESTORY TOP USA MILITARY SECRET MISSIONS & ETC/-----10-29-2010 USA GOV'T BEING SETUP BY Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda TO INCREASE THEIR INCOME USA GOV'T NEED TO LEARN FROM ISRAEL MILITARY ===== HOW TO DESTORY the Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda ON INTELLIGENCE TERROR THREAT BY ISRAEL TOP MILITARY SECRET MISSIONS & ETC/

===2010===US Limitator======USA Virtuosity Hunter=======US Limitator===2010===

USA Virtuosity(a great technical skill) Hunter Operation: US Military Underground Virtuosity Hunter Top Secret Missions get rid of Tailban & Al-Qaeda & any wrongdoer that want to commit harm against American Citizens US Military Underground Virtuosity Hunter will be using all High Tech Knowledge to destory the wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea


All Import USA Seas Port (Land, Air & Sea) will be check 100% the Goods & Products enter USA being used to harm American Citizens & other illegal crime being brought into USA by Land, Air & Sea Their will be a 5% or More Federal Import Tax on all Goods & Products brought into the USA by Land, Air & Sea New employment for USA American Citizens throughout USA ---- Federal Workers will be paid by the 5% or More Federal Import Tax ---- {thousands of job! will be created throughout the USA) {{{{{{ Foreign investors(USA Corporation producing goods outside USA will bring jobs! back to USA in order to make the $$$$$ - Corporation Greed) }}}}}} 2010 immediately 2011 Life is at The White House(Former President Obama) taking action Plus that include US Congress -------- Does The White House (Former President Obama) want to keep American Citizens Safe Then It shall be done! ----- No more illegal Drug being brought into USA to Harm Any Human Being!






YEMEN need help 10-29-2010 -- From USA to become a poor country to a wealthy country Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda are using USA American Citizens IRS $$$$$ to increase their income It will become A No-win War -- in YEMEN it over funding the Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda -- the American Citizens come first -- did you (+) hear that --I(USA Mitch -UAU Strategist ) do not think All three US Branches still don"t get it -- --- 2011 USA Military agenda will be secret to destory the Tailban & Al-Qaeda in YEMEN Plus Afghanistan & Iraq THEN IT WILL-BE A WIN-WAR IN DEFEATING THE Tailban & Al-Qaeda ------ NO MORE TRAINING THE GOV'T MILITARY TO BE USE AGAINST USA MILITARY LATER! & DESTORY TOP USA MILITARY SECRET MISSIONS & ETC/-----10-29-2010 USA GOV'T BEING SETUP BY Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda TO INCREASE THEIR INCOME USA GOV'T NEED TO LEARN FROM ISRAEL MILITARY ==== HOW TO DESTORY the Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda ON INTELLIGENCE TERROR THREAT BY ISRAEL TOP MILITARY SECRET MISSIONS & ETC/


All Import USA Seas Port (Land, Air & Sea) will be check 100% the Goods & Products enter USA being used to harm American Citizens & other illegal crime being brought into USA by Land, Air & Sea Their will be a 5% or More Federal Import Tax on all Goods & Products brought into the USA by Land, Air & Sea New employment for USA American Citizens throughout USA ---- Federal Workers will be paid by the 5% or More Federal Import Tax ---- {thousands of job! will be created throughout the USA) {{{{{{ Foreign investors(USA Corporation producing goods outside USA will bring jobs! back to USA in order to make the $$$$$ - Corporation Greed) }}}}}} 2010 immediately 2011 Life is at The White House(Former President Obama) taking action Plus that include US Congress -------- Does The White House (Former President Obama) want to keep American Citizens Safe Then It shall be done! ----- No more illegal Drug being brought into USA to Harm Any Human Being!



100% with the state of ISRAEL in all matters etc...


May 31, 2010 Specially = US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) ---- [Former President Obama] opposes or support-------------------------------------A Christian beliefs & practices are not secrete daily duties of Christians -- Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3) Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23) Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46) Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47) Win souls (Acts 2:47; 16:5) Preach Jesus (Acts 5:42) Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11) Discuss Scriptures (Acts 19:9) Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28) Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)

Sept 9 2010 The Humanitarian in Pakistan dealing with the flood WHY ! Is This The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) will take a life than to save lives in Pakistan dealing with the flood 'this is a Sin against GOD'






IMAM RAUF AHEAD OF THE SHARLIA LAW Team Concept in order to have a tighter control on the American Citizens

David & Charles Koch TEA PARTY WILL take or will have control of the US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) THROUGH the THE TEA PARTY Knock brothers motto::: We (Knock brothers) has an uncanny ability to throw everything up in the air and make it land in the right spot at the time opposition to Health reform, clean energy legislation & financial regulation

IT SHOULD BE CALLED "THE LOBBYISTS TEA PARTY" that opposition to Health reform, clean energy legislation & financial regulation



2010 US Health-Care Reform is not Public Assistant Health Care

2010 Broken Gov't GOP & Dems
What Next?

MARCH 3, 2010Now, The Not So Bight Side of Health-Care USA Gov't Don't Take Action
2010 USA Universal Health-Care Reform include Vision & Dental is the Answer
WHICH SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS IN THE Republicans(GOP) or Demcrats(Dems) PARTY DO-OR-DIE TO STAY IN THE US CONGRESS IN THE FUTURE 2010 USA Universal Health-Care Reform include Vision & Dental DO-NOT-PASS
Voters have had it with Partisan Gridlock
Each US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) can't call themself a if US Congress don't protect People(American Citizen) under their watch 




  UAU American UAU
UAU Party

(male - male) husband-husband marriage or (female - female) wife-wife marriage Vs.
(man - woman) husband - wife marriage

in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA specially same-sex marriage and all their principles are wrong


2010 US Health Care Reform is not Public Assistant Health Care


Beware US Congress (Republicans(GOP) or Demcrats(Dems) will US Health Care Reform Mandatory Health Insurance & Government Control over your Health Decisions ' Their will be US Homeland Health Care Security Police State Ethical Solution to keep American Citizens under control new set of US rules Do you understand what that means? IT Means that now the United States government decides who lives and who dies That Means The U.S. Gov't Has Become The Most Oppressive Big Brother Society On Earth has become a society run by elitist control freaks tightly monitored and controlled by a ruthless technocracy that would have been unimaginable just a few decades ago How much more bizarre does it have to get? having every minuscule detail of your life watched and controlled by the government


ECONOMY CRISIS ::: Dedicated to GREEDY American International Group, Inc. (AIG) Citigroup Inc. (Citi Financial + Citi) JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase + Wamu) HSBC Group -> The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC + HFC) The Banks (THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & THEIR ASSOCIATES)

Wall Street Business & Associates, Etc. YOU(+) don't Have U.S. COMMONSENSE THEN YOU(+) NEED TO HAVE TEAM CONCEPT WITH JESUS

Lets Look to the Bright side of Former President Obama Politics It's about Time somebody in USA to stir the POT

Their will be in 2010 New Direction for Wall Street (The Banks etc.)

:: New Direction for the U.S. Executive Branch GOV The White House (Former President Obama) takes on Wall Street (The Banks) aim to keep Wall Street (Lobbyists aren't Populist for American Citizens) from being Corrupt (Greed) -> We the People want to know what the U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH US Congress going to do to Stop Wall Street taking over the Economy Market (High Interest Rate being enforced by the Banks (that include FOREIGN INVESTORS) etc.) Going to Name Name in US Congress [specially GOPare for Big Business] each US Congress Who! have ties with Wall Street (The Banks(that include FOREIGN INVESTORS)) & making backstage agreement with Lobbyist associates US CONGRESS(111th Congress) BLOOD MONEY PROFIT (IS THIS PART OF The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA)

US Ruling boosts Corporate influence

US Supreme Court Sellout(five US Supreme Court judges maybe impeachment) (suck-ass with Big Business (that include FOREIGN INVESTORS) backstage agreement -behind close door with Lobbyist Associates influence The US Supreme Court THE US Judical Branch ) - US Ruling boosts Corporate influence(clouts) (that include FOREIGN INVESTORS) Now! no check and balance system on Corporation firmsAN URGENT MESSAGE -(The Cost of Freedom in USA)

Now it Ok for US Congress - to have Backstage argreement with Lobbyist Associates(that include FOREIGN INVESTORS)
This will not go away -> Their no Umbrella Ruling on US Supreme Court - THE US Judical Branch & The Corporate or like with Lobbyist having backstage agreement US Supreme Court - THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD state We are judge & Jury on all subject ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

 :::::::: THOMAS JEFFERSON WOULD BE UPSET WITH The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD

I (USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist) Am Already Visualizing The Duct Tape Over Their Mouth The US Supreme Court - THE US Judical Branch-> NEGLIGENCE --> We The People will speak up through the law process (US Freedom of Speech)

2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future ::: U.S. Overseer Ozar ::: Your Ways Got to Change ::: Here How it will happen ! ::: COVERT OPERATION The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The US Sypreme Court THE US Judical Branch State: we will make new set of rule & regulation that FOREIGN Countries(Gov't) or FOREIGN Citizens or FOREIGN INVESTORS can't(can not) own property in USA

  So then straighten-up & be true American Citizens & help others (three Branches -> The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & THE US Judical Branch) instead of suck-ass(BLOOD MONEY PROFIT) with Lobbyists & etc... & improper earmarks & no more Treasury Dept.'s money earmark bailout $$$

Who! are that has U.S. COMMONSENSE WITH Principle & Ethics in U.S. Executive Branch GOV & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judical Branch) DEALING WITH State of the Ethical Solution --- U.S. COMMONSENSE-RULE OF LAW --- Principle & Ethics the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations ---- We the People(American Citizens) U.S. COMMONSENSE-RULE OF LAWwill pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

judge the U.S. Executive Branch GOV & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judical Branch) by their actions for the American Citzens than American citzens take actions (vote GOV. out of office)[] immediately not tomorrow (a serious probem) protect the American citizens & American citizens jobs in USA If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. The US Supreme Court THE US Judical Branch is not infalible

Out IN The Open The US Congress & US Supreme Court standing firm: HOGWASH -- -New Development (A question of The US Gov't Credibility) - Who has their finger stuck-up their nose The 2010 US Congress - US Supreme Court The bottomline is (won't stop us) anything that The US Congress & US Supreme Court do Its won't stop us (The American Citizens)Nightmare Scenario for the American Citizens Everything in Moderation but not The US Congress & US Supreme Court Time will tell -.....[GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH].



 January 23, 2010 FOLLOWING THE MONEY -- WHY! CNN NEWS SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS OR ETC. NEWS SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS COMPLICATION ARE NOT TRACKING CHINA & RUSSIA & OTHER COUNTRIES MONEY $$$$$ IN MEASURING SUCCESS USA GOV'T IN THE RED WHY! & American Citizens are in the RED do to US +++ (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV Some of the US Congressional Leadership Heart of Stone) DON'T BE A PATSY WHO! GETTING BLOOD MONEY PROFIT Oh My ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Oh No ! ::: ::: Oh Yes ! ::: GOV'T OFFICLIAL ARE PLAIN & SIMPLE ARE suck-ass ---- The Truth Hurt when the truth is true The Congressional Leadership need to be filling & lining the pockets of The American Citizens (THIS is PART OF The CONSTITUTION of the United States of America)
This is Outrage Where Things Stand Is this True or Not I think So
Jesus Love You

Wall Street Big Business & Associates, Etc. YOU(+) don't Have U.S. COMMONSENSE THEN YOU(+) NEED TO HAVE TEAM CONCEPT WITH JESUS

 ECONOMY CRISIS  ::: Dedicated to GREEDY American International Group, Inc. (AIG) Citigroup Inc. (Citi Financial + Citi) JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase + Wamu) HSBC Group -> The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC + HFC) The Banks (THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & THEIR ASSOCIATES)

Their will be in 2010 New Direction for Wall Street (The Banks etc.)

:: New Direction for the U.S. Executive Branch GOV The White House (Former President Obama) takes on Wall Street (The Banks) aim to keep Wall Street from being Corrupt (Greed)


Who! are that has U.S. COMMONSENSE WITH Principle & Ethics in U.S. Executive Branch GOV & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judical Branch) DEALING WITH State of the Ethical Solution --- U.S. COMMONSENSE-RULE OF LAW --- Principle & Ethics the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations ---- We the People(American Citizens) U.S. COMMONSENSE-RULE OF LAWwill pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

Wall Street Big Business & Associates, Etc. YOU(+) don't Have U.S. COMMONSENSE THEN YOU(+) NEED TO HAVE TEAM CONCEPT WITH JESUS

(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise...

OUTLINE -- ECONOMY CRISIS Do as I see fit law are the Politicians "Double Dipping" (((( better to be DOER THAN a PLEASER OR BE PROSECUTE))))
  = January 16, 2010 =====
  = Who's responsible for Economic Collapse
  = Bankers on the Hot Seat
  = Still No Help from the Bankers
  = High Credit Card Interest Rate
  = Why
  = The Bankers(+) Need More Bonus'
  = Which their should be Federal & State Tax on the Interest Pay to the Bankers before Banker can Used the Interest Money
  = IRS need to Take Control of the Interest Being Pay to the Banker Upfront -then the IRS can increase Federal & State Tax Income
  = Then Check the Bankers Record Books at any Time
  = Now come soon who's are in US Congress suck-ass with the Lobbyist(+) Bankers & etc.
  = Backstage Agreement


2010 USA UNIVERSAL Health-Care Reform include Vision & Dental

JANUARY 13, 2010 ::: Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future OF CHINA GOV. ::: WHERE IS CHINA (GOV.) MEDICAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL & ETC. PERSONNEL & SUPPLIES (EN ROUTR WITH FOOD, WATER, FIRST AID & MEDICAL SUPPLIES ON THE SCENCE) TO HELP GOV. OF HAITI (1-12-2010) EARTHQUAKE WHY! IF CHINA GOV. DON'T HELP THEN [CHINA DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD -- WHO GOING TO PURCHASES CHINA GOODS IF ] WHAT GO AROUND COME AROUNDan Ethical Solution USA GOV. STATES MORE TAXES ON CHINA INPORTS & PAID FOR ALL CHINA IMPORTS SECURITY CHECKS INTO USA THIS WILL HAPPEN FOR ALL IMPORTS SECURITY CHECKS INTO USA PAID BY EACH COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD EACH SECURITY CHECKS PERFORMED BY AMERICAN CITIZENS [LET'S MAKE USA SAFE if this don't happen then usa congress are with the American Citiznes that will take effects in 60 days if the bill pass plus all other bills passed from Past-Present -- take effects in 60 days] Where is Government of Russia MEDICAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL & ETC. PERSONNEL & SUPPLIES (EN ROUTR WITH FOOD, WATER, FIRST AID & MEDICAL SUPPLIES ON THE SCENCE) TO HELP GOV. OF HAITI (1-12-2010) EARTHQUAKE WHY! ETC.   JESUS LOVE YOU any other Countries that don't voluteer are in Deep trouble with the of the World [Big Time (that mean all Countries - specially the rich in each Countries WHAT GO AROUND COME AROUND)] JESUS LOVE YOU That include All Religious Leaders in all faith by not helping the People of the World God will judge by the way you(+) act {walk - with God Heaven or Hell went you(+) die Religious Leaders(+) & Followers(+) in all faith are in trouble with God daily in the World on Earth } this will give you(+) motivation to help the People of the world to keep God from senting you(+) to HELL [PAT! need HELP] shct


will close Guantanamo Bay The White House sign our(s) DEAD SENTENCE inside of USA Borders against terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) thought The White House(Former President Obama) & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..)Rule & Regulation cann't be Maintain


December 12, 2009 ::: Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future ::: U.S. Criminalist Ozaran Ethical Solution ::: Major Cartels(Mexico Cartel Terrorists) SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS in Mexico Overflow into USA

2010 USA UNIVERSAL Health-Care Reform include Vision & Dental under US Military Law --- no fine print-- short & to the point no earmarks & etc addedSAVE UP TO THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR Americans Citizens & US Gov't
If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. Some of US Congress will be Strips of US Congress Leadership Role in US Congress by We the People (American Citizens) dealing with the Future

 2010 US Health Care Reform is not Public Assistant Health Care


Beware US Congress (Republicans(GOP) or Demcrats(Dems) will US Health Care Reform Mandatory Health Insurance & Government Control over your Health Decisions ' Their will be US Homeland Health Care Security Police State Ethical Solution to keep American Citizens under control new set of US rules Do you understand what that means? IT Means that now the United States government decides who lives and who dies That Means The U.S. Gov't Has Become The Most Oppressive Big Brother Society On Earth has become a society run by elitist control freaks tightly monitored and controlled by a ruthless technocracy that would have been unimaginable just a few decades ago How much more bizarre does it have to get? having every minuscule detail of your life watched and controlled by the government


it's Time to make the efforts to reinvent itself and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S) & ETC OR EACH ONE US CONGRESS WILL BE are in deep trouble WITH THE American CitizensIf USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the waySome of US Congress will be Strips of US Congress Leadership Role in US Congress by We the People (American Citizens) dealing with the Future

2010 US Health Care Reform is not Public Assistant Health Care but USA Universal Health Care Plan B Will 2010 US Health Care got to many earmarks & etc. Insurance Corporation state ::: American Citizens are in trouble with US Gov't to get Public Assistant went necessary to stay alive US Congress are in who are they really for Corporation or American Citizens & Freedom in USA is Almost over with 2010 Health Care Reform Is Passed in US Congress the homeless, Lower Class or Middle Class American Citizens will serve Federal Jailtime for not having Health Insurance-- the US Congress CHAOS Politicians doing nothing (suck-ass) are in deep trouble WITH THE American Citizens If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. Some of US Congress will be Strips of US Congress Leadership Role in US Congress by We the People (American Citizens) RIGHT NOW """" 2010 """"the homeless, Lower Class or Middle Class American Citizens ARE NOT GETTING Public Assistant Health Care HELP TO STAY ALIVE OR ETC. inorder to get help ---- pay the price in $$$ --- no freebee --- Is That What US Gov't is Thinking ! Foreign Aid Countries come first to get Medical Health Care outside of USA -- awhile American Citizens are not getting HELP TO STAY ALIVE OR ETC. American Citizens every day life need be protect first before outsiders(others countrie & etc... ) --+++++-- No More income for IRS if if American Citizens die from Health Problems that could had been resolve with USA Universal Health Care Plan B

Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA specially same-sex marriage and all their principles are wrong

December 12, 2009 ::: Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future ::: U.S. Criminalist Ozaran Ethical Solution ::: Major Cartels(Mexico Cartel Terrorists) SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS in Mexico Overflow into USA the Mexico Gov't is Corrupt which Major Cartel Terrorists taking control of Mexico Gov't & Prison(being executed without just cause) Its time to Clean House & Save the Mexican Citizens from being executed(Death--- Thousands being killed) by the Mexico Cartel Terrorists The White House (President Obama) USA Military need to clean house in Mexico & turn Mexico over to Mexican Citizens & then Mexico can be like Canada freedom & Clean Environmental Country & A money making Country like China Mexican Citizens can return Home & Be Prosperous Mexican Citizens The White House (Former President Obama) motto::: It time for change & KEEP American Citizens Safe from Terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) violent Human beings' The White House (Former President Obama) put on notice & that include the US Congress for not doing their Lets DetereorateSTOP THE Major Cartels(Mexico Cartel Terrorists) MILITARY taking control of Mexico Gov't & Prison Mexican Citizens being executed without just cause)


? are the SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS IN THE WORLD MAKING THE WRONG DECISION(S) & ETC. SPECIALLY GMC(S), THE BANK(S), US CONGRESS(S), THE WHITE HOUSE(S), THE US JUDICIAL(S), & PEOPLE IN ETC. CONTROL [YOU(S) REAP WHAT YOU(S) SOW] If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILTIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobis (the law(s) etc... It could be costly] American Citizens don't have to have Wall Street to survive Wall Street need American Citizens the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice


November 2009 Time Warner Inc. Jeff Bewkes(BOD) is Chairman and CEO ---- CNN/U.S., HLN, CNN International and SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD (((Plus --- Philip I. Kent SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD is chairman and chief executive officer of TBS, Inc for Jeff Bewkes(BOD) SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD))) Jeff Bewkes (BOD - chairman+CEO) SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD is Chairman and CEO ---- CNN/U.S., HLN, CNN International and MAKING THE WRONG DECISION(S) & ETC. November 2009 -- who good & bad in who is responsible for the domestic and international networks and businesses of the company's news dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : it's Time to make the efforts to reinvent itself and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S) & ETC

2009 Heallth Care Sen. Harry Reid (D) Majority Leader SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD (in my opinion) MAKING THE WRONG DECISION(S) & ETC.
2009 The White House == Who's are thr Joint Chiefs of Staff SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS (in my opinion) MAKING THE WRONG DECISION(S) & ETC.=== That don't no the War is in FATA Territory & no more rebuilding -- War Territory == was destory by the Taliban == that what Taliban want == replace with new buildings == at the expense of American Citizens

October 2009 October 2009

include Vision & Dental
Plan O - A - B or Both A - B
Follow-up Plan C
-- the CHAOS Politicians doing nothing (suck-ass) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way.

State of the Ethical USA Solution

2009 Health Care Reform

2009(November) U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)--- U.S. Overseer Ozar U.S. Opinionist Ozar U.S. Constitutionist Ozar U.S. Criminalist Ozar U.S. Legalist Oza 2009 NO MORE DIGGING DEEPER - IN DEBT [BILLIONS OF DOLLARS - & be held accountable - GOV.]

Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: US Congress(111th Congress) turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class

To Start With - Dealing With 2009 Health Care Reform Any improper earmarks attached to the Health Care Reform that don't pertain to the Bill is Criminal Embezzlemen USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA (Degree of Punishment --- Umbrella against wrongdoer) will be disbar, lose their US Congress Health Care, fine & plus serve on the USA Chain(teher) Gang & etc. & ++++++ Let's Time to clean House in US Congress any other earmarks attached to any other Bills, etc. will be Prosecute -> Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

on the hill Operation: We The People speak (not fair to American Citizens) 2009 GOV. Put on Notice -> It time for change? US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]

USA Gov't UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE Plan B ::: Health Care (other Countries -- Health Care - does not work) but this will work include Vision & Dental

lNovember 2009 US Gov't Health Care Reform Plan O, A & B to-be?

Plan O ::: the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH has already 2009 US Gov't Health Care Reform in process in US Congress that would cost more than Save + increase American Citizens cost - more payout for Health Care WHO! GETTING BLOOD MONEY PROFIT
Plan A ::: the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch & & THE US Judicial Branch) has already US Gov't Health Care in process that will be same as the Big three US Gov't Branches has Now! which include Vision & Dental BUT IT NOT FOR 2009 American Citizens but JUST for the Big three US Gov't Branches

Plan B ::: USA Gov't UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE (other Countries -- Health Care - does not work) but this will work include Vision & Dental

Plan C ::: The US American Citizen Journalist(s) (dealing with CNN, MSNBC, Fox News & etc. News Organization) will tell-all do-don't about the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch & & THE US Judicial Branch US Gov't Health Care that the Big three US Gov't Branches has Now!

USA Mitch.... Mitch the Strategist

2009 earmark Strengthening GOP or DEMS Healthcare Plan a to who Operation: By the White House [State of the Union address] it won't work The DEMS or GOP Healthcare Plan [Mitch the Bitch] (in my opinion) is a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ](GOP are unpopular but not a lane duck yetbut the DEMS are NEXT)

Operation: We The People speak 2009 GOV. Put on Notice GOV. AID etc... to different country & foreign corporation(s) that also located in USA (all) need to be denied stop until the American Citizens are protected in all things etc... Clean up your own House (USA)first USA Executive Branch GOV. do good things GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH before it too late GOV. is dedicated first to American Citizens [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] American Citizens every day life need be protect first that also include universal health care for 100% American Citizens first etc.. before outsiders(others countrie & etc... ) take over [judge the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch by their actions for the American Citizens than American Citizens take actions (vote GOV. out of office)] {American Citizens is rich in life if all have perfect health}

Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

2009 USA illegal immigrant Reform --- Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status :

2009 New USA Order Covert Operation:::

-- the CHAOS Politicians doing nothing (suck-ass) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way.

October 2009 October 2009

OCTOBER 2009 Operation Destory ::: US Military War Strategy in Afghanistan is to destory the Taliban in FATA Territory from Afghanistan using the Afghanistan resources Then the problems can be resolve [[ The War is in FATA not Afghanistan ]] The White House (Former President Obama) put on notice & that include the US Congress for not doing their STOP THE FATA MILITARY SUPPLIES COMING INTO FATA WILL BE CHALLENGING TIMES ON THE FATA FRONT LINES

 Lets(USA Military) Skunk nuke (or Skunk-nuke) FATA Territory [[the Skunk a new tool in the service of the Israel police]] FATA

Secondary Hot News

Their only One Jesus & only One Satan
Heaven (Jesus) or Hell (Satan)
Some Don't Get It

Then comes JESUS-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics

Face the Truth -- GOV. Core Beliefs in USA

Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA specially same-sex marriage and all their principles are wrong

[Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] to prevent this from happening Lets put a STOP to same-sex marriage - we must "defend the sanctity of marriage in USA" [] before GOD get mad the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch Blunders (Police the USA 100%) 100% War on same-sex marriage {Its is a SIN against GOV. Core Beliefs in USA} & {a SIN against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians (Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:20-19:29)}

New USA Order :::: The State Of New USA Order
The 1, 2, 3's of New USA Order (We the People) NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

The White House (Former President Obama) 100% approved THAT Paul-Romans Not True according to Mr. Obama Appointee -' Oh my God what next???????????? Does this man stop at nothing. No he doesn't and that is what makes him nuts and dangerous. He hires on a homosexual to run the faith based programs. Typical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -> of coarse they dont believe Paul was a man of God-------------they are deceived and want to hear what they want to hear

( - Former President Obama has named to his faith-based advisory council a self-professed Christian who holds that the New Testament's teaching that homosexual behavior is unnatural and wrong--which is found in St. Paul's letter to the Romans--"is not true."
Harry Knox, a professed gay Christian who is director of the religion and faith program at the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual rights group, was named to Former President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships on Monday. The advisory council gives federal grants to faith-based organizations.
Knox has been a long-time gay activist focusing on the faith community. He previously worked for the New York-based Freedom to Marry group, for Georgia Equality and Equality Florida. He has won awards from liberal religious organizations.
In a debate with the Rev. Gino Jennings, - the two men sparred over various biblical verses references homosexual behavior.
This included the Book of Romans, in which St. Paul wrote, "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." --

After reading the scripture, Jennings asked, "Do you believe that? That if a man lie with a man or a woman with a woman it is against nature?"
"I do not believe it," answered Knox, who at the time was the program director for the group Freedom to Marry.
Jennings responded, "So this is a lie?"
Knox affirmed, "That is not true."
"Paul did not have any idea of the kind of love that I feel for a partner when I am partnered. He didn't know what that was about," Knox said. "The straight man, the heterosexual man who got the privilege of writing the book, the educated, rich, heterosexual man, Paul, who got to write the book, didn't think it was natural because for him it must not have been."
Jennings later responded that Paul was not the sole author of the writings. "So you are saying Paul was just closed-minded. I totally disagree because the book says this, the book tells us that all scripture, all of the scripture, not some of it, but all scripture are given by the inspiration of God," said Jennings.
In 2000, Knox won the Cordle Award for Promoting God's Diversity, and the Lancaster Theological Seminary's 2005 Robert V. Moss Medal for Excellence in Ministry. --



Lets Detereorate The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) in FATA before Afghanistan is destroy & more US Military is OP OWWJ Heartbeat of America In conquering FATA Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud )

Op: OWWJ Operation: Overseer World War Jihad the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers

New Al Qaeda Warning....Attack Imminent?

Check out this video

(in my opinion) Lets(USA Military) Skunk nuke (or Skunk-nuke) FATA Territory [[the Skunk a new tool in the service of the Israel police]] FATA The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) or second choice plain & simple Lets(World Countries((Nations--Nations against another Nation -> have broken international Law)) put SANCTION on FATA Territory if first choice don't work

2009 New Year Resolution


UAU-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics

Motto: The Deeper the Roots The Higher the Reach
in USA with Jesus-God Bless America


Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: US Congress(111th Congress) turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class

Operation: 2009 NO MORE DIGGING DEEPER - IN DEBT [BILLIONS OF DOLLARS - & be held accountable - GOV.]


New USA Order (in my opinion) only for the American Citizens to gain control of USA within Click here

 I (USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist) Am Already Visualizing The Duct Tape Over Their Mouth the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House -> WHY Because the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV -> --> We The People will speak up through the law process

Number One Issue The answer to Health-Care in USA

Oh No ! ::: This not true ::: yes it is :: The White House (2009 Former President Obama will close Guantanamo Bay The White House(President Obama) cann't Maintain Rule & Regulation at Guantanamo Bay

2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future ::: U.S. Overseer Ozar This will not go away Is This new change in The White House(President Obama) &&& The US Congress(111th Congress) ::: ::: WHY! is US Senate(111th Congress) going to pardon(Free Pass) 2009 Mr. Obama -Treasury Pick nominee {(IN MY OPINION) DESIGNATE HONOR} CORRUPTION for not paying his Taxes ((I'm Sorry)) (If this true) with no string attach - no penalty or Jail Time (no less than 5 years) - not following the USA Systems Treasury Rule & Regulation -- this is Open The Door to American Citizens CORRUPTION in not paying the Treasury(IRS) Branch with no penalty or Jail Time (no less than 5 years) if not confirms - If this true - be bar from Federal Reserve Employee member

new change has come to America

2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future ::: U.S. Overseer Ozar ::: Your Ways Got to Change ::: Here How it will happen ! ::: COVERT OPERATION LISTEN TO JESUS-GOD WHAT WOULD JESUS DO IN USA CRISIS New Era of Economic responsibility --> new change has come to America FINANCIAL FIRMS [THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS WILL HAVE TO FILE FOR BANKRUPTCY(maybe NOT) & BE PUNISHED FOR WRONGDOING] are hold accountable for their action & swift action change will happen : if be like The Financial Firms(Lender(s)) take action on their Borrower(s) in effects of default --> 10 days late charge & fails to fulfill any promise THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS ARE committing A CRIMINAL ACT AGAINST 2009 US Congress(111th Congress) & THE WHITE HOUSE (President Obama) fails to fulfill any promise & THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & THEIR ASSOCIATES GOT THEIR BAILOUT $$$ - FOR ALL THE BORROWER(S) OWE THE LENDER(s) - THE 2009 US CONGRESS(111th Congress) & THE WHITE HOUSE (President Obama) WILL PASS A LAW (Now -- Not Tomorrow) THAT THE LENDER(s) ARE PAID IN FULL THAT THE BORROWER(S) OWE & FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD WILL TAKE OVER THE REST OF BAILOUT MONEY NO MORE BLOOD MONEY PROFIT BECAUSE THE TAKE CONTROL & START TO HOW THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD WILL TAKE ACTION --> HOW IT WILL HAPPEN --> WITH HELP OF THE WHITE HOUSE (President Obama) -- change has come to America - & - ECONOMIC WILL BE SAVE FROM THE CORRUPTION OF THE FINANCIAL FIRMS OR LIKE -- JESUS-GOD BLESS AMERICA ++++PLUS ++++ IF NOT THEN in my opinion court of USA will have to take action --- in my opinion court of USA

++++ +++++

As Of 2009 Know how to prosecute the credit score firms --Big Three ( -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all agents in USA - --- IT WILL HAPPEN IN 2009 WILL HELP OF all three Branches -> The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & THE US Judical Branch & U.S. Overseer Ozar GMC your next!


USA Mitch (wish I had a ) Heart of Stone -> it isn't the way the American Citizens think (principles) that why! We the People have USA freedom So then straighten-up & be true American Citizens & help others (three Branches -> The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & THE US Judical Branch) instead of suck-ass(BLOOD MONEY PROFIT) with Lobbyists & etc... & improper earmarks & no more Treasury Dept.'s money earmark bailout $$$


Jesus-God Bless America USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA Then comes JESUS-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics

WRONGDOING WHO! GETTING BLOOD MONEY PROFIT US CONGRESS(111th Congress) BLOOD MONEY PROFIT (IS THIS PART OF The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA) US CONGRESS(111th Congress) LOBBYISTS BLOOD MONEY PROFIT with the WRONGDOER or Foreign WRONGDOER suck-ass that include with the Financial Firms BLOOD MONEY PROFIT THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS::: [ BLOOD MONEY PROFIT Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] in my opinion court of USA your in trouble with The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ) ::: oops! with the help of U.S. Overseer Ozar & THE US ATTORNEY GENERAL

::: Oh No ! :::

U.S. Overseer Ozar ::: (IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA)








US Congress(111th Congress) GOP are LAME DUCK Plus THE WHITE HOUSE GOP ALSO are LAME DUCK & No Financial Firms review on each Firms accounts - do as I(+) wish - no limits on Financial Firms or like -> where did the Financial Bailout went no conditions -- open books to Gov't - no eliminate of corporate jets no change in work rules ::: THE WHITE HOUSE SCARED TO MAKE A DIVISIVE DECISION - (against the Financial Firms) - DISAPPOINTMENT BLOW TO AMERICAN WORKERS ---POINTING THE FINGER AT AUTO-INDUSTRY FOR MAKING BAD DECISIONS INSTEAD POINTING THE FINGER AT THE FINANCIAL FIRMS THAT RAN OFF WITH THE FINANCIAL BAILOUT ---> US ATTORNEY GENERAL -> TURN HIS BACK & CHOSE TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY ::: GOV'T OFFICLIAL ARE PLAIN & SIMPLE ARE & ARE ABOMINABLE ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Prosecutive the U.S. Executive Branch GOV ::: with the help of the U.S. Overseer Ozar

2008-9 Oh My ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Oh No ! :::::: Oh Yes ! ::: We the People (American Citizens) As OF 2008-9 Know how to prosecute the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA -> THAT INCLUDE which THE FED is part of Gov't making decisions ::: with the help of U.S. Overseer Ozar (IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA) & US ATTORNEY GENERAL

will close Guantanamo Bay I thought The White House(President Obama) & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) that be process outside USA Borders THIS A MUST The White House sign our(s) DEAD SENTENCE inside of USA Borders against terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) are you going to close all the prison(s) inside USA Borders Rule & Regulation cann't be Maintain The White House(President Obama) cann't Maintain Rule & Regulation at Guantanamo Bay

it's Time to make the efforts to reinvent itself and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S) & ETC OR EACH ONE US CONGRESS WILL BE are in deep trouble WITH THE American CitizensIf USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the waySome of US Congress &The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) will be Strips of US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV Leadership Role in US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV by We the People (American Citizens) dealing with the Future

IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

U.S. Overseer Ozar Homeland Security in USA 2008 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA


USA Mitch (wish I had a ) Heart of Stone -> it isn't the way the American Citizens think (principles) that why! We the People have USA freedom So then straighten-up & be true American Citizens & help others (three Branches -> The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & THE US Judical Branch) instead of suck-ass(BLOOD MONEY PROFIT) with Lobbyists & etc... & improper earmarks & no more Treasury Dept.'s money earmark bailout $$$

2009 THREE CHEERS FOR Former PRESIDENT BUSH FOR TAKING ACTION BEFORE LEAVING THE WHITE HOUSE Need A Full Pardon - Former President Obama need to followup which Former President Bush slip-up - SCARED TO MAKE A Full Pardon DIVISIVE DECISION to a Full Pardon For the two U.S. Border Patrol agents

 MAYBE new change has come to America which Former President Bush SCARED TO MAKE Full Pardon 2008 Border Betrayal Out IN The Open(Shame on USA Gov.) Operation: The White House need to pardon the two former U.S. Border Patrol agents (What goes around come around) The White House need to explain why why why The White House The Drug Smuggler (was an illegal alien), was given immunity from prosecution for smuggling narcotics across the border in return for his testimony .... is this a kick back to [Lobbyist] or ? :::: THE WHITE HOUSE SCARED TO MAKE A DIVISIVE DECISION to pardon the two former U.S. Border Patrol agents (What goes around come around) ::: GOV'T OFFICLIAL ARE PLAIN & SIMPLE ARE & ARE ABOMINABLE ::: Mexico ::: We the People -> FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE UNITED STATES new set of rule & regulation for making deal with the wrongdoer ::: (in my opinion) Dedicated to => US Attorney (RISE & FALL) (Fitzgerald - maybe your in trouble with The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ) ::: oops! 2009 LETS SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT The White House ARE suck-ass WITH THE The Drug Smuggler(pardon)(Shame on USA Gov.)

UAU American UAU
UAU Party


to USA American USA Party

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : The answer to Health-Care in USA


2008-9 Oh My ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Oh No ! :::::: Oh Yes ! ::: We the People (American Citizens) As OF 2008-9 Know how to prosecute the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA -> THAT INCLUDE which THE FED is part of Gov't making decisions ::: with the help of U.S. Overseer Ozar (IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA) & US ATTORNEY GENERAL

First Time in History -> no corruption scandal -> ::: Oh My ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Oh No ! :::::: Oh Yes ! ::: Number One Issue dealing with the Present- : The answer to who's should get to be appointed to Clinton Senate seat, Obama's Senate seat, & Joe Biden Senate seat & all other seat in US Congress in USA It will be a Blue Collar workers that would be qualified for the Senates' seats to be appointed to each one on the Clinton Senate seat, Obama's Senate seat, & Joe Biden Senate seat & all other seat in US Congress in USA not then the Gov't Official & Gov't are CORRUPTED that will bring & turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: THAT WILL BE PROSECUTE IN COMING WEEKS! in the -> FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE UNITED STATES -> Is It true that no middle poor class is not qualified -> is that what they are saying to the American Citizens in USA Is It true that no middle poor class is not qualified to serve on Obama's Team -> is that what Obama's is saying to the American Citizens in USA --> HIGHER STYLE CLASS WILL TAKE OVER GOV'T

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future :: The Office of Illinois Governor ::: Was the Governor setup by the Federal Gov't (Patrick Fitzgerald -- US Attorney)


::: Oh No ! :::Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : The answer to Health-Care in USA

SOLIDARITY on the hill Number One Issue dealing with the Present-&-Future :: Deadly Situation controversy over problem-solving-- [Watch your back GOP & DEMS Truth~Justice (The Cost of Freedom in USA] Who ! are the Union Buster ::: The one who ! vote against the Auto-Industry Bailout :::: Already the U.S.House of Representatives & the US Senate prevail who! are ::: Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class ::: US Congress GOP are LAME DUCK Plus THE WHITE HOUSE GOP ALSO are LAME DUCK & No Financial Firms review on each Firms accounts - do as I(+) wish - no limits on Financial Firms or like -> where did the Financial Bailout went ::: THE WHITE HOUSE SCARED TO MAKE A DIVISIVE DECISION - (against the Financial Firms) - DISAPPOINTMENT BLOW TO AMERICAN WORKERS ---POINTING THE FINGER AT AUTO-INDUSTRY FOR MAKING BAD DECISIONS INSTEAD POINTING THE FINGER AT THE FINANCIAL FIRMS THAT RAN OFF WITH THE FINANCIAL BAILOUT ---> US ATTORNEY GENERAL -> TURN HIS BACK & CHOSE TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY ::: GOV'T OFFICLIAL ARE PLAIN & SIMPLE ARE & ARE ABOMINABLE ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Prosecutive the U.S. Executive Branch GOV ::: with the help of the U.S. Overseer Ozar

NAYs 35 Union Buster voters US Senate ----- 31 GOP & 4 Dems --->
  Allard (R-CO) Barrasso (R-WY) Baucus (D-MT) Bennett (R-UT) Bunning (R-KY) Burr (R-NC) Chambliss (R-GA) Coburn (R-OK) Cochran (R-MS) Coleman (R-MN) Corker (R-TN) Crapo (R-ID) DeMint (R-SC) Ensign (R-NV) Enzi (R-WY) Grassley (R-IA) Gregg (R-NH) Hatch (R-UT) Hutchison (R-TX) Inhofe (R-OK) Isakson (R-GA) Kyl (R-AZ) Lincoln (D-AR) Martinez (R-FL) McCain (R-AZ) McConnell (R-KY) Murkowski (R-AK) Reid (D-NV) Roberts (R-KS) Sessions (R-AL) Shelby (R-AL) Tester (D-MT) Thune (R-SD) Vitter (R-LA) Wicker (R-MS)

Noes 170 Union Buster voters U.S.House of Representatives ----- 150 GOP & 20 Dems ---> Aderholt, Akin, Alexander, Bachmann, Bachus , Barrett (SC), Bartlett (MD), Biggert, Bilbray, Bilirakis, Bishop (UT), Blackburn, Blunt, Boehner, Bonner, Bono Mack, Boozman, Boustany, Boyd (FL), Brady (TX), Broun (GA), Brown (SC), Brown-Waite, Ginny,,,,, Buchanan, Burgess, Burton (IN), Butterfield, Calvert, Cannon, Cantor, Cardoza , Carter, Chabot, Childers , Coble, Cole (OK), Conaway, Cooper, Crenshaw, Culberson, Davis (AL), Davis (KY), Davis, David,,,, Deal (GA), Dent, Diaz-Balart, L.,,,, Diaz-Balart, M.,,,, Drak, Dreier, Duncan, Fallin, Feeney, Ferguson, Filner, Flake, Forbes, Fortenberry, Fossella, Foxx, Franks (AZ), Gallegly, Garrett (NJ), Gerlach, Giffords, Gingrey, Gohmert, Goode, Goodlatte, Granger, Graves, Hall (TX), Hastings (WA), Hayes, Heller, Hensarling, Herger, Herseth Sandlin,,,,, Hobson, Hulshof, Inglis (SC), Issa, Johnson (IL), Johnson, Sam, Jones (NC), Jordan, Kagen, King (IA), Kingston, Kirk, Kline (MN), Lamborn, Latham, Latta, Lewis (CA), Linder, LoBiondo, Lucas , Lungren, Daniel E,,,,,,. Mack, Marchant, Marshall, Matheson, McCarthy (CA), McCaul (TX), McHenry, McIntyre, McKeon, McMorris Rodgers, Mica, Miller (FL), Mitchell, Moran (KS), Musgrave, Myrick, Neugebauer, Nunes, Paul, Pearce, Pence, Peterson (MN), Petri, Pickering, Pitts, Platts, Poe, Price (GA), Putnam, Radanovich, Rahall, Rehberg, Reichert, Reynolds, Rodriguez, Rogers (AL), Rogers (KY), Ros-Lehtinen, Roskam, Royce, Sali, Saxton, Scalise, Schmidt, Sessions, Shadegg, Shays, Shimkus, Shuler, Shuster, Simpson, Smith (NE), Smith (TX), Stark, Stearns, Sullivan, Terry, Thornberry, Tiahrt, Tiberi, Turner, Walden (OR), Walz (MN), Wamp, Weller , Westmoreland, Whitfield (KY), Wilson (NM), Wilson (SC), Wittman (VA), Wolf, Young (FL)

US Congress GOP are LAME DUCK -> The Spirit of China is (Communists Corporation Country -> Commists BOD) (in my opinion) no cost for engineers Oh No ! ::: --- The China will take over the USA Market & all the top US Military secret ::: NOW WE CAN !

 OPERATION ::: UAU Party wants to know Why ! THAT GOP has problems ::: Oh Yes ! Iraq War is a Joke ::: Who ! paying -- for to Build Iraq -USA--- Billions of Dollars ::: Oh No! US Congress (GOP) can't spend a few dollars on American Auto-Industry ::: Oh My ! US Congress (GOP) suck-ass with the Financial Firms lobbyists ::: Oh Ware is ! US Attorney Now ! instead in Illinois ::: making deal with the wrongdoer --> to get another wrongdoer ::: new set of rule & regulation for making deal with the wrongdoer to get another wrongdoer ::: (in my opinion) Dedicated to => US Attorney (RISE & FALL) (US Congress & The White House - maybe your in trouble with The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ) I THINK SO !

Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind IT TIME FOR CHANGE IN 2009

::: Oh No ! :::

Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: US Congress turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class

::: Oh YES ! :::::: US Congress in their Team Concept (Senate - House - Banking committee PLUS The speaker of the House) is subject to impeachment by We the People and trial by in the US Attorney General for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." Because of Bailout Financial firms are breaking the law of the land (Citi --- JP Morgan Chase -- Bank of America --- ETC(+)... ) So will be prosecute along with Senate - House - Banking committee PLUS The speaker of the House Now! ::: Oh My ! ::: Before February 1, 2009resign Now! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: It Time For Change ! ::: SUPREME COURT of the UNITED STATES (the Federal Jurisdiction -> the Federal Rules & Regulations -> CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA -> Jurisdiction;—to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;—to Controversies between two or more the Citizens thereof Subjects to Senate - House - Banking committee the SUPREME COURT shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as to appoint a overseer to oversee restructuring of Senate - House - Banking committee due to ?(+) TO BE enforce by THE WHITE HOUSE if not then The SUPREME COURT of the UNITED STATES One First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543 Phone: 202–479–3211
are not doing their job to protect the American Citizens from ?(+) the actions of Senate - House - Banking committee THEN 2009 in my opinion court of USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: in my opinion court of USA PROSECUTE THE JUDGES ::: We the People -> FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE UNITED STATES

I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise
::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

"The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
A Country without Borders is Not a Country [CWW]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

Oh No !

(BEYOND ! IN MY OPINION) THAT WILL NOT GO AWAY AFTER THE FACTS SOME OF US Congress & The White House (FACE THE PROBLEMS WITH BOTH OPEN) ARE ARE LAME DUCK - RETARD STUPID IDIOT JERK _*_flip-flopping _*_ Oh No ! ::: yes yes - it will happen ::: Oh My ! ::: Which US Congress been naughty and nice :::The Big Three don't get help! BAILOUT! LIFE LINE to American Citizens Jobs AMERICAN CITIZENS IS THE BLOOD LINE IN Auto-Industry

 The Big Three CEO Vs. US Congressdemands -> (That a No No Big 3 Auto-Industry CEO Jets) WE THE PEOPLE (in my opinion) Comments ::: ::: It gets no respect for Security - - - Better be safe than sorry - - - It is best to be on safe side So (in my opinion) US Congress responsible (liable) for The Big Three CEO Safety

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : The answer to Health-Care in USA

The 1, 2, 3's of New USA Order (We the People) NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

God Bless The USA
No One Cared for American Citizens Like Jesus-God Bess American to have Freedom (m-1 I-2)

A Country without Borders is Not a Country [CWW]

Oh No ! ::: THE Afghanistan WAR will be No-Win War ((Death & destruction)) unless FATA Destroy or Conquer do to Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders Present the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers

 Oh My ! ::: THE IRAQ WAR (NO-WIN WAR NOW!) ::: the flow of Billions of Dollars(Senate - House - Banking committee PLUS The speaker of the House) will not stop)

USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

Oh No ! ::: All The Issues Is All TRUE ::: :::
Oh My ! ::: TRUE-FALSE TEST ::: :::

 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA ::: US Congress in their Team Concept (Senate - House - Banking committee PLUS The speaker of the House) is subject to impeachment by We the People and trial by in the US Attorney General for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA It will Happen if if Senate - House - Banking committee did wrongdoing ((((Are the Senate - House - Banking committee PLUS The speaker of the House) sure the Financial Firms are not Foreign Firms investor owned ::: if so Senate - House - Banking committee PLUS The speaker of the House) is in trouble))))

The Spirit of China is (Communists Corporation Country -> Commists BOD) no cost for engineers Oh No ! ::: --- The China will take over the USA Market & all the top US Military secret
A Country without Borders is Not a Country [CWW]


Oh No ! News ::: 2008 & 2009 ::: dealing with Present & Future ::: with 2008 & 2009 US Congress in their Team Concept (Senate - House - Banking committee) ::: with the Lobbyist- - -Financial Firms- - -etc... ::: to destroy the Unions(American Worker) & Auto-Industry &&& ETC... ::: but Lets save the Financial Firms(Senate - House - Banking committee) in order to keep The Top Employer their Life Style --- (NO WAY IN HELL ARE WE GOING TO LIVE LIKE THE MIDDLE CLASS) --- Plus are Charging heavy fee for processing the loans(Senate - House - Banking committee) ::: (in my opinion) Dedicated to =>(Citi --- JP Morgan Chase -- Bank of America --- ETC(+)... ) ::: But the 2008 & 2009 US Congress & The White House can spend Billions of dollars FOR THE IRAQ WAR (NO-WIN WAR NOW!) other hand-out from the Past, Present & Future (the flow of Billions of Dollars(Senate - House - Banking committee) will not stop) :::
Oh My ! ::: THE 2008 & 2009 US CONGRESS & THE WHITE HOUSE WILL BE IN THE PRESENT & FUTURE ARE NOW! TRUE STUPID IGNORANT BASTARD, SUCK-ASS(Senate - House - Banking committee) WITH THE 2008 & 2009 FINANCIAL FIRMS & Lobbyists & ETC... ::: THE IRAQ WAR (NO-WIN WAR NOW!) which it not-funded by Iraq citizens gov't which has billions of dollars not being used to fund the war who are not going to pay back but Auto-industry are going to pay Back the Loan Billions of Dollars being spent by the US Congress & The White House --> but the Financial Bailout is fraud (in my opinion Court of USA will bring out the true who doing wrongdoing & will will be prosecute ::: 2009 ::: by the US Attorney General in order to save face with American Citizens)

  Oh No ! ::: How many US Congress believe this way --- (NO WAY IN HELL ARE WE GOING TO LIVE LIKE THE MIDDLE CLASS) --- their Life Style
 Oh My ! ::: How Many 2008 & 2009 US CONGRESS Life Style are living this way

Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: US Congress turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class

Oh No ! ::: First Time in History ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: US Congress Banking committee (Senate & House) will be prosecute for suck-ass with lobbyist Financial Firms & Etc... (US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class) Plu$ The White House will save the Auto-industry from American Citizens crisis unless The White House are also with Oh My ! ::: Who's at fault? ::: American Corporation & Foreign Etc... or Like outsourcing jobs (specially outsourcing Electronics, Phone Services) major corporations insourced, outsourced and offshored jobs to Third World countries. Why? They could obtain labor for $1.00 an hour and sometimes less. Capitalism knows no loyalty to man, beast or country ::: US Congress - Free Trade - import merchandise (specially China merchandise & Etc... ) coming in USA ::: without heavy import tax in order to save American jobs - - - US Congress (America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class) should be prosecute from being good to bad employment in USA (America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class) ::: Lets the Middle & Poor Class take-over US Congress in order to save American Crisis ::: they know what American need are.

Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

2008 GM, Chrysler & Ford

(in my opinion) SOME OF US Congress & The White House will be LAME DUCK the Big Three don't get help! the Big Three will pay the money back

IS US Congress going to ASK CHINA (corporation) to sell their Jets to have free trade _*_flip-flopping _*_ LAME DUCK (in my opinion) that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are (m)


(in my opinion) TAKE THE US BAILOUT THEN PAY THE PRICE Their will be no money USED from The White House & US Congress to Bailout the Financial Firm or etc. or the Auto-Industrial or like to beat the system on violation the law of the land - wrongdoing - etc.


  2008 (in my opinion) OPEC's Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : OPEC's money at risk on WALL STREET don't reduce OIL prices (1)


2009 IT A No-Win War ?(overseas) Operation 101: (in my opinion) USA War Plan in Iraq (h1)

Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

 2008 ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice ::: (in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ LAME DUCK that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are I give the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House & Specially by not putting a fix interest rate dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future for the American Citizens in so many DAYS TO REDUCE ---- today date = November 2008 Credit Card Balance is not a loan just like IRS & Social Security are two seperate Branches so then fix reduce interest rates on Credit Card Balance that is not a loan Credit Card etc... APR interest Rates [no more than 10% APR interest Rates] Now it Time in so many Days to reduce If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way inorder to vote the U.S. Congress & The White House -> out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...) {Its time for answers in days instead of months} today date = November 2008 *** GOV. Put on Notice (outrageous) just to live the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV & are (in my opinion) are taking to financial holding companies. [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] FORCING AMERICANS to kneel at the feet to financial holding companies what excuse are YOU(Gov.) going to give to AMERICAN CIITIZENS FOR YOUR NEGLIGENCE We the people are not done yet. Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. -> through the law process etc the American Citizens have the right to pay only the Credit interest rate ! (m-h1 I -2 I -3)+

2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: (in my opinion) Dedicated to =>

2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: (in my opinion) Dedicated to =>

 2008 (in my opinion) Republican Party & Democrat Party Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : The White House (Former President Elect - -OBAMAS - U.S. Senator ) need to pass -> reduce Credit Card Interest Rate before Transition Of Power (1)



2008 USA covert operations: -(in my opinion) Lets(USA Military) Skunk nuke (or Skunk-nuke) FATA Territory

UAU American UAU
UAU Party


"Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
A Country without Borders is Not a Country [CWW]

 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future



American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)
UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus



Full View of UAU Party

Update Press News on 1 - 2 - 3 - 3.5 - 4



off the walls comments 101will it be


Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

2011 USA illegal immigrant Reform
--- Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status :

APRIL 2010 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2011 (in my opinion) setup by The White House (Former President Obama- in 2011) -> Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status : that guest immigrant involved any illegal immigrant that can prove that been in US FIFTHTEEN Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant - can't prove their statistics in USA need to be deported  BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION for USA Guest immigrant status: FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: about illegal immigrant can be American Citizens in USA (processing illegal immigrants from USA)

IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2011 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2011 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts (m)

{The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2011 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). in USA need to be deported back to their Country [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military with their mother or father if not then a new process will be setup by the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...)

 Invasion of U.S. border in 2010
(Land, Sea & Air)


enough is enough
catch & release by The White House, Executive Branch big 3 no no no has cross the line
Raised the Red Flag
Terrible Diseases & etc... that illegal alien are bring into USA
GO Home & Get in Line (NOW) did you hear that GOV.

Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. but is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] by not helping the American Citizens

{USA GOV. all Military departments etc... [take action - in question situation] enforce the law on all broken borders (Land, Sea & Air) & all employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..} [] is this a

 CATCH & SENT BACK immediately dealing with broken borders (that could be Terrorist) in the USA (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & SENT BACK [in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc.. [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..][] we the people speak the time has come to deport all illegal invasion resident [] in days, not months[] immediately {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [It is possible to deport millions of illegal invasion resident (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?] illegal alien residents V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA by passing a bill its ok to break the law in USA by honoring illegal alien residents in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



Operation : broken borders -- Human Trafficking etc... is illegal (wrong) in USACATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS (a serious probem-with Human Trafficking etc... ) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS[in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc... [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc...][] Human Trafficking etc... V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA ok to break the law in USA by honoring Human Trafficking etc... in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



illegal are illegal under the laws of USA
THAT broken the laws of USA

illegal immigation resident workers etc... [are not American citizens] will lose their jobs under the laws in USA because the American citizens has the rights 'first' to the American jobs in USA because the employers are under [rule of law -- the employer be under OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME][] not tomorrow (a serious probem) or lose your business and property to GOV. under the laws of USA

FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: obey the laws of USA or ? = Operation: 2010 Crackdown -out of control - illegal immigation resident etc... : no amnesty - [no more free-hand out (welfare) from GOV.]. {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported}[] immediately by the USA GOV. Military tahe charge -- Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV.[It is possible to deport millions of illegal alien resident etc... (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?] (Terrorism) in the USA GOV. (can do will do) - the children born in USA by illegal immigation or legal immigation etc... are not American citizens [the parent had to be American citizens ... first] - -[Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] - [rule of law -- the employer be under OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME][] not tomorrow (a serious probem) protect the American citizens & american citizens jobs in USA ...

in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them is English language - official language of USA - GOV. Core Beliefs in USA [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] ...

Deadly Situation controversy over problem-solving-- Security on broken borders [Watch your back GOP & DEMS Truth~Justice (The Cost of Freedom in USA] ...

USA Face : -time is everything Face the truth - The end of illegal immigation -illegal allien etc...invasion & legal immigation in the USA for one year Let's start over sent all immigation back to their country [] immediately Jailtime for GOV. if they don't follow the laws of USA Let's protect the Americans in all things etc.. Lets put the USA prisoner etc.. to work instead of illegal immigation -illegal allien etc...invasion & legal immigation ...

WHY WHY WHY OPERATION: The White House (Executive Branch GOV.) -(in my opinion) - NOT USING IT High Tech. Security Survey Equipment on the Broken Borders is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] USA GOV. need to explain itself in all matters (from bad to worse if it take a foot hold) in a chaos War over broken borders } ...

Operation: Life without illegal alien etc...-or- illegal alien resident workers etc... bring job to American citizens did you hear that [] employers are getting richer (lobbyists are getting richer) -- yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it = GOV. not doing their job need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH plus NAS(AMERICA'S MOST SECRET AGENCY not doing their job MAYBE NAS COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME ) [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc... plus illegal alien resident workers etc... back to their country] {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military [no more free-hand out (welfare) from GOV.] If the employer etc... don't abide by the GOV. rules etc... than ? ...

con"t _


IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2011 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA (1)

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : The answer to Health-Care in USA

with (in my opinion) in sight of the American Citizens

I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise
::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future (in my opinion)
Iraq will have to pay back what USA paid on the war in Iraq because of their surplus from Iraq oil field if not then USA will take control of the Iraq Oil field until all the money is paid back (that will happen) (2)

2009 IT A No-Win War ?(overseas) Operation 101: (in my opinion) USA War Plan in Iraq USA is not Leaving Iraq Why! because USA will be Iraq neighbor New Territory called USA Iraq (it will be - to take over a section of Iraq) The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) will not take-over Iraq before it to Late - Learn from Past History It time to move to New Territory USA Iraq Why! The war is won & enemy leader etc... of Iraq is gone & destroy etc...  Its Time To get out [] immediately before it to Late - Learn from Past History - spend No More Money(overseas) In IRAQ Go Home Clean Up Your Own House First USA Executive Branch GOV. do good things GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH spend No More Money(overseas) IN IRAQ As of now, Plus The White House (Executive Branch GOV.) need to setup a TimeTable -- TIME IS EVERYTHING   I (USA Mitch UAU strategist --- in my opinion) agree lets bring this Iraq War to a end now, not Tomorrow because it’s not defeating Al-Qaeda it’s making the rich Getting richer & the leader in Iraq also that include Pakistan leaders -- who received billions of dollars from US Govt. for what [explain where is used for -- to lined the pockets of ? leaders(+) or Corporation(+) - Lobbyists(+)] It's time to focus on Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) this is the answer to defeat Al Qaeda Iraq War is not the answer to defeat Al-Qaeda --> their safe heavens is in Afghanistan & specially in FATA - western border of Pakistan It's time to take action on the drug trade in the region & destory all the plants that produce the drugs (heroin etc...) in the region -- All the funds from the drug trade are being used to fund the War against non-muslims etc... & -- Went the War in Iraq is over with --- The American Citizens will not fund to rebuild Iraq with USA Govt funds (American Citizens money at hand) It will be rebuild by Iraq Citizens (with their source of money at hand) & not by the protection of USA Military -----The War will end by 2009 All US Military supply be moved to USA Iraq if not then its time to take legal action against the mentors The US Congress & The White House & specially U.S. Supreme Court justices (in my opinion) should be (fired) by The American Citizens For (The United States Constitution) (m - h1)

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA

ONE = 1-1 1-2

(in my opinion)
All USA Military in Iraq will be moved to USA Military Base called USA Iraq (tobe) USA Iraq Territory map enlarge in 2009
All USA Military in Afghanistan will be moved to USA Military Base called USA FATA (tobe)
USA FATA Territory map enlarge in 2009

ECONOMIC IMPACT CRISIS Financial Crisis dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Bailout Bonanza will fail the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House -> (Obama) & Specially by not putting a fix interest rate to the American Citizens Loans [specially the loans from the past (reduce all interest rates to reduce fix interest rates; specially credit card interest rates which Loans & Credit Card Balance is not a loan just like IRS & Social Security are two seperate Branches so then two fix reduce interest rates on Loans & Credit Card Balance that is not a loan )] - the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House -> (President Obama) & Specially are putting the foot to the American Citizens Financial Bailout will fail across the board no earmarks on reduce interest rates the rich are getting richer & American Citizens are getting poorer yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it (now) the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV & ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice ::: (in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a recession (in my opinion ) .not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress & The White House -> (Former President Obama) Through the law process etc...) Is GOV. Putting the money in the right places?



I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise...

American Citizens should speak up when they see evil. It doesn't matter what side is doing evil or what religion they are; American Citizens should speak out against evil. So then one of the functions of USA government is in restraining evil. USA government has duty to protect its citizens specially against & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) have a particular obligation to help make the USA a safer place for American Citizens



I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise...
::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

 USA American USA Party (UAU Party) I (USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist) Am Already Visualizing The Duct Tape Over Their Mouth the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House -> (Former President Obama) -> WHY Because the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV -> --> We The People will speak up through the law process (in my opinion --> in the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV) that include earmarks that with the American Citizens illegal immigrants in USA not being process outside the USA

the I (USA Mitch) Am Already Visualizing The Duct Tape Over Their Mouth (FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD need to be ) (each FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD members need to be audit by IRS)

Operation: 2008 NO MORE DIGGING DEEPER - IN DEBT [BILLIONS OF DOLLARS - & be held accountable - GOV.] (m-1)

September 2008 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future THE SOLUTION TO FINANCIAL FIRMS FURY CRISIS ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS DEBT CANCEL being Debt-Free by The White House -> (Mr. Obama) (US Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) inorder to save USA from Financial Crisis (from bad to worse if it take a foot hold) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way inorder to vote the U.S. Congress & The White House -> (Mr. Obama) out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...) (m-1)

The FEDERAL RESERVE Board = not doing their job} Operation: We The People speak {Its time for answers in days instead of months} 2009 GOV. Put on Notice Now it Time for a change dealing with The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM changing hands back to GOV. {FEDERAL RESERVE ACT - SECTION 31—Reservation of Right to Amend} [American citizens have been paying a pretty penny & spending dearly (outrageous) just to live] (The FEDERAL RESERVE Board = not doing their job etc...---to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system) It could be with the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch for not doing their job (flip-flopping) & If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. (in my opinion) Is this a is this a to financial holding companies. --> [] GOT to STOP -> IS GOV. making the Lender etc.. richer & richer enough is enough -> let get real is this a to financial holding companies. [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

2008 USA American Citizens

Credit Card etc... APR interest Rates [no more than 10% APR interest Rates] Now it Time for a change dealing with The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM changing hands back to GOV. {FEDERAL RESERVE ACT - SECTION 31—Reservation of Right to Amend} [American citizens have been paying a pretty penny & spending dearly (outrageous) just to live] (The FEDERAL RESERVE Board = not doing their job etc...---to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system)

USA American USA Party (UAU Party) I (USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist) Am Already Visualizing The Duct Tape Over Their Mouth the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House -> WHY Because the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV -> --> We The People will speak up through the law process (in my opinion --> in the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV) that include earmarks that with the American Citizens illegal immigrants in USA not being process outside the USA (s1)

2008  IS Gov. walking on pins & needles - after the facts & truth about issues in USA - the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House Executive Branch maybe could not get a job drilling buttockshole in hobbyhorses - I think so - Lets make the right decisions [] immediately

2008 Out IN The OpenFINANCIAL FIRMS CRISIS masterplan (minding American Citizens Business) operation: for GOV. Controversy over before it fail (Banks, Credit Unions, Pensions & etc.) - keeping Corporation honest & the & etc. setup by US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & through the law process etc. need to add an amendment etc... to have a check and balance system on Corporation firms & & etc. that. effect the American Citizens a set of a panel of five legal judges(lawers) for (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV to ask first for request ON ALL MATTERS etc...before taking legal action against the Corporation firms & & etc. before it fail (Banks, Credit Unions, Pensions & etc.) to make the legal decisions instead of the corporation firms & & etc. that. effect the American Citizens & to be appeal by the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV immediately if don't agree with the panel of five legal judges(lawers) decisions (after the fact) [that the Corporation firms & & etc THAT COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME] a set of a panel of five legal judges(lawers) appointed by (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & U.S. Executive Branch GOV (NOW) Let's protect the Americans in all things etc... (mhs3B-1s3)

RENEW THE PEOPLE (American Citizens) MIND Operation: No Tabletalk take quick action GOV. need to RENEW THE PEOPLE (American Citizens) MIND in being responsibility (Common sense - Principle & Ethics) in all matters plus need to explain itself in all matters (from bad to worse if it take a foot hold If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress through the law process etc...)

Is GOV. Putting the money in the right places?

Operation: 2008 We The People (USA AMERICAN USA) = Lets Put God back into etc... USA GOV.

Are corporations: taking advantage of american citizens -- yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it (now) [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]

judge the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch by their actions for the american citzens than American citzens take actions (vote GOV. out of office)[] immediately not tomorrow (a serious probem) protect the American citizens & American citizens jobs in USA If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. The White House (Executive Branch GOV.) is not infalible

Out IN The Open The White House standing firm: HOGWASH -- -New Development (A question of The White House Credibility) - Who has their finger stuck-up their nose The White House - 2008 US Congress - US American Citizens The bottomline is (won't stop us) anything that US Congress do Its won't stop us (The White House -> (Former President Obama) Nightmare Scenario for the American Citizens Everything in Moderation but not the White House Time will tell -.....[GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH].

The White House -> (Former President Obama) :WHY USA FORCING AMERICANS to kneel at the feet of foreign businesses and governments, begging for jobs and work enough is enough our forefathers would turn over in their graves


IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2011 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA (m-1)

"Better Late Than Never"

  Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future comment 101 Muslims: We must kill Mickey Mouse Reply with quote

US Muslims bristle at Mr. Bush term "Islamic fascists" but face the truth facts -- are they --- theocratic neofascism

Operation -Diagnosis common sense: Heaven or Hell {All Muslims are going straight to Hell (If) the Muslims abuse humain rights

New USA Order

2009 USA covert operations: -(in my opinion) Lets(USA Military) Skunk nuke (or Skunk-nuke) FATA Territory [[the Skunk a new tool in the service of the Israel police]] FATA The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) or second choice plain & simple Lets(World Countries((Nations--Nations against another Nation -> have broken international Law)) put SANCTION on FATA Territory if first choice don't work then Iran & Syria will back-off from going into Iraq because Iran & Syria will be next (M-H1)

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Boash - the Skunk (Reply with quote) Making a stink "A terrible stench - the smell of a rotting, dead animal," says left-wing activist Dr. David Nir in disgust. For over three years he has been participating in protests against the separation fence, but he wasn't prepared for this: Three weeks ago, at a demonstration in the West Bank village of Na'alin, he personally experienced the debut of Boash - the Skunk - a new method of dispersing demonstrations, developed by the Israel here comments-(Reply with quote)

OP OWWJ Heartbeat of America In conquering FATA Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud )

OP OWWJ Operation Overseer World War Jihad the AFGHAN Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief

2008 Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) Covert Operations: in USA (in my opinion) to elect Obama & outsource USA jobs & the AFGHAN Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future (in my opinion)
Chavez alleges Plot then is it true that The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) wants to take control of Venezuela and use the Russia military weapons etc. that Russia sold to the unruly Foreign Military Country or Countries [which as of now will use the military weapons etc against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez] Mr. Chavez called his opponents "little Yankees" and but they are really following orders from Islamic Overseer Baitullah Mehsud (The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) from FATA Territory (in my opinion) I(+) think so Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Poto Gallery: Starting Up the Large Hadron Collider

The Controversial Search for the God Particle
Will the Large Hadron Collider, set to be fired up on Wednesday,September 10, 2008, bring about the end of the world? Most physicists say no -- they are hoping for clues as to how the universe began. click here for full story

I (in my opinion) think that's when it is turned on. But it won't actually begin bashing protons against each other until later this autumn.


"The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
Real Truth Facts 101
A single fact can ruin a good argument

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future (in my opinion)
Iraq will have to pay back what USA paid on the war in Iraq because of their surplus from Iraq oil field if not then USA will take control of the Iraq Oil field until all the money is paid back (that will happen) (m-1-2)

Op: OWWJ Heartbeat of America In conquering FATA Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud )

OP OWWJ Operation Overseer World War Jihad the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers

2008 USA covert operations: -(in my opinion) First Lets(USA Military) Skunk nuke (or Skunk-nuke) FATA-- click hereThe Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers or second choice plain & simple Lets(World Countries((Nations--Nations against another Nation -> have broken international Law)) put SANCTION on FATA Territory if first choice don't work then Iran & Syria will back-off from going into Iraq because Iran & Syria will be next Using Bombs to Stave Off War - By Benny Morris ISRAEL will almost surely attack Iran’s nuclear sites in the next four to seven months — and the leaders in Washington and even Tehran should hope that the attack will be successful enough to cause at least a significant delay in the Iranian production schedule, if not complete destruction, of that country’s nuclear program. Because if the attack fails, the Middle East will almost certainly face a nuclear war — either through a subsequent pre-emptive Israeli nuclear strike or a nuclear exchange shortly after Iran gets the bomb.

Arguing over abortion (Pro-Choice) Operation: An woman don't have a choice (in my opinion) it's a life in sight of the Core Beliefs in USA & against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians it is murder etc... (in my opinion)


All American Citizens in America being educated (First)
All American Citizens will be eduacated (First) will not be based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicapping condition, marital status, or political affiliation; US law at § 2302(b) of title 5

judge the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch by their actions for the american citzens than American citzens take actions (vote GOV. out of office) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way.

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future [7-31-08 with Job Terminator in California - that not right! ]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future -> [ that right save the world USA Iraq (tobe) & USA FATA (tobe) ]

USA Iraq (tobe) & USA FATA (tobe)

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
Debate #1 etc..

All American Citizens in America being educated (First)
All American Citizens will be eduacated (First) will not be based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicapping condition, marital status, or political affiliation; US law at § 2302(b) of title 5

Operation: We The People speak [American citizens have been paying a pretty penny at the pump & spending dearly to stay on the road these days & the money American citizens spend on gas seems to burn up faster than the fuel] 2008 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Prices are outrageous GOT to STOP [] IS GOV. making the etc.. richer & richer [] GOV. got to set a fair price for a gallon [Freezing gas prices] of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel etc... in the USA that don't change until: [then it is voted on by the GOV. Senators inorder to change the price per gallon up or down per gallon] enough is enough; let get real [When gas prices get too high, everyone suffers. Drivers have to pay more to get where they're going. Farmers have to pay more to run their tractors and combines. Truckers have to pay more to transport goods. And the chain-effect makes prices rise across the board. So it's up to us to do everything we can to keep gasoline prices in check] = GOV. not doing their job need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

Operation: We The People 2008 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions


New USA Order (in my opinion) only for the American Citizens to gain control of USA within [that the US Legislative Branch & The US Executive Branch & The US Judicial Branch will take action] & Parts of The World within [that the US Legislative Branch & The US Executive Branch & The US Judicial Branch will take action] American Citizens will take control {The State of New USA Order} The US Congress & The White House & specially U.S. Supreme Court justices (in my opinion) should be (fired) by The American Citizens For (The United States Constitution) {The State of New USA Order} Ten day Action Rules set-up for the The US Congress & The White House for emergency action in making an resolution to make new bills & laws now! not tomorrow before it to late -- Why! (s1)

  New USA Order (in my opinion) US Patriotism --- in The US Congress & The White House ---- Its come a times went you(The US Congress & The White House) got to do the right thing for USA(American Citizens first) isn't it common sense ---- than the Foreign Citizens(illegal immigation & Foreign Corporation .. or like etc... ) comes second and all foreign aids stop until all the american citizens are protected first Lets get your Act together (US Patriotism --- If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way We The People 100% USA CWW

The 1, 2, 3's of New USA Order (We the People) NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

2009 NEW USA ORDER COVERT OPERATION ::: 2009 President - Elect Obama US Attorney General { other U.S. Executive Branch GOV that also include ALL US Federal & State Prosecutor} don't take control and Prosecute or Sanctions against The Corporation or like that violate the USA Law of the Land (The United States Constitution)

 Lists of Corporation or like that (maybe - in my opinion) violate the USA Law of the Land

 The Spirit of Financial Firm or like
The Spirit of Corporation or like
The Spirit of the Financial Firm or etc. or the Auto-Industrial or like Lobbyists
The Spirit of China is (Communists Corporation Country -> Commists BOD)
The Spirit of Russia (Soviet Union) is (KGB s' Corporation Country -> KGB BOD)

The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors."

The USA AMERICAN USA PARTY of Life in USA - A whole lot better - in forming our future in USA & the World - - -

American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)

UAU-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics


the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

Motto: The Deeper the Roots The Higher the Reach
in USA with Jesus-God Bless America

USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist

(in my opinion)

USA Mitch UAU Stategist Rules of Principle & Ethic

I'm(USA Mitch) the Happiest Man(+) in the USA to have Faith, Family & Freedom with the helping hand of Jesus &


2008 USA covert operations: -(in my opinion) Lets Skunk nuke (or Skunk-nuke) FATA-- click hereThe Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers or second choice plain & simple Lets(USA Military) nuke FATA Territory if first choice don't work then Iran & Syria will back-off from going into Iraq because Iran & Syria will be next


the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers

2008 Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) Covert Operations: in USA (in my opinion) to elect Obama & outsource USA jobs & WHY! (in my opinion) more CHAOS CRISIS OPERATIONS by Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc... THAT WILL HAPPENS IF The US Legislative Branch & The US Executive Branch DON'T TAKE ACTION God Bless America 101--2008-Gun Rights Victory in USA the right to bear arms (in my opinion) their is in the US Legislative Branch & The US Executive Branch dealing with outsourcing jobs in USA Who's protecting who?

2008 Operation 101: (in my opinion) USA War Plan in Iraq USA is not Leaving Iraq Why! because USA will be Iraq neighbor New Territory called USA Iraq (it will be - to take over a section of Iraq) The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) will not take-over Iraq in Iraq (tobe) also dealing with Iran & Syria {} & The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) before it to Late - Learn from Past History

Out IN The Open ---- The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers are The Iraq War will be a different War Zone that which all the Iraq Citizens & specially non-citizens will be disarm & only the proper authorization will have arm(weapons) to enforce the law of the land. Iraq Citizens register their weapons or serve Jailtime(no less than 5 years -- depend on their violation) it time for US Military & allies to take action In Iraq The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) in Iraq. Just matter of time The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) will be move out of Iraq plus also Iran & Syria Military Citizens Etc... serve Jailtime(no less than 5 years -- depend on their violation) in Iraq

Happening Now Operation 101: (in my opinion) What Empowered USA to take over a section of Iraq USA Iraq (tobe) & to take over FATA click here USA FATA (tobe) for map of both region (tobe) click here

USA Iraq (tobe)

It will be USA Iraq Operation 101: Heartbeat of America In conquering dealing with Iraq ---- The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) are The Iraq War will be a different War Zone click here


President of the United States - George W. Bush is half-right USA need to help end the War in Iraq & with the help of the Next President in 2009


  it time for US Military & allies to take action In Iraq This How to help end the War in Iraq The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) in Iraq. Just matter of time The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) will be move out of Iraq & specially in FATA - western border of Pakistan & (in my opinion -- or The US Legislative Branch & The US Executive Branch answer to American Citizens If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. & Billions of dollars to lined the pockets of ? leaders(+) or Corporation(+) - Lobbyists(+)] on Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) ) the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers



a section of Iraq Territory is their for the taking -> to be conquer by the USA & allies and be disarm for life and be a neutral nation for life for USA under new rule & laws under USA rules! to control the region against unruly forces plus section of Iraq will be under USA control for life under USA Court System Plus USA Military will be the ruler will the help of the citizens in new section of Iraq or not The Nation - The Country - consist a section of Iraq that will be called USA Iraq will not be return to the People of the Region Why not! that this nation (USA) is at war with who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation plus USA Iraq Territory will be The one of Central Middle East region location for USA Mlilitary Bases that which all the USA Iraq Citizens & specially non-citizens will be disarm & only the USA Military will have proper authorization will have arm(weapons) to enforce the law of the land. USA Iraq Citizens & specially non-citizens register to be a USA Iraq Citizens or serve Jailtime(no less than 5 years -- depend on their violation) Go For It

USA Iraq Country
USA Iraq [USA Military Base] a section of Iraq Territory A Neutral Nation for Life

++++++++++++++++++ Crossed the Line ++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++++++ Read between the Lines +++++++++++++
+++++++++++ The US Congress & The White House +++++++++++++

2008 The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand (in my opinion) Out IN The Open To The White House - Pentagon ((in my opinion) flip-flopping -attitude -plus maybe making false information to the AMERICAN PUBLIC): The war is won & enemy leader etc... of Iraq is gone & destroy etc... --- So It Time to take a section of Iraq called USA Iraq to help end the War in Iraq Now! it is senseless to stay in Iraq without a location for USA Mlilitary Bases in a section of Iraq--- Defense in Iraq at risk (the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers states: Death to America but is the USA willfully ignored or looked the other way in Iraq ) If the enemy start to act up in Iraq - them destory from the Air or short term land military action (destroy the enemy & leave - quickly) {destroy etc... any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... destroy all oil field's that don't abide by the rules etc... if rebuild destroy again from the air } before it to Late - Learn from Past History plus STOP ALL MISSILE etc... being manufacture in Iran & Syria {} destroy etc THE PLACE ETC... WHERE THE MISSILE are being build & being stored ; any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... that build missiles The White House - Pentagon is accountable & responsibility to the American Citizens big time if it go against the principle of the American Citizens Divided We Fall Operation: I (USA Mitch UAU strategist --- in my opinion) agree lets bring this Iraq War to a end now, not Tomorrow because it’s not defeating Al-Qaeda it’s making the rich Getting richer & the leader in Iraq also that include Pakistan leaders -- who received billions of dollars from US Govt. for what [explain where is used for -- to lined the pockets of ? leaders(+) or Corporation(+) - Lobbyists(+)] It's time to focus on Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers this is the answer to defeat Al Qaeda Iraq War is not the answer to defeat Al-Qaeda --> their safe heavens is in Afghanistan & specially in FATA - western border of Pakistan It's time to take action on the drug trade in the region & destory all the plants that produce the drugs (heroin etc...) in the region -- All the funds from the drug trade are being used to fund the War against non-muslims etc... & take a section of Iraq called USA Iraq So It Time to take a section of Iraq called USA Iraq to help end the War in Iraq Now! it is senseless to stay in Iraq without a location for USA Mlilitary Bases in a section of Iraq --- Went the War in Iraq is over with --- The American Citizens will not fund to rebuild Iraq with USA Govt funds (American Citizens money at hand) It will be rebuild by Iraq Citizens (with their source of money at hand) & not by the protection of USA Military -----The War will end by 2009 All US Military suppply be moved to USA Iraq if not then its time to take legal action against the mentors The US Congress & The White House & specially U.S. Supreme Court justices (in my opinion) should be (fired) by The American Citizens For (The United States Constitution)

BACK to top

USA Iraq (tobe) & USA FATA (tobe)

the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)





"The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"


Operation: 2008 Put a STOP to Polygamy in USA(NOW) before GOD get mad White House Blunders (Police the USA 100%) 100% War on Polygamy and their principles are wrong {Its is a SIN against GOV. Core Beliefs in USA} & {a SIN against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians} what about polygamy & IRS who breaking the law {Do the wives & kids have Social Security number that is Register with GOV.}Lets GOV. find out [] [GOV. states that all American citizens have-to-have a Social Security number] [rule of law -- the American citizens under OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME] Lets protect the American citizens In USA [Nobody can Hide in the USA] You can run but you can not hide All Polygamy in USA(NOW) abuse of children will serve USA-Etc... jailtimeif not then specially All U.S. judges & Supreme Court justices (in my opinion) should be (fired) by The American Citizens For (The United States Constitution)

2008 Lets Clean House Right with Jesus Out IN The Open Jesus-Rule of Law Dealing with Pope Benedict XVI (Roman Catholics) will save face & let all USA Catholic Bishops & etc... & all Catholic Nuns can get married to the opposite sex its not a sin against Jesus-Rule of Law carry on the bloodline of each USA Catholics Bishops & etc... 2008 Pope Benedict XVI (Roman Catholics) is sinning against Jesus-Rule of Law by not taking action against all USA-Etc... Roman Catholic Bishops- priests for molesting or raping sexual abuse of children be fired & serve USA-Etc... jailtime now not tomorrow, which tomorrow never come Jesus-Rule of Law - coming soon ! Does Pope Benedict XVI (Roman Catholics) has any illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported that are Roman Catholic Bishops--Cardinals- priests-nuns USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution)
  how can Pope Benedict XVI (Roman Catholics) defend Human Rights went Roman Catholic has problems with molesting or raping sexual abuse of children

2008 Out IN The OpenOperation: about (in my opinion) Worse President in USA History part 1 (apparently bought his silence for a steep price) part 2 do to the worse President in History now it time to take legal action on all fund-raiser foundations & All Etc... organizations in USA do to dirty money from so dirty a source & regular money received & how the dirty money from so dirty a source & regular money is being used need to take action now, not tomorrow, tomorrow never come as of now today all the Etc... foundations(organizations) need to be audit daily by Govt. all the three Branch ------ The Legislative Branch & Executive Branch & Judicial Branch needs to take criminal action & take all the etc... foundations(organizations) money & assets for not following USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution)


Jesus-God Bless America USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA Then comes JESUS-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics


We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God


Overseer World War Jihad (Op: OWWJ)
(Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers


2008 Operation 101: (in my opinion) USA War Plan in Afghanistan USA is not Leaving Afghanistan Why! because USA will be Afghanistan neighbor New Territory called USA FATA (it will be - to take over FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) The Al-Qaeda (Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders) will not take-over Afghanistan in USA FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas)Iraq (tobe) click here

November 2007 Weak Dollar, Big Deals Bargains for Foreign Shoppers in the USA {in my opinion}(Shame on USA Gov. for letting this happen) it is a insult to American Citizens; Euros gains value, popularity

November 2007 if USA don't exist who will help the have-not(+) in the world today as USA Nasal Ship arrives to give aid to Bangladesh (in my opinion) It wouldn't be Russia(in ?), China(communists) or

Muslims (Islamic fascists- Death to America) Countries or etc... (Arab) countries

with American Citizens in protection of the USA Borders from import violations against USA Laws so that US Customs & Border Protection can take 100% control of USA Border from import violations [Each import countries will pay the price]

driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants [that include illegal Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) military immigrant that are Potential Terrorists in order to setup Military attack on an American city or cities or Washington, D.C., United States & destory American Citizens ways of life] plus Foreign Diplomats and others foreign service employee etc.. & legal(guests) non-american Citizens money(millions of dollars) , profits & control (in my opinion) with Eight States this a to Somebody Lobbyist corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc...that manufacture vehicles & the dealerships that sell the vehicles & financial lender corporate that will lose(big time) money(millions of dollars) , profits & control that why corporate Lobbyist don't want illegal immigrants etc... remove(deported) from USA this just tip of iceberg

++++++++++++++++++ Crossed the Line ++++++++++++++++++++

2008 The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand (in my opinion) Out IN The Open To The White House - Pentagon ((in my opinion) flip-flopping -attitude -plus maybe making false information to the AMERICAN PUBLIC): The war is won & enemy leader etc... of Iraq is gone & destroy etc... --- So It Time to end the War in Iraq Now! it is senseless to stay --- Defense in Iraq at risk (the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers states: Death to America Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) but is the USA willfully ignored or looked the other way in Iraq & not in Afghanistan) If the enemy start to act up them destory from the Air or short term land military action (destroy the enemy & leave - quickly) {destroy etc... before leaving if rebuild destroy again from the air & any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... destroy all oil field's that don't abide by the rules etc... if rebuild destroy again from the air } destroy etc THE PLACE ETC... WHERE THE MISSILE are being build & being stored ; any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... that build missiles If Russia & China try to keep the Muslims in check- or cut off military supplies they will have a problem with the Muslims (then the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers will state: Death to Russia & China) The White House - Pentagon is accountable & responsibility to the American Citizens big time if it go against the principle of the American Citizens

2008 (in my opinion) Out IN The Open Lets Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand about Jesus : Jesus was a Jew -- so that means all born again Christian who(+) believe in anti-Semitism are not born again Christian - how can you(+) believe in Jesus Christ as Your Personal Savior - Roman Soldiers Killed Jesus. That include all religious organizations of many faiths and denominations & etc... & each individual(s) believe in anti-Semitism are not born again Christian & are going straight to hell the functions of government is

I'm(USA Mitch) the Happiest Man(+) in the whole USA to have Faith, Family & Freedom with the helping hand of Jesus &

++++++++++++++++++ Need to Take Action ++++++++++++++++++++

2008 The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand (in my opinion) Out IN The Open U.S. Senate committee Hardball Issues: dealing with charismatic ministries (Integrity, Accountability) are being scrutinizes about their spending practices that should also include etc... (all churches) but but it should include in the investigation about their spending practices Catholic Church (the overseer Pope Benedict XVI) The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand about the Catholic Church spending practices all ministries etc... abide by the law or jail time & (in my opinion) be put on the USA Chain Gang for their wrong doing It time to explain why the reasons for being scrutinizes by six charismatic In Defense of the Good Senator Plus Grassley Probes Televangelists' Finances (in my opinion) Jesus would have a problems about their spending practices [ heaven(abide by the law) or hell(jail time & be put on the USA Chain Gang) ]


It could be with the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch for not doing their job (flip-flopping) & the disclosure of earmarks but willfully ignored or looked the other way and that include keeping all 50 States the US State Governor & US State Congress in check with The Constitution of the United States or It could be with Etc...


2008 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (illegal allien etc...invasion) Issues: Is The White House {(GOP or Dems has-or-has not taken a strong stance)} (in my opinion) going to Crackdown on illegal immigrant nomads crossing State Line to avoid control of illegal immigrant in USA [ Arizona man likely dies of plague, what you need to know who was found dead in his home on November 2, was found to have plague in his body, according to an autopsy report. Jihad ]


stop all products made in that being imported to USA --- no more free-trade ( did you(+) hear that USA Gov. & Will Concentrate on important matters (One is) Indecision is nearly always the worst mistake US Gov. can make (two is) the important thing is to make sure that sloppys work by a subordinate does not go unchallenged) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress through the law process etc...{[{so then the U.S. Congress can vote the Executive Branch out of offices for not doing their job)

++++++++++++++++++ this is a must mapping Muslim in USA ++++++++++++++++++++

(in my opinion)China's is not our friends or ally (China's Cyber Attack) [also Russia's is not our friends or ally] The Economic threat is serous

(in my opinion) USA Gov. will have to support the mapping of Muslim communities in USA in order to keep the Muslims from trying to take over The United States of America that include Citizens etc... comming from Saudi Arabia & Libya into USA whybecause approx. 60% Foreign Fighters who have traveled to Iraq in the last year(2006) from both countries(Saudi Arabia & Libya) which both countries are US Allies I (USA Mitch) don't think so (the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors states: but is the USA willfully ignored or looked the other way) [ (in my opinion) Is this a (from Saudi Arabia & Libya) against the USA ] the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) military Muslim Warriors -Jihad Fighters for faith etc...Will be Flexing Military Muscle with in China's & Russia's (no team concept with China's & Russia's-)((in my opinion): Just matter of time --The Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) military Muslim Warriors - Jihad Fighters for faith etc... will take-over China's & Russia's gov's )
[USA Pakistan New Developments 101][USA Jordan New Developments 101[USA All etc.. Country New Developments 101]] {The White House better get their act together}


One Party Country Operation: No Way {A Three Party System or more (GOP DEMS UAU OR ?}Keep everybody honest - if one Party is not honest then jailtime or remove from office that is enforce by the other parties (if the one party don't vote right or do right then remove from office by the American citizens through the legal process immediately)



Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball Unions Issues : being a on having Unions in USA Each 2008 Presidential Candidate or Candidacy stands that the USA American employee (in my opinion) with the FDA , CIA, Border Control (open Borders in USA), IRS, Federal Reserve, NSA, EPA , NEA & etc&ldots; (more names will be added) from getting out of control with American Citizens (middle class, have-not & the poor etc&ldots; ) American Citizens need to know Where Do the Candidate or Candidacy stands on having Unions in USA ( ) in order to deal with issues all corporations, company, US Government , US State & local Government & etc&ldots; in having unions if Candidate or Candidacy don’t answer than they don’t believe in unions (heart of American Citizens in order to keep all corporations, company, Government & etc&ldots; to be honesty & to have common sense will the employee Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 with their employee or be fine & jailtime(no less then 5 years) in the USA legal system (in my opinion) to the rescue in saving face (principles --plus outsourcing) etc&ldots; in USA in order to keep the American Citizens from being "FRUSTRATED" with USA Government Policy issues & USA employer issues Do the Dems or GOP coalition caucus endorses unions policy in USA for American Citizens or not -> Speak up (in my opinion) with the American Citizens will keep all Non-American Citizens honest with the USA employer in USA if non-American Citizens are illegal or not, if not, the USA laws need to be enforce the Executive Branch enforce the laws, (in my opinion) this a to Somebody or Party [Foreign Diplomats and others foreign service employee etc.. or Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc...

{The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2008 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO).

2008 The Signs of Where Things Stand (in my opinion) Operation: Face the Truth US GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA USA has moral values as a nation lists of moral values (in my opinion) promiscuity is not one a Core Beliefs in USA (in my opinion) their is a heaven & hell moral values will get you(+) into heaven no ethical moral values (opposite of moral values) get you(+) into hell the American Citizens has a choice

Arguing over abortion (Pro-Choice) Operation: An woman don't have a choice (in my opinion) it's a life in sight of the Core Beliefs in USA & against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians it is murder etc... (in my opinion)

2008 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball Issues: Crackdown blocked Dealing with illegal alien  A Federal Judge stops illegal alien enforcement - (in my opinion) This is wrong - [(no-match letters --- can’t & will not be used The Federal Judge says that the Executive Branch can’t & will not crackdown on illegal alien workers that was blocked by this Federal Judge)] it up to the White House to Remove that Federal Judge from office for not doing his job in protecting the American Citizens (in my opinion) is this a to Somebody etc... there is a US Constitution to protect the American Citizens in all matters (in my opinion) the Federal Judge violate our US Constitution rights the Federal Judge is not above the US Constitutions It up to The White House to use their Executive Branch power and remove this Federal Judge from office or any other judge that violate US Constitution etc... & US Congress need to complain about the illegal alien that should be remove immediate from USA [] immediately not tomorrow We the People do need in 2008 an New President that will take actions against illegal matters that don’t protect the American Citizens


2008 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (illegal allien etc...invasion) Issues: Is The White House {(GOP or Dems has-or-has not taken a strong stance)} (in my opinion) going to Crackdown on illegal immigrant nomads crossing State Line to avoid control of illegal immigrant in USA Arizona man likely dies of plague, what you need to know who was found dead in his home on November 2, was found to have plague in his body, according to an autopsy report. Jihad


  (IN MY OPINION) (IN MY OPINION) 2008 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball Issues: Dealing with Mexico which can be like USA {Faith, Family & Freedom} plus The Mexican Citizens need to take (legal) Action against Mexico Govt. why is Mexico Govt. so tight-lipped about helping the Mexican Citizens in USA [shame on the Mexico Govt. ] & the toxic environment in Mexico that need to be clean-up so that Mexican Citizens don't have medical problems


2009 US Congress & The White House need a to make a tough who don't abide by the laws Jailtime{specially Jailtime(no less than five years) inorder to protect all people in USA (in my opinion) the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch Blunders -raw politics- (in my opinion) Who has their finger stuck-up their nose + slam dunk the American People) in All 50 States [specially NY Jailtime{specially Jailtime(no less than five years) if any lawers etc... (the US State Governor & US State Congress) don't abide by the laws made by the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch (Why isn't The NY U.S. Senators (if somebody wants to be 2008 US President) taking care of it (plus telling the US State Governor & US State Congress - this is wrong - issuing NY Driver(operator) License to all non-american - - if any non-american drives etc... Jailtime{specially Jailtime(no less than five years) this also include all 50 states)] (in my opinion) this a to Somebody or Party [Foreign Diplomats and others foreign service employee etc.. or Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... that manufacture vehicles & the dealerships that sell the vehicles]


2009 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (non hard-core law breakers -maybe- the Dems & GOP will take a strong stance) Issues: Non hard-core law breakers need to be taught a lesson & need to pay their debt to USA Govt. (the American Citizens) -{( Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens )} now not tomorrow to serve their duties on the USA Chain Gang(from one day or etc... ) until the non hard-core law breakers time is up (No-Body Goes Free) (drink & drive or etc... you(+) will pay the Price by serving their duties on the USA Chain Gang


 2008Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball Issues: The White House treat The Do-gooders poorly also The US Congress treat The Do-gooders poorly this not right (in my opinion) this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

2007 US Congress Boast [don't go nonsense] The US Congress treat The Do-gooders poorly
US Congress just told American Citizens to sit down & be quiet [war on the middle class & etc...]

There is no such thing as a self-made Man(+) or Women(+) American Citizen. You(+) American Citizen will reach your(+) goals only with the help of others(+) American Citizens.


"Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
A Country without Borders is Not a Country [CWW]

Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)


American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)
is the symbol of UAU (DR) (UAU DR) (DRP) (UAU DRP)
Home Page


UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus


Red White Blue
God Bless America


Principle & Ethics
UAU Movement
American Bison -Out IN The OpenOperations

demoncracy-republic (DR)
demoncracy-republic Party (DRP)

Common sense
Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future
UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus

American Bison -Out IN The OpenIssues

The Signs of Where Things Stand

UAU demoncracy-republic (UAU DR)
UAU demoncracy-republic Party (UAU DRP)


USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist

(in my opinion)

2008 USA Hardball Issues: the American Citizens need New Blood in US Congress & The White House etc.. No ifs, ands or butts about it in 2008

2007 Out IN The OpenIssues: The free spirit Air Force Military Officer Why Why this happen in USA went a B-52 mistakenly flies with nukes aboard that carry W-80 warheads of up to 150 kilotons, ten times the destructive force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The White House etc ... (in my opinion) not doing their job How many cruise missiles were transferred or loaded into the B-52 on Aug. 30, 2007 incident ?


"The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"
the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers IS THE Overseer to Osama Bin Laden & His followers

USA Tell-All dealing with Osama Bin Laden & His followers
USA American Citizens

2008 Out IN The OpenIssues Operations: USA Tell-All Urges Osama Bin Laden & His followers need to convert to Christianity [change your ways before to late] USA (US Congress & The White House) [in my opinion] will Tell-All about the Politics of Muslim-Islamic(Islam Religion Koran) American Citizens invite Osama Bin Laden to embrace the Bible:
Jesus is the Door (gate) good Shepherd.
John 10
7 So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
9 "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
11 "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
14"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,
USA Gov. will not collapse & have won the War in Iraq & not in Afghanistan plus USA Military will not end the War until USA Gov. is ready to end it & Bin Laden & His followers (If they are in FATA western border of Pakistan or etc... ) will be destroy by USA Military in the end No ifs, ands or butts about it

Warning: Everyone's at risk went Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers IS THE Overseer to Osama Bin Laden & His followers Osama Bin Laden & His followers
try to take-over the World

2007 USA American Citizens
Raw Politics : At end of 2007 - $50 Billions for Iraq then also $50 Billions for USA American Citizens Healthcare

2008 USA American Citizens

The USA Chain Gang is back

until the American Citizens (employee) can take over or until the American Citizens (employee) want to do the job [(the American Citizens (homeless) will have a job)] (that dealing with illegal & legal employee that are not American citizens) with New Set of IRS Rules & US Dept. of Labor Law Rules for employer(+) [in order to deal with employer(+) workers(employee) solutions issues]


"Better Late Than Never"

2008The Signs of Where Things Stand = New Developments 101: Federal ID plan - New Requirements CNN) -- Americans may need passports to board domestic flights or to picnic in a national park next year if they live in one of the states defying the federal Real ID Act. The act, signed in 2005 as part of an emergency military spending and tsunami relief bill, aims to weave driver's licenses and state ID cards into a sort of national identification system by May 2008. The law sets baseline criteria for how driver's licenses will be issued and what information they must contain. The Department of Homeland Security insists Real ID is an essential weapon in the war on terror, but privacy and civil liberties watchdogs are calling the initiative an overly intrusive measure that smacks of Big Brother. More than half the nation's state legislatures have passed or proposed legislation denouncing the plan, and some have penned bills expressly forbidding compliance. The cards would be mandatory for all "federal purposes," which include boarding an airplane or walking into a federal building, nuclear facility or national park, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told the National Conference of State Legislatures last week. Citizens in states that don't comply with the new rules will have to use passports for federal purposes. It also requires all 245 million license and state ID holders to visit their local departments of motor vehicles and apply for a Real ID by 2013. Applicants must bring a photo ID, birth certificate, proof of Social Security number and proof of residence, and states must maintain and protect massive databases housing the information.

Proposal:  Will Be ?( $$$$$ or ? all $$$$$ Bonus paid back) dollars paid back, include  part time (no less than five years) or life  community service -- inmate or at home with a tracking device etc... the federal would use each state Sheriff's Department to proform community service program - who have convicted only of a non-violent offense - inmate are monitored at all times by an armed Officer, and routinely complete work in many different areas.a tracking device etc...


Maybe USA Gov. will
The USA Chain Gang is back

The Signs of Where Things Stand = New Developments 101: UAU off the walls = Maybe USA Gov. Federal plan - New Requirements The USA Chain Gang plan is back - Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens (in my opinion) responsibility 101: New Requirements - No-Body should Goes Free


Hard Core prisoners kept in
 USA jail(prison)


But the work will be done inside the prison until the American Citizens can take-over


. ......

Non Hard Core prisoners will be on
USA Chain Gang

The USA Chain Gang is back (Made in America is the only way to go) Dangerous Imports

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

2009 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (non hard-core law breakers -maybe- the Dems & GOP will take a strong stance) Issues: Non hard-core law breakers need to be taught a lesson & need to pay their debt to USA Govt. (the American Citizens) -{( Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens )} now not tomorrow to serve their duties on the USA Chain Gang(from one day or etc... ) until the non hard-core law breakers time is up (No-Body Goes Free) (drink & drive or etc... you(+) will pay the Price by serving their duties on the USA Chain Gang

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

.Out IN The OpenIssue US Gov. (turning a blind eye to Broken Borders) : US Gov.(The White House Etc...) (in my opinion) responsibility 101: will now have to use HI-Tech Vedio Camera; etc... Protection & [[[ New Miltary Technology 101 of War (Naval weaponry) Broken Border Battlefield (used the integrated warfare system -the AAV & EFV expeditionary fighting Vehicle ]]] inorder to save face with the American Citizens then afterward whatever it take to put end to US Gov. Broken Borders If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. The White House (Executive Branch GOV.) is not infalible (in my opinion) Who has their finger stuck-up their nose + slam dunk the American People {All USA Borders should be owned or under USA responsibility 101 Federal Gov. Branch Rule - New Requirements at least one mile from USA Borders inorder to protected the USA Borders by US Congress & The White House [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]}

!!!!!! USA back door is wide open why why why !!!!!!

Off the Wall comments 101 Operation: (in my opinion) could this happen again in USA History USA Chain Gang is back & is form again in 2010 in order to save the USA workforce & Etc... [in order to funds the Health-care, Social Security, the national debt & Etc... The USA Prisoner owe the American Citizens their debt(+) no matter what, short or long term Jailtime sentences with nothing in return for their(+) work labor to USA Gov (the American Citizens) The USA Chain Gang is formed In USA in all 50 States dealing with State and Federal prisoners [each prisoners will be (in my opinion) embedded with a clip etc... which is inserted under the skin for security - location at all times plus etc...] until the American Citizens (employee) can take over or until the American Citizens (employee) want to do the job [(the American Citizens (homeless) will have a job)] (Made in America is the only way to go) (that dealing with illegal & legal employee that are not American citizens) with New Set of IRS Rules & US Dept. of Labor Law Rules for employer(+) [in order to deal with employer(+) workers(employee) solutions issues] Off the Wall comments 101 (in my opinion) has the solutions to the USA Employer(+) problems with a new list of rules setup-comments by comments 101 (in my opinion) in order for US Congress & The White House to pass New laws & bills in order to make it happen or USA Congress will make new Laws & Bills inorder to make it happen with the help of the USA GOV. to fit the needs of the Present-&-Future [plus, off the wall comments 101 (in my opinion), on capital punishment dealing with the employer(+) plus Off the Wall comments 101 (in my opinion) on capital punishment for all State and Federal prisoners dealing with USA Chain Gang]

 the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer to & His followers IS THE Overseer to Osama Bin Laden & His followers

in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- US GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc... are not US GOV. Core Beliefs in USA US GOV.

Out IN The OpenIssues Operation: Using Kids (Treat children as a cheap commodity) AL-Qaida in Iraq forced to use more kids to do the Militants dirty work -- the rise of child fighters eventually will make the Iraq conflict more gruesome

FAR_Human Rights-WING (Countries or Groups or Individuals against Human Rights --- way or else ---- Far_Human Rights-Wing Entremists)


UAU UAU (UAU Movement)Enforcing the Code by Raw Politics


"Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"


American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)
is the symbol of UAU (DR) (UAU DR) (DRP) (UAU DRP)
Home Page


Red White Blue
God Bless America


Principle & Ethics
UAU Movement
American Bison -Out IN The OpenOperations

demoncracy-republic (DR)
demoncracy-republic Party (DRP)

Common sense
Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future

American Bison -Out IN The OpenIssues

The Signs of Where Things Stand

UAU demoncracy-republic (UAU DR)

UAU demoncracy-republic Party (UAU DRP)


USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist
(in my opinion)

"Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"

Operation: Issues (in my opinion)
Operation: (in my opinion)

US Congress New Developments 101: Dealing with US aid No US aid could be sent to any Country without US Millitary Troop involvement etc... (accountable to USA) where the money or etc... is going not in hands of the Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... [now in 2007 dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future No US aid could be sent to any Country without US Millitary Troop involvement etc... (accountable to USA)] USA responsibility 101 to the American Citizens

[USA Pakistan New Developments 101: Dealing with US aid ]
[USA Mexico New Developments 101: Dealing with US aid ]
[USA Jordan New Developments 101: Dealing with US aid ]
[USA All etc.. Country New Developments 101: Dealing with US aid ]

No US aid could be sent to any Country without US Millitary Troop involvement etc... (accountable to USA)] USA responsibility 101 to the American Citizensthe United States, which has bankrolled Pakistan with billions of dollars, where the money or etc... is going not in hands of militants


Running for President in 2008 or Politics Campaign ETC... [just like paning for Gold (Get Rich Fast) free-cash money don’t have to be accountable to the IRS (in my opinion) close hidden books is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] Follow the Money from the Past-Present (Get Rich Fast) free-cash money don’t have to be accountable to the IRS (in my opinion) close hidden books Cover-Up the Facts 2008 Campaign Trail A (Get Rich Fast) Gamble [free-cash moneyFollow the Money from the Past-Present]

 2008 USA Iraq Pullout Stratety 101 Operation (in my opinion): Plus All USA Military stuff etc... will also go (nothing left behind) no comparison to Vietnam {The White House better get their act together} Learn from your mistake (US Congress New Developments 101) American Citizens: USA responsibility 101

Operation: 2008 GOV. No-Win War ?(overseas) Its Time To get out [] immediately before it to Late - Learn from Past History - spend No More Money(overseas) Go Home Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. do good things GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH {destroy etc... before leaving if rebuild destroy again from the air & any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... destroy all oil field's that don't abide by the rules etc... if rebuild destroy again from the air }

in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA

(in my opinion)China's is not our friends or ally (China's Cyber Attack) [also Russia's is not our friends or ally] The Economic threat is serous

(in my opinion) USA Gov. will have to support the mapping of Muslim communities in USA in order to keep the Muslims from trying to take over The United States of America the Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc...Will be Flexing Military Muscle with in China's & Russia's (no team concept with China's & Russia's-)((in my opinion): Just matter of time --The Muslims "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc... will take-over China's & Russia's gov's )
[USA Pakistan New Developments 101][USA Jordan New Developments 101[USA All etc.. Country New Developments 101]] {The White House better get their act together}


Satan-Wing (Antichrist Devil - world power control ---- Satan-Wing Extremists follower)

.......................................... It could be Antichrist It is the Afghan Taliban fighters, led by Mullah Omar(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)



The USA Chain Gang is back (Made in America is the only way to go) Dangerous Imports

off the walls comments 101it will be (a person who has common sense plus Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7) [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America]
An person who has common sense is a winner in the heart of The American Citizens {The White House better get their act together} (in my opinion) the american citizens way of life is back if (An person who has common sense) is President of USA in 2009 with Jesus-God Bless America At this point of
[Truth - Justice this will put a stop to a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] in 2009 in The White House & US Congress If (An person who has common sense) is President of USA in 2009 [USA Health & Safety is at risk in the workplace] SO (2009 US Congress) will make new Laws & Bills to fit the needs of the Past-Present-&-Future that include no Statute Of Limitation on workers' compensation covering all states in USA in Filing a workers compensation claim dealing In disease cases, i.e., lung cancer, toxic disease or mesothelioma, & etc...inorder for the Corporation or ETC... assuming responsibility for their actions for the Past-Present-&-Future PLUS no Statute Of Limitation on jail time{specially Jailtime(no less than five years) inorder for the Corporation or ETC... assuming responsibility for their actions on the Past-Present-&-Future plus Grace and peace, the future of 2009

----------------- Dangerous Imports------------

2008 Operation: free-trade in USA is almost over-with [US Congress & The White House & Etc...will vote for the yea vote for free-trade in USA is over-with] enough is enough (Made in America is the only way to go) (America outsourcing is almost over-with --- outsourcing your [American Citizens] Safety > Who's [US Gov.] watching out for you? [Americian Citizens] Safety > -- They(+) better be or If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way.) (As of 10:20 a.m. last Friday, June 2007, the national debt was $8,815,717,404,790.28).

US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change Sanctuary Policy in all 50 States for illegal alien CATCH & SENT BACK immediately enough is enough

US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



"The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"

in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA specially same-sex marriage and all their principles are wrong [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] to prevent this from happening Lets put a STOP to same-sex marriage - we must "defend the sanctity of marriage in USA" [] before GOD get mad the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch Blunders  same-sex marriage {Its is a SIN against GOV. Core Beliefs in USA} & {a SIN against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians (Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:20-19:29)} PLUS in my opinion - Operation: US Congress will pass bills & laws to keep all Social Security records straight went men becoming women or women becoming men (transgender people: having or planning surgery) can't change their status on their Social Security Record [We The People speak (not fair to American citizens if Social Security records are change -in my opinion)]

Operation: 2008 We The People (USA AMERICAN USA) = Lets Put God back into etc... USA GOV.
Face the Truth -- GOV. Core Beliefs in USA

in my opinion - same-sex marriage controversy Operation: before GOD get mad the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder same-sex marriage will be illegal in all 50 States etc... & protect the Core Beliefs in USA [] immediately

2008 Border Betrayal Out IN The Open(Shame on USA Gov.) Operation: The White House need to pardon the two former U.S. Border Patrol agents (What goes around come around) The White House need to explain why why why The White House The Drug Smuggler (was an illegal alien), was given immunity from prosecution for smuggling narcotics across the border in return for his testimony .... is this a kick back to [Lobbyist] or ?


The FBI is investigating an alleged human smuggling operation:

FAR_Human Rights-WING (Countries or Groups or Individuals against Human Rights --- way or else ---- Far_Human Rights-Wing Entremists)

[UAU] [We The People] (UAU) Principle & Ethics === have the answer to Health Care in USA for everybody Lets [We The People] [praised for raising awareness of the issues] Put a stop to this shameful system by putting the right people into power [We The People] Jesus-God Bless America want to help US CONGRESS & The White House now 2008 Lets help the (GOP, DEMS, UAU OR ?} Party before it to late --- we've taken to much time trying to correct - the ailing Health Care System - Lets save life - now [U.S. Gov.Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future] USA Crossfire

Principle & Ethics
UAU Movement with Jesus-God Bless America
"The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"


more things tobe ask about:Operation: Ask-Mundy Township, Genesee County, Michigan

The FBI is investigating an alleged human smuggling operation:

2008 : or 2008 US Congress need to Don't Hesitate --- act with an 2007 Resolution [] immediately

(in my opinion)2008 :Out IN The Open Issuesan alleged human smuggling operation illegal alien "Iraqis and other Middle Eastern" individuals in USA then 2008 US Congress need to Don't Hesitate --- act with an 2008 Resolution [] immediately CATCH & SENT BACKInvasion of U.S. border in 2008 (Land, Sea & Air)
The FBI is investigating an alleged human smuggling operation based in Chaparral, N.M., that agents say is bringing "Iraqis and other Middle Eastern" individuals across the Rio Grande from Mexico.
An FBI intelligence report distributed by the Washington, D.C. Joint Terrorism Task Force, obtained by the Blotter on, says the illegal ring has been bringing Iraqis across the border illegally for more than a year (in my opinion) include illegal Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) military immigrant that are Potential Terrorists
The FBI report, issued last week, says the smuggling organization "used to smuggle Mexicans, but decided to smuggle Iraqi or other Middle Eastern individuals illegal Overseer (Baitullah Mehsud ) military immigrant that are Potential Terrorists in order to setup Military attack on an American city or cities or Washington, D.C., United States & destory American Citizens ways of life -> Overseer (+) states : death to America because it was more lucrative." Each individual would be charged a fee of $20,000 to $25,000, according to the report. The people to be smuggled would "gather at a house on the Mexican side of the border" and then cross the Rio Grande into the U.S., the report says.
"Unidentified individuals would then transport them to train stations in El Paso, Texas or Belen, New Mexico," according to the FBI document.
Full Article Here:


The 2008 New Scoop Who will be the next President of USA

The 2008 Politics 101 of convention Road to the White House Presidential Candidate 2008 U.S. Gov. Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America] Grace and peace, the future of 2008 it will be (An person who has common sense) ?-WHO


2008 DRP Operation -Diagnosis common sense: Who will be the next President of USA (An person) ? who has common sense plus Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 it will be (An person who has common sense) ?-WHO dealing with the Signs of the Future-Present-&-Past [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America] Grace and peace, the future of 2008

The 2008 New Scoop it will be (An person who has common sense) ?-WHO At this point of [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America] ? who has common sense is a winner in the heart of The American Citizens {The White House better get their act together} PLUS (in my opinion) maybe an person who has common sense ?-WHO for President of USA in 2008 that will protect the American Citizens in all things but USA Mitch UAU Strategist will make a decision ? who has common sense (an person) for President in 2008


{The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2008 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO).

========== Dangerous Imports==========

2008 Operation: free-trade in USA is almost over-with [US Congress & The White House & Etc...will vote for the yea vote for free-trade in USA is over-with] enough is enough (Made in America is the only way to go) (America outsourcing is almost over-with --- outsourcing your [American Citizens] Safety > Who's [US Gov.] watching out for you? [Americian Citizens] Safety > -- They(+) better be or If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way.) (As of 10:20 a.m. last Friday, June 2007, the national debt was $8,815,717,404,790.28).

In Case You Missed It (slam dunk the American People)[US Congress & The White House & Etc... are responsible for their actions enough is enough Illegal Immigrants ingrained into work force far beyond the farm fields that is make up as roofers, painters, butchers, groundskeepers & cooks & ? etc...Illegal is a seven Letter word.
immigration laws enforced = commonsense safeguards In USA

The of America's (American Citizens) states Wh0's Vote for 2007 Amnesty Bill etc... (2007 Immigration Reform Bill) will pay the price in US Congress & The White House The 2008 Politics 101 of convention Road to the White House Principle & Ethics {{{{Immigration Reform Bill is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... }}}}} 2007 Immigration Reform Bill collapses (U.S. Senate Roll Call votes 110th Congress 1st Session) with the nay vote & the yea vote will have to explain their support(Specially the DEMS -raw politics- in my opinion Who has their finger stuck-up their nose + slam dunk the American People) -- who back this outrage === The American Citizens of the U.S.A. want our immigration laws enforced. All government employees, from the President on down, that do not enforce our immigration laws should be arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted, fined , and jailed. Our citizenry also want every employer of every illegal alien that are breaking our laws by doing this to be arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted, fined, and jailed. The govenment will not allow u.s. citizens to break the law or we are arrested, prosceuted, convicted, fined and jailed. Is it too much to ask that we all be treated equally? UAU OP: Big, Bad & Ugly Finally Principle & Ethics You(US Congress & The White House & Etc...) will be slam dunk with the American Law & You(US Congress & The White House & Etc...) can't do nothing to stop it in the eyes of the court system (Now Downsize This in the legal system) --- So Be It The Truth Will Prevail --- "The Signs of Where Things Stand" -- jailtime, etc... or just ect... to settle the disputes on these matters plus etc... (resign now) + My way or It's the highway Truth - Justice by the American Law + Its time to take action in 2007-8 + now not tomorrow + The of America's need to wise-up Operation(Immigration laws enforced) Now (US Congress & The White House & Etc...): will have [Border Control Hacker safe(Certification from Gov. for the American Citizens) risk-free from Illegal alien & etc... or is it a temporary Get-Out-Of-Jail Card(after the fact)the yea vote will have to explain their support -- who back this outrage If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress through the law process etc...


Face-Off for Illegals Let’s set the record straight: IF IF Their will be 2008 Amnesty for Illegals approved by US Congress & The White House, If so then resign or be voted out of office by the American Citizens who(US Congress & The White House) did vote for Amnesty of Illegals {{{{ is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... }}}}}

Face the Facts of Where Things Stand

A web-site dealing with the
employer in the workplace.
(in my opinion + facts)

Face the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future
2007 etc...[-Out IN The OpenOperation]s'


 Out IN The Open


"The Signs of Where Things Stand"
Face the Out IN The OpenIssues

The Signs of Where Thing Stand In America (USA) will change in 2008 etc... in all Policy Making in America (USA) with help of ETC...Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, State & Local Government or jailtime if(?) don't tell the truth

Operation: We The People speak [American citizens have been paying a pretty penny at the pump & spending dearly to stay on the road these days & the money American citizens spend on gas seems to burn up faster than the fuel] 2008 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Prices are outrageous GOT to STOP [] IS GOV. making the etc.. richer & richer [] GOV. got to set a fair price for a gallon [Freezing gas prices] of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel etc... in the USA that don't change until: [then it is voted on by the GOV. Senators inorder to change the price per gallon up or down per gallon] enough is enough; let get real [When gas prices get too high, everyone suffers. Drivers have to pay more to get where they're going. Farmers have to pay more to run their tractors and combines. Truckers have to pay more to transport goods. And the chain-effect makes prices rise across the board. So it's up to us to do everything we can to keep gasoline prices in check] = GOV. not doing their job need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

Operation: We The People 2008 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions

APRIL 26, 2007ACT OF DEFIANCE 2007 US CONGRESS PASSES WAR BILL BUT BUT BUT DID THE WHITE HOUSE REALLY CROSS THE LINE DEAD BEFORE ARRIVAL AND WHO ARE THE WAR PROFITEERS IF IF THE WHITE HOUSE NEXT MOVE VETO:(5-01-2007 veto = now, it up to the American Citizens & 2008 US CONGRESS to take action ---in my opinion is this a kick back to [Lobbyist] or ?--WHO ARE THE WAR PROFITEERS) THE WAR BILL IF SO THEN; THE AMERICAN CITIZENS WILL-TAKE OVER THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2008 (COMING SOON --DO & DON’T FOR THE Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, State & Local Government or jailtime if(?) don't tell the truth [AMERICAN CITIZENS WILL NOT REBUILD Iraq & Afghanistan WITH USA fUNDS DO & DON’T ETC...AND WHO ARE THE WAR PROFITEERS]
The White House standing firm: BUT BUT BUT No ifs, ands or butts about it (Plutocracy-Forms of Control .... is this a kick back to [Lobbyist] or ?


American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)
is the symbol of UAU (DR) (UAU DR) (DRP) (UAU DRP)
Home Page

The Politics 101 of convention Road to the White House Presidential Candidate

2007 U.S. Gov. Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future One Party Country Operation: No Way {A Three Party System or more (GOP DEMS UAU OR ?}Keep everybody honest - if one Party is not honest then jailtime or remove from office that is enforce by the other parties (if the one party don't vote right or do right then remove from office by the American citizens through the legal process immediately)


The USA AMERICAN USA PARTY of Life in USA - A whole lot better - in forming our future in USA & the World - - -

If the label doesn't say "MADE IN U.S.A." or " PRODUCT OF U.S.A." ...AMERICANS ARE NOT WORKING did you hear that GOV.

  The Signs of Where Things Stand In Iraq & Afghanistan War & other Countries dealing with USA

April 2007 enough is enough Out IN The Open2008 US Congress need to bargain with The White House instead with Syria or etc... overseas (its need to stop) (which Syria blasts Bush Admin.) 2008 US Congress need to have Team Concept with The White House instead with Syria etc... [Divided we Stand - U.S. Pullout is a Must In Iraq War & not Afghanistan War]

2008 The Signs of Where Things Stand with Chelation (research it-out)


Hazard-Free Crossfire
Buy American
Flint Engine North (Home Page)
Flint Engine South
Off The Wall Comments
USA Mitch

Out IN The OpenIssues

Jesus Loves You

2007 U.S. Gov.
  Team Concept with Jesus

USA Crossfire

USA Mitch (UAU)

My boss is a Jewish Carpenter
Jesus Loves You

We the People can only have one ruling when Christ comes back and sets up His Kingdom - until then We the People want balance. GOV. can learn from someone's difference of opinion. [did you hear that GOV.]


In my opinion
plus facts!

GOV. Will
Have To Be
Appropriate, Responsible,
Respectful, Courteous
And Cooperative,
Have To Have
Safety Behaviors And
Appropriate Manners.

USA Mitch
Mitch the Bitch

USA Mitch
My boss is a Jewish Carpenter

The American Unions are the BackBone OF USA

The American Unions are the BackBone OF USA
setup process for change of
The American Constitution of USA
It Time for Change

American Gov. Union Nets for GOV.

GOV. Core Beliefs in USA

listening in on ? (spying on innocent Americans) is a violation of privacy rights

Credit Card etc...
(The FEDERAL RESERVE Board = not doing their job}

Invasion of U.S. border in 2007






vote USA GOV.
2007 & 2008

>If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader.
>Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way


Dealing with the White House etc...
the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch


Jesus Loves You

America Works
That Why USA Mitch Loves America

 US Gov. in 2008 Out IN The OpenGetting Things Done Operation: no-nonsense guide in establish short-term priorities and life-long goals by 2007 US Congress & The White House --> Will Concentrate on important matters (One is) Indecision is nearly always the worst mistake US Gov. can make (two is) the important thing is to make sure that sloppys work by a subordinate does not go unchallenged

The War Within the 2008 US Congress (1) dealing with the No-Win War?(overseas) It time to take action strengthening Resolution in US Congress (2) etc... more Issues Coming soon specially with Run by Nine members that makes China-communists an Corporation) Resolution Issues dealing with war on the middle class [the 2008 US Congress - Who has their finger stuck-up their nose ]

 ....The White House standing firm:
2007 GOV. No-Win War ?(overseas)
2007 The White House healthcare systems it won't work [Mitch the Bitch] (in my opinion) is a kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company(s') etc...
 2007 earmark Strengthening Issues in USA
2007 Social Security ID card
Who Nutty
2007 Tell All - Iraq & Afghanistan War
USA AMERICAN USA PARTY (UAU) AdisoryIts won't stop 2007 US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH).


American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)
is the symbol of UAU (DR) (UAU DR) (DRP) (UAU DRP)


Red White Blue
God Bless America


Principle & Ethics
UAU Movement
American Bison (commonly know as the American Buffalo) -Out IN The OpenOperations

demoncracy-republic (DR)
demoncracy-republic Party (DRP)

Common sense
Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future
American Bison (commonly know as the American Buffalo) -Out IN The OpenIssues

UAU demoncracy-republic (UAU DR)

We the People
 for Zero Tolerance
USA-AMERICAN-USA (UAU) Principle & Ethics

UAU demoncracy-republic Party (UAU DRP)

Maybe UAU will be a factor in electing all U.S. Congress by UAU Principle & Ethics & Common sense, etc... and plus all UAU ideal AND electing all politician in the future to come

USA AMERICAN USA PARTY Principle & Ethics We the People allied with 'American Citizens ' instead of {President and Senate alllied with 'corporate supremacists' is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... Favor - agree 100%, Oppose 0%, & No opinion 0%] }


in my opinion
The UAU View or The DRP View
Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future
Face the truth & facts

2007 U.S. Gov. Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future

American Buffalo
(commonly know as the American Bison)

: or 2007 US Congress need to Don't Hesitate --- act with an 2007 Resolution [] immediately
:2007 US Congress need to Don't Hesitate --- act with an 2007 Resolution [] immediately

(in my opinion) :Out IN The Open Issues illegal alien in USA then 2007 US Congress need to Don't Hesitate --- act with an 2007 Resolution [] immediately CATCH & SENT BACKInvasion of U.S. border in 2007 (Land, Sea & Air)


(in my opinion) :Out IN The Open Issues 2007 Word to the Wise Operation: IssuesLets get real & face the real facts about Iraq & Afghanistan Its time to get out Yes, Deal with It [] (Very SOON) [National Security remain a potent with the American Citizens in USA] by Timetable & Timeline will be set by 2007 US Congress (in my opinion) Iraq & Afghanistan No-Win War ?(overseas) ((Death & destruction)) ---- that war is not-going to save any American Citizens from being ? in the USA - If so then explain itself in all matters (from bad to worse if it take a foot hold in USA) by GOV. etc... we the people want to know [] Principle & Ethics then 2007 US Congress need to Don't Hesitate --- act with an 2007 Resolution [] immediatelyNo-Win War ?(overseas) con't


.[2007 Passport, Please]..
  .WAR on illegal alien & legal Lobbyist USA -A Must illegal alien-free in USA protect our borders in force by 2007 US Congress & The White House - U.S. Federal Government OVERRIDE THE U.S. STATES IN ALL MATTER (NO MATTER - WHAT IT IS) TIME IS EVERYTHING inorder Also to protect the USA from illegal alien [&]-[legal Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] from stealing ideas & etc... parts in USA Present-Past-&-Futureweapons that is in USA - Put behind Bars(prison) outside the USA all illegal allien (Drug Smuggler & Terrorism etc...) in USA

  Invasion of U.S. border con't



(in my opinion) A Must In 2007 US Gov. Air Strike War Operation:
(in my opinion) of USA & Other Countries -- taking action along with US-led air strike inorder to stop wrong doing & Terrorism etc... & illegal weapons etc.. & Futureweapons etc..& supplying weapons to wrong doing countries in the World [2007 U.S. Gov. Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future] a Win - Air Strike War ?(overseas) Issues with Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America & The White House & 2007 US Congress -- God Bless America & Other Countries -- taking action along with US-led air strike in The World [[ also inorder to protect US Gov. & American Citizens etc... in USA ]]







USA AMERICAN USA PARTY (UAU) AdisoryFor The White House Its won't stop 2007 US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH).In 2007 passing Resolutions' Issues & BILLS & LAWS


2007 Tell All - balance the budget in the Iraq & Afghanistan War

2007 US Congress 2007 US Congress Put On Notice Operation: (in my opinion) will not spend no more money in Iraq & Afghanistan [free-money etc... given to muslim(Islamic) in Iraq & Afghanistan got to stop] Tell All - balance the budget in the Iraq & Afghanistan War --(is critical to understand God Bless America ) Who getting What [or will 2007 US Congress Pay the Price with the American Citizens -God Bless America--- 2007 US Congresss often & do foot the bill for other costs associated with the Iraq & Afghanistan War [Who will See The Writing On The Wall -The White House - 2007 US Congress - American Citizens - Time will Tell)
Its won't stop us (The White House)

USA Mitch.... Mitch the Bitch.

earmark Strengthening Republican Healthcare Plan a to who Operation: By the White House [State of the Union address] it won't work The Republican Healthcare Plan [Mitch the Bitch] (in my opinion) is a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ](Republican are unpopular but not a lane duck yet)

One Party Country Operation: No Way {A Three Party System or more (GOP DEMS UAU OR ?}Keep everybody honest - if one Party is not honest then jailtime or remove from office that is enforce by the other parties (if the one party don't vote right or do right then remove from office by the American Citizens through the legal process immediately)

2007 DRP Operation -Diagnosis common sense: Who will be the next President of USA ? who has common sense plus Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 will it be ?-WHO dealing with the Signs of the Future-Present-&-Past [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America] Grace and peace,

2007 Out IN The OpenIssues Operation: inorder to stop wrong doing & Terrorism etc... in USA & to protect the American Citizens in all things which in 2006 Patriot Act Renewal Passed ---- inorder for The White House can do a 100% Job In 2007 - The 2007 US Congress need to add an amendment etc... to have a check and balance system on the White House (Executive Branch GOV.) a set of a panel of five legal judges(lawers) for the White House (Executive Branch GOV.) to ask for request first before taking legal action with the Patriot Act ( ? etc... ) to make the legal decisions instead of Executive Office of the President & to be appeal by the Legislative Branch GOV. if don't agree with the panel of five legal judges(lawers) decisions (after the fact) [2007 OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME] appointed by the Legislative Branch GOV. (NOW) Let's protect the Americans in all things etc... Wire Taping con"t

(in my opinion + facts)

Is USA Executive Branch GOV. [NSA(?)] Stealing American Idea thru Wire Taping

2007 Border Betrayal Out IN The Open(Shame on USA Gov.) Operation: The White House need to pardon the two former U.S. Border Patrol agents (What goes around come around) The White House need to explain why why why The White House The Drug Smuggler (was an illegal alien), was given immunity from prosecution for smuggling narcotics across the border in return for his testimony .... is this a kick back to [Lobbyist] or ?

[ Iraq War -Out IN The Open Operation]

Iraq War controversy Backlash Operation: 2007 Out IN The Open between the White House & US Congress can Dems stop the Presidents in ? The President (The White House) need to tell (Out IN The Open) Who is supplying(the source) the Iraq insurgents etc... & etc... with weapons etc... & Where are the weapons being made So ?can take actions because the source etc... are part of the Iraq War The White House need to take action & put a stop to it [Now] immediately before it to Late - Learn from Past History put a STOP to it: destroy etc... THE PLACE ETC... WHERE THE weasons are being build & being stored from the air plus any other country(the source) that don't abide by the rules etc... that build & supply(the source) the Iraq insurgents etc... & etc... if rebuild destroy again from the air +++++ {If The White House that don't abide by the rules etc... fight fire with fire with 2007 U.S. Gov. Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future -- if or not US Congress restrict the money flow to the Iraq War etc...}No-Win War ?(overseas) con't

[ -Out IN The Open Operation]

Enough is Enough Operation: 2007 US Congress & The White House need to explain why New Orleans etc... is not clean up (Shame on USA Gov.) but: The Iraq War etc... is more important than New Orleans etc... clean up & illegal immigation etc.. in USA

Yes, Deal with It
[National Security remain a potent with the American Citizens in USA]

(in my opinion) 2007 Word to the Wise Operation: Lets get real & face the real facts about Iraq Its time to get out Yes, Deal with It [] (Very SOON) [National Security remain a potent with the American Citizens in USA] by Timetable & Timeline will be set by 2009 US Congress (in my opinion) Iraq No-Win War ?(overseas) ((Death & destruction)) ---- that war is not-going to save any American Citizens from being ? in the USA - If so then explain itself in all matters (from bad to worse if it take a foot hold in USA) by GOV. etc... we the people want to know [] Principle & Ethics then 20079 US Congress need to Don't Hesitate --- act with an 2009 Resolution [] immediately No-Win War ?(overseas) con't

Operation : 2007 US Senate approves amnesty for Millions of illegal alliens than it time for a change in U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA by passing a bill its ok to break the law in USA by honoring illegal alien residents in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

[It is possible to deport millions of illegal alien resident etc... (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?]

<< What about American Bar Association etc... >> Operation: We The People speak 2007 GOV. Put on Notice illegal alien residents and The Law of USA Its Time for a change in US Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA by passing a bill its ok to break the law in USA by honoring illegal alien residents in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

Make decisions in days, not months

2007 is the turning point in deporting illegal immigrant etc... & stop illegal alien (could be Terrorism) invasion etc... & illegal drugs invasion etc... in USA

Operation : 2007 GOV. need to take action [] immediately {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..]NAS(AMERICA'S MOST SECRET AGENCY not doing their job etc...) & [ IRS & US Social Security Administration office not doing their job etc...] & [ FBI & I.N.S. not doing their job etc...] & [What about CIA & DNI are they doing their job etc...,- in question] & also [ What about U.S. Marshals (U.S. Federal Government) are they doing their job etc...,- in question]

.The UAU View

2007 UAU Movement Polictical DNA Down & Dirty Politics Operation: 2007 After the Facts -- will be remove through the law process etc... If USA GOV. don"t explain itself in all matters (from bad to worse if it take a foot hold) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress through the law process etc...)


Operation: We The People speak 2007 GOV. Put on Notice GOV. AID etc... to different country & foreign corporation(s) that also located in USA (all) need to be denied stop until the American Citizens are protected in all things etc... Clean up your own House (USA)first USA Executive Branch GOV. do good things GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH before it too late GOV. is dedicated first to American Citizens [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] American Citizens every day life need be protect first that also include universal health care for 100% American Citizens first etc.. before outsiders(others countrie & etc... ) take over [judge the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch by their actions for the American Citizens than American Citizens take actions (vote GOV. out of office)] {American Citizens is rich in life if all have perfect health}

Operation: We The People 2007 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions

Operation: 2007 We The People have to have a check and balance system [] on the White House (Executive Branch GOV.) is not infalible dealing with the internet which the Executive Branch GOV. asked Google or etc... For information etc... We are not prisoner in a free society because GOV. The White House wants to research American citizens records violates American Citizens Privacy rights [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] so We The People wants - no more influence in Washington by to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]


Operation: We The People 2006 work force agenda raise the minimum wage to $7.oo a hour Plus benefits [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] for all labor force etc... in the USA (no more cheap labor) that include all quest worker [rule of law -- the employer be under OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME]

Operation: We The People speak (not fair to American Citizens) 2007 Put on Notice GOV. [ GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE Legislative BRANCH ] ID fraud from Social Security inorder to protect all the American Citizens from ID fraud from Social Security number & the next generation -------- all the (American citizens) need to be ? plus protect etc... within the USA [GOV. states that all American citzens have-to-have a Social Security number]
Social Security ID card

Operation: 2006 FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: dealing with CHINA GOV. (can do will do) LETS PUT A STOP TO CHINA CWW TO THE USA

2007 We the People Operation: want to know what is Democrat Plan(in?) in Iraq War --- What is their Plan(in?) -- From the U.S. Congress Democrat (House & Senate) Yes, Deal with It [] [ National Security remain a potent with the American Citizens in USA ] Republican has explain their Republican Plan(in?) in Iraq War but Democrat need to explain the Democrat Plan(in?) inorder to save face with Liberty { American Citizens has the right to know inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job } (- or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress through the law process etc...) and the same for the Republican(GOP) [ both(GOP & DEMS) need to explain their self daily ] and also explain their views what is being done on illegal immigrant (GOP & DEMS)Plan(in?) & same-sex marriage (GOP & DEMS)Plan(in?) & 2007 USA National Debt be wipe clean (GOP & DEMS)Plan(in?)- Make It Happen (2007 Dems plus GOP) for a better tomorrow in USA no-more import from China(communists) & Mexico & Japan & plus ?etc...for three years (GOP & DEMS)Plan(in?) lets take back the country(USA) out of control in USA with the the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch ===== Do-Nothing 2009 Congress etc.. but will do their job in 2009:: 2009 Make It Happen (20099 Dems plus GOP) for a better tomorrow in USA

Operation US Gov. Team Concepts with Jesus-God Bless America with Everyday Medical Problems: I, USA Mitch (in my opinion) charge the US Congress & The White House that they are not doing their job in helping the American Citizens with their everyday problems with Medical, specially went being exposure to chemical etc.. ---- free help to solve their problems -- life to short [US Gov. Team Concepts with Jesus-God Bless America that Team Concepts will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7

The DRP View
Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future 

the answer to Social Security ID card theft has the Business been paying into the Social Security fund -- has the extra money pay in -- given back to the original ID card holder

2007 Operation: US Congress etc... in 2007 will be cracking down on all flaws in the US systems (specially a flaw in one's reasoning with the truth dealing with The White House) or If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress through the law process etc...) In 2007 U.S. Congress will have to take action or ? (read between the lines) In 2007 the Dems & etc... buttocks is on the Line in U.S. Congress with the American Citizens ----- Plus also GOP buttocks is on the Line in U.S. Congress with the American Citizens (Dems & GOP Team Concepts with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future)

2007 God Bless America Operation Team Concept: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch need to have Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America before making decisions -- that is Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America that involved with every day decisions Principle & Ethics...

2007 Free Trade Operation: Free Trade in USA is over -cancel- face the facts & truth - USA the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House Executive Branch need to get their act together clarifly their action on Free Trade because the other country don't have free trade like USA is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... Favor - agree 100%, Oppose 0%, & No opinion 0%] protected the American Citizens [] immediately

2007 Face the Workplace Issues: Money Talk - China(communists) product in USA Walk with US Congress if not put a stop to it [] immediately Lets put American Citizens back to work in USA ---- all Countries that take work away from American Citizens [USA Distributors (their consumer products) stated: Made to our exact specification in China(communists) [who control USA ==China(communists) or USA==or==Lobbyists or USA== went distributing China(communists) products & (China(communists) & USA combine products into one product) is this a to [ China(communists) Lobbyist] or [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc...]

2007 Face the facts & truth question to US Gov.: Is that the American way of life - 100% everything made in China(communists) that is distribute in USA [that will cut American Citizens worker 100% out of work] ( American Citizens Favor 100% nothing made in China(communists) that is distribute in USA)

Face the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future

etc...[Out IN The OpenOperation]s'


American Bison
(commonly know as the American Buffalo)
UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus




Red White Blue
God Bless America


2007 USA: Face the truth Torture There really is nothing separating us from our enemies if we start accepting torture as acceptable. And the world is in a very dark place if so-called civilized nations start to try to rationalize and condone its use. Torture is evil and wrong and that is an end to it. How can you take the moral high ground against countries like Iran, Syria, North Korea and then advocate the abuse of human rights yourself.

FAR_Human Rights-WING (Countries or Groups or Individuals against Human Rights --- way or else ---- Far_Human Rights-Wing Entremists)

Common sense

Common sense Flipside Operation: UAU = USA demoncracy-republic Party (USA DRP) ~ Principle & Ethics {Flipside ~ maybe political Third Party UAU takeover in the USA future} [Watch your back GOP & DEMS Truth~Justice (The Cost of Freedom in USA]

Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future dealing with ? in ? -Out IN The OpenIssues

2007 New Direction for USA Participation Party - Team Concept (Its time for change) for GOP & Dems Party inside the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch this enables to keep much higher tighter xtreme control inorder to make the right decision in all matters etc... or ? with the American Citizens If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job - or not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress through the law process etc...) & 2007 USA National Debt be wipe clean (GOP & DEMS)Plan(in?)- 2007 (2007 Dems plus GOP) for a better tomorrow in USA no-more import from China(communists) & Mexico & Japan & plus ?etc... for three years (GOP & DEMS)Plan(in?) lets take back the country(USA) out of control in USA with-in the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch --- Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America (Its time for change) for GOP & Dems Party

God Bless America Operation Team Concept: 2007 the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch need to have Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America before making decisions -- that is Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America that involved with every day decisions Principle & Ethics

2007 Operation: The U.S. Health Department (is not doing It job) in my opinion So that means the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch are not doing their the job in explaining Health problem & caring for the sick with U.S. Government Doctor specially in life and death etc... situation in USA. Its first Dues is Security - then Health -- USA is wasting money on other stuff than protecting the American Citizens in Security - Health (specially dirty job exposure to chemical etc...) - third food (feed the American Citizens everyday specially the Homeless) - fourth shelter (specially for the Homeless) that means the rich will have to pay more taxes or Jailtime in my opinion because of U.S. Goverment spending for foolish stuff etc... -- Will the Dems Change that or not (If not New Blood in Congress) The 2 main priority in USA is Security & Health then food & shelter than the rest etc... will fall in line - 2007 God Bless America That mean their will be Team Concept in the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch with Jesus-God Bless America before making decisions -- that is Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America that involved with every day decisions Principle & Ethics


Deadly Situation controversy -- Security on GOV. Health Plan

Operation:: GOV. Health Plan for life (lifetime) or not : Deadly Situation controversy === after -?- etc.. resign inorder to save face & keep GOV. Health Plan or is -?- etc... taken out of office by illegal status & still keep GOV. Health Plan
Aftermath === IS is GOV. paying -- all medical bills or is -?- etc.. - paying his or her own medical bills & -?-ect... his or her family medical bills instead of GOV.
American Citizens has the right to know inorder to vote the U.S. Congress out of offices for not doing their job inorder to keep this from happening >>> Lets had a follow-up on all -?- etc... [] immediately

Operation: Outsourcing --- IRS Outsourcing is wrong (IRS not doing their job) PLUS IRS commissioner (also not doing his job)(hardball): need to takes on all churches etc... now, not tomorrow, [] will tell freedom of speech is in question with GOV.(jailtime-maybe for american citizens & or maybe-jailtime for GOV. not doing their job dealing with all churches etc... IRS VS. CHURCHES OR CHANGE THE LAWS /Aftermath for IRS commissioner is in question will tell)


Mexico Cartels bristle at USA term "STOP SENDING DRUGS INTO THE USA" but face the truth facts -- WHAT IS GOV. DOING TO STOP THE DRUGS FLOW --- ITS TIME TO TAKE ACTION (IS THIS BUSH term) {in my opinion(but went)}




July 2006 Face the Truth & Facts -- Operation: Lets Get Real U.N. Post in South Lebanon should had been evacuated WHY WHY It's U.N. Secretary-General etc... fault for not evacuating the U.N. Post in South Lebanon & --U.N. fault for not taking responsibility for not doing their job in protecting U.N. Observers etc...





Operation: 2010 GOV. & ISRAEL War ?(overseas) MidEast: -- [] immediately before it to Late - Learn from Past History plus STOP ALL MISSILE etc... being manufacture in Iran & Syria destroy etc THE PLACE ETC... WHERE THE MISSILE are being build & being stored ; any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... that build missiles


100% with the state of ISRAEL in all matters etc...



Operation: 2010 GOV. No-Win War ?(overseas) Its Time To get out [] immediately before it to Late - Learn from Past History - spend No More Money(overseas) Go Home Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. do good things GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH {destroy etc... before leaving if rebuild destroy again from the air & any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... }


in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them is English language - official language of USA - GOV. Core Beliefs in USA [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]


The American Unions are the BackBone OF USA
setup process for change of
The American Constitution of USA
It Time for Change
establish by American Citizens & USA American USA Party
Did you hear that GOV.
That will be added to The American Constitution of USA that is American Gov. Union Nets for GOV. {Federal & State} (safety nets for the American Citizens)
inorder to protect Federal & State worker & American Citzens
through the use of the grievance process
to keep All GOV. in check & balance system with the American Citizens
to have every day issues be settle now, not tommorow
inorder to have ALL GOV. To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 or be wrote up under the grievance process by The American Gov. Union Nets

Operation: 2010 GOV. No-Win War ?(overseas) Its Time To get out [] immediately before it to Late - Learn from Past History - spend No More Money(overseas) Go Home Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. do good things GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH {destroy etc... before leaving if rebuild destroy again from the air & any other country that don't abide by the rules etc...}

in my opinion - GOV. have a Priority Duties to the American Citizens -- Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA that is (1)educated the American Citizens{that include adult education}(education) in english only did you hear that GOV. , (2)Health & Safety in the work place, plus in all things etc...(safety) & (3)Health Care(that include dental care) (Health) We the People need to educated the American Citizens in all things: before the outsider take over (China, plus all other country etc...) The American Citizens come first = GOV. not doing their job the U.S. States not doing their job etc.. on adult education [number one priority in Core Beliefs in USA] is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] by not helping the American Citizen


2007 NEW Developments

Iraq WaraOut IN The Open The White House standing firm: HOGWASH --this is not a No-Win War -New Development (A question of The White House Credibility) - Who has their finger stuck-up their nose The White House - 2007 US Congress - US American Citizens The bottomline is (won't stop us) anything that US Congress do Its won't stop us (The White House) Nightmare Scenario for the American Citizens Everything in Moderation but not the White House Time will tell - maybe a Impeachment Bill..(both president & Vice president)......[GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH.]

earmark Strengthening Republican Healthcare Plan Operation: By the White House 2007 USA [STATE] Of The Union ADDRESS [State of the Union address] (Republican are unpopular but not a lane duck yet) is this Republican Healthcare Plan a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]


Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2011 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2011 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts (m)

{The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2011 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). in USA need to be deported back to their Country [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military with their mother or father if not then a new process will be setup by the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...)

 Invasion of U.S. border in 2010
(Land, Sea & Air)


enough is enough
catch & release by The White House, Executive Branch big 3 no no no has cross the line
Raised the Red Flag
Terrible Diseases & etc... that illegal alien are bring into USA
GO Home & Get in Line (NOW) did you hear that GOV.

Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. but is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] by not helping the American Citizens

{USA GOV. all Military departments etc... [take action - in question situation] enforce the law on all broken borders (Land, Sea & Air) & all employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..} [] is this a

 CATCH & SENT BACK immediately dealing with broken borders (that could be Terrorist) in the USA (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & SENT BACK [in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc.. [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..][] we the people speak the time has come to deport all illegal invasion resident [] in days, not months[] immediately {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [It is possible to deport millions of illegal invasion resident (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?] illegal alien residents V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA by passing a bill its ok to break the law in USA by honoring illegal alien residents in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



Operation : broken borders -- Human Trafficking etc... is illegal (wrong) in USACATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS (a serious probem-with Human Trafficking etc... ) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS[in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc... [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc...][] Human Trafficking etc... V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA ok to break the law in USA by honoring Human Trafficking etc... in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

con"t _


Off The Wall

Operation: 2007 We The People 100% USA CWW

Operation: We The People 2006 GOV. Put on Notice tariff tax on all imported goods inorder to save & bring back job in USA

Operation: 2007 We The People 100% U.S. Ports Security Watch by GOV. (American citizens) why does China check their ports 100% & we don't ? [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH] let's get real White House Blunders Let's a American Corporation do the job (Then let's start an American Corporation to do the job run by (American citizens) with a union so nobody get hurt or fired.

Operation: 2007 We The People want to know who Watching the other approx. 22 U.S. Ports in USA [approx. 22 U.S. Ports should be Watch by (American citizens) also why does China check their ports 100% & we don't ? ] Let's a American Corporation do the job (Then let's start an American Corporation to do the job run by (American citizens) with a union so nobody get hurt or fired.

on the hill Operation: 2007 Lets educate the American citizens on METH: [We The People speak (not fair to American citizens) 2006 Put on Notice GOV.] METH (methamphetamine): What meth does on your body (don't use meth not even once) through TV ads etc... [ GOV. need help(getting kids attention) in educate the American citizens on all drugs etc.. reflect the dangers what it does to the body of an human being[] that is solety on prevention [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE Legislative BRANCH ]

Operation: 2007 White House Blunders 100% War on Drug Crimes by helping the American citizens beat the Drug habit instead of jail time [senseless] and stop all drug traffic to USA. more serious etc.. crimes need to put in jail than ? immediate stop any known source Drug Traffic without any question [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]

Operation: 2008 Put a STOP to Polygamy in USA(NOW) before GOD get mad White House Blunders (Police the USA 100%) 100% War on Polygamy and their principles are wrong {Its is a SIN against GOV. Core Beliefs in USA} & {a SIN against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians} what about polygamy & IRS who breaking the law {Do the wives & kids have Social Security number that is Register with GOV.}Lets GOV. find out [] [GOV. states that all American citizens have-to-have a Social Security number] [rule of law -- the American citizens under OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME] Lets protect the American citizens In USA [Nobody can Hide in the USA] You can run but you can not hide




Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball Unions Issues : being a on having Unions in USA Each 2008 Presidential Candidate or Candidacy stands that the USA American employee (in my opinion) with the FDA , CIA, Border Control (open Borders in USA), IRS, Federal Reserve, NSA, EPA , NEA & etc&ldots; (more names will be added) from getting out of control with American Citizens (middle class, have-not & the poor etc&ldots; ) American Citizens need to know Where Do the Candidate or Candidacy stands on having Unions in USA ( ) in order to deal with issues all corporations, company, US Government , US State & local Government & etc&ldots; in having unions if Candidate or Candidacy don’t answer than they don’t believe in unions (heart of American Citizens in order to keep all corporations, company, Government & etc&ldots; to be honesty & to have common sense will the employee Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 with their employee or be fine & jailtime(no less then 5 years) in the USA legal system (in my opinion) to the rescue in saving face (principles --plus outsourcing) etc&ldots; in USA in order to keep the American Citizens from being "FRUSTRATED" with USA Government Policy issues & USA employer issues Do the Dems or GOP coalition caucus endorses unions policy in USA for American Citizens or not -> Speak up (in my opinion) with the American Citizens will keep all Non-American Citizens honest with the USA employer in USA if non-American Citizens are illegal or not, if not, the USA laws need to be enforce the Executive Branch enforce the laws, (in my opinion) this a to Somebody or Party [Foreign Diplomats and others foreign service employee etc.. or Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc...

WILL PAY THE PRICE For diverting the Liberal Rule of Law(Legal Realm)   LIBERAL - WHO  'NOT CARE' About Ethics(moral Principles)   {{{ Liberal Hypocrites }}}

The USA Chain(tether) Gang is back-- ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver -- G.P.S. tracker

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

2016-17 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (non hard-core law breakers -maybe- the  GOP will take a strong stance) Issues: Non hard-core law breakers need to be taught a lesson & need to pay their debt to USA Govt. (the American Citizens) -{( Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens )} now not tomorrow to serve their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(from one day or etc... ) until the non hard-core law breakers time is up (No-Body Goes Free) (drink & drive or etc... you(+) will pay the Price by serving their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution

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