


A web-site dealing with the
employer in the workplace.
(in my opinion + facts)


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Off The Wall
Comments 101

USA Mitch Tools & Rules for Management
(in my opinion)
(dedicated to the Corporation's
(( on the job & peevish person )) now,
near future & future *in my opinion* )

USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!




USA Mitch Tools & Rules for Management
(in my opinion)
(dedicated to the Corporation's
(( on the job & peevish person )) now,
near future & future *in my opinion* )

>If Management wants to be a leader or is a leader.

>Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

>Intelligence recognizes what has happen.

>Genius recognizes what will happen.

>Respect the federal OSHA, MIOSHA (in Michigan) Laws
or Have a criminal investigation.

>Respect the federal EPA, DEQ (in Michigan) Laws
or Have a criminal investigation.

>Respect NLRB decisions to stop using Employee Involvement programs
(Team Concept) to bypass the union and deal directly with employees.
(The fact is that the union is the employees - it is their self-created and
freely-chosen representative. The law flatly prohibits management from
creating a representative body for employees.)

(in my opinion)
(dedicated to the Corporation's (( on the job & peevish person ))
now, near future & future *in my opinion* )

>One of the chief goals of participation programs (Team Concept) is to transfer workers' job knowledge to management. This enables management a much tighter control of the workplace. But if their Team Concept with Jesus than is no problem with Team Concept


>If you can figure out a way to do something in less time, keep your secret within your Team ( me, myself & I ). ! This is your time, you've earned it !


>The fact that this knowledge is usually rather different from management's official procedures manual is what makes "working-to-rule" an effective tactic. If workers write an accurate manual, they've lost this tactic. And when they expose all their short-cuts to management, they are opening themselves to speed-up.


>New technology is not necessarily bad, but when it is used to replace workers, deskill them, monitor them, or force them to keep to a machine's pace, the union may want to Investigate how the introduction of technology is connected to the participation program.

>Management learns the jobs, then locks workers out.

>Everyone likes to be appreciated. Everyone has buttons that can be pushed. Participation programs work hard to find the buttons. As experts on brainwashing know, people who believe they have no buttons to be pushed are the ones most easily sucked in.

>Union is divided. Having two competing structures in the workplace --- the union and the Participation program ----- is a set-up for disaster. Sometimes the two structures war over turf.

>The worst scenario occurs when union leaders pretend that the promises of the Participation program have come true, and the membership knows better. The result is confusion, outrage, or cynicism.

>Union is bypass.
An Administrative Law Judge pointed out long ago: It is evident that if employees can get quick responses from management to issues raised in quality circles, they will naturally channel their work-related concerns to the quality circles, rather than through the resources provided them in the collective bargaining agreement.

>Once upon a time the workers gave the company another chance, and they all lived happily ever after !!
..... And if you believe that, your GOOSE is cooked.



If you want to change the world, there is no time like the present.
Destroy the puzzle palace of the corporation's most secret corp. agency
Dealing with to bypass the union in all matters & destroy the union.

>Under current law, participation programs are illegal without union approval.
Unions have the right to "just say no." A union can ask the NLRB to disestablish
a unilaterally-imposed programs. Within a program, unions may insist on the
"collective bargaining model," with each side functioning in its own interests.

>The bottle line is that under the current law virtually all real-life participation
programs are illegal without union approval, and some may be illegal even if the
union consents to them.

>The union is the exclusive representative of the workers in its unit. If a union
allowed participation groups to function autonomously without union monitoring
or a union presence in each group, a group might emerge as an illicit dual power
on the floor. A group untethered to the union could assume a separate obligation
to represent members fairly. It could itself be charged as a dominated labor
organization, and the union could be charged for failure to represent for allowing
the group to exist.

>Workers who participate in participation groups as management-appointed leaders
or facilitators may find themselves legally ruled to be supervisors without union
protection. Elected leaders have been held to be on a different footing.

off the walls comments 101 (in my opinion)

> on Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution for employers in all 50 States in USA dealing with the employers in the workforce or workplace with the death of employee or American Citizens -or- slow death of etc... to the employee or American Citizens from the negligence of employer BOD or etc... employer decision not to fix the problems or etc... from the Past-Present-&-Future specially Health & Safety cover-up

September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s')

Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution    Justice for Justice - no age statute the criminal act need to account for their crime the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public    Explain how & how the three appeals will be setup within two years the death row appeals process will not be far too complex and expensive is to be efficiently and effectively carried out before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public   Their will be no reasons to forestall perpetrators execution of the sentence imposed after two years (three appeals will be setup within two years)  that include all Past convict -- perpetrators instead life in prison will have three appeals within two years before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public 

The US Supreme Court Justices is in support for Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution I do think US Supreme Court Justices  & Associates want to live a right old age >> So that Means Let stay alive (that effects every American Citizens in USALife for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution punishment Death penlty punishment
Immediately following the execution of Bundy, Chief Justice william h. rehnquist called for changes in the procedure for appealing death sentences. Noting that the Supreme Court had turned down three emergency appeals by Bundy in the hours just prior to his execution, the chief justice said, "Surely it would be a bold person to say that this system could not be improved."

the Supreme Court has moved to limit the number of appeals a death row inmate may file, arguing that endless appeals serve only to undermine the ability of the state to carry out its constitutionally sanctioned punishment


The Fifth Amendment seems to supply a clearer basis for assuming the constitutionality of the death statute penalty. This amendment states that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." From this language, one can conclude that with Due Process of Law, death statute penalty punishment may be imposed.  >>> the language of the Fifth Amendment to support the argument that the death penalty was constitutional. Evolving Standards of life for life death statute penalty punishment

Genesis 9:6 King James Version (KJV)    6 Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Numbers 35:30  King James Version (KJV)    30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.
Numbers 35:31  King James Version (KJV)   31 Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.






USA Mitch
Mitch the Strategist

USA Mitch
P.O. Box 7773
Flint, Michigan 48507

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