UAU Party

Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is

September 12 2024 Operation: Tell the truth & shame the devil

UAU We the People (Plaintiff) AUGUST 12 2024 Shadow docket v. Supreme Court of the United States

Supreme Court of the United States will not take immediately action do to Criminal Enemy Invaders who commits the most violent crime in the U.S.

"I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."  The Judicial Oath, found at 28 U. S. C. § 453
Operation: The death Zone 
 By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life

If you Supreme Court of the United States don't take immediately action with in three week by September 01 2024 then UAU We the People (Plaintiff) under freedom of speech will take legal action speaking the truth

In my opinion With in Three week do to Criminal Enemy Invaders who commits the most violent crime in the U.S.

List Why!

              September 01 2024     

(in my opinion) (Democrats Voters(Democratic & Independent Candidates)- are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdose

Democrats Voters need to
The Dems(Democrats Voters(Democratic & Independent Candidates) do not lie, but just don't tell the Truth
The truth will always come out in the end
Who hides the truth in order to deceived
God is truth. He is honesty. When we tell the truth, we live as God wants us  to live. When we don't tell the truth by lying we go against what expects of us.

Support Republican Candidates
Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller  to be U.S. President in 2024 

October 10 2024Dems Party take a stand:Whatever Mr. Joseph Biden Jr. - VP Harris does we (100% Dems Party agree) agree & support 'Mr. Joseph Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems   _____  List of current United States senators   _____List of current members of the United States House of Representatives








The Dems do not lie, but just don't tell the Truth
The truth will always come out in the end
Who hides the truth in order to deceived
God is truth. He is honesty. When we tell the truth, we live as God wants us  to live. When we don't tell the truth by lying we go against what expects of us.

Harris to headline final night of DNC with acceptance speech at August 22, 2024

August 22, 2024 Vice President Kamala Harris will speak at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night to accept the party's nomination for president. Her campaign says Harris will focus on her record, and maybe will tell that is a christian or not ____ it will not go away if  Vice President Kamala Harris believe in Christ _if not  We the People Want to know the truth?
We the People know President Biden is a Christian his devotion to Catholicism. Now, America waits for Vice President Kamala Harris to offer a similar preview for Vice President Kamala Harris. If not  Vice President Kamala Harris is not a devotion to be a  Christian until  Vice President Kamala Harris does. Then If not what Vice President Kamala Harris faith-based engagement believe in.

On the campaign trail, former President Barack Obama invoked his faith-based community or ganizing background and President Joe Biden touted his devotion to Catholicism. Now, America waits for Vice President Kamala Harris to offer a similar preview for her  faith-based engagement ___ believe in.


  Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is
                                                      AUGUST 12 2024  UAU Party


USA  We The People Reporting News  Comments: Against all enemies, foreign & domestic __ US Military - U.S. Department of Defense stop all IN all 50 States ___ Domestic Violent in American Today

UAU We the People (Plaintiff) Shadow docket v. Supreme Court of the United States

UAU We the People (Plaintiff) v. President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office _____ Amendment XXV Section 3 declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.   The Constitution Rule of Law States: The present Presidential oath of office The oath reads: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United Stated."

More News comments: about The Oath of office in each States __etc. & _ will to the best of  my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United Stated." & In The US Congressional Leadership   dealing with U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch  _ will to the best of  my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United Stated."


Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is

AUGUST 12 2024 Shadow docket
UAU We the People (Plaintiff) Shadow docket v. Supreme Court of the United States

The Judicial Oath
"I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."  The Judicial Oath, found at 28 U. S. C. § 453

UAU We the People (Plaintiff) Shadow docket: Facts & Reasons about Two Cases resolved by the  Supreme Court of the United States  by unsigned procedural orders issued without full briefing, oral arguments, or lengthy written opinions  the so-called shadow docket includes decisions or rulings made without transparency or publicly available (WHICH The Supreme Court has the highest level of federal preemption and its decisions override all state laws that contradict its rulings. As a result, state law is often carefully crafted to agree with Supreme Court precedents and rulings) DEALING WITH Constitution of the United States; Article XXV  Amendment XXV Section 3 & Open Borders __ Criminal Enemy Invaders-do to rule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime __  18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death) 


UAU We the People (Plaintiff) Shadow docket v. Supreme Court of the United States

In my opinion With in Three week do to Criminal Enemy Invaders who commits the most violent crime in the U.S.

Two Cases:

UAU We the People (Plaintiff) v. President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office _____ Amendment XXV Section 3 declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.   The Constitution Rule of Law States: The present Presidential oath of office The oath reads: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United Stated."

UAU We the People (Plaintiff) v. Vice President Kamala Devi Harris Open Borders committing a crime __  18 U.S. Code 2381  ___do to__ Criminal Enemy Invaders-do to rule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime ______ Vice President Kamala Devi Harris is unable to discharge the powers and duties of  her office, declaration that she is unable to discharge the powers and duties of  her office, and until her transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the ___next in line____ as Acting President. .   The Constitution Rule of Law States: The present Vice Presidential oath of office The oath reads: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of Vice President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United Stated."

UAU We the People (Plaintiff) Shadow docket v. Supreme Court of the United States

The Judicial Oath
"I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."  The Judicial Oath, found at 28 U. S. C. § 453

In my opinion If you Supreme Court of the United States don't take immediately action with in three week by September 01 2024 then UAU We the People (Plaintiff) under freedom of speech will take legal action speaking the truth

In my opinion With in Three week do to Criminal Enemy Invaders who commits the most violent crime in the U.S.

      Tell the truth & shame the devil

the Fifth of July is a U.S. We the People  national holiday from China(communists)
Statement of Faith

July 4 2024 __Fifth of July by Continental  U.S. We the People {United States} U.S. Declaration Independence Day 2024  proclaimed the right of  "life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness" from China(communists)  and why the Fifth of July is a U.S. We the People  national holiday from China(communists) ____ on China(communists) Set of new U.S. We the People legal rule and law of  U.S. to be if not by  Congress(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & U.S. Executive BRANCH & Judicial  BRANCH  (if the Branches  want China(communists) to be in control ___ China(communists) ?(to be explain in details)

UAU PartyUAU Party
                                        Statement of Faith

From: " -- The Briefing" <>
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

jul 15, 2024 Subject: Special Edition: God's Sovereignty, Moral Evil, and the Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump 

Part I 
God's Sovereignty, Moral Evil, and the Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump

Providence and presidents:     The attempted assassination of President Trump raises the deepest of all questions, by R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Part II
Is Human Responsibility Real? (Yes) Is God Truly Sovereign? (Yes) --
When Theology Hits Headlines
Part III
Limited Options on the Question of Providence: Understanding What's at Stake
Part IV
The RNC Faces a Big Moment of Moral Decision on the Abortion Issue: Let There Be No Retreat on Pro-Life Conviction

 Statement of Faith

Jesus-God Rule of Law__*THE BIBLE*__
Bible, hell is a real place where God judges unrepentant sinners with eternal, conscious punishment:  "Place of God's final retributive punishment. Scripture progressively develops this destiny of the wicked:   Jesus-God Rule of Law __people are made to last forever, they will either live eternally in heaven or eternally in hell: Hell is a real place where God judges unrepentant sinners with eternal, conscious punishment:   "Place of God's final retributive punishment. Scripture progressively develops this destiny of the wicked:  consists of three parts: eternal, conscious, and punishment:   they will  live eternally in hell: unrepentant sinners: People in hell are not asleep or annihilated; instead, people are awake and aware of their experience:   conscious  People in hell are not asleep or annihilated; instead, people are awake and aware of their experience. Jesus said, "While the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 8:12):   Hell is also a just punishment: The Lake of Fire for sins. Hell is not an unearned sentence but a lawful condemnation of sinners who deserve the penalty they receive:  'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels'" (Matthew 25:41). "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death" (Revelation 21:8). Ultimately, "Death and Hades [will be] thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire" (Revelation 20:14).

 10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42) Statement of Faith
1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)      2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)     3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)     4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)        5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)     6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)     7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)     8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)         9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)     10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)

Thoughts (Factoryman)


Flint Engine     

[Special - Work Comp Pay-Off between Now until September 1, 2024 explain how it will be or etc.]
GMC BOD comments__behind close door

USA Mitch comments__behind close door

brownfield site __ Like It Never even Happened
GMC CHEVROLET VAN SLYKE COMPLEX-Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001
[Special - Work Comp Pay-Off between , 2024 explain how it will be or etc.]

OPERATION: FLINT V8 LITIGATION, etc... (in my opinion) Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice  PERK UP 

"When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people's hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong."

[Special - Work Comp Pay-Off  between Now extend to until September 1, 2024 explain how it will be after September 2024] Past letter __ overheard March 14, 1991

USA Mitch comments__behind close door

 behind close door Hardcore Evaluation comments:
(1) ALL Management Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, CourteousAnd Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7      
(3) Now I will extend to until September 1 2024 inorder to explain _If their no Work Comp Pay-Off _ how it will be after September 1 2024
(4)} But Now! I will not explain after September 01 2024 , find out later, the truth about what will happen in  potentential legal issues, after-the-fact


GMC BOD comments__behind close door
 hardcore Evaluation GMC BOD comments__behind close door(1)GM Mary Barra(chair & CEO --01/15/2014) ___it will not happen Special - Work Comp Pay-Off

UAU Party

Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is

 UAU __ U.S. Congress __New seating arrangement

Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is   
UAU Political Party

Commonsense Core Values Conservative
American Citizens
Core Values Define Our Cuture
Our Vision and Values



Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)

Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is 
Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)

The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) # 13

Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest # 14

The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace # 15


Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is 

May 31 2024 Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For UAU(UAU PARTY) & GOP Twice
I am a highly motivated UAU voter(Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is   ) because the Democrats have motivated me up to my eyeballs. I have never been more motivated in my life, because the Democrats are terrifying me.
(in my opinion) - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdose


  List of : USA Political Organized Crime Family 

Dems voter  are now


Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is

August 15 2024UAU Party
Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is

Liberal Social Media BOD

    July 19 2019 August 13 2024 in 2024 Operation in Detail Who! Anti-USA Social Media BOD & which BOD that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression thru their Social Media Reporter(lists of Anti-USA Social Media BOD taking action against USA___U.S. Constitution Rule of Law __ against American Citizens
 : Social Media BOD lists____ Anti-USA Social Media BOD   U.S. Non-ist Ozar
:::::::::: (1)CNN_Social Media BODWho!
(2)The New York Times_Social Media BODWho!

(3)MSNBC_Social Media BODWho!
(4)CBS_Social Media BODWho!
(5)ABC_Social Media BODWho!
(6)?!+etc.List _Social Media BODWho!


May 31 2024Mr President with the great success of Donald J. Trumpcommander-in-chief has & will Unify

June 27 2024 in 2024Biden Jr.-___ 118th Congress Dems ___ indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agreeNot       10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42) Statement of Faith

Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is

Who! got  US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr-commander-in-chief ___ 118th Congress Dems ___ right by Biden Jr  gonadmale ___ 118th Congress Dems gonadmale-female___

June 19 2024 in 2024 Operation in Detail Who! ______Xi Jinping president of the People's Republic of Communist China(death to US) got  United States President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr-commander-in-chief  ___ 118th Congress Dems ___right by Biden Jr  gonadmale ___ 118th Congress Dems gonadmale-female___ (US Biden Jr  ___ 118th Congress Dems ___open border - Communist China Military(Armed Forces Spy) and etc. can enter United States territory & etc. ) AND then United States President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr -commander-in-chief-  got ___ 118th Congress Dems ___right by 118th Congress Dems gonadmale-female___ (now! Biden Jr -commander-in-chief- hold power of purse)

   & Dems voter  gonadmale-female are now Anti-Israel 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- ___ 118th Congress Dems ___(& Pro-? in GAZA __ American hostages hold by Hamas & Biden Jr. -US Military not helping Israel Military Forces that hostages being psychological abuse and physical punisment they endured in Hamas captivity) & Hamas got Biden Jr.___ 118th Congress Dems ___ right by Biden Jr  gonadmale ___ 118th Congress Dems gonadmale-female___went dealing with Israel & American hostages
  Life is to give ---- not to take
Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is

I think more would be alive today if there were a death penalty (Nancy Reagan)
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, man shall his blood be shed (John Locke)
I will admit, like Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and some other philosophers, that there are instances where penalty would seem appropriate. (Jack Kevorkian)

I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves people's lives.

Biden Jr.-___ 118th Congress Dems ___indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)

The LORD detests Congress Dems lying lips(Proverbs 12:22) & United States President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr commander-in-chief- lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)
US President Joe Biden jr.(Oatmeal Brain)_ 118th Congress Dems ___indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)
this will not Happen! Joe Biden jr._ 118th Congress Dems ___Dems Illegal Migration

all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- Now!Joe Biden jr.Dems illegal alien resident etc..& Now! Dems illegal alien etc.. will not be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [this will not Happen!] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

Jesus-God-Holy Spirit Rule of Law ____  US Constitution Rule of Law
gonadmale-female = gonadmale person can't be a female & gonadfemale person can't be a male
female has use female bathroom & male has to use male bathroom

Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is
"US President Joe Biden jr.(Oatmeal Brain) __ 118th Congress Dems ___indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)
this will not Happen! Joe Biden jr.__ 118th Congress Dems __
by  guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border -
 but  on the other ____ border east & west coast will be guard by Military-armed forces "

June 16 2024 in 2024 Operation in Detail Who! United States President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr commander-in-chief- __ 118th Congress Dems ___ is commiting  Wrong Doing : by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border --- but  on  the border on east & west coast is being guard by Military-armed forces commander-in-chief-__ 118th Congress Dems ___  is commiting  Wrong Doing  by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border : to stop Illegal immigration from entering USA UNDER THE US Constitution Rule of Law NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICES by their Wrong Doing:is part of  by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems also  commiting  Wrong Doing : just the beginning to be brought to justices UNDER THE US Constitution Rule of Law commiting  Wrong Doing by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border : to stop Dems Illegal immigration from entering USA GOP &  UAU Party will take control

Commonsense Conservative__ Tell it Like it is
June 16 2024 in 2024 Operation in Detail: ___ US MILITARY(Armed Forces)  can enter  all 50 States to  retrieve all Illegal aliens immigrants __that cross the United States Border that will sent All Criminal___Illegal aliens immigrants be __ process out side of  USA that will be sent to Guantanamo Bay)) under Military Law__ will-be deport immediate Illegal immigrants back to their country by air plus with the help of  United States Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter to find each Illegal immigrants within USA Plus if  their any Illegal immigrants  at Guantanamo Bay under Military Law__ for being Criminal Enemy Invaders  that if is a Criminal leading to dealth of American Citizen can be and shall suffer death & To dispose of (a corpse) be bury at Sea..

I think more would be alive today if there were a death penalty (Nancy Reagan)
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, man shall his blood be shed (John Locke)
I will admit, like Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and some other philosophers, that there are instances where penalty would seem appropriate. (Jack Kevorkian)

I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves people's lives.


May 08 2024Dems Party take a stand:Whatever Mr. Joseph Biden Jr. - VP Harris does we (100% Dems Party agree) agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems   _____  List of current United States senators   _____List of current members of the United States House of Representatives & then also agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% DOJ_Merrick Garland/D-ERA a true friend in need _for__Mr. Biden Jr. Clan (which US AG in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past-Present-&- then Future to be In USA forecast)_____List of current members of the United States Department of JUSTICE

but what 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris' Dems Party & in Congress Dems Party ___ put out will come back in unexpected ways what the real true what Dems Party  stand for against US Constitution

 We the People need to have a Gun(Weapon)
"Americans need Arm Themselves Against Rioters(etc.) As America Faces"


Liberal Social Media BOD

    July 19 2019 in 2024 Operation in Detail Who! Anti-USA Social Media BOD & which BOD that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression thru their Social Media Reporter(lists of Anti-USA Social Media BOD taking action against USA___U.S. Constitution Rule of Law __ against American Citizens) 
 : Social Media BOD lists____ Anti-USA Social Media BOD   U.S. Non-ist Ozar
:::::::::: (1)CNN_Social Media BODWho!
(2)The New York Times_Social Media BODWho!

(3)MSNBC_Social Media BODWho!
(4)CBS_Social Media BODWho!
(5)ABC_Social Media BODWho!
(6)?!+etc.List _Social Media BODWho!


UAU Telexphone

March 22 2023UAU Telexphone =for UAU Party members= Dual wireless mobile cell telexphone transmitting electromagnetic code signals through the air or through electromagnetic signals morse code ___ that telexphone consist of __ five needle, six-wireless telegraph & creed view paperless tape view reader for multiple morse code



May 31 2024Mr President with the great success of Donald J. Trumpcommander-in-chief has & will Unify


May 31 2024 Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For UAU(UAU PARTY) & GOP Twice
I am a highly motivated UAU voter because the Democrats have motivated me up to my eyeballs. I have never been more motivated in my life, because the Democrats are terrifying me.
(in my opinion) - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdose

January 12 2023 List of : USA Political Organized Crime Family 

Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives)  Political Organized Crime Family  During & After being In The US Congressional Leadership   U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

*(The Biden Five'(Nonconservatives): The Definitive Breakdown of One of America's Most Corrupt Families - 'The Biden Five': The Definitive Breakdown of One of America's Most Corrupt Families)

if not, proof it :Dems Party take a stand:Whatever Mr. Joseph Biden Jr. does we agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems   _____  List of current United States senators   _____List of current members of the United States House of Representatives & then also agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% DOJ_Merrick Garland/D-ERA a true friend in need _for__Mr. Biden Jr. Clan (which US AG in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past-Present-&- then Future to be In USA forecast)_____List of current members of the United States Department of JUSTICE

August 17 2023 U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

supports Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}

American-Watchdog   Who are lying lips  American-Watchdog

      USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People

April 22 2019 To Be United States Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

March 05 2024It Great We The People have a LEADER In November will be  Mr. Donald J. Trump commander-in-chief  to Make a New Better World Number One Issue dealing with the Present-&-Future in USA
the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice


The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22) 

May 08 2024Anti-Israel 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'(Nonconservatives Democrat('s) Party(click)__US has gone over to dark side Won't supply ISRAEL with Weapons ___
Dems Party take a stand:Whatever Mr. Joseph Biden Jr. does we agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems   _____  List of current United States senators   _____List of current members of the United States House of Representatives

but what 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris' Dems Party & in Congress Dems Party ___ put out will come back in unexpected ways what the real true what Dems Party  stand for against US Constitution

'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.(click)-Dems state of mind is __ that has gone over to dark side    dealing with Satan Rule of Law _Vs'_    Jesus-God-Holy Spirit Rule of Law
'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- don't know(beyond doubt) who! wroke the Bible & Jesus-God will return to __ that  ISRAEL

May 08 20242024 American Civil War inside US & US MILITARY(Armed Forces) can't do anything about It do to  US Constitution Rule of Law US MILITARY can't enter any of 50 States to stop It SO That Mean  the Protesters(Pro-Palestinian Forces) involved non-students(armed Forces within US)etc. can destory American way of Life Why! Do to Dems Party rule of law involvements

We the People's Law


APRIL 30 2024'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.(click)- VP Harris'(Nonconservatives Democrat('s) Party__US has gone over to dark side. what US President Joe Biden jr.(Oatmeal Brain)-Dems state of mind is __ that has gone over to dark side    dealing with Satan Rule of Law _Vs'_    Jesus-God-Holy Spirit Rule of Law

In USA__ US Constitution Rule of Law__Jesus-God Rule of Law
Jesus-God Bless America

'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'(Nonconservatives Democrat('s) Party__


APRIL 30 2024
No Illegal Migration(List Green Card & immigrant visa) can't Protest across America at any timerule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code

___ USA will have to take immediate action apprehend & rest the intruder(Illegal aliens) & Green Card & immigrant visa that have commit any actions that would make Green Card & immigrant visa removable under immigration law & be place
on Federal  Property & ((All Criminal___Illegal aliens immigrants be __ process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay)) under Military Law__will-be deport immediate why are we overseas if we can't guard our own land(USA) from destruction how many illegal Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists ____ How many illegal Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseasesComments: DEALING WITH Criminal Enemy Invaders-do to rule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime.

don't take control or be penalize(Jailtime(no less than 5 years)) or Sanctions against  All Criminal___Illegal aliens immigrants be __ process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay)) under Military Law__
don't take control or be penalize(Jailtime(no less than 5 years)) or Sanctions against All Criminal___Illegal aliens immigrants be __ process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay))
April 22 2019 To Be United States Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

 Uses Against Violent Protesters
APRIL 29 2024 LEFTY Totalitarianism


USA Police Skunkspray Gun Weapon


Uses Against People's that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists

 Operation good to go: Border Control USA Military
Skunkspray Gun
  Against Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists

  To Be:    

Skunk Spray == Skunk - the proven most effective, NON-Toxic non-lethal riot control solution. Skunk is an innovative, non-lethal riot control method with proven effectiveness. A pungent, foul-smelling - yet completely non-toxic - liquid spray, it quickly disperses the most determined of violent demonstrators with no casualties. Harmless to them, to officers in the field, and to the environment, Skunk is the optimal response for the modern police force. Odortec's eco-friendly Skunk solution was developed with the Israeli police department to meet the highest operational requirements. And it does so with less manpower, at lower cost and without the use of force required by other riot control tactics.

EACH We the People need to have a SkunkSpray Gun
"Americans need Arm Themselves Against Rioters As America Faces"






We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

April 14 2024'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'(Nonconservatives Democrat('s) doasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN Clan regime) Has more Power then US Congress (got their hand tied)

 Uses Against Violent Protesters
APRIL 29 2024 LEFTY Totalitarianism

                                We the People's (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics)Skunk Spray -Just The Tip of Iceberg (Uses Against Violent Protesters)  is the answer to find out who! Violent Protesters & STOP Violent Protesters taking action on etc.

USA Police Skunkspray Gun Weapon


Uses Against People's that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists

                We the People's (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs.  Violent Protesters (Ideology)(Anti- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs. Skunk Spray -Just The Tip of Iceberg (Uses Against Violent Protesters)  is the answer to find out who! Violent Protesters(American Citizen) are (You can run but you can not hide --Skunk Spray  will find you -Violent Protesters) then We the People will help(Police) find the suspect(Violent Protesters)  No ifs, ands or butts about it
We are not done yet.
Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. [In the legal system etc..]

Skunkspray Gun

         Operation good to go: Border Control USA Military
Skunkspray Gun
  Against Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists

  To Be:    

Skunk Spray == Skunk - the proven most effective, NON-Toxic non-lethal riot control solution. Skunk is an innovative, non-lethal riot control method with proven effectiveness. A pungent, foul-smelling - yet completely non-toxic - liquid spray, it quickly disperses the most determined of violent demonstrators with no casualties. Harmless to them, to officers in the field, and to the environment, Skunk is the optimal response for the modern police force. Odortec's eco-friendly Skunk solution was developed with the Israeli police department to meet the highest operational requirements. And it does so with less manpower, at lower cost and without the use of force required by other riot control tactics.

Skunkspray Gun



March 14 2024 UAU US Kangaroo Quasi-judicial Court  _____A quasi-judicial body is a non-judicial body which can interpret law and which is obliged to objectively determine facts and draw conclusions from them so as to provide the basis of an official action. Such actions are able to remedy a situation or impose legal penalties, and they may affect the legal rights, duties or privileges of specific parties and conduct investigations into disputed claims and alleged infractions of rules and regulations and to make decisions in the general manner of courts. Dealing with In USA__US Constitution Rule of Law__Jesus-God Rule of Law Jesus-God Bless America

Biden(Oatmeal Brain) - VP Harris'axis of evil' Open Border(& Dems Party __(Oatmeal Brain 's))(Every thing Free for US President Joe Biden jr.- VP Harris DemsIllegal Migration 'can get legal aid and comfort within the United States'____ accessory to murder after the fact, dealing with (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)

April 14 2024US President Joe Biden jr.(Oatmeal Brain) indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)
this will not Happen! Joe Biden jr.Dems Illegal Migration (but 04/16/2024 is Joe Biden jr.Dems illegal alien resident withinbeing getting aid from USA such as food plus etc. and comfort before enter in USA(approved 100% by Dems voters etc. in USA by the U.S. Dems Executive BRANCH & U.S. Dems LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Dems Judicial Branch in legal matter s' no matter what even not right)

US President Joe Biden jr.(Oatmeal Brain) indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)
this will not Happen! Joe Biden jr.Dems Illegal Migration

 +2015 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2015 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2015 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- Now!Joe Biden jr.Dems illegal alien resident etc..& Now! Dems illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology
IT WILL BE ---  WITH all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- US President Joe Biden jr.Dems illegal alien resident etc..& Dems illegal alien etc.. IF not then The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House(Oatmeal Brains) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch
that also include ALL US Federal & State Prosecutor} don't take control and Prosecute or Sanctions against The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch that violate the USA Law of the Land (The United States Constitution) Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution 

(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death)

April 16 2024   UAU       What is Background Knowledge?       UAU   April 16 2024
Background knowledge is the amount of information or knowledge someone has on a particular topic. 
Knowledge is not only cumulative, it grows exponentially.
Background knowledge is acquired by the number of experiences someone has in life or the amount of knowledge they have retained from reading or listening. Reading a variety of genres of books, listening to multiple media sources, and engaging in conversations on multiple topics only increase someone's background knowledge. In addition, factual knowledge enhances cognitive processes like problem solving and reasoning. The richer the knowledge base, the more smoothly and effectively these cognitive processes operate."

04/16/2024 04/16/2024

AND then Former judge Jeanine Ferris Pirro -- Former Judge, Prosecutor, and Republican politician in New York. Jeanine Ferris Pirro  answer to your problem has "Background Knowlege"

Message to President Donald Trump Should be & maybe will be next United States Attorneys General

April 16 2016   UAU       What is Background Knowledge?       UAU   April 16 2024
Background knowledge is the amount of information or knowledge someone has on a particular topic. 
Knowledge is not only cumulative, it grows exponentially.
Background knowledge is acquired by the number of experiences someone has in life or the amount of knowledge they have retained from reading or listening. Reading a variety of genres of books, listening to multiple media sources, and engaging in conversations on multiple topics only increase someone's background knowledge. In addition, factual knowledge enhances cognitive processes like problem solving and reasoning. The richer the knowledge base, the more smoothly and effectively these cognitive processes operate."


We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

The Pledge of Allegiance
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

In This World Today

Satan Rule of Law      ___     Jesus-God-Holy Spirit Rule of Law

In USA__ US Constitution Rule of Law__Jesus-God Rule of Law
Jesus-God Bless America

Thoughts (Factoryman)



Timeline---? coming soon!
Make a Offer ___   GMC BOD {update 2024 coming soon!}  If Not Then

Follow-up  __ take Legal action to Shutdown(closing) Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001 untill the site is clean up & Plus etc. (Goverment Agents Legal __ action to Shutdown(closing) in  ? 2024

"When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people's hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong."

UAU Party

 UAU __ U.S. Congress __New seating arrangement




We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

March 05 2024Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  infoLists of  Democrats (Liberal Activism) Godless Party Agena  their own Rule of Law

February 20 2024Democrats Manifesto Mr. Biden [The Godfather} ] Mr.Biden(Sciolist-Mooncalf) __Dirty Little Secrets{ LIST } sources of Democratic Dollars for the love of Loopholes  __ Dirty Tricks Redux which leads in fraud, crime and corruption __  Political Corruption in America is worse today today than it has been since the Watergate era

December 12 2023 US President Joe Biden jr. wrong on Open Border Democrats Manifesto __Why!
( AG__Lying lips that a crime ) Biden 'axis of evil' Open Border(Every thing Free for Illegal Migration 'can get legal aid and comfort within the United States' .Democrats Illegal Pay from General Budget Fund that will decrease the General Budget Fund & increase income taxes & Democrats illegal migration got it made! Food, Clothing, Housing, Medical &  Location (be located in DE)-in my opinion-comment__where is IRS, FBI, CIA & NSA & then VP Harris)  that against the US Constitution Rule of Law {US Constitution Rule of Law __detests Lying lips that a crime } So that means __ USA is A Country without Borders is Not a Country 
'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.(Sciolist-Mooncalf) __Dirty Little Secrets{ - VP Harris ' Democrats doasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right !

(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death)

March 05 2024 The Life of your County is at Stake!! Mr President In November will be Mr. Donald J. Trump with the great success of Donald J. Trumpcommander-in-chief  “We the People” comments Donald J. Trump great success: Right on Track – Nice Work! - 1st Class – Awesome! - Top Job! - Good Job! - Terrific! - Outstanding! - CoolsDJT make it look easy! - Give  us five! - Hang in there! - STAND TALL – You’re #1  in his efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress  (118th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremists using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments  Then from the Past & Present dealing with IRS(IMO is corrupted) , FBI (IMO is corrupted) & CIA(IMO is corrupted) that violate the USA rule of Law   IMO comment: if not, proof it  - dealing with We the FBI, etc. gives immunity as we see fit to travesty private gain for the cause(Far Left Liberal Activism) a free pass from potential jail time {IMO FBI, IRS, US Federal Reserve Board, CIA. NSA & Federal Judges are IMO corrupted : if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----

the GOP Candidate that will be Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller  to be U.S. President in 2024 
Mr President with the great success of Donald J. Trumpcommander-in-chief  “We the People” comments Donald J. Trump great success: Right on Track – Nice Work! - 1st Class – Awesome! - Top Job! - Good Job! - Terrific! - Outstanding! - CoolsDJT make it look easy! - Give  us five! - Hang in there! -

It Great We The People have a LEADER Donald J. Trumpcommander-in-chief  to Make a New Better World Number One Issue dealing with the Present-&-Future in USA
the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

  President Donald Trump's USA  commander-in-chief
ONE STEP AHEAD    IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
America First
security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
Speak softly and carry a big stick

President Donald Trump's USA  commander-in-chief is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who don't have common sense cannot break it

Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea


The Pledge of Allegiance
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God



   December 12 2023

On Day one is the Answer
with Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives to stop Cheap Communist Chinese Tech products coming from Communist China to USA is an American Disaster specially for 'American workers!'which  with  Biden [The Godfather} or other Democrats ]  will  Never even Happened 'to stop Cheap Communist Chinese Tech products or etc. coming from Communist China to USA'

 December 11 2023 Democrats Manifesto(idion) over  the United States Constitution  Rule of Law that lay(laying) out a plan(initial goals) to outline core beliefs & inspire sweeping change   [Political Party Platforms which the Party don't LIE  don't tell the truth {one is open border PLUS LIST }]  in this Case 2024 persuading all DEMS voters PLUS be concise to vote for the Party of CHOICE __United States Continental Congress the Declaration oIndependence (one of the most consequential and effective manifestos in all of history)

The Godfather gotta survive, Biden've got to bend some rules __ against the United States Constitution  Rule of Law (Jesus-God Bless American)


 Like It Never even Happened
 NOVEMBER 4 2023 US President Joe Biden jr. wrong on energy __Why!
( AG__Lying lips that a crime ) Biden 'axis of evil' Open Border(Every thing Free for Illegal Migration 'can get legal aid and comfort within the United States' .Democrats Illegal Pay from General Budget Fund that will decrease the General Budget Fund & increase income taxes & Democrats illegal migration got it made! Food, Clothing, Housing, Medical &  Location (be located in DE)-in my opinion-comment__where is IRS, FBI, CIA & NSA & then  VP Harris)  that against the US Constitution Rule of Law {US Constitution Rule of Law __detests Lying lips that a crime } So that means __ USA is A Country without Borders is Not a Country 
'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr. - VP Harris ' Democrats doasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right !

  Conplete List Biden 'axis of evil' against the US Constitution Rule of Law 'Wrong Doing'

No Illegal Migration can Protest across America at any timerule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code

___ USA will have to take immediate action apprehend & rest the intruder(Illegal aliens) & be place
on Federal  Property & ((All Criminal___Illegal aliens immigrants be __ process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay)) under Military Law__will-be deport immediate why are we overseas if we can't guard our own land(USA) from destruction how many illegal Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists ____ How many illegal Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseasesComments: DEALING WITH Criminal Enemy Invaders-do to rule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime.


In This World Today

Satan Rule of Law      ___     Jesus-God-Holy Spirit Rule of Law

In USA__US Constitution Rule of Law__Jesus-God Rule of Law
Jesus-God Bless America

 Ecclesiastes 8:11 in 2023 "When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people's hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong."

We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

October 19 2023-NITTY-GRITTY HARD FACTS -                           
US President Joe Biden jr. decision

& then Why is Ukraine's Zelensky(fascists) wearing The NAZI Iron Cross?
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

US Mr. Biden Jr. (IMO_ Communist China  woke) Ukraine Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd
& Ukraine Statistics Aid #1 US Senators(woke)  #2 US House of  Representatives(woke)  #3  US Governors (woke)  #4 US President Biden Jr(woke)  

Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution

UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

August 21 2023(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the  US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

  'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives) (responsible for all final decisions) Military forces( - US Department of Defense can't go to Southern Border Why! so illegal immigrants  can get legal aid and comfort within the United States
By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life

 'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives) Has more Power then US Congress (got their hand tied)
 'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.' Democratsdoasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Far Left Liberal Democrats Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid  Just The Tip of Iceberg TO find out where the $$$$ coming & going

The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

A Country without Borders is Not a Country
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

 the GOP Candidate that will be Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller  to be U.S. President in 2024 

October 7 2023-NITTY-GRITTY HARD FACTS -                           
US President Joe Biden jr. decision

      USA American USA Party  


September 6  2023In This World Today

Satan Rule of Law      ___     Jesus-God-Holy Spirit Rule of Law

In USA__US Constitution Rule of Law__Jesus-God Rule of Law
Jesus-God Bless America

US Democratic Party - Democrats __ Satan1* Rule of Law has taken-over 100% with Satan Rule of Law

US Republican Party - GOP __  75% US Constitution Rule of Law__Jesus-God Rule of Law
__ 25% Satan Rule of Law has taken-over 25% with Satan Rule of Law

 USA American USA Party - UAU __ 100% US Constitution Rule of Law__Jesus-God Rule of Law
& 100% Jesus-God-Holy Spirit Rule of Law

1*  __ explain about __ Satan Rule of Law

October 22  2023
  in 2023    The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth (Proverbs 12:22)     involve a failure to discern spiritual truth ( Luke 12:54-56; 13:15; cf. Matt 12:7; 23:23) or even a willful blindness to spiritual matters ( Matthew 23:17 Matthew 23:19 Matthew 23:23-24 Matthew 23:26). The Democrats  pretends goodness, but beneath a religious veneer is a malicious or deceitful heart ( Matt 22:15-18; cf. 1 Peter 2:1). Dealing with real truth what happening Now! in is Bad for Business, Dangerous for WHO!  Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-tellerAmerican-WatchdogFreedom of Speech {First Amendment})::::

 Sen. Charles E. Schumer __ American Dems Party Platform Far Left totalitarian Liberal Activism chauvinistic political philosophy ignores Top Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdoses

US President Joseph(Hardcore Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)   political philosophy ignores Top Voter concerns US President  Biden Jr.(Harris)  don't Tell the truth ___ Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving


 October 7 2023  Acts of the Sinful Nature -----------(Nonconservatives)

U.S. Executive Branch

Obama & his administration  in 2023

Operation: President Obama's  44th president of the United States first & second term > then in third term in 2021 behind close door __(White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500) in 2021 President Obama's & his old administration & Vice President Joe Biden jr.(IS 46th US President of the United States on January 20, 2021), as President Obama's to be as overseer to President Joe Biden jr.   starts  on January 20, 2021, Now! President Obama's is in control over the Dems Party  & is making decision to President of the United States ____ Kiss US Constitution Rule of Law good bye!


__ explain about US Constitution Rule of Law __ US President Joe Biden jr. decision about US Border Wall & illegal migrant__ that enter the USA

August 25 2023  Acts of the Sinful Nature -----------(Nonconservatives) Should not be in the US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

September 3 2023 If you(Dems(Nonconservatives) Voters) wish to know the mind of a Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) US Congress(118th) Democrats etc.(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch), Federal Reserve Board(Nonconservatives) , listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions & Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Democrats (Nonconservatives) Voters more comments about Democrats (Nonconservatives) Voters dealing with method or manner of conduct in relation to others; treatment, behavior, Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller & Jesus-God Rule of Law & U.S. Constitution Rule of Law etc. 

______ ---------------------- _______

I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise
::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::
Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
   followup against the Constitution of the United States 
______ ---------------------- _______

Acts of the Sinful Nature _____ Acts of the Sinful Nature
Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil):


October 3 2023Milking the System(adversary) who if any Democrats IN Democratic Party and Democrats Voters __all three Branches of the U.S. government are the legislative, executive(Biden) and judicial branches.  is Milking the System off the illegal migrant with the Corporation, etc. More illegal migrant __ enter the USA Bigger the Profit ; each  Democrats IN Democratic Party and Democrats Voters  that own stocks in each corporation make a double $$$ of owning Stocks ____ Lists :::  to start with most profitable (illegal migrant__ enter the USA) is for the Pharmaceticals'

September 3 2023 Who are lying scumbag In US Congress, who are not for We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) for another cause then for We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution)
The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

September 3 2023Milking the System(adversary) Operation:Far Left Liberal Activism Special Counsel milking the system

Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators Milking the System --- Do to Milking the System It easy to enter the gate of Hell (Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Donest) It Satan Legislators Legalizer for Justices(that seduces humans into sin) But God is sovereign over the devil(the enemy of righteousness)   not have a free hand

"Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

  U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

 10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42)

1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)      2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)     3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)     4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)        5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)     6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)     7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)     8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)         9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)     10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)

Thoughts (Factoryman)


Flint Engine  

UAU Party  
 UAU __ U.S. Congress __New seating arrangement
Who are lying lips in   
 Grayblueneck woke   






       USA American USA Party    



UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it

U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

U.S. Overseer Ozar

U.S. Constitutionist Ozar
U.S. Criminalist Ozar
U.S. Economist Ozar
U.S. Legalist Ozar
U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar U.S. OSHOzar
U.S. Opinionist Ozar
U.S. Prophet Ozar
U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar

U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #

USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life) in order to enter the gate of Heaven -
Obey! Jesus rule of law(The Bible)

    Life is to give ---- not to take
   imo(in my opinion)
Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

A Country without Borders is Not a Country
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil):

      USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
... .........
The Best Advice ---- [Truth - Justice] ::: Its Truth: Be careful the toes you step on today [] maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow

 Don't Be a Fool
Proverbs 19:3  A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD.
Proverbs 10:18  ...whoever spreads slander is a fool.
Proverbs 12:15  The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Proverbs 12:16  A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
Proverbs 13:20  He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 14:17  A quick-tempered man does foolish things...
Ecclesiastes 7:9  Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Proverbs 15:5  A fool spurns his father’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Proverbs 18:2  A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.
Proverbs 18:13  He who answers before listening — that is his folly and his shame.
Proverbs 20:3  It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
Proverbs 21:20  In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Proverbs 26:12  Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Proverbs 28:26  He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe


UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


Operation windbag: Too often the windbag Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc. lose sight of what the US Constitution stand for in protecting We the People. So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc.  annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(118th) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or  U.S. Executive Branch or THE U.S. Judicial Branch   or U.S. Government employee(Nonconservatives)   ******* Pass it on 

PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self)

Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace

Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution

UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

August 21 2023(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the  US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

  'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives) (responsible for all final decisions) Military forces( - US Department of Defense can't go to Southern Border Why! so illegal immigrants  can get legal aid and comfort within the United States
By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life

I think more would be alive today if there were a death penalty (Nancy Reagan)
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, man shall his blood be shed (John Locke)
I will admit, like Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and some other philosophers, that there are instances where penalty would seem appropriate. (Jack Kevorkian)

I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves people's lives.

 'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives) Has more Power then US Congress (got their hand tied)
 'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.' Democratsdoasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Far Left Liberal Democrats Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid  Just The Tip of Iceberg TO find out where the $$$$ coming & going

The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

August 17 2023 U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

supports Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}

American-Watchdog   Who are lying lips  American-Watchdog

UAU Telexphone

in 2024
August 17 2023 It will be a Excellent choice   in making USA great again –-- But Went YOU(We the People)  vote for the GOP Candidate(that will be Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller  to be U.S. President in 2024 that the Republican President  Mr. Donald J. Trump elected would be  like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it
Mr. Donald J. Trump will Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea
and then

 June 25 2023

Who(s') 'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives)  that commit with Communist in Cuba(CCP Secret SPY Base in Cuba with etc. Military equipment & soldiers; etc. Stuff Made in Communist  China shipped (approx. 85% products in U.S. made in China) at any means by Land, Air & Sea to U.S. (tax free)can't be trusted to control its own bureaucrats or collect taxes equitably; CCP Espionage: Secret Police Stations on U.S. Soil ; Spy Balloon Flown over U.S. {Communist government is officially an atheist state and Communist Party members are banned from believing in or practicing any faith} Wrong Doing (against the US Constitution rule of law)

I think more would be alive today if there were a death penalty (Nancy Reagan)
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, man shall his blood be shed (John Locke)
I will admit, like Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and some other philosophers, that there are instances where penalty would seem appropriate. (Jack Kevorkian)

I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves people's lives.

  'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives) (responsible for all final decisions) Military forces( - US Department of Defense can't go to Southern Border Why! so illegal immigrants  can get legal aid and comfort within the United States

{Communist Woke for Biden(Nonconservatives)}
What about "Communist China Military" How the Communist China Military Soldiers being Used in Communist China Gov't Specially in Education of each Communist China Military Soldiers requirement to fullfill its duties & being educated in USA College in all matters of fact to gain control of the World & World Market Destroy the enemy with ease dealing with USA & Russia & any countries that try to interfere

the Communist China Military Soldiers {{{{ Watch Dog of the World specially in World Market in selling weapons that will be used against WHO!


2024 the GOP Candidates

June 22 2023 for U.S. President in 2024 the GOP Candidates will be Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller

in 2024  Past in 1981 was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th President of the   United States from 1981 to 1989

 ___  USA(ALL) Life MATTER ___

in 2024
August 17 2023 It will be a Excellent choice   in making USA great again –-- But Went YOU(We the People)  vote for the GOP Candidate(that will be Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller  to be U.S. President in 2024 that the Republican President Mr. Donald J. Trump elected would be  like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it
Mr. Donald J. Trump will Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea

  in his efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress  (118th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremists using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments  Then from the Past & Present dealing with IRS(IMO is corrupted) , FBI (IMO is corrupted) & CIA(IMO is corrupted) that violate the USA rule of Law   IMO comment: if not, proof it  - dealing with We the FBI, etc. gives immunity as we see fit to travesty private gain for the cause(Far Left Liberal Activism) a free pass from potential jail time {IMO FBI, IRS, US Federal Reserve Board, CIA. NSA & Federal Judges are IMO corrupted : if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----

and then

Message to President Donald Trump Should be    maybe be next United States Attorneys General

Former judge Jeanine Ferris Pirro -- Former Judge, Prosecutor, and Republican politician in New York. Jeanine Ferris Pirro  answer to your problem has "Background Knowlege"

 Should be next United States Attorneys General

April 16 2016   UAU       What is Background Knowledge?       UAU   April 16 2024
Background knowledge is the amount of information or knowledge someone has on a particular topic. 
Knowledge is not only cumulative, it grows exponentially.
Background knowledge is acquired by the number of experiences someone has in life or the amount of knowledge they have retained from reading or listening. Reading a variety of genres of books, listening to multiple media sources, and engaging in conversations on multiple topics only increase someone's background knowledge. In addition, factual knowledge enhances cognitive processes like problem solving and reasoning. The richer the knowledge base, the more smoothly and effectively these cognitive processes operate."

  'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives)   
What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership ()
with the American Citizens voters

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing

June 04 2023Who's are the Evil Nonconservatives __ Evil Genius((American Nonconservatives politicians & American Nonconservatives voters)) against the US Constitution rule of law ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice ::: in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a recession

May 11 2023By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life

IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2023 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2023 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

  Who(s') American Citizens in all 50s' States that commit Act of Treason(against the US Constitution rule of law)
(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

  'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives) (responsible for all final decisions) Military forces( - US Department of Defense can't go to Southern Border Why! so illegal immigrants  can get legal aid and comfort within the United States

{ Woke for Biden(Nonconservatives)}


US Recall All Democrat(s) Evil Non-conservatives & Evil Non-conservatives  For being American Politicians Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class In the Coming Days Their will be Democrat(s) Bullies Empty Suit in Public Offices in US Congess(118th Congress)(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD that will be fill by And in all 50 States Democrat(s) Bullies ---Their will be Empty Suit in Public Office

EXCLUSIVE empty SuitLIST (in my opinion) to be OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN DEALING WITH THEIR(+) COMMENTSwho what why when where how



Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller
 ___  USA(ALL) Life MATTER ___

A Country without Borders is Not a Country
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

   Life is to give ---- not to take
USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life) in order to enter the gate of Heaven -
Obey! Jesus rule of law(The Bible)

"May the strength of God guide us, May the wisdom of God teach us,
May the hand of God protect us, May the Word of God direct us"

March 21 2023'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives)___Political Jargon*0 (Socialist Fascist Dictatorship )Police State*1Weaponized Justice For (Woke)

Can't do it

March 21 2023 Indubitably immediately No MORE Imports or Exports  from  Our Two Mortal Enemies Have Teamed Up _____ can't own any Farm property or property or any Stocks holding in American Corpations ___All Corporations have to leave USA Chinese Citizens(Woke) have to leave USAAll products being imported from Taiwan & ChinaIndubitably immediately to be Made in USA

March 21 2023leadership of American Political Jargon*0 (Socialist Fascist Dictatorship )Police State*1
Can't do it

US House of Representative  118th Congress
USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life)

Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller
 ___  USA(ALL) Life MATTER ___

A Country without Borders is Not a Country
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

   Life is to give ---- not to take
USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life) in order to enter the gate of Heaven -
Obey! Jesus rule of law(The Bible)

'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives)

Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

March 21 2023'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives)___Political Jargon*0 (Socialist Fascist Dictatorship )__leadership of that make their decision ___Police State*1Weaponized Justice

November 14 2022  Mr. Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) Clan regime in the U.S. Executive Branch Digital History:

November 13 2022  Who(s') American Citizens in all 50s' States that commit Act of Treason(against the US Constitution rule of law)
(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death)


March 22 2023Who! is The President 2024 candidate is


March 21 2023The Biden Five'(Nonconservatives) Political Jargon*0 


March 21 2023'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives)___Political Jargon*0 (Socialist Fascist Dictatorship )Police State*1Weaponized Justice For

US Senators 118th Dems Congress       US House of Representatives 118th Dems Congress  
USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life)

March 21 2023 Indubitably immediately No MORE Imports or Exports  from  Our Two Mortal Enemies Have Teamed Up _____ can't own any Farm property or property or any Stocks holding in American Corpations ___All Corporations have to leave USA Chinese Citizens have to leave USAAll products being imported from Taiwan & China Indubitably immediately to be Made in USA


UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

October 12 2017 How to understand Humanism with Jesus-God

God has promised to raise up a standard when the enemy comes in like a flood. You are a vital part of that standard when you allow the Word and power of Christ to work in and through your life.  In the US Senate & The US House of Representative has established unchangeable principles of life.  Every US Senator & The US House of Representatives must live in harmony with each other or each US Congress leaders will experience conflicts in his relationships with God, himself, and others. By building God’s principles into our lives, marriages, families, and vocations, we will experience true success. “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou raise up the foundations of many [godly] generations ...”We established the principle of DESIGN, AUTHORITY,  CLEAR CONSCIENCE,  FORGIVENESS,  YIELDING RIGHTS, MORAL FREEDOM, PURPOSE in our lives.

Win the Battle for your Sons and Daughters and Fellow Americans


October 25 2017 Humanism Super Talk == Operation WHY!: What % of American Citizens(Who!) State of being Neutral -- in balance between law, chaos, good & evil dealing with  Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists Democrats & Some Republicans Activism involved & then FBI & IRS & CIA & NSA & then Antifa activists (Anarchist Extremists) & leaders of Antifa activists & leaders of Black Lives Matter activists Extremists(movement is “inherently racist”) promotes violence aggression against American Citizens which is Bibliography on the Law, the Constitution & the Bill of Rights PLUS Who! In & United States Congress(115th) State of being Neutral -- in balance between law, chaos, good & evil & that included US Gov't (All Three Branches)The USA Chain(tether) Gang plan is back - Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens (in my opinion) responsibility 101: New Requirements - No-Body should Goes Free
March 12 2023In the Process of being made50's SMG '50 States Military Group' with-in the '50's State'


 (UAU)   (UAU)

U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

supports Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}

In the Process of being made
50's SMG
'50 States Military Group'
with-in the '50's State'
All 50 States with-in will Put A Stop To Crime{The U.S.  Constitution___The 50 States U.S.  Constitution Rule of Law override(refuse to accept) U.S. Mr. Biden(Nonconservatives) Democrat Party Constitution Rule of Law }


March 12 2023:Who!*1 is the Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremist in actionMr. Joseph Biden Jr.[(Socialist Fascist Dictator (Nonconservatives))__leadership of that make their decision] States one way or another  I'm do no wrong I'm do not LieI'm follow of The U.S. Constitution(My Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity) I'm Commander-in-chief I'm a catholic(universal) Christian(no racism) true{If not Prove It}(lacking in truth or accuracy) Let The People(American Citizens) know(There cannot be true democracy without reform of the electoral system)USA Dems VOTERS(100% Mr. Biden(Nonconservatives) Dems Voters Far Left Liberal  Team Concept) & USA Non Party(Nonconservatives) VOTERS(100% Mr. Biden(Nonconservatives) Dems Voters Far Left Liberal  Team Concept) ___agree 100% Mr. Joseph Biden Jr.[(Socialist Fascist Dictator(Nonconservatives) )__Is The Leadership of(Nonconservatives) VOTERS

*1__Who! (in The US Congress 118th & US Governor)  is the Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremist in action(List of Who! is Socialist Fascist Dictator Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremist in action)

March 10 2023Who! *1 are the Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremists(Nonconservatives) in action

Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Democrats  Mr. Joseph Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) (Socialist Fascist Dictator(Nonconservatives) ) & His  administration (Nonconservatives) Team (that Far Left Liberal (Nonconservatives) Team Concept) & USA Dems(Nonconservatives) VOTERS(100% Mr. Biden(Nonconservatives) Dems Voters Far Left Liberal(Nonconservatives)  Team Concept) & USA Non Party(Nonconservatives) VOTERS(100% Mr. Biden(Nonconservatives) Dems Voters Far Left Liberal (Nonconservatives) Team Concept)

:::Who Got(Nonconservatives)  Control:::(Nonconservatives) ::: =list of DID U KNOW:::


USA(ALL) Life MATTER ___Truth-teller

March 12 2023Who! is The President 2024 candidate is

February 09 2023 In 2023 The Next  US President will be Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in 2023
afterward in 2023 US President Joseph Biden Jr. US Vice President Harris to be Impeachment or Resign in 2023

November 16 2022November 16 2021
Senator Ted Cruz be the next Senate Minority Leader
Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  is not qualify____To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY) ____January 2023  need to step-down(to withdraw from one's postion) as Senate Minority Leader & so Senator Ted Cruz be the next Senate Minority Leader that is  To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of LawIt will be ___ or Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  Past History if  Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  is not qualify____To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law by USA American USA Party

February 26 2021Operation ___Who right & who wrong (who are sinner or not): Living in USA as a American Citizen live under the US Constitution In USA American Citizens live under the US Constitution but American Citizens  validate  US Constitution  Rule of Law __  any(all) American Citizens will be punished  that US Constitution is founded on Jesus-God Rule of Law under Christian values

{What Does the Bible Say About Christian Values and Christian Life? &

The values taught in the Bible are often the opposite of worldly values: kindness and respect for all people instead of power; humility instead of status; honesty and generosity instead of wealth; self-control instead of self-indulgence; forgiveness instead of revenge.Christian Values promote peace and good will among people in accordance with the purposes of God. We the People will never achieve perfection in this life, but those people who strive to obey God often find a sense of joy and peace that no worldly rewards can match       Worldly values include wealth, power, pleasure, revenge, fame, vanity and status. Worldly values promote jealousies, resentments and conflicts among people in accordance with the purposes of Satan           Here is a list of ten values or principles for living that are emphasized most strongly in the Bible:[1. Worship Only God 2. Be Kind to All People  3. Be Humble  4. Be Honest  5. Live a Moral Life   6. Be Generous with Time and Money  7. Practice what you Preach; Don't be a Hypocrite  8. Don't Be Self-righteous  9. Don't Retaliate  10. Forgive Others]
US Constitution - is not a "Living Document "The Constitution Rule of Law is not a living organism  it's a legal document." To claim that The Constitution is a living document that evolves on its own with the times is to say that there is no Constitution and you(American Citizens) have no Constitutional rights. Lets be clear what the Constitution is, it's an outline of limitations on Government.or Jesus-God Rule of Law is not a "Living Document"> American Citizens(s') will be a sinner against  US Constitution not only but Jesus-God Rule of Law goes hand & hand with each other be punished on earth & in heaven All Nation(specially China State Cartel Gov.___ China (Marx communist State). on earth & in HeavenWHO! In US Government are SINNER(American Citizens)   against The Constitution such as in each branches of USA A list ___from Past, Present & Future any Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators are SINNER (against The Constitution)

>>>>>>>>>> then  Any Executive Order(s') goes against US Constitution>  IT'S A SIN___Specially Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr. Executive Order(s') goes against the US Constitution WHY! It's is not a "Biden Jr. Executive Order(s') Living Document" for "The Constitution is not a living organism __  it's a legal document." Their a set of  US Constitution Rule of Law for Executive Order(s')  if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law & then Earmark if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law Earmarks put into Bills from US Congress(117th) are

CORRUPT Democrats  earmarking process robbing the Treasury loaded up big spending bills with special projects to benefit donors and local interest groups __Foreign Gov. Aid  After all, earmarks are perhaps one of the most egregious ways to fool taxpayers into thinking it will

Who Got  Controlover Humanism [Empathy__Morality__Reason__(is a progressive  philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatual belief, AFFIRMS our responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of HUMANITY that focuses on human values and concerns)]    Who they are & why!(racism is their answer to take control__ their racism not true meaning of the word)

[Mr. Biden rule of Law on the verge of a huge political victory]

Operation Rejecting Christian Values _dealing within _USA Dems VOTERS & Non Party VOTERS & China political victory & Mexico Cartels* __(*Mexico Gov. Control influence)__ political victory(to demoralize the USA Government) for drug & etc.__-- __illegal immigration COULD BE TERRORS__ Mexico Cartels HAVE  safe heaven in USA (could be help by China control spy farm land-etc. Then China App)               Big TECH BOD(each An Country within it self & maybe own by China 51% control) of Censoring conservative & American Citizen concerns  in all matter etc.  in order to be in control(wealth __take-over & destroy The US Constitution):

USA Dems Voters Woke__Political lobbyist lying info to stay in power USA Dems Corp.(wealth-properity)__&__China-8  partnership team concept info woke: to have free import tax & then China to have free import tax- China app to be control over American Citizens to destroy American Citizens way of life under the US Constitution Rule of Law & Jesus-God Rule of Law

& then Mr. Biden an Catholic christian [Mr. Biden rule of Law on the verge of a huge political victory] WH rejecting christian Values __honors Trans women on international Women's Day (Does  Jesus-God Rule of Law approve of this __ then Mr. Biden (an Catholic christian) on the verge of a huge political victory with  China-8   which China riches"yu," PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA in the World due to USA Politician

   Their is the Good & Bad __& THEN Jesus-God & Satan & THEN US Constitution & Evil(Satan) Constitution (destroy American Citizen way of life__christian Values)

JULY 22 2018China(Marx communist State)  & IS OUR PROBLEM NOT RUSSIA on ChinaTop-priority to takeover USA technology data security -- GOP will Stop China takeover -- to take a tougher stance and China involvement to Keep China government from interference  with United States elections security data to help Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extreme to win the what happen in that Obstruction of Justice

March 07 2023their is a Heaven & Hell
include 20"Rebels " GOP against GOP Party & Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr. 100% Leader of Dems Party

  There are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an

abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing --- =list of DID U KNOW::: If not Prove It ::: The Bible wrong until then the bible is true == Read & Hear the bible ---- cell phone & computer  if not true - speak out what statement is wrong(not true) : I Don't think So - their is a Heaven & Hell the answer to Human being problems to be save from Hell-(is a place of torment and punishment in an afterlife) If not Prove It ::: The Bible wrong until then the bible is true


f you(Dems Voters) wish to know the mind of a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions.

I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise
::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::
Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
   followup against the Constitution of the United States 

UAU Telexphone

March 22 2023UAU Telexphone =for UAU Party members= Dual wireless mobile cell telexphone transmitting electromagnetic code signals through the air or through electromagnetic signals morse code ___ that telexphone consist of __ five needle, six-wireless telegraph & creed view paperless tape view reader for multiple morse code

September 1 2023In 2024 Who!(GOP) is Running (should be) for (GOP) President 2024 candidate is in...But the GOP Candidates will be Mr. Donald J. Trump  Now! It's time To Give Advice(He(GOP) or She(GOP) don't degrade each other that a No No! ___ {If So it a Plus for Dems(Nonconservatives) Party}

September 1 2023UAU Party(Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}) can be is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break itMarch 22 2023

If you(Dems(Nonconservatives) Voters) wish to know the mind of a Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Democrats, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions.

I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise
::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::
Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
   followup against the Constitution of the United States 


February 09 2023 US President Joseph Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) (Political Organized Crime) US Vice President Harris(Nonconservatives)(BORDER CRISIS) 2023 US President Joseph Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) US Vice President Harris(Nonconservatives) Impeachment or Resign & face criminal charges(List of the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law coming soon! that the charges will be under  the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law)
Plus all Dems(Nonconservatives) associates with Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) (Political Organized Crime) (include Nonconservatives  (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch), Federal Reserve Board(Nonconservatives)If  US(Nonconservatives) in AG, IRS, FBI, NSA, CIA,  & FBI don't take Legal action will be Impeachment & face criminal charges___ Resign Now!(Nonconservatives)
in US President Joseph Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) (Political Organized Crime)
FBI(Nonconservatives) Declares War on Traditional Catholics in Insidious New Intelligence Report - RedState

U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

supports Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}
February 09 2023 In 2024 The Next  US President will be  Mr. Donald J. Trump  Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller & then Mr. Donald Trump in 2024
in 2023 US President Joseph Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) US Vice President Harris(Nonconservatives) to be Impeachment or Resign in 2023

American-Watchdog   Who are lying lips  American-Watchdog

     February 15 2023 February 15 2023

February 15 2023to stop the viability of the economy of the USA to be able to survive :::::
Dealing with China(marx communist state) ___ Their will be no import or limited export to be__limited-access__no metals or any metal material that be used to manufacture products in China from USA
for FOUR years to & from the U.S.___If China(marx communist state) is blackmail Joseph Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) & Dems(Nonconservatives) US Congress(117th) __it will not work__China(marx communist state) will be  Punished__:::: no restriction on COVID-19 inside USA border(more comments coming soon! update do & don't)
China(marx communist state) (ALSO Taiwan(Part of marx communist state))cann't have Ownership of Real Estate in USA(more comments coming soon! update do & don't about China(marx communist state) ownership(etc. & CORPORATIONS ownership OR PART ownership) in USA)


February 15 2023 update do & don't Will be Now! everything from China(marx communist state) & Taiwan(Part of marx communist state) be made in USA

February 09 2023 China's(marx communist state) Spy Balloon Reportedly Part Of Global Surveillance System; Photos From Wreckage Released

Woke for Biden(Nonconservatives)Dems(Liars(Nonconservatives) Woke):Biden(Nonconservatives)(Political Organized Crime) Liars(Nonconservatives) woke: {some GOP __ Republican}(in my opinion) - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdose

January 12 2023
  USA Political Organized Crime Family 
During & After being In The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)


If you(Dems(Nonconservatives) Voters) wish to know the mind of a Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Democrats, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions.

List of : USA Political Organized Crime Family 

Biden(Nonconservatives)  Political Organized Crime Family 

*(The Biden Five'(Nonconservatives): The Definitive Breakdown of One of America's Most Corrupt Families

25th Amendment  to the U.S. Constitution may be in 2023 & That Part of (Nonconservatives) Political Organized Crime Enlarge Click HereU.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH U.S. Executive BRANCH     ________     _____      ___             THE US Judicial Branch     

January 9 2023 What is right & wrong dealing with the Dems 2023 Laws of Land ____ what is Good & Bad in every day life of American Citizens dealing with US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives) (Harris(USB )If you(Nonconservatives) (Voters) wish to know the mind of Mr. Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives)(Harris) {Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Democrats}, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions.
that __The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law ___ keep every  American Citizens Safe

BUT!  US President Biden(Nonconservatives)(Dictator) {in his opinion} don't Lie _ BUT! US President Joseph(Nonconservatives)(Dictator) just don't tell the truth1*

(1) 1/09/2023 Information Control by Biden(Nonconservatives)__what About:  In Culiacan, Mexico__ Mexico Gov. &  Cartel Carnage all-out War South of the BorderMedia(BOD*list of BOD_coming soon!then Jesus-God Rule of Law for BODPLUS BOD don't want you to know! etc.) ignore all-out War South of the Border Biden(Nonconservatives) Made No mention of Mexico's Cartel War ___ do to Biden(Nonconservatives) Open Borders Biden(Nonconservatives) Green "UTOPIA" Means Mass Poverty & Social Unrest  to come in 2023
(2) 1/09/2023 __ no win war in In Ukraine
(3) 1/09/2023 __Biden(Nonconservatives) Admin is trying to Control What we know about Global events "So that Means" Biden(Nonconservatives) & his Admin(Nonconservatives) got Dems(Nonconservatives) American Citizens right by the ASS

Lie1*a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive is a lie

January 9 2023 Operation it is wrong:  _ They just  don't tell the truth1* :  in their(Dems)(Nonconservatives) decision remarks (What come out of their mouth & their writing statement) Is it ok dealing with the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God Rule of Law: specially dealing with ____Dems US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Nonconservatives)(Harris(USB )  & some of the Dems employees in Executive Branches,  ___ Dems(Nonconservatives) US Congress 118th & some of the Dems(Nonconservatives) employees in Legislative Branches, and ____Dems(Nonconservatives) Judicial Branches & some of the Dems(Nonconservatives) employees in Judicial Branches of the U.S. Government  the American Citizens __ have to live with it: It wrong __But the US President Joseph(Nonconservatives)(Dictator) just don't tell the truth  at times from one day to next ___it wrong under __The Bill of Rights U.S Constitution Rule of Law & Jesus-God Rule of Law {Dems(Nonconservatives)( Media1* BOD) daily __ don't tell the truth what wrong & right}  ___ all Dems(Nonconservatives) USA American Citizens voter that vote for Dems(Nonconservatives) US Congress 118th  etc. did or don't tell the truth facts to the voters if not be 'recall' in 2023 Total votes in each 50 Stated

GOP US House of Representatives & US House of Representatives the 20"Rebels" in the GOP PartyUS Congress 118thTake action against the Leadership in The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) Don't follow the US Constitution Rule of Law & Take action against American Citizens that Lie under Oath or etc..

For Their Wrong doing
Their will be(Don't follow the US Constitution Rule of Law in Washington, D.C., District of Columbia:)

Four New Prison in Washington, D.C., District of Columbia::: one for Local[two building(Male & female)], Three Federal Prison(one Federal Prison for __ (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)[two building(Male & female)] then::: one Federal Prison for American Citizens that Lie under Oath or etc..(two building(Male & female) then::: one Federal Prison[two building(Male & female)] for Non American Citizens until sent to Guantanamo Bay


January 5 2023 Unforgetable Act  20"Rebels " GOP against GOP Party & USA(ALL) Life MATTER ___Truth-teller
don't, believe in 100% (Political Group Vote) Group lifelong Team concept or any other 100% (Political Group Vote) Group Team concept to keep faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States & Jesus-God Rule of  Law
January 5 2023

Six of 20"Rebels " GOP Far Right Lefty Liberal, hard-liner extreme ((USB )__NWO Good(VA)(dictator),Gaetz(FL)(dictator),Boebert(CO)(dictator), Biggs(AZ)(dictator), Crane(AZ)(dictator), Rosendale(MT) woke:) GOP McCarthy will not be House speaker stated by their vote

  20"Rebels" stated by their vote GOP Far Right Lefty Liberal, hard-liner extreme (USB )__NWO) woke:}  suckass with the Far Left(Fascist) Dems(that liars to gain power   do as I(Dems) say or else will be punish Dems-Watchdog for your involvement from past history if GOP McCarthy become House Speaker )

20"Rebels" GOP Far Right Lefty Liberal, hard-liner extreme (USB )(dictator) ______don't, believe in 100% (Political Group Vote) Group lifelong Team concept or any other 100% (Political Group Vote) Group Team concept to keep faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States & Jesus-God Rule of  Law_____, We the 20"Rebels" GOP Far Right Lefty Liberal, hard-liner extreme (USB )(dictator)  have  power to change the Way GOP will take action   We the 20"Rebels" GOP Far Right Lefty(USB )(dictator) can Stop any  Political Crimes action against Far Left(Fascist) Dems(Nonconservatives)

   We the 20"Rebels" GOP Far Right Lefty Liberal, hard-liner extreme (USB )(dictator) can Hold-up anything that goes against our principal(dictator)   20"Rebels" GOP Far Right Lefty(USB )(dictator)
_____don't, believe in 100% (Political Group Vote) Group lifelong Team concept or any other 100% (Political Group Vote) Group Team concept to keep faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States & Jesus-God Rule of  Law____


GOP US House of Representatives'20 Rebels' "Rebels"Definition :  Rebels __evil ways to gain control increase power in USA that bye pass the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust  don't, believe in 100% (Political GOP Group Vote) Group lifelong Team concept inorder to take control _____have  power to change the Way GOP will take action

January 01 20232023 ... UAU Resolution in Year of 2023 to be:
(1) US Constitution is Law of Land
(2) New Leadership in US Congress 118th in that don't follow US Constitution Rule of Law. to be replace

(3) Take action against the Leadership in The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) Don't follow the US Constitution Rule of Law
(4) Four New Prison in Washington, D.C., District of Columbia::: one for Local[two building(Male & female)], Three Federal Prison(one Federal Prison for __ (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)[two building(Male & female)] then::: one Federal Prison for American Citizens that Lie under Oath or etc..(two building(Male & female) then::: one Federal Prison[two building(Male & female)] for Non American Citizens until sent to Guantanamo Bay
(5)*(3) Biden Jr. - CIA - NSA - AG(DOJ)  have to take immediate action apprehend & rest the intruder(Illegal aliens) & be place
on Federal  Property & ((All Criminal(Illegal aliens & immigrants) be __ process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay))__ be process(Illegal aliens & immigrants )  __cannot leave Federal property until process & remain on Federal Property until Background Check__ & remain on Federal Property ((Until proven that no treat(risk) to any American citizen)) cannot take of resident in any 50 States ___

(7) UAU Telexphone =for UAU Party members=

UAU Telexphone
 (UAU)   (UAU)

UAU Telexphone =for UAU Party members= Dual wireless mobile cell telexphone transmitting electromagnetic code signals through the air or through electromagnetic signals morse code ___ that telexphone consist of __ five needle, six-wireless telegraph & creed view paperless tape view reader for multiple morse code



Old Time Music Sing Along

   (UAU)   (UAU
     USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People
Prayer During Difficult Times  Prayers for Special Persons/Needs


U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

supports Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}
December 23 2022Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}) can be is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break itDecember 23 2022

American-Watchdog   Who are lying lips  American-Watchdog

December 23 2022 (Nonconservatives) :: {some GOP __ Republican}(in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdoses

in his efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress(118th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress(118th) of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extreme using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments

December 23 2022

March 30  2022comments __

NATOUkraine President Zelensky(fascists) ____ Why is Ukraine's Zelensky(fascists) wearing The NAZI Iron Cross?  ____ comments __Did _this happen__( Biden's Helped Neo-Nazis Rise to Power in Ukraine

For the last decade, billionaire Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky has funded the rise of neo-nazi's in Ukraine in collusion with the Biden family, and helped install puppet President Volodymyr Zelensky to wage an unholy war against Putin's Russia.

President JosephDictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  Woke  & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB ) regime(woke) Administration's__& US Congress (118th) ((woke)

May 1 2022 ___ NATO nations, including Canada, train and equip Nazis from western Ukraine 
US Mr. Biden Jr. (IMO_ China  woke) Ukraine Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd
& Ukraine Statistics Aid #1 US Senators(woke)  #2 US House of  Representatives(woke)  #3  US Governors (woke)  #4 US President Biden Jr(woke)  

"Ultraobsession" Mindset  Pelosi(D) Makes Unannounced (& "Ultraobsession" Mindset Adam Schiff(D)) Vist to Ukraine, Vows U.S. Support 'Intil the Fight IS done'

Before the War Started In Ukraine under Zelensky__neo-Nazis to fight and kill Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine)

May 3 2022 :__Dems "Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Dems Woke enabler Woke__Vows __U.S. to Support 'Intil the Fight IS done' (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH &  with the American Citizens_-Dems "Ultraobsession" Mindset woke voters (USB )__NWO
___Speaker of the House  Lefty Totalitarianism "Ultraobsession" Mindset Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA 12th)___Lefty Totalitarianism "Ultraobsession" Mindset Chuck Schumer(D-NY)___U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else
Democrat Three Musketeers (Dems supremacy dictator  enabler) secretly emerging totalitarian world govenment
New World Order__NWO

1 Far-Right' 'Neo Nazi' 'white Supremacist' ideology has cemented itself in Ukraine under Zelensky.

1a The billionaire former president  Petro Poroshenko is part of the corrupt oligarchy who from 2014 relied on neo-Nazis to fight and kill Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine).

2 20/03/2022  Zelenskiy bans 11 left parties and merges all TV channels into one - but neo-nazi groups still welcomed

2a "Since Ukraine's US-orchestrated coup in 2014, I've watched NATO nations, including Canada, train and equip Nazis from western Ukraine that attack fellow citizens in the Donbass (eastern Ukraine). This indiscriminate killing has gone on almost daily since 2014.

3 Far-Right ideology has cemented itself in Ukraine under Zelensky  onday, August 30, 2021

4 Zelensky___Effectively, he called for the ethnic cleansing of Russians in Donbass

5 In Ukraine under Zelensky__neo-Nazis to fight and kill Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine)
6 However, as recently as August 5, the Ukrainian president demonstrated that he has not deviated from the reactionary and extremist ideology of his predecessor. Zelensky said on the Dom TV channel that "for the sake of your children and grandchildren," those who identify as Russian in Donbass should "go find a place for yourself in the Russian Federation." Effectively, he called for the ethnic cleansing of Russians in Donbass, irrespective of the fact that Donbass has been an integral part of the Russian homeland since the 1600's. It cannot be overlooked that Zelensky's call for Russians to be ethnically cleansed from Donbass is in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. He received no condemnation from the EU or the UN.

7Several actions that President Volodymyr Zelensky's government has taken in recent months are alarmingly authoritarian" and "trying to portray Ukraine as a model democracy deserving U.S. protection on moral grounds is even more far?fetched."

8Zelensky's first assistant, Sergey Shefir, already revealed that the president will return to show business within five years. This suggests that Zelensky acknowledges he is not a politician. Although he appears or is portrayed as a liberal, it has been proven beyond doubt that he is incapable or unwilling to break the Far-Right in Ukraine. Under his presidency, extremist ideology has not only been consolidated, but is now being pushed into the mainstream, just as the stunt with the Euros 2020 jerseys and the replacement of Avakov with one of his lackeys clearly demonstrates.

April 30 2022 :Dems Woke
United States President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr (#4  Mainstrean Solution(USB )__NWO  Woke
taking action= American Citizens First(maybe) (#1 #2 #3   Mainstrean Solution(USB )__NWO  Woke
#1 US Senators(Dems woke)  #2 US House of  Representatives (Dems woke) #3  US Governors   (Dems woke)  #4 US President Biden Jr(dictator)  

taking action= American Citizens First(maybe) (#1 #2 #3   #4       Mainstrean Solution
-consist of centrists, Democratic Woke, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extremeFar Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats;
Some DOJ (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution)

: US Mr. Biden Jr. misstformation disinformation US Mr. Biden Jr. Open Border .US Mr. Biden Jr. economics Statistics Aid  .US Mr. Biden Jr. _illegal Biden Jr immigration   US Mr. Biden Jr. Ukraine Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd . US Mr. Biden Jr. climate change  US Mr. Biden Jr. mischievousness mouth 


The Russia __ Ukraine War
US Mr. Biden Jr. Ukraine Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd


: Lying False impression Truth{(omission)(Mainstrean Solution(DemsUSB )   A New member (Nina Jankowowic) of the team_taking action on all matters ___ Mr. Biden Administration's regime Now! will police Dems(& dems ? voters) on free speech, privacy, fake news misstformation disinformation specially in Mr. Biden  Administration's 

What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) with the American Citizens

April 30 2022 :

Freedom of Speech {First Amendment} is the answer
to be a  American-Watchdog

Commonsense Core Values Conservative
American Citizens
Core Values Define Our Cuture
Our Vision and Values

Lying Lip

December 23 2022 :: (in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdoses

in his efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress(118(Nonconservatives)) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress(118th) of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presenchard-linere of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist  extreme using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments
December 23 2022

 (UAU)   (UAU)


November 15 2022  the President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr. & his regime Administration's    mischievousness ideal

Dems voters   

====GOP voters for==Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}==Tell-All====

November 16 2022November 16 2021
Senator Ted Cruz be the next Senate Minority Leader
Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  is not qualify____To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY) ____January 2023  need to step-down(to withdraw from one's postion) as Senate Minority Leader & so Senator Ted Cruz be the next Senate Minority Leader that is  To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of LawIt will be ___ or Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  Past History if  Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  is not qualify____To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law by USA American USA Party


November 15 2022 Hi The three musketeers __US Congressional Leadership U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH &  U.S. Executive BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) & 2022 November 8 __Dems voters in all 50s' States 2022 in process & will not change__ Dems Open Border __ to take survey on how to stop Drug coming in USA __

 Who(s') American Citizens(Dems voters)  in all 50s' States that commit Act of Treason(against the US Constitution rule of law)
(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death)


The Earth Is The LORD'S, And Everything In It

{October 29 2021 What is a Christian Hypocrite ____ is a person or leader  who does not preach what they preach or practice what they preach __ Jesus-God Rule of  Law The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion__is a crime against human life)}then speak-out against Pro-Abortion # 1pf 2pf 3pf 4pf 5pf 6p

November 14 2022  'Mr. Joseph(Hollow Man) Biden Jr.'(Nonconservatives) terrific Ideaits truly works & gets results with Dems voters even it is Disinformation Xi Jinping is control over Who!

November 14 2022  Who(s') _____ China(2022) is divided into Two Government ___ from the Past History(Conflict)___ (1) People's Republic of China (2) Republic of China(Taiwan-orginal senior leadership of China - fled to in 1949)    {Made in China __ consist of  People's Republic of China & Republic of China(Taiwan)

November 14 2022  Mr. Biden Jr. Clan regime in the U.S. Executive Branch Digital History:

Digital History:

November 13 2022  Who(s') American Citizens in all 50s' States that commit Act of Treason(against the US Constitution rule of law)
(18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death)

U.S. Constitutionist Ozar  Open a Can of American Whoop Ass   U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller
November 13 2022 Freedom of Speech {First Amendment} is the answer
to be a  American-Watchdog

I am a highly motivated __ UAU(UAU Party)  voter because the Democrats have motivated me up to my eyeballs. I have never been more motivated in my life, because the Democrats are terrifying me.
Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}Freedom of Speech {First Amendment}

  irregularity voter fraud (unlawful gain) _____#1 #2 #3 #4

Digital History:

April 21 2022 woke__Mr. Biden Jr. terrific Ideaits truly works & gets results with Dems voters even it is Disinformation Mr. Biden & his Admin everywhere they turn___ Xi Jinping is control over Mr. Biden Jr. behind the screen___Biden Jr.  Dems voters  & DOJ US AG lost total control over Mr. Biden & his Admin  mischievousness ideals & US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) :Review Carefully:Republic ofXi Jinping 520 Mr. Biden(: maybe Mr. Biden Jr.-ERA could be Calamity cousin) excellence USB A true, true friend in need dealing  _with_Open Border & Ukraine &__Russia __Iran___NATO ___United Nation  & then DOJ_Merrick Garland/D-ERA a true friend in need _for__Mr. Biden Jr. Clan (which US AG in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past-Present-&- then Future to be In USA forecast__List: (1*) TITLE 42  (2*)  (power grab){{War on Cops}}  to defund protection of  US Law and Order in US Federal & each 50 States that a NO! NO!__WHO! __Who going to protect your neighbors & Friend & Family from violent human being to keep Americans Safe Legal Dramas against US Constitution Rule of Law of  US Law and Order in US Federal & each 50 States DOJ Judge's can be prosecuted for not following US Constitution Rule of Law of  US Law and Order by We The People (3*)  (power grab) Open Border for UN that a NO! NO!__WHO! __Who going to protect your neighbors & Friend & Family from violent human being to keep Americans Safe(4*) Wrong doing from the Past & Present__dealing with American Citizens US AG & Etc. can be prosecuted for not following US Constitution Rule of Law of  US Law and Order by We The People(5*  (power grab) Open Border  that a NO! NO!__WHO! __Who going to protect your neighbors & Friend & Family from violent human being to keep Americans Safe(2*)(6*)

(which US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)  in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past, Present & then Future to be In USA forecast__List: (power grab) (2*)#1 #2 #3 #4

U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

      USA American USA Party    
     USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People


November 6 2022

On November 08 2022
"Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"
Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice

What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership ()
with the American Citizens

  (Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' - - new blood in US Gov. )
 Not as a Dems voters,,, as a commonsense voter to defend the American Ideal ONE STEP AHEAD    IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
America First
security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
The Life of your County is at Stake!!
Commonsense CORE Values CONSERVATIVE American Citizens
Commonsense Rule of Law to defend the American Ideal

U S President  Joseph Biden Jr."Dems Ultraobsession" Mindset SUPREMACY  woke enabler Pro Open Border

::: (in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdoses

in his efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress(118th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress(118th) of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extreme using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments  Then from the Past & Present dealing with IRS(IMO is corrupted) , FBI (IMO is corrupted) & CIA(IMO is corrupted) that violate the USA rule of Law   IMO comment: if not, proof it  - dealing with We the FBI, etc. gives immunity as we see fit to travesty private gain for the cause(Far Left Liberal Activism) a free pass from potential jail time {IMO FBI, IRS, US Federal Reserve Board, CIA. NSA & Federal Judges are IMO corrupted : if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----

Federal Reserve Board(suck-ass with Wall Street & etc. Money in the Bank)

believe in Jesus-God(the principle of Jesus-God rule of law (The Bible) -> then vote for candidates that believe  this way of  life {how you vote is your decision, your vote is your voice for better way of life and a stronger US Constitution because the stakes have never been higher - no  illegal can vote in November 8 2022, any illegal can be remove from USA by under Federal Gov. rule of law -> special dealing with fraud (unlawful gain) ___ Social Security-Medicare, Medical Care  under intentional perversion in order to say I'am American Citizens & etc. Each 50 States have no authority to keep illegal from being remove from USA Territory (That act of War etc. against USA Government  (If Each 50 States Governor refuse that aiding and abetting the enemy (That ?+ Aiding the Enemy Acts) [Now! China (marx communist state) leader hacker(cyber warriors to take control) will be involve in  November 8 2022 election for strengthening Lefty Democrats  Candidates,not Russia but Russia is for Democrat to win in 2022{Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats, Lefty Moderate, Lefty Centrists, Lefty Democratic, Lefty Progressive Liberal & Democrat Lefty Christians, Democrat Lefty "evangelicals" Christians}  __ China(Chinese Communist Party CCP -want to take over the World through Hi-Tech(Chinese leader want everything made in China- Plus all GMC-auto made in China-owned GMC-Hi-Technologies in China)  & exposed pandemic virus(Chinese Coronavirus) to USA American Citizens & etc. Learn More about China from Past & Present & Future to Help the Far Left Political Dems Leadership to win win in  November 8 2022 Plus that will take away economy trade, retirement security &  Bills of Right, Plus - Who can We the People families trust to protect -> our health? __ our retirement? __ our rights?

"A Wake-Up call __ info" with Jesus-God hates __ that an abomination to himThere are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing ---

as a commonsense voter to defend the American Ideal Infrastructure taking action ::: against the Professional        ((((Con Artists that Are the  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats & Anti-ETC. Liberal Activism Jerks-consist of centrists, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats; Some DOJ (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) & Some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this))))       - the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

 the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA
to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution

Warning: Everyone's at risk went US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr._  Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer & His followers IS THE Overseer  & His followers try to take-over the USA

GrayblueneckTAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area

Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller
October 28 2022 Freedom of Speech {First Amendment} is the answer
to be a  American-Watchdog

)enlarge image
The Life of your County is at Stake!!
U S President  Joseph Biden Jr."Dems Ultraobsession" Mindset SUPREMACY  woke enabler Pro Open Border

October 28 2022
GOP __ Republican  is the right choice for working families

will STAND UP FOR WORKING PEOPLE __has a direct impact on our contract, wages, health care and retirement ___ support Freedom means Living your life on your terms __ Upholding the rule of law & making sure we're all treated fairly __ Stands by tough sentences for violent criminals ___ Protects our children by supporting the convictions of sexual offenders __ Potecting Social Security, 401(k)s, and pensions so we have the freedom to choose how to spend the retirement we earned ___ Strengthening Medicare and fighting price gouging by Big Pharma so we can have peace of mind about our health care ___

And Then Democrats
 2022__ October & November __ Obama's & Biden Jr.'s(Kamala Harris) speak-out ___ Democrats candidates Platform
Obama's & Biden Jr.'s(Kamala Harris) speak-out what 'Democrats  rule of law' are    involve a failure to discern spiritual truth ( Luke 12:54-56; 13:15; cf. Matt 12:7; 23:23) or even a willful blindness to spiritual matters ( Matthew 23:17 Matthew 23:19 Matthew 23:23-24 Matthew 23:26). The Democrats  pretends goodness, but beneath a religious veneer is a malicious or deceitful heart ( Matt 22:15-18; cf. 1 Peter 2:1). Dealing with real truth what happening Now! in

Obama's & Biden Jr.'s(Kamala Harris)(speak-out)
is more concerned with border in Ukraine than the our southern Border & then Democrats candidates woke is  Pro-Choice that take a stand for abortion __ This isn't just about about abortion. It includes sterilization, opening the door to kids choosing gender-change therapies or puberty-blocking drugs without their parent's consent. & tried to reform paganism so it could compete with Christianity

Democrats candidates want to censorship & deprogramming  American Citizens that don't agree with their point of view Against US Constitution Bill of Rights

April 26 2022  2022__ October & November __ Obama's & Biden Jr.'s(Kamala Harris) speak-out ___ Democrats candidates Platformis Bad for Business, Dangerous for WHO!

October 31 2022 :
Maybe Kamala Harris the Vice President-ERA could be Next 1st Woman President in 2023 And ThenRecall Ecclesiastes 8:11 in 2023 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth (Proverbs 12:22)     involve a failure to discern spiritual truth ( Luke 12:54-56; 13:15; cf. Matt 12:7; 23:23) or even a willful blindness to spiritual matters ( Matthew 23:17 Matthew 23:19 Matthew 23:23-24 Matthew 23:26). The Democrats  pretends goodness, but beneath a religious veneer is a malicious or deceitful heart ( Matt 22:15-18; cf. 1 Peter 2:1). Dealing with real truth what happening Now! in is Bad for Business, Dangerous for WHO!  Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-tellerAmerican-Watchdog Freedom of Speech {First Amendment})::::

October 28 2022 Freedom of Speech {First Amendment} is the answer
to be a  American-Watchdog American-Watchdog Freedom of Speech {First Amendment})::::  

November 3 2022 Sen. Charles E. Schumer __ American Dems Party Platform Far Left totalitarian Liberal Activism chauvinistic political philosophy ignores Top Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdoses

US President Joseph(Hardcore Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)   political philosophy ignores Top Voter concerns US President  Biden Jr.(Harris)  don't Tell the truth ___ Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

October 15 2022Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller

Democrat Lefty Christians & Democrat Lefty "evangelicals" Christians are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law_ The Bible)) & then general American Citizen Christian(consists of  Two type__ Commonsense Conservative Christians & the Lefty Moderate Christians(extremists__ are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law__The Bible) (maybe the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law_ need to speech out _ do & don't about The Bible-Obey Jesus Commands__ with Lefty Catholic Christians faith(follow-up list to beanswer by the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law )_to be Follower of Jesus to see if _ Jesus-God Rule of Law__ The Bible > comment:  Lefty Catholic Christians faith       Arguing over abortion (Pro-Choice (in my opinion) it's a life against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians it is murder etc... (in my opinion)  This "Why Dynamic Catholic Christians can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2022 and can't take Communion  do to Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" dealing with abortion

October 28 2022

How you vote is Your Decision, But your vote is your voice for a Secure and Stable Retirement that gives You The Freedom to Life on Your Terms __ The choice is clear, NY Republican Joe Pinion is the right choice for working families

NY Republican Joe Pinion will STAND UP FOR WORKING PEOPLE __has a direct impact on our contract, wages, health care and retirement ___ support Freedom means Living your life on your terms __ Upholding the rule of law & making sure we're all treated fairly __ Stands by tough sentences for violent criminals ___ Protects our children by supporting the convictions of sexual offenders __ Potecting Social Security, 401(k)s, and pensions so we have the freedom to choose how to spend the retirement we earned ___ Strengthening Medicare and fighting price gouging by Big Pharma so we can have peace of mind about our health care ___

Sen. Charles E. Schumer is more concerned with border in Ukraine than the our southern Border & then Sen. Charles E. Schumer woke is  Pro-Choice that take a stand for Jews members __ This isn't just about about abortion. It includes sterilization, opening the door to kids choosing gender-change therapies or puberty-blocking drugs without their parent's consent. & tried to reform paganism so it could compete with Christianity

      USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People

October 27 2022___ We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

Lets take United States Christianity Government back instead  under Predominant  Pagan Government(power grab) American Dems Party Platform  Far Left totalitarian Liberal Activism chauvinistic political philosophy in Democrat WOKE  members of US Congress(118th) Dems ( US Senate and the US House of Representatives) & each 50 States & Democrat WOKE voters agree with Democrat Party Platform & then Dems President Biden Jr.   want to censorship & deprogramming  American Citizens that don't agree with their point of view Against US Constitution Bill of Rights November 8 2022  Recall All DemsEcclesiastes 8:11 President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr. in 2023 Etc.'criminal act' The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth (Proverbs 12:22)Who are lying lips in Who are lying lips in Dems woke votersIt's wrong Proverbs 12:3 No one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted. ___ has a Double standard Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage) ____ There are three components to ant-Christian campaign. The first is financial. He revoked all the gifts of land, rights, and immunities given to the church & We the People  and demanded their repayment. Second, he changed education, forbidding Christian teachers to teach rhetoric and grammar. Third, he tried to reform paganism so it could compete with Christianity

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)
November 8 2022  Recall All Dems

October 20 2022We The People will tell __ How the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats going to committed voter fraud in November 8th Election Day  ___ irregularity voter fraud
Step #1 ___ Under US President Biden Jr. can contain Driver License - can vote next election__Medical Hospital in US educated the illegal immigration__ how to get US Driver License  in each 50 States but! A committee of the California state legislature killed a plan to place the chips in  driver's licenses in the Golden State. The technology, supporters say, allows for easier crossings at the borders with Mexico and Canada.
Step #2 ___ US President Biden Jr. Does Have an Open Border Policy (power grab) inorder to have Victory in November Election 2022___ will help of Illegal aliens & immigrants that was not process that are not American Citizens under The US Constitution voters rights

The three musketeers (power grab) will make this happens :__Victory in November Election 2022

 the three musketeers (power crabs) will make this happens & all Dems voters woke will take Political action will help of  illegal alien migration US Constitution Dems voters rights

Step #3 ___ Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 States Election Day
That you register to vote where you currently live.

Evidence of Identity: all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
U.S. driver's license; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card; or
U.S. passport

TODAY'S DATE  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

NAME  =  First ___   Full Middle Name ___    Last ____

SSN* assigned to the person  =  Last four digit of Social Security number _______  *why!

DATE OF BIRTH  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

SEX  =  Male____    Female____

CITIZENSHIP  =   U.S. Citizen____

State ADDRESS  =  Number______  City______ State______ ZIP Code_____

ID: Evidence of Identity
U.S. driver's license  =  ________________; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card  =  _______________; or
U.S. passport  =  _________________

YOUR SIGNATURE =    SIGNATURE_________________________

I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison

That you register to vote where you currently live.

Step #4 ___ The three musketeers (power grab) will make this happens :__Victory in November Election 2022 The three musketeers (power crabs) will make this happens & all Dems voters woke will take Political action will help of  illegal alien migration US Constitution Dems voters rights

Step #5 ___Absentee Voting




(Dems woke)
The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth (Proverbs 12:22)

US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

CORRUPT Democrats   process robbing the Treasury


October 15 2022Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller

Political Philosophy Liar then Truth-teller 

Political Philosophy Liar(One who lies; a person or Political Party Members who knowingly utters falsehood; one who deceives by false report or representation

The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth (Proverbs 12:22)                                                                              
Freedom of Speech {First Amendment} is the answer
to be a  American-Watchdog

     USA(ALL) Life MATTER: No More Violent Protests in USA__is a Sin against Bill of Rights___All Peaceful Protests will be or face___US Three Stikes Law (One-on-One)
U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

      USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People


----American Dems Party Platform  Far Left totalitarian Liberal Activism chauvinistic political philosophy(that is a group exalts over the individual also espouses centralized autocratic rule by that group in suppression of others. It usually advocates severe economic and social regimentation and the total or near-total subordination of the individual to the political leadershipion of others. It usually advocates severe economic and social regimentation and the total or near-total subordination of the individual to the political leadership Commonsense  Core Values American Citizens(Commonsense ConservativesTruth-teller(One who tells the truth.) Truth-lover (One who loves the truth.)


American Dems Party Platform Far Left totalitarian Liberal Activism chauvinistic political philosophy

In November 2022 Recall All Dems & then Recall All NSA__FBI__CIA__IRS__US-AG__DOJ ____NOT taking action It will happen in 2023 Recall All

Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: On November  2022 any American Citizens should not vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform


Democrat Lefty Christians & Democrat Lefty "evangelicals" Christians are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law_ The Bible)) & then general American Citizen Christian(consists of  Two type__ Commonsense Conservative Christians & the Lefty Moderate Christians(extremists__ are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law__The Bible) (maybe the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law_ need to speech out _ do & don't about The Bible-Obey Jesus Commands__ with Lefty Catholic Christians faith(follow-up list to beanswer by the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law )_to be Follower of Jesus to see if _ Jesus-God Rule of Law__ The Bible > comment:  Lefty Catholic Christians faith       Arguing over abortion (Pro-Choice (in my opinion) it's a life against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians it is murder etc... (in my opinion)  This "Why Dynamic Catholic Christians can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2022 and can't take Communion  do to Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" dealing with abortion

Democrat WOKE Party & members of US Congress(118th) Dems ( US Senate and the US House of Representatives) & Democrat WOKE voters agree with Democrat Party Platform ____Catechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic WOKE Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Woke Platform for 2022

Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat Grayblueneck candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

Any "evangelicals" Christians or Christians can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2022

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)

The Earth Is The LORD'S, And Everything In It


The Pope Francis Vatican (can be hold accountability to Jesus-God-Holy Spirit for his action not doing his job preaching the Word to His U.S. follower in USA in how to be  true Roman Catholic Christian(not to be a Democrat Lefty Catholic Christian __ Lefty Moderate Catholic Christian) of the bible not to pick one subject  it ok then the other not ok (such as Catholic abortion etc.. ok __ then ok to be violent protestor ) __ ( sin one day and be forgiven the next day ___  then repeat __ Jesus-God Word don't work that way ) Now! Pope Francis should say you CAN'T Be A Catholic Christian & believe this way in being a Catholic Christian

ALLDems members that are Roman Catholic Christian in  are anti-Catholic Christian as of now not a Catholic Christian do to DNC Political Party Platformlists of what Pope Francis opposes sins are against Roman Catholic Church for 2022 agree with (can't go againstJesus-God Rule of Law(The Bible) and can't take Communion  do to  Pope Francis_ dealing with abortion & etc. The Pope Francis opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus, since it holds that "human life" must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.

And all Catholic Christians (Catechism of the Catholic Church __ PART THREE  LIFE IN CHRIST__SECTION TWO "you shall love your neighbor as yourself" ___ Article 5 The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 ), Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" the Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life); WILL Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law "HAVE TO COME TO USA TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN" imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life

December 22 2020Operation   U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights: SCOTUS taking action do to Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats voter fraud If Not then SCOTUS  in question with the U.S. Constitution  Voter Rights (SCOTUS don't know their history from the Past cases __ specially  Andrew Jackson__President of the United States ___ irregularity voter fraud 
How it will be according to U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights: explain in the Table of Contents such as ___who can register and vote, voting before election day can't be counted and Processed until election day)____(mail-in-voting can't be counted until election day)______ if the voter voted twice plus that everything has to counted by the evening of our Election Day, instead of waiting around six days or etc. days giving  the chance of  voter fraud & identification for voting
U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights

Operation: Prevent Voter Fraud Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 Election Day States in the Union

Register to Vote Form

Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 States Election Day

That you register to vote where you currently live.

Evidence of Identity: all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
U.S. driver's license; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card; or
U.S. passport

TODAY'S DATE  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

NAME  =  First ___   Full Middle Name ___    Last ____

SSN* assigned to the person  =  Last four digit of Social Security number _______  *why!

DATE OF BIRTH  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

SEX  =  Male____    Female____

CITIZENSHIP  =   U.S. Citizen____

State ADDRESS  =  Number______  City______ State______ ZIP Code_____

ID: Evidence of Identity
U.S. driver's license  =  ________________; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card  =  _______________; or
U.S. passport  =  _________________

YOUR SIGNATURE =    SIGNATURE_________________________

I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison
That you register to vote where you currently live.

Who can register and vote:
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison
That you register to vote where you currently live.

 List of All 50 US State Abbreviations & List of All Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, US Commonwealth and Territories
Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, the United States has several territories in different parts of the world too. These territories may not be official states, but they still adhere to the same formula of two capital letters for their official abbreviations.
need the traditional state abbreviations instead, which you'll find below the postal abbreviations

 Alabama - AL  Alaska - AK   Alabama - AL  Alaska - AK    Arizona - AZ   Arkansas - AR   California - CA   Colorado - CO   Connecticut - CT    Delaware - DE    Florida - FL    Georgia - GA    Hawaii - HI    Idaho - ID    Illinois - IL    Indiana - IN    Iowa - IA    Kansas - KS    Kentucky - KY    Louisiana - LA    Maine - ME   Maryland - MD    Massachusetts - MA    Michigan - MI    Minnesota - MN    Mississippi - MS    Missouri - MO    Montana - MT    Nebraska - NE    Nevada - NV    New Hampshire - NH    New Jersey - NJ    New Mexico - NM    New York - NY    North Carolina - NC    North Dakota - ND    Ohio - OH    Oklahoma - OK    Oregon - OR    Pennsylvania - PA    Rhode Island - RI    South Carolina - SC    South Dakota - SD    Tennessee - TN    Texas - TX    Utah - UT    Vermont - VT    Virginia - VA    Washington - WA    West Virginia - WV    Wisconsin - WI    Wyoming - WY

US Commonwealth and Territories
Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, the United States has several territories in different parts of the world too. These territories may not be official states, but they still adhere to the same formula of two capital letters for their official abbreviations.

    American Samoa - AS    District of Columbia - DC    Federated States of Micronesia - FM    Guam - GU    Marshall Islands - MH    Northern Mariana Islands - MP    Palau - PW    Puerto Rico - PR    Virgin Islands - VI



All Election voter software made by US Military Programmer Technician that to be used in each US Election then final approvability by  US Military Programmer Technician the Election voter software for the electronic equipment is constitutional written before can be used to prevent election voter fraud instead made by Foreign Countries such as the software of the Venezuelan in  the electronic voting machines with the Venezuelan software Smartmatic that the election voter software was voter fraud(that US Congress new it & ect.) GOP wins election on November 3 2020 due to Election IrregularitiesIf any GOP in US Congress disagree then each GOP disagree as of Asshat with Who! the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) (Promoter of China $$ & China Carpetbagger Lobbyist) See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of China wrong doing in the United States or Foreign Nation & US Congress(116th) specially the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitutionthat each GOP disagree becoming A Far Right Lefty Liberal Activism THAT See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of Far Left Liberal Democrats Party wrong doing in the United States List of GOP disagree that back the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party that GOP did not wins election on November 3 2020 due to Election Irregularities

GrayblueneckTAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area

USA Mitch.-- Strategist: GOP "Will Take Control" in 2024 & 2022

January 10 2022Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:Democrat USB > Universal Son of-a Bitch Party
Democrat USB Party
Democrat Universal Son of-a Bitch Party
US President Joseph(Hardcore Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)  Universal Son of-a Bitch (Democrat USB protocols Lobbyist (beware)) As Of Now 2022 All Democrat Universal Son of-a Bitch Party are against the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust
Democrat Universal Son of-a Bitch ((First))$$))then American Citizens Second

September 7  2022Grayblueneck WOKE:

President Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)

The LORD detests lying lips(Proverbs 12:22)

September 01 2022Dems President Biden Jr.   want to censorship & deprogramming  American Citizens that don't agree with their point of view Against US Constitution Bill of Rights
enlarge image    Freedom of Speech {First Amendment} is the answer
to be a  American-Watchdog   (Socialists Marxist) Fascist Woke "who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation." has One foot in  U.S. Executive Branch & also US Congress(118th) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH )THE U.S. Judicial Branch:::: Fascist Woke Lists [[[China committing War Crimes dealing with human rights Etc. in USA but is it OK with President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  Fascist Woke Lists (((Where is NSA__FBI__CIA__IRS__US-AG__DOJ ____NOT taking action __Understanding Why because their commiting 'criminal act' "themself" ___ 2022 Recall All Dems & then Recall All NSA__FBI__CIA__IRS__US-AG__DOJ ____NOT taking action It will happen in 2023 Recall All

  enlarge  Now! A bill passed that include illegal immigration Medicaid (Sneaky Dems'  Do-gooder[Power grab]) Benefits{Food, Clothing, Houseing, Medical & Location __Cost Millions $$$$ a Day(American Citizens Second)}

 Biden's Plan also to forgive foreign student loan DEPT

(We the People need Barbed wire fence in the water Ten feet from river shoreline  that which  the River forms the Border between the United States And Mexico)

It's Dems Woke

March 27 2022 Dictator Woke is a chauvinistic political philosophy that exalts a group over the individual -- usually a race or nation, but in this case the adherents of a nation. Woke also espouses centralized autocratic rule by that group in suppression of others. It usually advocates severe economic and social regimentation and the total or near-total subordination of the individual to the political leadership. This accurately describes the philosophies of  regimes woke through history.

"a stark reminder that this nation is at war with  Dems woke who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

Dems woke voters give to the Dems political woke___to take political control

Dems woke voters (USB )__NWO  Woke

   USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


Operation windbag: Too often the windbag Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc. lose sight of what the US Constitution stand for in protecting We the People. So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc.  annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(118th) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or  U.S. Executive Branch or THE U.S. Judicial Branch   or U.S. Government employee(Nonconservatives)   ******* Pass it on


Dems want to censorship & deprogramming  American Citizens that don't agree with their point of view Against US Constitution Bill of Rights

Speaker of the House Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage) & President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)

          enlarge image

(We the People need Barbed wire fence in the water Ten feet from river shoreline  that which  the River forms the Border between the United States And Mexico)enlarge image
The Life of your County is at Stake!!
U S President  Joseph Biden Jr."Dems Ultraobsession" Mindset SUPREMACY  woke enabler Pro Open Border

April 26 2022 :Border Control Rule of Law
 US President Biden Jr.__2021__ Open Border Policy(power grab)
dealing with US border illegal alien migration
But under US President Biden Jr. an Open Border Policy dealing with US border illegal alien migration    Financial Aid Package for each entering  the US
(that has all rights as American Citizens under the US Constitution but No Mask mandates remains necessary by CDC ruling __approved by US President Biden for CDC Statistics ruling not necessary for the public health)
(Under US President Biden Jr. can contain Driver License - can vote next election__Medical Hospital in US educated the illegal immigration__ how to get US Driver License  in each 50 States but! A committee of the California state legislature killed a plan to place the chips in  driver's licenses in the Golden State. The technology, supporters say, allows for easier crossings at the borders with Mexico and Canada.)

US President Biden Jr. Does Have an Open Border Policy (power grab) inorder to have Victory in November Election 2022___ will help of Illegal aliens & immigrants that was not process that are not American Citizens under The US Constitution voters rights

We the three musketeers (power grab) will make this happens :__Victory in November Election 2022 We the three musketeers (power crabs) will make this happens & all Dems voters woke will take Political action will help of  illegal alien migration US Constitution Dems voters rights

April 9 2021 We the People” comments: Fox News  great success: Right on Track – Nice Work! - 1st Class – Awesome! - Top Job! - Good Job! - Terrific! - Outstanding! - CoolsFox News  make it look easy! - Hang in there! - We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilization”.

UAU Party___Truth Fact____ will Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will Tell It Like It Is ____ that is A US Commonsense American Citizen Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener

USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


Operation windbag: Too often the windbag Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc. lose sight of what the US Constitution stand for in protecting We the People. So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc.  annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(118th) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or  U.S. Executive Branch or THE U.S. Judicial Branch   or U.S. Government employee(Nonconservatives)   ******* Pass it on

 Don't Be a Fool
Proverbs 19:3  A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD.
Proverbs 10:18  ...whoever spreads slander is a fool.
Proverbs 12:15  The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Proverbs 12:16  A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
Proverbs 13:20  He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 14:17  A quick-tempered man does foolish things...
Ecclesiastes 7:9  Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Proverbs 15:5  A fool spurns his father’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Proverbs 18:2  A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.
Proverbs 18:13  He who answers before listening — that is his folly and his shame.
Proverbs 20:3  It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
Proverbs 21:20  In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Proverbs 26:12  Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Proverbs 28:26  He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe. #1

Democrat Lefty Christians & Democrat Lefty "evangelicals" Christians are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law_ The Bible)) & then general American Citizen Christian(consists of  Two type__ Commonsense Conservative Christians & the Lefty Moderate Christians(extremists__ are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law__The Bible) (maybe the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law_ need to speech out _ do & don't about The Bible-Obey Jesus Commands__ with Lefty Catholic Christians faith(follow-up list to beanswer by the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law )_to be Follower of Jesus to see if _ Jesus-God Rule of Law__ The Bible > comment:  Lefty Catholic Christians faith       Arguing over abortion (Pro-Choice) Operation: An woman don't have a choice (in my opinion) it's a life against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians it is murder etc... (in my opinion)
June 22 2022Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: On November  2022 any American Citizens should not vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform


May 13 2022 :U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.Woke has a "Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy woke enabler
What State Of Mind Is

U S President Mr. Biden Jr. Foreign Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd

June 22 2022Dems voters(woke)~~'Democratic Party(DLM __ Dems Life Matter) has Dems voters(woke) right by ass_My way or It's the highwayThose Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage'~~
January 8 2021Speaker of the House) Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party(woke)___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage)#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
'~~ Not as a Dems voters,,, as a commonsense voter to defend the American Ideal ONE STEP AHEAD    IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
America First
security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
The Life of your County is at Stake!!
Commonsense CORE Values CONSERVATIVE American Citizens
Commonsense Rule of Law to defend the American Ideal

Dems want to censorship & deprogramming  American Citizens that don't agree with their point of view Against US Constitution Bill of Rights

Speaker of the House Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage) & President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)

   enlarge image

(We the People need Barbed wire fence in the water Ten feet from river shoreline  that which  the River forms the Border between the United States And Mexico)enlarge image
The Life of your County is at Stake!!
U S President  Joseph Biden Jr."Dems Ultraobsession" Mindset SUPREMACY  WOKE enabler Pro Open Border

June 8 20222U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(IMO_ China  woke) migrant marching to US Border(more Dems voters__which US Hospital(s')  are setup to educated each migrant __ how to received a driver license in each State setup by Dems Mr. Biden admin to vote in November election & received benfits[a migrant(each) payment made by Mr. Biden Admin in time of need for Food, Clothing, Housing, Medical & Location]

June 8 20222US President  Joseph Biden Jr.[IMO_ China  woke__for Mr. Biden Jr. (specially with US green new ideal __ Climate Change --- but not for China(everything Made in China then export to USA __ China education their Military in all trades inorder to take over the World)] __ Why!__ Dems DOJ admin ignoring domestic terrorism __and Foreign migrant adversaries within { are Destorying the Justice System}

June 8 2022China  woke__ lists what china wants  & Lists for  US President  Joseph Biden Jr to take action on for China Government

 May 13 2022 U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(IMO_ China  woke)"Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Dems woke enabler Pro Open Border
(We the People need Barbed wire fence in the water Ten feet from river shoreline  that which  the River forms the Border between the United States And Mexico)enlarge image
The Life of your County is at Stake!!



What State Of Mind Is
Democrats "Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Dems woke enabler

The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) with the American Citizens

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)


March 30  2022enlarge image
It will Cost U.S.WH Millions(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) a day to food, clothing, Housing, Medical & Location inorder to fund it will have to defund What ? List: Now! approved by Dems voters (Mindset supremacy woke enabler) by any means {{{U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(IMO_ China woke)}}} Diversified Integrator U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(IMO_ China woke) taking actions in all Matters

May 10  2022POLL: 75% Believe Country is on the wrong track Specially Dems supremacy DEMS WOKE enabler Leaders in (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH &  with the American Citizens_-Dems "Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy woke enabler (IMO_ China woke)___Speaker of the House  Lefty Totalitarianism "Ultraobsession" Mindset Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA 12th)___Lefty Totalitarianism "Ultraobsession" Mindset Chuck Schumer(D-NY)___U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(IMO_ China woke)___Lefty Totalitarianism "Ultraobsession" Mindset
Jesus-God Is The Answer For The World Today
(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch


Jesus-God Is The Answer For The World Today
Above Him There's No Other Jesus-God Is The Way
the  unbelievers will be separated from thebelievers and be cast into the fire
The Earth Is The LORD'S, And Everything In It
What a privilage to carry Everything to the Lord in prayer!
We should never be discouraged
Can we find a friend so faithful
Jesus knows our every weakness
You would be free from the burden of Sin, o'er evil a victory win

you would live daily His praises to sing
There's is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood
In the precious blood of the Lamb

Jesus-God gained a soul and Satan lost a good right arm
a black eye of the law will soon be well, Lose all their guilty stains
Wash all my sins away

Needing a friend to save me in the end
Where could I go, but to the Lord
Seeking a refuge for my soul

I don't worry o'er the future
For I know what Jesus said
For He knows what lies ahead
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand
Jesus give the healing and grace

Our hearts always hunger for
Some Call Him Savior, The Redeemer Of All Men
I Call Him Jesus, For He's My Dears Friend

I will be a soldier brave and true
And ever firmly take a stand
As I onward go and daily meet the foe

Blessed Jesus hold my hand
I have put my faith in thee, dear lord
that i may reach the golden strand
there's no other friend on whom i can depend
blessed Jesus,  hold my hand

May 13 2022 :U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.Woke has a "Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Dictator Woke enabler
What State Of Mind Is

Woke "Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Dems woke enabler

U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(IMO_ China  woke) "Ultraobsession" Mindset List:

Mr. Biden Jr."Ultraobsession" Mindset Pro Open Border
(We the People need Barbed wire fence in the water Ten feet from river shoreline  that which  the River forms the Border between the United States And Mexico)
Mr. Biden Jr."Ultraobsession" Mindset Pro Hyperglobalization__specially 100% with China(made in China is U S President  Joseph Biden Jr. "Ultraobsession" Mindset import to US)

Mr. Biden Jr."Ultraobsession" Mindset with China
Mr. Biden Jr."Ultraobsession" Mindset with Ukraine Neo-Nazis Ukraine Statistics Aid (40 Billon Dollars) __ where is the Ukraine aid package $$ coming from (Did any GOP voted  for $40B in Ukraine aid if so __List of Names )

May 13 2022:U S President  Joseph Biden Jr. ___86th United States Attorney General D_Merrick Garland (woke)"Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Woke enabler
(1) to let Teen MOBS overtaking Chicago Streets

May 13 2022 U S President  Joseph Biden Jr."Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy woke enabler Pro Open Border
(We the People need Barbed wire fence in the water Ten feet from river shoreline  that which  the River forms the Border between the United States And Mexico)enlarge image
The Life of your County is at Stake!!

U.S. Ozar  U.S. "Do-Care_About" Ozarthen their "Don't-Care_About"

May 6 2022 :US President Biden Jr."Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Dictator  enabler "Don't-Care_About" Human Life__Pro Abortion
: Pope Francis Support the then speak-out against Pro-Abortion # 1pf 2pf 3pf 4pf 5pf 6pf
The Earth Is The LORD'S, And Everything In It

{October 29 2021 What is a Christian Hypocrite ____ is a person or leader  who does not preach what they preach or practice what they preach __ Jesus-God Rule of  Law The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion__is a crime against human life)}

May 1 2022 ___ NATO nations, including Canada, train and equip Nazis from western Ukraine 
US Mr. Biden Jr. (IMO_ China  woke) Ukraine Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd
&Ukraine Statistics Aid #1 US Senators(woke)  #2 US House of  Representatives(woke)  #3  US Governors (woke)  #4 US President Biden Jr(woke)  

"Ultraobsession" Mindset  Pelosi(D) Makes Unannounced (& "Ultraobsession" Mindset Adam Schiff(D)) Vist to Ukraine, Vows U.S. Support 'Intil the Fight IS done'

Before the War Started In Ukraine under Zelensky__neo-Nazis to fight and kill Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine)

May 3 2022 :__Dems "Ultraobsession" Mindset supremacy Dems Woke enabler Woke__Vows __U.S. to Support 'Intil the Fight IS done' (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH &  with the American Citizens_-Dems "Ultraobsession" Mindset woke voters (USB )__NWO
___Speaker of the House  Lefty Totalitarianism "Ultraobsession" Mindset Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA 12th)___Lefty Totalitarianism "Ultraobsession" Mindset Chuck Schumer(D-NY)___U S President  Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else
Democrat Three Musketeers (Dems supremacy dictator  enabler) secretly emerging totalitarian world govenment
New World Order__NWO

Far-Right' 'Neo Nazi' 'white Supremacist' ideology has cemented itself in Ukraine under Zelensky.

The billionaire former president  Petro Poroshenko is part of the corrupt oligarchy who from 2014 relied on neo-Nazis to fight and kill Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine).

20/03/2022  Zelenskiy bans 11 left parties and merges all TV channels into one - but neo-nazi groups still welcomed

"Since Ukraine's US-orchestrated coup in 2014, I've watched NATO nations, including Canada, train and equip Nazis from western Ukraine that attack fellow citizens in the Donbass (eastern Ukraine). This indiscriminate killing has gone on almost daily since 2014.

Far-Right ideology has cemented itself in Ukraine under Zelensky  onday, August 30, 2021

Zelensky___Effectively, he called for the ethnic cleansing of Russians in Donbass
In Ukraine under Zelensky__neo-Nazis to fight and kill Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine)

However, as recently as August 5, the Ukrainian president demonstrated that he has not deviated from the reactionary and extremist ideology of his predecessor. Zelensky said on the Dom TV channel that "for the sake of your children and grandchildren," those who identify as Russian in Donbass should "go find a place for yourself in the Russian Federation." Effectively, he called for the ethnic cleansing of Russians in Donbass, irrespective of the fact that Donbass has been an integral part of the Russian homeland since the 1600's. It cannot be overlooked that Zelensky's call for Russians to be ethnically cleansed from Donbass is in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. He received no condemnation from the EU or the UN.

Several actions that President Volodymyr Zelensky's government has taken in recent months are alarmingly authoritarian" and "trying to portray Ukraine as a model democracy deserving U.S. protection on moral grounds is even more far?fetched."

Zelensky's first assistant, Sergey Shefir, already revealed that the president will return to show business within five years. This suggests that Zelensky acknowledges he is not a politician. Although he appears or is portrayed as a liberal, it has been proven beyond doubt that he is incapable or unwilling to break the Far-Right in Ukraine. Under his presidency, extremist ideology has not only been consolidated, but is now being pushed into the mainstream, just as the stunt with the Euros 2020 jerseys and the replacement of Avakov with one of his lackeys clearly demonstrates.

April 30 2022 :Dems Woke
United States President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr (#4  Mainstrean Solution(USB )__NWO  Woke
taking action= American Citizens First(maybe) (#1 #2 #3   Mainstrean Solution(USB )__NWO  Woke
#1 US Senators(Dems woke)  #2 US House of  Representatives (Dems woke) #3  US Governors   (Dems woke)  #4 US President Biden Jr(dictator)  

taking action= American Citizens First(maybe) (#1 #2 #3   #4       Mainstrean Solution
-consist of centrists, Democratic Woke, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats;
Some DOJ (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution)

: US Mr. Biden Jr. misstformation disinformation US Mr. Biden Jr. Open Border .US Mr. Biden Jr. economics Statistics Aid  .US Mr. Biden Jr. _illegal Biden Jr immigration   US Mr. Biden Jr. Ukraine Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd . US Mr. Biden Jr. climate change  US Mr. Biden Jr. mischievousness mouth 


The Russia __ Ukraine War
US Mr. Biden Jr. Ukraine Statistics Aid (Billon of Dollars)AC 2nd


: Lying False impression Truth{(omission)(Mainstrean Solution(DemsUSB )   A New member (Nina Jankowowic) of the team_taking action on all matters ___ Mr. Biden Administration's regime Now! will police Dems(& dems ? voters) on free speech, privacy, fake news misstformation disinformation specially in Mr. Biden  Administration's 

What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) with the American Citizens

April 30 2022 :

Freedom of Speech {First Amendment} is the answer
to be a  American-Watchdog

Commonsense Core Values Conservative
American Citizens
Core Values Define Our Cuture
Our Vision and Values

March 30  2022enlarge image

What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) with the American Citizens

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)


GrayblueneckTAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area


April 26 2022 :  Twitter Can be a American-Watchdog Due to Twitter
Freedom of speech

American-Watchdog (Americans speaking Freely) can reveals information related to misconduct or wrongdoing (waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, or dangers to public health and safety to someone who is in the position to rectify the wrongdoing)

 :Twitter is the US Congress (117th) (woke) Party Worst Nightmare
___woke) Party & its Dems Woke Voters (USB )__NWO  do to their Woke: might be to Collapse or rectify their wrongdoing


Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play

April 26 2022 :
Left-Up the Mirror_ take  a good, long look in the mirror_____US President Biden Jr. _____take  a good, long look in the mirror

 April 26 2022 :
 Title: Racist, anti-Semitic comments by A or group of Democrats or etc. who is or are 100% racist coming from their  mischievousness mouth

  : their  mischievousness woke mouth_Left-Up the Mirror_ taking action that the American Citizens(commonsense) are racist & anti-semitic

 The American Citizens take a good, long look in the mirror that has a adversary woke against the American Citizen(commonsense) but the person adversary woke is 100% racist coming from their  mischievousness mouth__name calling__ that say the American Citizen(commonsense) are racist, anti-semitic but according to US Constitution Jesus-God  __ Rule of Law are not racist

 List: __true in true are Racist, anti-Semitic __ areLiars that they utter from theirmischievousness mouth _Left-Up the Mirror_that under Jesus-God Rule of Law__that a sin__the  unbelievers will be separated from thebelievers and be cast into the fire (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, 47-50)

April 26 2022 :
US President Biden Jr. economics Statistics for US American Citizens  that will benefits American Citizens in the Future & Present! ( will make AC second instead first)
US President Biden Jr. economics Statistics Aid (power grab) for the World (increase Financial Aid Package by increase their oil products & increase Financial Aid Package
by The Green New Deal (John Kerry __ US President Biden Jr. economics Statistics(power grab)

Jan 27, 2021 WASHINGTON -US President Biden's climate czar, John Kerry, admitted Wednesday that the US reducing its emissions to zero wouldn't make much of a difference in the global climate change fight
The Green New Deal's Big Open Secret: It Doesn't Exist
The idea has reshaped global climate policy, but is far less concrete than its supporters have been led to believe.
The idea has reshaped global climate policy for China Russia & Iran ,is far less concrete than its supporters have been led to believe.  (But for China & Russia & Iran __ increase their  Financial Aid Package increase their oil products & other etc. products)
as under US President Biden Jr.___ The Green New Deal    has bring a Crisis on American Citizens as high interest rates, higher prices for food products, higher gas prices, higher prices on everthing that American Citizens Need To Stay Alive __ Basic Survival Needs: The 5 Things You Need To Stay Alive_____Oxygen, water, food, shelter (warmth) plus self-defense...that's it.

If you plan for and meet these 5 survival needs, you have a reasonable chance of surviving

April 26 2022 :Border Control Rule of Law
 US President Biden Jr.__2021__ Open Border Policy(power grab)
dealing with US border illegal alien migration
But under US President Biden Jr. an Open Border Policy dealing with US border illegal alien migration    Financial Aid Package for each entering  the US
(that has all rights as American Citizens under the US Constitution but No Mask mandates remains necessary by CDC ruling __approved by US President Biden for CDC Statistics ruling not necessary for the public health)
(Under US President Biden Jr. can contain Driver License - can vote next election__Medical Hospital in US educated the illegal immigration__ how to get US Driver License  in each 50 States but! A committee of the California state legislature killed a plan to place the chips in  driver's licenses in the Golden State. The technology, supporters say, allows for easier crossings at the borders with Mexico and Canada.)

US President Biden Jr. Does Have an Open Border Policy (power grab) inorder to have Victory in November Election 2022___ will help of Illegal aliens & immigrants that was not process that are not American Citizens under The US Constitution voters rights

We the three musketeers (power grab) will make this happens :__Victory in November Election 2022 We the three musketeers (power crabs) will make this happens & all Dems voters woke will take Political action will help of  illegal alien migration US Constitution Dems voters rights

April 26 2022 :
  I (as US President Biden Jr.) will take( should take) full responsibility why! Iam Commander-in-chief who exercises supreme command and control over armed forces or a military branch ___that I make all decision if is good or bad (so as Dems leader of Political Party__We the (power grab) will make this happens & all Dems voters woke will take Political action)

I(US President Biden Jr.  Commander-in-chief  woke (power grab) in total control over GOP  &  American Citizen(commonsense) voters
Who I exercises supreme command and control over armed forces or a military branch.
I, Biden economics Statistics for Ukraine  increase Financial Aid Package by increase their Financial Aid even if if no-win War at the expense of American Citizens US Gov. General Fund

We the   (power grab) will make this happens:__ We the   (power grab) will make this happens & all Dems voters woke will take Political action will help of  illegal alien migration US Constitution Dems voters rights

April 26 2022 :
maybe Kamala Harris the Vice President-ERA could be Next 1st Woman President in 2023

US President Biden Jr. Does Have an Open Border Policy (power grab)
May 3 2019But then it could be not a opinion but a fact: Operation to be 2019-here after American Civil War in Twenty Century: legal arena that could lead to violent(Will update how violent protest will be) USA Democrats Illegal Immigrants OR to be Democrats Legal Immigrants OR Democrats NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS that could be serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases (But that OK)Democrats & Anti-ETC. Liberal Activism Jerks-consist of centrists, Democratic WOKE, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats; Some DOJ (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) in the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this (But that OK) Vs  U.S. COMMONSENSE American Citizens Principle & Ethics For the People by the People with the People (U.S. Constitution Bills of Right )


April 22 2022 : maybe Kamala Harris the Vice President-ERA could be Next 1st Woman President in 2023 IF President Joseph Biden Jr. has any Medial Problems that can't hold office    Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3) For President Joseph Biden Jr. don't have any Medical Problems
10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42)

1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)      2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)     3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)     4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)        5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)     6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)     7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)     8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)         9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)     10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)

We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

USA(ALL) Life MATTER believe in the Jesus-God Corner Stone-Thirst No More To Be in Today World dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future FROM THE BEGINNING TO END OF TIME which Jewish Carpenter - - Jesus-God is the overseer TRUTH & JUSTICE

Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play

November 29 2021      USA(ALL) Life MATTER: No More Violent Protests in USA__is a Sin against Bill of Rights___All Peaceful Protests will be or face___US Three Stikes Law (One-on-One)
U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

      USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People

April 21 2022 woke__Mr. Biden Jr. terrific Ideaits truly works & gets results with Dems voters even it is Disinformation Mr. Biden & his Admin everywhere they turn___ Xi Jinping is control over Mr. Biden Jr. behind the screen___Biden Jr.  Dems voters  & DOJ US AG lost total control over Mr. Biden & his Admin  mischievousness ideals & US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) :Review Carefully:Republic ofXi Jinping 520 Mr. Biden(: maybe Mr. Biden Jr.-ERA could be Calamity cousin) excellence USB A true, true friend in need dealing  _with_Open Border & Ukraine &__Russia __Iran___NATO ___United Nation  & then DOJ_Merrick Garland/D-ERA a true friend in need _for__Mr. Biden Jr. Clan (which US AG in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past-Present-&- then Future to be In USA forecast__List: (1*) TITLE 42  (2*)  (power grab){{War on Cops}}  to defund protection of  US Law and Order in US Federal & each 50 States that a NO! NO!__WHO! __Who going to protect your neighbors & Friend & Family from violent human being to keep Americans Safe Legal Dramas against US Constitution Rule of Law of  US Law and Order in US Federal & each 50 States DOJ Judge's can be prosecuted for not following US Constitution Rule of Law of  US Law and Order by We The People (3*)  (power grab) Open Border for UN that a NO! NO!__WHO! __Who going to protect your neighbors & Friend & Family from violent human being to keep Americans Safe(4*) Wrong doing from the Past & Present__dealing with American Citizens US AG & Etc. can be prosecuted for not following US Constitution Rule of Law of  US Law and Order by We The People(5*  (power grab) Open Border  that a NO! NO!__WHO! __Who going to protect your neighbors & Friend & Family from violent human being to keep Americans Safe(2*)(6*)

(which US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)  in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past, Present & then Future to be In USA forecast__List: (power grab) (2)#1 #2 #3 #4

U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

April 17 2022 Border Control Rule Of Law

 President Biden Jr. - CIA - NSA - AG(DOJ)
Border Control Rule Of Law(In my opinion) can be convicted of Treason(Liars)
US Constitution Rule of Law
Responsibility  - to Stop Illegal immigration {soars highest under Biden Jr. - CIA - NSA - AG(DOJ)}
enter the US So When  the Illegal aliens
step on US soil then Federal Law is enforce 
Biden Jr. - CIA - NSA - AG(DOJ)  have to take immediate action apprehend & rest the intruder(Illegal aliens) & be place
on Federal  Property & ((All Criminal(Illegal aliens & immigrants) be __ process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay))__ be process(Illegal aliens & immigrants )  __cannot leave Federal property until process & remain on Federal Property until Background Check__ & remain on Federal Property ((Until proven that no treat(risk) to any American citizen)) cannot take of resident in any 50 States ___
NSA (Paul M. Nakasone/D) will find all Illegal aliens & immigrants that was not process back to Federal Property ___
List of all Illegal aliens & immigrants in USA will be by CIA - NSA - AG(DOJ) where about on USA Soil
If US President(Joe Biden/D) - CIA(William Joseph Burns/D) - NSA (Paul M. Nakasone/D) - AG__DOJ(Merrick Garland/D) refuse that (In my opinion) can be convicted of Treason(Liars)
more clarification on Illegal aliens & immigrants will be remain on Federal Property that cannot take of resident in any 50 States ___

Border Control Rule Of Law
(In my opinion) President Biden Jr. - CIA - NSA - AG(DOJ) can be convicted of Treason(Liars)
US Constitution Rule of Law
Illegal aliens & immigrants
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #

What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) with the American Citizens

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)


April 3 2022 Ukraine Unholy War ____ Russia Communist State against neo-nazi's in Ukraine

March 12 2022The Russia __ Ukraine War

NATO(USA) Leaders don't understand that Ukraine is a No-Win-War ___ inorder to save Ukraine Citizens from being hurt ___save their livelihood in Ukraine before it too late ___NATO(USA) Leaders need to tell___Ukraine Leaders__NWO  is a No-Win-War __if  Russia is committing War Crimes then [[[China committing War Crimes dealing with human rights Etc. in China but is it OK with President Joseph

(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters (but not in China)(USB ) regime(Socialists) Administration's& then US Congress(117th)(but not in China)(USB ) ]]]] DID neo-nazi's in Ukraine committed War Crimes from the Past

April 5  2022President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  bonehead & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters (but not in USA)(USB ) regime(woke) Administration'sbonehead& then US Congress(117th)(but not in USA)(USB )bonehead
March 30  2022enlarge image
"What else" Is Democrats Illegal Pay from General Budget Fund(infrastrucher Bill will decrease the General Budget Fund)
President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  Woke has funded the rise of neo-nazi's in Ukraine  to wage an unholy war against Putin's Russia.Democrats Illegal Pay from General Budget Fund that will decrease the General Budget Fund & increase income taxes & Democrats illegal migration got it made! Food, Clothing, Housing, Medical & Location (be located in DE)-in my opinion-comment__ IS US Congress(117th)#1 #2 bonehead)(USB ) afraid of to take action against US President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)#4 bonehead) (Dictator(USB ) )We the People Think So
Dems woke voters give to the Dems political ___to take political control
American-Watchdog      WHY! __U.S.  has approx. 30 Ukrainian biological lab samples could spill, go to Russians ___ Which media news site is dedicated to the truth and true journalism
"The Real Reason Russia is Invading Ukraine" Save the World  From What? etc.

enlarge image 

 United We Stand ____ The Truth Will Set Us Free ___ Which media news site is dedicated to the truth and true journalism

March 30  2022comments __

NATOUkraine President Zelensky(fascists) ____ Why is Ukraine's Zelensky(fascists) wearing The NAZI Iron Cross?  ____ comments __Did _this happen__( Biden's Helped Neo-Nazis Rise to Power in Ukraine

For the last decade, billionaire Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky has funded the rise of neo-nazi's in Ukraine in collusion with the Biden family, and helped install puppet President Volodymyr Zelensky to wage an unholy war against Putin's Russia.

President JosephDictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  Woke  & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB ) regime(woke) Administration's__& US Congress (117th) ((woke)

 United We Stand ____ The Truth Will Set Us Free ___ Which media news site is dedicated to the truth and true journalism

March 22 2022 U.S. Economist __ Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar  :: Climate Change~~'everything goes around oil & etc.'~We The People Climate Change will not be in USA TO authorites sanctions(present) their will be no sanctions(present) Put on Foreign Countries to do Climate Change by President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  Woke Climate Change  & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB ) regime(woke) Administration's__& US Congress (117th) ((woke)

It's Dems Woke

March 27 2022 Dictator Woke is a chauvinistic political philosophy that exalts a group over the individual -- usually a race or nation, but in this case the adherents of a nation. Woke also espouses centralized autocratic rule by that group in suppression of others. It usually advocates severe economic and social regimentation and the total or near-total subordination of the individual to the political leadership. This accurately describes the philosophies of  regimes woke through history.

"a stark reminder that this nation is at war with  Dems woke who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

Dems woke voters give to the Dems political woke___to take political control

Dems woke voters (USB )__NWO  Woke


Dictator Woke

March 27 2022 Dictator Woke is a chauvinistic political philosophy that exalts a group over the individual -- usually a race or nation, but in this case the adherents of a nation. Woke also espouses centralized autocratic rule by that group in suppression of others. It usually advocates severe economic and social regimentation and the total or near-total subordination of the individual to the political leadership. This accurately describes the philosophies of  regimes woke through history.

Russia-President Vladimir Putin(ROC) "Save the World" From What?


Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play

 March 12 2022The Russia __ Ukraine War
Russia-President Vladimir Putin(ROC) BE KIND TO THE CHILDREN & bystander are not involve

Russia-President Vladimir Putin(ROC) BE KIND TO THE CHILDREN & bystander are not involve

Be KIND TO THE CHILDREN & bystander are not involve - in all that you may do,
Be gentle-show compassion too;
And blessings will return to you,

Russia-President Vladimir Putin(ROC) BE KIND TO THE CHILDREN & bystander are not involve

When some poor soul strives helplessly,
And flounders in a stormy sea,
Be filled with generosity;

Russia-President Vladimir Putin(ROC) BE KIND TO THE CHILDREN & bystander are not involve

If you are kind-in every day.
And love your neighbor every day,
One hundredfold-God will repay,

Russia-President Vladimir Putin(ROC) BE KIND TO THE CHILDREN & bystander are not involve
The joy of living
Is in the giving

::Is Russia-President Vladimir Putin(ROC) out of control dealing with Criminal Act that in control 

Russia (Putin) need to take control of Russia fate(destiny) with Jesus-God rule of law out of controlthat will put Russia (Putin) at the end of time , the  unbelievers will be separated from the believers and be cast into the fire(Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, 47-50)


March 22 2022American-Watchdog      WHY! __U.S.(Dems woke)  has approx. 30 Ukrainian biological lab samples could spill, go to Russians 
"The Real Reason Russia is Invading Ukraine" Save the World  From What? etc.
United States of America Dr. Anthony Fauci(dictator) Woke  # 1 2 3 4 Director of NIAID___biological lab

Dr. Anthony Fauci(dictator) Woke  Director of NIAID___biological lab American Citizens HAS problems with Director of NIAID___biological lab  President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  Woke Ukrainian biological lab & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB ) regime(woke) Administration's__& US Congress (117th)(woke) out of control dealing with the US Constitution U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar


March 3  2022American-WatchdogDemocrat Three Musketeers(Dems Dictator) secretly emerging totalitarian world govenment New World Order__NWO  (Dems Dictator)
check it out ::title__ American Thinker :: "Meet the man who predicted the Ukraine war 30 years ago"
check it out ::title__ Rumber__ Dinesh D'Souza __(video):: "Why Putin Waited Until the Biden Presidency to Invade Ukraine"
check it out ::title__ IsraelUnwired__:: "The Real Reason Russia is Invading Ukraine"

March 3  2022Comments: Will Russia-President Vladimir Putin sanctions  ON USA Govenment specially dealing with corruption within USA Govenment (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government)RUSSIA-Watchdog Tell-All (specially with Democrat Three Musketeers(Dems Dictator) & who! are the Liars(Dems Dictator)(Present & Past)

March 3  2022Ukraine(fascists)  authorites sanctions(past-present)
March 3  2022Ukraine(fascists) did put sanctions(past-present) with help of US Dems(Dictator)  on Russia such as by  Ukraine(fascists)  authorites sanctions(past-present) ___ Blocked the waterway from Ukraine Dnieper River via the North Crimean Canal until 2014 which Ukraine Dnieper River canal did supply water to Moscow-annexed Crimea, which has been suffering from shortages, especially during summer drought for the past eight  years __ The canal blockade has affected agriculture on the peninsula Russia has taken control of a vital canal to supply water to Moscow-annexed Crimea
{RUSSIA-Watchdog Tell-All__ enough is enough RUSSIA-Watchdog Tell-All__ who! in control in USA Executive Branch (this would be a nightmare to US Dems Party(Dems woke) & some GOP ___ also who! in control in USA(Dems woke) Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government}

1--- Ukraine Government Official ( Ukraine Parliament member Kira Rudik(fascist) spoke calling for a New World Order) admits we"re fighting for a New World Order

2---  March 4  2022::Is Ukraine(fascist)__NWO out of  control dealing with Criminal Act that in control that US has installed ::: if this true then U.S. violate their own Criminal Act --- dangerous to human life ::: US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States," are subject to impeachment "" 

March 17 2022_Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  March 17 2022  need to step-down(to withdraw from one's postion) as Senate Minority Leader

      USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People

     THEN For the & Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY(Dems woke suck-ass)

November 29 2021      USA(ALL) Life MATTER: No More Violent Protests in USA__is a Sin against Bill of Rights___All Peaceful Protests will be or face___US Three Stikes Law (One-on-One)

March 16 2022

ThThe Cossack

The Cossack Song  then Play
Song Lyrics
I wouldn't want to be a Cossack headed for that Palestine Road
Thinking about what's written in the Word of God
About the things that he's foretold&ldots;&ldots;.

Ezekiel, Israel and the End Time

Ezekiel 38 - Gog, Magog and the coming storm

Ezekiel 38 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,

what Ezekiel saw for Israel and the nations in the last days for Israel and the nations in the last days, we've seen that God has some pretty big events in store!

Ezekiel 39 - Gog, Magog and the coming storm - Part 2

Ezekiel 39 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

Part 2 focus on the new revelation that sheds additional light on this coming event
what Ezekiel saw for Israel and the nations in the last days
We saw in the first study of the Gog and Magog invasion that the Bible predicts an end-time alliance between Russia, Iran and Turkey (along with other countries) that will come against Israel in the last days leading up to the return of Jesus. As they cover the land like a storm it will look like a sure-thing win for the invading forces. A sure-thing that is until God steps in! We saw in the first study that God will not allow this invading force to prevail but will supernaturally wipe them out on the mountains of Israel in an event that will literally leave an unbelieving world gasping! It will, the Bible says, be an event that will be used by God to make His name known again to both Israel and the nations of the world.
A fire for Magog too!  The finale - Glory and knowledge amongst the nations
The finale - Spiritual rebirth and redemption for Israel 


March 17 2022 American Citizens HAS problems with  President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB ) regime(Dems woke) Administration's__out of control dealing with the US Constitution U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar
& Then American Citizens HAS problems with US Congress(117th) & US DOJ__out of control with the US Constitution
Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
The Cossack Song  then Play
U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

#1#03/17/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO  __ Border Control is going as Plan(need change no more US Constitution voters rights) ___Now! We the Dems __ more Dems voters in each 50 States (more Dems voters from Afghan(Afghan refugees__approx. 70,000___how many were Taliban refugees__ Taliban fighters against USA) {#}[Title reseach::_]
#2#03/17/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO  __ New World Order(NWO)  is going as Plan  {#}[Title reseach::_]

#3#__3/17/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO  __ Now! 100% against Israel For Iran (along with other countries) that will come against Israel is going as Plan  {#}[Title reseach::_]

#3a#__3/17/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO ____3/17/22-in my opinion-comment__ IS US Congress(117th) afraid of US President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) We the People Think So_____is going as Plan  {#1 2 3 4 5 6 7}[Title reseach::_]

#_#__  /  /22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO  __ XXXXXXXXXXX is going as Plan  {#}[Title reseach::_]

#4#__3/__/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) what next*****Climate Change_MR. Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO is going as Plan  {#}[Title reseach::_]
#5#__3/__/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) what next*****General Bdget Fund _MR. Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO is going as Plan  {#}[Title reseach::_]

#6#__3/__/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) what next*****Federal Reserve Board (Dems woke)interest rate increase (for what) _MR. Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO is going as Plan  {#1 2}[Title reseach::_]

#7#__3/__/22-in my opinion-comment__(Thus saith->) what next*****____________ _MR. Biden Jr.(Harris)_(USB )__NWO is going as Plan  {#}[Title reseach::_]

enlarge image
Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
"What else" Is Democrats Illegal Pay from General Budget Fund(infrastrucher Bill will decrease the General Budget Fund)
enlarge image  

Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play

March 06 2022 American Citizens HAS problems with  President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB ) regime(Dems woke Administration's U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar
Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play

March 05 2022 :President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.___has a medical problems Joseph Biden Jr. __ have a Health Problemsif not, proof it need to replace with American Citizen that has commonsense -----maybe it could be USA Mitch.-- Strategist GOP 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP  NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT! 
In 2024 GOP 'Make America Great Again' in '2024's USA in 2022(for) decision be made by United States Supreme Court Justices for Voter Fraud____ immediately action taken __ not ?(+) later went Voter Fraud candidate take office  
{if not something wrong dealing with United States Supreme Court Justices __  don't no what Constitution of the United States Rule of Law is  in making decisions against wrong doing accordinglyclear the US Constitution  Rule of Law is not the Justices Rule of Law}

  immediately action should be taken ___on Voter Fraud decision((& all decisions made by SCOTUS)) that was made by the United States Supreme Court Justices for wrong doing ?(+)____ then criminal action be taken Now __ not ?(+) later  MOREon how criminal action be taken on the United States Supreme Court Justices & United States Attorney General (Past & Present)__by WE THE PEOPLE __U.S. Legal SYSTEM_ that made the their own ruling instead of the US Constitution  Rule of Law  that US Constitution  Rule of Law States
The present Presidential oath of office The oath reads:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

     USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land
Published on Jan 17, 2013  John Wayne Tribute to America
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God or search = John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land __ youtube



March 3  2022American-WatchdogDemocrat Three Musketeers(Dems woke) secretly emerging totalitarian world govenment New World Order__NWO  (Dems woke)
check it out ::title__ American Thinker :: "Meet the man who predicted the Ukraine war 30 years ago"
check it out ::title__ Rumber__ Dinesh D'Souza __(video):: "Why Putin Waited Until the Biden Prersidency to Invade Ukraine"
check it out ::title__ IsraelUnwired__:: "The Real Reason Russia is Invading Ukraine"

March 3  2022Comments: Will Russia-President Vladimir Putin sanctions  ON USA Govenment specially dealing with corruption within USA Govenment (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government)RUSSIA-Watchdog Tell-All (specially with Democrat Three Musketeers(Dems woke) & who! are the Liars(Present & Past)

March 3  2022  {RUSSIA-Watchdog Tell-All__ enough is enough RUSSIA-Watchdog Tell-All__ who! in control in USA Executive Branch (this would be a nightmare to US Dems Party(Dems woke) & some GOP ___ also who! in control in USA Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government}

March 4  2022::Is (Dems wokeNWO out of  control dealing with Criminal Act that in control that (Dems woke) has installed ::: if this true then U.S. violate their own Criminal Act --- dangerous to human life ::: US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States," are subject to impeachment "" 

March 3  2022comments __ don't know their History from Past & Present about Russia __ China__  US Why!  dealing with real facts  that  American Citizens problems with  President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris(USB )__NWO  & the Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB ) regime(Dems woke) Administration's U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

   enlarge image

    The Gull  brownfield site

       USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People

Core Values Define Our Cuture __ Our Vision __ Our Values

U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar

Justices will prevail in USA by American-Watchdog

February 20 2022American-Watchdog      American-Watchdog  be proud to be American Citizens Watchdog  __ reveals  private or  classified information related to misconduct or wrongdoing (waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, or dangers to public health and safety to someone who is in the position to rectify the wrongdoing) within  USA Government Organization such as NSA< CIA< FBI<IRS<Federal Reserve Board>USA GOV. AGENCIES_Federal, State & Local>  or Private Human Being misconduct or wrongdoing within or outside USA Government __ Specially against US Constitution Rule of Law (Federal, State & Local) If American-Watchdog is a liar can be brought to Justice under  the US Constitution Rule of Law (Federal, State & Local) but If official is a liar about American-Watchdog report can be & will be brought to Justice immediately under the US Constitution Rule of Law (Federal, State & Local

If  Media BOD or etc.  liaring about their reports about the American-Watchdog report(reveal) can be punishment under the US Constitution Rule of Law (Federal, State & Local) immediately take action on the Media BOD liaring in days of Media BOD their liaring reports or American-Watchdog liar reports

American-Watchdog will disclosures to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) or We the People Special Counsel WTPSC or reliable( trustworthy) sources such as Media or etc. that can be will be punishment under the US Constitution Rule of Law (Federal, State & Local) for reports'  containing untrue statements also If DOJ (include standing Judge) liaring(containing untrue statements) about American-Watchdog reports in his court room that will follow a time-bound short investigation process through which OSC or WTPSC can order an agency disclosures to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) or WTPSC

February 15 2022
Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play

Democrat Three Musketeers (Dems woke) secretly emerging totalitarian world govenment
New World Order__NWO
US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.(Harris)NWO(USB Liars')(Hardcore Dems woke) __ totalitarian world govenment)  US Democrat New Word Order  Constitution In US Congress Dems & US Dems     (US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.(Harris)NWO) )        Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government
So that Means Dems woke voters are promoter of  totalitarian world govenment  __ NWO  US Dems woke voters  are wrong side of  the US Constitution but for US Democrat New Word Order  Constitution ___  Democrat Three Musketeers(Dems woke) promoter of:::A Country without Borders is Not a Country

(Democrat New World Order (Dems woke) that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty then Climate Change(Dems woke) promoter of NWO to take control of USA)

1--- Ukraine Government Official (fascist)( Ukraine Parliament member Kira Rudik spoke calling for a New World Order) admits we"re fighting for a New World Order

(Dems woke) with their Helper__Kamala  HARRIS(Vice President D) ____Merrick Garland(Dems woke) (86th United States Attorney General D)    ___Steny Hoyer (5 MA D) __J. Clyburn (6 SC D) __Dick Durbin (IL D)
(Hardcore Dems woke) USB  jackass )Grayblueneck  if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----

[need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense]{#1 2 3 4 Now! & in 2022 here after present _ Future}
(Dems woke)     

December 13 2021 U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist Ozar DID U KNOW::
 : Russia (Putin) need to take control of Russia fate(destiny) with Jesus-God rule of law Not with Rule of Lawthat will put Russia (Putin) one foot in the gate of Hell


February 15 2022 U.S. American-Watchdog Constitutionist OzarCovid-19_etc.~'vaccines'~CORRUPT
US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.(Harris_ Karine Jean-Pierre -WH Press Secretary-& Our team_taking action on all matters)(USB Liars') regime(Dems woke) Administration's (Fauci(Dems Dictator) Woke  # 1 2 3 4  Director of NIAID_lobbyist(then persuasion for himself $ & US President Biden Jr.(Harris)__Administration's_$$&$$ for Pharmaceutical & Industrial Facemask Manufacturer ) [include US Congress(117th)Dems(USB Liars') woke__will not calls for a 'cease and desist of COVIND-19 jab distribution __ Covid-19_etc.~'vaccines'~  mandate & mask(unsafe with reports of toxic mould, fungi, and bacteria that can pose a significant threat to the immune system by potentially weakening it) mandate need to replace US Congress(117th)Dems(USB Liars') in 2022 & Future with American Citizens that has commonsense & all Dems leaders in US Government

CORRUPT{Global Health Coalition ~( calls for a 'cease and desist of COVIND-19 jab distribution ==== The document~( "further argues that every man and woman has a moral and legal duty to take immediate and decisive action to halt this unprecedented medical experiment, which continues to cause unnecessary and immeasurable harm."
"violates basic principles of common law, constitutional law and natural justice," as will as several international treaties}

Check this out! Title reseach:: Global health Coalition calls for  a 'cease and desist' of COVID-19 jab distribution ~(
Check this out! Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe

Check this out! Extortion by Peter Schweizer


February 16 2022 In the Future more:

Next Climate Change~~'everything goes around oil & etc.'~Climate Change will not be in USA

Next No products Made in China be import to USA~~'everything will be Made in USA'~ Government will not be able to own USA Property in USA___ Everything in is own by Everything(All Property) & even Corporations' High technology in  ask GMC__Check it out!

Next Dems woke voters~~'Democratic Party(DLM __ Dems Life Matter) has Dems woke voters right by ass_My way or It's the highwayThose Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage'~~
January 8 2021Speaker of the House) Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party(Dictator woke)  ___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage)
'~~ Not as a Dems woke voters,,, as a commonsense voter to defend the American Ideal ONE STEP AHEAD    IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
America First
security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
The Life of your County is at Stake!!
Commonsense CORE Values CONSERVATIVE American Citizens
Commonsense Rule of Law to defend the American Ideal

   enlarge image

__ Red White Blue  


  U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party) & GOP 
Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea

       Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil):

It Great We The People have LEADER(s') in U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party) & GOP

ONE STEP AHEAD    IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
America First
security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
Speak softly and carry a big stick

February 14 2022

The Life of your County is at Stake!!

U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party) & GOP in their efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress(117th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress(117th) of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extreme using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments  Then from the Past & Present dealing with IRS(IMO is corrupted) , FBI (IMO is corrupted) & CIA(IMO is corrupted) that violate the USA rule of Law   IMO comment: if not, proof it  - dealing with We the FBI, etc. gives immunity as we see fit to travesty private gain for the cause(Far Left Liberal Activism) a free pass from potential jail time {IMO FBI, IRS, US Federal Reserve Board, CIA. NSA & Federal Judges are IMO corrupted : if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----


US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

CORRUPT Democrats   process robbing the Treasury


enlarge image

Register to Vote Form
U.S. Constitutionist Ozar

Commonsense CORE Values CONSERVATIVE American Citizens

Register to Vote Form

Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 States Election Day

That you register to vote where you currently live.

Evidence of Identity: all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
U.S. driver's license; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card; or
U.S. passport

TODAY'S DATE  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

NAME  =  First ___   Full Middle Name ___    Last ____

SSN* assigned to the person  =  Last four digit of Social Security number _______  *why!

DATE OF BIRTH  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

SEX  =  Male____    Female____

CITIZENSHIP  =   U.S. Citizen____

State ADDRESS  =  Number______  City______ State______ ZIP Code_____

ID: Evidence of Identity
U.S. driver's license  =  ________________; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card  =  _______________; or
U.S. passport  =  _________________

YOUR SIGNATURE =    SIGNATURE_________________________

I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison
That you register to vote where you currently live.

GrayblueneckTAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area


UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it

U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes


USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #


_Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(USB )  & the Biden Jr.(Harris)(USB ) regime(Dems woke) Administration's
... .........
The Best Advice ---- [Truth - Justice] ::: Its Truth: Be careful the toes you step on today [] maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow

 Don't Be a Fool
Proverbs 19:3  A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD.
Proverbs 10:18  ...whoever spreads slander is a fool.
Proverbs 12:15  The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Proverbs 12:16  A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
Proverbs 13:20  He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 14:17  A quick-tempered man does foolish things...
Ecclesiastes 7:9  Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Proverbs 15:5  A fool spurns his father’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Proverbs 18:2  A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.
Proverbs 18:13  He who answers before listening — that is his folly and his shame.
Proverbs 20:3  It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
Proverbs 21:20  In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Proverbs 26:12  Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Proverbs 28:26  He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe

  The Gull

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #

         USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
        We the People



We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

USA(ALL) Life MATTER believe in the Jesus-God Corner Stone-Thirst No More To Be in Today World dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future FROM THE BEGINNING TO END OF TIME which Jewish Carpenter - - Jesus-God is the overseer TRUTH & JUSTICE

      USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
... .........
The Best Advice ---- [Truth - Justice] ::: Its Truth: Be careful the toes you step on today [] maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow

 Don't Be a Fool
Proverbs 19:3  A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD.
Proverbs 10:18  ...whoever spreads slander is a fool.
Proverbs 12:15  The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Proverbs 12:16  A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
Proverbs 13:20  He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 14:17  A quick-tempered man does foolish things...
Ecclesiastes 7:9  Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Proverbs 15:5  A fool spurns his father’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Proverbs 18:2  A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.
Proverbs 18:13  He who answers before listening — that is his folly and his shame.
Proverbs 20:3  It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
Proverbs 21:20  In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Proverbs 26:12  Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Proverbs 28:26  He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe


     USA(ALL) Life MATTER 
John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land
Published on Jan 17, 2013  John Wayne Tribute to America
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God or search = John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land __ youtube


USB >Universal Son of-a Bitch
Their two types USB __ ( Universal Serial Bus & then Universal Son of-a Bitch)

Son of a Bitch __definition__ a person regarded as mean or disagreeable __ an objectionable person __
January 10 2022Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:Democrat USB > Universal Son of-a Bitch Party
Democrat USB Party
Democrat Universal Son of-a Bitch Party 

US President Joseph(Hardcore Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)  Universal Son of-a Bitch (Democrat USB protocols Lobbyist (beware)) As Of Now 2022 All Democrat Universal Son of-a Bitch Party are against the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust
Democrat Universal Son of-a Bitch ((First))$$))then American Citizens Second


December 24 2021Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: Vs. Grayblueneck WOKE:{Grayblueneck _____ American Citizen or person evil ways to gain control increase power in USA that bye pass the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust that Grayblueneck has a  Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News}
Who! might be a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Wrong, or Ugly? 
A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}is not open and friendly person and prefers to pre-judge a person on race, gender and personal lifestyle

December 25 2021USA(ALL) Life MATTER__Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: Covid-19_etc.~'vaccines'~  Global Health Coalition ~( calls for a 'cease and desist of COVIND-19 jab distribution ==== The document~( "further argues that every man and woman has a moral and legal duty to take immediate and decisive action to halt this unprecedented medical experiment, which continues to cause unnecessary and immeasurable harm."
"violates basic principles of common law, constitutional law and natural justice," as will as several international treaties

Check this out! Title reseach:: Global health Coalition calls for  a 'cease and desist' of COVID-19 jab distribution ~(
Check this out! Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe

December 25 2021USA(ALL) Life MATTER__Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: PresidentJoseph(Dems dictator) Biden Jr.(USB )  & the Biden Jr.(Harris)(USB ) regime(Dems woke) Administration'sspreading Covid-19which continues to cause unnecessary and immeasurable harm."   "violates basic  constitutional law and natural justice," [include US Congress(117th)Dems(Dems dictator) wokespreading Covid-19 by not taken action]

WHO! IS ___ US President Joseph(Hardcore Dems dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris): Asshat with Who!It's not with American Citizens A : Maybe HIMSELF__ "Biden's Jr. Dynasty(Hardcore Dems dictator)" Lobbyist(Hardcore Dems dictator) for Pharmaceuticals=(List of)__

Check this out! Did US President Joseph(Hardcore Dems dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) & US Congress(117th)Dems(Dems woke) woke approved: that Asshat with Dr. Anthony Fauci(Hardcore Dems dictator) and the experiments involving beagles Title reseach:: Here are the facts about Dr. Anthony Fauci(Hardcore Dems dictator) and the experiments involving beagles ~(
Fauci(Hardcore Dems dictator) # 1 2 3 4

GrayblueneckWOKE:Democratic Party(DLM __ Dems Life Matter) Woke= Hard Core Totalitarianism Dems woke  And then Black Life Matter Woke___ BLM= Hard Core Totalitarianism Dems woke


August 03 2021{ Grayblueneck 2021 Infrastructure Bill WOKE }President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else  ____  Earmark
IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:for President elected Joseph Biden Jr.  from Past in 2011 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2021 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts (m)

December 13 2021 DID U KNOW::
 : Russia (Putin) need to take control of Russia fate(destiny) with Jesus-God rule of law Not with Rule of Lawthat will put Russia (Putin) one foot in the gate of Hell

Civil War 2021 in USA Homeland
U.S. Constitutionist Ozar  Open a Can of American Whoop Ass   U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)


What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) with the American Citizens

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)


US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

CORRUPT Democrats   process robbing the Treasury

Lobbyist taking action inside the USA Gov.

GrayblueneckTAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area

US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

CORRUPT Democrats   process robbing the Treasury


 *October 24 2021why! is US Congress(117th) -Senator list __ House of Rep list-Betrayal){lets clean House) spending Millions of dollars a day for illegal migration for food, Clothing, Houseing, Medical & Location__out of General Federal Budget of the US Goverment & letting the illegal migration bring in illegal Drug(trafficking)  United States President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) & the Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's has Total Control over the General Federal Budget of the US Goverment freedom to do as President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) & the Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's please(the liberty to do as Biden Jr. (Harris) want) President Biden Jr. $6 trillion budget(earmark) __ include earmark Federal Aid for illegal migration(First & American Citizens Second) US Congress(117th) are CORRUPT Democrats   process robbing the Treasury

enlarge image

November 29 2021      USA(ALL) Life MATTER: No More Violent Protests in USA__is a Sin against Bill of Rights___All Peaceful Protests will be or face___US Three Stikes Law (One-on-One)

If American Citizens believe in the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights are not Racistsdon't be a Sinner against Bill of Rights___but    Violent Protesters___ {or Violent American Citizens} will be under the US Three Stikes Law under US Federal & each States Laws to be will be brought to Justice(a court date with US Federal & States AG)

No More Violent Protests in USA__is a Sin against Bill of Rights___All Peaceful Protests will be or face___US Three Stikes Law (One-on-One)

Extreme vetting on Violent Protesters or  Violent American Citizens "Will Be" and Extreme vetting on all illegal immigrant before illegal immigrant become Violent in USA

then Earmark if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law Earmarks put into Bills from US Congress(117th) are CORRUPT Democrats  earmarking process robbing the Treasury loaded up big spending bills with special projects to benefit donors and local interest groups __Foreign Gov. Aid  After all, earmarks are perhaps one of the most egregious ways to fool taxpayers into thinking it will

December 8 2021American Civil War in Twenty Century: legal arena that could lead to::::

Civil War 2021 in USA Homeland

US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

Cross your t's and dot your i's—digitally

November 28 2021WHO! IS ___ US President Joseph(Hardcore Dems dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris): Asshat with Who!It's not with American Citizens A : Maybe HIMSELF__ "Biden's Jr. Dynasty(Hardcore Dems dictator)" Lobbyist(Hardcore woke) for Pharmaceuticals=(List of)__

Check this out! Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe

Check this out! Title reseach::The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children's Health Defense) by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Fauci(Dems dictator) # 1 2 3 4

November 30 2021USA Tell-All dealing with US President Joseph Robinette(Hardcore Dems dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) & His followers
USA American Citizens

2021 Out IN The OpenIssues Operations: USA Tell-All Urges US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) & His followers need to convert to Christianity [change your ways before to late] USA (US Congress__Whistleblower; Judicial branch__Whistleblower; & The White House__Whistleblower) [in my opinion] will Tell-All about the Politics of US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)___in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government American Citizens invite US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) to embrace the Bible:
Jesus is the Door (gate) good Shepherd.
John 10
7 So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
9 "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
11 "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
14"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,
USA Gov. will collapse & will be destroy by US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) in the end No ifs, ands or butts about it


Warning: Everyone's at risk went US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer & His followers IS THE Overseer  & His followers
try to take-over the USA

November 30 2021Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
NOI dealing with P-P-&-F
  (in 2021)   (in 2021)

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : Transition of Bailout - wrongdoing - etc.  (in 2021)in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Their 2008 Bailout from the US Congress & The White House will have BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION Transition of Bailout from GOV. - wrongdoing - etc. Keep Then Honest click here (in my opinion)

2011 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: (in 2021)in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." @# 8all #

2011 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION :::(in 2021)in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

  US Federal & State Judge[(s'(+)] is subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA @# 9 all #

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #

    DID U KNOW::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.

November 22 2021(update-may 10 2019)U.S. Economist Ozar New set of Rule  specially dealing with each financial investment or ownership such as cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, art, a private business or anything else of value to the fund specially ownership of stocks in Banks' & ownership in any Credit Score Firms put in a trust fund until not on Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sytem for each Political Evil Genius view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the Banks  -if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates(will be no more than  (dedicated to OneMain__CEO) terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms ____ Do to ownership stocks by  Foreign Governments(such as China & etc.) & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) Now! can access data that know your Social Security Numbers plus each Social Security Numbers will be setup as like a debt card number inorder to access the Social Security Number data inorder to be  security safe (Safe security) that can change the Debt number is not security safewould be knee-jerk reactionEvil Genius are putting the foot to the American Citizens no earmarks on reduce interest rates the rich are getting richer & American Citizens are getting poorer yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists are putting the foot to the American Citizens In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be requlatedNew rule of law__No Political Lobbyists can't speak to the Governors about Political $$$ business

November 21 2021USA(ALL) Life MATTER Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: USA Congress(117th) {Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats(Lefty Democratic woke)) their no  Moderate,  Centrists,  Progressive Liberal & Democrat  Christians, Democrat  "evangelicals" Christians in the Democrats Caucus-(woke) Party ___ Dems are All Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats leaders(woke)}
& Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's Caucus-(woke) Party leaders   U.S. Non-ist Ozar & then US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) "A Wake-Up call __ info" with Jesus-God hates __ that an abomination to himThere are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing ---

Who!as of are a KOOKY Caucus-(woke) Party  U.S. Non-ist Ozar

comments:Asshat with Who!

the Far Left Liberal Democrats-(Dems woke) Party leader(Promoter of) That don't understand U.S. Constitution -Super Racial Far Left Liberal-Dems(woke) hard-liner extreme have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning(specially with all Americans of race, color, or religion) in the US Congress(117th) & Media - Market Business News __ Board of Directors __ Media Corporation

November 21 2021USA(ALL) Life MATTER Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury
IRS(Dems Dictator) # 0 1 2(NSA(Dems Dictator) surveillance for Irs) 3 4 5

October 24 2021October 24 2021
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  October 24 2021  need to step-down(to withdraw from one's postion) as Senate Minority Leader & so Senator Ted Cruz be the next Senate Minority Leader that is  To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of LawIt will be ___ or Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  Past History if  Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  is qualify____To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law by USA American USA Party

November 22 2021USA(ALL) Life MATTER Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:

illegal migration(First & American Citizens Second)  
BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION  FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: about illegal immigrant  in USA (processing illegal immigrants from USA)

 *October 24 2021why! is US Congress(117th) -Senator list __ House of Rep list-Betrayal){lets clean House) spending Millions of dollars a day for illegal migration for food, Clothing, Houseing, Medical & Location__out of General Federal Budget of the US Goverment & letting the illegal migration bring in illegal Drug(trafficking)  United States President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) & the Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's has Total Control over the General Federal Budget of the US Goverment freedom to do as President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) & the Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's please(the liberty to do as Biden Jr. (Harris) want) President Biden Jr. $6 trillion budget(earmark) __ include earmark Federal Aid for illegal migration(First & American Citizens Second)

Joseph(Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) (Socialists Marxist)will not have Green New Deal so China(Socialists Marxist) can import products to USA _____USA can't make the products in USA due to Dems Green New Dealor what else can __President Joseph(Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) do "Shut Down American Citizens Freedom" way of life & American Dream is over with Dems Party Woke  "in 2021-2024" illegal migration violent & bring in illegal Drug(trafficking) other crime etc. will destroy US Constitution  Rule of Law __ Dems(woke) not following the US Constitution  Rule of Law

  --Betrayal){lets clean House(unearthed all manner of wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of LawDemocratic Far Left Liberal Democrats Party(woke) – is one of the politically powerful individuals on earth –Think tanks that promote leftist policies: that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty: 
will have one foot in the gates of Hell

 November 14 2021U.N. (United Nations HQ) be remove from United Nations HQ building for U.S. Military Engineering University_WHY()&_

Check this out! CBN UN Sculpture Looks a Lot Like the End Times Beast Referred to in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13

October 29 2021Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: On November 2 2021 any American Citizens should not vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2021
will have one foot in the gates of Hell

October 19 2021Democrat Party & members of US Congress(117th) Dems ( US Senate and the US House of Representatives) & Democrat voters agree with Democrat Party Platform ____Catechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party-(woke) Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party(woke) Platform for 2021

{October 29 2021 What is a Christian Hypocrite ____ is a person or leader  who does not preach what they preach or practice what they preach __ Jesus-God Rule of  Law The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion__is a crime against human life)}

Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Woke as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

Any "evangelicals" Christians or Christians can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party-(woke) Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party(woke) Platform for 2021

will have one foot in the gates of Hell

--Betrayal){lets clean House(unearthed all manner of wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law }
Virginia Governor
New Jersey Governor
             wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D(Dems woke))list to be (R)
    Justin Fwrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D(Dems woke))list lieutenant to be (R)

October 24 2021List:(need help) Roy Blunt(R-MO)  Richard Burr(R-NC)  Bill Cassidy(R-LA)  Shelley Moore Capito(R-WV)  Susan Collins(R-ME)  Kevin Cramer(R-ND)  Mike Crapo(R-ID)  Deb Fischer(R-NE)  Lindsey Graham(R-SC)  Chuck Grassley(R-IA)  John Hoeven(R-ND) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  Lisa Murkowski(R-AK)  Rob Portman(R-OH)   Jim Risch(R-ID)  Mitt Romney(R-UT)  Dan Sullivan(R-AK)  Thom Tillis(R-NC)  Roger Wicker(R-MS)  & then any US House of Representatives votes with  members)No time shell vote with  (woke) membersspecially Climate change Green New Deal (Socialists Marxist)will not have Green New Deal so China(Socialists Marxist) can import products to USA _____USA can't make the products in USA due to Dems Green New Deal or what else can __U.S. President Joseph(woke) Biden Jr.(Harris) do "Shut Down American Citizens Freedom" way of life & American Dream is over with Dems Party(woke) "in 2021-2024" illegal migration violent & bring in illegal Drug(trafficking) other crime etc. will destroy US Constitution  Rule of Law __ Dems(woke) not following the US Constitution  Rule of Law

October 24 2021October 24 2021
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  October 24 2021  need to step-down(to withdraw from one's postion) as Senate Minority Leader & so Senator Ted Cruz be the next Senate Minority Leader that is  To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of LawIt will be ___ or Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  Past History if  Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  is qualify____To stop Dems wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law by USA American USA Party

September 22 2021 
:(Socialists Marxist)The US President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) Rule of Law  __  I(Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.) give order = I don't take order == no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy__US Congress(117th) can not Stop ME in making the decisions, I'am  Commander in Chief(President Joseph((dictator)) Biden Jr.(Harris)___has a medical problems) President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr. __ have a Health Problems
The present Presidential oath of office The oath reads:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
(President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)___is ) & the Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's
List of current members(Hard Core Totalitarianism Woke) of the United States the Joseph((Dems ) Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's

  (Biden)United States(Harris)    

 United States President Joseph(Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.
Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's Members

The present Presidential oath of office The oath reads:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

 October 23 2021  List of current members of the the Joseph(Dems Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's  Hard Core Totalitarianism Woke Party ____ Democrat(woke) Party Platform & 100% Democrat voters agree with  President Joseph(Dems Dictator) Biden Jr. Democrat(woke) Party Platform  Hard Core Totalitarianism Woke Party

Follow-up with  Biden Jr.(Dems woke) regime Administrations' ___ on ___ for  Update

wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D(Dems woke))

(Dems woke)


(Dems woke)            (Dems woke)


between list of US Senate and the US House of Representatives}

United States Senators
The present United States Senators took a Oath of office to US Constitution > The oath reads:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

October 23 2021 List of current members of the United States Senators
Democrat Party & members of US Congress(117th) Dems ( US Senate  __List of  100% Dems woke in US Congress(117th) agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform & 100% Democrat voters agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform Hard Core Totalitarianism  Party

Follow-up with 117th United States Congress ___ on ___ for  Update
wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D)in US Congress(117th)

List of  100% Dems in US Congress(117th) The numbers refer to their Senate classes.  All class 1 senators are in the middle of their term (2019-2025), having been elected in 2018  and facing re-election in 2024.  Class 2 senators are at the beginning of their term (2021-2027), having been elected in 2020 and facing re-ection in 2026. Class 3 senators are at the end of their term (2017-2023), having been elected in 2016 and facing re-election in 2022.

    ?1. K. Sinema (D)
    ?3. Mark Kelly (D
    ?1. Dianne Feinstein (D)
        ?Alex Padilla (D)
          from January 20, 2021[b]
    ?2. John Hickenlooper (D)
    ?3. Michael Bennet (D)
    ?1. Chris Murphy (D)
    ?3. Richard Blumenthal (D)
    ?1. Tom Carper (D)
    ?2. Chris Coons (D)
    ?2. Jon Ossoff (D),
           from January 20, 2021[a]
        ?Raphael Warnock (D),
           from January 20, 2021[a]


    ?1. Mazie Hirono (D)
    ?3. Brian Schatz (D)
    ?2. Dick Durbin (D
        Democratic whip
    ?3. Tammy Duckworth (D)
    ?1. Angus King (I)[r]
    ?1. Ben Cardin (D)
    ?3. Chris Van Hollen (D)
    ?1. Elizabeth Warren (D)
    ?2. Ed Markey (D)
    ?1. Debbie Stabenow (D)
    ?2. Gary Peters (D)
    ?1. Amy Klobuchar (DFL)[t]
    ?2. Tina Smith (DFL)[t]

    ?1. Jon Tester (D)
    ?1. Jacky Rosen (D)
    ?3. Catherine Cortez Masto (D)
New Hampshire
    ?2. Jeanne Shaheen (D)
    ?3. Maggie Hassan (D)
New Jersey
    ?1. Bob Menendez (D)
    ?2. Cory Booker (D)
New Mexico
    ?1. Martin Heinrich (D)
    ?2. Ben Ray Luján (D)
New York
    ?1. Kirsten Gillibrand (D)
    ?3..C.  Schumer(D                     Democratic leader
North Carolina
North Dakota
    ?1. Sherrod Brown (D)
    ?2. Jeff Merkley (D)
    ?3. Ron Wyden (D)

   ?1. Bob Casey Jr. (D)
Rhode Island
    ?1. Sheldon Whitehouse (D)
    ?2. Jack Reed (D)
South Carolina
South Dakota
    ?1. Mitt Romney (R)
    ?3. Mike Lee (R)
    ?1. Bernie Sanders (I)[r]
    ?3. Patrick Leahy (D)
    ?1. Tim Kaine (D)
    ?2. Mark Warner (D)
    ?1. Maria Cantwell (D)
    ?3. Patty Murray (D)
West Virginia
    ?1. Joe Manchin (D)

    ?1. Tammy Baldwin (D)


United States SenatorsUnited States Senators
members                                                                                                                                             members

--Betrayal){lets clean House(unearthed all manner of wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law }

comments: IS this True or Not: MR Joseph( Biden Jr. is our Commander in Chief & Everything Biden Jr.( does is the working of Biden Jr. regime Administration's DNC Woke Platform____ We the US Congress(117th) Democrat Party____ Mr Joseph Biden Jr. is our leader taking action with his Biden Jr. regime Administration's____ We the DNC got control of the three Branches___& will have control  of Virginia 

October 19 2021 U.S. Criminalist Ozar Aware______Why! is US Congress(117th) letting Joseph Biden Jr. and Fauci Protecting China(Death to USA) that crippled US with their Lies_
wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D)___ U.S. Constitutionist Ozar     New York ?3. Chuck Schumer (D) Democratic woke leader & California ?12. Nancy Pelosi (D) woke House Speaker & woke members
The US Constitution Rule of Law (18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

October 19 2021Democrat WOKE Party & members of US Congress(117th) Dems ( US Senate and the US House of Representatives) & Democrat WOKE voters agree with Democrat Party Platform ____Catechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic WOKE Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Woke Platform for 2021

Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

Any "evangelicals" Christians or Christians can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2021

will have one foot in the gates of Hell

October 19 2021to stop the viability of the economy of the USA to be able to survive :::::

China___ will be no import or limited export to be__limited-access__no metals or any metal material that be used to manufacture products in US & used to be manufacture products in Chinafor Two years to & from the U.S.___If China(Socialists) is blackmail Joseph Biden Jr. & Dems US Congress(117th) __it will not work__China will be  Punished__:::: no restriction on COVID-19 inside USA border( more comments coming soon! update do & don't)

United States House of  Representatives  

United States House of  Representatives
The present United States House of  Representatives took a Oath of office to US Constitution > The oath reads:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

September 23 2021 List of current members of the United States House of  Representatives
Democrat Party & woke members of US Congress(117th) Dems (  the US House of Representatives __List of  100% Dems in US Congress(117th) agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform & 100% Democrat woke voters agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform Hard Core Totalitarianism  Party

Follow-up with 117th United States Congress ___ on ___ for  Update
All 435 seats were filled by election in November 2020.

wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D)in US Congress(117th)

    ?7. Terri Sewell (D)
    ?1. Tom O'Halleran (D)
    ?2. Ann Kirkpatrick (D)
    ?3. Raúl Grijalva (D)
    ?7. Ruben Gallego (D)
    ?9. Greg Stanton (D)
    ?2. Jared Huffman (D)
    ?3. John Garamendi (D)
    ?5. Mike Thompson (D)
    ?6. Doris Matsui (D)
    ?7. Ami Bera (D)
    ?9. Jerry McNerney (D)
    ?10. Josh Harder (D)
    ?11. Mark DeSaulnier (D)
    ?12. N. Pelosi (D
               House Speaker
    ?13. Barbara Lee (D)
    ?14. Jackie Speier (D)
    ?15. Eric Swalwell (D)
    ?16. Jim Costa (D)
    ?17. Ro Khanna (D)
    ?18. Anna Eshoo (D)
    ?19. Zoe Lofgren (D)
    ?20. Jimmy Panetta (D)
    ?24. Salud Carbajal (D)
    ?26. Julia Brownley (D)
    ?27. Judy Chu (D)
    ?28. Adam Schiff (D)
    ?29. Tony Cárdenas (D)
    ?30. Brad Sherman (D)
    ?31. Pete Aguilar (D)
    ?32. Grace Napolitano (D)
    ?33. Ted Lieu (D)
    ?34. Jimmy Gomez (D)
    ?35. Norma Torres (D)
    ?36. Raul Ruiz (D)
    ?37. Karen Bass (D)
    ?38. Linda Sánchez (D)
    ?40. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D)
    ?41. Mark Takano (D)
    ?43. Maxine Waters (D)
    ?44. Nanette Barragán (D)
    ?45. Katie Porter (D)
    ?46. Lou Correa (D)
    ?47. Alan Lowenthal (D)
    ?49. Mike Levin (D)
    ?51. Juan Vargas (D)
    ?52. Scott Peters (D)
    ?53. Sara Jacobs (D)
    ?1. Diana DeGette (D)
    ?2. Joe Neguse (D)
    ?6. Jason Crow (D)
    ?7. Ed Perlmutter (D)
    ?1. John B. Larson (D)
    ?2. Joe Courtney (D)
    ?3. Rosa DeLauro (D)
    ?4. Jim Himes (D)
    ?5. Jahana Hayes (D)
      Lisa Blunt Rochester (D)
    ?5. Al Lawson (D)
    ?7. Stephanie Murphy (D)
    ?9. Darren Soto (D)
    ?10. Val Demings (D)
    ?13. Charlie Crist (D)
    ?14. Kathy Castor (D)
    ?20. Alcee Hastings (D),
            until April 6, 2021[l]
    ?21. Lois Frankel (D)
    ?22. Ted Deutch (D)
    ?23. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
    ?24. Frederica Wilson (D)

    ?2. Sanford Bishop (D)
    ?4. Hank Johnson (D)
    ?5. Nikema Williams (D)
    ?6. Lucy McBath (D)
    ?7. Carolyn Bourdeaux (D)
    ?13. David Scott (D)
    ?1. Ed Case (D)
    ?2. Kai Kahele (D)
    ?1. Bobby Rush (D)
    ?2. Robin Kelly (D)
    ?3. Marie Newman (D)
    ?4. Jesús "Chuy" García (D)
    ?5. Mike Quigley (D)
    ?6. Sean Casten (D)
    ?7. Danny K. Davis (D)
    ?8. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D)
    ?9. Jan Schakowsky (D)
    ?10. Brad Schneider (D)
    ?11. Bill Foster (D)
    ?14. Lauren Underwood (D)
    ?17. Cheri Bustos (D)
    ?1. Frank J. Mrvan (D)
    ?7. André Carson (D)
    ?3. Cindy Axne (D)
    ?3. Sharice Davids (D)
    ?3. John Yarmuth (D)
    ?2. Cedric Richmond (D),
           until January 15, 2021[h]
        ?Troy Carter (D),
           from May 11, 2021[n]
    ?1. Chellie Pingree (D)
    ?2. Jared Golden (D)
    ?2. Dutch Ruppersberger (D)
    ?3. John Sarbanes (D)
    ?4. Anthony G. Brown (D)
    ?5. Steny Hoyer (D)
            Democratic leader
    ?6. David Trone (D)
    ?7. Kweisi Mfume (D)
    ?8. Jamie Raskin (D)
    ?1. Richard Neal (D)
    ?2. Jim McGovern (D)
    ?3. Lori Trahan (D)
    ?4. Jake Auchincloss (D)
    ?5. Katherine Clark (D)
    ?6. Seth Moulton (D)
    ?7. Ayanna Pressley (D)
    ?8. Stephen F. Lynch (D)
    ?9. Bill Keating (D)
    ?5. Dan Kildee (D)
    ?8. Elissa Slotkin (D)
    ?9. Andy Levin (D)
    ?11. Haley Stevens (D)
    ?12. Debbie Dingell (D)
    ?13. Rashida Tlaib (D)

    ?14. Brenda Lawrence (D)

    ?2. Angie Craig (DFL)[t]
    ?3. Dean Phillips (DFL)[t]
    ?4. Betty McCollum (DFL)[t]
    ?5. Ilhan Omar (DFL)[t]
    ?2. Bennie Thompson (D)
    ?1. Cori Bush (D)
    ?5. Emanuel Cleaver (D)
    ?1. Dina Titus (D)
    ?3. Susie Lee (D)
    ?4. Steven Horsford (D)
New Hampshire
    ?1. Chris Pappas (D)
    ?2. Ann McLane Kuster (D)
New Jersey
    ?1. Donald Norcross (D)
    ?3. Andy Kim (D)
    ?5. Josh Gottheimer (D)
    ?6. Frank Pallone (D)
    ?7. Tom Malinowski (D)
    ?8. Albio Sires (D)
    ?9. Bill Pascrell (D)
    ?10. Donald Payne Jr. (D)
    ?11. Mikie Sherrill (D)
    ?12. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D)
New Mexico
    ?1. Deb Haaland (D),
           until March 16, 2021[k]
        ?  Melanie Stansbury (D),
           from June 14, 2021[p]
    ?3. Teresa Leger Fernandez (D)
New York
    ?3. Thomas Suozzi (D)
    ?4. Kathleen Rice (D)
    ?5. Gregory Meeks (D)
    ?6. Grace Meng (D)
    ?7. Nydia Velázquez (D)
    ?8. Hakeem Jeffries (D)
    ?9. Yvette Clarke (D)
    ?10. Jerry Nadler (D)
    ?12. Carolyn Maloney (D)
    ?13. Adriano Espaillat (D)
    ?14. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D)
    ?15. Ritchie Torres (D)
    ?16. Jamaal Bowman (D)
    ?17. Mondaire Jones (D)
    ?18. Sean Patrick Maloney (D)
    ?19. Antonio Delgado (D)
    ?20. Paul Tonko (D)
    ?21. Elise Stefanik (R)
    ?22. Claudia Tenney (R),
            from February 11, 2021[g]
    ?25. Joseph Morelle (D)
    ?26. Brian Higgins (D)
North Carolina
    ?1. G. K. Butterfield (D)
    ?2. Deborah K. Ross (D)
    ?4. David Price (D)
    ?6. Kathy Manning (D)
    ?12. Alma Adams (D)
North Dakota
    ?3. Joyce Beatty (D)
    ?9. Marcy Kaptur (D)
    ?11. Marcia Fudge (D),
             until March 10, 2021[j]
    ?13. Tim Ryan (D)


    ?1. Suzanne Bonamici (D)
    ?3. Earl Blumenauer (D)
    ?4. Peter DeFazio (D)
    ?5. Kurt Schrader (D)
    ?2. Brendan Boyle (D)
    ?3. Dwight Evans (D)
    ?4. Madeleine Dean (D)
    ?5. Mary Gay Scanlon (D)
    ?6. Chrissy Houlahan (D)
    ?7. Susan Wild (D)
    ?8. Matt Cartwright (D)
    ?17. Conor Lamb (D)
    ?18. Mike Doyle (D)
Rhode Island
    ?1. David Cicilline (D)
    ?2. James Langevin (D)
South Carolina
    ?6. J. Clyburn (D
            Democratic whip
South Dakota
    ?5. Jim Cooper (D)
    ?9. Steve Cohen (D)
    ?7. Lizzie Fletcher (D)
    ?9. Al Green (D)
    ?15. Vicente Gonzalez (D)
    ?16. Veronica Escobar (D)
    ?18. Sheila Jackson Lee (D)
    ?20. Joaquin Castro (D)
    ?28. Henry Cuellar (D)
    ?29. Sylvia Garcia (D)
    ?30. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D)
    ?32. Colin Allred (D)
    ?33. Marc Veasey (D)
    ?34. Filemon Vela Jr. (D)
    ?35. Lloyd Doggett (D)
    ?At-large. Peter Welch (D)
    ?2. Elaine Luria (D)
    ?3. Bobby Scott (D)
    ?4. Donald McEachin (D)
    ?7. Abigail Spanberger (D)
    ?8. Don Beyer (D)
    ?10. Jennifer Wexton (D)
    ?11. Gerry Connolly (D)
    ?1. Suzan DelBene (D)
    ?2. Rick Larsen (D)
    ?6. Derek Kilmer (D)
    ?7. Pramila Jayapal (D)
    ?8. Kim Schrier (D)
    ?9. Adam Smith (D)
    ?10. Marilyn Strickland (D)
West Virginia
    ?2. Mark Pocan (D)
    ?3. Ron Kind (D)
    ?4. Gwen Moore (D)


Follow-up with 117th United States Congress ___ on ___ updates

Non-voting members
    ?  District of Columbia. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D)      ?  Guam. Michael San Nicolas (D)  
    ?  Northern Mariana Islands. Gregorio Sablan (I)[r]       ?  United States Virgin Islands. Stacey Plaskett (D)

United States Governors
The present United States Governors took a Oath of office to US Constitution > The oath reads:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

October 23 2021  List of current United States governors & current United States lieutenant governors
Members of the Democrat Party  __List of  100% Dems____ United States governors &  United States lieutenant governors  Dems agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform & 100% Democrat woke voters agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform Hard Core Totalitarianism  Party

Follow-up with US Governors___ on ___ for  Update

     Gavin Newsom (D)
    Eleni Kounalakis  (D) lieutenant
     Jared Polis (D)
    Dianne Primavera (D) lieutenant
     Ned Lamont  (D)
    Susan Bysiewicz (D) lieutenant
     John Carney (D)
     Bethany Hall-Long (D) lieutenant
     David Ige (D)
    Josh Green (D) lieutenant
      J. B. Pritzker (D)
      Juliana Stratton (D) lieutenant
      Laura Kelly (D)
     David Toland (D) lieutenant
     Andy Beshear  (D)
      Jacqueline (D) lieutenant
      Janet Mills (D)

     G. Whitmer (D
    P. Flanagan (D
      Laura Kelly (D)
     David Toland (D) lieutenant
     Andy Beshear  (D)
      Jacqueline (D) lieutenant
      Janet Mills (D)
     Gretchen Whitmer (D)
    Peggy Flanagan (D) lieutenant

     Tim Walz  (D)
    Peggy Flanagan (D) lieutenant
     Steve Sisolak (D)
     Kate Marshall (D) lieutenant
New Jersey
     Phil Murphy (D)
     Sheila Oliver  (D) lieutenant
New Mexico
     Michelle Lujan Grisham  (D)

New York
     Kathy Hochul  (D)
    Brian Benjamin (D) lieutenant
North Carolina
      Roy Cooper  (D)
     Kate Brown (D)
     Tom Wolf (D)
     John Fetterman (D) lieutenant
Rhode Island
     Daniel McKee  (D)
     Sabina Matos (D) lieutenant
     Phil Scott (®)
    Molly Gray (D) lieutenant
     Jay Inslee (D)
    Denny Heck (D) lieutenant
     Tony Evers (D)
     Mandela Barnes (D) lieutenant


United States GovernorsUnited States Governors
Members                                                                                                              Members

--Betrayal){lets clean House(unearthed all manner of wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law }
Virginia Governor
New Jersey Governor
             wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D)list  to be (R)
    Justin Fwrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law (D)list  lieutenant to be (R)
List:(need help) Roy Blunt(R-MO)  Richard Burr(R-NC)  Bill Cassidy(R-LA)  Shelley Moore Capito(R-WV)  Susan Collins(R-ME)  Kevin Cramer(R-ND)  Mike Crapo(R-ID)  Deb Fischer(R-NE)  Lindsey Graham(R-SC)  Chuck Grassley(R-IA)  John Hoeven(R-ND) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  Lisa Murkowski(R-AK)  Rob Portman(R-OH)   Jim Risch(R-ID)  Mitt Romney(R-UT)  Dan Sullivan(R-AK)  Thom Tillis(R-NC)  Roger Wicker(R-MS)  & then any US House of Representatives votes with  members)

October 19 2021Democrat Party & members of United States Governors & Democrat voters agree with Democrat Party Platform ____Catechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2021

Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

Any "evangelicals" Christians or Christians can't vote for any __WOKE candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2021

will have one foot in the gates of Hell

 August 17 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Covid-19 Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:  Joseph Biden Jr.(need help) Joseph Biden Jr. & the Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration'sspreading Covid-19    {{{made by China__Fauci__China WHO __ Marx suckass)_Grayblueneck Fauci Woke Director of NIAID }}}   among illegal migrants, USA Border Agents & American Citizens in all 50s' States that commit Act of Treason(against the US Constitution rule of law)that include allDemocratic Party(DLM __ Dems Life Matter)= Hard Core Totalitarianism specially US Congress(117th) spreading Covid-19(China__Fauci)explain why! the mask & Covid-19 vaccine unsafe & WHO! making $$$$$ off Covid-19 vaccine: ???????? ??????Legal Pharmaceuutical(s') Cartels(Socialists Marxist) & Joseph Biden Jr., U.S. Congress Democrat Pary Promoter BY Covid-19 vaccine:specially dealing with restriction mandates on six-prong COVID-19 inside USA border & the mask & Covid-19 vaccine unsafe:

The US Biden Jr. Constitution Rule of Law  __  I(Joseph Biden Jr.) give order = I don't take order == no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy__US Congress(117th) can not Stop ME in making the decisions, I'am  Commander in Chief (Next 8 years then I will retired)

President elected Joseph Biden Jr. __ have a Health Problems


September 09 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:

We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God___not true__with U.S. President elected Joseph Biden Jr. ___ US Congress(117th)__DOJ__We the People are American Civil War in Twenty Century___
U.S. Congress don't take action by 09 11 2021 can be will be prosecute

Vs ,  U.S. Congress & President elected Joseph Biden Jr. __ have a Health Problems Why!


September 09 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:


   The US Biden Jr. Constitution Rule of Law  __  I(Joseph Biden Jr.) give order = I don't take order == no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy__US Congress(117th) can not Stop ME in making the decisions, I'am  Commander in Chief (Next 8 years then I will retired)

specially dealing with restriction mandates on six-prong COVID-19 inside USA border & Open Borders & U.S. Foreign Aid to Afghanistan Taliban {(18 U.S. Code 2381 __President elected Joseph Biden Jr. Dems Dictator Dictator not under U.S. Constitution Rule of Law &  ___ but U.S. Constitution Rule of Law will take action dealing with The U.S. Biden Constitution Rule of Law dealing with giving them aid and comfort to Afghanistan Taliban

The US Constitution Rule of Law (18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) Dems woke Dictator & Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)  regime Administration's & All US Congress (Democrat members not under U.S. Constitution Rule of Law but Now! under )  is guilty of treason and shall suffer death


 shall be hang, shot & buried at sea under U.S. Constitution Rule of Law((18 U.S. Code 2381) and under U.S. Military Law  U.S. DOJ   taking action Now! by September 11 2021


U.S. Congress don't take action by 09 11 2021 to remove  from Executive office  President elected Joseph Biden Jr. Dems woke Dictator Rule of Power until ___ put on trial for wrong doing  & Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)  regime Administration's wrong doing  are guilty of treason and shall suffer death

U.S. Congress don't take action by 09 11 2021 can be will be prosecute By

Open a Can of American Whoop Ass

September 10 2021 Now! September 10 2021

Air Strike from within & Outside Afghanistan



U.S. Constitutionist Ozar  Open a Can of American Whoop Ass   U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

September 07 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar, U.S. Constitutionist Ozar "Crisis "  &U.S. Criminalist Ozar "Life for a Life"  Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:President elected Joseph Biden Jr. Biden Jr.  Priorities  will be ____
Now!__Mr President will have to Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will Tell It Like It Is ____ that is A US Commonsense American Citizen Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listeners ____ New set of rule(list of commands or if not take action on the lists of  commands) for Afghanistan Taliban Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada (comments__that he is proud his own son was a"successful" suicide bomber) such as List of Commands __
1st::: withdrawal from Bagran Airbase bring back all  U.S.  Military Equipment
2nd::: Bagran Airbase will used for to ensure safe passage out for any Americans who! seeking to leave Afghanistan
3nd::: is in Question if  Afghanistan Taliban Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada don't take action on lists of commands
4th::: China Gov. & Russia Gov. will have to leave Afghanistan __ until the commands are fullfill Why! because U.S. Military  will be taking action if commands are not carry out __

Now! President elected Joseph Biden Jr.  __ will take action on all Matters in the USA Homeland __ as a US Commonsense American Citizens Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People No Open Borders __ all illegal migrantsbe remove from USA :::::: No More Climate Change in USA taking steps to create modern solutions___ to stop the viability of the economy of the USA to be able to survive ::::: China___ will be no import or limited export to be__limited-access__no metals or any metal material that be used to manufacture products in US & used to be manufacture products in Chinafor Two years to & from the U.S.___If China is blackmail Joseph Biden Jr. & US Congress(117th) __it will not work__China will be  Punished__:::: no restriction on COVID-19 inside USA border( more comments coming soon! update do & don't)

The US Constitution Rule of Law (18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

The present Presidential oath of office The oath reads:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Now! Joseph Biden Jr. will be in if  President elected Joseph Biden Jr. don't take action Then U.S. Constitution Rule of Law will take action

September 10 2021 Now! September 10 2021

Air Strike from within & Outside Afghanistan

September 10 2021 (UAU) USA Mitch.-- Strategist U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: 2021 in Afghanistan US Department of Defense don't know their History about Afghanistan called Land of Cain__Uninhabitable by Any Military Counties THAT don't belong to People of Terrorismthe people of Terrorism__Taiban Afghanistan is, in its broadest sense, the unlawfull use of intentional violence to achieve POLITICAL aims, especially against civilians __ has a strict Region rules as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistanwhat was the point to stay their __no purpose to stay __their no reason __ just US Pentagon Military Department of Defense wanted WarDigital History: ___ Biden Jr. made the wrong decision pulling US Troops out of *Bagran Airbase__completely those two or 3,000 troops after more than $2T spent by U.S. __Hamid Karzi INTL Airport & *Bagran Airbase will be destroy & all US Military equipment__ and all U.S. Military equipment & all Building build by the U.S.  & Airports in Afghanistan__by Air Strike from within & Outside Afghanistan)if not than Biden Jr, U.S. Military & U.S. Congress  are U.S. suckass with Afghanistan Taiban the people of Terrorism If So then it Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

September 03 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:President elected Joseph Biden Jr.  (Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else {Dems Dictator } & then Democratic Totalitarianism leaderership: Speaker of the House  Lefty Totalitarianism Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA 12th) Dems Dictator I give order = I don't take order == no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy & then  U.S. Senator  Democrat Totalitarianism   leaderershipLefty Totalitarianism Chuck Schumer(D-NY) Dems Dictator  Both agree President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else {Dems Dictator} {New York Post September 3 2021 _type in title heading_ 6 lies Joseph Biden Jr. told about Afghanistan}


August 31 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with::the U.S. Pentagon Biden Jr. Commander in Chief {Dems Dictatornobody under  President elected Joseph Biden Jr. (Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else command will not be Punishment even if go against US Constitution  Rule of Laweven if President elected Joseph Biden Jr. (Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else  go against US Constitution  Rule of Law __will not be Punishment by US Congress(117th) or

August 30 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:The United States will have the Kabul Airport until Aug 31, but the Taliban(not our friend & who! else & why! (lists'__in the Region such as Russia __ China+(will be no import or limited export to be__limited-access__no metals or any metal material that be used to manufacture products in US & used to be manufacture products in Chinafor Two years to & from the U.S.___If China is blackmail Joseph Biden Jr. & Dems US Congress(117th) __it will not work__China will be  Punished__::::___no Derelict to keep this from happening from Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government in keeping American Citizens safe from being destory by China from Present & Future _all Manufacture Products be made in USA in next two years and hearafter 2021 with Joseph Biden Jr. & China__explain Why! ??? with China) __(no more Foreign Aid asistance to Pakistan(not our friend & why!_no Derelict in U.S. Congress(117th) Duties in keeping American Citizens Safe (comments specially U.S. Borders_that could be Act of Treason & SPECIALLY DEALING WITH  U.S. Pentagon Biden Jr. Commander in Chief & HIS Administration --Betrayal){lets clean House(unearthed all manner of wrong doing against  US Constitution  Rule of Law } Hamid Karzi INTL Airport & *Bagran Airbase  will be Destory ___   Who! knows accept the U.S. Pentagon Biden Jr. Commander in Chief have capability to strike back against Terrorists  will make the right Decisions(no Derelict in His Duties in Keeping American Citizens Safe) or Not!  to take control War against the ___Will Fight the BattleField from the Air(Air Strike) then in & out from the Army Ground Forces(etc.)

:no more Foreign Aid asistance to WHO!(not our friend & why!

April 9 2021 We the People” comments: Fox News  great success: Right on Track – Nice Work! - 1st Class – Awesome! - Top Job! - Good Job! - Terrific! - Outstanding! - CoolsFox News  make it look easy! - Hang in there! - We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilization”.

*July 24 2021 Grayblueneck Joseph Biden Jr. WOKE : Delaware __Joseph Home State in good failth To start with & will Bus 1000 illegal Migration to each Dems State House of Representatves Districts_1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 19 23 24 25 26 27  28 29 31 32 __total of 25x1000= 25000 illegal Migration_to start with__ & Now! will take 1000 Afghanistan Citizens ___total of 25x1000= 25000 Afghanistan Citizens ___to each Dems State House of Representatves Districts_1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 19 23 24 25 26 27  28 29 31 32

Joseph Biden Jr. & the Biden Jr. regime Administration'sspreading Covid-19

August 17 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Covid-19 Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:  Joseph Biden Jr.(need help) Joseph Biden Jr. & the Biden Jr. regime Administration'sspreading Covid-19    {{{made by China__Fauci__China WHO __ Marx suckass)_Grayblueneck  Fauci Director of NIAID }}}   among illegal migrants, USA Border Agents & American Citizens in all 50s' States that commit Act of Treason(against the US Constitution rule of law)that include allDemocratic Party(DLM __ Dems Life Matter)= Hard Core Totalitarianismspecially US Congress(117th) spreading Covid-19(China__Fauci)explain why! the mask & Covid-19 vaccine unsafe & WHO! making $$$$$ off Covid-19 vaccine: ???????? ??????

August 13 2021

President Donald Trump made a agreement with Taiban__ to leave Afghanistan on a Time Line

the Biden Jr. regime Administration's the Afghanistan withdrawalRight Away

August 13 2021 (UAU) USA Mitch.-- Strategist U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: 2021 in Afghanistan US Department of Defense don't know their History about Afghanistan called Land of Cain__Uninhabitable by Any Military Counties THAT belong to People of Afghanistanthe people__Taliban__ has a strict Region rules as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistanwhat was the point to stay their __no purpose to stay __their no reason __ just US Pentagon Military Department of Defense wanted WarDigital History: after more than $2T spent by U.S. __President Donald Trump made a agreement with Taliban__ to leave Afghanistan but Joseph Biden Jr. didn't want to honor the Afghanistan withdrawal agreement that President Donald Trump made a agreement with Taliban__ to leave Afghanistan on a Time Line Now! Taliban has the right to take control of Afghanistanthat President Donald Trump made a agreement with Taliban__ to leave Afghanistanbut Joseph Biden Jr.   didn't want to honor the Afghanistan withdrawal agreementTaliban call on Biden Jr. to Honor Trump Deal to US agreement to withdrawal all American forces from Afghanistan by May in order to secure intra-Afghan peace talk

President Joseph Biden Jr.(need help) made the right decision to leave Afghanistan__(Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan)  pulling US Troops out __completely those two or 3,000 troops there completely remove        Joseph Biden Jr. who! first

   it of to Russia & China has to take Military action to keep Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan____  Taliban from any wrong doing but as now! not concernRussia & China not leaving Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan __has a mutual understanding with Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will Tellmore update :____ two types of Taiban(s') __ Afghanistann Taliban and then Pakistan Taliban two different leaders; The Russia & China use USA Military to keep Afghanistann from from any wrong doing __ that cost more than $2T spent by U.S. ____just because the US Pentagon Military Department of Defense wanted War _____their no reason ___what was the point to stay their __no purpose to stay

to the Taliban leaders that don't Honor Trump Deal to US agreement to withdrawal all American forces from Afghanistan & American Citizens & Etc. ____all leaving__ be safe from leaving Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan or later be Punished Right Away by

US Department of Defense will be destroy ___ all US Military equipment__ and all U.S. Military equipment & all Building build by the U.S.  & Airports in Afghanistan__& by  Air Strike from  Outside Afghanistan & OR and if any  US Millitary Equipment etc. or United States Allied Millitary Equipment etc. that used against USA or United States Allied that can from inside of the Territory of Afghanistan in the futurewill be destroy immediately by  Air Strike inside the Territory of Afghanistan will be destroy ___ all US Military equipment__ and all U.S. Military equipment & all Building build by the U.S.  & Airports in Afghanistan__&etc.

the Biden Jr. regime Administration's take over

August 13 2021 U.S. Constitutionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:Joseph Biden Jr.(need help) illegal migrants Foreign Aid within USANo $$$$ can be taken from U.S. Department of the Treasury!  USAGovfrom Federal or State to care for illegal migrantsPrinciple & Ethics Crackdown -- Is it a criminal crime if a a falsify records
Any Legislators or American Citizens whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act which Any Federal & State Legislators & within the NSA. CIA, FBI,  IRS & Federal Reserve be removed   to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution  corrupt employee be fired &  prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States the new Attorneys General Merrick Garland of the United States(86th AG) will take action & all Legislators will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  & any DOJ makes ruling for Criminal Enemy Invaders and even the Attorneys General Merrick Garland of the United States(86th AG) will not take action  US Attorneys General Merrick Garland can be fired & can be prosecute   Pandora box is open  

Pandora box is open  to be Prosecuted as of now 2021 comments: explaining Why!   Digital History:  __See the Red Scare of 1919-20

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #

August 13 2021 U.S. Opinionist Ozar Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else  (need help)____  if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law Joseph Biden Jr. decision are CORRUPT List: { _(NSA know what! Has more power than U.S. Congress(117th) __ their be no Whistleblower )_}then US Constitution  Rule of Law will take action If Joseph Biden Jr. or NSA commit Act of Treason(against the US Constitution rule of law)

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes



August 13 2021 Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:As of Now! 2021 Robert Hunter Biden__ American Lawer__ IS a roll model fo Party ____ As of Now! Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph)   President approved of his Son Robert Hunter Biden__a role model for all American Citizens __ & (that 51% for Democrats specially 19 GOP Senator dilemma_for for what _need to resign __ on all activities commitee duties for GOP  in US Congress: List:(need help) Roy Blunt(R-MO)  Richard Burr(R-NC)  Bill Cassidy(R-LA)  Shelley Moore Capito(R-WV)  Susan Collins(R-ME)  Kevin Cramer(R-ND)  Mike Crapo(R-ID)  Deb Fischer(R-NE)  Lindsey Graham(R-SC)  Chuck Grassley(R-IA)  John Hoeven(R-ND) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY)  Lisa Murkowski(R-AK)  Rob Portman(R-OH)   Jim Risch(R-ID)  Mitt Romney(R-UT)  Dan Sullivan(R-AK)  Thom Tillis(R-NC)  Roger Wicker(R-MS)  & then any US House of Representatives votes with  members)

August 04 2021 As of Now! 2021is a  State woke Party ____ As of Now! Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph)  President & All Party members_Democratic Party(need help)____   Rule of Law ______ Override The US Constitution Rule of Law (18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death
  Aware: Who! are The GrayblueneckDemocratic Party members List:  DELAWARE-Dems, Joseph Biden Jr.-Pres.(D DELAWARE), Tomas Carper-Sentor(D Delaware), Chris Coons-Sentor(D Delaware),  Lisa Rochester-HOR(D Delaware), New York-Dems

Grayblueneck GOP List:51% agree with GrayblueneckDemocratic State Party::: approx. 17 GOP Senators  

July 24 2021 Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:

August 02 2021Grayblueneck WOKE:{Grayblueneck _____ American Citizen or person evil ways to gain control increase power in USA that bye pass the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust that Grayblueneck has a  Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
Who! might be a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Wrong, or Ugly? 
A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}is not open and friendly person and prefers to pre-judge a person on race, gender and personal lifestyle

August 03 2021{Grayblueneck 2021 Infrastructure Bill WOKE }President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else  ____  Earmark if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law Earmarks put into Bills from US Congress(117th) are CORRUPT Grayblueneck Democrats  earmarking process robbing the Treasury loaded up big spending bills with special projects to benefit donors and local interest groups __Foreign Gov. Aid After all, earmarks are perhaps one of the most egregious ways to fool taxpayers into thinking it will

then on GOP dealing with 2021 Infrastructure Bill WOKE
Who!  in GOP asshat with Grayblueneck Democratic Party(DLM)Now! each GOP member that Asshat with are Democratic Party(DLM) are Now! 51% with Democratic Party(DLM)SuckassGOP Red Flagin question with GOP Party: Listsare

January 2 2021{GrayblueneckWOKE }Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph)(anti-Catholic Christian as of now not a Catholic Christian)   in trouble with Jesus-God Rule of Law(The Bible) If Not excommunication from Catechism of the Catholic Church then Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law is in question with Jesus-God Rule of Law

Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with:

July 27 2021{GrayblueneckWOKE } Democratic Party(DLM) abuse : President elected leader Joseph Biden Jr.being ABUSE by the Grayblueneck Democratic PartyElder ABUSE

July 27 2021GrayblueneckWOKE:Democratic Party(DLM __ Dems Life Matter) Woke= Hard Core Totalitarianism And then Black Life Matter Woke___ BLM= Hard Core Totalitarianism

*July 24 2021 Aware_importment facts and issues dealing withWe the People __have a moral obligation to "Take Action," take a stand and be active; challenging injustices and racism in our communities and fighting hatred and discrimination wherever it rises.-Against US Constitution (especially ALL not taking action in the Federal & State Grayblueneck Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches are Hard Core Totalitarianism  Grayblueneck  President elected leader Joseph Biden Jr.  State  opponents of Reconstruction US Constitution   that the failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilization Who! in the commit Act of Treason(US Constitution rule of law)the penalty for treason is Dealth How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)   Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution

___ against humanity illegal Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists ____ How many illegal Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases Who! in the Grayblueneck Executive Branch such as CIA, FBI, IRS, US Military, US Federal Reserve,  NSA Workforce __Who! are in question dealing with the US Constitution rule of lawWe the People need a complete List of Grayblueneck employee in NSA & etc.(CDC, FDA, Grayblueneck Fauci(China WHO __ Marx suckass)_Grayblueneck Fauci Director of NIAID = assumed office January 20 2021 by Grayblueneck President elected Joseph Biden Jr._ Foreign Aid(NIH) gave to the Wuhan Institute of Virology __Act of Treason(US Constitution rule of law)Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution[ Grayblueneck Biden Jr. Foreign Aid to China WHO] > that under mind the US Constitution  In Jesus-God We Trust Core Values as of now no check & balance on Criminal against the US Constitution rule of law & then GrayblueneckUnited States Attorney General__ YES Attorney General > President elected leader Joseph Biden Jr. __ State & {Speaker of the House Grayblueneck Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Grayblueneck Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage)  & Grayblueneck President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else}as of now taking Political action GrayblueneckUnited States Attorney General Merrick Garland__ not following US Constitution rule of law opponents of Reconstrution US Constitution can be punished for his wrong doing took a Oath of office to US Constitution > The oath reads:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

July 24 2021 Grayblueneck Joseph Biden Jr.WOKE: Delaware __Joseph Home State in good failth To start with & will Bus 1000 illegal Migration to each Dems State House of Representatves Districts_1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 19 23 24 25 26 27  28 29 31 32 __total of 25x1000= 25000 illegal Migration_to start with__ & Now! will take 1000 Afghanistan Citizens ___total of 25x1000= 25000 Afghanistan Citizens ___to each Dems State House of Representatves Districts_1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 19 23 24 25 26 27  28 29 31 32

GrayblueneckTAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area

            USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP  NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT! 



 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

U.S. Constitutionist Ozar

Commonsense CORE Values CONSERVATIVE American Citizens

July 3 2021UAU We the People Commonsense CORE Values CONSERVATIVE American CitizensUS Constitution In Jesus-God We Trust CORE Values

July 3 2021

July 1 2021LEFTY Totalitarianism President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else____No Way This will  Happen __)
No Way This will  Happen __ ...Voting Rights(Register to Vote Form) ... Voting Rights will be according to U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights to beVote Form

December 22 2020Operation   U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights: SCOTUS taking action do to Grayblueneck Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats voter fraud If Not then SCOTUS  in question with the U.S. Constitution  Voter Rights (Grayblueneck SCOTUS don't know their history from the Past cases __ specially  Andrew Jackson__President of the United States ___ irregularity voter fraud 
How it will be according to U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights: explain in the Table of Contents such as ___who can register and vote, voting before election day can't be counted and Processed until election day)____(mail-in-voting can't be counted until election day)______ if the voter voted twice plus that everything has to counted by the evening of our Election Day, instead of waiting around six days or etc. days giving  the chance of  voter fraud & identification for voting
U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights

Operation: Prevent Voter Fraud Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 Election Day States in the Union

Register to Vote Form

Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 States Election Day

That you register to vote where you currently live.

Evidence of Identity: all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
U.S. driver's license; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card; or
U.S. passport

TODAY'S DATE  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

NAME  =  First ___   Full Middle Name ___    Last ____

SSN* assigned to the person  =  Last four digit of Social Security number _______  *why!

DATE OF BIRTH  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

SEX  =  Male____    Female____

CITIZENSHIP  =   U.S. Citizen____

State ADDRESS  =  Number______  City______ State______ ZIP Code_____

ID: Evidence of Identity
U.S. driver's license  =  ________________; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card  =  _______________; or
U.S. passport  =  _________________

YOUR SIGNATURE =    SIGNATURE_________________________

I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison
That you register to vote where you currently live.

Who can register and vote:
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison
That you register to vote where you currently live.

 List of All 50 US State Abbreviations & List of All Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, US Commonwealth and Territories
Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, the United States has several territories in different parts of the world too. These territories may not be official states, but they still adhere to the same formula of two capital letters for their official abbreviations.
need the traditional state abbreviations instead, which you'll find below the postal abbreviations

 Alabama - AL  Alaska - AK   Alabama - AL  Alaska - AK    Arizona - AZ   Arkansas - AR   California - CA   Colorado - CO   Connecticut - CT    Delaware - DE    Florida - FL    Georgia - GA    Hawaii - HI    Idaho - ID    Illinois - IL    Indiana - IN    Iowa - IA    Kansas - KS    Kentucky - KY    Louisiana - LA    Maine - ME   Maryland - MD    Massachusetts - MA    Michigan - MI    Minnesota - MN    Mississippi - MS    Missouri - MO    Montana - MT    Nebraska - NE    Nevada - NV    New Hampshire - NH    New Jersey - NJ    New Mexico - NM    New York - NY    North Carolina - NC    North Dakota - ND    Ohio - OH    Oklahoma - OK    Oregon - OR    Pennsylvania - PA    Rhode Island - RI    South Carolina - SC    South Dakota - SD    Tennessee - TN    Texas - TX    Utah - UT    Vermont - VT    Virginia - VA    Washington - WA    West Virginia - WV    Wisconsin - WI    Wyoming - WY

US Commonwealth and Territories
Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, the United States has several territories in different parts of the world too. These territories may not be official states, but they still adhere to the same formula of two capital letters for their official abbreviations.

    American Samoa - AS    District of Columbia - DC    Federated States of Micronesia - FM    Guam - GU    Marshall Islands - MH    Northern Mariana Islands - MP    Palau - PW    Puerto Rico - PR    Virgin Islands - VI

All Election voter software made by US Military Programmer Technician that to be used in each US Election then final approvability by  US Military Programmer Technician the Election voter software for the electronic equipment is constitutional written before can be used to prevent election voter fraud instead made by Foreign Countries such as the software of the Venezuelan in  the electronic voting machines with the Venezuelan software Smartmatic that the election voter software was voter fraud(that US Congress new it & ect.) GOP wins election on November 3 2020 due to Election IrregularitiesIf any GOP in US Congress disagree then each GOP disagree as of Asshat with Who! the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) (Promoter of China $$ & China Carpetbagger Lobbyist) See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of China wrong doing in the United States or Foreign Nation & US Congress(116th) specially the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitutionthat each GOP disagree becoming A Far Right Lefty Liberal Activism THAT See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of Far Left Liberal Democrats Party wrong doing in the United States List of GOP disagree that back the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party that GOP  did not wins election on November 3 2020 due to Election Irregularities


June 12 2021LEFTY Totalitarianism President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)
Joseph Biden Jr.China(Marx communist State) Party Do-gooderTell-All
June 12 2021Comments:Far-Left Hard Core Leader Totalitarianism President elected Joseph Biden Jr. Now! June 12 2021 has complete control in USAGOP (service 01 20 2017- 01 20 2021) is history Plus President elected Joseph Biden Jr. made changes to take complete control    is responsibility for any thing that goes wrong(do & don't comments__that went wrong) in USA (President elected Joseph Biden Jr. policy __ Ask Me No Questions ---- I'll Tell You No Lies __ Specially for Far-Left Hard Core Vice President Harris __ dealing with Border closure President elected Joseph Biden Jr. pushed for open border  ___Ask Me No Questions ---- I'll Tell You No Lies __Specially  any changes I made We the People, American Citizens will Tell-All Far-Left Hard Core Leader President elected Joseph Biden Jr. has complete control over the Far Left Executive Branches  in CIA, FBI, IRS & NSA, Far Left Liberal Activism Attorney General  then Far Left Liberal Activism Judicial Branches

May 23 2021Comments:To __ 10th  congressional Sanctuary District D-NY Nadler, Jerrold We the People do need Jesus-God in US Congress(117th)
May 23 2021Comments: failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilizationPresident elected Joseph Biden Jr. Far-Left Hard Core Shadow Leader administration take-over (who! is(are) the Hard Core Far-Left extremists Shadow Leadership administration take-over  The Far Left Executive Branch & then Legislative & Judicial Branches the Hard Core Far-Left extremists Shadow Leadership Joseph Biden Jr. administration will rewrite the Constitution of the United States (without 2/3 votes of the 50 States decision)

Civil War 2021 in USA Homeland

President elected Joseph Biden Jr. Far-Left Hard Core Shadow Leader administration ___ $$$ earmarks to gain profit to Who! and Then Green New Deal __$$$Profit to Who! Foreign Countries __ guest Who! __ Big TECT



U.S. Constitutionist Ozar  Open a Can of American Whoop Ass   U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

      USA American USA Party    

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

April 9 2021 We the People” comments: Fox News  great success: Right on Track – Nice Work! - 1st Class – Awesome! - Top Job! - Good Job! - Terrific! - Outstanding! - CoolsFox News  make it look easy! - Hang in there! - We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilization”.

TAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area

 Act of Treason

To Start With

"Free for All"
+March 22 2021  Comments: Stop this foolish Act of Treason President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else), Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA-12th),  Senator(D)Chuck Schumer _____Act of Treason(US Constitution rule of law)___ against humanity illegal Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists ____ How many illegal Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases
 Act of Treason

More Comments:

May 04 2021Comments: Operation WOKE = =President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else = = change (Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder}  == President elected Joseph Biden Jr. in the White House to inspire name change to Black House

March 22 2021Now! Nancy Pelosi(D-CA), Speaker of the United States House of Representatives will have congressional Sanctuary District for each Democrats District __ for each illegal Migration as Now! Nancy Pelosi, California's 12th congressional Sanctuary District; 10th  congressional Sanctuary District D-NY Nadler, Jerrold;  Senator Chuck Schumer(D NY) home congressional district__ to be congressional Sanctuary District; 43rd congressional Sanctuary District D-CA Waters, Maxine;  15th congressional Sanctuary District D-CA Swalwell, Eric;   Virginia Senator Mark Warner (D) home congressional district__to be congressional Sanctuary District;   2nd congressional Sanctuary District D-Colorado Joe Neguse;                  
 Don't Be a Fool
Proverbs 19:3  A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD.
Proverbs 10:18  ...whoever spreads slander is a fool.
Proverbs 12:15  The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Proverbs 12:16  A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
Proverbs 13:20  He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 14:17  A quick-tempered man does foolish things...
Ecclesiastes 7:9  Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Proverbs 15:5  A fool spurns his father’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Proverbs 18:2  A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.
Proverbs 18:13  He who answers before listening — that is his folly and his shame.
Proverbs 20:3  It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
Proverbs 21:20  In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Proverbs 26:12  Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Proverbs 28:26  He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.


 April 09 2021 Operation: President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else) :It's true or It's not ____ does want to Prevent Voter Fraud If true ____than it will be___Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 Election Day States in the Union

March 23 2021_UPdate: (November 1 2020=ClickHere)We the People see it coming  ____ Civil War 2021 in USA Homeland ___ It's Coming __ 2021 Cold War! Take-Over USA then India then RussiaMilitary in Tibet "Ready to Take Action" Land__Sea__Air It's Real Where is Congress(117th) & Far Left Biden Jr.


USA Mitch.-- Strategist (in my opinion)

Uncle Sam is the answer 

March 13 2021  Operation U.S. government the Far Left Executive & Legislative are Brain Dead to violent against American Citizens: This is wrong ____ Death to in long haul in USA

the Far Left Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government Breaking  their oath of office to the US Constitution  & all their administration helper took a Oath of office to US Constitution

The present Presidential oath of office The oath reads:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The present oath repeated by the Vice President of the United States, Senators, Representatives, and other government officers has been in use since 1884. The oath reads:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

Legislative Branch  {Far left_"their is no moderate-common sense Party members__ never was__evokes sound judgment" in Dems Party in each Branches as of }   &  Executive  Branch  {Far Left POTUS Joseph Biden Jr.__  Major of his Executive Orders__breaking his oath of office to the US Constitution & Biden Jr.  (inclined to have fancies, especially strange, unreal ideas) }    Far Left POTUS Joseph Biden Jr.__ is stacking his administration with Far-Left extremists    We here in America like to believe that our government and its agencies are dedicated to the preservation of our life, liberty, and happiness. Since the Founding Fathers first drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, that the government is here to serve the people.   that not true

We have always believed that our government the Far Left Executive, Legislative Government is by, for, and of the people. & then Judicial Branches   Biden Jr. is stacking his administration with Far-Left extremists    {Far Left__Brain Dead to what the US Constitution rule of law states that's what the laws say-it's & not what Far Left say-it's Far Left Dems Activists for Change's for American Citizens}     Judicial Branch will have no say in the matter until it to late to take real action in ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States    Far Left Dems Activists & Group  (such as etc. list) violent is their answer for change__  will make Change's for American Citizens

the Far Left Executive, Legislative are Brain Dead to what the US Constitution States

Brain Dead Issues

Far Left President Elect Biden Jr. & US Congress(117th) need help in Brain Dead Issues

Far Left President Elect Biden Jr. & US Congress(117th) are Brain Dead to violent against

Part one: Aiding and Abetting__incoming Biden Jr. Open border     (Executive Orders in Part of)   __Illegal immigrants that could be Domestic Terrorism Threat to take real action against ability,to protect Is 'Metastasizing' in U.S. and be Extremist Violence to _Coping with Fear of Violent Attacks  and Terrorism___Understand what is being done to protect your community___will have to use US Constitution 2nd Amendment to protect themselves (the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed)

Part two:   Defund the Police Department___Far Left Dems & Far Left Black Lives Matter Activists racist organizations__ are indeed calling for the abolishment or dismantling of police altogether, "defunding the US Police Department" simply means reducing Police Department budgets and redistributing;

Part three :  Far Left US Congress(117th) & Far Left Biden Jr. Abortion__Any of various procedures that result in the termination of a pregnancy__Full-Term, Preborn Babies Can Be Killed For Virtually Any Reason  __     that murder against heavy loss of life __ Infant babies  (Abortion but while trying to save Foreign Illegal immigrants childrensigning into law a bill passed jubilantly by the state legislature that makes it possible for women to abort full-term babies. Sure, the bill is morally repugnant and the jubilant applause by the legislature was Grotesque  but 19 other states-including Illinois-allow full-term babies to be killed and for the same reasons. Seven other states and the District of Columbia allow full-term babies to be killed for any or no reason.  Two other states allow full-term, healthy babies to be aborted if they were conceived during rape or through incest.

Part Forth__The United States Government Targeted Its Own People; How & Why!

Part Forth__;  Part Five__; Part Six__ ;


President Elect Joseph Biden Jr. Open Border

Each 50 State Capitals in the United States will have to be protected by the United States National Guard do to Terror group __coming in do to Biden Jr. Open Border "Free for All" __HOW will American Citizen! Be able to take real action in ability, preserve, protect themselves & others from Extremist Violence rioter & Antifa extremists & Extremist Violence_Illegal immigrants Far Left Violent rioter by Black Lives Matter Activists ___BLM Activists is for Change against US Constitution Rule of Law that is dealing against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that We the People American Citizens will bear true faith and allegiance to the US Constitution Rule of Law; that We the People American Citizens  take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that We the People will well and faithfully discharge the duties of being a United States American Citizens: So help me Jesus-God

comment: Black Lives Matter Activists consist of African American & multiracial Americans cofounded by three Black community organizers-Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi activists Militia totalitarian regime movement, in the United States, movement of radical paramilitary groups whose members generally accept highly conspiratorial interpretations of politics and view themselves as defenders of traditional freedoms against government oppression

will have to use US Constitution 2nd amendment to protect themselves & others from Extremist Violence rioter with no help from the Far Left Dems US Congress(117th)President Elect Joseph Biden Jr.

comments: It not true, but it is true

US Congress(117th) Far left Dems & Far left Dems Biden Jr. Far left Dems members took an oath mutually to defend and protect the Dems Party Rule of Law , to punish the violators of this Dems oath, and to inflict vengeance on sacrilegious despoilers of Far Left Dems Rule of Law


February 12 2021 WE The People  arethe US Congress(117th) Pandora box is open  to be Prosecuted as of now 2021 comments: explaining Why!   Digital History:

Pandora box is open
  U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar    U.S. Criminalist Ozar

Just The Tip of Iceberg ----- Turn the Knob ---- WE The People   told you to turn the knob ---- WE The People   will open the Door -- the  Pandora box is open 2021 Hardball Issues:  WE The People  are    with the   U.S. SENATE(117th-2021)& US House of Representatives(117th) have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning   and THEN The Executive Branch

the Professional (Con Artists) Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be but should Maintain The Fruit of the Spirit 2021      PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing ---

   DID U KNOW::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “all civil rs of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.
 Liberal Activism undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values Now! Not Tomorrow --- the US Congress(117th) put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in -the US Congress(117th) all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment

Just The Tip of Iceberg ----- Turn the Knob ---- WE The People told you to turn the knob ---- WE The People will open the Door -- the Far Left Liberal Activism   Legislators, etc. Pandora box is open to be Prosecuted as of now 2021 WE The People can go through The DOJ Court System

ALLDems members Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the US Gov't Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest and some

No ifs, ands or butts about it We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) see civilization as fragile and vulnerable. We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilization”.

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #


February 26 2021Operation ___Who right & who wrong (who are sinner or not): Living in USA as a American Citizen live under the US Constitution In USA American Citizens live under the US Constitution but American Citizens  validate  US Constitution  Rule of Law __  any(all) American Citizens will be punished  that US Constitution is founded on Jesus-God Rule of Law under Christian values

{What Does the Bible Say About Christian Values and Christian Life? &

The values taught in the Bible are often the opposite of worldly values: kindness and respect for all people instead of power; humility instead of status; honesty and generosity instead of wealth; self-control instead of self-indulgence; forgiveness instead of revenge.Christian Values promote peace and good will among people in accordance with the purposes of God. We the People will never achieve perfection in this life, but those people who strive to obey God often find a sense of joy and peace that no worldly rewards can match       Worldly values include wealth, power, pleasure, revenge, fame, vanity and status. Worldly values promote jealousies, resentments and conflicts among people in accordance with the purposes of Satan           Here is a list of ten values or principles for living that are emphasized most strongly in the Bible:[1. Worship Only God 2. Be Kind to All People  3. Be Humble  4. Be Honest  5. Live a Moral Life   6. Be Generous with Time and Money  7. Practice what you Preach; Don't be a Hypocrite  8. Don't Be Self-righteous  9. Don't Retaliate  10. Forgive Others]
US Constitution - is not a "Living Document "The Constitution Rule of Law is not a living organism  it's a legal document." To claim that The Constitution is a living document that evolves on its own with the times is to say that there is no Constitution and you(American Citizens) have no Constitutional rights. Lets be clear what the Constitution is, it's an outline of limitations on Government.or Jesus-God Rule of Law is not a "Living Document"> American Citizens(s') will be a sinner against  US Constitution not only but Jesus-God Rule of Law goes hand & hand with each other be punished on earth & in heaven All Nation(specially China State Cartel Gov.___ China (Marx communist State). on earth & in HeavenWHO! In US Government are SINNER(American Citizens)   against The Constitution such as in each branches of USA A list ___from Past, Present & Future any Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators are SINNER (against The Constitution)

>>>>>>>>>> then  Any Executive Order(s') goes against US Constitution>  IT'S A SIN___Specially Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr. Executive Order(s') goes against the US Constitution WHY! It's is not a "Biden Jr. Executive Order(s') Living Document" for "The Constitution is not a living organism __  it's a legal document." Their a set of  US Constitution Rule of Law for Executive Order(s')  if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law & then Earmark if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law Earmarks put into Bills from US Congress(117th) are

CORRUPT Democrats  earmarking process robbing the Treasury loaded up big spending bills with special projects to benefit donors and local interest groups __Foreign Gov. Aid  After all, earmarks are perhaps one of the most egregious ways to fool taxpayers into thinking it will

Who Got  Controlover Humanism [Empathy__Morality__Reason__(is a progressive  philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatual belief, AFFIRMS our responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of HUMANITY that focuses on human values and concerns)]    Who they are & why!(racism is their answer to take control__ their racism not true meaning of the word)

February 12 2021 WE The People  as of the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) (Promoter of  $$) Asshat with Who!

May 10 2019U.S. Economist Ozar New set of Rule  specially dealing with each Lefty Totalitarianism purposes & functions

(no more than) U.S. Adherentist Ozar

 the Lefty Totalitarianism Financial Firms Leaders & Lefty Totalitarianism credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to Lefty Totalitarianism IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA
to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution

TAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area

February 12 2021 We the People” comments: Fox News  great success: Right on Track – Nice Work! - 1st Class – Awesome! - Top Job! - Good Job! - Terrific! - Outstanding! - CoolsFox News  make it look easy! - Hang in there! - We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilization”.

January 31 2021as of Asshat with Who! the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) (Promoter of China $$ & China Carpetbagger Lobbyist) See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of China wrong doing in the United States or Foreign Nation & US Congress(117th) specially the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitutionthat each GOP disagree becoming A Far Right Lefty Liberal Activism THAT See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of Far Left Liberal Democrats Party wrong doing in the United States List of GOP disagree that back the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party


January 27 2021UAU comment: do to  & United States Congress(117th)(GOV.) &   President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(State to be ----- (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) in 2021) __ Executive Order Asshat with Who!     ++++++++ The China(Marx communist State) & Russia & Iran & other Etc. Group as of NOW got USA right by the ASS

(117th)& (117th)&NumskullDems & (some Far right-lefty))GOP are (jackass) to let this happen! Forcing Americans to kneel at the feet of foreign businesses and governments, begging for jobs and work enough is enough our forefather would turn over in their graves
{Speaker of the House Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage)  & President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else} as of now taking Political action ON Commonsense CONSERVATIVE American Citizens

GOP(service 01 20 2017- 01 20 2021)  Not Go Way in 2021 & hear after: will start

  U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

 10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42)

1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)      2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)     3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)     4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)        5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)     6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)     7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)     8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)         9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)     10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)


"Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
A Country without Borders is Not a Country



January 20 2021The US Constitution Rule of Law __ tell President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) Do & don't on immigration laws states how to become a US Citizenship (If don't follow the rule of law will be punished) & then any other Government official that broke The US Constitution immigration laws

Dems to cause many destruction on American CitizensOperation: U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Border Wall A Country without Borders is Not a Country

September 20 2016 Operation DACA Officer exmination : a smart decision to End  'Dreamer' Program
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is  an obstruction of Justices against the US Constitution)

February 2  2017By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life

January 20 2021will start President Trump News(Social Media

January 20 2021Speaker of the House Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage) & President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)

USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


Operation windbag: Too often the windbag Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc. lose sight of what the US Constitution stand for in protecting We the People. So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc.  annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(117th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or  U.S. Executive Branch or THE U.S. Judicial Branch   or U.S. Government employee(Nonconservatives)   ******* Pass it on

U.S. Constitutionist Ozar  Open a Can of American Whoop Ass   U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

January 20 2021 Operation Will Not Go Way in 2021 & hearafter:

Operation: In 2021  Big Tech(Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft & Plus CNN, ABC, Etc.) will be brought to justices specially if you are a American Citizens & etc.)
"Corporate bodies have no soul Corporate bodies are more corrupt and profligate than individuals, because they have more power to do mischief, and are less amenable to dealing with Present, Past & Future in 2021 dealing with United States ___The US Constitution Rule of Lawdisgrace or punishment. Corporate bodies feel neither shame, remorse, gratitude, nor goodwill.

"Big Business have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains".  Went their activity as American Business or Foreign Business inside United States their under the US Constitution Rule of Law. Go against Rule of Law will be removed(punished) from United States

While lumping all merchants together is certainly not entirely accurate, the quote from Thomas Jefferson certainly rings true for 'Big Business'.
In fact, today it is more true than ever. With seemingly few exceptions, over the decades, grocers and merchants have been gobbled up by increasingly mammoth sized corporations who have no loyalty to your neighborhood or community, or even any nation or country.
Their retail centers in the United States for Sales, and their manufacturing in China for labor cost benefits.


Operation Will President Trump(service 01 20 2017- 01 20 2021)  Not Go Way in 2021 & hear after: will start President Trump News(Social Media which will be combination of different of types of social Media news only dealing with US Constitution all in one etc. that will Speak out >not being censorship on Free of Speech(US Constitution Bill of Rights)  but Truth be told not lie  No Lobbyist within Social Media trying to bribe US Government  but News reporter will tell who are the Corporation lobbyists & who! The Lobbyist work for such as all types of Organization> Specially Foreign  Government that want to bride & filter in US Government position to be spy(Check Out who! On  President elected Joseph Biden Jr.-Harris Administrationwho! Corrupt in US Senate & House of Representatives.> but not only tell who the Coporation want in order to destroy the  US Constitution Rule of Law who are violent rioter are & what they wantwatch out! President Trump News will tell which Social Media inside of US reporting the News >who! Been  Naught & Nice to the US Constitution Rule of Law don't follow the Rule of Law in keeping America Safe & American First but As now! America maybe 2nd ___One Foreign Government being 1st

Dems want to censorship & deprogramming  American Citizens that don't agree with their point of view Against US Constitution Bill of Rights

Speaker of the House Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage) & President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)


(((comment: went President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) be United States President on January 20 2021  Then President selected Biden Jr. > Criminal charge can be for being as Vice President in is wrong doing if so, if it dealing with Present, Past & Future  was so, if so could forfeit his role as United States President then any other Government official that broke The US Constitution Rule of Law)) dealing with Present, Past & Future (in 2021 dealing with United States ___The US Constitution Rule of Law) specially irregularity voter fraud

USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #

January 13 2021 On D day__ Speaker of the House) Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___ got Ten New Members in the Dems Party ___ the ten member from are Now! Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats that are Stupid, incompetent & put American Citizens risk of being hurt again by the rioter protestor (Antifa & BLM) taken actionthat did nothing to stop it


January 8 2021Speaker of the House) Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage) (Speaker of the House is  incompetent __ corrupt &  President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)  
Dems members in  are incompetent ___ corrupt & your Dems leader make you Dems members look  incompetent __corrupt & you are corrupt against the American Citizens all Dems members not putting the power of to support the American Citizens {Civil War 2021 againt the American Citizens}

{  }

ALLDems members that are Roman Catholic Christian in  are anti-Catholic Christian as of now not a Catholic Christian do to DNC Political Party Platformlists of what Pope Francis opposes sins are against Roman Catholic Church for 2021 agree with (can't go againstJesus-God Rule of Law(The Bible) and can't take Communion  do to  Pope Francis_ dealing with abortion & etc. The Pope Francis opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus, since it holds that "human life" must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. that include President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) anti-Catholic Christian as of now not a Catholic Christian do to DNC Political Party Platformalso in trouble with Jesus-God Rule of Law(The Bible) If Not excommunication from Catechism of the Catholic Church then 

It Great We The People have a LEADER
ONE STEP AHEAD    IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
America First
security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
Speak softly and carry a big stick

-----has------ The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace

ALLDems members Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the US Gov't Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest and some

January 7 2021Operation Who the Leadership of : President of the People's Republic of China Leader is Xi Jinping(Do-gooder)

in 2021
(Comment:ButPresident  Xi Jinping (Do-gooder) has a Strong Stand against USA  ___U.S. Constitution Rule of Law the People's Republic of China can overcome USA through President elected Joseph Biden Jr.((Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder) without firing a shot )

January 9 2021UAU Party() USA Mitch.-- Strategist__Do List(to be)PSBcan be __ add to OR cancel_ that will take control of USA   {such as Foreign Countries, Big Tech(Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, amazon, Google, Apple & Plus)will update complete List & Their Do List(to be)_:can be __ add to OR cancel trying to under mind the American Citizens} but may not!_If American Citizens take a Stand against President Select Biden Jr. (Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder)Do List(to be)PSB_:can be __ add to OR cancel

to be in 2021 Next Four Years

Do List(to be)PSB_:can be __ add to OR cancel

 President elected Joseph Biden Jr.((Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder)   Do List(to be)PSB_:can be __ add to OR cancel   

 1..have Open Border,
2..impeached President Donald Trump, impeachment for any Dems members in     for any reasoning, ___a..that the promoted Protestor to be a protestor,
4..Guns Control 
5..Cenorship on Freedom of Speech dealing with all & any American Citizens that disagree withRule of Law,

U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes


USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #

January 2 2021Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph)(anti-Catholic Christian as of now not a Catholic Christian)   in trouble with Jesus-God Rule of Law(The Bible) If Not excommunication from Catechism of the Catholic Church then Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law is in question with Jesus-God Rule of Law

November 1 2020We the People see it coming  ____ Civil War 2021 in USA Homeland
 __ Dems Wins
Violence and Bloodshed for Americn Citizens Commonsense Conservative

We the People's Law

January 7 2021Operation Five types of Nutty People:  that would invade US Congress building who the Nutty People are & which US House of Representatives & US Senator (that are Stupid incompetent corrupt) promote Nutty People to take action that against the  U.S. Constitution Rule of Law & will be prosecute & PLUS the duration of their employment in US Congress be determined & will gain seat in US Congress 

January 7 2021Operation Lists  of Nutty People: that has more Power then United States Gov. such as Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, amazon, Google & Plus  complete list that has all American Citizens private info

January 7 2021Operation Who the Leadership of : President of the People's Republic of China Leader is Xi Jinping(Do-gooder)

January 7 2021In 2021leader(include U House of Representative & US Senators that lost_____Due to irregularity voter fraud) should Concede(But the US Court will decided if their was irregularity voter fraud) to President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) even ifDue to irregularity voter fraud
U.S. Nationalism Ozargot their way for 2021

Two wrong, don't make it right between the & from Prsent, Past & the Future to be in 2021 under the WHY     U.S. Constitution Rule of Law
January 4 2021Operation: Prevent Voter Fraud Register to Vote Form in each State of United  States of America to vote in each 50 Election Day States in the Union

January 5 2021Mitch McConnell(R_KY) GOP Party membersWas the US Election Stolen? = Was the software that was part of the problem

January 7 2021Operation January 7 2021(Thur.) earmark taking control in 2021 US Congress(117th) & President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) is in : Taking Action in Strengthening LEFTY TotalitarianismPresident elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else)  call for payback to all with help of Speaker of the House) Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken (Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else) for Dems Party___declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage) (Speaker of the House is incompetent corrupt)& Senator(D NY)Chuck Schumer  Senate Minority Leader Schumer  comment: Nobody will go to prison in  DNC Party & associates will be Pardon from the Past, Present & Future under President elected Joseph Biden Jr.((Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else) NO Pardon for any { President elected is above the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law)Their will be changes in U.S. Constitution Rule of Lawspecially dealing with Guns control (all Dems will have to turnover all their firearms first}in What will come Next

December 22 2020Operation   U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights:explain in the Table of Contents such as ___who can register and vote, voting before election day can't be counted and Processed until election day)____(mail-in-voting can't be counted until election day)____ if the voter voted twice plus that everything has to counted by the evening of our Election Day, instead of waiting around six days or etc. days giving  the chance of  voter fraud & identification for voting    U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights List:

January 2 2021 Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens in Georgia vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr. (Sneaky Joseph) & Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  the speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi(D 12th CA) can't take Communion And all Catholic Christians (Catechism of the Catholic Church __ PART THREE  LIFE IN CHRIST__SECTION TWO "you shall love your neighbor as yourself" ___ Article 5 The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 ), Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" the Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life); WILL Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law "HAVE TO COME TO USA TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN" imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human lifeFar Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) & Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  the speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi(D 12th CA)______Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law will imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication from from Catechism of the Catholic Church for this crime against human life Joseph Biden Jr.((Sneaky Joseph)  anti-Catholic Christian as of now not a Catholic Christian)   in trouble with Jesus-God Rule of Law(The Bible)

October 08 2020Second is "Why Dynamic Catholic Christians can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020 and can't take Communion  do to Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" dealing with abortion (The Pope Francis opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus, since it holds that "human life" must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.

August 13 2020Operation: Who is the 2020 Global Superpower> status United States Vs. China (Marx communist State) Government   net worth over 11 Trillion dollars & growing, Debt Free   American dominance worldwide is fading & but also with Activism Democrats Foreign Aid financial Debt Do to Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats asshat with China (Marx communist State) More info follow-up How China Hegemonic Superpower with help of the Dems Specially will takeover United States without firing a shot but with High Technology

How to Overcome Financial Stress and improve Finances Remove each Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats from US Congress in 2020 & hereafter

Foreign Aid & Aid

November 23 2019Far Left Liberal Democratsamericanconstitution   Far Left

Far Left Liberal Democrats know better --- dealing with Iran deal Far Left Liberal Democrats radical plan Far Left Liberal Democrats know better

giving them Aid and Comfort  Any US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH that include U.S. Executive Branch & THE U.S. Judicial Branch (giving them Aid and Comfort    USA PATRIOT Act-- the penalty for treason is Dealth How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)

July 18 2015 Far Left Liberal Democrats don't know the history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act

Thoughts (Factoryman)

Thoughts (Factoryman)


Flint Engine  

UAU Party UpDate Now! 


U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

December 22 2020Fox News Board of Directors __ Far Left Liberal Activism Lachlan Keith Murdoch(Co-Chairman & Chief Executive Officer) Social Media TotalitarianismAsshat with Who!

the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Biden Jr. (Promoter of (Marx communist State)
 $$ & China Carpetbagger Lobbyist) Anti President Donald Trump that their be no reporting to expose the vote fraud that took place in the election China $$ & China Carpetbagger Lobbyist & money at means Lobbyist control Social Media Totalitarianism news reporting See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of China wrong doing in the United States or Foreign Nation & US Congress(116th) specially the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {GrayGrayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitution


December 22 2020Operation: Far Left Liberal Activism Attorney General WILLIAM BARR,  don't know the history from the Past cases __ specially  Andrew Jackson__President of the United States ___ irregularity voter fraud  Attorney General WILLIAM BARR will not appoint a special counsel to investigate election fraud or Hunter Biden

as of Asshat with Who!

the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Biden Jr. (Promoter of China $$ & China Carpetbagger Lobbyist) That don't understand U.S. Constitution -Super Racial Far Left Liberal-Dems hard-liner extreme have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain(We the People's

December 22 2020Operation   U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights: SCOTUS taking action do to Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats voter fraud If Not then SCOTUS  in question with the U.S. Constitution  Voter Rights (SCOTUS don't know their history from the Past cases __ specially  Andrew Jackson__President of the United States ___ irregularity voter fraud 
How it will be according to U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights: explain in the Table of Contents such as ___who can register and vote, voting before election day can't be counted and Processed until election day)____(mail-in-voting can't be counted until election day)______ if the voter voted twice plus that everything has to counted by the evening of our Election Day, instead of waiting around six days or etc. days giving  the chance of  voter fraud & identification for voting
U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Voting Rights

Operation: Prevent Voter Fraud Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 Election Day States in the Union

Register to Vote Form

Register to Vote Form in each State of United States of America to vote in each 50 States Election Day

That you register to vote where you currently live.

Evidence of Identity: all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
U.S. driver's license; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card; or
U.S. passport

TODAY'S DATE  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

NAME  =  First ___   Full Middle Name ___    Last ____

SSN* assigned to the person  =  Last four digit of Social Security number _______  *why!

DATE OF BIRTH  =  MM/DD/YYYY     MM____/DD____/YYYY____

SEX  =  Male____    Female____

CITIZENSHIP  =   U.S. Citizen____

State ADDRESS  =  Number______  City______ State______ ZIP Code_____

ID: Evidence of Identity
U.S. driver's license  =  ________________; or
U.S. State-issued non-driver identity card  =  _______________; or
U.S. passport  =  _________________

YOUR SIGNATURE =    SIGNATURE_________________________

I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this form, and on any accompanying
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison
That you register to vote where you currently live.

Who can register and vote:
You are a U.S. citizen.
You cannot register and vote is when you are serving a sentence in jail or prison
That you register to vote where you currently live.

 List of All 50 US State Abbreviations & List of All Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, US Commonwealth and Territories
Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, the United States has several territories in different parts of the world too. These territories may not be official states, but they still adhere to the same formula of two capital letters for their official abbreviations.
need the traditional state abbreviations instead, which you'll find below the postal abbreviations

 Alabama - AL  Alaska - AK   Alabama - AL  Alaska - AK    Arizona - AZ   Arkansas - AR   California - CA   Colorado - CO   Connecticut - CT    Delaware - DE    Florida - FL    Georgia - GA    Hawaii - HI    Idaho - ID    Illinois - IL    Indiana - IN    Iowa - IA    Kansas - KS    Kentucky - KY    Louisiana - LA    Maine - ME   Maryland - MD    Massachusetts - MA    Michigan - MI    Minnesota - MN    Mississippi - MS    Missouri - MO    Montana - MT    Nebraska - NE    Nevada - NV    New Hampshire - NH    New Jersey - NJ    New Mexico - NM    New York - NY    North Carolina - NC    North Dakota - ND    Ohio - OH    Oklahoma - OK    Oregon - OR    Pennsylvania - PA    Rhode Island - RI    South Carolina - SC    South Dakota - SD    Tennessee - TN    Texas - TX    Utah - UT    Vermont - VT    Virginia - VA    Washington - WA    West Virginia - WV    Wisconsin - WI    Wyoming - WY

US Commonwealth and Territories
Outside of the 50 main states in the Union, the United States has several territories in different parts of the world too. These territories may not be official states, but they still adhere to the same formula of two capital letters for their official abbreviations.

    American Samoa - AS    District of Columbia - DC    Federated States of Micronesia - FM    Guam - GU    Marshall Islands - MH    Northern Mariana Islands - MP    Palau - PW    Puerto Rico - PR    Virgin Islands - VI



All Election voter software made by US Military Programmer Technician that to be used in each US Election then final approvability by  US Military Programmer Technician the Election voter software for the electronic equipment is constitutional written before can be used to prevent election voter fraud instead made by Foreign Countries such as the software of the Venezuelan in  the electronic voting machines with the Venezuelan software Smartmatic that the election voter software was voter fraud(that US Congress new it & ect.) GOP wins election on November 3 2020 due to Election IrregularitiesIf any GOP in US Congress disagree then each GOP disagree as of Asshat with Who! the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph) (Promoter of China $$ & China Carpetbagger Lobbyist) See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of China wrong doing in the United States or Foreign Nation & US Congress(116th) specially the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitutionthat each GOP disagree becoming A Far Right Lefty Liberal Activism THAT See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of Far Left Liberal Democrats Party wrong doing in the United States List of GOP disagree that back the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party that GOP  did not wins election on November 3 2020 due to Election Irregularities

Next on the ListOperation   U.S. Constitution Rule of Law...Treason other crimes: Who in Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats or associates___specially with China (18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason :Whoever,  owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

November 1 2020We the People see it coming  ____ Civil War 2021 in USA Homeland
 __ Dems Wins
Violence and Bloodshed for Americn Citizens Commonsense Conservative

We the People's Law

Listen to USA Country Gospel Songs
Is answer to your Probems
(China Goverment Leadership need to Listen to USA Country Gospel Songs inorder to with Jesus-God-Holy Spirit before taking action no matter what it is)

(the Far Left Dems Black Life Matter & Far Left Dems Antif(Black Life Matter helper Need to Listen to USA Country Gospel Songs before taking action no matter what it is)

The Earth Is The LORD'S, And Everything In It

Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Roman Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

October 28 2020Right 2020 Obama's & Biden Jr.'s speak-out what 'Democrats  rule of law' are   involve a failure to discern spiritual truth ( Luke 12:54-56; 13:15; cf. Matt 12:7; 23:23) or even a willful blindness to spiritual matters ( Matthew 23:17 Matthew 23:19 Matthew 23:23-24 Matthew 23:26). The Democrats  pretends goodness, but beneath a religious veneer is a malicious or deceitful heart ( Matt 22:15-18; cf. 1 Peter 2:1). Dealing with real truth what happening Now! in

Obama's & Biden Jr.'s speak-out what 'Democrats  rule of law'  what happen! to Carpetbagger Lobbyist dealing with Lefty Totalitarianism IRS & Gov't etc.  

Then: China Carpetbagger Lobbyist
    UAW   GMC(China took control of GMC___all GMC Tech belong to China)

UAW President  Rory Gamble Leadership______then Gun control

overhaul of Import law

October 31 2020  ::: who! do  have respect for Human Being  has principles & sense of well-being with American Citizens values --  

  It is Excellent choice in November 3rd 2020 General Election   Went YOU(We the People) will vote for  –-- for  President  that has American Citizens values that would be  like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it

August 7 2017(UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}-  That Might Be A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius

Grayblueneck{imo(T)}in USA
July 17 2017 (UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}- Definition - a Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
Who! might be a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Wrong, or Ugly?
A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}is not open and friendly person and prefers to pre-judge a person on race, gender and personal lifestyle

U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

October 23 2020Pope Francis TO Be _ All Democrat can't take Communion And all Roman Catholic Christians (Catechism of the Catholic Church __ PART THREE  LIFE IN CHRIST__SECTION TWO "you shall love your neighbor as yourself" ___ Article 5 The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 ), Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" the Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life); WILL Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law "HAVE TO COME TO USA TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN" imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life
all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat {Grayblueneck}candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

October 23 2020DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

DNC Political Party Platform for 2020 (List)

U.S. Opinionist Ozar (List

Don't vote for ANY Political leadership Democrats(Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats)
up for reelection 2020 to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

October 31 12020  Worker comments: UAW President  Rory Gamble -- Far Left Liberal Democrat{Liberal-DemsMans'©anti-the Second Amendment have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning (Liberal thinking) especially with regard to Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) That don't understand (U.S. Constitution) that Far Left Liberal Democrats   is anti-Union - anti-the Second Amendment - don't have a right as a law-abiding citizen to own a firearmDemocrats Party  {{Who are the Twit JackAss Dems Far Left Liberal Democrats U.S. Supreme Court Justice Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy The U.S. Constitution by changing it to their way of Liberal thinking  –- That don't understand what the U.S. Constitution is all about  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American Values. (Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy The U.S. Constitution) 

October 01 2020Far Right ____ There is_____ Far Right Politicalist     called   Clarion Project (is a US non-profit organization focused challenging and exposing ideological extremism  ---- their Mission is to Expose and Reduce the Threats of Extremism to Create a Safer World For All __{Specially the Far Left Dems Black Life Matter & Far Left Dems Antif(Black Life Matter helper in taking action no matter what it is) ___ members of DNC PARTY__ specially in all 50 States    Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr. "Allah Willing" & Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Kamala Harris }


how the Dems will lose 30 or 40 % of votes in November 3 election!  Do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

First is

October 08 2020Second is "Why Dynamic Catholic Christians can't vote for any __candidate or being a member of DNC Party  (Democratic Party- Democrats) ___do to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020 and can't take Communion  do to Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" dealing with abortion (The Pope Francis opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus, since it holds that "human life" must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr. & Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  the speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi(D 12th CA) can't take Communion And all Catholic Christians (Catechism of the Catholic Church __ PART THREE  LIFE IN CHRIST__SECTION TWO "you shall love your neighbor as yourself" ___ Article 5 The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 ), Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" the Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life); WILL Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law "HAVE TO COME TO USA TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN" imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life

Third is

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
No Health Care Privacy any more 

August 13 2020Operation: Who is the 2020 Global Superpower> status United States Vs. China (Marx communist State) Government   net worth over 11 Trillion dollars & growing, Debt Free   American dominance worldwide is fading & but also with Activism Democrats Foreign Aid financial Debt Do to Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats asshat with China (Marx communist State) More info follow-up How China Hegemonic Superpower with help of the Dems Specially will takeover United States without firing a shot but with High Technology

How to Overcome Financial Stress and improve Finances Remove each Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats from US Congress in 2020 & hereafter



August 13 2020Operation: CDC US Data & Statistics on Coronavirus(COVID-19) in United States Deaths summary info is in question is less than 168,163 Deaths __ inorder to HAVE Daily Activities & Going Out & etc. __ need new leadership in CDC & FDA More info Why!  __ Plus tests for COVID-19 in question if it Positive or Not __ Deaths could be different than Coronavirus(COVID-19) data do to Mortality rate or death rate from all causes of death so __ death Data is inaccurate Could gives inaccurate report using World Health Organization inorder shutdown USA economyIs this How China Hegemonic Superpower with help of the Dems Specially will takeover United States without firing a shot but with High Technology



August 13 2020Operation Your Vote is Your Voice: Learn more do & Don't about your decision to vote for right Candidates in November 3 2020 Election

believe in Jesus-God(the principle of Jesus-God rule of law (The Bible) -> then vote for candidates that believe  this way of  life {how you vote is your decision, your vote is your voice for better way of life and a stronger US Constitution because the stakes have never been higher - no  illegal can vote in November 3 2020, any illegal can be remove from USA by under Federal Gov. rule of law -> special dealing with fraud (unlawful gain) ___ Social Security-Medicare, Medical Care  under intentional perversion in order to say I'am American Citizens & etc. Each 50 States have no authority to keep illegal from being remove from USA Territory (That act of War etc. against USA Government  (If Each 50 States Governor refuse that aiding and abetting the enemy (That ?+ Aiding the Enemy Acts) [Now! China (marx communist state) leader hacker(cyber warriors to take control) will be involve in November 3 2020 election for strengthening Lefty Democrats  Candidates,not Russia but Russia is for Democrat to win in 2020{Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats, Lefty Moderate, Lefty Centrists, Lefty Democratic, Lefty Progressive Liberal & Democrat Lefty Christians, Democrat Lefty "evangelicals" Christians}  __ China(Chinese Communist Party CCP -want to take over the World through Hi-Tech(Chinese leader want everything made in China- Plus all GMC-auto made in China-owned GMC-Hi-Technologies in China)  & exposed pandemic virus(Chinese Coronavirus) to USA American Citizens & etc. Learn More about China from Past & Present & Future to Help the Far Left Political Dems Leadership to win win in November 3 2020  Plus that will take away economy trade, retirement security &  Bills of Right, Plus - Who can We the People families trust to protect -> our health? __ our retirement? __ our rights?


UAU Endorses  The Commonsense Conservative Candidates on the side of US Constitution  (Not The Supreme Court Justices dealing with the US Federal, 50 States that are Far Left Liberal of  making wrong decision dealing with violent Protestor & etc.__that Can be & will be shot doing physical harm to American Citizen & etc. refuse to surrendered  can be brought to justices by the US Federal & States Justices Department

List of Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extreme Candidates & list of Candidates need be recall __US Senator Kamala Harris of California in November 3 2020 Election

BBA  Bare Arms Association

The Pope Francis Vatican (can be hold accountability to Jesus-God-Holy Spirit for his action not doing his job preaching the Word to His U.S. follower in USA in how to be  true Roman Catholic Christian(not to be a Democrat Lefty Catholic Christian __ Lefty Moderate Catholic Christian) of the bible not to pick one subject  it ok then the other not ok (such as Catholic abortion etc.. ok __ then ok to be violent protestor ) __ ( sin one day and be forgiven the next day ___  then repeat __ Jesus-God Word don't work that way ) Now! Pope Francis should say you CAN'T Be A Catholic Christian & believe this way in being a Catholic Christian


Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil):


We the People's (ALL) Life Matter
We the People (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics)

We the People's Law

Uses Against Violent Protesters
LEFTY Totalitarianism

May 31 2020 We the People's (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics)Skunk Spray -Just The Tip of Iceberg (Uses  Violent Protesters)  is the answer to find out who! Violent Protesters & STOP Violent Protesters taking action on etc.

USA Police Skunkspray Gun Weapon


Uses Against People's that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists
EACH We the People need to have a SkunkSpray Gun
"Americans need Arm Themselves Against Rioters As America Faces"






Sept 22 2016 We the People's (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs. Black Life Matter(Ideology)(Anti- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs. Skunk Spray-Just The Tip of Iceberg (Uses Against Violent Protesters)  is the answer to find out who! Violent Protesters(American Citizen) are (You can run but you can not hide --Skunk Spray will find you -Violent Protesters) then We the People will help(Police) find the suspect(Violent Protesters)  No ifs, ands or butts about it
We are not done yet.
Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. [In the legal system etc..]

Skunkspray Gun





November 3 2018 Operation good to go: Border Control USA Military
Skunkspray Gun
  Against Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists

  To Be:    

Skunk Spray == Skunk - the proven most effective, NON-Toxic non-lethal riot control solution. Skunk is an innovative, non-lethal riot control method with proven effectiveness. A pungent, foul-smelling - yet completely non-toxic - liquid spray, it quickly disperses the most determined of violent demonstrators with no casualties. Harmless to them, to officers in the field, and to the environment, Skunk is the optimal response for the modern police force. Odortec's eco-friendly Skunk solution was developed with the Israeli police department to meet the highest operational requirements. And it does so with less manpower, at lower cost and without the use of force required by other riot control tactics.

April 26 2020Social Media Nowas  Far Left Liberal  Activism Social Media Totalitarianism Far Left Liberal Social Media Totalitarianismtotal against the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights

April 22 2020 earmark Strengthening LEFTY Totalitarianism DEMOCRATS with the THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & China(Marx Communist State) ____I Think SO - Is It a lost cause with US Gov't $$$ for local Business in all 50 States- HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN - For The Banks(FOREIGN INVESTORS)   = The Bankers(+) Need More Bonus'GREEDY American International Group, Inc. (AIG) Citigroup Inc. (Citi Financial + Citi) JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase + Wamu) HSBC Group -> The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC + HFC)   Synchropny Financial (NYSE:SYF)   The Banks (THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & THEIR ASSOCIATES) only give US Gov't $$$ to that owe debt to the bank to get back their $$$ interest  GOP need to giveALL 50 States (Local Bank) should received US Gov't $$$ to give $$$ to local Business
  US Totalitarianism Congress(116th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  U.S House of Representatives(116th__232 Lefty Totalitarianism Democrats  & U.S. Senator(116th__45 Lefty Totalitarianism Democrats are thinking  in No Ways We(Gov't) did no wrong suck-ass with Lefty Totalitarianism lobbyist Financial Firms & Etc... (US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class)


Jesus Love You

4 Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon. 6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank him for his answers. 7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4)

Views of the End Times (Is Coronavirus part of increase Satanic wickedness on the World)

April 20 2020Operation: The End Times Intrigue
Judgment on the Day of the LORD
SPECIALLY ON SOCIAL MEDIA Totalitarianism (BOD & Etc. increase of wickedness ), USA GOVERNMENT(Far Left Liberal  Activism  Democrat Totalitarianism Legislator,  Lefty Totalitarianism Joseph Biden Jr. LEFTY Totalitarianism  DEMOCRAT) AMERICAN CITIZEN increase of wickedness to destroy US Constitution Rule of Law(Bills of Rights)THEM BY PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, OTHER COUNTIES increase of wickedness

Jesus said, " No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36
"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 24:12-13

Isaiah 13:6-12

6 Wail, for the day of the LORD is near!  It will come as destruction from the Almighty.
7 Therefore all hands will fall limp, And every man's heart will melt.
8 They will be terrified,  Pains and anguish will take hold of them;  They will writhe like a woman in labor,  They will look at one another in astonishment,  Their faces aflame.
9 Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, Cruel, with fury and burning anger,  To make the land a desolation;  And He will exterminate its sinners from it.
10 For the stars of heaven and their constellations  Will not flash forth their light;  The sun will be dark when it rises  And the moon will not shed its light.
11 Thus I will punish the world for its evil And the wicked for their iniquity;  I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud  And abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.
12 I will make mortal man scarcer than pure gold And mankind than the gold of Ophir.

12 Few will live when I have finished up my work. Men will be as scarce as gold-of greater value than the gold of Ophir.

12 "Watch now. God's Judgment Day comes. Cruel it is, a day of wrath and anger, A day to waste the earth and clean out all the sinners. The stars in the sky, the great parade of constellations, will be nothing but black holes. The sun will come up as a black disk, and the moon a blank nothing. I'll put a full stop to the evil on earth, terminate the dark acts of the wicked. I'll gag all braggarts and boasters-not a peep anymore from them- and trip strutting tyrants, leave them flat on their faces. Proud humanity will disappear from the earth. I'll make mortals rarer than hens' teeth. And yes, I'll even make the sky shake, and the earth quake to its roots Under the wrath of God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the Judgment Day of his raging anger. Like a hunted white-tailed deer, like lost sheep with no shepherd, People will huddle with a few of their own kind, run off to some makeshift shelter. But tough luck to stragglers-they'll be killed on the spot, throats cut, bellies ripped open, Babies smashed on the rocks while mothers and fathers watch, Houses looted, wives raped

THE BOOK OF REVELATION (Revelation 1-22)
Revelation illustrates that God is in control and that all people were created to love and worship their creator.
Will Jesus return physically: YES (Rapture 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, when Jesus Christ returns for his people


April 11 2020 U.S. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Be Good  ____ Totalitarianism total against the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights

just the "beginning" to recall U.S. Michigan Governor (by We the People--Michigander) in 2020 Election In the State of Michigan

More comments to come about U.S. Michigan Governor (Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat Totalitarianism Legislator) do & don't

April 11 2020Which One __ Out of 50 of US Governor Are Butthole __now can't Buy non-essential goods & etc.

U.S. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Be Good  ____ Totalitarianism against Michiganders ___ Ban on the non-essential goods in Grocery Store__must limit the number of people in the grocery store at one time NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy to Michiganders to buy goods to fix __ ban on all guns stores__

U.S. Michigan Governor Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat Totalitarianism Legislator Gretchen Whitmer __ real life drama to be  Lefty Dems(SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD__Far Left Liberal Democrat Totalitarianism Party__Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain) in trouble with the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights Lefty Democrat Totalitarianism U.S. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Be Good being Recall(RealClearPolitics - Election 2020) (by We the People--Michigander) in 2020 Election In the State of Michigan(coming soon! Forecast how Recall will be in each State & gov. etc.)

U.S. Michigan Lefty Democrat Totalitarianism Governor Gretchen Whitmer Be Good  ____ Totaliauthoritarian

UAU Party___Truth Fact____ will Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will Tell It Like It Is ____ that is A US Commonsense American Citizen Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener

March 27 2020 To: Coronavirus Response Act Democratic Totalitarianism leaderership: Speaker of the House  Lefty Totalitarianism Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA 12th)  I give order = I don't take order == no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy & then  U.S. Senator Democratic Democrat Totalitarianism leaderership: Minority Leader Lefty Totalitarianism Chuck Schumer(D-NY)  {Far Left Liberal  Activism  Democrat Totalitarianism Legislators,  Lefty Totalitarianism Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12  Lefty Totalitarianism Pelosi declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage

Jesus Love You

4 Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon. 6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank him for his answers. 7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4)

March 25 2020 New set of Rule  specially dealing with each Leftypurposes & functions

Coronavirus Response Act
March 25 2020 earmark Strengthening LEFTY DEMOCRATS with the THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & China(Marx Communist State) & Etc. (abortion)
All Lefty Democrat(s) (who are they --- time will tell(how they voted) For being Lefty American Politicians Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class don't be a ass {Lefty American Politicians Carpetbagger Lobbyist motto:: no meaning of Life, went dealing with Heallth & Safety & Money $$$$ Greed - the CHAOS Lefty Politicians doing nothing (suck-ass) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way. US Congess(116th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) U.S House of Representatives(116th__232 Lefty Democrats  & U.S. Senator(116th__45 Lefty Democrats instead of suck-ass(BLOOD MONEY PROFIT) with Lefty Lobbyists & etc... & improper earmarks & no more Treasury Dept.'s money earmark bailout $$$
  Do as I see fit law (IMO) Are the Lefty Politicians "Double Dipping" I Think SO - Is It a lost cause with US Gov't - HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN - The Banks(FOREIGN INVESTORS)   = The Bankers(+) Need More Bonus'GREEDY American International Group, Inc. (AIG) Citigroup Inc. (Citi Financial + Citi) JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase + Wamu) HSBC Group -> The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC + HFC)   Synchropny Financial (NYSE:SYF)   The Banks (THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & THEIR ASSOCIATES)
  US Congress(116th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  U.S House of Representatives(116th__232 Lefty Democrats  & U.S. Senator(116th__45 Lefty Democrats are thinking  in No Ways We(Gov't) did no wrong suck-ass with Lefty lobbyist Financial Firms & Etc... (US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class)                                                                                                                                                                                          

March 25 2020Operation__ U.S House of Representatives(116th__232 Lefty Democrats  & U.S. Senator(116th__45 Lefty Democrats  > Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat Legislators(Lefty Moderate Democrat, etc., & lefty Christians Democrat) radical Plans:        Democratic leaderership: Speaker of the House Lefty Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA 12th),  Majority leader Lefty Rep. Steny Hoyer(D-MD 5th), Majority Whip: Lefty Rep. Jim Clyburn(D-SC 6th) &        U.S. Senator Democratic leaderership: Minority Leader Lefty Chuck Schumer(D-NY),  Minority Whip: Lefty Dick Durbin(D-IL) 
Coronavirus Response Act
Everything is changing! > People(American Citizens) are taking their U.S. President(Commander-in Chief) seriously and Lefty Democrat the Politicians as a joke(Numskull__Flip-flop Lefty Moderate) > Democrat Politician Legislators that consists of __Three___ types of Politicians

(1) Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats

(2) Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats, Lefty Moderate, Lefty Centrists, Lefty Democratic, Lefty Progressive Liberal, hard-liner extreme Democrats in the U.S House of Representatives & U.S. Senate

(3) Democrat Lefty Christians & Democrat Lefty "evangelicals" Christians are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law_ The Bible)) & then general American Citizen Christian(consists of  Two type__ Commonsense Conservative Christians & the Lefty Moderate Christians(extremists__ are in trouble(especially with Jesus-God Rule of Law__The Bible) (maybe the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law_ need to speech out _ do & don't about The Bible-Obey Jesus Commands__ with Lefty Catholic Christians faith(follow-up list to beanswer by the Pope Benedict XVl Rule of Law )_to be Follower of Jesus to see if _ Jesus-God Rule of Law__ The Bible > comment: Lefty Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA 12th) Lefty Catholic Christians faith       Arguing over abortion (Pro-Choice) Operation: An woman don't have a choice (in my opinion) it's a life against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians it is murder etc... (in my opinion)

May 10 2019U.S. Economist Ozar New set of Rule  specially dealing with each Lefty Totalitarianism purposes & functions

(no more than) U.S. Adherentist Ozar

 the Lefty Totalitarianism Financial Firms Leaders & Lefty Totalitarianism credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to Lefty Totalitarianism IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA
to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution



February 6 2020Operation The Law 18 U.S. Code 2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally :
 We the People want US AG take action Now! not tommorow dealing with Lefty Totalitarianism Nancy Pelosi immediately without delaydue to Lefty Totalitarianism Nancy Pelosi destroys an official document of the State of Union Speech Due to 18 US code 2071: Whoever, having the custody of an official government document, destroys that document, shall forfeit that office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.

And it up to  Mitch McConell(R_KY) & Lindsey Graham(R-SC) {Senate Majority Leader- M, McConell(R_KY) &  Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee - L. Graham(R_SC)} __ need to take a stand __ to take action on Lefty Totalitarianism Nancy Pelosi destroys an official document of the State of Union Speech shall forfeit that office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States  Mitch McConell(R_KY) & Lindsey Graham(R-SC) take action Now! not tommorow dealing with Lefty Totalitarianism  Nancy Pelosi immediately without delay dealing with The Law 18 U.S. Code 2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally


January 26  2020

as of 1 US Senators Republican (R-UT) is KOOKY Asshat with Who!

the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader(Promoter of) That don't understand U.S. Constitution -Super Racial Far Left Liberal-Dems hard-liner extreme have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain(
Impeachment trial Senators Vote Operation: Any Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader Senators that vote for witnesses will be Recall in Nov. 2020 Election



       USA American USA Party    

TAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area

U.S. Criminalist Ozar

Jesus Love You

4 Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon. 6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank him for his answers. 7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4)

December 29 2019Lefty Dems(SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD__Far Left Liberal Democrats Party__Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain) in trouble with the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of RightsLefty Dems being Recall(RealClearPolitics - Election 2020) (by We the People) in 2020 Election In each State(coming soon! Forecast how Recall will be in each State & gov. etc.)


December 03 2019USA DJT(maybe) & UAU(will be) Human Rights __ Jesus-God Power From on High Operation Set Free: 100% No Trade Agreement  Until China Leave(vacate_occupant__to give up possession) Tibet home land __ do to the legitmize Chinese control of the territory of Tibet __ Human Rights in Tibet __ Prison(prison labor) & Chinese Slavery(under most horrible conditions) = most cruel thing is that Republic of China the slaveowners cut arms and legs from Tibetan slaves who are alive __ starved to deathor That  Act of War(Republic of China  will not be in Tibet home land ==) __ 100% No Trade Agreement with Republic of China then Tibet Citizens will have a brighter future _ set free Human Rights violation(We the Republic of China comment tell the World the do & don't about Human Rights _ it will be comment)


the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

UAU Party___Truth Fact____August18 2019 Mr President will Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will Tell It Like It Is ____ that is A US Commonsense American Citizen Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener

.... US Dual Citizenship.

US Dual Citizenship

November 25 2019All US Ambassador(a high-ranking diplomat__deep state) should not have a US Dual Citizenship & its employee do toimmediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] Let Clean House (take the proper channel to stop the Criminal activity in US Anbassador hot zone ) -dual citizenship(who!__US Ambassador___ maybe be spy or etc. or U.N. Foreign Spy) Who! Has US Dual Citizenship In USA Let Clean House (take the proper channel to stop the Criminal activity) No Dual Citizenship if any American Citizens a Felony(or Foreign legal immigration a Felony) for a violation of state or federal law punishable by imprisonment for more than one year(a felony)


US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]


Not US Congress__Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) & Etc...will not change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a For Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]


  what about illegal immigration (can be or could be Terriots) -- in New York, N.Y. Out of control are U.N. bring in illegal immigration U.N. (United Nations HQ) will be force out of New York, N.Y. in 2020 immediately ) in USA is not racial profiling Out of control in some States in USA


{US CONGRESS better get their act together} OPERATION: 2020 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A 100% AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT 100% AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT 100% A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO)


Foreign Aid & Aid

November 23 2019Far Left Liberal Democratsamericanconstitution   Far Left Liberal Democratsdoasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Far Left Liberal Democrats Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid  Just The Tip of Iceberg TO find out where the $$$$ coming & going

Far Left Liberal Democrats know better --- dealing with Iran deal Far Left Liberal Democrats radical plan Far Left Liberal Democrats know better

giving them Aid and Comfort  Any US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH that include U.S. Executive Branch & THE U.S. Judicial Branch (giving them Aid and Comfort    USA PATRIOT Act-- the penalty for treason is Dealth How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)

July 18 2015 Far Left Liberal Democrats don't know the history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act



 UAW   GMC(China took control of GMC___all GMC Tech belong to China)                                             


U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Constitutionist Ozar
May 10 2019U.S. Economist Ozar New set of Rule  specially dealing with each purposes & functions

(no more than) U.S. Adherentist Ozar

 the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA
to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution

Thoughts (Factoryman)


Flint Engine  

UAU Party UpDate Now! 


U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)


October 20  2019Operation U.S. Congress(116th) don't know their History:: (specially Mitch McConell(R_KY) & Lindsey Graham(R-SC) {Senate Majority Leader- M, McConell(R_KY) &  Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee - L. Graham(R_SC)__ need to take a stand __ to take action on all matters [specially dealing with Adam Schiff (D-CA)28 __ Deep State Collusion but as now! GOP in US House & US Senate can't Censure Schiff(D-CA)28 Schiff(D-CA)28 above the U.S. Rule of Law] __ Truth & Justice or be expel from US Congress(116th) Senate Majority Leader & Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee)} between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds that go back in Time ___ Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan __ don't believe in 100% human rights ___ HAS a NATO Member Country ___ Turkey(51% against -48%for human rights) can't be trusted __ has to be expel from NATO in order to save human life ___ not a true NATO Member __ Now not tomorrow before its to late to save human lives


October 19  2019Operation Honesty ____ U.S. American Citizen Criminalist Hunter Ozar* Schiff's[Adam Schiff (D-CA)28] Deep State Collusion(spoken for Dems Party) __ U.S. Congressist Ozarunquallified to be the House Intelligence Committee Chairman __ Trump-Hater follow up with ( U.S. Congressist Ozarunquallified to be the Speaker of the House) Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators  Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12(spoken for Dems Party___& Senator(D NY)Chuck Schumer  Senate Minority Leader Schumer  {approve by 'The Squad' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D 14th NY), Ilhan Omar(D 5th MN), Ayanna Pressley(D 7th MA), Rashida Tlaib(D 13th MI__ spoken for all DNC}  against  Jesus-God __ We the People American Citizens: U.S. Prophet Ozar ___ Jesus-God Honesty comments 
The wicked is ensnared by the transgression  of his lips, but the righteous will come through trouble..... He who speaks truth declares righteousness, but false witness, deceit. (Proverbs 12:13, 17, NKJV)
A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight..... The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the of the unfaithful will destroy them. (Proverbs 11:1, 3, NKJV)

TAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area


October 10  2019Comments:  Gaza-Based JIHADI Group Calls On Taliban to Increase Attacks on America Do to NumskullDems Open Borders Policy

Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Pelosi declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage

Mr President will Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will Tell It Like It Is ____ that is A US Commonsense American Citizen Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener


October 6  2019NumskullDems are cutting criticisms of politics and American government.
the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader(Promoter of) got control of Dems Party

'The Squad' (Our way or It's the highway) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D 14th NY), Ilhan Omar(D 5th MN), Ayanna Pressley(D 7th MA), Rashida Tlaib(D 13th MI [have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning(specially with all Americans of race, color, or religion)] U.S. Constitutionist Ozar If American Citizens believe in the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights are not Racistsdon't be a Sinner against Bill of Rights__
if 'The Squad (Our way or It's the highway)' fool around with Truth & Justice that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to pay the price for your action in the legal arena.
as of the 'The Squad' Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader(Promoter of) got control over Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Pelosi declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage

:::::::::::::::::::Whistleblower:::::::::::::USA:::::::Whistleblower Complaint::::::::::::::::::
U.S. American Citizen Criminalist Hunter Ozar* [U.S. ACCH Ozar*]

Instead haveing a Whistblower__Whistblower Complaint
Now! We the People have
('American Citizen Criminalist Hunter'{or Criminalist Hunter} [ACCH]
 or could be 'Foreign National Citizen Criminalist Hunter'{or Foreign National Criminalist Hunter} [FNCCH] )
Instead haveing a Whistblower__Whistblower Complaint

"then their:Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter"

October 5  2019 U.S. American Citizen Criminalist Hunter Ozar* 'Each American Citizen Criminalist Hunter'[or it shall be & will be in my opinion a Criminalist Hunter] must first submit a complaint to the United States Attorney General ( specially against US Congress 116th or in order to be evaluate that involve defying procedures or a set code of conduct in order to ensure is convicted ______ Also 'Each Foreign National Citizen Criminalist Hunter'[or it shall be & will be in my opinion a Foreign National Criminalist  Hunter] must also first submit a complaint to the United States Attorney General (

{'Each American Citizen Criminalist Hunter'(Criminalist Hunter) or 'Each Foreign National Citizen Criminalist Hunter'(Foreign National Criminalist Hunter) need to take action on 'what is truth or not truth' dealing with Here a List need to to be evaluate 'what is truth or not truth'


September 25 2019 Mr President will Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will Tell It Like It Is ____ that is A US Commonsense American Citizen Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener

 Donald J, Trump Philosophizing::::
No one in the United States is scrutinized so closely as its presidents, whose words - especially after the advent of radio, television, and Internet - are often written down for posterity and safekeeping.

"It is infinitely better to have a few good men than many indifferent ones." --George Washington

 "It is certainly human to mind your neighbor's business as well as your own. Gossips are on sociologists upon a mean and petty scale." --Woodrow Wilson

"Better to let him know who's in charge than to let him think he's got the keys to the car." --Lyndon B. Johnson

"When one side only of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it insensibly" --George Washington

"It is not manly to lie even about Satan." -- James Garfield

"It is much important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones." --Calvin Coolidge

NumskullDems are cutting criticisms of politics and American government. --We the People UAU __ "When you hear a man prating about the Constitution, spot him as a traitor." --Andrew Johnson

"When you hear a man(NumskullDems) prating about the Constitution, spot him as a traitor." --We the People

"As a nation we may take pride in the fact that we are so softhearted; but we cannot afford to soft-headed." --Franklin D Roosevelt

"Unlike any other nation, here the people rule, and their will is the supreme law.  It is sometimes sneeringly said by those who do not like free government, that here we count heads. True, heads are counted, but brains also." --William McKinley

"The passion for office among members of Congress is very great, if not absolutely disreputable, and greatly embarrasses the operations of the government. They create offices by their own votes and then seek to fill them themselves." --James K. Polk

"NumskullDems  undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values Now! Not Tomorrow --- Numskull Democrats  put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in - all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment__specially House of Representatives = Speaker of the House __Pelosi, Nancy __ list of Chairman(*******) that Pelosi mention on (09 24 2019)" "Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice""It is not manly to lie(if so___informer- Whistleblower & associates(specially in US Congress-Chairman) will be punishment__ a penalty for wrongdoing specially against US President -- that treason)  even about Satan." --We the People__American Citizens =@ comments: if US Congress fool around with Truth & Justice that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to pay the price for your action in the legal arena.


September 19 2019 Truth Facts:

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.(Psalm 127:7)CHILDREN__PRO-LIFE
Whoever receives on little child like this in My name receives Me. (Matthew 18:5)

Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the Judge is standing at the doors! (James 5:9)ATTITUDE

Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.(Ecclesiastes 7:9)ANGER
"Be angry, and not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath.(Ephesians 4:26)

                       Having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your conduct in Christ may be ashamed.(1 Peter 3:16)CRITICISM

{NumskullDems} Aiding And Abetting(IS A CRIMINAL CHARGE OF "AIDING  AND ABETTING" OR ACCESSORY CAN USUALLY BE BROUGHT AGAINST ANYONE WHO HELPS IN THE COMMISSION OF A CRIME)& any American Citiens helping Foreign Illegal immigration is a CRIME --We the People__American Citizens =@ comments: if US Congress fool around with Truth & Justice that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to pay the price for your action in the legal arena.helping Foreign Illegal immigration is a CRIME ((((Foreign Illegal immigration will have to speak english to become a American Citizens -- US Contitution - rule of law states))))

August 29 2019As a UAW Member ' Rattlesnake Rule'Conservative UAW Rank and File: UAW sets of rule ____ New Direction for UAW Rank and File  (will have to change  their Political Caucus (Stand) From the Far Left Activism NumskullDemocrats  Godless Party(out) to Conservative Caucus Party(in) to save USA UAW Rank & File Jobs__from USA Gov. DOJ__dealing with Far Left Activism NumskullDemocrats  Godless ways of Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain in U.S. Congress & US Gov. especially with Who are Numskull Liberal Activism in CIA, FBI, IRS & NSAmore Update dealing with Conservative UAW Rank and File: Solidarity House to be! UAW Region 1, 1A, 10, 28, 4, 5, 8, 9 & 9A (new leadership styles and frameworks) Conservative UAW Rank and File Legacee leadership styles


Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)
Must act now 'before it's too late'
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[  UAU Party Vs. Dems Party Vs. GOP Party   ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

'USA Rattlesnake Rule'
August 26 2019___Update(will be) how it will be with (Marx communist State) trade dispute with USAOperation Pay the Price went any Foreign Country mess with American Citizens workers: Now! China tariffs is messing with USA Workforce ____ American businesses will be freezing their relationship with China____due to China imposing its own retaliatory tariffs on $75 billion in US goods______ to start with all motherboard being made for American businesses products will be made in USA __All GMC auto & GMC Truck will be made in USA, no more motherboard for all Auto__Truck & cell phone & PC be produce in China +++++ within 6 months__China will be in Recession {not USA_Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader are wrong __Mr President does Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will __ so } (as Asian markets crumbled and China's currency will plummeted___ following the lates tariffs on $500 billion in Chinese goods by the Trump administration__(Marx communist State) is over_Chinese Citizens will take control no more slave labor force in China's in making products for USA(list of Corporation(freezing their relationship with China) involved specially Silicon Valley(which serves as the global center for high technology, venture capital, innovation, and social media & Google LCC & Microsoft Corporation is an American  multinational technology company(American businesses is or are (with Foreign Gov. specially China) Aiding And Abetting(IS A CRIMINAL CHARGE OF "AIDING  AND ABETTING" OR ACCESSORY CAN USUALLY BE BROUGHT AGAINST ANYONE WHO HELPS IN THE COMMISSION OF A CRIME))

 August18 2019Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain___China-Tibet take over___ (Marx communist State)China-Hong Kong take over__just like___China-Tibet take over___bloodshed & imprisoned ___Torture

ALSOGreed & Power is on the(theirjackass) Brain

August 27 2019 ask Joseph {that Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain}Numskull(jackass State to be ----- (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) in 2020) increase National Debt


August 22 2019 & United States Congress(115th)(GOV.) are Numskull (jackass) Letting Foreign Gov. take over USA ____ & United States Congress(Numskull115th)(GOV.) promoting It OK to be American Illegal immigration Citizens & destroying American__USA land specially in California{NumskullDems} ____ not following the City & Township ordinances keep this from happening so also UnitedStates California Governor{NumskullDems}(& other States Governors'{NumskullDems}) & States Government's Official are NumskullDems & GOP to let American Foreign Illegal immigration Citizens to take over all 50 States Plus

Resign U.S. Constitutionist Ozar     If  & United States Congress(115th)(GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]
promoting It OK to be American Illegal immigration Citizens without due process of the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law ______  & United States Congress(Numskull115th)(GOV.) are Aiding And Abetting(IS A CRIMINAL CHARGE OF "AIDING  AND ABETTING" OR ACCESSORY CAN USUALLY BE BROUGHT AGAINST ANYONE WHO HELPS IN THE COMMISSION OF A CRIME)       ++++++++ The China & Russia & Iran & other Etc. Group as of NOW got USA right by the ASS do to  & United States Congress(116th)(GOV.) __ Asshat with Who! American Illegal immigration Citizens ___ & NumskullDems & GOP are (jackass) to let this happen! Forcing Americans to kneel at the feet of foreign businesses and governments, begging for jobs and work enough is enough our forefather would turn over in their graves

the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes @# 15

2019    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine   USA Gospel 

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[  UAU Party Vs. Dems Party Vs. GOP Party   ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

August 23 2019Google LCC & Microsoft Corporation is an American  multinational technology company




 UAW   GMC(China took control of GMC___all GMC Tech belong to China)                                             


U.S. Nationalism Ozar
May 10 2019U.S. Economist Ozar New set of Rule  specially dealing with each purposes & functions

(no more than) U.S. Adherentist Ozar

Thoughts (Factoryman)


Flint Engine  

UAU Party UpDate Now! 


U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

Tell It Like It Is ____UAU Party____US Commonsense American Citizens Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener
against Greed & Power is on the(their) Brainspecially against the (jackass)

UAU Party
In Jesus-God We Trust

Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America
In Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) -We(We the People) Trust(America)

Trinity-God Bless America

John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land
Published on Jan 17, 2013  John Wayne Tribute to America
We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

 10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42)

1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)      2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)     3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)     4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)        5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)     6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)     7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)     8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)         9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)     10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)
Jesus-God hates:(Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing ---

UAU Party___Truth Fact____August18 2019 Mr President will Speak softly and carry a big stick ........ will Tell It Like It Is ____ that is A US Commonsense American Citizen Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener


US AG will make this happen{Mr President will Speak softly and carry a big stick} No More Violent Protests in USA

August 15 2019If American Citizens believe in the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights are not Racistsdon't be a Sinner against Bill of Rights___but  Dueling Antifa, Far-Right Violent Protesters___ will be under the US Three Stikes Law under US Federal & each States Laws to be will be brought to Justice(a court date with US AG)

No More Violent Protests in USA__is a Sin against Bill of Rights___All Peaceful Protests will be or face___US Three Stikes Law (One-on-One)

August 15 2019Operation Extreme vetting on Violent Protesters___a Sin against the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights:::   Extremists Far Left ____&_____Extremists Far Right that are Violent Protesters___new set of Rule of Law for Violent Protesters & Peaceful Protests that turn Violent____ US Federal Gov. & each States will take Legal action dealing with the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights each Violent Protesters capture(taken by force) then be given the US Three Stikes Law under US Federal & each States Laws to be each Violent Protesters will be finger printed & an DNA test & an Violent Protester number put on record with a picture ID & signature then the Violent Protester have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7) if not then on The Third Stikes the Violent Protester ___inorder to identify Violent Protester where-a-bouts___will have to have a tether -- ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver -- G.P.S. tracker until can prove To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 that believe in the U.S. Constitution [Time is everything in forming our future in USA]


August15 2019 We the People  (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs. Violent Protesters(Ideology)(Anti- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs. Skunk Spray -Just The Tip of Iceberg (Uses Against Violent Protesters)  is the answer to find out who! Violent Protesters(American Citizen) are (You can run but you can not hide --Skunk Spray will find you -Violent Protesters) then We the People will help(Police) find the suspect(Violent Protesters)  No ifs, ands or butts about it
We are not done yet.
Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. [In the legal system etc..]

Skunkspray Gun



August18 2019Tell It Like It Is ____UAU Party____US Commonsense American Citizens Principle & Ethics for the People by the People with the People to speak blunity, directly, and truthfully, even if what is being said is undersirable to the listener

August18 2019Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain(jackass)Specially 2020 Democratic Nominee(E. Warren, B Sanders, K Harris, C. Booker, P. Buttigieg & Called 'The Squad' (Our way or It's the highway) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D 14th NY), Ilhan Omar(D 5th MN), Ayanna Pressley(D 7th MA), Rashida Tlaib(D 13th MI [have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning(specially with all Americans of race, color, or religion)] U.S. Constitutionist Ozar If American Citizens believe in the U.S. Constitution Rule of Law___ Bill of Rights are not Racistsdon't be a Sinner against Bill of Rights__
  August18 2019Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain___China-Tibet take over___China-Hong Kong take over__just like___China-Tibet take over___bloodshed & imprisoned ___Torture


August 12 2019USA Operation: Getting Control (Within & Outside of USA) Overcoming their Obsessions and Compulsions (COD) Personality Disorder  their Promiscuous Sex __ compelling them to perform some self-damaging action(child molestation) that against __U.S. Constitution Rule of Law __ against American Citizens then Jesus Rule of law against mankind     (1)_that_have perverse sexual thoughts, images, or impulses  __have obsessions that involve children or incest dealing with molesting ___then perform their child molestation through a individual(s') social private sexual service ((a court day with US AG)) or public communication__an on-line and social networking service which post and interact with messages known as "tweets" that for Promiscuous Sex ____The -wing Social Media BOD(s') ((court day with US AG)) obsessions(Promiscuous Sex) for $$$$
then social sexual service with perversity in their heart  maybe that shed innocent blood, their heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil Therefore their calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing --- with  Jesus-God & U.S. DOJ court day with US AG ((Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution)) individual(s') social private sexual service & social networking service that Asshat with who! spreads strife for Promiscuous Sex & then dealth to who!


August 08 2019Operation:The Left-wing Social Media BOD(such as Twitter, Facebook, youtube & etc.) public communication__an on-line and social networking service which post and interact with messages known as "tweets"(specially through Social Media BOD control - censorship___ (U.S. Gov. can't stop our censorship___that what the Social Media BOD believe) that such material is considered objectional, harmful, sensitive to left-wing___& to BOD______their forms of expression thru their Social Media Reporter(lists of Anti-USA Social Media BOD taking action against USA___U.S. Constitution Rule of Law __ against American Citizens) --- say one thing and then do to present false information ____Lie with the intention of deceiving__to get their way

'USA Rattlesnake Rule' need to take control through USA  &&

Google LCC & Microsoft Corporation is an American  multinational technology company ____ google lcc that specializes in internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware__ then Microsoft Corporation it develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and services

U.S. Gov. can't stop our censorship(BOD believe)___taking action against USA  &&___dealing with U.S. Constitution Rule of Law __ against American Citizens that Asshat with that control all production of motherboards in the World specially USA products (China__state__ their be no trade agreement__We the Chinese state __their will be no 'USA Rattlesnake Rule') We the Chinese Governmentgot USA ___right by the ASS with help of Dems Party__China State___USA Can't Stop the USA importt(to China)(other Foreign Gov.) of etc. metal or etc. ____to make USA products


August 08 2019Left-wing  US Congressional Leadership (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) What You See Is What You Get Don't know between right & wrong & then do the wrong thing that are Wishy-Washy ideas--- In One Ear And Out The Other through their forms of expression



the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extreme( Liberal-Activism DemsMans'© + Liberal-Activism DemsWomans) face a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Everything from ZtoA Twit JackAss Dems need a mircle to save-face with American Citizens

DO IT NOW! 'USA Rattlesnake Rule'
August 6 2019 OPERATION North Korea declares State of War:   USA  U.S. Executive Branch  POTUS  NEED TO destory all Air Bases, Military Bases, etc. & Leader Kim Jong Un new housing development Just the begining to Have North Korea under Control

DO IT NOW! 'USA Rattlesnake Rule'

Then _____Operation follow-up____with IranPOTUS  NEED TO destory all Iran Military nuclear reaction Bases approx. 12 or more,  _____etc. in Iran thenNEED TO Be destory all Iran Air Bases, Military Bases & specially(for a particular reason or purpose) All Computer Station(workstation) building(s')

 What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership (U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) with the American Citizens

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

(U.S. Executive BRANCH & U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)

 August 4 2019 BackUp To Be Federal & State In each Police Department____American Citizens get Two Police Officer instead One on Duties___each Police Officer working in Pairswill be Mandatory in U.S. Federal and State Labor Law Act

April 22 2019 To Be United States Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

United States Bounty Hunter
A United States Bounty Hunter is a person who captures fugitives and criminals for a monetary reward. The occupation, also known as bail enforcement agent, bail agent, recovery agent, bail recovery agent, or fugitive recovery agent, has historically existed in many parts of the world

How to Become a United States BountyHunter:

United States Bounty Hunter Education

United States Bounty Hunter Careers and Job Description
United States Bounty Hunter Career Information By State
Who are United States Bounty Hunters?
United States Bounty Hunter Job Description
Preparing for a Career in United States Bounty Hunting

Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

August 4 2019China is our Problem not Russia - one sample all Eyeglass frames are made in China & Italy > none made in USA<Check it out> China is making Billions of Dollars > at least 50% or more ware

WhatWas a Michigan UAW member News Article ____

Explain How took over UAW & GMC(China took control of GMC___all GMC Tech belong to China) All the
Automobile will be made in China(will close all Plants in USA)New Direction for UAW Rank and File  will have to change  their Political Caucus (Stand) From the Far Left Activism Democrats  Godless Party to Conservative Caucus Party(UAU & GOP to save USA UAW Rank & File Jobs__) do to products(Automobile) import to USA from or be destory by the Far Left Activism Democrats  Godless Party(Asshat with China)

May 11 2019U.S. Economist OzarAll China products import to USA___ will be made in USA__ with help of USA Gov. Technology for each American Citizens to make each products import to USA __ to start their own Business___Made in USA__ Foreign Aid goes to ____Made in USA Business___USA  U.S. Executive Branch  POTUS will make this Happen not tomorrow

es in USA

Now! Now!

August 4 2019Each Americans Citizens should have a Gun Safe by each Door entering the Americans Citizens Home & by the Bed to protect against illegal Criminal Enemy Invaders do to their violent! We the People are Do to  Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators   Democrats Rule of Law 

 March 6 2018Gun Control We the People  Humanism Super Talk We the People will not give up "our" gunsthat what keep We the People safe from  Criminal Enemy InvadersA Killer with a Wared MindGun Control will not keep the Criminals invaders from finding weapons to do Body Harm
What right & what wrong Operation to be or not to be: Civil War State of the Mind (against "activist") Vs. US Congress(115th) are crazy(idiots)

     check it out   each Legislators in understanding the Constitution need to read:

"The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R. C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D."

 in order to find what the United States Constitution of America's is all about  in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America's   Lock, Stock and Barrels


July 29 2019__ U.S. Medicalist Ozar
New set of rule 2019__2020 for U.S. Health Care by The U.S. Constitution Rule of Law (only for U.S. American Citizen ___ No U.S. Foreign Aid ___ U.S. Health Care go to Illegal immigrants within United States {All illegal immigrants that grated a court date ___ be remove from USA soil and process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay or like ___ process out side of USA until court date (if their No U.S. Foreign Aid $$$$ will have to leave Guantanamo Bay or like ___  U.S. Constitutionist Ozar, U.S. Adherentist Ozar, U.S. Economist Ozar, U.S. Medicalist Ozar, U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar & U.S. Legalist Ozar ___ It will happen due to The U.S. Constitution Rule of Law or {It will happen in 2019 __ sooner than later}

(no more than) U.S. Adherentist Ozar

Mr President will Speak softly and carry a big stick

                                                                                    U.S. Adherentist Ozar

July 16 2019 Let's Weed Out The Bad Ones   UAU We the People  Humanism Super TalkResign U.S. Constitutionist Ozar{It will happen in 2020 __ sooner than later} LIFE IS TOO SHORT SPECIALLY WENT SOMEBODY GET HURT BY A Special Counsel  NEGLIGENT or greed.& by the  Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extreme Democrats-specially to be Current Party leaders (mastermind plot to take over Dems Caucus Party without firing a shot) Called 'The Squad' (Our way or It's the highway) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D 14th NY), Ilhan Omar(D 5th MN), Ayanna Pressley(D 7th MA), Rashida Tlaib(D 13th MI [have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning(specially with all Americans of race, color, or religion)] U.S. Constitutionist OzarIn to be the Dems Overseers of the United States Congress(115th) NOT the or U.S. Ozar-UAU Party of the U.S BUT the US House of Representatives Democratic CaucusHouse Leaders __ Majority Leader Steny Hoyer(D 5th MD); Majority Whip James Clyburn(D 6th SC) & The speaker of the US House of Representatives  Nancy  Pelosi(D 12th CA) U.S. Non-ist Ozar  & then Senator Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT) & Senator(D NY)Chuck Schumer  Senate Minority Leader Schumer , Senator Dick Durbin(D IL) Senate Minority Whip  U.S. Non-ist OzarResign U.S. Constitutionist Ozar then Some DEM Agenda: ARE: Open Borders{serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases__ free Health Care & etc. to increase US National Debt  (But that OK)}, Abolish ICE, Higher Taxes, Free Everything(I mean everything__ United States Obstruction-of-Justice___US Contitution - rule of law___U.S. Constitution Bills of Right), Green New Deal(like the land of Brussels, Belgium(2019 Tour de France Landscape scenery___ place for everthing and everything in its place - that include human being___  No United States Foreign Aid to be), American Citizens freedom of speech is over with to start with DEM & Gun Control to start with DEM, Dems(Policy) abortion-termination of pregnancy will not change___maybe__why you(Dems) were not termination thru abortion( Life is to give ---- not to take) but their will be free US Birth Clinic for 12 months to terminate at will __to keep or be "Aboption" ____(only for American Citizens) and more to be added to list: etc. that Asshat with Who!as of are a KOOKY Caucus Party  U.S. Non-ist Ozar

comments:Asshat with Who!

the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader(Promoter of) That don't understand U.S. Constitution -Super Racial Far Left Liberal-Dems hard-liner extreme have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning(specially with all Americans of race, color, or religion) more profoundly alliance – consistent with his values & agendas – Embraces G. Soros(an atheist:: Prove It ::) is his passionate messianic zeal – Leader of Dems Party Agenda – political power – social justice – obstruction for  protest(violent) – by using his charitable foundations – funder of Leftwing causes & groups – prime mover behind the Democratic Far Left Liberal Democrats Party – is one of the politically powerful individuals on earth –Think tanks that promote leftist policies: that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty: 

Liberal Social Media BOD

    July 19 20192019 Operation in Detail Who! Anti-USA Social Media BOD & which BOD that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression thru their Social Media Reporter(lists of Anti-USA Social Media BOD taking action against USA___U.S. Constitution Rule of Law __ against American Citizens) 
 : Social Media BOD lists____ Anti-USA Social Media BOD   U.S. Non-ist Ozar
:::::::::: (1)CNN_Social Media BODWho!
(2)The New York Times_Social Media BODWho!
(3)The Wahington Post_Social Media BODWho!
(4)MSNBC_Social Media BODWho!
(5)CBS_Social Media BODWho!
(6)ABC_Social Media BODWho!


 June 20 2019U.S. Opinionist OzarEvery Time Democrats Talk, U.S. COMMONSENSE American Citizens Want To Vote For GOP & UAU(UAU Party) Twice in 2020 has Compassion - Dignity - Respect  For We the People(American Citizens) to make this happen! in 2019 hereafter in taking action For We the People(American Citizens) in making America First IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe security, safety. education, promotion and economic growthMr President will Speak softly and carry a big stick



May 10 2019U.S. Economist Ozar New set of Rule  specially dealing with each purposes & functions


U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

U.S. Ozar-UAUP-OTUS = U.S. Ozar-UAU Party of the U.S.

U.S. Overseer Ozar

U.S. Nationalism Ozar
U.S. Constitutionist Ozar
U.S. Criminalist Ozar
U.S. Nationalism Ozar

U.S. American Citizen Criminalist Hunter Ozar*  [U.S. ACCH Ozar*]

Instead haveing a Whistblower__Whistblower Complaint
Now! We the People have
('American Citizen Criminalist Hunter'{or Criminalist Hunter} [ACCH]
 or could be 'Foreign National Citizen Criminalist Hunter'{or Foreign National Criminalist Hunter} [FNCCH] )

U.S. Economist Ozar
U.S. Legalist Ozar
U.S. OSHAist Ozar  U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Aministration-ist Ozar
U.S. Opinionist Ozar
U.S. Prophet Ozar
U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar adherent* ZTBI
U.S. Adherentist Ozar
U.S. Non-ist Ozar
U.S. Congressist Ozar
U.S. Medicalist Ozar
U.S. Social Securityist Ozar

U.S. Ozar ___-ist*  *:one that performs a (specified) action
                                 adherent* _ * a supporter __a person who adheres to or
                or supports a system or set of principles
                              non-* _ * not a supporter __a person who not adheres to
                or not supports a system or set of principles

U.S. Ozar _______U.S. COMMONSENSE American Citizens Principle & Ethics For the People by the People with the People (U.S. Constitution Bills of Right )

'Each American Citizen Criminalist Hunter'[or it shall be & will be in my opinion a Criminalist Hunter] must first submit a complaint to the United States Attorney General ( specially against US Congress 116th or in order to be evaluate that involve defying procedures or a set code of conduct in order to ensure is convicted ______ Also 'Each Foreign National Citizen Criminalist Hunter'[or it shall be & will be in my opinion a Foreign National Criminalist  Hunter] must also first submit a complaint to the United States Attorney General (

"Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America

Trinity-God Bless America

John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land
Published on Jan 17, 2013  John Wayne Tribute to America

 June 24 2019   Running for President in 2020 Politics Campaign ETC...Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  just like paning for Gold (Get Rich Fast) free-cash money don't have to be accountable to the IRS (in my opinion) close hidden books is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] Follow the Money from the Past-Present (Get Rich Fast) free-cash money don't have to be accountable to the IRS (in my opinion) close hidden books Cover-Up the Facts 2020 Campaign Trail A (Get Rich Fast) Gamble [free-cash money Follow the Money from the Past-Present] The Candidate or Candidacy (in my opinion) become from a have-not(+) to be a have(+) so let run for President [just like paning for Gold (Get Rich Fast)

May 11 2019U.S. Economist OzarAll China products import to USA___ will be made in USA__ with help of USA Gov. Technology for each American Citizens to make each products import to USA __ to start their own Business___Made in USA__ Foreign Aid goes to ____Made in USA Business___USA  U.S. Executive Branch  POTUS will make this Happen not tomorrow

May 11 2019to be in Twenty Century__2019-here after U.S. Overseer Ozar U.S. Prophet Ozar Liberal Activism Democrats ARE'un-Christian' attitude hostile state of mind__US Congress(115th)____Godless Party ____not conforming to Christian teaching or principles: -  then it a Sin against Jesus-God Rule of Law____US Congress(115th) (don't know the True value of Life)____'un-Christian' attitude are Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest in order to enter the gate of Heaven - Obey! Jesus rule of law(The Bible) The Breast plate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace--- Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) The Armor of God (God Bless America) -----------We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God___not true__with US Congress(115th)__DOJ__We the People are American Civil War in Twenty Century___


May 10 2019 U.S. Constitutionist Ozar "Crisis"U.S. Criminalist Ozar : Liberal Activism Democrats Constitution Criminal Crisis  in their wrongdoing  in a passive cover-up in an attempt to conceal evidence inorder to keep their Obstruction-of-Justice___rule of law  dealing with Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats & Associates & Some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this) -    U.S. Prophet Ozar the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice in their wrongdoing  in a passive cover-up ____ specially in US Congress___Liberal Activism Democrats in their wrongdoing for not follow the US Rule of Law that where AG will take Legal action   Now! Follow Up - 2019 investigation to be perform by US Attorney General Barris also looking at internal American spying, and led by Leftists would have executed the participants of a failed coup. Democrats Grand Jury indictmente are lucky MAY__BE that they'll only be indicted and imprisoned. But while he's at it, he should take a hard look at traditional spying. You know, enemy spies in our midist

U.S. Opinionist Ozar U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar

DO IT NOW! U.S. Overseer Ozar 'USA Rattlesnake Rule' need to destory (maybe just destory military stuff)then leave or vacate(to cease to occupy)if it happen again repeat(perform again) specially in Afganistan___{no win war__ no reason for being their}who in the country __ an act of taking control of a country by force [[((destory the military(specially their home base __ where their coming from) who trying to takeover__then leave or vacate(to cease to occupy)if it happen again repeat(perform again))]]
May 11 2019____follow-up
SEPTEMBER 4 2017) OPERATION North Korea declares State of War:   USA  U.S. Executive Branch  POTUS  NEED TO destory all Air Bases, Military Bases, Military nuclear reaction Bases approx. , etc. & Leader Kim Jong Un new housing development Just the begining to Have North Korea under Control

DO IT NOW! 'USA Rattlesnake Rule'June 23 2019called Littlegives etc. Military Supply to Little China inorder to test etc. for Big China that allies to   Then __May 11 2019Operation follow-up____with IranPOTUS  NEED TO destory all Iran Military nuclear reaction Bases approx. 12 or more,  June 23 2019etc. in Iran thenNEED TO Be destory all Iran Air Bases, Military Bases & specially(for a particular reason or purpose) All Computer Station(workstation) building(s')etc. in Iran gives etc. Military Supply to Little China inorder to test etc. for Iran also

Where is China Military nuclear reaction Bases approx. in China ____&____in China-Tibet take over in Tibet      in China-Tibet take over Life is to give ---- not to take Tibet Citizens need help not tomorrow from China take over

May 10 2019 U.S. Constitutionist Ozar "Crisis"U.S. Criminalist Ozar : Liberal Activism Democrats Constitution Criminal Crisis  in their wrongdoing  in a passive cover-up in an attempt to conceal evidence inorder to keep their Obstruction-of-Justice___rule of law  dealing with Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats & Associates & Some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this) -   U.S. Prophet Ozar the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice in their wrongdoing  in a passive cover-up ____ specially in US Congress___Liberal Activism Democrats in their wrongdoing for not follow the US Rule of Law that where AG will take Legal action   Now! Follow Up - 2019 investigation to be perform by US Attorney General Barris also looking at internal American spying, and led by Leftists would have executed the participants of a failed coup. Democrats Grand Jury indictmente are lucky MAY__BE that they'll only be indicted and imprisoned. But while he's at it, he should take a hard look at traditional spying. You know, enemy spies in our midist

May 10 2019U.S. Economist Ozar the $$$ will be coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America inorder to put any retired American Citizens over 65 back to work in the work force to keep retired American Citizens over 65 out of Debt & want to work in 2019 & hereafter

May 10 2019 U.S. Legalist Ozar  if the importer don't setup easy access to the import products etc. & list of -- will be fine & sent back if the copyright law is violates from products coming into USA From (Marx communist State) that it violates copyright laws(by USA Laws) and the exlusive right of the creator or owner as granted by law if anything(products or etc.) Made in China that hasn't been copyright(by USA Laws) can be Made in USA

May 10 2019U.S. Economist Ozar New set of Rule  specially dealing with each financial investment or ownership such as cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, art, a private business or anything else of value to the fund specially ownership of stocks in Banks' & ownership in any Credit Score Firms put in a trust fund until not on Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sytem for each Political Evil Genius view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the Banks  -if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates(will be no more than  (dedicated to OneMain__CEO) terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms ____ Do to ownership stocks by  Foreign Governments(such as China & etc.) & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) Now! can access data that know your Social Security Numbers plus each Social Security Numbers will be setup as like a debt card number inorder to access the Social Security Number data inorder to be  security safe (Safe security) that can change the Debt number is not security safewould be knee-jerk reactionEvil Genius are putting the foot to the American Citizens no earmarks on reduce interest rates the rich are getting richer & American Citizens are getting poorer yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists are putting the foot to the American Citizens In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be requlatedNew rule of law__No Political Lobbyists can't speak to the Governors about Political $$$ business

May 7 2019 To Bewrongdoer in the US Congress Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate___US Congressional Leadership Committees __ CRISIS  (&__ behind close door Democrats committees)____  Operation AG (DOJ) wrongdoer Crackdown: On __ in the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate dealing with Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats & Associates:  United States Obstruction-of-Justice ___2019 Dossier on the US Congress Democrats  (2019 Dossier contain all subject affairs  on Obstruction-of-Justice__Past--Present in collusion to change the Outcome & asshat with increase their ) dealing with to be___to justify investigation to be perform by US Attorney General Barr to decide whether to bring criminal charges or an indictment against each a potential defendant  Members of the United States Congress & Etc.___ do to their involvement dealing with  past, present & future___ collusion__ United States Obstruction-of-Justice___rule of law ___ specially Collusion with Russia, China & ect. & against We the People American Citizens ___ New rule for Federal Non-Violent Offenders prisons that is serving three years or less that will be incarceration in a lock cells ___ creating a pilot programs to intermediate sanction ___to show what a High-Risk Prision is like ____ ect. __update Why! comments: No Federal House Arrest__for Non-Violent Offenders____ serving time in Non-Violent Offenders prisons __to show what a High-Risk Prision is like___went you(+) break the Law - No-Body should Goes Free --- Went Legislators USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life) Did Obama's & Hillary Rodham Clinton did any collusion__ United States Obstruction-of-Justice___rule of law ___ specially Collusion with Russia, China & ect. & against We the People American Citizens

May 5 2019 ECONOMY CRISIS Operation Crackdown:overhaul of Import law

May 3 2019But then it could be not a opinion but a fact: Operation to be 2019-here after American Civil War in Twenty Century: legal arena that could lead to violent(Will update how violent protest will be) USA Democrats Illegal Immigrants OR to be Democrats Legal Immigrants OR Democrats NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS that could be serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases (But that OK)Democrats & Anti-ETC. Liberal Activism Jerks-consist of centrists, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats; Some DOJ (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) in the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this (But that OK) Vs  U.S. COMMONSENSE American Citizens Principle & Ethics For the People by the People with the People (U.S. Constitution Bills of Right )

+April 30 2019 OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice

What State Of Mind Is
The US Congressional Leadership ()
with the American Citizens

Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing = GOP (road to 2020) :&: UAU Party Infrastructure taking action ::: against the Professional        ((((Con Artists that Are the  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats & Anti-ETC. Liberal Activism Jerks-consist of centrists, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats; Some DOJ (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) & Some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this))))       - the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice 2019 The Liberal hard-liner Dems(specially Pelosi & Schumer) are for theMigrant caravan - OK to enter the USA all illegal Immigations  ((((will have to speak english to become a American Citizens -- US Contitution - rule of law states)))) can & will take of resident at each Dems(US Congress) & each DOJ Dems   ((((DOJ-opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution))))  &each Liberal hard-liner Dems   also Dems states: Open Borders Policy to be FORMigrant caravan  Dems states: All Dems(American Citizens) gun owners will have to turn in their firearms: will be(Specially Texas & Michigan UAW members)  all American Citizens Dems(Specially Michigan UAW members)  Should ___maybe__ will be Tax to pay for each Illegal Immigations stay in USA All Dems(American Citizens) freedom of speech is over withDems states that the  US Contitution - rule of law states: will be Dems(Policy) abortion-termination of pregnancy will not change___maybe__why you(Dems) were not termination thru abortion( Life is to give ---- not to take)

Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other

Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite that mean to present false information with the intention of deceiving

overhaul of Import law

May 5 2019 Operation Crackdown:UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic UAU Party favors a sweeping overhaul of Import law that would put many illegal immigrants on the path to legal residency but before that -- all illegal, has to be deported (deportation) inorder if illegal are working, give the jobs up, then the jobs(well-paying jobs with benefits) goes to & that should go to American Citizens ------- As of May 2019, hereafter ___ the legal immigation should be stop for TWO YEARS inorder to save American Jobs that should go to American Citizens that would solve our Nation's immigration problem to put American Citizens back to work Operation Crackdown: would save American jobs & American Citizens would be employed which now more than 11 Million illegal immigrants live in the U.S., which roughly two-thirds of them employed You(+) know how American Citizens been pigionholed: It finds a broad feeling neither the Tea Party nor US Gov't (All Three Branches) solving the problems  who(+) once considered themselves safe within the System How American Jobs(USA Import Inspector employee) can be created through the products, etc. --- being imported in USA being paid by China & other Foreign Countries through the US Tariff Tax placed on imported goods (etc.) all the imported goods enter the USA each one imported goods will be checked by the USA Import Inspector employee that will keep all illegal immigration out of USA & illegal Drug out of USA & the Proper Legal channels to enter USA
How American Jobs(USA Import Inspector employee) can be created

USA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2019  immediately Federal Government employment It could be it should be in order to protected   employment & security in all 50 States etc. Who?, What?, When?, When?, Where?, How? to created immediately employment in each 50 States etc. that each State employee paid by  Federal Government  in each 50 States etc.  that coming into USA by Land(Mexico & Canada), Sea, & Air(all 50 Federal States etc.) on Federal Land  as Airport that control by USA Federal Goverment – the $$$ will be coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America

How to created jobs in United State of America immediately Land, Sea & Air employment in each 50 Federal State etc. –--- USA Import Inspector –-100% inspected what products ect. being imported in USA from ZtoA  ----- in order to see no added products etc. of any illegal things etc. being imported in USA from ZtoA  & quality & quantity(total bulk) products ect. enter the US  Import Inspector paid $$$ coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America   that import product etc. into USA setup by Federal Government but each 50 Federal States etc.  Import inspector employee must be Federal State resident but Federal State Import Inspector can be transfer to another Federal state then has to be resident of that Federal State, if their job opening if the importer don't setup easy access to the import products etc. & list of -- will be fine & sent back each  importer will have to pay 25cent on the dollar for what retail value -- each products being imported   2019     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch is in control it should be in order to  have employment & security in all 50 Federal State etc.  United State of America will be ONE STEP AHEAD in Making America Great again in creating employment & securityUSA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2019creating employment & security


April 22 2019 To Be United States Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

United States Bounty Hunter
A United States Bounty Hunter is a person who captures fugitives and criminals for a monetary reward. The occupation, also known as bail enforcement agent, bail agent, recovery agent, bail recovery agent, or fugitive recovery agent, has historically existed in many parts of the world

How to Become a United States BountyHunter:

United States Bounty Hunter Education

United States Bounty Hunter Careers and Job Description
United States Bounty Hunter Career Information By State
Who are United States Bounty Hunters?
United States Bounty Hunter Job Description
Preparing for a Career in United States Bounty Hunting

Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

    April 22 2019 2019 Operation United States Obstruction-of-Justice ___  In the 2016 Election Collusion etc. : ____Democrats Party behind close door___decided to have Democrats Party ___ Winner-Take-All 2016 Election to defeat the GOP Party by (Democrats) spying & illegal conspiracy___ false documents____ the dossier to justify a Secret Surveillance:     Now! Follow Up - 2019 investigation to be perform by US Attorney General Barr- their will be no Special Counsel ___  no Members of the United States Congress do to their involvement - just The Grand Jury to decide whether to bring criminal charges or an indictment against a potential defendant -- usually reserved for Grand Jury indictment serious felonies. US Attorney General Barr is also looking at internal American spying, and led by Leftists would have executed the participants of a failed coup. Democrats Grand Jury indictmente are lucky MAY__BE that they'll only be indicted and imprisoned. But while he's at it, he should take a hard look at traditional spying. You know, enemy spies in our midist --- Now! 2019 Democrats are a  regime. Their party attempted a coup and failed. They should be disbanded and forbidden from participating in political races in America.

:::    each section will be up-dated add-to

{{{{ dealing with}}}} Legal - US Contitution rule of law & etc. ::: 'Do & Don't' Legal :::

{{{{ dealing with}}}} Conservative Views 'Common Sense' :::  'Do & Don't' :::


   April 16 2019 We the People(American Citizens) must be alert and assertive in representing Jesus-God in USA & Jesus-God in the World  We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of Jesus-God 
(1)  Who! are the jerks that will not protect American Citizens [that Are the  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats & Anti-ETC. Liberal Activism Jerks --- Motto= Winner-Take-All & dealing with some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this)  in a cycle of disillusion and anger] to have security, safety, to be save from serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases at home    follow-up is a wake-up call ---- how Washington stopped working for the middle class ---- the very rich gotten a lot richer ---- the great economic crimes of our time (2019 AG's will take action against the Law_Breakers to be punish__I'm for truth, no matter what! (US Constitution Rule of Law being violated  --- Enough is Enougth ---  can be & should be indicted for Destruction of Justices   nobody get free pass from wrong doing) wrongdoer in trouble specially in
US Government control(such as === then NSA, FBI & CIA_do not tell policy:info = where the danger is _to be stop immediately(danger=chance of loss, injury or death) with help of American Citizens at Home & out side of USA countryAmerican Citizens can't be trusted anymore

(2) US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]


No one can serve TWO master!
Choose whom You(+) will serve today!

There are ONLY ONE choices: [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not]
+(3)   September 28 2011 "Face the Truth of Where Things Stand" Enough Posturing on Do & Don't on Immigration It Time to take action & inforce the Laws(immigation laws) & Save America from being Destory from illegal & legal UN (United Nations) Immigation & Foreign Legal & illegal Open Borders Immigation that cost Billions of $$$$$) & Foreign Diseases infections spread entering US from Legal & illegal Immigations

   {The US CONGRESS better get their act together} OPERATION: 2011 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). in USA need to be deported back to their Country [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military with their mother or father if not then a new process will be setup by the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...)


(4)  Running for President in 2020 Politics Campaign ETC...Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  just like paning for Gold (Get Rich Fast) free-cash money don't have to be accountable to the IRS (in my opinion) close hidden books is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] Follow the Money from the Past-Present (Get Rich Fast) free-cash money don't have to be accountable to the IRS (in my opinion) close hidden books Cover-Up the Facts 2020 Campaign Trail A (Get Rich Fast) Gamble [free-cash money Follow the Money from the Past-Present] The Candidate or Candidacy (in my opinion) become from a have-not(+) to be a have(+) so let run for President [just like paning for Gold (Get Rich Fast)



March 31 2019Dems to cause many destruction on American CitizensOperation: U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Border Wall A Country without Borders is Not a Country ___DoD     Commonsense DO & Do Not Do(what right) -&- Do Not(what wrong) = Do Not(what wrong) the disillusion USA bureaucrat For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.the  US bureaucrat that enter a world of Greed, obsession and corruption --to take advantage of unstable social, financial, and politcal climate -- corrupt profiteers Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  & dealing with some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this) Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  doasisay(Socratic-Talkinghead) ____ the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Border Wall will not happen ::Life is to give ---- not to take ___America First security, safety, to be save from serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases at home = will not happen the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Border Wall will not happen DO to the disillusion bureaucrat & some GOP__far left like-minded Every Time Democrats Talk, Commonsense Conservative Want To Vote For GOP In 2020 again Jesus-God Rule of law __tobe__Romans 7:15-20 Some GOP Legislators too scared (do to Dems cycle of disillusion and anger)  to stand up against Dems that will not Make American First to be save from serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases at home & that enter USA U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) need to ____It a must Close Southern Border before American Citizens are subject to be not save from serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases at home behind close doors Mexico will not immediately Stop flood of illegal imigrants that 'A'  Act of War!U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) need to take Action Before It's Too Late Dems are in a cycle of disillusion and anger {& some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this)list of GOP__far left like-minded }



            Life is to give ---- not to take

March 23 2019Comments News: -- Check it out = =  The Article from The Federalist ---
By George S. Bardmesser  March 13, 2019
George S. Bardmesser is an attorney in private practice in the Washington, DC area


March 25 2019 UAU Commonsense Conservative DO & Do Not OperationDo(what right) -&- Do Not(what wrong) = the disillusion USA bureaucrat (ant-GOP great success America First security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth) that take hold on USA bureaucrat that enter a world of Greed, obsession and corruption --to take advantage of unstable social, financial, and politcal climate -- corrupt profiteers Jesus-God Rule of law __tobe__Romans 7:15-20 18[a] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.dealing with some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this) that Asshat with Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats doasisay(Socratic-Talkinghead):: & All Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Team Concept-consist of centrists, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats; Some DOJ (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) against what right for American Citizens to be save from serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases at home & that enter USA Some GOP Legislators too scared to stand up against Dems to Make American First that why & Russia(coming soon Do Not list!) in our backyard to take control over USA without firing a shot with help of Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Team Concept & Some GOP__far left like-minded (you have to stop this)
TAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area


                                                      SearchJesus-God(holy Sprit)   UAU


Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil):

UAU (UAU Party)

It Great We The People have  LEADER(s')

ONE STEP AHEAD    IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
America First
security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
Speak softly and carry a big stick


February 15 2019 Operation Blackmail('un-Christian' ): U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer Party of Elites  Dems Constitution Rule of Law & Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12 Party of Elites *Politican Lobbyist -- I give order = I don't take order = your fired = no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy (opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage" Have Same belief in All for one and one for all Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats (jackass)Asshat with  WHO!  with CHINA(Chinese Technology  World's biggest companies in the field); Russia;  illegal Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists ____ How many illegal Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases


x1x January 13 2019 Commonsense Conservative Vs. Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats (jackass) Pelosi(Grayblueneck){imo(T)} declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage" Have Same belief in All for one and one for all Democrats Team Concept-consist of centrists, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, hard-liner extreme US Congress Democrats(opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution) against Gun rights, Open  Borders(U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer  & Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators,Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12 --- please come to each Democrats USA Legislators Counties(lists of counties(district) where to take up residence -- each dems district in the county where about (such as Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12) & each district of each US Senator county-district about (such as U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer-(D-NY)?district to locate to take up residence) to take of residence(to be next door neighbors) {The Democrats Voters can't wait to have new neighbors -- comment from- Pelosi(Grayblueneck){imo(T)} declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage" } Capetbagger Lobbyists Legislators(to take advantage of unstable social, financial, and politcal climate -- corrupt profiteers ) Legislators USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life) in order to enter the gate of Heaven - Obey! Jesus rule of law(The Bible)Check this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer & The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R, C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D

December 07 2018Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  hard-liner extreme  Special Counsel Robert Mueller & Mueller's team  As of Now, do to Robert Mueller professional misconduct DOJ Internal Affairs Bureau will investigates  incidents and possible suspicions of law-breaking and professional misconduct (also incude his Past) to have been a grave usurpation of authority as prosector in the Special Counsel taking action on GOP & Not Dems Special Counsel's motion is pettifoggery = their behavior that is deliberately intended to make people believe something which is not true U.S. Robert Mueller Rule of Law -- I can't be remove from Special Counsel -- The President is nobody but Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats is somebodySpecial Counsel Robert Mueller Overseer for executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the U.S. government

November 17 2018 Operation Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil):

Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators,Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Pelosi declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damage  Bipartisanship Will Be = Dems 51% - GOP 49%

Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extreme  Special Counsel Robert Mueller & Mueller's team [Bipartisanship = Dems 51% - GOP 49% Robert Mueller & Mueller's team Rule of Law] facing the possibility of being barred from practicing law  - 18 U.S. Code Chapter 73 - OBSTRUCTON OF JUSTICE the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice by Second Special Counsel by New AG

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Violation of the Obstruction of Justice not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution is a felony
Principle & Ethics Crackdown -- Is it a criminal crime if a a falsify records

Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Special Counsel Robert Mueller & Mueller's team are Playing GOD ---- refers to someone supposedly taking on the role of GOD
It is easy to enter the gate of Hell (Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest) in order to enter the gate of Heaven - Obey! Jesus rule of law(The Bible)

Check this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer & The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R, C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D

November 3 2018 Operation good to go: Border Control USA Military
To Be: USA Military Skunkspray Gun
  Against Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists

  To Be:  

Skunk Spray == Skunk - the proven most effective, NON-Toxic non-lethal riot control solution. Skunk is an innovative, non-lethal riot control method with proven effectiveness. A pungent, foul-smelling - yet completely non-toxic - liquid spray, it quickly disperses the most determined of violent demonstrators with no casualties. Harmless to them, to officers in the field, and to the environment, Skunk is the optimal response for the modern police force. Odortec's eco-friendly Skunk solution was developed with the Israeli police department to meet the highest operational requirements. And it does so with less manpower, at lower cost and without the use of force required by other riot control tactics.

+October 28 2018 Operation Why!: Is Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extreme OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN support George Soros'(philanthropist, political activist) foundation $$$$ - Open Society Foundations pro migrants Open Society Foundations support a caravan of migrants bound for the United States that might have Contagious diseases  enter in this country & How many  Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases  now behind close doors --- Director of Democrats  Godless Party overseer - leader  -- US Congress Democrats  helper aim to subdue to take over USAviolent - The Sedition Act   convicted under The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65-150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years
un-Christian ARE hard-liner extreme OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN 43rd Waters, Maxine (D-CA)Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer  & Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators,Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Pelosi declared: When We Take Over, Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damagethe Left(Dems) willn't Stop Pollitical Violence in America -- The Left unleashed it, the Left willn't Stop it. Violation of the Obstruction of Justice not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution is a felony

Check this out! Only the Left Can Stop Political Violence in America  (The Left unleashed it, the Left must stop it) October 25, 2018   By Daniel Greenfield

+October 28 2018 Stop migration that has Contagious diseases  enter in this country
 How many  Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases United States Democrats(all Dems) United States Open Border sign your(ours) own death warrant United States Democrats(all Dems) declared it OK! no big deal to stop serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases enter in this country Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA) Warren, Elizabeth - (D - MA),  Stabenow,  Debbie - (D - MI), Kaine, Tim - (D - VA), Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY)   Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI) 12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA-12th) Gavin Christopher (D-CA), Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), plus all  Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extreme OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN
Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Legislators [are crazy(idiots)don't have commonsense] by your Vote on November 6 2018 You & all registered voters can impeached each US Senators & United States House of Representatives &  each  50 States Legislators by your Vote on November 6 2018 U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal,  U.S. DE Senator(D)Chris Coons  U.S. IL Senator(D)Dick Durbin,   Senator(D)Cory Booker,  12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA-12th),  Senator(D)Chuck Schumer declared It will not be! We the Democrats(all Dems)

will take over the US Congress then the  Democrats(all Dems) Rule of Law! take overCheck this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer & The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R, C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D.

+October 24 2018 2018 Operation Border Crossing: US Congress (115th) sign your(ours) own death warrant by not passing a Bill to prevent the migration(Contagious diseases) from enter USA from Mexico immediately You & all registered voters can impeached each US Senators & United States House of Representatives Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Legislators [are crazy(idiots)don't have commonsense] by your Vote on November 6 2018 instead US Congress (115th) We the People don't like it, not even a little bit.   Any migration enter USA not following US Constitution Rule of Law But whether or not US Congress  should not stop Migration enter in this country they sign their own death warrant  their friend & family members How many  Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or Contagious diseases GOP need to stop all Mexico products etc. crossing the border from Mexico immediately No more TRADE with Mexico & used the US Military Power to stop all global migration from entering the USA  US South border fence is Federal Land is not Texas, Arizona, New Mexico & California   State Property All US Legislators & Etc. are crazy(idiots)don't have commonsense that is taking Foreign $$$ such as from China's(Marx communist State) & ect. Check this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer

October 22 2018 2018 United States Civil War of the Mind --- We are truly in the midst of  a Civil War of the Mind take over Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extreme OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN take over  Vs The Republican [GOP] ---  All The Commonsense Conservative

  October 22 2018 SOS Operation: Wake up people! A Vote for Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators  in November 6, 2018 is aiding and abetting against American Citizens that you!   Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extreme stand for In a pure economy, there is no free market  Anti- US Constitution but GOP & UAU stand for  Capitalism {Check this out! {Views On Capitalism(Second Edition) by Richard Romano - Melvin Leiman} is an economic system where by capital goods are owned by individuals or companies. Government's role as one of  protecting individual property rights, promoting competition, maintaining law and order, and defending the country against foreign military aggression(Raical Politlical activist Illegal Criminal Enemy Invaders(at least 12 Millions Illegal +) do to their violent -- inorder to have the Rise of the Deep State in America) & (to stop the China(Top-priority) to takeover USA technology data security -- they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones - giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone.--- check this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer In a socialist system, there wouldn't be any private corporations. which advocates a proletariat overthrow of capitalist structures US Constitution (promoting violent against American Citizens with  active Criminal Enemy Invaders)

Check this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer 
Views On Capitalism(Second Edition) by Richard Romano - Melvin Leiman

The Constitution of the United States of America  - Inscribed and Illustrated by Sam Fink
The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R, C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D.
Each Americans Citizens should have a Gun Safe by each Door entering the Americans Citizens Home & by the Bed to protect against illegal Criminal Enemy Invaders do to their violent!  Do to  Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators   Democrats Rule of Law 

JULY 21 2018Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info Especially in &

Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)  and not a Republican Candidate in the United States Senate is wrong  & other States - jungle primary Democrats Godless Party Agena  their own Rule of Law - jungle primary are the bad apples. whiners and complainers. the ones who bring down those around them.who are hurting,  your US Constitution. are Grayblueneck{imo(T)}

Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)  Murphy, Christopher - (D - CT)   Carper, Thomas R. - (D - DE)    Nelson, Bill - (D - FL)    Hirono, Mazie K. - (D - HI Donnelly, Joe - (D - INWarren, Elizabeth - (D - MA)    Cardin Benjamin L. - (D - MD)   King, Angus S., Jr. - (I - ME)    Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI)   Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN McCaskill, Claire - (D - MOTester, Jon - (D - MT Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ  Heitkamp, Heidi - (D - ND Heinrich, Martin - (D - NM)   Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH)    Casey, Robert P., Jr. - (D - PA Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY  Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI)    Kaine, Tim - (D - VA)  Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT)  Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)   Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV)  Baldwin, Tammy - (D - WI)

& Then House Democrats

 Michigan District  5th Kildee, Daniel D 9th Levin, Sander D 12th Dingell, Debbie D 13th Conyers, John - Vacancy D 14th Lawrence, Brenda D
California District  
12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA-12th) is out in 2018 -- Lisa Remmer (R-CA-12th) is in November 6 2018
Governor of California will be John Herman Cox (R-CA) -- Gavin Christopher (D-CA) is out in 2018 -- & Lisa Remmer (R-CA-12th) is in November 6 2018
Governor of New York will be Marcus J. Molinaro (R-NY) -- Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is out  --  November 6 2018

Do to their Democrats Godless Party Agena  their own Rule of Law {most Legislators were US prosecutor} Vs. against We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law being

July 17 2017 (UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}- Definition - a Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
These are the bad apples. whiners and complainers. the ones who bring down those around them.who are hurting,  your US Constitution. It can be hard to get rid of the bad apples, but you must. seek out like minded people. with positive attitudes These are the good apples! But then  negatively bad apple can try to change a culture, Eventually the bad apples will either (hopefully) leave, or at minimum have a lesser impact on the rest of the culture.

TAKE A BREAK & PLAY GOLF then We the People will start the remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area



October 10 2918The Sedition Act of 1918 Operation:  China(Marx communist State) TechnologyHumanism Manifesto Chinese Technology  World's biggest companies in the field China's(Marx communist State) aim to subdue to take over USA Technology without firing a shotwith help of George Soros(philanthropist, political activist) -- Citizenship Hungary, United States ---  donating $18 billion to his philanthropic agency, Open Society Foundations --- Soros-funded --- Far Left  Liberal Activism Democrats  Godless Party  George Soros(philanthropist, political activist) overseer - leader  -- US Congress helperDemocrats  Godless Party  political activist convicted under The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65-150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years

US Constitution Rule of law --- It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt.

Yet our Leaders U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  & U.S. Executive Branch  &  THE U.S. Judicial Branch Those convicted under The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65-150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years

Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info

The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65-150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) was an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light -- Those convicted under the act generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years.

Check this out The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R, C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D.


October 4 2018 If US Congress Far Left  Liberal Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators want to talk about Sex & who can have Sex in US Congress & etc. Federal political sex scandals in the United States   Let talk about Sex -- such as what gender You ?(+) are He, He-He, He-She -- She, She-She, She-He - Who marrying Who(+) US Constitution Rule of law is by each 50 States to make the decision - just like Roe v. Wade need to be overturn then each 50 States to make the decision & other issues dealing with Same-sex marriage (also known as gay marriage) is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting

 Operation moral and ethical issues: dealing with Jesus-God Rule of Law - Life, Hope & Truth -- dealing with all issues - in order to have Sex - you(+)  have to be married  - If Not  -un-Christian not conforming to Christian teaching or principles:   then it a Sin against Jesus-God Rule of Law - un-Christian Read the Bible to see whare you(+) STAND with word of Jesus-God And have Sex outside of being marrying is Sin according to Jesus-God Rule of Law No Sex can be performed without being married  any single male or female  have Sex Before Marriage is Sin according to Jesus-God Rule of Law

American adults who are okay with cohabitation, a good number of them identify themselves as Christians un-Christian not conforming to Christian teaching or principles: -  then it a Sin against Jesus-God Rule of Law approved of living together before marriage un-Christian - is fornication (sexual immorality) Jesus-God Rule of Law condemns the practice


Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info

It's time for the Supreme Court to overrule the abortion case(Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

September 29 2018Vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh(to be the Next Justice of The United States Supreme Court) their is in GOP Operation Up-date on  dealing with  Flip-flop Moderate GOP(potential swing vote)with the Democrats Godless Party Legislators ::that is (potential swing vote) & will joined the »D-Godless Party - if vote no ::
U.S. AZ Senator(R or I)Jeff Flake(Flip-flop Mod R »D-Godless Party, 
U.S. AK Senator(R-or I or D)Lisa Murkowski(Flip-flop Mod R »D-Godless Party ::
---NEED TO FIND NEW EMPLOYMENT other Political Leaders (Republicans and the Democrats) that are Sucks ass {USA MisFits} specially dealing with China Torture & ect. $$$$ coming soon!---
{Far Left  Liberal Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators = Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)   Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI)   U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal  U.S. DE Senator(D)Chris Coons  U.S. IL Senator(D)Dick Durbin Senator(D)Cory Booker   Senator(D)Chuck Schumer It will not be! {But Jesus-God - Rule of Law Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be the Next Justice of The United States Supreme Court}  Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America
There are seven things which  Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him:

un-Christian' that is today, present & future to come if not stop by GOP & UAU & African-Americans {USA MisFits -- Obstruction of Justice}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2018 Godless Party Agena Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  LegislatorsThe Deadliest Massacre in Reconstruction-Era Louisiana Happened 150 Years Ago In September 1868, Southern white Democrats hunted down around 200 African-Americans in an effort to suppress voter turnout

Comments: Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT){Far Left  Liberal Activism Godless Party Legislators} -- 1972 Eassay on Rape in which he wrote that a WOMEN "fantasizes being raped by three men simultaneously."
U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal  {Far Left  Liberal Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators} -- Did the Senator misrepresent his military service during the Vietnam War -- {But what about Jesus-God - Rule of Law}


September 15 2018 Democrats Godless Party Operation: The Logan Act & Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extreme Former Secretary of State John Kerry: is actively undermining US policy on Iran Kerry have a private Iran meeting with Iranian (Foreign Minister) this was  illegal( The Logan Act) meeting with Iran - told Iranian diplomats to wait out the GOP administration to salvage the Iran nuclear deal  = unprecedented with Iranian (Foreign Minister)   Violation of the Logan Act is a felony the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title" Kerry is actively undermining US policy on Iran &
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799 (1799-01-30)) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.  The Act was last amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title";  Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
Criminal Crime Act; is a felony, be  ineligible to accept or hold any oposition in the Government of the United States; any such individual holding a position in the Government of the United States on the date his conviction becomes final shall be removed from such position

Former Secretary of State John Kerry Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

There are seven things which  Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him:
Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America

Trinity-God Bless America
believe in the Jesus-God Corner Stone-Thirst No More To Be in Today World dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future FROM THE BEGINNING TO END OF TIME which Jewish Carpenter - - Jesus-God is the overseer TRUTH & JUSTICE

 the Rise of the Deep State in America:
We the People comments:'un-Christian'

 September 15 2018We the People comment: This Why! -- Mueller Evil Genius will give  Democrats Godless Party each one immunity - It will be Obstruction of Justice & prosecute each one Republicans This is Why! Former FBI Director Robert Mueller to keep the American Citizens() from seeking Public OfficeCriminal Crime Act; is a felony, be  ineligible to accept or hold any oposition in the Government of the United States; any such individual holding a position in the Government of the United States on the date his conviction becomes final shall be removed from such position

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Violation of the Obstruction of Justice not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution is a felony

There are seven things which  Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him:


to enlarge click here
September 7 2018 Now & from the Past & FutureDOJ & FBI & IRS & NSA & etc. & Legislators etc. Operation:  DOJ Scandal Intensifies & FBI Scandal Intensifies & IRS Scandal Intensifies & NSA Scandal Intensifies & etc. Scandal Intensifies & Legislators etc. Scandal Intensifies not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]

SEPTEMBER 11  2017) OPERATIONthen their USA IRS 'USA  Rattlesnake Rule-Obstruction of Justice' IRS Googolplex

JULY 21 2018Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats  Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info Especially in &

Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)  Murphy, Christopher - (D - CT)   Carper, Thomas R. - (D - DE)    Nelson, Bill - (D - FL)    Hirono, Mazie K. - (D - HI Donnelly, Joe - (D - INWarren, Elizabeth - (D - MA)    Cardin Benjamin L. - (D - MD)   King, Angus S., Jr. - (I - ME)    Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI)   Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN McCaskill, Claire - (D - MOTester, Jon - (D - MT Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ  Heitkamp, Heidi - (D - ND Heinrich, Martin - (D - NM)   Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH)    Casey, Robert P., Jr. - (D - PA Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY  Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI)    Kaine, Tim - (D - VA)  Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT)  Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)   Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV)  Baldwin, Tammy - (D - WI)

Do to their Democrats Godless Party Agena  their own Rule of Law {most Legislators were US prosecutor} Vs. against We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law being violated 

JULY 24 2018Far Left Liberal Activism Godless Party Legislators against We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law being violated  --- Enough is Enougth ---  can be & should be indicted for Destruction of Justices   nobody get free pass from wrong doing Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators Milking the System

Lists of  Democrats (Liberal Activism) Godless Party Agena  their own Rule of Law & Why! It's against  We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law

1... Sucks ass {USA MisFits} with Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) -- nobody get free pass from wrong doing (specially N.Y.)

 2... Sucks ass {USA MisFits}  -- are crazy(idiots) don't have common sense -are NEGLIGENCE Are Hypocrite - not to protect our homeland against Criminal Enemy Invaders do to their violent
3... Anti-ICE  -- nobody get free pass from wrong doing - All Illegal immigrant( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) protesting in USA  be remove from USA soil & process out side of  USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay or == in USA -- All Banks , Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- & all collection agents in USA -   whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act   will be prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States

4...the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2018 Godless Party Agena going to be a Dems Party - Go For It - and see what happen! don't let this happen [U.S. Code>Part III>Subpart F>Chapter 73>Subchapter II> 7313)] (5 U.S. Code - 7313) === inciting a riot or civil disorder ;  organizing, promoting, encouraging, or participating in a riot  or civil disorder ; can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act; is a felony, be  ineligible to accept or hold any oposition in the Government of the United States; any such individual holding a position in the Government of the United States on the date his conviction becomes final shall be removed from such position

5...'un-Christian' {USA MisFits}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2018 Godless Party Agena This Why! -- the DOJ Evil Genius -- the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2018  will give  Democrats Godless Party members  each one immunity - It will be Obstruction of Justice & prosecute each one Republicans This is Why!  the DOJ Evil Genius -- the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2018 to keep the American Citizens() from seeking Public Office

the Democrats (Moderate Liberal Activism) 2018 Violation of the Obstruction of Justice not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution is a felony
6...{USA MisFits -- Obstruction of Justice}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2018 Godless Party Agena Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators,Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12  under  their Democrats Godless Party  rule of law = no point in mincing words here: Your guilty until proven innocent -- but according to US Constitution Rule of Law -- dealing with criminal intent your innocent until proven guilty

Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice {{{{In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info}}}}
7...un-Christian' that is today, present & future to come if not stop by GOP & UAU & African-Americans {USA MisFits -- Obstruction of Justice}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2018 Godless Party Agena Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  LegislatorsThe Deadliest Massacre in Reconstruction-Era Louisiana Happened 150 Years Ago In September 1868, Southern white Democrats hunted down around 200 African-Americans in an effort to suppress

voter turnout

Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info

 Alabama District 7th Sewell, Terri A. D Arizona District  1st O'Halleran, Tom D   3rd Grijalva, Raul D   7th Gallego, Ruben D   9th Sinema, Kyrsten D California District   2nd Huffman, Jared D   3rd Garamendi, John D  5th Thompson, Mike D   6th Matsui, Doris O. D  7th Bera, Ami D  9th McNerney, Jerry D    11th DeSaulnier, Mark D  12th Pelosi, Nancy D  13th Lee, Barbara D   14th Speier, Jackie D   15th Swalwell, Eric D 16th Costa, Jim D   17th Khanna, Ro D  18th Eshoo, Anna G. D  19th Lofgren, Zoe D  20th Panetta, Jimmy D  24th Carbajal, Salud D 26th Brownley, Julia D  27th Chu, Judy D   28th Schiff, Adam D  29th Cárdenas, Tony D  30th Sherman, Brad D  31st Aguilar, Pete D 32nd Napolitano, Grace D  33rd Lieu, Ted D   34th Gomez, Jimmy D   35th Torres, Norma D  36th Ruiz, Raul D  37th Bass, Karen D   38th Sánchez, Linda D  39th R  40th Roybal-Allard, Lucille D   41st Takano, Mark D  43rd Waters, Maxine D  44th Barragán, Nanette D  46th Correa, J. Luis D  47th Lowenthal, Alan D   49th Issa, Darrell R  50th Hunter, Duncan D.  51st Vargas, Juan D  52nd Peters, Scott D  53rd Davis, Susan D Colorado District  1st DeGette, Diana D 2nd Polis, Jared D 7th Perlmutter, Ed D Connecticut District  1st Larson, John B. D 2nd Courtney, Joe D 3rd DeLauro, Rosa L. D 4th Himes, Jim D 5th Esty, Elizabeth D Delaware District  At Large Blunt Rochester, Lisa D District of Columbia District  Delegate Norton, Eleanor Holmes D Florida District  5th Lawson, Al D 7th Murphy, Stephanie D 9th Soto, Darren D 10th Demings, Val D 13th Crist, Charlie D 14th Castor, Kathy D 18th Mast, Brian R 20th Hastings, Alcee L. D 21st Frankel, Lois D 22nd Deutch, Ted D 23rd Wasserman Schultz, Debbie D 24th Wilson, Frederica D Georgia District  2nd Bishop Jr., Sanford D. D 4th Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr. D 5th Lewis, John D 13th Scott, David D Guam District  Delegate Bordallo, Madeleine D Hawaii District  1st Hanabusa, Colleen D 2nd Gabbard, Tulsi D Illinois District  1st Rush, Bobby L. D 2nd Kelly, Robin D 3rd Lipinski, Daniel D 4th Gutierrez, Luis D 5th Quigley, Mike D 7th Davis, Danny K. D 8th Krishnamoorthi, Raja D 9th Schakowsky, Jan D 10th Schneider, Bradley D 11th Foster, Bill D 17th Bustos, Cheri D Indiana District  1st Visclosky, Peter D 7th Carson, André D Iowa District  2nd Loebsack, David D Kansas District  2nd Jenkins, Lynn R 3rd Yarmuth, John A. D Louisiana District  2nd Richmond, Cedric D Maine District  1st Pingree, Chellie D Maryland District  2nd Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch D 3rd Sarbanes, John P. D  4th Brown, Anthony D 5th Hoyer, Steny H. D 1705 LHOB (202) 225-4131 6th Delaney, John D 7th Cummings, Elijah D 8th Raskin, Jamie D Massachusetts District  1st Neal, Richard E. D 2nd McGovern, James D 3rd Tsongas, Niki D 4th Kennedy III, Joseph P. D 5th Clark, Katherine D 6th Moulton, Seth D 7th Capuano, Michael E. D 8th Lynch, Stephen F. D 9th Keating, William D Michigan District  5th Kildee, Daniel D 9th Levin, Sander D 12th Dingell, Debbie D 13th Conyers, John - Vacancy D 14th Lawrence, Brenda D Minnesota District  1st Walz, Timothy J. D 4th McCollum, Betty D 5th Ellison, Keith D 7th Peterson, Collin C. D 8th Nolan, Rick D Mississippi District  2nd Thompson, Bennie G. D Missouri District 1st Clay Jr., William "Lacy" D 5th Cleaver, Emanuel D Nebraska District Nevada District 1st Titus, Dina D 3rd Rosen, Jacky D 4th Kihuen, Ruben J. D New Hampshire District 1st Shea-Porter, Carol D 2nd Kuster, Ann D New Jersey District 1st Norcross, Donald D5th Gottheimer, Josh D 6th Pallone Jr., Frank D 8th Sires, Albio D 9th Pascrell Jr., Bill D 10th Payne Jr., Donald D 11th Frelinghuysen, Rodney R 12th Watson Coleman, Bonnie D New Mexico District 1st Lujan Grisham, Michelle D 3rd Lujan, Ben R. D New York District 3rd Suozzi, Thomas D 4th Rice, Kathleen D 5th Meeks, Gregory W. D 6th Meng, Grace D 7th Velázquez, Nydia M. D 8th Jeffries, Hakeem D 9th Clarke, Yvette D. D 10th Nadler, Jerrold D 12th Maloney, Carolyn D 13th Espaillat, Adriano D 14th Crowley, Joseph D 15th Serrano, José E. D 16th Engel, Eliot 17th Lowey, Nita D 18th Maloney, Sean Patrick D  20th Tonko, Paul D. D 25th Slaughter, Louise McIntosh - Vacancy D 26th Higgins, Brian D North Carolina District 1st Butterfield, G.K. D 4th Price, David D 12th Adams, Alma D Northern Mariana Islands District Delegate Sablan, Gregorio D Ohioct 3rd Beatty, Joyce D 9th Kaptur, Marcy D 11th Fudge, Marcia L. D Oregon District 1st Bonamici, Suzanne D 3rd Blumenauer, Earl D 4th DeFazio, Peter D 5th Schrader, Kurt D Pennsylvania District 1st Brady, Robert D 2nd Evans, Dwight D 13th Boyle, Brendan D 14th Doyle, Mike D 17th Cartwright, Matt D 18th Lamb, Conor D Rhode Island District 1st Cicilline, David D 2nd Langevin, Jim D South Carolina District 6th Clyburn, James E. D Tennessee District 5th Cooper, Jim D 9th Cohen, Steve D Texas District 9th Green, Al D 15th Gonzalez, Vicente D 16th O'Rourke, Beto D 18th Jackson Lee, Sheila D 20th Castro, Joaquin D 28th Cuellar, Henry D 29th Green, Gene D 30th Johnson, Eddie Bernice D 33rd Veasey, Marc D 34th Vela, Filemon D 35th Doggett, Lloyd D Vermont District At Large Welch, Peter D Virgin Islands District Delegate Plaskett, Stacey D Virginia District 3rd Scott, Robert C. D 4th McEachin, A. Donald D 8th Beyer, Don D 11th Connolly, Gerald E. "Gerry" D Washington District 1st DelBene, Suzan D 2nd Larsen, Rick D 6th Kilmer, Derek D 7th Jayapal, Pramila D 9th Smith, Adam D 10th Heck, Denny D Wisconsin District 2nd Pocan, Mark D 3rd Kind, Ron D 4th Moore, Gwen D


JULY 22 2018China(Marx communist State)  & IS OUR PROBLEM NOT RUSSIA on ChinaTop-priority to takeover USA technology data security -- GOP will Stop China takeover -- to take a tougher stance and China involvement to Keep China government from interference  with United States elections security data to help Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extreme to win the what happen in that Obstruction of Justice


JULY 21 2018Advice on dealing with a Complex subject matter Obstruction of Justice(perverting of course of justice) Operation:  Special Counsel  Obstruction of Justice by the  Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremMueller & Rosenstein USA MisFits for their Acts of the Sinful Nature Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest Lying (don't know the True value of "US Constitution rule of law being violated by the Federal Prosecutors   Far Left Liberal Activism Robert Mueller & Mueller's team facing the possibility of being barred from practicing law )"The Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Federal Prosecutor be removed   to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution  corrupt employee be fired &  prosecute  by the U.S. Executive Branch  GOP for Special Counsel Obstruction of Justice - 18 U.S. Code Chapter 73 - OBSTRUCTON OF JUSTICE NEXT WILL BE  each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress  (115th) Obstruction of Justice be removed  to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution  corrupt  Legislators be fired &  prosecute


JULY 21 2018Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info Especially in &

Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CAMurphy, Christopher - (D - CT)   Carper, Thomas R. - (D - DE)    Nelson, Bill - (D - FL)    Hirono, Mazie K. - (D - HI Donnelly, Joe - (D - INWarren, Elizabeth - (D - MA)    Cardin,  Benjamin L. - (D - MD)   King, Angus S., Jr. - (I - ME)    Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI)   Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN McCaskill, Claire - (D - MOTester, Jon - (D - MT Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ)   Heitkamp, Heidi - (D - ND Heinrich, Martin - (D - NM)   Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH)    Casey, Robert P., Jr. - (D - PA Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY)   Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI)    Kaine, Tim - (D - VASanders, Bernard - (I - VT)  Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)   Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV)  Baldwin, Tammy - (D - WI)

JULY 1 20182018 USA Military being bring home from foreign Countries to protect the American Citizens First(against innocent American Citizens that Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist do medical body harm) "The Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life)   How to find all Illegal immigration( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist )   in USA -- All Banks{dedicated to BOD dealing with OneMain(Mr. Jay N. Levine, Prestent, CEO), SPS/ Select Portfollio Servicing Inc., Citigroup Inc., Synchrony Financial, HSBC Group, Elastic Republic Bank} are in trouble with US Constitution Rule of Law also dedicated to  Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA )turning a blind eye to US Constitution rule of law - in USA -- All Banks , Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- & all collection agents in USA  American Citizens whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act   will be prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States


JULY 1 2018USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life)

Who! are they & that Why! "The Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected"
You know MisFits by their violent action or comments
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy."
"Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to enduring, permanent value."

June 26 2018 GOP should take action on the Democrats  Legislators(US Congress115th) are sucks ass {USA MisFits} with Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist)
2018 Mexico - United States Border War with the North Border Control to flood illegal terrorist into USA USA Military being bring home from foreign Countries to protect the American Citizens First(against innocent American Citizens that Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist do medical body harm)    to guard USA Southern Border  went USA can't keep out Terrorist coming through Southern Border All Illegal immigrant( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) protesting in USA  be remove from USA soil & process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay or under US Military Law   --- NO One will across the Border without a Pass Port   How to find all Illegal immigration( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist )   in USA -- All Banks{dedicated to BOD dealing with OneMain(Mr. Jay N. Levine, Prestent, CEO), SPS/ Select Portfollio Servicing Inc., Citigroup Inc., Synchrony Financial, HSBC Group, Elastic Republic Bank} are in trouble with US Constitution Rule of Law also dedicated to  Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA )turning a blind eye to US Constitution rule of law - in USA -- All Banks , Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- & all collection agents in USA  American Citizens whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act   will be prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States

Politics(Far Left Liberal Activism) at the Borders

Mexico Anarchy State that has Mexico Open border but no open border (illegal) enter Mexico Anarchy State


Mexico Billionaire  Bureaucrats(authoritarianism) Anarchism State(Mexico Anarchy State) Vs.  Border War Vs.  with United States
June 20 2018Approximate Mexico Fifty anarchist Group at Border War with United States which Mexico import illegal immigration to enter United States (for special reasoning) United States Democrats(all Dems) United States Open Border Do the Democrats(all Dems) states it wrong that Mexico Anarchy State  separate children from their real parent etc. in   Democrats(all Dems) agree with Mexico Billionaire  Bureaucrats(authoritarianism) Anarchism State(Mexico Anarchy State) to have United States Open Borders but went enter Mexico Border will be imprison (can be ) Democrats(all Dems) should states that nobody will cross the United States border NOT ONE if don't  then Democrats(all Dems) for special reasoning with Mexico Billionaire  Bureaucrats(authoritarianism) anarchism state(Mexico Anarchy State) in (info fallacious reasoning will be explain) Democrats(all Dems) turning a blind eye to US Constitution rule of law - US Congress(115th) need help! in keeping American Citizens Save From Criminal Enemy Invaders Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators are Playing GOD ---- refers to someone supposedly taking on the role of GOD


Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info Especially in &

Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CAMurphy, Christopher - (D - CT)   Carper, Thomas R. - (D - DE)    Nelson, Bill - (D - FL)    Hirono, Mazie K. - (D - HI Donnelly, Joe - (D - INWarren, Elizabeth - (D - MA)    Cardin,  Benjamin L. - (D - MD)   King, Angus S., Jr. - (I - ME)    Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI)   Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN McCaskill, Claire - (D - MOTester, Jon - (D - MT Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ)   Heitkamp, Heidi - (D - ND Heinrich, Martin - (D - NM)   Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH)    Casey, Robert P., Jr. - (D - PA Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY)   Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI)    Kaine, Tim - (D - VASanders, Bernard - (I - VT)  Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)   Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV)  Baldwin, Tammy - (D - WI)

We the People Lead with Optimism for USA is in a Transition State


 June 17 2018 UAU We the People  2018 Prediction: The Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  In all 50 States & etc. the Dems nominate forecast in November election unsuccessful being elected- After November Election  the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators has four choices be a GOP or UAU or retired  or nobody Party    Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected info Especially in &

but - need - change if
Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)


Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea

June 13 2018 Attention: North Korea Kim Jong Un & USA President Donald Trump's summit - reach a Diplomatic Agreement

Operation to keep Sovereign in North Korea & Kim Jong Un Will De-Nuclearize North Korea : A Sovereign State or country is independent and not under the authority of any other country.  Singapore Meeting 'A Win for Kim Jong Un' & President Donald Trump's summit - reach a Diplomatic Agreement  Kim Will De-Nuclearize North Korea with the help of President Donald Trump's USA  ONLY immediately without others, alone; solely; exclusively: THE De-Nuclearize  information is for USA  eyes only. but not with  United Nation & other Countries Involvement can't be trusted in order to keep Sovereign in North Korea with  Kim Jong Un & keep North Korea from being taken over from other Countries - Dealing with North Korea Privacy Act dealing with other Countries




Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea

 USA Mitch Principle & Ethics Crackdown -- Is it a criminal crime if a a falsify records
Any Legislators or American Citizens whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act which Any Federal & State Legislators be removed   to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution  corrupt employee be fired &  prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States the new Attorneys General of the United States(85th AG) will take action & all Legislators will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  & any DOJ makes ruling for Criminal Enemy Invaders

May 18 2018Milking the System(adversary) Operation:Far Left Liberal Activism Special Counsel milking the system

Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators Milking the System --- Do to Milking the System It easy to enter the gate of Hell (Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Donest) It Satan Legislators Legalizer for Justices(that seduces humans into sin) But God is sovereign over the devil(the enemy of righteousness)   not have a free hand

May 22 2018Milking the System(adversary) Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats Party Legislators a Weapon for Political Reform Rod Jay Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice)Far Left Liberal Activism Robert Mueller & Far Left Liberal Activism  Rod Jay Rosenstein can't be  indicted for Destruction of Justices or fired  --- They have more power then US Congress 115th &  US President Robert Mueller & Rod Jay Rosenstein Mueller & Rosenstein comments: Back off & to keep Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators from being  indicted such as (Hillary Clinton & James Comey  -should not be disbarred from practicing law)-or We the Dems--  -- Plus to show that We the Dems Mean Business that is a 100% cover-up & etc ---Dems comments: Great Job! Go for It!  Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators,Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12  comments: Great Job! Go for It!  muAnti-Drain the Swamp - Dems here to stay on Course -GOP & + are History

  U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar
  U.S. Criminalist Ozar
May 20 2018     These American Citizens in the US Congress 115th  are crazy(idiots) don't have common sense -are NEGLIGENCE Are Hypocrite - not to protect our homeland against Criminal Enemy Invaders do to their violent against innocent American Citizens that do medical body harm Criminal Enemy Invaders need to show up on their doorstep


       U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar Open a Can of American Whoop Ass
      U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar
      U.S. Criminalist Ozar 

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    Flint Engine  

    UAU Party UpDate Now! 

        Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


       imo(in my opinion)
    Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    A Country without Borders is Not a Country
    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    I, USA Mitch, is like a cable;  I, USA Mitchan American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it & the Corporation will make thing right!  to explain their Criminal NEGLIGENCE

    Choose your friends carefully. A negative attitude is very contagious and can rub off on you little by little without your knowlege.
      UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk                   
    OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice

    May 18 2018It is easy to enter the gate of Hell (Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest) in order to enter the gate of Heaven - Obey! Jesus rule of law(The Bible) The Breast plate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace--- Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breast plate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace

    May 18 2018Milking the System Operation: legal twists and turns of the investigation of Special Counsel  Deadbeats at Tax Payer Expenses & IRS Far Left Liberal Activism Special Counsel milking the system "thinking that life owes Special Counsel Robert Mueller & Mueller's team a free ride" use every excuse in the book to get what they(plus each Democrats) want ? (Plus pocket $$$ - cash in the pocket) A former State Department employee working in Iraq was sentenced for using his authority to illegally steer $2 million in contracts for micro-dairies to his son's company.   U S Constitution rule of law being violated  Far Left Liberal Activism Robert Mueller & Mueller's team facing the possibility of being barred from practicing law  & etc. (which Bill Clinton was disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas and was also disbarred from practicing law in front of the Supreme Court over the Lewinsky incident)  Special Counsel Robert Mueller & Mueller's team a Weapon for Political Reform (Dems Special Counsel prosecutor to keep Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators from being  indicted such as (Hillary Clinton & James Comey  -should be disbarred from practicing law)---  a 100% cover-up & etc. Now! Robert Mueller & Mueller's team can be & should be indicted for Destruction of Justices) Special Counsel's motion is pettifoggery = their behavior that is deliberately intended to make people believe something which is not true.    if not indicted then only then US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius  can be indicted & being barred from practicing law  & etc.  Plus can be - should be each US  Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius need to resign   No ifs, ands or butts about it disbarred from practicing law

    We the People comments about  Far Left Liberal Activism Robert Mueller excuse from his duties from Special Counsel :

    no way I can be fired - termination or axed would be illegal under Democrats  rule of law = no point in mincing words here

    no point in mincing words here: Your guilty until proven innocent -- but some criminal intent your innocent until proven guilty( such as Hillary Clinton & James Comey)

    Principle that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty --  but Special Counsel principle is that one is guilty until proven innocent but some criminal intent your innocent until proven guilty

    Mueller(now acting as and his allies and His Team Evil Genius


     Far Left Liberal Democrats Activism hard-liner extreme
    under rule of U.S. Constitution -- The Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub.L. 93–579, 88 Stat. 1896, enacted December 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a), a United States federal law, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that No agency shall di

    sclose any record which is contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person, or to another agency
     Money in the Bank for Far Left Liberal Democrats {Gov't Power (recruitment-influential)} is over(stop) Lying Crooked Far Left Liberal Democrats

    obstruction of Justices)  

    Obstruction of Justice on Far Left Liberal Activism Mueller and his allies and His Team Evil Genius
    All US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius

    need to resign   No ifs, ands or butts about it We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) see civilization as fragile and vulnerable. We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a Activism conflict would mean a loss to the Liberal Activism  “enemies of civilization”. Are Hypocrite -- If not, Why not? Proof It to We the PeopleAll US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius don't know the rule of law  (US Constitution)dealing with James Comey & Mueller Evil Genius {The nation is now witnessing the last in the rise and fall of James Comey. is attempting to exact his revenge and assuage his battered ego with the help of Who!
    the Rise of the Deep State in America:
    We the People comments:'un-Christian'

    Operation the Rise of the Deep State in America:  

    Check this out James Comey Has A Long History Of Questionable Obstruction Cases  June 12, 2017
    Check this out The Rise and Fall of James Comey  By Steve McCann


    Now! Now!

     March 6 2018Gun Control We the People  Humanism Super Talk We the People will not give up "our" gunsthat what keep We the People safe from  Criminal Enemy InvadersA Killer with a Wared MindGun Control will not keep the Criminals invaders from finding weapons to do Body Harm
    What right & what wrong Operation to be or not to be: Civil War State of the Mind (against "activist") Vs. US Congress(115th) are crazy(idiots)

         check it out   each Legislators in understanding the Constitution need to read:

    "The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R. C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D."

     in order to find what the United States Constitution of America's is all about  in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America's   Lock, Stock and Barrels

    (no more than)

    Worst-Case Scenario you're at risk from the moment you step outside your front door

    In My Opinion plus Facts
    February 15 2018Comments:DEALING WITH Criminal Enemy Invaders

    Give me a break These people in the US Congress 115th  are crazy(idiots) not to protect our homeland Operation:      An Illegal Alien - (are not Illegal immigration but are->) Are(is) Criminal Enemy Invaders-do to rule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime. that Bringing guns, drugs, disease and human leeches of jobs and American taxpayer -funded benefits   ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED ILLEGALS Criminal Enemy Invaders TO PLUNDER AMERICA AND STEAL FROM AMERICANS intent on taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate & being murder by the Military Criminal Enemy Invaders Gang (evildoer),Criminal Enemy Invaders protest in the streets of USA is illegal You bet it has! There is no question! need(will-be) to be deport immediate why are we overseas if we can't guard our own land(USA) from destruction No Legal Rights for the Criminal Enemy Invaders US Congress 115th(& etc.) overstepped their constitutional authority the idiots can't see what coming - with Open Border - Civil War US Military take immediate action against illegal invaders(before illegal invaders do body & social harm to American Citizens) Any US Congress 115th (& etc.)that Harbor or whereabouts the Criminal Enemy Invaders in their State(etc.)are guilty under rule of Law(US Constitution) but states: American Citizen is considered innocent unless proven guilty is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty But the CIA , IRS, FBI, NSA(Secret Service for FBI, IRS & CIA), Federal Reserve Board & Special Council(that are appointed)  { that each one think & believe their are separation of powers:(illegal) that makeup their own rule of law(is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary) from the US Executive Branch That include Federal Judges(include FISA) DOJ that might be - could be separation of powers:(illegal) from The Judicial Branch that makeup their own rule of law( is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary)(Lackluster FOIA Performance that illegal under the US Constitution) If any US Congress 115th don't vote 100% for Border Wall (that want Open Borders) & vote 100% to deport lawful Criminal Enemy Invaders will be with We the People for life to have  gained House seats or Senate Seats in US Congress 115th  for Thousands of individuals from foreign countries walk unchallenged across our southern border(& etc. Land, Sea & Air) every day. We don't know who they are, where they come from, or their intentions. It is an invasion by definition, and our US Congress 115th government condones it. Legalization will only make matters worse. Granting the people here illegally asylum will only encourage more illegal border crossing. Likewise, failing to enforce workplace and Criminal Enemy Invaders laws will only encourage more to ignore the law US Congress 115th has no knowledge of anything that America or the Constitution stands for. The People elected idiots and appoints those of lesser intelligence! The loonies try to give 20 million lawbreakers(Criminal Enemy Invaders) the ultimate prize of citizenship. If so, there will no longer be pride in being a citizen since any foreigner can cross our border will become one. Our politicians are the saddest people around and bringing down our once proud country. On the U.S. side, there has to be a robust integrated response of federal, state, and local law enforcement at the regional level (meshing with is going on in California, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico) that targets the cartel and transnational gang networks. That this country is drowning in people who have never been processed, because of years of absolute neglect by previous administrations. The scourge will be OVER POPULATION in the very near future, that will devastate our agriculture, water supplies, energy and oil resources Each US Congress 115th has no reasoning to de-funding the Border Wall. All those involved in the tabling of this important method, should be made an example of in future incumbent elections

    February 15 2018China is our Problem not Russia - one sample all Eyeglass frames are made in China & Italy > none made in USA <Check it out> China is making Billions of Dollars > at least 50% or more ware eyeglasses in USA

    February 15 2018(no more than)

    February 24 2017Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates (no more than ) terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms   would be knee-jerk reaction

    How! IRS going to TAX  BANK & etc. on Interest Rates APR being collected each month also will have to pay Federal Tax  each month on Interest  Rates APR being collected then the American Citizens  will be paid  back 50% on the  IRS TAX return on Interest Rate APR being collected each month what the BANK & etc. paid to IRS   more the IRS collect from  BANK & etc. greater the IRS returnamount Of  $$$$ each month being collected each month will be on record -- NO IRS Tax return for the  BANK & etc.  being paid from Federal Gov. IRS

                    November 11 2016Next (suck-ass with Wall Street & etc. Money in the Bank) in 2017 will be explain - How the interest APR rates(no more - will be no more than dealing with all loan etc. Across-the-Board Cuts - Credit Card interest Rates willn't be so high) will be define(setup) for American Citizens for the future  GOP Commonsense Conservative will setup low (no more than  interest rates (this will increase low income hourly wage) Foreign investors USA high interest rates will be cut(no more than  (less Money in the Bank for Far Left Liberal Democrats {Gov't Power (recruitment-influential)} is over(stop) Lying Crooked Far Left Liberal Democrats



    November 11 2016 2017 credit score firms --Big Three-- will be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution -- The Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub.L. 93–579, 88 Stat. 1896, enacted December 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a), a United States federal law, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that No agency shall disclose any record which is contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person, or to another agency 

     the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA
    to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution

    January 30 2018 Unintelligent (Who! Are they - don't give a Rat Ass) Operation: US Congress & US Justice & FBI & CIA & PGA(Political Group Activism) Unintelligent don't know a good things in keeping American safe & freedom(opportunity for prosperity and success) & keep American Citizens from bloodshed (one sample US Border control(the wall)-- follow the U.S. Constitution Law dealing with immigration one on one(no buddy system) basic to be American Citizen(speak English - Speaking the Same Language Unites Us PLUS Three-strikes law )  
     Divine Revelations of Hell Time is Running Out! For does making the wrong decisions comments:  Special Counsel Robert Mueller How Dare American Citizens  Question My Integrity! - then Imagine sifting through a stack of mail only to find an official memo informing ?(+) of their actions  comments: Now! Maybe that Mueller(former FBI)  that you are now the subject of investigation By the US Justice Dept. & Mueller associates - specially in conflict of interest (You can run but you can not hide)We are not done yet. Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. STATES IF YOU(+) CAN'T DO THE TIME DON'T DO THE CRIME YOUR(+) IN TROUBLE DEALING WITH THE PAST & PRESENT THE FUTURE A DATE WITH A PRISON CELL ----- A NO-WIN SITUATION for the WRONGDOER NEGLIGENCE

    comments: If you have ever doubted the existence of Hell, DON'T by Jesus(Christ)-God  our Lord is showing in his teaching the horrors(Satan darkness, the father of Lie) of the pit to non-Christians to show them what is awaiting them if they do not commit their lives to Jesus Christ for their Acts of the Sinful Nature Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest Lying that the Holy Spirit has brought Jesus writing(teaching) into being for time & eternity so that means Jesus teaching have impacted people in all walks of life. As people get the opportunity to meet Jesus to and witness the power of God on their life, they learn it truly is A Divine Revelation  from God(Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit - As one)  

    January 21 2018 USA Mitch.- Humanism Super Talk:  Essentials of American Government Roots & Reform
     ::::::USA::::::Evil Genius::::::USA::::::

    January 17 2018 Humanism Super Talka substantial gathering of intriguning facts --- Who? What? When? Where? Why? Operation: dealing with Haiti & Africa in touble with American way of life in USA --- do to Foreign Aid Greed $$$$ is not  Who? What? When? Where? Why? behind the screen control the flow of $$$$ behind close doors the rich is getting richer through the USA Govenment -{specially in Federal Aid paid in CASH $$$$ to Who! }--  The Dems(+) don't give a Rat Ass 
    What the IRS &  NSA & don't want American Citizens to Know (In MY Opinion)  the IRS - Super Power Of USA to make or break American Citizens & control flow of $$$$$ behind the screen control the flow of $$$$ behind close doors the rich is getting richer-Obstruction of Justice' IRS Googolplexon
    don't want American Citizens to Know about Past History The Real Truth News about their Acts of their Sinful Nature - to take control of American Citizens 

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the  US Gov't (All  Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest


    January 21 2018 USA Mitch.- Humanism Super Talk:  Essentials of American Government Roots & Reform

    True Facts Operation: AMERICAN HISTORY - Let's take a look at history: the Republican stand behind their Party 100% But dealing with the Democrat  Past History & Present & Future to be In My Opinion American Citizens doom(inevitable destruction) do to the Democrats Changing Characteristics of the American People(informal medhods of amending the US Constitution) & then  the World
    Truth About the Republican Party Vs. Democrat Party
    *in 1854 The Republican Party was created.
    Body - of Operation AMERICAN HISTORY:  explain the Roots & Reform of Republican Party Vs. Democrat Party   True Facts

    The truth is, this is just a new kind of contempt. So, there  a Party(The Democratic Party) with a long history of racism and sexism  but it ain't the Republicans

    December 13 2017 perceed 12-29-1983 USA Mitch.- Humanism Super Talk: Simple inventions that have made MILLIONS "I WISH I'D THOUGHT OF THAT!" BUT WHO THE CORPORATION (BOD-group of people authorized to act as single entity and recognized as such in law) THAT DON'T HAVE RESPECT FOR H&S THAT HAS DONE PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE HUMAN BODY will pay the price in USA RULE OF LAW as such in law {under rule of U.S. Constitution} Operation PAYup or SHUTup to comeLife for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution

    May 31 2017Operation 2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall to be: to start with 
    first High Tech technology border security awhile the border wall being build -- Land, Sea & air High Tech technology -- all illegal alien that enter USA will sent to Guantanamo Bay that be process outside USA Borders

              US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall
    US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall

    (no more than)
    -Big Three-- will be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution -- The Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub.L. 93–579, 88 Stat. 1896, enacted December 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a), a United States federal law, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that No agency shall disclose any record which is contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person, or to another agency 

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk
    November 12 2017Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   U.S. NY Senator(D)Kirsten Gillibrand need to take Action Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators,Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12 need to take Action

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

    the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

    The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) # 13

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest # 14

    The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breast plate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace # 15


    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

    October 12 2017 How to understand Humanism with Jesus-God

    God has promised to raise up a standard when the enemy comes in like a flood. You are a vital part of that standard when you allow the Word and power of Christ to work in and through your life.  In the US Senate & The US House of Representative has established unchangeable principles of life.  Every US Senator & The US House of Representatives must live in harmony with each other or each US Congress leaders will experience conflicts in his relationships with God, himself, and others. By building God’s principles into our lives, marriages, families, and vocations, we will experience true success. “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou raise up the foundations of many [godly] generations ...”We established the principle of DESIGN, AUTHORITY,  CLEAR CONSCIENCE,  FORGIVENESS,  YIELDING RIGHTS, MORAL FREEDOM, PURPOSE in our lives.

    Win the Battle for your Sons and Daughters and Fellow Americans

    UAU We the People  Super Talk

    November 7 2017 The Life of your County is at Stake!!   “We the People” comments  in the efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
    Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress  (115th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extreme using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments  Then from the Past & Present dealing with IRS(IMO is corrupted) , FBI (IMO is corrupted) & CIA(IMO is corrupted) that violate the USA rule of Law   IMO comment: if not, proof it  - dealing with We the FBI, etc. gives immunity as we see fit to travesty private gain for the cause(Far Left Liberal Activism) a free pass from potential jail time {IMO FBI, IRS, US Federal Reserve Board, CIA. NSA & Federal Judges are IMO corrupted : if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk --
    November 9 2017 Humanism Super Talk == China(Marx communist State) Humanism Manifesto as of now as a Dictatorship head of StateTyrnny - the oppressive government of brute force - was as old as civilzation ifself(My Way or The Highway) products {made in China(Marx communist State)}that goes to USA under no control  of the US Congress  (115th)BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH then their in Humanism cold fact, the new Russian government  was not quite as new as many of its admirers and enemies believed Tyrnny - the oppressive government of brute force - was as old as civilzation ifself

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

    October 25 2017 Humanism Super Talk == Operation WHY!: What % of American Citizens(Who!) State of being Neutral -- in balance between law, chaos, good & evil dealing with  Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists Democrats & Some Republicans Activism involved & then FBI & IRS & CIA & NSA & then Antifa activists (Anarchist Extremists) & leaders of Antifa activists & leaders of Black Lives Matter activists Extremists(movement is “inherently racist”) promotes violence aggression against American Citizens which is Bibliography on the Law, the Constitution & the Bill of Rights PLUS Who! In & United States Congress(115th) State of being Neutral -- in balance between law, chaos, good & evil & that included US Gov't (All Three Branches)The USA Chain(tether) Gang plan is back - Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens (in my opinion) responsibility 101: New Requirements - No-Body should Goes Free

    116th United States Congress new seating arrangement in 2020

    October 10 2017 2018 US Congress(116th) remodeling  Operation: remodeling of the US Senate floor seating  & US House of Representative floor Seating Area sit on the Right of the Center Aisle (as viewed from the presiding officer's chair) while Republicans sit on the Left. the Left & Right Side of the Aisle(political term) US Senate seating floor seating & The US House of Representative floor seating area will be change to make room for  UAU Party (U.S. COMMONSENSE-WING - Commonsense Conservatives)   How the new seating arrangement will be  & New comments of the Commonsense Conservatives Political Party takeover!  We the People taking actions for We the People to have Justices in America    In the United States, the two major political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are often referred to as "the two sides of the aisle." but now! Their will be Three Major Political Parties, the Republicans, the Democrats &  UAU(USA American USA Party) their will now(future) will be referred to as the two sides of the aisle from the Middle Section seating area & Left & Right Side of the two sides of the aisle from the Dems & GOP section seating area(that Part of UAU Party) in order for the Commonsense UAU Political Party to help make decision for Right(Dems) & Left(GOP) Side of the aisle     2018 the  tradition, Democrats sit on the Right of the Middle Section of the  Right aisle (as viewed from the presiding officer's chair) while Republicans sit on the Left of the Middle Secton of the Left of the aisle  as of now their a Imagination  Middle Section & Left & Right Side of the two sides of the aisle from the Dems & GOP Section Seating Area(that Part of UAU Party)      until the remodeling finish  that will  help make decision for  Right & Left side of the aisle from Middle Section (as Imagination  Seating Area  viewed from the presiding officer's chair) any member of One Party who votes for legislation supported by the Other Party  and generally opposed by his Own Party is described as "crossing the aisle"  to Middle Section or to Left side or Right side of the aisle from the two sides of the aisle from the Middle Section for BIPARTION AGREEMENTS but Some of  Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner Extremists can’t cross the aisle do to  their to agree and determine a plan of action on an urgent matter that is of great importance to voters.  Minority leader Chuck Schumer(D-NY);  Minority Whip Dick Durbin(D-IL) & House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, (D-Md); House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn(D-S.C.)CAN'T ---NEED TO FIND NEW EMPLOYMENT other Political Leaders (Republicans and the Democrats, are often referred to as "the two sides of the aisle.")CAN'T ---NEED TO FIND NEW EMPLOYMENT

    In & United States Congress(116th)  UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk

    October 24 2017 If  & United States Congress(115th)(GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]

    UAU We the People  Super Talk

    The Main Issue is Corporation Manufacturing/General Industry in all things etc... Workplace Safety Health & Safety Do It Fix It Instead of Thinking About It (NOW)

    In The News
    Face the Facts about unpaid fines from White Collar (Corporation etc...) crimes owe approx. 35 Billions dollars pay up or jail time [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & Executive Branch GOV.] = GOV. not doing their job (a fine mess) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

    U.S. Brings New Set of
    Charges Against Pipe
    (NY Times)

    The McWane Story
    (PBS Frontline)

    October 8 2017 Columbus Day is Great then their are activists in the United States of American are not greatone is Antifa activists (Anarchist Extremists) & other is  Black Lives Matter activists Extremists(movement is “inherently racist”) protests in the  country(USA) has turned violent This is not the way to get justice against We the People—American Citizens Antifa activists Black Lives Matter activists Is in Trouble about Their violent extremists protests in USA with is Bibliography on the Law, the Constitution & the Bill of Rights   US Government Military(Land, Sea, or Air) will take extremists action & the protesters(specially  the leaders - cause death to We the People – American Citizens - follow the $$$-- to investigate financial crimes promotion) be punishment under US Military law that include death penalty include all Extremists Group(or countries) taking violent action against We the People – American Citizens

    +September 20 2016 Operation DACA Officer exmination : a smart decision to End  'Dreamer' Program
    DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is  an obstruction of Justices against the US Constitution)

    To Start with UAU (Flintengine Dotcom Strategist) We the People comments It will be the decision may be cruel, but it's a smart decision to End to 'Dreamer' Program that has shielded almost 800,000 immigrants no deportations could cost US economy more than $400 billion for American Citizens in having New Jobs! Which would allows two-year stays for certain undocumented immigrants who entered the country before their 16th birthdayOperation DACA Officer examination: who quality to be American Citizens ? Has to be Eighteen or older ? that don’t have criminal a record (No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA)? Seventeen & under not quality to be American Citizens & all illegal immigrant have crime records over Seventeen years or older will be deported If the Dems (Pelosi and Schumer, Plus Dems & GOP ) don’t agree then pay the price being & having  employment  in US Congress be determined  in coming elections & to start with dealing with Dems then the GOP (which are infuriated to put a End 'Dreamer' Program is an obstruction of Justices against the US Constitution)  which the entire Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists media complex( Lawmakers, journalists, and activists ) had a nervous breakdown Past & Present over GOP's position on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) which DACA   get Financial Aid(comment:California to provide $30 million to DACA students) and Undocumented Students are eligible for in-state tuition that is taken away from American Citizens students in order to educated US students  in creating new jobs in USA(work force - in community education, outreach, training and technical assistance on US Issues)

    November 11 2016 2017 USA illegal immigrant Reform with the help of U.S. Executive Branch --- Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status :   will solve the issue --- setup by We the People (U.S. Constitution)Commonsense Conservative now! 2017  that can prove that been in US 18 Years or over setup by We the People (U.S. Constitution) in US ???? Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years

    August 27 2016 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) setup by ???????????????????)Commonsense Conservative -> Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status : that guest immigrant involved any illegal immigrant that can prove that been in US 18 Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant - can't prove their statistics in USA need to be deported BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION for USA Guest immigrant status: FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: about illegal immigrant can be American Citizens in USA (processing illegal immigrants from USA)


    August 27 2016 "Face the Truth of Where Things Stand" Enough Posturing on Do & Don't on Immigration It Time to take action & inforce the Laws(immigation laws) & Save America from being Destory from illegal & legal UN (United Nations) Immigation & Foreign Legal & illegal Open Borders Immigation that cost Billions of $$$$$) & Foreign Diseases infections spread entering US from Legal & illegal Immigations


    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2017 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

    Operation: We The People 2017 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions


     ::::::USA::::::Evil Genius::::::USA::::::

    SEPTEMBER 11  2017) OPERATIONthen their USA IRS 'USA  Rattlesnake Rule-Obstruction of Justice' IRS Googolplexon


    DO IT NOW! 'USA Rattlesnake Rule'
    SEPTEMBER 4 2017) OPERATION North Korea declares State of War:   USA  U.S. Executive Branch  POTUS  NEED TO destory all Air Bases, Military Bases, etc. & Leader Kim Jong Un new housing development Just the begining to Have North Korea under Control

    DO IT NOW! 'USA Rattlesnake Rule'

    June 21 2017) Just the begining to Have North Korea under Control This Act of War - went North Korea declares State of War It could happen to you or me! or family &  friends & your neighors at hand being injured or killed being taken prisoner by North Korea All the prisioners need to be set free or USA  destory-it could be it should be all Air Bases, Military Bases, etc. & Leader Kim Jong Un new housing development - wanted poster FBI & CIA wanted Dead or Alive $$$$$USA will take action on North Korea before it to Late US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) 'NO Plan -No Rattlesnake Rule Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH )  &  POTUS 'A Plan' (U.S. Executive Branch  Then the US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) 'NO Plan -No Rattlesnake Rule' Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) Legislators are the blame for  We the People being injured or killed
    Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch'

    SEPTEMBER 4 2017)    ::::::USA::::::Evil Genius::::::USA::::::

    August 7 2017(UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}-  That Might Be A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius


    SEPTEMBER 13 2017) Who! guard the Banks'(what Banks) in Hurricane Irma ( only one left in Hurricane Irma was Bank Security Guard) was any Bank building destory or damage from Hurricane Irma or


    Flint Engine  

    UAU Party

     Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic

       imo(in my opinion)
    Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
    A Country without Borders is Not a Country

    August 23 2017   in 2017  We the People has excellent Plans to safe lives & to help the  American People in need

    Operation went their a Plan::::  Flintengine(the UAU helper) – Strategist about went Their No Plan & their a Plan comments::: Dealing with theFar Left Fascism Activism has a violent -nonsense Plan but COMMONSENSE Conservative  has a common sense Plan – that Safe lives & help the We the People  in need in all walk of life – setup by United States Constitution(rule of Law) do & don’t  to take action  for We the People  -which the forefathers wantedOperation Plan = comments: What happened went their no Plan = What happen their a Plan is to intended to confront the problems If no Plan, what happen to unintended circumstances that will happen Their has be a Plan  Comment: Somethimes when a American Plan is put into action, the result can be something that no one could have predicted.  But, hey – that’s what makes life interesting.

    WHY! 2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall{ WITH SOLAR PANELS ABSORB THE SUNLIGHT AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY OR HEAT IN ORDER TO ASSIST - HELPING   LOCAL AMERICAN CITIZENS IN EACH STATES  AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY}  to be} WHY! Each States will benfits from it -Specially each American Citizens in each States THE & IN TROUBLE WITH AMERICAN CITIZENS --  :::: Unintended Consequences will Happen: Specially with violent Hate Groups such as Antifa(Far Left military -- taking violent act against non-violent American Citizens)  which United States Congress Unintended Consequences:::will pay the price for the violent Hate GroupsAmerican Health Care Reform: Affordable Care Act (ACA)  ____will be revize in 2017  ------ That 65 or older will have no co-pay(is the same as credit card interest rate) -- Health Insurance Provider/Health Care Insurance Provider(plan) no co-pay --Health Insurance provider pay first then Medicare pay second - no close market - open market -- then no co-pay

    2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall to be

    House majority PASSED a bill for the down payment to build THE WALL along the Southern border BUT IF THE majority SENATORS DON'T  PASSED a bill for the down payment to build THE WALL along the Southern border – each Senators that don't vote for the bill  WILL PAY THE PRICE (specially the Senators that don”t approve the bill) –> It should be 100%

      U.S. SENATE(D)=Dems        U.S. CA Senator(D)Dianne Feinstein   U.S. CA Senator(D)Kamala Harris   U.S. CO Senator(D)Michael Bennet      U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal   U.S. CT Senator(D)Chris Murphy   U.S. DE Senator(D)Tom Carper  U.S. DE Senator(D)Chris Coons   U.S. FL Senator(D)Bill Nelson       U.S. HI Senator(D)Brian Schatz   U.S. HI Senator(D))Mazie Hirono      U.S. IL Senator(D)Dick Durbin   U.S. IL Senator(D)Tammy Duckworth   U.S. IN Senator(D)Joe Donnelly  U.S. ME Senator(I)Angus King   U.S. MD  Senator(D)Ben Cardin   U.S. MD Senator(D)Chris Van Hollen   U.S. MA Senator(D)Elizabeth Warren   U.S. MA Senator(D)Ed Markey   U.S. MI Senator(D)Debbie Stabenow   U.S.  MI Senator(D)Gary Peters   U.S. MN Senator(D)Amy Klobuchar   U.S. MN Senator(D)Al Franken     U.S. MO Senator(D)Claire McCaskil  U.S. MT Senator(D)Jon Tester      U.S. NV Senator(D)Catherine Cortez Masto   U.S. NH Senator(D)Jeanne Shaheen   U.S. NH Senator(D)Maggie Hassan   U.S. NJ Senator(D)Bob Menendez    U.S. NJ    Senator(D)Cory Booker   U.S. NM Senator(D)Tom Udall   U.S. NM Senator(D)Martin Heinrich   U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   U.S. NY Senator(D)Kirsten Gillibrand   U.S. ND Senator(D)Heidi Heitkamp      U.S. OH Senator(D)Sherrod Brown     U.S. OR Senator(D)Ron Wyden      U.S. OR Senator(D)Jeff Merkley      U.S. PA Senator(D)Bob Casey     U.S. RI Senator(D)Jack Reed      U.S. RI Senator(D)Sheldon Whitehouse    U.S. UT Senator(D)Mike Lee    VT Senator(D)Patrick Leahy   U.S. VT Senator(I)Bernie Sanders   U.S. VA Senator(D)Mark Warner   U.S. VA Senator(D)Tim Kaine   U.S. WA Senator(D)Patty Murray   U.S. WA Senator(D)Maria Cantwell   U.S. WV Senator(D)Joe Manchin   U.S. WI Senator(D)Tammy Baldwin


    U.S. SENATEIt should be 100% to PASSED a bill for the down payment to build THE WALL along the Southern border Senators that don't vote for the bill  WILL PAY THE PRICE

    U.S. SENATE(R)=GOP        U.S. AL Senator(R)Richard Shelby      U.S. AK Senator(R)Lisa Murkowski   U.S. AK Senator(R)Dan Sullivan   U.S. AZ Senator(R)John McCain   U.S. AZ Senator(R)Jeff Flake   U.S. AR Senator(R)John Boozman   U.S. AR Senator(R)Tom Cotton     U.S. CO Senator(R)Cory Gardner    U.S. FL Senator(R)Marco Rubio   U.S. GA Senator(R)Johnny Isakson   U.S. GA Senator(R)David Perdue       U.S. ID Senator(R)Mike Crapo   U.S. ID Senator(R)Jim Risch       U.S. IN Senator(R)Todd Young   U.S. IA Senator(R)Chuck Grassley   U.S. IA Senator(R)Joni Ernst   U.S. KS Senator(R)Pat Roberts   U.S. KS Senator(R)Jerry Moran   U.S. KY Senator(R)Mitch McConnell   U.S. KY Senator(R)Rand Paul   U.S. LA Senator(R)Bill Cassidy   U.S. LA Senator(R)John Neely Kennedy   U.S. ME Senator(R)Susan Collins       U.S. MS Senator(R)Thad Cochran   U.S. MS Senator(R)Roger Wicker      U.S. MO Senator(R)Roy Blunt      U.S. MT Senator(R)Steve Daines   U.S. NE Senator(R)Deb Fischer    U.S. NE Senator(R)Ben Sasse   U.S. NV Senator(R)Dean Heller     U.S. NC Senator(R)Richard Burr   U.S. NC Senator(R)Thom Tillis   U.S. ND Senator(R)John Hoeven    U.S. OH Senator(R)Rob Portman     U.S. OK Senator(R)Jim Inhofe    U.S. OK Senator(R)James Lankford    U.S. PA Senator(R)Pat Toomey    U.S. SC Senator(R)Lindsey Graham     U.S. SC Senator(R)Tim Scott         U.S. SD Senator(R)John Thune      U.S. SD Senator(R)Mike Rounds     U.S. TN Senator(R)Lamar Alexander      U.S. TN Senator(R)Bob Corker      U.S. TX Senator(R)John Cornyn     U.S. TX Senator(R)Ted Cruz      U.S. UT Senator(R)Orrin Hatch      U.S. WV Senator(R)Shelley Moore Capito   U.S. WI Senator(R)Ron Johnson      U.S. WY Senator(R)Mike Enzi   U.S. WY Senator(R)John Barrasso



    ::::::USA::::::Evil Genius::::::USA::::::


    The Pledge of Allegiance
    I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    I am a believer in The American Creed 

    Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America

    Trinity-God Bless America
    believe in the Jesus-God Corner Stone-Thirst No More To Be in Today World dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future FROM THE BEGINNING TO END OF TIME which Jewish Carpenter - - Jesus-God is the overseer TRUTH & JUSTICE

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    Motto: The Deeper the Roots The Higher the Reach
    in USA with Jesus-God Bless America
    There are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him:

    June 21 2017) Just the begining to Have North Korea under Control This Act of War - went North Korea declares State of War It could happen to you or me! or family &  friends & your neighors at hand being injured or killed being taken prisoner by North Korea All the prisioners need to be set free or USA  destory-it could be it should be all Air Bases, Military Bases, etc. & Leader Kim Jong Un new housing development - wanted poster FBI & CIA wanted Dead or Alive $$$$$USA will take action on North Korea before it to Late US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH )  &  POTUS (U.S. Executive Branch  Then the US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) Legislators are the blame for  We the People being injured or killed
    Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch'


    Grayblueneck{imo(T)}in USA
    July 17 2017 (UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}- Definition -American Citizen or person evil ways to gain control increase power in USA that bye pass the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust that Grayblueneck has a Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
    Who! might be a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Wrong, or Ugly?
    A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}is not open and friendly person and prefers to pre-judge a person on race, gender and personal lifestyle

    August 7 2017(UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}-  That Might Be A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius

    & thenEvil Genius in making the wrong decisions! for We the People How It Will Be American Health Care Reform: Affordable Care Act (ACA)  ____will be revize in 2017  2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall to be: By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life  ____ will be revize in 2017  High Interest APR rates(no more -- will be no more than    dealing with all etc. Across-the Board - Credit Card interest Rates willn't be so high)   _____will be revize in 2017   OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price  an immediate end to Activism sanctuary cities  ______will be revize in 2017  & Evil Genius in making the wrong decisions! for We the People ______will be revize in 2017 Specially




    Flint Engine  

    UAU Party

     Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic

       imo(in my opinion)

    July 26 2017Who! in U.S. Congress(115th) That Might Be A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius  If....: Coming Soon! Comments:

    Grayblueneck{imo(T)}in USA
    July 17 2017 (UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}- Definition - American Citizen or person evil ways to gain control increase power in USA that bye pass the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust that Grayblueneck has a Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
    Who! might be a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Wrong, or Ugly?
    A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}is not open and friendly person and prefers to pre-judge a person on race, gender and personal lifestyle

    July 17 2017(UAU-Helper)Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- that are or a Grayblueneck{imo(T)} These are the bad apples. whiners and complainers. the ones who bring down those around them.who are hurting,  your US Constitution. It can be hard to get rid of the bad apples, but you must. seek out like minded people. with positive attitudes These are the good apples! But then  negatively bad apple can try to change a culture, Eventually the bad apples will either (hopefully) leave, or at minimum have a lesser impact on the rest of the culture. Who are  the Bad Apples Grayblueneck{imo(T)} In the .  Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) in the US Congress(115th) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH )  &  THE U.S. Judicial Branch)Operation Grayblueneck{imo(T)}: who! the others Grayblueneck{imo(T)} Activism in USA list of  Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists Grayblueneck{imo(T)} in USA Liberal Fascism Grayblueneck{imo(T)}


    July 17 2017(UAU-Helper)Operation Bad Apples: Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' Grayblueneck{imo(T)} - Definition - a Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed)  that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
    These are the bad apples. whiners and complainers. the ones who bring down those around them.who are hurting,  your US Constitution. It can be hard to get rid of the bad apples, but you must. seek out like minded people. with positive attitudes These are the good apples! But then  negatively bad apple can try to change a culture, Eventually the bad apples will either (hopefully) leave, or at minimum have a lesser impact on the rest of the culture.


    June 24 2017(UAU-Helper)Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' that are or a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius In .  Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) in the US Congress(117th)  being influence by  Political LobbyistsSpecially Evil Genius it a must -need to be STOP from being a members of  the Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's Hard Core Totalitarianism Woke Party ____ Democrat Woke Party Jerome H. Powell(Hard Core Totalitarianism WOKE, Lael Brainard (Hard Core Totalitarianism WOKE, -- then Federal Reserve of (01-Boston * )  (02-New York* ) (03-Philadelphia * ) (04-Cleveland * ) (05-Richmond * ) (06-Atlanta * ) (07-Chicago * ) (08-St. Louis * ) (09-Minneapolis * ) (10-Kansas City * ) (11-Dallas * ) (12-San Francisco * ) -need to be replaced - is an ‘at-will’ relationship.  This means that neither you  nor US Government  has entered into a contract regarding the duration of your employment.  You are free to terminate your employment with US GOV.  at any time, with or without reason.  Likewise, POTUS (U.S. Executive Branch).  has the right to terminate U.S. Federal Reserve Board - leaders - employees, with or without reason, at the discretion of POTUS. Due to US Constitution rights to do so  is an ‘at-will’ relationshipif their a  problems with all or one of Board of Governors of the Reserve System  the duration of their employment. ALL Management Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7

    -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it (now)) being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists are putting the foot to the American Citizens In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be requlated, and but  Grayblueneck{imo(T)} Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) US Congress(117th) & Grayblueneck{imo(T)} Political Evil Genius view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the Banks  -if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal

    comments - Grayblueneck{imo(T)} Evil Genius by not putting a fix interest rate (will be no more than  7% rate) to the American Citizens Loans [specially the loans from the past (reduce all interest rates to reduce fix interest rates(will be no more than  rate); specially credit card interest rates which Loans & Credit Card Balance is not a loan just like IRS & Social Security are two seperate Branches so then two fix reduce interest rates(will be no more than  7% rate) on Loans & Credit Card Balance that is not a loan )] - the U.S. House of Representatives & & U.S. Senate & Specially Evil Genius are putting the foot to the American Citizens no earmarks on reduce interest rates the rich are getting richer & American Citizens are getting poorer yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it (now) the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & Evil Genius::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice ::: (in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a recession (in my opinion ) Evil Genius.   not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress & Through the law process etc...) Is GOV. Putting the money in the right places?

    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates(will be no more than  terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms would be knee-jerk reaction


    June 21 2017(UAU-Helper) Just the begining to Have America First in security, safety, education, promotion and economic growth To Start with: maybe POTUS -will have spirited debate COMMENTS: Behind Close Door to get Truth Value -- what the American Citizens wants in their American Health Care then make the decison how American Health Care To Be WITH (each 50 State) THE Lower Middle Class, Lower poor Class-poverty, homelessness, and unemployment(suffer from lack of medical care, adequate housing and food, decent clothing, safety, and vocational training, & powerful reporting on Health Care as a Right of Citizenship in each 50 State dealing with do & don't on the Continuing Evolution of Reform WITH THE HELP OF POTUS TEAM IN TELLING WHAT AMERICAN CITIZENS(WALK OF FAITH IN USA}      So It Will Be -- Before it's too Late for 'American Citizens, We the People' FOREIGN LOBBYISTS Welfare AID IT OVER TO MAKE --FOREIGN UPPER CLASS - WHERE THE MONEY FLOWS IN U.S. Congress(115TH) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  [WHO ARE Liberal Actism LEGISLATORS]) TO FOREIGN LOBBYISTS Welfare AID - to Have America First in security, safety, education, promotion and economic growth

    July 19 2017United States Constitution(is the supreme law of the United States of America) VsIslam Constitution of the World(is the supreme law of Islam)
    American Citizens Vs. Islamic Muslim Citizens
    American Vs. Islamic Muslim

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
    American citizens calling for an immediate end to Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists Grayblueneck{imo(T)} in USA Activism sanctuary cities.

    June 21 2017) Just the begining to Have North Korea under Control This Act of War - went North Korea declares State of War It could happen to you or me! or family &  friends & your neighors at hand being injured or killed being taken prisoner by North Korea All the prisioners need to be set free or USA  destory-it could be it should be all Air Bases, Military Bases, etc. & Leader Kim Jong Un new housing development - wanted poster FBI & CIA wanted Dead or Alive $$$$$USA will take action on North Korea before it to Late US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH )  &  POTUS (U.S. Executive Branch  Then the US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) Legislators are the blame for  We the People being injured or killed
    Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch'


    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


    June 20 2017(UAU-Helper)JUST THE BEGINING OF U.S HEALTH CARE AS A RIGHT OF CITIZENSHIP OPERATION: THE CONTINUING EVOLUTION OF REFORM Coming Soon! do & don't on U.S Health Care  as a RIGHT of CITIZENSHIP IN EACH 50 STATE CONTROL BY --- VOTED ON & CONTROL BY EACH 50 STATE CONGRESS AND OVERSEER BY U.S. CONSTITUTION -- BY THE US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) Grayblueneck{imo(T)} (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH )  &  POTUS (U.S. Executive Branch  DEALING WITH $$$$ FLOW TO EACH 50 STATE & A BYE BY United States Constitution --- DO & DON'T -- SETUP THE Main FORMAT FOR THE EACH 50 STATE THAT Health Insurance Companies(Medical Insurance Providers) can't take control  do & don't on U.S. Health Care -- Evolution of Reform -- plain & simple  it a must To Start with new set of Rules - by the BY THE in 2017

    June 18 2017Second Amendment of the United States Constitution Individual Right to possess a firearm :  explaining Why! it a must ---rule of law -but immigrant or illegal or etc...(Felons) has no right under U.S. Constitution to possess a firearm(to keep and bear arms on December 15, 1791) until individual is a American Citizens & speak english to possess a firearm etc.. it a must -- US Congress(115th)

     -- each  legislators in the US Congress(115th) to possess a firearm for protection at all times -- It a must also then each Legislators can protect family &  friends & their neighors at hand being injured or killed immigrant or illegal or etc...(Felons) that has guns' in their possession People( illegal immigrant or immigrant or etc..(Felons) that a have a gun in their possession) -   Kill People


    We the People Candidates-UAU  will take a strong stance for We the People -- American Citizens

    June 18 2017Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' Grayblueneck{imo(T)}- dealing with immigrant or illegal or etc..(Felons) in US Gov.: has no right under U.S. Constitution to possess a firearm(to keep and bear arms on December 15, 1791) until individual is a American Citizens & speak english to possess a firearm etc.. immigrant or illegal or etc...(Felons) that has guns' in their possession People( illegal immigrant or immigrant or etc..(Felons) that a have a gun in their possession) -   Kill PeopleSo It Time to stop immigrant or illegal or etc...(Felons) to possess a firearm before a American Citizens is injured or killed  

    Operation in the making: How to handle -  Felons that have a firearm in their possession ---- each Felons will have to have a tether - ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver -- G.P.S. tracker (GPS ankle bracelet with two-way voice communication built into the receiver)        To Start with new set of Rules - (Felons) that has guns' in their possession  to serve jailtime(no less than 5 years) no matter what -- A Date with prison Cells or - could be confined at Home or Halfway House that include Hard Labor daily -- Parolee wearing GPS ankle bracelet with two-way voice communication built into the receiver with the two ankle monitor on the right & left ankle --- then called tether(chain) Gang performing Hard Labor daily

    Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (non hard-core law breakers -- the  US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) & U.S. Executive Branch  will take a strong stance -to take bold action to solve the problems ---- If not -- then the Legislators can't protect family &  friends & their neighors at hand being injured or killed -Then the Legislators are the blame for  We the People being injured or killed Issues: Non hard-core law breakers need to be taught a lesson & need to pay their debt to USA Govt. (the American Citizens) -{( Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens )} now not tomorrow to serve their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(from one day or etc... ) until the non hard-core law breakers time is up (No-Body Goes Free Felons(+) that has guns' in their possession will pay the Price by serving their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution

    The USA Chain(tether) Gang plan is back - Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens (in my opinion) responsibility 101: New Requirements - No-Body should Goes Free

    One of the Number One Sport of American Citizens

    the Rise of the Deep State in America:
    We the People comments:'un-Christian'


    June 19 2017We the People Comments:Operation the Rise of the Deep State in America: We the People comments: All US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius

    need to resign   No ifs, ands or butts about it We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) see civilization as fragile and vulnerable. We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a Activism conflict would mean a loss to the Liberal Activism  “enemies of civilization”. Are Hypocrite -- If not, Why not? Proof It to We the PeopleAll US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius don't know the rule of law  (US Constitution)dealing with James Comey & Mueller Evil Genius {The nation is now witnessing the last in the rise and fall of James Comey. is attempting to exact his revenge and assuage his battered ego with the help of Who!}



    June 18 2017Comments: (Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' - new blood in US Gov. dealing with Obstruction of Justie in USA Gov. with the Political Activism Deep State Democratic Operation We the People - taking immediately action without delay: Political Deep State Democratic trying to takeover -- not to be Mueller(his allies -- Comey have one again turned to the old tired and true cudgel of the past--pushing specious obstruction of justice allegations but they are Obstruction of Justice allegations dealing with his allies) Mueller and his allies and His Team Evil Genius is History(all the collusion charge is-was are bogis) without lapse of time Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) Evil Genius in US Congress(115th) will not make the decisions - US Constitution Will -- Loud & Clear  {The nation is now witnessing the last in the rise and fall of James Comey. is attempting to exact his revenge and assuage his battered ego with the help of Who! comment: -- Mueller Evil Genius willn't give James Comey immunity - It will be Obstruction of Justice) explaining Why! then their USA IRS 'USA  Rattlesnake Rule-Obstruction of Justice' IRS Googolplex on Mueller and his allies and His Team Evil Genius dealing with their income

    Check this out James Comey Has A Long History Of Questionable Obstruction Cases  June 12, 2017
    Check this out The Rise and Fall of James Comey  By Steve McCann


    June 17 2017Operation the Rise of the Deep State in America:We the People who are the congressional Deep State Democratic (groupthink Military-Industrial Complex) Ethic members in US Congress(115th) that has violated rule of law constitutional  taking gifts and benefits from Wall Street, etc...Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) in the US Congress(115th)  being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists (Is illegal{would be knee-jerk reaction} or legal) when lobbying(behind close doors) involves the exchange of something of value(goods, services, favors, even money) between lobbyists (or their employers)  and representatives in the political system if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal (for profit or benefit in the Present or Future(that include Past Political Legislators that perform duties for US Gov.) IRS(Activism) know but closed mouth - there is no getting around the Facts if so in trouble with the THE U.S. Judicial Branch) In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be requlated, and but Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) US Congress(115th) & Political FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the Banks  -if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal if this truth then the US Congress(115th) Political  legislators  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) & Political FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD in trouble with the U.S. Executive Branch & THE U.S. Judicial Branch (Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' - - new blood in US Gov. )

    Check this out Deep State America   Democracy is often subverted by special interests operating behind the scenes.By Philip Giraldi • July 30, 2015

    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


    Operation windbag: Too often the windbag Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc. lose sight of what the US Constitution stand for in protecting We the People. So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc.  annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or THE U.S. Judicial Branch   or U.S. Government employee(Nonconservatives)   ******* Pass it on

    June 8 2017OPERATION: THIS IS NONSENSE President Donald Trump CAN STOP THIS INVESTGATION & CLOSE THE CASE BY PARDON MIKE FLYNNUS Congress - Senate Intelligence Committeedon't know the rule of law  (US Constitution) & don't know the American Past HistoryThe POTUS can, as a matter of constitutional law, direct the Attorney General, and his subordinate, the Director of  the FBI, tell them what to do, whom to prosecute and whom not to  prosecute.  Indeed, the president has the constitutional authority to stop the investigation of any person by simply pardoning that person

     June 8 2017 We the People are constantly striving for excellence with US Congress We the People serve deserve nothing less.  We the People received a notice of  moral concern with the Senate Intelligence Committee - that their action was  inappropriate / unprofessional conduct while Senate Intelligence Committee were providing services on our behalf.  The details of the concern(s) was the Senate Intelligence Committee tone of voice that was directed towards the US Government Officials Chain of Command  were inappropriate.(Should be conduct behind Closed Doors for Intelligence )  Although In part, their approach was inappropriate. Please be advised that US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee are a member that serve We the People. Your role while in US Congress is to provide support to the process of the law of land (US Constitution) and to ensure that the Senate Intelligence Committee  assigned to Senate Intelligence Committee  will provided a productive and safe environmental working group process  It is important that US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee present themselves as productive, supportive, cooperative, and courteous as  Senate Intelligence Committee should be . (also include members in the US Sentate & US House of Representatives that under ---- can be impeached do to  their inappropriate / unprofessional conduct on US House & US Senate Floor in making false statements conerning member of US Government without prove it happens should be impeached from US Govenment Employment that is & was  inappropriate / unprofessional conduct- 'who are they'). 

    While it is unfortunate, it is We the People sincere desire that you would objectively examine your role in the  US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee not to be Liberal Acitivison Politician in the  US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee

    As stated in the, “Your employment with US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) is an ‘at-will’ relationship.  This means that neither you  nor US Government  has entered into a contract regarding the duration of your employment.  You are free to terminate your employment with US GOV.  at any time, with or without reason.  Likewise, POTUS (U.S. Executive Branch).  has the right to terminate U.S. Executive Branch employees, with or without reason, at the discretion of POTUS. Due to US Constitution rights to do so

    Please be advised the determination of each employment status employee (under the U.S. Executive Branch is made  by POTUS (your POTUS) based upon the  policies, procedures and standards, their employment status is not determined by the US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or etc.

    WE The People  arethe US Congress Pandora box is open   comments: explaining Why! (was a Liberal Activism or not) Former FBI Director James Comey credibility: (Comey out for Comey onlywas not 'qualified' to be  FBI Director and the American people know it - not fit; lacking requisite qualifications ) the quality of being believed or accepted as true, real, or honest -- credibility Then their the credibility with the US ConstitutionIs Former FBI Director Robert Mueller  credibility: a Activism or not  (comments: --- AS of NOW!  has the power -  to enforce rule of law __or___  the Liberal Activism rule of LawDoes Mueller has the Power to enforce the rule of Law(maybe if U.S. Executive Branch say so) Digital History:

    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates  terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms would be knee-jerk reaction
    May 31 2017  Who are the; Far Left Liberal Activism legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) in the US Congress  being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists (Is illegal{would be knee-jerk reaction} or legal) when lobbying(behind close doors) involves the exchange of something of value(goods, services, favors, even money) between lobbyists (or their employers)  and representatives in the political system if so then bribery has occurred then it illegalthen the Activism US FBI will investigative the bribery maybe! then Liberal Activision US IRS  will investigative the bribery

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    There are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him:

    Jume 11 2017Senate Intelligence Committee--That  OK  [Operation: Operation:]  Democrats Legistaltors(Liberal Fascism Activision) Bashing But is any evidence of collusion(involvement) or obstruction of Justices  With the DNC & Russia(behind close doors dealing with 2016 American President  Election if so how long  was DNC {Hillary Clinton & Former President Obama(ordering surveillance)} & maybe along with Russia(if not - a witness( testify) against DNC) collusion(involvement & surveillance) in 2016 American President Election but that OK -(Senate Intelligence Committee)- just like  the Former President Obama(anti-Israel) was in involved (operatives meddling) in UK & Israel Election(Former President Obama role during the Israel Election was larger than reported...before the Israel election to Defeat Netanyahu(was American tax dollars are being used to rig the election in Israel) –  thinks Obama's involvement in Israel's Election is an obstruction of Justices & any DNC Involvement is  an obstruction of Justices – but that OK – (Senate Intelligence Committee comments; (Senate Intelligence Committee)can be impeach for obstruction of Justices for not ? From the Past present & future to be for not taking action for obstruction of Justices)   but that not OK – (Senate Intelligence Committee)

    When the  new FBI Director is appointed The FBI will do a investigation to see if   DNC

    was in involved (operatives meddling) dealing with 2016 American President  Election if so is an obstruction of Justices & any DNC Involvement is  an obstruction of Justices  will face criminal charges

      thinks Obama's involvement in Israel's Election is an obstruction of Justices & any DNC Involvement is  an obstruction of Justices   will face criminal charges WE the People are infuriated by their arrogance against the Senate Intelligence Committee for not taking action dealing with the past obstuction of Justices –---- comments: who going to pardon the DNC if they did wrong from the past – the Fomer President Obama is history (Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' - new blood in US Gov. )


                          Flint Engine  

    the GMC Pandora box is open
    |    U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar
      U.S. Criminalist Ozar
     GMC BOD need New Blood on BOD & GMC CHEVROLET VAN SLYKE COMPLEX-Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001 {Amy Farmer(GMC Plant Manager). - Tim Pendell(GMC Personnel Director). -Bill T. - Mike M. - Bob Rominowski(Labor Relations)

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

       U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar Open a Can of American Whoop Ass
      U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar
      U.S. Criminalist Ozar
     .         Go MitchFlint Engine    
    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation

    Click picture to enlarge               

    Just The Tip of Iceberg ----- Turn the Knob ---- I told you to turn the knob ---- I will open the Door -- the GMC Pandora box is open 2017 Hardball Issues:brownfield site is not complete Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001 but removal of Industrial Ventilation Paint Exhaust wasn't a good ideal until the brownfield site is completed: any building over theFebruary 11 2017 - list of responsiblePacel Number # 40-26-400-001  GMC CHEVROLET VAN SLYKE COMPLEX( EPA ) will be shut down(cause to cease operating) until & be rebuild after the brownfield site is completed 2017 & surrounding area of PN#40-26-400-001 explain why it  should be & will be NITTY-GRITTY HARD FACTS with help of New  EPA's Region 5  Administrator & New OSHA[EPA Administrator=== who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control   Far Left Liberal Democrats  Legislators can't help GENERAL MORTOR CORPORATION BOD to keep it from happening GMC BOD need New Blood on BOD & GMC CHEVROLET VAN SLYKE COMPLEX-Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001 {Amy Farmer(GMC Plant Manager). - Tim Pendell(GMC Personnel Director). -Bill T. - Mike M. - Bob Rominowski(Labor Relations)
    The Gull

    Click picture to enlarge
     January 15 2017 Plan-Blight violation +) Vs Monroe(surface water-Site Plan-Blight violation +) Vs USA MitchMundyTwp-Mi


    the GMC Pandora box is open

    believe in the Jesus-God Corner Stone-Thirst No More To Be in Today World dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future FROM THE BEGINNING TO END OF TIME which Jewish Carpenter - - Jesus-God is the overseer TRUTH & JUSTICE

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    to USA American USA Party
    UAUP-OTUS = UAU Party-of the U.S
    USA American USA Party of the U.S.

    Z-A Iformation Events  for :

     Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future




    American Bison
    (commonly know as the American Buffalo)
    UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus
    For the People
    by the People
    with the People
    is the symbol of UAU (DR) (UAU DR) (DRP) (UAU DRP)
    Home Page


    Red White Blue
    God Bless America

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    There are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him:
    === A single fact can ruin a good argument ===


    UAU-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics

    UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it

    Motto: The Deeper the Roots The Higher the Reach
    in USA with Jesus-God Bless America


    ::: UAU Party Infrastructure taking action :::
    the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

    In Making a Bad Sitution GOOD
    To revene your defeats and be a winner through POWER Principles
    -- and the essential element that makes them work

    U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

    U.S. Ozar-UAUP-OTUS = U.S. Ozar-UAU Party of the U.S.

    U.S. Overseer Ozar

    U.S. Constitutionist Ozar
    U.S. Criminalist Ozar
    U.S. Economist Ozar
    U.S. Legalist Ozar
    U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar U.S. OSHOzar
    U.S. Opinionist Ozar
    U.S. Prophet Ozar
    U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar
    U.S. Ozar  "U.S. "Do-Care_About" Ozarthen their "Don't-Care_About"

    "Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
    A Country without Borders is Not a Country

    Abbreviations -OTUS:
    -OTUS: the shortened version of the phrase "of the United States"
    SCOTUS: the supreme court of the United States
    POTUS: the president of the United States
    FLOTUS: the First Lady of the United States
    COTUS: the constitution  of the United States
    VPOTUS: the vice presidentUnited States
    TOTUS: Teleprompter Of The United States
    USCOTUS:United States Congress of the United States
    USCOTUS-S: United States Congress of the United States - Senate
    USCOTUS-H: United States Congress of the United States - House
    UAUP-OTUS: usa american usa party of the United States
    USOZAR-UAUP-OTUS: United States Ozar Usa American Usa Party of the United States
    USOZAR-OTUS: United States OZAR of the United States
    ZTBI-OTUS: Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation of the United States
    ZTBI: Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation
    USOZAR: United States+ OZAR
    UAUP: Usa American Usa Party
    UAU: Usa American Usa
    COAWA-OTUS: Can Of American Whoop Ass of the United States
    COAWA: Can Of American Whoop Ass
    AWA: American Whoop Ass


    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America

    Trinity-God Bless America

     John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land
    Published on Jan 17, 2013  John Wayne Tribute to America

      U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus
    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

     10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42)

    1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)      2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)     3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)     4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)        5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)     6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)     7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)     8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)         9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)     10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)


    "Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
    A Country without Borders is Not a Country


    June 4  2017Operation  History: In 2017 All American Citizens -- SPECIALLY  Everyone in U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  & U.S. Executive Branch  &  THE U.S. Judicial Branch & SCOTUS: the supreme court of the United States    It should be read it should be in order to keep American Citizens Safe in USA need to read two Books immediately inorder to get HISTORY on  World History that have & will EFFECT American Citizens daily Life & What the Life of a Liberal Activism is & who they are in USAThey are Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About World/Tim Marshall Liberal Fascism/Jonah Goldberg NATO will take Military Action to kept American Citizens Safe in USA & Alliance (that consists of 28 independent member Countries)

    May 31 2017  Who are the: Far Left Liberal Activism Media the infiltratorthat practices infiltraction tactics that report news - AS ANONYYMOUS - ANONYMOUS FAKE NEWSBOGUS GARAGEFar Left Liberal Activism Media Extreme(that could Tigger Aggression violent behavior that are Far Left Liberal Activism -- Liberal Activism American Citizens or Liberal Activism Illegal Immigrants{plus Immigramts in Activism sancturary cities} or Liberal Fascism Islamic Muslim  or Far Left Liberal Activism that create graphic photos of death(nasty effects)-[is Liberalism that is a mental disorder] who were the BOD & CEO & associates if their was any that approved the nasty effectsDigital History: )

    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates (no more than ) terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms would be knee-jerk reaction
    May 31 2017  Who are the; Far Left Liberal Activism legislators in the US Congress  being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists (Is illegal{would be knee-jerk reaction} or legal) when lobbying(behind close doors) involves the exchange of something of value(goods, services, favors, even money) between lobbyists (or their employers)  and representatives in the political system if so then bribery has occurred then it illegalthen the Activism US FBI will investigative the bribery maybe! then Liberal Activision US IRS  will investigative the bribery

    May 31 2017Operation 2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall to be: to start with 
    first High Tech technology border security awhile the border wall being build -- Land, Sea & air High Tech technology -- all illegal alien that enter USA will sent to Guantanamo Bay that be process outside USA Borders

    2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall to be

              US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall
    US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall

    January 28 2017who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should beFar Left Liberal Activism Democrate  US-Mexico Border Wall that existence  ---be remove-- went the 2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall being build then will keep American Citiznes safe went each section of the New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall being replace then Far Left Liberal Activism Democrate  US-Mexico Border Wall that existence ---will be remove first

     Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution.

    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic

    March 12 2017

    The Pledge of Allegiance
    I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

     Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk  would be like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who don't have common sense cannot break it
    Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea

      UAU We the People ONE STEP AHEAD   IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
    America First
    security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
    Speak softly and carry a big stick

    === A single fact can ruin a good argument ===

    Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
    Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
    Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving


    USA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2017creating
    employment & security
    I am a believer in The American Creed 

    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic

      Is The American Dream is Over with!  

    Operation windbag: Too often the windbag Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc. lose sight of what the US Constitution stand for in protecting We the People. So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives)   Legislators, etc.  annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or THE U.S. Judicial

    May 27 2017Who are the Far Left Liberal Activism or Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Media the infiltratorthat practices infiltraction tactics that could be against the US Constitutionfrom the past & present Digital History:

    May 18 2017Get a Life PEOPLE The American Dream is Back  WE The People  are    with the    Liberal Activism in U.S. SENATE& US House of Representatives & Liberal Activism Associates plus Liberal Activism lobbyists & Then their are some Liberal Activism GOP & Then their are some in Liberal Activism  in the U.S.  Department of Justices  &  Liberal Activism  American Lawers  The American Dream is Over with WE The People  arethe US Congress Pandora box is open   comments: explaining Why! about American Liberal Actisvism in U.S.A. The American Dream is Over with this what going to happen in U.S. Congress & US Gov. especially with Who are Liberal Activism in CIA, FBI, IRS & NSA comments: explaining Why!  Then their the US Constitution states::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.  WE The People  arethe US Congress Pandora box is open   comments: explaining Why! (was a Liberal Activism or not) Former FBI Director James Comey credibility: the quality of being believed or accepted as true, real, or honest -- credibility Then their the credibility with the US ConstitutionIs Former FBI Director Robert Mueller  credibility: a Activism or not  (comments: Robert Mueller --- AS of NOW!  has the power -  to enforce rule of law __or___  the Liberal Activism rule of LawThe American Dream is Over with ) Digital History:

    May 17 2017The American Dream is Back
    Get a Life PEOPLE


    WE The People  are    with the   U.S. SENATE& US House of Representatives

    the Professional (Con Artists) Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be but should Maintain The Fruit of the Spirit 2017      PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing ---

    the US Congress Pandora box is open U.S. SENATE& US House of Representatives

    Just the Tip of the iceberg       

    DID U KNOW::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.
     Liberal Activism undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values Now! Not Tomorrow --- the US Congress put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in -the US Congress all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment

    U.S. SENATE U.S. CA Senator(D)Dianne Feinstein   U.S. CA Senator(D)Kamala Harris   U.S. CO Senator(D)Michael Bennet      U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal   U.S. CT Senator(D)Chris Murphy   U.S. DE Senator(D)Tom Carper  U.S. DE Senator(D)Chris Coons   U.S. FL Senator(D)Bill Nelson       U.S. HI Senator(D)Brian Schatz   U.S. HI Senator(D))Mazie Hirono      U.S. IL Senator(D)Dick Durbin   U.S. IL Senator(D)Tammy Duckworth   U.S. IN Senator(D)Joe Donnelly  U.S. ME Senator(I)Angus King   U.S. MD  Senator(D)Ben Cardin   U.S. MD Senator(D)Chris Van Hollen   U.S. MA Senator(D)Elizabeth Warren   U.S. MA Senator(D)Ed Markey   U.S. MI Senator(D)Debbie Stabenow   U.S.  MI Senator(D)Gary Peters   U.S. MN Senator(D)Amy Klobuchar   U.S. MN Senator(D)Al Franken     U.S. MO Senator(D)Claire McCaskill   U.S. MT Senator(D)Jon Tester      U.S. NV Senator(D)Catherine Cortez Masto   U.S. NH Senator(D)Jeanne Shaheen   U.S. NH Senator(D)Maggie Hassan   U.S. NJ Senator(D)Bob Menendez    U.S. NJ    Senator(D)Cory Booker   U.S. NM Senator(D)Tom Udall   U.S. NM Senator(D)Martin Heinrich   U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   U.S. NY Senator(D)Kirsten Gillibrand   U.S. ND Senator(D)Heidi Heitkamp      U.S. OH Senator(D)Sherrod Brown     U.S. OR Senator(D)Ron Wyden      U.S. OR Senator(D)Jeff Merkley      U.S. PA Senator(D)Bob Casey     U.S. RI Senator(D)Jack Reed      U.S. RI Senator(D)Sheldon Whitehouse    U.S. UT Senator(D)Mike Lee    VT Senator(D)Patrick Leahy   U.S. VT Senator(I)Bernie Sanders   U.S. VA Senator(D)Mark Warner   U.S. VA Senator(D)Tim Kaine   U.S. WA Senator(D)Patty Murray   U.S. WA Senator(D)Maria Cantwell   U.S. WV Senator(D)Joe Manchin   U.S. WI Senator(D)Tammy Baldwin
    AZ Senator(R)John McCain  U.S. TX Senator(R)John Cornyn

    (R)=GOP  (D)=Dems  AL   AK   AZ   AR   CA   CO   CT   DE   FL   GA   HI   ID  IL   IN   IA    KS   KY   LA    ME   MD   MA   MI   MN   MS   MO   MT   NE   NV   NH   NM   NC   ND   OH   OK   OR   PA   RI   SC   SD   TN   TX   UT   VT   VA    WV   WI   WY


    US House of RepresentativesAlma Adams(D-NC)12   Pete Aguilar(D-CA)31   Nanette Barragan(D-CA)44   Karen Bass(D-CA)37  Joyce Beatty(D-OH)3   Ami Bera(D-CA)7   Don Beyer(D-VA)8   Sanford Bishop(D-GA)2   Earl Blumenauer(D-OR)3   Lisa Blunt Rochester(D-DE)   Suzanne Bonamici(D-OR)1   Brendan Boyle(D-PA)13   Bob Brady(D-PA)1   Anthony G. Brown(D-MD)4   Julia Brownley(D-CA)26   Cheri Bustos(D-IL)17   G. K. Butterfield(D-NC)1   Mike Capuano(D-MA)7   Salud Carbajal(D-CA)24   André Carson(D-IN)7   Matt Cartwright(D-PA)17   Kathy Castor(D-FL)14   Joaquin Castro(D-TX)20   Judy Chu(D-CA)27   David Cicilline(D-RI)1   Katherine Clark(D-MA)5   Yvette D. Clarke(D-NY)9   Lacy Clay(D-MO)1   Emanuel Cleaver(D-MO)5   Jim Clyburn(D-SC)6   Steve Cohen(D-TN)9   Gerry Connolly(D-VA)11   John Conyers(D-MI)13   Jim Cooper(D-TN)5   Lou Correa(D-CA)46   Jim Costa(D-CA)16   Joe Courtney(D-CT)2   Charlie Crist(D-FL)13   Joseph Crowley(D-NY)14   Henry Cuellar(D-TX)28   Elijah Cummings(D-MD)7   Tony Cárdenas(D-CA)29   Danny K. Davis(D-IL)7   Susan Davis(D-CA)53   Peter DeFazio(D-OR)4   Diana DeGette(D-CO)1   John K. Delaney(D-MD)6   Rosa DeLauro(D-CT)3   Suzan DelBene(D-WA)1   Val Demings(D-FL)10   Mark DeSaulnier(D-CA)11   Ted Deutch(D-FL)22   Debbie Dingell(D-MI)12   Lloyd Doggett(D-TX)35   Michael F. Doyle(D-PA)14   Keith Ellison(D-MN)5   Eliot Engel(D-NY)16   Anna Eshoo(D-CA)18   Adriano Espaillat(D-NY)13   Elizabeth Esty(D-CT)5   Dwight Evans(D-PA)2   Bill Foster(D-IL)11   Lois Frankel(D-FL)21   Marcia Fudge(D-OH)11   Tulsi Gabbard(D-HI)2   Ruben Gallego(D-AZ)7   John Garamendi(D-CA)3   Vicente González(D-TX)15   Josh Gottheimer(D-NJ)5   Al Green(D-TX)9   Gene Green(D-TX)29   Raúl Grijalva(D-AZ)3   Luis Gutiérrez(D-IL)4   Colleen Hanabusa(D-HI)1   Alcee Hastings(D-FL)20   Dennis Heck(D-WA)10   Brian Higgins(D-NY)26   Jim Himes(D-CT)4   Steny Hoyer(D-MD)5   Jared Huffman(D-CA)2   Sheila Jackson Lee(D-TX)18   Pramila Jayapal(D-WA)7   Hakeem Jeffries(D-NY)8   Eddie Bernice Johnson(D-TX)30   Hank Johnson(D-GA)4   Marcy Kaptur(D-OH)9   Bill Keating(D-MA)9   Robin Kelly(D-IL)2   Joseph Kennedy III(D-MA)4   Ro Khanna(D-CA)17   Ruben Kihuen(D-NV)4   Dan Kildee(D-MI)5   Derek Kilmer(D-WA)6   Ron Kind(D-WI)3   Raja Krishnamoorthi(D-IL)8   Ann McLane Kuster(D-NH)2   James Langevin(D-RI)2   Rick Larsen(D-WA)2   John Larson(D-CT)1   Brenda Lawrence(D-MI)14   Al Lawson(D-FL)5   Barbara Lee(D-CA)13   Sander Levin(D-MI)9   John Lewis(D-GA)5   Ted Lieu(D-CA)33   Dan Lipinski(D-IL)3   Dave Loebsack(D-IA)2   Zoe Lofgren(D-CA)19   Alan Lowenthal(D-CA)47   Nita Lowey(D-NY)17   Michelle Lujan Grisham(D-NM)1   Ben Ray Lujan(D-NM)3   Stephen Lynch(D-MA)8   Carolyn Maloney(D-NY)12   Sean Patrick Maloney(D-NY)18   Doris Matsui(D-CA)6   Betty McCollum(D-MN)4   Donald McEachin(D-VA)4   Jim McGovern(D-MA)2   Jerry McNerney(D-CA)   Gregory Meeks(D-NY)5   Grace Meng(D-NY)6   Gwen Moore(D-WI)4   Seth Moulton(D-MA)6   Stephanie Murphy(D-FL)7   Jerrold Nadler(D-NY)10   Grace Napolitano(D-CA)32   Richard Neal(D-MA)1   Rick Nolan(D-MN)8   Donald Norcross(D-NJ)1   Tom O'Halleran(D-AZ)1   Beto O'Rourke(D-TX)16   Frank Pallone(D-NJ)6   Jimmy Panetta(D-CA)20   Bill Pascrell(D-NJ)9   Donald Payne Jr.(D-NJ)10   Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Ed Perlmutter(D-CO)7   Scott Peters(D-CA)52   Collin Peterson(D-MN)7   Chellie Pingree(D-ME)1   Mark Pocan(D-WI)2   Jared Polis(D-CO)2   David Price(D-NC)4   Michael Quigley(D-IL)5   Jamie Raskin(D-MD)8   Kathleen Rice(D-NY)4   Cedric Richmond(D-LA)2   Jacky Rosen(D-NV)3   Lucille Roybal-Allard(D-CA)40   Raul Ruiz(D-CA)36   Dutch Ruppersberger(D-MD)2   Bobby Rush(D-IL)1   Tim Ryan(D-OH)13   John Sarbanes(D-MD)3   Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)9   Adam Schiff(D-CA)28   Brad Schneider(D-IL)10   Kurt Schrader(D-OR)5   Bobby Scott(D-VA)3   David Scott(D-GA)13   José E. Serrano(D-NY)15   Terri Sewell(D-AL)7   Carol Shea-Porter(D-NH)1   Brad Sherman(D-CA)30   Kyrsten Sinema(D-AZ)9   Albio Sires(D-NJ)8   Louise Slaughter(D-NY)25   Adam Smith(D-WA)9   Darren Soto(D-FL)9   Jackie Speier(D-CA)14   Thomas Suozzi(D-NY)3   Eric Swalwell(D-CA)15   Linda Sánchez(D-CA)38   Mark Takano(D-CA)41   Bennie Thompson(D-MS)2   Mike Thompson(D-CA)5   Dina Titus(D-NV)1   Paul Tonko(D-NY)20   Norma Torres(D-CA)35   Niki Tsongas(D-MA)3   Juan Vargas(D-CA)51   Marc Veasey(D-TX)33   Filemon Vela Jr.(D-TX)34   Nydia Velázquez(D-NY)7   Pete Visclosky(D-IN)1   Tim Walz(D-MN)1   Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-FL)23   Maxine Waters(D-CA)43   Bonnie Watson Coleman(D-NJ)12   Peter Welch(D-VT)   Frederica Wilson(D-FL)24   John Yarmuth(D-KY)3
    Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12

    Liberal Activism in U.S. SENATE & US House of Representativesneed to resign   No ifs, ands or butts about it We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) see civilization as fragile and vulnerable. We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a Activism conflict would mean a loss to the Liberal Activism  “enemies of civilization”.

    If  USA GOV.    U.S. SENATE & US House of Representatives wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

    Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice
    it's Time to make the efforts  and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S)

    Then are some Activism GOPGet a Life PEOPLE List of U.S. AZ Senator(R)John McCain



    April 13 2017Operation If not then do something about it ---- who decides who live & die -- who make that judement It not save to live or visit due to active assisted suicide & active euthanashia While  in  Washington DC, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, California,   One county in New Mexico, and  in Montana  - assisted suicide is legal(Jesus-God is taken out of what true value of life is about)U.S. Constitution has no meaning of life in these States these States override(have dominance over the U.S. Constitution)While active euthanasia is illegal throughout the U.S.US Congress (115th) lost their mind in believing this ok in the sight of Jesus-God  principles what life is about their is a Heaven  & Hell You US Congress (115th) need to read the bible to find out  what the true value of life is about comments: is ok to have active assisted suicide & active euthanashia in U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  & U.S. Executive Branch  &  THE U.S. Judicial Branch & SCOTUS: the supreme court of the United States ---- If not then do something about it

      U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus
    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

     10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42)

    1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)      2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)     3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)     4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)        5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)     6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)     7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)     8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)         9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)     10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)


    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
    American citizens calling for an immediate end to sanctuary cities.

    Digital History:
    April 1 2017Is this true or Not If Not or If true, Prove It! that All The U.S. Senators(Activism Democrats) All The U.S. House of Representatives(Activism Democrats)  considering Resignation?  Do to GOP take-over U.S. Congress(115th) & White House


    April 6 2017 Operation windbag: Too often the windbag Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Democrats  Legislators, etc. lose sight of what the US Constitution stand for in protecting We the People. So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism(Nonconservatives) Democrats  Legislators, etc.  annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(115th) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or THE U.S. Judicial Branch   or U.S. Government employee  Each Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators, etc.  can jointed the Islam Contitution of the World,  Islamic Team Concept inorder to get what truth meanings of what life’s is all about  under The Islam Contitution of the World ******* Pass it on . . . . . . .
     Schumer, Charles E. (D – NY) Warren, Elizabeth (D – MA) {as of April 3 2017) U.S. SENATEBaldwin, Tammy (D – WI)   Bennet, Michael F. (D – CO)   Blumenthal, Richard (D – CT)   Booker, Cory A. (D – NJ)   Brown, Sherrod (D – OH)   Cantwell, Maria (D – WA)   Cardin, Benjamin L. (D – MD)   Carper, Thomas R. (D – DE)   Casey, Robert P., Jr. (D – PA)   Coons, Christopher A. (D – DE)   Cortez Masto, Catherine (D – NV)   Donnelly, Joe (D – IN)   Duckworth, Tammy (D – IL)   Durbin, Richard J. (D – IL)   Feinstein, Dianne (D – CA)   Franken, Al (D – MN)   Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D – NY)   Harris, Kamala D. (D – CA)   Hassan, Margaret Wood (D – NH)   Heinrich, Martin (D – NM)   Heitkamp, Heidi (D – ND)   Hirono, Mazie K. (D – HI)   Kaine, Tim (D – VA)   Klobuchar, Amy (D – MN)   Leahy, Patrick J. (D – VT)   Manchin, Joe, III (D – WV)   Markey, Edward J. (D – MA)   McCaskill, Claire (D – MO)   Menendez, Robert (D – NJ)   Merkley, Jeff (D – OR)   Murphy, Christopher (D – CT)   Murray, Patty (D – WA)   Nelson, Bill (D – FL)   Peters, Gary C. (D – MI)   Reed, Jack (D – RI)   Schatz, Brian (D – HI)   Schumer, Charles E. (D – NY)   Shaheen, Jeanne (D – NH)   Stabenow, Debbie (D – MI)   Tester, Jon (D – MT)   Udall, Tom (D – NM)   Van Hollen, Chris (D – MD)   Warner, Mark R. (D – VA)   Warren, Elizabeth (D – MA)   Whitehouse, Sheldon (D – RI)   Wyden, Ron (D - OR)  

    Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12 {as of April 3 2017)US House of Representativesetc.

    So far, however, only three(Nonconservatives) Democrats have come out saying they would support Gorsuch - Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Joe Donnelly of Indiana three Democrats  fighting  Back Against the Activism Democrats The Activism Democrats are completely unhinged Judge Neil Gorsuch is an outstanding Judge -- and it’s time for the windbag Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren to stop preventing Judge Gorsuch from filling the ninth seat on the Supreme Court.


    Digital History:   

    The Sedition Act of 1918
    Digital History ID 3903                                                          


    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation

    April 3 2017 Overview

    {as of April 3 2017)US House of RepresentativesAlma Adams(D-NC)12   Pete Aguilar(D-CA)31   Nanette Barragan(D-CA)44   Karen Bass(D-CA)37  Joyce Beatty(D-OH)3   Ami Bera(D-CA)7   Don Beyer(D-VA)8   Sanford Bishop(D-GA)2   Earl Blumenauer(D-OR)3   Lisa Blunt Rochester(D-DE)   Suzanne Bonamici(D-OR)1   Brendan Boyle(D-PA)13   Bob Brady(D-PA)1   Anthony G. Brown(D-MD)4   Julia Brownley(D-CA)26   Cheri Bustos(D-IL)17   G. K. Butterfield(D-NC)1   Mike Capuano(D-MA)7   Salud Carbajal(D-CA)24   André Carson(D-IN)7   Matt Cartwright(D-PA)17   Kathy Castor(D-FL)14   Joaquin Castro(D-TX)20   Judy Chu(D-CA)27   David Cicilline(D-RI)1   Katherine Clark(D-MA)5   Yvette D. Clarke(D-NY)9   Lacy Clay(D-MO)1   Emanuel Cleaver(D-MO)5   Jim Clyburn(D-SC)6   Steve Cohen(D-TN)9   Gerry Connolly(D-VA)11   John Conyers(D-MI)13   Jim Cooper(D-TN)5   Lou Correa(D-CA)46   Jim Costa(D-CA)16   Joe Courtney(D-CT)2   Charlie Crist(D-FL)13   Joseph Crowley(D-NY)14   Henry Cuellar(D-TX)28   Elijah Cummings(D-MD)7   Tony Cárdenas(D-CA)29   Danny K. Davis(D-IL)7   Susan Davis(D-CA)53   Peter DeFazio(D-OR)4   Diana DeGette(D-CO)1   John K. Delaney(D-MD)6   Rosa DeLauro(D-CT)3   Suzan DelBene(D-WA)1   Val Demings(D-FL)10   Mark DeSaulnier(D-CA)11   Ted Deutch(D-FL)22   Debbie Dingell(D-MI)12   Lloyd Doggett(D-TX)35   Michael F. Doyle(D-PA)14   Keith Ellison(D-MN)5   Eliot Engel(D-NY)16   Anna Eshoo(D-CA)18   Adriano Espaillat(D-NY)13   Elizabeth Esty(D-CT)5   Dwight Evans(D-PA)2   Bill Foster(D-IL)11   Lois Frankel(D-FL)21   Marcia Fudge(D-OH)11   Tulsi Gabbard(D-HI)2   Ruben Gallego(D-AZ)7   John Garamendi(D-CA)3   Vicente González(D-TX)15   Josh Gottheimer(D-NJ)5   Al Green(D-TX)9   Gene Green(D-TX)29   Raúl Grijalva(D-AZ)3   Luis Gutiérrez(D-IL)4   Colleen Hanabusa(D-HI)1   Alcee Hastings(D-FL)20   Dennis Heck(D-WA)10   Brian Higgins(D-NY)26   Jim Himes(D-CT)4   Steny Hoyer(D-MD)5   Jared Huffman(D-CA)2   Sheila Jackson Lee(D-TX)18   Pramila Jayapal(D-WA)7   Hakeem Jeffries(D-NY)8   Eddie Bernice Johnson(D-TX)30   Hank Johnson(D-GA)4   Marcy Kaptur(D-OH)9   Bill Keating(D-MA)9   Robin Kelly(D-IL)2   Joseph Kennedy III(D-MA)4   Ro Khanna(D-CA)17   Ruben Kihuen(D-NV)4   Dan Kildee(D-MI)5   Derek Kilmer(D-WA)6   Ron Kind(D-WI)3   Raja Krishnamoorthi(D-IL)8   Ann McLane Kuster(D-NH)2   James Langevin(D-RI)2   Rick Larsen(D-WA)2   John Larson(D-CT)1   Brenda Lawrence(D-MI)14   Al Lawson(D-FL)5   Barbara Lee(D-CA)13   Sander Levin(D-MI)9   John Lewis(D-GA)5   Ted Lieu(D-CA)33   Dan Lipinski(D-IL)3   Dave Loebsack(D-IA)2   Zoe Lofgren(D-CA)19   Alan Lowenthal(D-CA)47   Nita Lowey(D-NY)17   Michelle Lujan Grisham(D-NM)1   Ben Ray Lujan(D-NM)3   Stephen Lynch(D-MA)8   Carolyn Maloney(D-NY)12   Sean Patrick Maloney(D-NY)18   Doris Matsui(D-CA)6   Betty McCollum(D-MN)4   Donald McEachin(D-VA)4   Jim McGovern(D-MA)2   Jerry McNerney(D-CA)   Gregory Meeks(D-NY)5   Grace Meng(D-NY)6   Gwen Moore(D-WI)4   Seth Moulton(D-MA)6   Stephanie Murphy(D-FL)7   Jerrold Nadler(D-NY)10   Grace Napolitano(D-CA)32   Richard Neal(D-MA)1   Rick Nolan(D-MN)8   Donald Norcross(D-NJ)1   Tom O'Halleran(D-AZ)1   Beto O'Rourke(D-TX)16   Frank Pallone(D-NJ)6   Jimmy Panetta(D-CA)20   Bill Pascrell(D-NJ)9   Donald Payne Jr.(D-NJ)10   Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Ed Perlmutter(D-CO)7   Scott Peters(D-CA)52   Collin Peterson(D-MN)7   Chellie Pingree(D-ME)1   Mark Pocan(D-WI)2   Jared Polis(D-CO)2   David Price(D-NC)4   Michael Quigley(D-IL)5   Jamie Raskin(D-MD)8   Kathleen Rice(D-NY)4   Cedric Richmond(D-LA)2   Jacky Rosen(D-NV)3   Lucille Roybal-Allard(D-CA)40   Raul Ruiz(D-CA)36   Dutch Ruppersberger(D-MD)2   Bobby Rush(D-IL)1   Tim Ryan(D-OH)13   John Sarbanes(D-MD)3   Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)9   Adam Schiff(D-CA)28   Brad Schneider(D-IL)10   Kurt Schrader(D-OR)5   Bobby Scott(D-VA)3   David Scott(D-GA)13   José E. Serrano(D-NY)15   Terri Sewell(D-AL)7   Carol Shea-Porter(D-NH)1   Brad Sherman(D-CA)30   Kyrsten Sinema(D-AZ)9   Albio Sires(D-NJ)8   Louise Slaughter(D-NY)25   Adam Smith(D-WA)9   Darren Soto(D-FL)9   Jackie Speier(D-CA)14   Thomas Suozzi(D-NY)3   Eric Swalwell(D-CA)15   Linda Sánchez(D-CA)38   Mark Takano(D-CA)41   Bennie Thompson(D-MS)2   Mike Thompson(D-CA)5   Dina Titus(D-NV)1   Paul Tonko(D-NY)20   Norma Torres(D-CA)35   Niki Tsongas(D-MA)3   Juan Vargas(D-CA)51   Marc Veasey(D-TX)33   Filemon Vela Jr.(D-TX)34   Nydia Velázquez(D-NY)7   Pete Visclosky(D-IN)1   Tim Walz(D-MN)1   Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-FL)23   Maxine Waters(D-CA)43   Bonnie Watson Coleman(D-NJ)12   Peter Welch(D-VT)   Frederica Wilson(D-FL)24   John Yarmuth(D-KY)3
    Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12
    {as of April 3 2017) U.S. SENATEBaldwin, Tammy (D – WI)   Bennet, Michael F. (D – CO)   Blumenthal, Richard (D – CT)   Booker, Cory A. (D – NJ)   Brown, Sherrod (D – OH)   Cantwell, Maria (D – WA)   Cardin, Benjamin L. (D – MD)   Carper, Thomas R. (D – DE)   Casey, Robert P., Jr. (D – PA)   Coons, Christopher A. (D – DE)   Cortez Masto, Catherine (D – NV)   Donnelly, Joe (D – IN)   Duckworth, Tammy (D – IL)   Durbin, Richard J. (D – IL)   Feinstein, Dianne (D – CA)   Franken, Al (D – MN)   Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D – NY)   Harris, Kamala D. (D – CA)   Hassan, Margaret Wood (D – NH)   Heinrich, Martin (D – NM)   Heitkamp, Heidi (D – ND)   Hirono, Mazie K. (D – HI)   Kaine, Tim (D – VA)   Klobuchar, Amy (D – MN)   Leahy, Patrick J. (D – VT)   Manchin, Joe, III (D – WV)   Markey, Edward J. (D – MA)   McCaskill, Claire (D – MO)   Menendez, Robert (D – NJ)   Merkley, Jeff (D – OR)   Murphy, Christopher (D – CT)   Murray, Patty (D – WA)   Nelson, Bill (D – FL)   Peters, Gary C. (D – MI)   Reed, Jack (D – RI)   Schatz, Brian (D – HI)   Schumer, Charles E. (D – NY)   Shaheen, Jeanne (D – NH)   Stabenow, Debbie (D – MI)   Tester, Jon (D – MT)   Udall, Tom (D – NM)   Van Hollen, Chris (D – MD)   Warner, Mark R. (D – VA)   Warren, Elizabeth (D – MA)   Whitehouse, Sheldon (D – RI)   Wyden, Ron (D - OR)  
    Schumer, Charles E. (D – NY)  Warren, Elizabeth (D – MA)

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
    American citizens calling for an immediate end to Activism sanctuary cities.

    Digital History:

          Islamic Muslim
    United States Constitution(is the supreme law of the United States of America) VsIslam Constitution of the World(is the supreme law of Islam)
    American Citizens Vs. Islamic Muslim Citizens
    American Vs. Islamic Muslim

    March 31 2017 Overview --- What is happen In the World today Sharia Law In America - Sharia Law Advancing in America (Sharia Law - List of Key Rules     The United States of America need to keep this from happening & process activism immigaration coming to U.S. Security the U.S. Borders --- need to take action  by US Congress, POTUS, Justice Department – SCOTUS or All Branches in US
    American citizens calling for an immediate end to Activism sanctuary cities.

    Operation : Islam Heartland of the World was in 1997 Now! 2017
           Islamic Muslim


    The Pledge of Allegiance
    I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
    I am a believer in The American Creed 

    Digital History:   
    The Sedition Act of 1918
    Digital History ID 3903                                                          


    March 26 2017   U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus
    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    or revene your defeats and be a winner through U.S. Constitution POWER Principles -- and the essential element that makes them work  No ifs, ands or butts about it We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) see civilization as fragile and vulnerable. We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a  activism conflict would mean a loss to the Activismenemies of civilization”.

    If FBI Director USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

    Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice
    it's Time to make the efforts  and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S)

    That don't understand (U.S. Constitution committed Eihics Crimes against United States Constitution is the idea that  individual can be should be held criminally responsible for their serious violations of  the Laws & horrific Eithes against We the Pezz. /I+++++ople  THE U.S. Judicial Branch Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats or any caucus or person(s') failure to address a Activism conflict against the U.S. Constitution have reconciled themselves to close your eyes to horrific Eithes violations of  the Laws against Americans (within & throughout the world) --- Thus it always is. When you close your eyes to one evil, you come to accept them all    THE U.S. Judicial Branch Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  or any caucus or person(s')(SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)That don't understand (U.S. Constitution) should be - maybe can be brought to justiceswill  U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats or any caucus or person(s') failure to address a Activism conflict against the U.S. Constitution be brought to Justices  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats or any caucus or person(s')(SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)


    the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

    Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing ----


    March 28 2017Fox News Speaks-out ==  Judge Jeanine: said Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) must step down from his position as Speaker of the HouseBut Why! Judge Jeanine(in my opinion - Freedom Fighter) did’t put the blame  on The House of Representatives GOP50/50 Freedom Caucus–Liberal Activism -Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.) )=(50/50) 50% Republican Party / 50% Activism Democrats Party hard-liner GOP50/50(Freedom Liberal Activism (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) Ideology Clan & Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) his fellow House Freedom Activism Caucus members need to resign from GOP Party{But Why! Judge Jeanine(in my opinion -did’t put the blame )}   Freedom Activism Caucus–Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.)=(50/50)Freedom Activism Caucus-Liberal Killed Obamacare Repeal (maybe the House of Representatives GOP50/50 Freedom Activism Caucus–Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.)=(50/50) cut a deal with   2017 Activism Democrats own ObamaCare  that take full responsibility for Affordable Care Act to "It's a failing systemcus - skyrocketing premiums and deductibles, and fewer choices. But it's squarely in the hands of Activism Democrats. They own this." but later in the future when It's a failing systemcus - skyrocketing premiums and deductibles, and fewer choices. Then the H.R.1628 - American Care Act can take action in the future to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Affordable Care Act  One thing's clear: Voters were not served well in this process. Went the Activism Democrats Party & Freedom Activism Caucus–Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.)=(50/50)  to wait until ObamacareAffordable Care Act to "It's a failing systemcus - skyrocketing premiums and deductibles, and fewer choices. But it's now squarely in the hands of Activism Democrats. They own this."

    NO Commonsense Conservative Team Concept in 2018  Their will be more  - Empty Suit in Public Office in US Congress(115th Congress)(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) that are  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN DEALING WITH THEIR COMMENT  that will be fill by    in all 50 States --- Their will be Empty Suit in Public Office have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning



    March 25 2017on the hill Operation:Republican Partyface a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Republican Party Everything from ZtoA GOP50/50(Freedom Activism Caucus-Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.))=(50/50) hard-liner Activism (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) Ideology Clan The House of Representatives GOP50/50(Freedom Activism Caucus-Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.))=(50/50) Undermines Republican Party Values 50% Republican Party / 50% Activism Democrats Party Twit JackAss  need a mircle to save-face with The Republican PartyList of GOP50/50(Freedom Caucus-Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.))=(50/50)SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD (USCOTUS-H) ELSE   GOP50/50(Freedom Activism Caucus-Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.))=(50/50)SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD IN THE U.S Senate(USCOTUS-S) 7  NO Commonsense Conservative Team Concept in 2018  Their will be more  - Empty Suit in Public Office in US Congress(115th Congress)(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) that are  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN DEALING WITH THEIR COMMENT  that will be fill by    in all 50 States --- Their will be Empty Suit in Public Office have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning


    march 26 2017Operation Do As I Say or Else!: GOP50/50(Freedom Activism Caucus-Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.))=(50/50)50% Republican Party / 50% Activism Democrats Party SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD -Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.) Freedomcare (Freedom Health Care Act) Vs H.R.1628 - American Care Act =(towards making American great again POTUS)Do as I(Freedom Activism Caucus-Liberal-Chairman Mark Meadows(R-N.C.))=(50/50) Say or Else


    the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-Activism DemsMans'© + Liberal-Activism DemsWomans) face a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Everything from ZtoA Twit JackAss Dems need a mircle to save-face with American Citizens 

    March 24 2017 

    This what going to happen to Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Ideology Clan Party to beif no appointment and confirmation to the  Supreme Court of the United States nominee Neil Gorsuch is made plus maybe some GOP

    Baldwin, Tammy (D – WI)   Bennet, Michael F. (D – CO)   Blumenthal, Richard (D – CT)   Booker, Cory A. (D – NJ)   Brown, Sherrod (D – OH)   Cantwell, Maria (D – WA)   Cardin, Benjamin L. (D – MD)   Carper, Thomas R. (D – DE)   Casey, Robert P., Jr. (D – PA)   Coons, Christopher A. (D – DE)   Cortez Masto, Catherine (D – NV)   Donnelly, Joe (D – IN)   Duckworth, Tammy (D – IL)   Durbin, Richard J. (D – IL)   Feinstein, Dianne (D – CA)   Franken, Al (D – MN)   Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D – NY)   Harris, Kamala D. (D – CA)   Hassan, Margaret Wood (D – NH)   Heinrich, Martin (D – NM)   Heitkamp, Heidi (D – ND)   Hirono, Mazie K. (D – HI)   Kaine, Tim (D – VA)   Klobuchar, Amy (D – MN)   Leahy, Patrick J. (D – VT)   Manchin, Joe, III (D – WV)   Markey, Edward J. (D – MA)   McCaskill, Claire (D – MO)   Menendez, Robert (D – NJ)   Merkley, Jeff (D – OR)   Murphy, Christopher (D – CT)   Murray, Patty (D – WA)   Nelson, Bill (D – FL)   Peters, Gary C. (D – MI)   Reed, Jack (D – RI)   Schatz, Brian (D – HI)   Schumer, Charles E. (D – NY)   Shaheen, Jeanne (D – NH)   Stabenow, Debbie (D – MI)   Tester, Jon (D – MT)   Udall, Tom (D – NM)   Van Hollen, Chris (D – MD)   Warner, Mark R. (D – VA)   Warren, Elizabeth (D – MA)   Whitehouse, Sheldon (D – RI)   Wyden, Ron (D - OR) 
    Schumer, Charles E. (D – NY)

    and then dealing with American Healthcare Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Ideology Clan Party to be plus maybe some GOP



    The Pledge of Allegiance

    January 22 2017 UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk   would be like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who don't have common sense cannot break it but  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American Values. Far Left Liberal Activism  Democrat{Liberal- Activism DemsMans'© + Liberal- Activism DemsWomans'© have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning (Liberal thinking) especially with regard to Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) That don't understand (U.S. Constitution) ) (Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy The U.S. Constitution)

     Tri-ominos American Healthcare Medical-Vision-Dental Act

    The Tri-ominos American Team Concept Commonsense Conservative

    March 18 2017USA American USA Party of the U.S been Naughty or Nice in US Congress U.S. Constitutionist Ozar who! in US Congress Ant-CapitalismELSE


    march 18 2017


    march 19 2017 

    March 18 2017   
    the American Citizens need New Blood in Activism US Federal Reserve Board of Governors No ifs, ands or butts about it in 2017

    It could be it should bePOTUS (U.S. Executive Branch need to replace Activism Federal Reserve Board of Governors(are Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Ideology Clan but  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American Values.) no more High Interest APR rates to beWRONGDOING WHO! GETTING BLOOD MONEY PROFIT   BLOOD MONEY PROFIT (IS THIS PART OF The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA) US CONGRESS Activism LOBBYISTS BLOOD MONEY PROFIT with the WRONGDOER or Foreign WRONGDOER suck-ass that include with the Financial Firms BLOOD MONEY PROFIT THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS::: [ BLOOD MONEY PROFIT Activism Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate activism supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] in my opinion court of USA your in trouble with The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ) ::: oops! with the help of U.S. Overseer Ozar & THE US ATTORNEY GENERAL

    American Citizens WILL PAY THE PRICE For diverting the Liberal Activism Rule of Law(Legal Realm)   LIBERAL ACTIVISM - WHO 'NOT CARE' About Ethics(moral Principles)   {{{ Liberal Activism Hypocrites }}}


    March 16  2017COTUS Hacker(anybody) Informer  a Concern Technology  U.S. Constitution Informer Tell It Like It Is that it could be it should not be It Violate Privacy Laws – U.S. ConstitutionThat  it could be 2017  Cyberweapons technology tools cyber vulnerabilities exclusive access recording conversation  in your transport vehicle even if making it appear it was off when in fact it was recording conversations It could caused alarmed in the technology world and among consumers because of the potential privacy implications of the cyber espionage tactics

    Plain Facts= Could be or not:


    March 10  20172017 earmark Strengthening ANY DEMS Compromise Reform Plan

    march 9 2017Operation : Any Corporation that abide in USA Markets that can not be control under USA Legal System Is force Out of USA Markets that abide inside USA Markets & Foreign Corporations Own Land in USA


    March 11 2017 My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter  --- 

    Then --- their Boss is a Devil activity that destroy human life that disagree with their religion terrorism. is a part of it in today world  so that mean

    Islam is a religion of terrorism. By definition, terrorism is the “unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for ideological or political reasons.”


    March 08 20172017 Operation American Health Care Reform: Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be revize in 2017  called  Tri-ominos American Healthcare Medical-Vision-Dental Act setup by Tri-ominos American Team Concept Commonsense Conservative in the US Congess(115th Congress) (USCOTUS) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) U.S. SENATE (USCOTUS-S) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH )  & U.S. House of Representatives (USCOTUS-H) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) &  White House POTUS (U.S. Executive Branch) how it will be setup by the Tri-ominos American Team Concept Commonsense Conservative It could be it should be in order to  have Tri-ominos American Healthcare Medical-Vision-Dental Act

    the Tri-ominos American Team Concept Commonsense Conservative



    march 9 2017Operation : Any Corporation that abide in USA Markets that can not be control under USA Legal System Is force Out of USA Markets that abide inside USA Markets & Foreign Corporations Own Land in USA


    Obstructionism justice in US Congress(115th Congress)

    March 6 2017Why! Are the Far Left Liberal Democrats Ideology Clan Party & some Republicans trying to get away with obstructing the will of the AMERICAN PEOPLE because Democrat(s) Bullies are being American Politicians Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class will pay the price for diverting American Citizens to the liberal rule of law(legal realm)  liberal - who 'not care' about ethics(moral principles) {{{ liberal hypocrites }}} proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American Values.

    Operation Obstructionism justice in US Congress(115th Congress): The Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader(a)hard-liner extremists(Liberal-DemsMans'©+ Liberal-DemsWomans©) Charles Schumer(D-NY) & Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA) Democrats & some Republicans SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD need to stop now! obstructing the approval of POTUS cabinet(full cabinet in place) It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price the Far Left Liberal Democrats Ideology Clan can't handle it when We the People tell then the truth! It SIN against THE U.S. CONSTITUTION No president’s cabinet in history has faced the same obstructionism Democrats were elected to the U.S. Congress to work for American Citizens across the country that it’s time to stop obstructing POTUS cabinet and to get to work in order to fully implement POTUS agenda to Make America Great Again ! in 2018  Their will be more Democrats(s) Bullies - Empty Suit in Public Office in US Congress(115th Congress)(U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) that are  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN DEALING WITH THEIR COMMENT  that will be fill by    in all 50 States Democrats(s) Bullies --- Their will be Empty Suit in Public Office


    March 10  20172017 earmark Strengthening ANY DEMS Compromise Reform Plan a to who Operation: it won't work The DEMS  Compromise Reform Plan (in my opinion) is a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] DEMS are  a lane duck

    To Start With - Dealing With 2017 ANY DEMS Compromise Reform Plan Any improper earmarks attached to any DEMS Compromise Reform Plan that don't pertain to the Bill is Criminal Embezzlemen USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA (Degree of Punishment --- Umbrella against wrongdoer) will be disbar, lose their US Congress Health Care, fine & plus serve on the The USA Chain(tether) Gang & etc. & ++++++ Let's Time to clean House in US Congress any other earmarks attached to any other Bills, etc. will be Prosecute -> Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

    on the hill Operation: We The People speak (not fair to American citizens) 2017 GOV. Put on Notice -> It time for change? US Congess(115th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]


    Plain Facts= Could be or not:

    March 5 2017Operation Plain Facts= Could be or not Past, Future & Present History: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it Russia Fake News --- Facts that are misleading- marvelous discovery(Obvious clues that unleashed all kinds of unrighteous indignation) -- Russia didn’t want Donald J. Trump to be the Next 45th President of US Russia couldn’t control Oil Market & etc. the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©) was the answer to all Russia New World Order Problems  Two-way Street for Russia & the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists to be in Control Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leaders was Carpetbagger Lobbyists for Russia in order for  the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party  to be the Next Far Left Liberal Democrat 45th President takeover in 2017 It was the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party Wake up to their Worst Nightmare in November election 2016   meltdown - tears and a box of  tissues   Not to be outdone Obama-Hillary-G. Soros- Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists leadership in U.S. Congress  will not face the truth they just lost the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists were not done get The irony of the Russia & Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists Plot to Destory Republican Party It  was the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists who talk to Russia behind Close door   The Ten Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists U.S. Senators  plus the U.S. House of Representatives in next election will lose their seats in U.S. Congress in 2018 to Republican Party or A Political Party to be Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists Undermines American Citizens Values went Donald J. Trump won to be Next 45th President of U.S. in 2017
    Digital History:  
    The Sedition Act of 1918
    Digital History ID 3903                                                            


    March 3 2017Plain Facts= Could be or not:  DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show
    Scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate DNA evidence, undermining the credibility of what has been considered the gold standard of proof in criminal cases.


    February 26 2017New Set of Gov't Rule for US IRS in 2017

    The White House (Former President Obama) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (President Obama) IRS are in Rich Class

    Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Who! in US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class


    The Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics

    February 24 2017It's Your Choice 2017 Operation: The U.S. Constitution  Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics need help to be brought to Justice by any means that go against Human rights in the United States  their activity in destroying property &  hurting American Citizens (human being) that could end up being killed Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics has to be brought to Justice by any means to be put down
    The Federal Gov. & the Governor is the commander-in-chief of the units of his or her respective state or territory (such as Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands) (When National Guard units are not under Federal control, the Governor is the commander-in-chief of the units)
    The Federal Gov. & the Governor will has to decide to take  the U.S. Army and Air National Guard  Military Action against Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics will have to surrenderer to the U.S. Army and Air National Guard (or to U.S. Military Army and Air National Guard Underground Virtuosity Hurter) or or be shot & killed (act of Terrorist activity) who! Behind Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics to be brought to  Justice that committed Treason against American Citizens The U.S. Constitution The Three Branches need to take action Federal Government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government.

    Any illegal immigration that are part of Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics can be Just the Tip of the iceberg any wrongdoer that want to commit harm against American Citizens will be killed under the Act of War against USA & anybody involved will be killed under Act of War to protected American Citizens under Human Rights Violations ! Think twice before you(Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics ) are part of  Violent Military-Style Protester or Protesters Tactics taken action against American Citizens


    February 24 2017Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates (no more than ) terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms  

    How! IRS going to TAX  BANK & etc. on Interest Rates APR being collected each month also will have to pay Federal Tax  each month on Interest  Rates APR being collected then the American Citizens  will be paid  back 50% on the  IRS TAX return on Interest Rate APR being collected each month what the BANK & etc. paid to IRS   more the IRS collect from  BANK & etc. greater the IRS returnamount Of  $$$$ each month being collected each month will be on record -- NO IRS Tax return for the  BANK & etc.  being paid from Federal Gov. IRS


    February 21 2017Bottom Line  Far Right @hard-liner extremist activist  U.S. Sentor John McCain(R-AZ)   - support policies which are different from GOP Party not a Team player has a disarray history of conflict in trying to make fundamental changes in U.S. Gov. for Foreign etc. in different Country Don't do it it will only cause more problems down the road it will go against the U.S. constitution  Far Right @hard-liner extremist activist  U.S. Sentor John McCain have problems with commonsense intelligence reasoning comments: Before you judge someone else, you should judge yourself No matter what you do, you can't seem to solve the problem on your ownYou try to make it brief and to the point and laid it all outYou're  having problems with your  co-workers.

    then their is There are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing ---

    February 15 2017
    the Far Left Liberal Propaganda Media - Fake News Rap Sheet

    the Far Left Liberal Media Democrats leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans)

    February 15 2017Who! behind the leak: Did the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans)Mr.Obama Administration(White House Staffers) or within Administration Leak Classified converstions should be in prisonall the Mr. Obama Administration(White House Staffers) or within Administration Now! serving the POTUS need to be fired ! or in 2017 Was it leak outside the Gov after Mr. Obama Administration(White House Staffers) left office  Former President Obama & Ben Rhodes(White House Staffer) need  to take a Lie detector test -- a polygraph the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader U.S. Mark Warner(D-VA) Need to back off -- Why!


    February 12 20172017 UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk  Open a Can of American Whoop Ass
    to make America First  One Step Ahead(USA) 
    security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
    Speak softly and carry a big stick
     === A single fact can ruin a good argument ===


    Open a Can of American Whoop Ass
    with (in my opinion) in sight of the American Citizens

    February 07 2017It's Time to Open a Can of American Whoop Ass on U.S. Congress(LAME DUCK) We the People giving you U.S. Congress  last change to Reconsider Or We the People Gonna a Can of American Whoop-Ass on you U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch      (((U.S. Legal Act –--Bill of Rights Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution   dealing with American politicians U.S. Rule of Law)))   that immigrants has more power than U.S. Congress   By not processing immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life(and family members) by not processing  being killed by a refugee committing a terrorist act immigrants are not being process --- not at all under U.S. Constitution

    I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise
    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::
    Bad Moon Rising
    Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
       followup against the Constitution of the United States 




      Culpable Homicide against the Constitution of the United States 

    February 12 2017Does the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans)have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoningapprove of Culpable Homicide in United States of Americathe States that has Culpable Homicide& of  U.S. Congress approve of Culpable Homicide & of  THE U.S. Judicial Branch that approve of Culpable Homicide

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist --- Creature of Habit --- dealing with People US Gov't (All Three Branches that has Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be but should Maintain The Fruit of the Spirit 2017      PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    If Iam [USA Mitch.-- Strategist] like Someone else, who will be like Me?

    February 09 2017[[Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW KLAN(Heart of Stone){SATAN} maybe be in control of The WORLD]]will keep it from happen!

    Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea with Help of

    ===2011 update 2017===US Limitator======USA Virtuosity Hunter=======US Limitator===2011===

    Hunter======= US Limitator === USA Virtuosity(a great technical skill) Hunter Operation: US Military Underground Virtuosity Hunter Top Secret Missions get rid of Tailban & Al-Qaeda & any wrongdoer that want to commit harm against American Citizens US Military Underground Virtuosity Hunter will be using all High Tech Knowledge to destory the wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea US Military {destroy etc...from Air & Sea before leaving if rebuild destroy again from the air & any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... against Human Rights}

    Just the Tip of the iceberg

    any wrongdoer that want to commit harm against American Citizens will be killed under the Act of War against USA & anybody involved will be killed under Act of War to protected American Citizens under Human Rights Violations !

    US Military Within U.S. Border that take U.S. Military action are the U.S. Army and Air National Guard then their U.S. Military Army and Air National Guard Underground Virtuosity Hurter When National Guard units are not under Federal control, the Governor is the commander-in-chief of the units of his or her respective state or territory (such as Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands)

    February 6  2017Operation: The death Zone 
     By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life
    Just The Tip of Iceberg U.S. Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© U.S. Federal Judge Richard R Clifton Liberal-DemsMans'©(9th Circuit Court Panel),   U.S. Federal Judge William Canby Liberal-DemsMans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel) U.S. Federal Judge Michelle T. Friedland Liberal-DemsWomans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel) have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in - all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment 
          processing immigrants

    Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© Loud and Clear sees court system as means to help foreign people - not american citizens no right under The United States Constitution is the supreme law  (Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© was quietly assisting refugees and speaking out against injustice from his bench in Seattle) entering the USA without being aproved first Judge Liberal-DemsMans'© breaks precedent, orders to give free assets to foreign immigration people to enter USA (that put the American Citizens at riskThe Death Zone – not a myth) Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© decided there was more harm letting the ban continue than there was blocking it until the full case could be heard .& Mark Brandt Dayton have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning Agree with Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'©  Far Left Liberal-DemsMans'©@hard-liner extremist Mark Brandt Dayton  - Governor of Minnesota - is an American politician left-wing American political party in Minnesota  merge the party with the state's Democratic Party & Jay Robert Inslee have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning Agree with Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'©  Far Left Liberal-DemsMans'©@hard-liner extremist  Jay Robert Inslee -Governor of Washington - an American politician, menber of the Democratic Party
    In granting a temporary restraining order, the Judge Liberal-DemsMans'© essentially had  decide that the plaintiffs (the states of Washington and Minnesota): would let the states of Washington and Minnesota take in barring people from seven countries from entering the United States to the states of Washington and Minnesota that people in those states could suffer irreparable harm if the ban continuedthat blocking the President's order was in the public interest of  the states of Washington and Minnesota

     U.S. Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© U.S. Federal Judge Richard R Clifton Liberal-DemsMans'©(9th Circuit Court Panel),   U.S. Federal Judge William Canby Liberal-DemsMans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel) U.S. Federal Judge Michelle T. Friedland Liberal-DemsWomans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel)  Did you hear that Loud and Clear--President Theodore Roosevelt, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States   President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States The bill would prohibit the entry of  the “entire Mohammedan world.”

    That group included every faithful believing Muslim   THE U.S. Judicial Branch     Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© have a problem in forming his dues that against the U.S. Constitution of other  U.S. Judicial Branch     U.S. Federal Judges  ________  U.S. Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© U.S. Federal Judge Richard R Clifton Liberal-DemsMans'©(9th Circuit Court Panel),   U.S. Federal Judge William Canby Liberal-DemsMans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel),U.S. Federal Judge Michelle T. Friedland Liberal-DemsWomans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel)have a problem in forming his dues that against the U.S. Constitution The White House-President Donald Trumpwill take action in 2017 U.S. Constitutionist Ozar  Open a Can of American Whoop Ass   U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

    February 2  2017By not processing illegal immigrants from USA will do more harm than good dealing with your life
    the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

                                  processing immigrants from USA
    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA 2017 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an HTD** test & an DNA test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card/Chip-And-Pin(for location of where-a-bouts) with an finger print & with a picture ID & signature Plus Also an immigrantion number on a special ID paper with an finger print & with a picture ID & signature that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts (m)inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions

    for some legal immigrant etc..  until immigrant etc..can prove To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7) [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts The USA Chain(tether) Gang is back-- ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver -- G.P.S. tracker until To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 that believe in the U.S. Constitution ) [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America]

    Extreme vetting immigrants
         It could be it will be in order to be a American Citizens

    Extreme vetting immigrats  for some legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be until immigrant etc..can prove To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7 that believe in the U.S. Constitution ) [Time is everything in forming our future in USA & the World, God Bless America] to take a Lie detector test -- a polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector, measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while the subject is asked and answers a series of questions.or "Truth serum" is a colloquial name for any of a range of psychoactive drugs used in an effort to obtain information from subjects who are unable or unwilling to provide it otherwise


    the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans)have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoningmore profoundly alliance – consistent with his values & agendas – Embraces G. Soros(an atheist) is his passionate messianic zeal – Leader of Dems Party Agenda – political power – social justice

    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

    0CTOBER 12 2015 Operation: Syria Christian State (SCS)-- Putin (Russia) will make this happen to save all christian from being kill will the help of the country Israel

    Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea with Help of 

    ===2011 update 2017===US Limitator======USA Virtuosity Hunter=======US Limitator===2011===

    Hunter======= US Limitator === USA Virtuosity(a great technical skill) Hunter Operation: US Military Underground Virtuosity Hunter Top Secret Missions get rid of Tailban & Al-Qaeda & any wrongdoer that want to commit harm against American Citizens US Military Underground Virtuosity Hunter will be using all High Tech Knowledge to destory the wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea US Military {destroy etc...from Air & Sea before leaving if rebuild destroy again from the air & any other country that don't abide by the rules etc... against Human Rights}

    Just the Tip of the iceberg

    any wrongdoer that want to commit harm against American Citizens will be killed under the Act of War against USA & anybody involved will be killed under Act of War to protected American Citizens under Human Rights Violations !

    February 12  2017 USA: Face the truth Torture There really is nothing separating us from our enemies if we start accepting torture as acceptable. And the world is in a very dark place if so-called civilized nations start to try to rationalize and condone its use. Torture is evil and wrong and that is an end to it. How can you take the moral high ground against countries like Iran, Syria, North Korea and then advocate the abuse of human rights yourself.

    FAR_Human Rights-WING (Countries or Groups or Individuals against Human Rights --- way or else ---- Far_Human Rights-Wing Entremists

    It could be it will be in order Stop Torture By the === US Limitator======USA Virtuosity Hunter=======US Limitator against Human Rights --- any wrongdoer that want to commit harm against American Citizens  will be killed under the Act of War against USA & anybody involved will be killed under Act of War to protected American Citizens under Human Rights Violations !

    2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall to be

    January 28 2017who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should beFar Left Liberal Fascism Activism Democrate  US-Mexico Border Wall that existence  ---be remove-- went the 2017 New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall being build then will keep American Citiznes safe went each section of the New US-Mexico High Tech Border Wall being replace then Far Left Liberal Fascism Activism Democrate  US-Mexico Border Wall that existence ---will be remove first

     Far Left Liberal Fascism Activism Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution.

    UAU We the People  Super Talk who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control  no more  It could be it should be immediately



    January 21 20172017Why! the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans)Charles Schumer(D-NY)(extra comment: for Charles Schumer(D-NY) about high interest rate - no more than  ) & Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)(extra comment: for Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA) about high interest rate - no more than  ) & Democrats associates speak out against the Far Left Liberal Democrats hard-liner extremists Protester(violent)If not then the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader(Promoter of) That don't understand U.S. Constitution - peaceful potest if not peaceful protests will not be a members of  the Democrats Party

    Nancy Pelosi(D-CA) Super Racial Far Left Liberal-DemsWomans'© @hard-liner extremist have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning & Charles Schumer(D-NY) Super Racial Far Left Liberal-DemsMans'©@hard-liner extremist have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning more profoundly alliance – consistent with his values & agendas – Embraces G. Soros(an atheist:: Prove It ::) is his passionate messianic zeal – Leader of Dems Party Agenda – political power – social justice – obstruction for  protest(violent) – by using his charitable foundations – funder of Leftwing causes & groups – prime mover behind the Democratic Far Left Liberal Democrats Party – is one of the politically powerful individuals on earth –Think tanks that promote leftist policies: that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty: 

    Just The Tip of Iceberg Far Left Liberal-DemsMans'©@hard-liner extremist  2017 put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts = "a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation." then Now! it is senseless to stay in Iraq without a location for USA Mlilitary Bases in a section of Iraq --- Went the War in Iraq is over with --- called USA Iraq

    February 9 2017the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans) face a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Everything from ZtoA Twit JackAss Dems need a mircle to save-face with American Citizens 

    February 9  2017Super Racial Far Left Liberal Democrats@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD hard-liner extremists) Who in Senate or are kissing & Bowing to Foreign Big Business  Don't be like William J. Clinton Foundation is in where the $$$$ coming & going   Democrat Bullies --- that are
    September 29 2013 The CIA & FBI & ETC. not doing their job in not knowing
    U.S. Constitutionist Ozar --- :::::::::
    New Set of Gov't Rule for our Leaders U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  & U.S. Executive Branch  &  THE U.S. Judicial Branch  

    On all  nonprofit organization - a charity, religious organization, professional association , etc.

    Let's  find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    Detective work. You(our U.S. Leaders) may need to do some detective work in order to unearth the information you need to find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    TIP: if you(American Citizens) need to find information on a nonprofit organization - a charity, religious organization, professional association , etc. -- you are legally permitted to examine a copy of that organization's tax return (form 990). Contact the IRS: Freedom of Information Reading Room, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of the Treasury, P.O. Box 388, Ben Franklin Station, Washington! DC 20044; 202-662-5164

    January 21 20172017 Now! in U.S. House of Representatives (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Their approx. 61 Super Racial Far Left Liberal Democrats@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD hard-liner extremists)That don't understand (U.S. Constitution)So that Means how many more are their: Super Racial Far Left Liberal Democrats@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )  List of Rep. Nancy Pelosi(D-CA), Rep. Steny Hoyer(D-MD), Rep. James Clyburn(D-SC), Rep. Joseph Crowley(D-NY), Rep. James Clyburn(D-SC), Rep. John Lewis(D-GA) have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning Super Racial Far Left Liberal Democrats@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )  List of:

    Nancy Pelosi(D-CA) Super Racial Far Left Liberal-DemsWomans'© @hard-liner extremist have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning (Super Racial Liberal thinking) Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution -(could be hold accountable for her actions under the U.S. Constitution & her asociates behind-the-scenes accountability == not above the Law: such as the battles of Liberal thinking accountability + will not Take immediate action anything against the U.S. Constitution Just The Tip of Iceberg put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in - all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment 

    January 21 20172017 Now! In  U.S. SENATE (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCHTheir approx.4 Super Racial Far Left Liberal Democrats@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )    (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD hard-liner extremists)That don't understand (U.S. Constitution) List of: Charles Schumer(D-NY), Richard Durbin(D_IL), Dianne Feinstein(D-Calif.), Elizabeth Warren(D-MA)  have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning So that Means how many more are their: Super Racial Far Left Liberal Democrats@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )  List of:

    Charles Schumer(D-NY) Super Racial Far Left Liberal-DemsMans'©@hard-liner extremist have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning (Super Liberal thinking) Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution -(could be hold accountable for his actions under the U.S. Constitution & his asociates behind-the-scenes accountability == not above the Law: such as the battles of Liberal thinking accountability + will not Take immediate action anything against the U.S. Constitution Just The Tip of Iceberg put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in - all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment 

    What State Of Mind Is
    The US Congressional Leadership
    with the American Citizens

    Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
    Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
    Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving
    Is that  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)

    US Recall All Democrat(s) For being American Politicians Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class In the Coming Days Their will be Democrat(s) Bullies Empty Suit in Public Offices in US Congess(115th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD that will be fill by And in all 50 States Democrat(s) Bullies ---Their will be Empty Suit in Public Office

    EXCLUSIVE empty SuitLIST (in my opinion) to be OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN DEALING WITH THEIR(+) COMMENTSwho what why when where how

    of   U.S. Judicial Branch     U.S. Federal Judges  ________  U.S. Federal Judge James Robart Liberal-DemsMans'© U.S. Federal Judge Richard R Clifton Liberal-DemsMans'©(9th Circuit Court Panel),   U.S. Federal Judge William Canby Liberal-DemsMans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel),U.S. Federal Judge Michelle T. Friedland Liberal-DemsWomans'© (9th Circuit Court Panel)
    of US Congess(115th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) ______

    January 20 20172017 Revize the Medicare Fee Schedule – first 100 days (this will increase more income for American senior citizens & decrease Medicare $$$ being paid out)
    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be  Part of Healthcare 2017 Revize the Medicare Fee Schedule – first 100 days  (this will increase more income for American senior citizens & decrease Medicare $$$ being paid out)

    The costs of Medicare plans are strongly regulated by the federal government. Revize the Medicare Fee Schedule – Our commissions are paid by the insurance carriers(your private insurers(s)) first no less than 80% of their fee schedule amountso there is no additional cost to youour medicare consumer Medicare will pay 100% of the fee schedule  amount left of the schedule amount. You will not be responsible for paying 20% the insurance carriers paid it first Let’s say in this example that the Medicare fee schedule amount is $100, you will have to pay $0 the insurance carriers first, no less than 80% of their fee schedule amount than Medicare will pay 100% of the fee schedule  amount left of the schedule amount. no deductible status – your deductible is what you must pay for most health services before Medicare begins to pay, but Now in 2017 their be no deductible amount and no  deductible status with your insurance carriers(your private insurers(s) your deductible is what you must pay for most health services with your insurance carriers(your private insurers(s) plus no Physician or hospital or like can charge a deductible amount that been paid by insurance carriers(your private insurers(s) – no less than 80% and Medicate paid  100% of the fee schedule  amount left of the schedule amount so that means no deductible will be paid - American senior citizens will be free from healthcare debt with the help from the U.S. Executive Branch control in 2017

    January 15 2017 Now!   Far Left Liberal Democrats  ( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )    (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) are ---- flp-floppingThat don't understand (U.S. Constitution committed Eihics Crimes against United States Constitution is the idea that  individual can be should be held criminally responsible for their serious violations of  the Laws & horrific Eithes against We the People Just the Tip of the iceberg     Far Left Liberal Democrats  undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values Now! Not Tomorrow --- Far Left Liberal Democrats  put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in - all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment 

    July 15 2015 OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice

    December 22 2016  [Former President Obama] December 22 2016 opposes or support is in question---- Pro- ant-American(USA) in Far Left Liberal Democrat{Liberal-DemsMans'©have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning (Liberal thinking) Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution -(could be hold accountable for his actions under the U.S. Constitution & his asociates behind-the-scenes accountability == not above the Law: such as the battles of Watergate accountability += The United States Congress: Take immediate action anything against the U.S. Constitution =+ now! not tomorrow)- Enough Posturing on Do & Don't on Immigration It Time to take action & inforce the Laws(immigation laws) & Save America from being Destory ----  President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States
    The bill would prohibit the entry of  the “entire Mohammedan world.”
    That group included every faithful believing Muslim FBI, CIA, IRS, NSA & THE U.S. Judicial Branch have a problem in forming their dues that against the U.S. ConstitutionThe White House-President Donald Trumpwill take action in 2017

      - in the hope of eternal life, Jesus(christ)-God(father) - who canot lie -, Jesus-God our SaviorGrace & Peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior

    === A single fact can ruin a good argument ===

    There are seven things which the Jesus-God hates, which are an

    abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.  ->  then Jesus-God hates: A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing --- =list of DID U KNOW::: If not Prove It ::: The Bible wrong until then the bible is true == Read & Hear the bible ---- cell phone & computer  if not true - speak out what statement is wrong(not true) : I Don't think So - their is a Heaven & Hell the answer to Human being problems to be save from Hell-(is a place of torment and punishment in an afterlife) If not Prove It ::: The Bible wrong until then the bible is true -

    Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America
    America First
    security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
    Speak softly and carry a big stick



    ::: UAU Party Infrastructure taking action :::
    the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

    USA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2017creating employment & security
    I am a believer in The American Creed

    I have not yet begun to fight
    I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
    I Shall know but one country ... I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American.

    USA Mitch

    I am an American
    What every Citizens should know

    I am a believer in The American Creed

    November 27 2016  In 2017 who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be America First  One Step Ahead Smarts(USA)  U.S.Gov will explains Smarts(USA)  Rule 1-10 how to be USA America Smarts(USA) in the coming Years as

    1- Money Smarts(USA) management: Techniques in Better control your money – pay off Debt – financial Goals_American Citizens set financial goals

    2- Office Smarts(USA):  the best ways to seek employment opportunities & American Citizens Perk caution that aren't taxable

    3- Tax Smarts(USA) Strategies: The 2017 who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control will have IRS explain how to pay less in taxes to increase Middle class income --The end of the year is the perfect time to get all of your tax strategy ducks in a row.  IRS explain how to avoid  American Citizens being put on IRS High-priority targets hit list. In order to keep  IRS U.S. Executive Branch to take way American Citizens property & assets in the form of money or chattels. It could be any item of economic value owned by an individual or corporation, especially that which could be converted to cash. Examples are cash, securities, accounts receivable, inventory, office equipment, real estate, a car, and other property.

    Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America will pay their fair share income tax

    4- Kids & college Smarts(USA) Strategies: for future -  presents – future goals = choosing the right college – government grants & scholarships = college-aid dollars toward low-income families

    5- Medical Smarts(USA) Solutions:   Self-defense tactics = aggressive surgeons unnecessary + Bypass surgery can be increased consumption of vitamins  - avoid rapid weight-loss  programs    American Citizens collecting more on their company Health Policy

    6- Estate Planning Smarts(USA):  IRS joint ownership Traps to avoid  –  Smarts(USA)  will provision – Smarts(USA)  ways in dealing with Trusts & Gift  in favor of American Citizens –  Unnecessary Life Insurance –- Cut estate taxes

    7- Consumer Smarts(USA):  The 2017 Executive Branch America First - will explain one-two-three 3 Strikes, You're Out not with Consumer Smarts(USA)  One Step Ahead = dealing with  –- Bargains for Seniors – quality & Safety test for quality of Products being purchased –  when you don't get what American Citizens paid for  – When your warranty expires & hiring a lawyer for a court case8- Travel Smarts(USA) Tips:  Flying on commuter Airlines & be reimburse the price of an airline ticket price drop after American Citizens buy it but before  American Citizens use it  –- avoid Hotel Hassles – luggage protection

    9- Gambling Smarts(USA) Secrets: Know the odds before – whenever American Citizens double his or her bankroll, pocket the original cash - in order to convert his or her original buy-in to cash – now American Citizens playing with house money – in that sense, the player no longer have anything to lose

    10- Security Smarts(USA) Tips: America First

    November 11 2016  President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States
    The bill would prohibit the entry of  the “entire Mohammedan world.”
    That group included every faithful believing Muslim Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution


    november 11 2016  UAW659 retired worker comments: UAW Internation Union -Spoken for UAW Liberal Democrats Union- UAW President Dennis Williams -- Far Left Liberal Democrat{Liberal-DemsMans'©have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning (Liberal thinking) especially with regard to Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) That don't understand (U.S. Constitution) that Far Left Liberal Democrats   is anti-Union - anti-the Second Amendment - don't have a right as a law-abiding citizen to own a firearmDemocrats Party  {{Who are the Twit JackAss Dems Far Left Liberal Democrats U.S. Supreme Court Justice Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy The U.S. Constitution by changing it to their way of Liberal thinking  –- That don't understand what the U.S. Constitution is all about  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American Values. (Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy The U.S. Constitution)

    ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

     November 11 2016 Liberal Media -----(Far left Liberal) Carpetbagger Lobbyist{Liberal Media Board of Directs=BOD   info Whos' they are ARE MSNBC NEWS - CNN NEWS -  - ABC NEWS -&- ETC. NEWS   Democrat political party opposite of commonsense conservative Far left Liberal Democrat Liberal Media -----(Far left Liberal) political party  PLOT TO DESTROY THE US CONSTITUTION ---- it is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders has strongly warned --- so that means Liberal Media bureaucracy ((don't have common sense)) wants to give up their freedom(liberty)  -- republic crumbles ---

     ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    2016-17 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (non hard-core law breakers -maybe- the  GOP will take a strong stance) Issues: Non hard-core law breakers need to be taught a lesson & need to pay their debt to USA Govt. (the American Citizens) -{( Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens )} now not tomorrow to serve their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(from one day or etc... ) until the non hard-core law breakers time is up (No-Body Goes Free) (drink & drive or etc... you(+) will pay the Price by serving their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution )


    November 11 2016  Far Left Liberal Democrats  ( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )    (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)That don't understand (U.S. Constitution committed Eihics Crimes against United States Constitution is the idea that  individual can be should be held criminally responsible for their serious violations of  the Laws & horrific Eithes against We the People THE U.S. Judicial Branch Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution have reconciled themselves to close your eyes to horrific Eithes violations of  the Laws against Americans (within & throughout the world) --- Thus it always is. When you close your eyes to one evil, you come to accept them all    THE U.S. Judicial Branch Far Left Liberal Democrats (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)That don't understand (U.S. Constitution) should be - maybe can be brought to justiceswill  U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution be brought to Justices  Far Left Liberal Democrats (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)

    November 11 2016 2016 USA Hardball Issues: the American Citizens need New Blood in US Congress & The White House etc.. No ifs, ands or butts about it in 2017

        (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) can't do it then(Past) --- can't do it (future) (flip-flopping) dealing with Life Matter (Ideology -- Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) What part of  U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics Is Far Left Liberal Democrats  anti-against ) Especially In THE U.S. Judicial Branch Far Left Liberal Democrats  will appoint  Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) That don't understand (U.S. Constitution)  Far Left Liberal Democrats can't do it then(Past) --- can't do it (future) OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN Cheer up! The worst is not to come but will change in 2017  [In the legal system etc..]




    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk 


    Sept 22 2016 We the People (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs. Black Life Matter(Ideology)(Anti- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) Vs. Skunk Spray -Just The Tip of Iceberg (Uses Against Violent Protesters)  is the answer to find out who! Violent Protesters(American Citizen) are (You can run but you can not hide --Skunk Spray will find you -Violent Protesters) then We the People will help(Police) find the suspect(Violent Protesters)  No ifs, ands or butts about it
    We are not done yet.
    Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. [In the legal system etc..]

    Paintskunksprayball Gun


    November 11 2016Will Far Left LiberalDemocratsdoasisay :: That Violent Protesters are OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN will use the Skunk Spray -Just The Tip of Iceberg (Uses Against Violent Protesters)  is the answer to find out who! Violent Protesters(American Citizen) are or will not do for We the People (ALL) Life Matter(Pro- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics) to find out who! Violent Protesters(American Citizen) are No ifs, ands or butts about it We the People will help(Police) find the suspect(Violent Protesters)

    dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future


    { The State of New USA Order }

    The 1, 2, 3's of New USA Order (We the People) NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

      2009 New USA Order Covert Operation::

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk 

      THEN WOULD STOP!  illegal immigration (can be or could be Terriots) -- in New York, N.Y. Out of control are U.N. bring in illegal immigration U.N. (United Nations HQ) will be force out of New York, N.Y. in 2017 TO Private Islands ---- Islands for Sale WORDWIDE----? immediately ) in USA is not racial profiling illegal immigration Out of control in some States in USA

    Sept 26 2016 Operation intrusion:  face a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Everything from ZtoA  

    The intrusion of Wahhabism into America is a threat to our security and to our way of life – It(Wahhabism){Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud stated) will be the religious through out the world special USA  –-- US Congress failed to pursue a coherent political strategy aimed at delegitimizing the ideology of Islamic terrorism in American & 100% alliance to Israel to keep this from happen & abroad & quit training  muslim military - enemy of America Citizens & ?

    Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud has spent an unbelievable $878B to promote Wahthabi in the U.S. that seek to replace our Constitution with the Quran  –- the intrusion of Wahhabism into America is a threat to our security and to our way of life –- and it is becoming increasingly clear that the reason for this failure is Washington unwillingness to risk a rupture with Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (Is not are alliance to our way of life &
    ?other countries that are not alliance to our way of life & special some countires in  U.N. Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (muslin islamic state and its the law requires that all citizens be Muslims and its human right record is poor (Religion in Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (non­ Muslim religious material such as Bibles is illegal, in late 2014 a law was promulgated calling for the death penalty for anyone  bringing in the country any other non­Muslim religious beliefs other than Islam with the Wahhabi religious establishment in 1932

    Each Wahhabi=The House of Saud Temple(mosques)  are the US based Headquarters (HQ) denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an organization Wahhabi=The House of Saud are coordinated. In the United States, – Wahhabi=The House of Saud worldwide influence "Satanic faith" -"a source of global terrorism (" From a free encyclopedia")
    Wahhabi=The House of Saud worldwide influence are in the 50 States of the United States of America   (the U.S. States with the most mosques were New York (257), California (246) and Texas (166))

    Sept 20 2016 Islam proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American Values. Then, as , there are two options. first was to pretend there was no conflict ---(especially  with President Obama & Far Left Liberal Democrats -- second was to avert it with a ban & deport -- even after immigrants(after the fact deport) become a American Citizenship TAKE AWAY - IMMEDIATELY their  American Citizenshipwas dishonest that was fundamentally in conflict with American values & culture  (U.S. Constitution) but immigrants was  Sole Loyalty to Islamic Ideology  [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] ----- Muslim Islamic Ideology
    Yet our Leaders U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  & U.S. Executive Branch  &  THE U.S. Judicial Branch  have reconciled themselves to the Islamic mass murder of Americans (within & throughout the world) --- Thus it always is. When you close your eyes to one evil, you come to accept them all.

    November 11 2016 Who are lying scumbag In US Congress, who are not for We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) for another cause then for We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution)

    November 11 2016 President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States
    The bill would prohibit the entry of  the “entire Mohammedan world.”
    That group included every faithful believing Muslim Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution.


    Far Left LiberalDemocratsdoasisay :: ---- Far Left Liberal Operation to be: It will be -- the internet -- to pass the oversight of the agency to a global governance model -- in overseeing the governance of the internet would spell the end of the era of free speech on the internet --- will eventuaslly end up in  the hands of those Muslim Brotherhood (Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law in Muslim area)   Far Left LiberalDemocratsdoasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN The Far Left LiberalDemocrats has more control then U.S. Congress that can't stop it  Democratsdoasisay ---  U.S.  Congress can't stop it It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Far Left Liberal Democrats Action AND  US Congress for not taking action against the internet control (Who are lying scumbag)Far Left Liberal Democrats SUPPORT - to pass the oversight of the agency to a global governance model that will end up in the control


    Sept 7 2016Dealing from Past-Present-Future  within U.S. Executive Branch .President Obama U.S. Executive Branch stand was right not to Say Operation : Raical Islamic Terroism or Raical Islam

    Muslim Ideology Clan Across the World to be Ideology Clan to be in Present-Future to come!

    Muslim Islamic Ideology Clan -Raical Islam- Raical Islamic Terroism - dealing from Past-Present-Future

    Islamic Ideology Clan [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] ----- Muslim Islamic Ideology Clan -- Muslin ISIS islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam clan, including Quran -- Muslin ISIS islamic state == hates consider themselves to be legitimate—and  the only true—practitioners of the faith --  Muslin ISIS islamic state == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers Muslin ISIS islamic states "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith et

    ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic
    There’s No Difference Between ISIS and ISIL(

    Muslim Islamic Ideology Clan trying to be as drug cartel that batches of heroin were  hitting the USA streets lace with potent drugs like synthetic fentanyl or carentanil, an elephant tranquilizer 100 times more powerful than heroin

    to start with  (Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution )
    first High Tech technology border security awhile the border wall being build -- Land, Sea & air High Tech technology -- all illegal alien that enter USA will sent to Guantanamo Bay that be process outside USA Borders

    August 28 2016 President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States
    The bill would prohibit the entry of  the “entire Mohammedan world.”
    That group included every faithful believing Muslim Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution.


    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk 

    November 11 2016Next Federal Reserve Board(suck-ass with Wall Street & etc. Money in the Bank) in 2017 will be explain - How the interest APR rates(no more - will be no more than dealing with all loan etc. Across-the-Board Cuts - Credit Card interest Rates willn't be so high) will be define(setup) for American Citizens for the future  President Donald Trump Commonsense Conservative will setup low (no more than  interest rates (this will increase low income hourly wage) Foreign investors USA high interest rates will be cut(no more than  (less Money in the Bank for Far Left Liberal Democrats {Gov't Power (recruitment-influential)} is over(stop)LyingCrookedFar Left Liberal Democrats


    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk 

    November 11 2016 2017 credit score firms --Big Three-- will be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution -- The Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub.L. 93–579, 88 Stat. 1896, enacted December 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a), a United States federal law, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that No agency shall disclose any record which is contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person, or to another agency 

     the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA
    to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution


    2016 In Making a Bad Sitution GOOD
    August 28 2016To revene your defeats and be a winner through POWER Principles -- and the essential element that makes them work  No ifs, ands or butts about it We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) see civilization as fragile and vulnerable. We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a conflict would mean a loss to the “enemies of civilization”.

    Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)That don't understand (U.S. Constitution)  Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk 


    August 28 2016 2017 USA Hardball Issues: the American Citizens need New Blood in US Congress & The White House etc.. No ifs, ands or butts about it in 2017



    August 27 2016 There is no such thing as a self-made Man(+) or Women(+) American Citizen. You(+) American Citizen will reach your(+) goals only with the help of others(+) American Citizens.

    "Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
    A Country without Borders is Not a Country [CWW]

    August 28 2016  President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States
    The bill would prohibit the entry of  the “entire Mohammedan world.”
    That group included every faithful believing Muslim Far Left Liberal Democrats failure to address a conflict against the U.S. Constitution.

    November 11 2016 2017 USA illegal immigrant Reform with the help of
    --- Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status :   will solve the issue --- setup by We the People (U.S. Constitution)Commonsense Conservative now! 2017  that can prove that been in US 18 Years or over setup by We the People (U.S. Constitution) in US ???? Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years

    August 27 2016 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) setup by ???????????????????)Commonsense Conservative -> Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status : that guest immigrant involved any illegal immigrant that can prove that been in US 18 Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant - can't prove their statistics in USA need to be deported BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION for USA Guest immigrant status: FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: about illegal immigrant can be Amteerican Citizens in USA (processing illegal immigrants from USA)


    August 27 2016 "Face the Truth of Where Things Stand" Enough Posturing on Do & Don't on Immigration It Time to take action & inforce the Laws(immigation laws) & Save America from being Destory from illegal & legal UN (United Nations) Immigation & Foreign Legal & illegal Open Borders Immigation that cost Billions of $$$$$) & Foreign Diseases infections spread entering US from Legal & illegal Immigations

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God



    August 27 2016WRONGDOING WHO! GETTING BLOOD MONEY PROFIT   BLOOD MONEY PROFIT (IS THIS PART OF The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA) US CONGRESS LOBBYISTS BLOOD MONEY PROFIT with the WRONGDOER or Foreign WRONGDOER suck-ass that include with the Financial Firms BLOOD MONEY PROFIT THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS::: [ BLOOD MONEY PROFIT Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] in my opinion court of USA your in trouble with The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ) ::: oops! with the help of U.S. Overseer Ozar & THE US ATTORNEY GENERAL


    August 16 2016 Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)That don't understand (U.S. Constitution)  Far Left Liberal Democrats can't do it then(Past) --- can't do it (future) OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN  Far Left Liberal Democrats 2016 Far Left Liberal Above the Law of the Land  need to be brought to justice I THINK SO! A SO CALL AGAINST American Citizens (THE US CONSTITUTION) IN USA SO IT TROUBLING find out where the $$$$ coming & going Who's on the take in U.S. Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  & U.S. Executive Branch  &  THE U.S. Judicial Branch  of USA Gov't has no soul need to be brought to justice committed SIN against THE U.S. CONSTITUTION  (Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution )

    WILL PAY THE PRICE For diverting the Liberal Rule of Law(Legal Realm)   LIBERAL - WHO 'NOT CARE' About Ethics(moral Principles)   {{{ Liberal Hypocrites }}}

    The USA Chain(tether) Gang is back-- ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver -- G.P.S. tracker

    ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    2016-17 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (non hard-core law breakers -maybe- the  GOP will take a strong stance) Issues: Non hard-core law breakers need to be taught a lesson & need to pay their debt to USA Govt. (the American Citizens) -{( Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens )} now not tomorrow to serve their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(from one day or etc... ) until the non hard-core law breakers time is up (No-Body Goes Free) (drink & drive or etc... you(+) will pay the Price by serving their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang(Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution )




    the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes

    Far Left Liberal Democratsamericanconstition   Far Left Liberal Democratsdoasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Far Left Liberal Democrats Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid  Just The Tip of Iceberg TO find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    Far Left Liberal Democrats know better --- dealing with Iran deal Far Left Liberal Democrats radical plan Far Left Liberal Democrats know better

    giving them Aid and Comfort  Any US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH that include U.S. Executive Branch & THE U.S. Judicial Branch (giving them Aid and Comfort    USA PATRIOT Act-- the penalty for treason is Dealth How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)

    July 18 2015 Far Left Liberal Democrats don't know the history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act



    November 11  2016 Commonsense Conservative–-- & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) will stop giving illegal alien state driver license & then first High Tech technology border security awhile the border wall being build -- Land, Sea & air High Tech technology -- all illegal alien that enter USA will sent to Guantanamo Bay that be process outside USA Borders

    Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

    next Federal Reserve Board(suck-ass with Wall Street & etc. Money in the Bank) in 1917 will be explain - How the interest APR rates(no more 10% APR rate dealing with all loan etc. Across-the-Board Cuts - Credit Card interest Rates willn't be so high) will be define(setup) for American Citizens for the future  Commonsense Conservative will setup low APR 7.5% interest rates (this will increase low income hourly wage) Foreign investors USA high interest rates will be cut (Money in the Bank for Far Left Liberal Democrats {Gov't Power (recruitment-influential)} is over(stop)Far Left Liberal Democrats

    "Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus-God"
    "Turn Your Eye On Jesus-God"
    "What A Friend We Have in Jesus-God"

    Life is Great - on day to daily basic with the protection of Jesus Jesus is your(s) answer going to Heaven ---- if not Hell is just around the corner, but Jesus ( Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) has Rule in order to inter Heaven,

     Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all men; and those who repent and believe in Him are born again of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God.(Titus 3:4–7)

    Jesus ( Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) Rule in order to inter Heaven, Plain & Simple to understand
    Some People are in trouble in order to inter Heaven, SO THAT MEANS Hell is just around the corner

    The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent(Hebrews 10:37), and will be personal, visible, and premillennial.(Luke 21:27), This is the believer's blessed hope and is a vital truth which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service.(Titus 2:11–14)

    Principle & Ethics
    UAU Movement with Jesus-God Bless America
    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus
    For the People
    by the People
    with the People

    March 27 2016 Far Left Liberal Democrats-cause to persuade Legislators to support ?  Affairs With Who!

    then Far Left Liberal Democrats -Gov't Power(recruitment-influential)Money in the Bank affairs With Who! (Lobbyist & etc.) is American blind what going on! then Dems(Far left Liberal) big business-cause   Not new to Far Left Liberal Democrats (will carry on Obama Legacy - can Far Left Liberal Democrats (Gov't Power) be trusted with our life - in my opinion) Not Safe for American Citizens

    April 13 2016Operation Money in the Bank: Far Left Liberal Democrats {Gov't Power (recruitment-influential)} 2016


    USA Wake Up Call
    March 22 20162016 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2016 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be

    & THEN & THEN & THEN

    March 22 2016Brussels, Belgium Safe Heaven for Terrors Not new to President Obama & Hillary Clinton(Far left Liberal) Presidential Candidate(will carry on Obama Legacy - can Hillary be trusted with our life - in my opinion) Not Safe for American Citizens - The White House Top Secert keep from American Citizens  One of things the Government is trying to keep secrets from American Citizens from you!

     March 22 2016 what about illegal immigration (can be or could be Terriots) -- in New York, N.Y. Out of control are U.N. bring in illegal immigration U.N. (Uniated Nations HQ) will be force out of New York, N.Y. in 2016 immediately ) in USA is not racial profiling Out of control in some States in USA


    March 4 2016Far Left Liberal Democrats 2016 Far Left Liberal Above the Law of the Land(Big Business Law doesn't affect us at all) {THE US CONSTITUTION - Law of the Land}   DO AS I SAY(Obey My Instruction)WILL PAY THE PRICE For diverting the Liberal Rule of Law(Legal Realm)   LIBERAL - WHO 'NOT CARE' About Ethics(moral Principles)   {{{ Liberal Hypocrites }}}


      February 28 2016 Far Left Liberal Democrats ---- Liberal Media Carpetbagger Lobbyist  ARE MSNBC NEWS - CNN NEWS -  - ABC NEWS -&- ETC. NEWS   Democrat political party opposite of commonsense conservative Far left Liberal Democrat political party  PLOT TO DESTROY THE US CONSTITUTION ---- it is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders has strongly warned --- so that means Liberal Media bureaucracy ((don't have common sense)) wants to give up their freedom(liberty)  -- republic crumbles ---


    March 2 2016  U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus
     10 daily duties of Gospel Christians  (Acts 5:42)

    1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)

    2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)

    3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)

    4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)

    5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)

    6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)

    7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)

    8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)

    9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)

    10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)

    Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America

    Trinity-God Bless America

    John Wayne Swing Out, Sweet Land
    Published on Jan 17, 2013  John Wayne Tribute to America

    The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) # 13

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest # 14

    The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace # 15


    UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it


    (UAU) USA American USA Party
    2015 In Making a Bad Sitution GOOD
    To revene your defeats and be a winner through POWER Principles
    -- and the essential element that makes them work

    November 11 2016 The President  ::: who! do  have respect for Human Being  has principles & sense of well-being with American Citizens values --  The President  -- has American Citizens values --That is President Donald Trump

      It was Excellent choice   in making USA great again –--

    the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes


      UAU Party


    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    Just The Tip of Iceberg ----- Turn the Knob ---- I told you to turn the knob ---- I will open the Door -- the GMC Pandora box is open
    Flint Engine

    Taking the employer to court to
    have them punished in some way,
    or to discusses out of court
     settlement (in my opinion) for their

    (2nd home page)

    Flint Engine
    Main Home Page

    A web-site dealing with the
    employer in the workplace.
    (in my opinion + facts)

    Go Mitch
    Factory Man

    Speaking out against wrong doing (in my opinion) from the risks and effects of accidental injury, death, or disease resulting from their employment, etc...

    OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice

         2017 Hardball Issues:
    brownfield site is not complete Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001  GMC CHEVROLET VAN SLYKE COMPLEX( EPA ) a brownfield site regarding a potential future is not tobe until the site is clean up & Plus will take place with Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001 a brownfield site--- 2016 GENERAL MORTOR CORPORATION BOD pandora box is open -- the GMC Pandora box {One Plant(plus+2) & etc.}is open to be Prosecuted as of now 2017 GMC BOD & associaties  unless = but it would be quicker to settle out of Court{MY UAW benefit Representative give me a figure amount to settle out of Court dealing with Personal injury(December 1983) & abute_etc._time later by GMC afterward by intentionly Physical harms then brag about it_J. Gray(voice recording & written gnevances } than COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS(do to your NEGLIGENCE MESS UP JRM BODY PART FOR LIFE)-  ----  legal action -- it will be to late to stop the process (with help of U.S. Federal & State Judicial Branch)  dealing with  Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001  brownfield site === Legal action be taken with help of Harry J. Pearce  Millitary Judge USA (witness - GMC-BOD -Vice Chairman, GMC - all Harry records dealing with GMC) maybe Harry J. Pearce  Millitary Judge USA will have to take fifth amendment(then be disbarred from Law Practice) more Update what will happen to Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001  GMC CHEVROLET VAN SLYKE COMPLEX( EPA ) a brownfield site


    dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

     2009 New USA Order Covert Operation::

    The Gull

    Thoughts (Factoryman)


    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation

      March 6 2016GMC-BODby March 21 2016
     has 0 Day Left NOW! Legal action be taken with help of Harry J. Pearce  Millitary Judge USA (witness - GMC-BOD - all Harry records dealing with GMC) Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001    THEN
    Pacel Number # 40-26-400-001 --- 2016 GENERAL MORTOR CORPORATION BOD pandora box is open -- the GMC Pandora box {One Plant(plus+2) & etc.}is open to be Prosecuted as of now 2016 GMC BOD & associaties

     MAIL IT TO  USA Mitch out of court settlement -(in my opinion comment - GMC-BOD-it will not happen =So be It= - GMC-BOD-wants USA Mitch  ETC. to proof evident to proof it inorder to take legal action =So be It= US Congress will change your mind ) so life community service &  Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. ConstitutionMalpractice Blackmail (Flint v8 Engine Plant Hospital)) & Assault with intent to commit manslaughter (Flint V8 Personnel DIRECTOR) which USA Mitch can prove without doubt ETC. proof evident Malpractice(Flint v8 Engine Plant Hospital) other ETC. proof evident (Why! did GMC-BOD - EPA closed down GMC Plant's, but One Plant(plus+2) is not complete in being closed(2016) - If not then EPA & associaties will be Prosecuted)
    P.O. Box 7773
    Flint, Michigan 48507

    January 23 2016Who contaminated the Flint River from the Past in Flint Water Crisis by Who!   From the Past -- Terrible decisions were  by EPA's Region 5 Susan Hedman, Administrator === The White House (President Obama) OSHA[EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson -- Present Obama's cabinet member in charge of enviromental protection]

    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s'PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    Click here to enlarge picturer 

    Thoughts (Factoryman)


    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation


    January 23 2016Who contaminated the Flint River from the Past in Flint Water Crisis by Who!   From the Past -- Terrible decisions were  by EPA's Region 5 Susan Hedman, Administrator === The White House (President Obama) OSHA[EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson -- Present Obama's cabinet member in charge of enviromental protection]

    January 23 2016 Now! Your in USA Mitch.-backyard NITTY-GRITTY HARD FACTS  --- DO & DON'T  OPERATION: Believability etmindc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice   ===== Justice does Works



    (You can run but you can not hide)We are not done yet. Cheer up! The worst is yet to come.
    Board of Directors(?) & Committees(+)

    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

     January 23 2016  'The Rainmaker' opps! the corporation that refuses to pay valid claim(s) (in my opinion) so Pay the Price in realm of US Supreme Court [first - if the corporation don't pay valid claim(S)] than in the realm of USA Mitch 'The Rainmaker'

     January 23 2016 Let's Open Up A Hold New Can
      Of Worms
      January 23 2016 AFTERMATH
    <> Operation: AND = aftermath(March 1 2016) life  community service

      ( EPA )

    Click picture to enlarge

    IF IF IF IF 

    January 23 20162016 GENERAL MORTOR CORPORATION BOD pandora box is open Just The Tip of Iceberg ----- Turn the Knob ---- I told you to turn the knob ---- I will open the Door -- the GMC Pandora box is open to be Prosecuted as of now 2016 GMC BOD & associaties USA Mitch - Pro se legal representative Prosecuter Vs. GMC & Associates(?) or out of court settlement Malpractice Blackmail (Flint v8 Engine Plant Hospital)) & Assault with intent to commit manslaughter (Flint V8 Personnel DIRECTOR) which USA Mitch can prove without doubt ETC. proof evident Malpractice(Flint v8 Engine Plant Hospital) other ETC. proof evident
    by March 1 2016 if not life community service &  Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution (ask - ((hjp)++++ (gmc_harry pearce =? all $$$$$ Bonus paid back)-> gmc_harry pearce had my - gmc employee Personnel files inorder to inforce Harry Pearce -- elements of action plan -> freedom of information -coming soon -against wrong doing (in my opinion) from the risks and effects of accidental injury, death(September 29 2013 -- Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution), or disease resulting from their employment, etc...     in my opinion will need a good arbitrator

    aftermath - USA Mitch will not go away until the disputes are settle - more facts list - dating from 19?? to-now etc... -TIME IS EVERYTHING USA Mitch - Pro se legal representative Prosecuter or (Federal & States Prosecutor (U.S. Department of Justice) Proposal:  Will Be ?( $$$$$ or ? all $$$$$ Bonus paid back) dollars paid back, include  part time (no less than five years) or life  community service -- inmate or at home with a tracking device etc... the federal would use each state Sheriff's Department to proform community service program - who have convicted only of a non-violent offense - inmate are monitored at all times by an armed Officer, and routinely complete work in many different areas.a tracking device etc... that include also Federal or State (U.S. Department of Justice) in wrong doing specially dealing with EPA's Region 5, Administrator === The White House (President Obama) OSHA[EPA Administrator -- Present Obama's cabinet member in charge of enviromental protection]  who runing this show dealing with GMC CHEVROLET VAN SLYKE COMPLEX surrounding area

    Off The Wall
    Comments 101

    The (Federal & State) Judges are not doing their job (jailtime) (Some Corp. hand-fed politicians)

    "The Face the Facts of Where Things Stand"

    "The Signs of Where Things Stand"

    Face the Signs of the Past-Present-&-Future


    Face the gull --- to gull someone into working with & or being expose to chemical etc... without knowing first etc... about it: if it is safe(AFTERMATH) Pay back thru Labor Laws [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc...] {Workplace Safety Health & Safety Do It Fix It Instead of Thinking About It}


    Operation ::: Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] has no soul

    May 30 2014    GMC BOD Dynasty  Is  Now! Your in USA Mitch.-backyard NITTY-GRITTY HARD FACTS  --- DO & DON'T  OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice

    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s'PERK UP   Let the Sunshine


    2014     PERK UP      2014


    Operation went it time_poem   ::: Standing on Rainbow Bridge Remember me with love, not tears


    "Remember me with love, not tears, and think of all of our happy years employed by GMC BOD.  I know GMC BOD did their best for me, but God above was calling me. The tears with time, will go away, but the love we shared will always stay. Now the Lord has set me free, that is how I want you to remember me...That gentle breeze that made the wind chimes sing? That was me, I was there with help of GMC BOD. Until we're back together, never more to be apart. Remember me with love, I left my paw print on GMC BOD heart. Wherever GMC BOD are going and whatever GMC BOD may do,  Just look down right beside you, I will be there next to you. One day in the future just over the ridge, I'll be waiting for you, who will enter heaven or hell standing on Rainbow Bridge. Remember and Believe. I will love you forever."

    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine
    DID U KNOW::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.



    Operation: AND

    in my opinion
    Criminal charges should be brought against employers if they harm employees, even if the employee has died or is disabled. If a business is closed or sold it should make no difference, they should still be held accountable if employees are harmed.
    (You can run but you can not hide)

    |(2011) Corporation Criminal Conspiracy Greed intent to void Health & Safety code issues in the workplace & that also effects the environmental outside the workplace that after the facts commit intent body harm (death in the end then the Penalthy is death Penalthy for BOD & Associates which in part the environmental grouind well water is toxic to drink (also death in the end) near the workplace) that Intent murder after the facts thought from the beginning with malice negligence, either express or implied {Corporation(s') motto:: no meaning of Life, went dealing with Heallth & Safety & Money $$$$ Greed The employer

    Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA :::

    A Christian beliefs & practices are not secrete daily duties of Christians -- Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3) Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23) Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46) Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47) Win souls (Acts 2:47; 16:5) Preach Jesus (Acts 5:42) Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11) Discuss Scriptures (Acts 19:9) Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28) Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)       Let the Sunshine

    If Iam [USA Mitch.-- Strategist] like Someone else, who will be like Me?


    Operation: AND

    in my opinion
    Criminal charges should be brought against employers if they harm employees, even if the employee has died or is disabled. If a business is closed or sold it should make no difference, they should still be held accountable if employees are harmed.
    (You can run but you can not hide)


    z    PERK UP   

     I, USA Mitch, is like a cable;  I, USA Mitchan American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it & the Corporation will make thing right!  to explain their Criminal NEGLIGENCE

    December 15 2013 Let's Open Up A Hold New Can Of Worms


    December 15 2013 OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice  PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s'PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

      U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus & make thing right!



    Off The Wall Comments 101 --- USA Mitch Tools & Rules for Management
    (dedicated to the Corporation's( now,near future & future *in my opinion* )
    > on Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution for employers in all 50 States in USA dealing with the employers in the workforce or workplace with the death of employee or American Citizens -or- slow death of etc... to the employee or American Citizens from the negligence of employer BOD or etc... employer decision not to fix the problems or etc... from the Past-Present-&-Future specially Health & Safety cover-up


    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"
    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    A single fact can ruin a good argument


    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    to Flint Engine & USA American USA Party

    . Flint Engine

     Z-A Information Events   dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future that need to be address
    CONTENTS LIST  Z-A Information Events
    Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A


    Speaking out against wrong doing (in my opinion) from the risks and effects of accidental injury, death, or disease resulting from their employment.

     Taking the employer to court to have them punished in some way, or to discuss out of court settlement(in my opinion) for their actions.

     Z-A Information Events  dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

    2013 ZTBI -- Top Secret Missions To Start with



    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

     'The Rainmaker' opps! the corporation that refuses to pay valid claim(s) (in my opinion) so Pay the Price in realm of US Supreme Court [first - if the corporation don't pay valid claim(S)] than in the realm of USA Mitch 'The Rainmaker'


    Bankruptcy Criminal Conspiracy Intent


     ZTBI Internal Affairs

    in order to void prosecution & responsibility to illegal negligence (wrongdoing) dealing from the Past, Present & Future

    If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]
    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s'PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution    Justice for Justice - no age statute the criminal act need to account for their crime the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public    Explain how & how the three appeals will be setup within two years the death row appeals process will not be far too complex and expensive is to be efficiently and effectively carried out before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public   Their will be no reasons to forestall perpetrators execution of the sentence imposed after two years (three appeals will be setup within two years)  that include all Past convict -- perpetrators instead life in prison will have three appeals within two years before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public 

    The US Supreme Court Justices is in support for Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution I do think US Supreme Court Justices  & Associates want to live a right old age >> So that Means Let stay alive (that effects every American Citizens in USALife for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution punishment Death penlty punishment
    Immediately following the execution of Bundy, Chief Justice william h. rehnquist called for changes in the procedure for appealing death sentences. Noting that the Supreme Court had turned down three emergency appeals by Bundy in the hours just prior to his execution, the chief justice said, "Surely it would be a bold person to say that this system could not be improved."

    the Supreme Court has moved to limit the number of appeals a death row inmate may file, arguing that endless appeals serve only to undermine the ability of the state to carry out its constitutionally sanctioned punishment


    The Fifth Amendment seems to supply a clearer basis for assuming the constitutionality of the death statute penalty. This amendment states that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." From this language, one can conclude that with Due Process of Law, death statute penalty punishment may be imposed.  >>> the language of the Fifth Amendment to support the argument that the death penalty was constitutional. Evolving Standards of life for life death statute penalty punishment

    Genesis 9:6 King James Version (KJV)    6 Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
    Numbers 35:30  King James Version (KJV)    30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.
    Numbers 35:31  King James Version (KJV)   31 Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.



    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine

    The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) # 13

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest # 14

    The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace # 15



      2014 Just The Tip of Iceberg FOR Vs.  Corporation Vs. 2014

    If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly] U.S. Overseer Ozar U.S. Criminalist Ozar U.S. Legalist Ozar U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar U.S. OSHOzar U.S. Opinionist Ozar U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar
    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine





    If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]

    ((((( So inorder to explain  Crimial NEGLIGENCE Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice))))

      Click picture to enlarge

    JUST LIKE THAT, YOU'RE IN Free of wrongdoing dealing from the Past, Present & Future-


    dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future







    JUST LIKE THAT, YOU'RE IN Free of wrongdoing dealing from the Past, Present & Future

    PRO-$$$$$$ more important than Humain Life Heavy Regulation on Those Corporations(Corporation commits Corporation Manslaughter ++++ in the U.S., where a employee commits a crime within the sphere of his employment and with the intention of benefittig the corporation, his criminality can be imputed to the company -------

    ... .........
    The Best Advice ---- [Truth - Justice] ::: Its Truth: Be careful the toes you step on today [] maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow



    ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]



    This is Pete focus on being a environmental toxicoloty test marmot for (ZTBI)

    Now! General Motors Flint Powertrain Operations ------ Flint Engine Operations from Flint Engine V8 Plant
    PRO-$$$$$$ more important than Humain Life Heavy Regulation on Those Corporations(Corporation commits Corporation Manslaughter ++++ in the U.S., where a employee commits a crime within the sphere of his employment and with the intention of benefittig the corporation, his criminality can be imputed to the company -------



    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

     'The Rainmaker' opps! the corporation that refuses to pay valid claim(s) (in my opinion) so Pay the Price in realm of US Supreme Court [first - if the corporation don't pay valid claim(S)] than in the realm of USA Mitch 'The Rainmaker'


    Bankruptcy Criminal Conspiracy Intent


     ZTBI Internal Affairs

    in order to void prosecution & responsibility to illegal negligence (wrongdoing) dealing from the Past, Present & Future

    Added to THEThe Fruit of the Spirit    PERK UP   Let the Sunshine 

    OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice


    ((((( So inorder to explain Crimial NEGLIGENCE Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice))))


    PRO-$$$$$$ more important than Humain Life Heavy Regulation on Those Corporations(Corporation commits Corporation Manslaughter ++++ in the U.S., where a employee commits a crime within the sphere of his employment and with the intention of benefittig the corporation, his criminality can be imputed to the company -------

    Board of Directors & Committees = include GMC Legal Staff & associates +Harry J. Pearce, lets subpornas all his & GMC records -in my opinion- with help of United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert E Gerber for the Southern District of New York & FBI (General Motors Corporation) GMC Vs.

    USA Mitch& JUST LIKE THAT, YOU'RE IN Free of wrongdoing dealing from the Past, Present & Future

    You(+) setup your(+) own self by filing a "petition" for Bankruptcy (Free at Last!) by your(+) Legal Staff by which this is what I wanted () Justice will prevail ---- Unsecured Creditor -- Bankruptcy open book info --- 2012 this is just the tip of the iceberg - Harry! your involved (What will happen next Harry! still not Free at Last!)

    don't follow protocall(plus) in filing for Bankruptcy which General Motors Corporation is in Detroit, Michigan, not NewYork United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert E Gerber for the Southern District of New York === comments :: don't follow protocall is in Question? Bankruptcy Criminal Conspiracy Intent

    ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    Flint Engine

    ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


    The Earth Is The LORD'S, And Everything In It.

    Factory Man (2nd home page)


    ............. ....


    after exposure to Toxic Chemicals...

    "Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"


    Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future dealing with ? in ? -Out IN The OpenIssues

    If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]

    The American are the BackBone OF USA



    Flint Engine



    U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

    U.S. Overseer Ozar

    U.S. Constitutionist Ozar
    U.S. Criminalist Ozar
    U.S. Economist Ozar
    U.S. Legalist Ozar
    U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar U.S. OSHOzar
    U.S. Opinionist Ozar
    U.S. Prophet Ozar
    U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar

    It's a Good Thing to Join a Union
    It's a good thing to do.
    Cause it will help you(+)
    Good by to unfair wages, Farewell long hours, too!
    That the Union makes us strong.
    We can break their haughty power; gain our freedom when we learn
    It's time to take a stand.
    There's a job that's got to be done
    and a fight that's got to be won.
    As long as you(+) permit the few
    To guide your destiny.
    There is no middle ground
    This fight is not in vain.
    Good luck to all of you(+)
    And we'll all be free
    When the workers have organized.
    The boss will be in for a big surprise







    Face the gull --- to gull someone into working with & or being expose to chemical etc... without knowing first etc... about it: if it is safe(AFTERMATH) Pay back thru Labor Laws [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc...] {Workplace Safety Health & Safety Do It Fix It Instead of Thinking About It} # ^


    Greed Greed ZTBI Internal Affairs

    USA Mitch Principle & Ethics Crackdown -- Is it a criminal crime if a a corporation CEO falsify records -As of NOW Dirty Little Secret - Face the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] has no soul [[[but each BOD or individual('s) in command do have a soul & each stockholders & each Human Being that support their action or due nothing in USA Gov. ( + )]]]

    Bankruptcy Criminal Conspiracy Intent

    {{{{{ ZTBI Internal Affairs }}}}



    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"


    see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise..
    Bad Moon Rising
    Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!


     (2011) Corporation Criminal Conspiracy Greed intent to void Health & Safety code issues in the workplace & that also effects the environmental outside the workplace that after the facts commit intent body harm (death in the end then the Penalthy is death Penalthy for BOD & Associates which in part the environmental grouind well water is toxic to drink (also death in the end) near the workplace) that Intent murder after the facts thought from the beginning with malice negligence, either express or implied {Corporation(s') motto:: no meaning of Life, went dealing with Heallth & Safety & Money $$$$ Greed






    The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) # 13

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest # 14

    The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace # 15

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist --- Creature of Habit --- dealing with People(s') in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches that has Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be but should Maintain The Fruit of the Spirit # 16

    Setting the Agenda

    WAIT & SEE {Corporation(s') motto:: no meaning of Life, went dealing with Heallth & Safety & Money $$$$ Greed @ 1

    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

    (((Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] give-up their legal right went they did wrong))

    Corporation(s') motto:: no meaning of Life, went dealing with Heallth & Safety & Money $$$$ Greed

    [[[but each BOD or individual('s) in command do have a soul & each stockholders & each Human Being that support their action or due nothing in USA Gov. ( + )]]]

    The The Real Truth Hurts -facts list

    (February 2 2011) Why disputes (BOD+USA Gov't-partaker now) should be settled before going to court.+++Federal Grand Juries--United States Attorneys +++ also [[in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]]
    January 19 2011 before February


    Operation ::: Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] has no soul

    [[[but each BOD or individual('s) in command do have a soul & each stockholders & each Human Being that support their action or due nothing in USA Gov. ( + )]]] is in deep trouble with [We the People(American Citizens) & Jesus-GOD That are BEING --- an wrongdoer (((Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] give-up their legal right went they did wrong)) do have a soul or has no soul ^^



    Main Home Page Flint Engine (in my opinion) The employer & then the employee & then The employer video of toxic dump plus etc??? & then the enforcers & then USA Mitch lawers 2011 You (+) don't have to agree with me(+), but it would be quicker to settle out of Court than pay 8 Billions dollars plus etc??? (in my opinion) Click here this is Team Concept Click here

     & then jailtime(no less than five years) ......,,,......


     2011 You (+) don't have to agree with me(+), but it would be quicker to settle out of Court than pay 8 Billions dollars plus etc... (in my opinion) Click here this is Team Concept Click here

    Jesus-God Bless America USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA

    Then comes JESUS-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics


    Pete - need help!!

    This is Pete - need help! focus on being a environmental toxicoloty test marmot for clean air (ZTBI)

    Greed Greed ZTBI Internal Affairs

    USA Mitch Principle & Ethics Crackdown -- Is it a criminal crime if a a corporation CEO falsify records -As of NOW Dirty Little Secret - Face the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] has no soul [[[but each BOD or individual('s) in command do have a soul & each stockholders & each Human Being that support their action or due nothing in USA Gov. ( + )]]]



    January 21 2011

    (You can run but you can not hide)We are not done yet. Cheer up! The worst is yet to come.
    Board of Directors(?) & Committees(+)

    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

     'The Rainmaker' opps! the corporation that refuses to pay valid claim(s) (in my opinion) so Pay the Price in realm of US Supreme Court [first - if the corporation don't pay valid claim(S)] than in the realm of USA Mitch 'The Rainmaker'


    {{{{{ ZTBI Internal Affairs }}}}

    USA Mitch Principle & Ethics Crackdown -- Is it a criminal crime if a a corporation CEO falsify records - [in question] coming soon Dedicated to the plant manager, and the personnel director (safety), financel manager and etc..., As of NOW Dirty Little Secret - Face the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future

    (in my opinion) USA OP-MOTTO: 'Honesty is the best Policy' BELIEVE ALL YOU READ on Flint Engine DON'T GET ME WRONG BUT I HATE THE DIRTY GREEDY WAYS Corporation are doing from the past, present & future AND believe ALL OF WHAT YOU SEE's on Flint Engine now, (in my opinion) with the Corporation 'BELIEVE NOTHING YOU HEAR AND HALF OF WHAT YOU SEE' USA Mitch Motto 'Don't tread on me!' @ 2


    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    Went you(+) have enough just paid upfront --- explain Take It Like A Man!

    If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]

    Michigan GOV. GOV.

    your not, yes I'm

     The The Real Truth Hurts

      (in my opinion) The employer


    Operation ::: Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] has no soul


    *"Michigan Governor --- Jennifier Granholm"

    *"United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert E Gerber" @ 3



    Greed Greed

    are the SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADS IN THE WORLD MAKING THE WRONG DECISION(S) & ETC. SPECIALLY GMC(S), THE BANK(S), US CONGRESS(S), THE WHITE HOUSE(S), THE US JUDICIAL(S), & PEOPLE IN ETC. CONTROL [YOU(S) REAP WHAT YOU(S) SOW] If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly] American Citizens don't have to have Wall Street to survive Wall Street need American Citizens the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice @# 1






    dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

      2010 New USA Order Covert Operation:: @ 5

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!



    Operation: AND

    in my opinion
    Criminal charges should be brought against employers if they harm employees, even if the employee has died or is disabled. If a business is closed or sold it should make no difference, they should still be held accountable if employees are harmed.
    (You can run but you can not hide)

    Its Truth: Be careful the toes you step on today [employee] maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow [Truth - Justice] Operation: CRACKDOWN -BOSS INCOME PAYBACK TO U.S. PROPERTY, PLUS ETC... OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME OPERATION: GOV. BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH TO HELP SAVE U.S. PROPERTY FROM BEING EXPOSURE ETC. @ 8

    The 1, 2, 3's of New USA Order (We the People) NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

    2009 NEW USA ORDER COVERT OPERATION ::: 2009 President - Elect Obama US Attorney General { other U.S. Executive Branch GOV that also include ALL US Federal & State Prosecutor} don't take control and Prosecute or Sanctions against The Corporation or like that violate the USA Law of the Land (The United States Constitution)

     Lists of Corporation or like that (maybe - in my opinion) violate the USA Law of the Land

     The Spirit of Financial Firm or like
    The Spirit of Corporation or like
    The Spirit of the Financial Firm or etc. or the Auto-Industrial or like Lobbyists
    The Spirit of China is (Communists Corporation Country -> Commists BOD)
    The Spirit of Russia (Soviet Union) is (KGB s' Corporation Country -> KGB BOD)

    The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." @# 4

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!












    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

    Oh No ! ::: All The Issues Is All TRUE ::::::
    Oh My ! ::: TRUE-FALSE TEST ::: :::

    Oh No !

    Oh No ! ::: yes yes - it will happen :::
    Oh My ! ::: Which Prosecutor & Judge been naughty and nice :::

    2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future ::: Your Ways Got to Change ::: Here How it will happen ! ::: COVERT OPERATION :::

    2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: (in my opinion) Dedicated to => Harry! Board of Directors(?) & Committees(+) the plant manager(+),and the personnel director(+) (safety),financel manager(+) and etc...(+),

    2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: (in my opinion) Dedicated to => Harry! 

    I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise...
    Bad Moon Rising
    Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice ::: @# 5

     God Bless The USA
     No One Cared for American Citizens Like Jesus-God Bess American to have Freedom (1 I)

    Oh No ! ::: This not true ::: yes it is ::

    187 Pict from Video


    Oh No ! ::: This not true ::: yes it is ::

    2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION :::

    .......Flint Engine.........Go Mitch.........Get Mad

    U.S. Criminalist Ozar

    Debate #6

    Oh No ! ::: This not true ::: yes it is ::

    Two Pict from Video
    What happen now went you(The Corporation or Firm or like) violate the Law of the Land from the Past & Present (in my opinion) (1)

    187 Pict from Video

    Oh No ! ::: This not true ::: yes it is ::



    What happen went you(The Corporation or Firm or like violate the Law of the Land from the Past & Present

    2009 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION :::

    Oh No !

    [in my opinion -- THAT YOUR BEST SOLUTION ]

    Debate  - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6#7 #8 #9 #10

    (You can run but you can not hide) We are not done yet. Cheer up! The worst is yet to come.
    also (in my opinion) Dedicated to => Harry!

    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Debate #8 Medical Hospital Blackmail Threat -> to withdraw in order to get MEDICAL TREATMENT (in my opinion - real truth facts Grievance - explaining the medical threat) ( MEDICAL EMPLOYEE - EMPLOYER )
    Oh No ! ::: This not true ::: yes it is ::



    Oh No !

      (in my opinion) The employer

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist (in my opinion)

    [in my opinion -- THAT YOUR BEST SOLUTION


    A single fact can ruin a good argument

    Oh No ! ::: This not true ::: yes it is ::WO

    What happen now went you(The Corporation or Firm or like violate the Law of the Land from the Past & Present (in my opinion) (m -1)

    Debate #7 Transition of Bailout - wrongdoing - etc.

    (in my opinion) Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : Transition of Bailout - wrongdoing - etc.

    What happen now went you(The Corporation or Firm or like) violate the Law of the Land from the Past & Present

    NO NO Bailout for violation the law of the Land wrongdoing - etc. YOU(+) will serve Federal Jailtime(no less then 5 years) with regular criminal (no exception) their will be fines or not plus all Bonus & High Salary received from The Corporation or Firm or like from the Past or Present will be paid back to a Fund for the American Citizens specially the American Citizens involve with the Corporation or like That means all BOD or like will have to serve Federal jailtime(no less then 5 years) & paid back all their Bonus & High Salary from the Past & Present in order to settle up from the Past & Present violation -- the law of the land if any BOD or like died from the Past or Present then the estate will paid back the Bonus & High Salary received from Corporation or Firms or like

    Their 2008 Bailout from the US Congress(111th Congress) & The White House will have BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION Transition of Bailout from GOV. - wrongdoing - etc. Keep Then Honest (in my opinion)






    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

    USA Mitch in my opinion District Court of Michigan Part of USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA [in my opinion on all illegal & legal matters] @ 11

    [November -> Debate #5 etc. [in my opinion --

    Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion District Court of Michigan Part of USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @ 13

    [October -> Debate #4 etc. [in my opinion -- THAT YOUR BEST SOLUTION ] Did you hear that their is NO Statute Of Limitation ON MURDER (in my opinion) after the facts went the employee worker die due to the employer Negligence that knowing the safety hazard existed safety hazard was not fixed [that mean the employer decision didn't fix the problems or etc.] due to money - in making profits at the expense of employee life in the end or medical problem for life SO Paid the Price [it will happen] jailtime(no less than 10 years minimum - maximum life) & fine & restitution to the family members [Jury: Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.] A single fact can ruin a good argument. Somehow, I(+) don't think you(+) thought your cunning plan all the way through. Plain & simple ? @ 14

    I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise...
    Bad Moon Rising
    Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice :::

     'The Rainmaker' opps! the corporation that refuses to pay valid claim(s) (in my opinion) so Pay the Price in realm of US Supreme Court [first - if the corporation don't pay valid claim(S)] than in the realm of USA Mitch 'The Rainmaker'


    .............  Click Here

    (3rd home page)

    Factory Man 2ND Home Page

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    .......Flint Engine.........Go Mitch.........Get Mad
    Main Home Page factoryman flintv8 ztbi
    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    A single fact can ruin a good argument

    I (USA Mitch) Am Already Visualizing The Duct Tape Over Your Mouth

    [Debate #3 etc... [in my opinion -- THAT YOUR BEST SOLUTION ] OSHA etc

    Operation: 2007 no Statute Of Limitation on workers' compensation covering all states in USA in Filing a workers compensation claim dealing In disease cases, i.e., lung cancer, toxic disease or mesothelioma, & etc... [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH]


    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation
    Enforcing the Code by Raw Politics

    USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA

    Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
    [CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE + etc. 101 & Criminal Personal Assault 101]
    & [Debate #2 etc... [in my opinion -- THAT YOUR BEST SOLUTION ]

    Issues. 4th Home Page



    Operation: Ask-MundyTownship, Genesee County, Michigan

    Where is it: Hill Road (Biglow) Cemetery

    One of the Number One Sport of American Citizens

    I'm(USA Mitch) the Happiest Man(+) in the whole USA to have Faith, Family & Freedom with the helping hand of Jesus &

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God


    Officer Enforcing the Code by Raw Politics

    Issues. 4th Home Page

    USA Mitch UAU Stategist Rules of Principle & Ethics

    Face the gull

    Click picture to enlarge

    Cover-Up the Facts



    need help-clean air


    May 27. 2008 ---- EYE OPENER no help -- keeping us save (in my opinion) I don't think so (in my opinion) a strong foundation(union) for the future unless they change their idea! ============ZTBI============= @* 1 *-

    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    Face the gull --- to gull someone into working with & or being expose to chemical etc... without knowing first etc... about it: if it is safe(AFTERMATH) Pay back thru Labor Laws [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc...] {Workplace Safety Health & Safety Do It Fix It Instead of Thinking About It}



    Maybe USA Gov. will
    The USA Chain(tether) Gang is back

    The Signs of Where Things Stand = New Developments 101: UAU off the walls = Maybe USA Gov. Federal plan - New Requirements The USA Chain(tether) Gang plan is back - Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens (in my opinion) responsibility 101: New Requirements - No-Body should Goes Free


    Hard Core prisoners kept in
     USA jail(prison)


    But the work will be done inside the prison until the American Citizens can take-over


    . ......

    Non Hard Core prisoners will be on
    USA Chain(tether) Gang


    The USA Chain(tether) Gang is back (Made in America is the only way to go) Dangerous Imports....

    ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
    2011 Out IN The OpenUSA Hardball (non hard-core law breakers -maybe- the Dems & GOP will take a strong stance) Issues: Non hard-core law breakers need to be taught a lesson & need to pay their debt to USA Govt. (the American Citizens) -{( Pay the Price - went you(+) break the Law you(+) will pay your debt to the American Citizens )} now not tomorrow to serve their duties on the USA Chain Gang(from one day or etc... ) until the non hard-core law breakers time is up (No-Body Goes Free) (drink & drive or etc... you(+) will pay the Price by serving their duties on the USA Chain(tether) Gang

    Off the Wall comments 101 Operation: (in my opinion) could this happen again in USA History USA Chain(tether) Gang is back & is form again in 2009 in order to save the USA workforce & Etc... [in order to funds the Health-care, Social Security, the national debt & Etc... The USA Prisoner owe the American Citizens their debt(+) no matter what, short or long term Jailtime sentences with nothing in return for their(+) work labor to USA Gov (the American Citizens) The USA Chain(tether) Gang is formed In USA in all 50 States dealing with State and Federal prisoners [each prisoners will be (in my opinion) embedded with a clip etc... which is inserted under the skin for security - location at all times plus etc...] until the American Citizens (employee) can take over or until the American Citizens (employee) want to do the job [(the American Citizens (homeless) will have a job)] (Made in America is the only way to go) (that dealing with illegal & legal employee that are not American citizens) with New Set of IRS Rules & US Dept. of Labor Law Rules for employer(+) [in order to deal with employer(+) workers(employee) solutions issues] Off the Wall comments 101 (in my opinion) has the solutions to the USA Employer(+) problems with a new list of rules setup-comments by comments 101 (in my opinion) in order for US Congress & The White House to pass New laws & bills in order to make it happen or USA Congress will make new Laws & Bills inorder to make it happen with the help of the USA GOV. to fit the needs of the Present-&-Future [plus, off the wall comments 101 (in my opinion), on capital punishment dealing with the employer(+) plus Off the Wall comments 101 (in my opinion) on capital punishment for all State and Federal prisoners dealing with USA Chain(tether) Gang]





    This is Joe need help! focus on being a environmental toxicoloty test marmot for clean air (ZTBI)

    HARRY[? witness)] Who are the plutocracy in 2007 Now No ifs, ands or butts about it (Plutocracy-Forms of Control change your ways before to late [OOPS!MOTORS Can do Will Do]

     Operation ASK HARRY[? witness)]: What is this HARRY ! (in my opinion) from 1985 until ? Credibility Clean-upThis is your Idea (The GMC Overseer from 1985 until ? ) All for One - One for All

    The GMC Overseer from 1985 until ? GMC At this point of

    USA Mitch Operation Here's how it works: (in my opinion) HARRY[? witness)] I'm entitled to all *1 the records(freedom of information act U.S.) from 1985 until ? & specially dealing with all JRM records(freedom of information act U.S.) that HARRY[that you(+) kept in your GMC office etc... & etc...] until ? because Harry[you(+)] was appointed by GMC to be JRM overseer until ? (in my opinion) [(? witness coming sooon)] Harry[GMC Employer - WE(Employee) revolve around you(+)]

    *1 [(Harry J. Pearce Joined GM as associate general counsel in 1985, assuming responsibility for all product litigation and product safety matters worldwide) Pearce had been an executive vice president since 1992 and was vice president and general counsel with responsibility for GM's Legal Staff from May 1987 to August 1994.]

    Toe to Toe Operation: Here's how it works All for One - One for All

    "The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"

    ===================Operation: Ask- Mundy Township,======================
    more things tobe ask about:Operation: Ask-Mundy Township, Genesee County, Michigan

    Where is it: Hill Road (Biglow) Cemetery, Mundy Township, Genesee County, Michigan (Some Bodies under Hill Rd. (Location Sec. 10 Mundy TWP, S. Side of Hill Rd. by creek)It Time to Build a bridge over Hill Road (Biglow) Cemetery on Hill Road now Operation: Ask-Mundy Township, Genesee County, Michigan @# 7



    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    Life comes at you(+) fast (in my opinion) what does USA Mitch want Operation:

    "The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"

    USA Mitch Stategist Rules of Principle & Ethics



    USA Mitch - usamitch * USA Crossfire - usac
    Flint Engine - Flint V8 - Factory Man - ZTBI
    Hazard-Free Crossfire * hazard-freecrossfire
    Mitch the Bitch *


    ........Flint Engine....Go Mitch.................Get Mad factoryman flintv8 ztbi
    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    Flint Engine
    Factory Man

    Flint V-8 * flintv-8

    "The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"
    "The Face the Facts of Where Things Stand"



    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ HARDBALL [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
    Cross your t's and dot your i's—digitally
    Operation: Flint V8 [it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) (? witness)] Vs USA Mitch & Plus Operation:

    & Operation: GMC Overseer (freedom of information act U.S.)

    State & Federal Gov. love ---(Team Concept -> tell all about the Past-Present-&-Future Collective Bargaining or lose[it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) (? witness)]-- what you will be able to do & what you will be restrained from doing -- degree of conflict is all important --- being a nice guy is not a sufficiently sound basis for a relations policy -breathe a sigh of relief when a settlement has been reached (But I will need all the record of the grievances and how they were settled if ?) (freedom of information act U.S.) Listen that Collective Bargaining [it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) (? witness) Plus all his GMC records from 1985 until ? (freedom of information act U.S.) [(Harry J. Pearce Joined GM as associate general counsel in 1985, assuming responsibility for all product litigation and product safety matters worldwide) Pearce had been an executive vice president since 1992 and was vice president and general counsel with responsibility for GM's Legal Staff from May 1987 to August 1994.]
    Collective Bargaining with Jesus-God Bless America
    (in my opinion) GMC Little Secrets Cover-Up from the Past-Present-&-Future with the Help of HARRY(hjp) (? witness ) Joined GM as associate general counsel in 1985, assuming responsibility for all product litigation and product safety matters worldwide) Pearce had been an executive vice president since 1992 and was vice president and general counsel with responsibility for GM's Legal Staff from May 1987 to August 1994. Previously, he had been a senior partner in the law firm of Pearce & Durick in Bismarck, N.D. In that capacity, he represented GM and other industrial companies nationwide in a variety of product liability cases over a period of 15 years [it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) (? witness)] (freedom of information act U.S.) Plus lists of BOD & ETC... assuming responsibility for their actions from 1983 until now Collective Bargaining with Jesus-God Bless America

    Face the assailant (the Corporation with the Truth) then ? etc...
    [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC.. for employer etc...] should be ashamed ---
     what you did to my body (in my opinion)

    Cheer up (You can run but you can not hide)
    We are not done yet.
    Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. [In the legal system etc..]
    me, myself & I

    (in my opinion) LOVE You

    ====We the People, (US Congress) will make new Laws & Bills to fit the needs of the Past-Present-&-Future; so (in my opinion) for Truth - Justice for what(+) Did :===[it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) new Laws & Bills passed by U.S. Gov.Team Concept with Jesus-God Bless America dealing with the Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future (in my opinion) GMC loves Team Concept with Jesus inorder to have Truth - Justice [Collective Bargaining] Operation: 2009 no Statute Of Limitation on workers' compensation covering all states in USA in Filing a workers compensation claim dealing In disease cases, i.e., lung cancer, toxic disease or mesothelioma, & etc...

    you(+) can't do that --- yes I(+) can --- Time(+) will tell --- My way or else ---Truth - Justice
    (in my opinion) ? states: you(+) don't have a leg to stand on --- wait & see [it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) ]

    2009 OPERATION STILL: STILL NO TIME LIMIT IS FIXED TO THE OFFER , PLUS NO ORAL MEETING SET FORTH [Plant CISCO # 18192 GMPT Flint V8 ] [Plus (in my opinion) no Statute Of Limitation on workers' compensation damages & ETC... because of letter of written notice etc... Operation: Flint V8 ]

    Letter of written notice sent on April 13, 1992

    GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION--Aftermath : Stempel Fails to Get GM Board's Backing -Oct 23, 1992

    more Aftermath [it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) (? witness)] (freedom of information act U.S.)


    Be careful the toes you step on today maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow

    ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HARDBALL ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]



    America Works That Why USA Mitch Loves America....USA AMERICAN USA PARTY
    ....... (UAU 4th Home page)


    Issues..(4th Home page).....................

    .....OPERATION: FLINT V8 which The Corporation is digging a hole (in my opinion), The Corporation is digging deeper & deeper,
    .....far from the light that why disputes should be settled before going to court in 2007

      OPERATION: Toxic Dump Private investigator (USA Mitch) [in my opinion] gather video evidence of a toxic dumppicturers.. (ask HARRY(hjp))

    "The Signs of Where Things Stand"
    The Signs of Where Things Stand In 2007

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    2007 Operation Life comes at you fast: Life comes at you fast, specially when being slam dunk by the effects of accidental injury, death, or disease resulting from employment, etc.. So Be It The Truth Will Prevail [Proposal: ?(X) dollars, jail time{specially Jailtime(no less than five years) Plus etc...}, etc... or just etc... to settle the disputes on these matters)] OH! Where is the CRITIC REPORT CARD in my opinion about BOD, Specially the Chairman & CEO
    My way or It's the higway
    Truth - Justice


    "The Face the Facts of Where Things Stand"

    .....Its Time to take action In 2007
    (back to work in 2007 or Pay off or ? etc.. BOD in U.S. justice department will (in my opinion) Face the Signs of the Past-Present-&-Future
    Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future dealing with the employer in the workplace -Out IN The OpenIssues

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    Cover-Up the Facts from the Past-Present-&-Future (in my opinion) Operation: Credibility Clean-upBY ? & GMC Overseer for GMC Out IN The OpenIssues (freedom of information act U.S.) The Signs of Where Things Stand In 2007 also include [Zap? (wrapup)in? XXX Paint Remover] & [Toxic Dump? (wrapup)in?]
    Flint Engine

    Taking the employer to court to
    have them punished in some way,
    or to discusses out of court
     settlement (in my opinion) for their

    USA Mitch
    Mitch the Strategist
    Principle & Ethics

    USA Mitch
    My boss is a Jewish Carpenter
     Statement of Faith

    USA Mitch ZTBI
    For Zero Tolerance
    Mitch the Strategist
    Principle & Ethics

    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation
    Principle & Ethics

    Operation: AND
    100% USA CWW

    Operation: AND
    [it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) ]

    no more copay --- GM rip-off or in my opinion pay the price in jailTime for (in my opinion) from the risks and effects of accidental injury, death, or disease resulting from their employment, etc... Operation: 2007 no Statute Of Limitation on workers' compensation covering all states in USA in Filing a workers compensation claim dealing In disease cases, i.e., lung cancer, toxic disease or mesothelioma, & etc... [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

     2007 No Health Cuts

    Or Paid the Price

     Out IN The Open




    General Motors Corporation
    Facts and History

    The Past thru 2007

    Flint Engine South Plant
    Facts and History
    1954 - 2009


    Flint V8 EnginePlant
    Facts and History


    Factory Man (2nd home page)

    Flint Engine
    Main Home Page

    A web-site dealing with the
    employer in the workplace.
    (in my opinion + facts)
    Flint Engine

    Focus on the Truth
    EPA [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH] special to stop paint exposurer dealing with etc... exposurer (life to short in 21st century)
    USA Mitch Safety First
    Jesus Loves You

    Principle & Ethics

    Proposal Operation: Either/Or/Both
    TheLaw/Resolution/Both by ? then etc.
    Either/ = TheLaw + extra etc...
    Face the assailant (the Corporation with the Truth) then ? etc...
    [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC.. for employer etc...] should be ashamed ---
     what you did to my body (in my opinion)

    Proposal Operation: Either/Or/Both
    TheLaw/Resolution/Both by ? then etc.
    Either/ = TheLaw + extra etc...


    Operation: AND PLUS GOV.
    Operation: AND PLUS Michigan GOV.
    The Freedom of Information Act

    USA Mitch Tools & Rules for Management
    Off The Wall Comments 101
    (in my opinion)
    (dedicated to the Corporation's
    (( on the job & peevish person )) now,
    near future & future *in my opinion* )



    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation
    Principle & Ethics

     Let's Open Up A Hold New Can
      Of Worms
    <> Operation: AND

      ( EPA )

    Click picture to enlarge



    (EPA) WITH ETC...

    OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice


    Cheer up

    (You can run but you can not hide)
    We are not done yet.
    Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. [In the legal system etc..]
    me, myself & I

    LOVE You

    click here

    Go Mitch
    Factory Man

    Speaking out against wrong doing (in my opinion) from the risks and effects of accidental injury, death, or disease resulting from their employment, etc... .

    The American Unions are the BackBone OF USA

    2006 Strategies


    Cross your t's and dot your i's—digitally

    -----Bring To Light-----


    --in my opinion + facts--

    My way or It's the highway

    Only time will tell

    Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.

    Jury: Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.

    A single fact can ruin a good argument.


    <>Operation: AND

     Be careful the toes you step on today maybe be attached to the butt you kiss tomorrow
    (dedicated to the Corporation's & ?)
    USA Crossfire


    USA Mitch
    My boss is a Jewish Carpenter
     Statement of Faith

    USA Mitch
    Mitch the Strategist


    , etc...
    (in my opinion)

    Dealing with environmental health, and safety matters, in a variety of legal settings (involve intense review of records and documention from 1954 thru 2006 [The Freedom of Information Act] addressing --- product liability issues etc..., chemical exposure and environmental compliance (related to environmental contamination, etc...)

    to focus on the truth in a effort to support litigation; mediation and arbitration with etc.. and with Federal and State level actions before the United States GOV. inorder to have GOV. BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH inforce Operation: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME









    Click here
    USA Mitch outloook for 2006 OP: AND PLUS ZTBI

    2006 Strategies 101 in my opinion + facts (Court Cases etc...News) For Plaintiffs v. Defendant [on going updates]


    If you can't handle the situation Then Let the American Unions take over & solve your problems before ?(Where is the safety net - The American Unions)

    Operation: AND

    in my opinion
    Criminal charges should be brought against employers if they harm employees, even if the employee has died or is disabled. If a business is closed or sold it should make no difference, they should still be held accountable if employees are harmed.
    (You can run but you can not hide)

    In The News

    The McWane Story
    (PBS Frontline)
    The McWane Story


    Special For

    etc...the body
    of the Corporation.

    In my opinion plus facts

    In The NEWS

    Update comes on local golf course
    Contamination to be cleared by GM
    ABC12 News & Video

    As demolition proceeds at Delphi West about 200 Employee
    Medical Records have been abandoned and left unprotected.
    A salvage worker told the Uncommon Sense alternative newspaper
    about his find of confidential employee records, social security
    numbers, medical records, X-rays
    and other personnel documents.

    Delphi Abandons Confidential Employee
    Medical Records at Flint Plant

    Delphi Reacts

    Uncommon Sense newspaper partial list of
    employees whose medical and/or employment
    records were abandoned at Flint Delphi West:



    V8 Message Board

    My way or It's the highway

    In My Opinion
    Have To Be
    Appropriate, Responsible,
    Respectful, Courteous
    And Cooperative,
    Have To Have
    Safety Behaviors And
    Appropriate Manners.

    100% USA CWW

    USA Mitch ZTBI
     for Zero Tolerance
    Mitch the Strategist


     Out of respect
    for the land
      Why are Corporate America Landowners suffering from environmental damage

    Flint V8
    Dealing with Flint V8 Engine Plant
    (General Motors Corp.)
    Work related injury exposed to chemicals;


    Dealing with Flint Engine South Plant
    (General Motors Corp.)
    Work related injury exposed to Noise;


    (Proposal: ?(X) dollars, jail time, etc... or just ect... to settle the disputes on these matters)
    My way or It's the highway
    Truth - Justice

    Dedicated to the plant manager,
    and the personnel director (safety),
    financel manager and etc...,
    As of March, 2005
    (You can run but you can not hide)
    We are not done yet.
    Cheer up! The worst is yet to come.

    100% USA CWW

    USA Flag

    Flint Engine Hazard-Free Crossfire

    Zero Tolerance V8 Cleanup

    My way or It's the highway


    Flint Engine South Plant
    Facts and History
    1954 - 2006


    Click picture
    to enlarge

    Flint V8 EnginePlant
    Facts and History


     PART OF



    Operation:  Flint V8

    GM Legal Staff
    Do's & Don'ts




    My way or It's the highway

    1954 - 2006

    USA Mitch v. GM Legal Staff
    Operation:  Flint V8

    (Proposal: ?(X) dollars, jail time, etc... or just ect... to settle the disputes on these matters)
    Truth - Justice

    ( EPA )

    Operation: Flint V8

    GM Legal Staff
    Do's & Don'ts




    My way or It's the highway

    1954 - 2006

    USA Mitch v. GM Legal Staff
    Flint Engine South

    (Proposal: ?(X) dollars, jail time, etc... or just ect... to settle the disputes on these matters)
    Truth - Justice


    Flint Engine South
    Operation: FES Noise Control GOV.


    (USA Mitch ZTBI
     for Zero Tolerance)

    USA Flag
    Try To Buy 100% AMERICAN

    USA Mitch Workers Union

    100% USA CountryWorldWide
     USA CWW

    Corporation Fallacy
    an error in reasoning
    Team Concept Suck
    Due to Labor Relation
    Ideal Team Concept
    Can do Will Do

    USA MWU comments: But if their Team Concept with Jesus than is no problem with Team Concept

    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    Home Page

    We the People
    American Citizens
    (USA Mitch ZTBI
     for Zero Tolerance







    Home Page
    Off the Wall comments 101: 2006
    (in my opinion + facts)
    ( dedicated from OOPS!Motors etc...knows right from wrong )

    Face the Truth
    Face the Facts
    Face the Workplace Issues
    Face the etc...
    Face the Truth -- GOV. Core Beliefs in USA

    Face the Truth Top Corporation BOD COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME (You can run but you can not hide the truth)

    Face the assailant (the Corporation) with the Truth then ? [ GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]

    Face the Facts about unpaid fines from White Collar (Corporation etc...) crimes owe approx. 35 Billions dollars pay up or jail time [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & Executive Branch GOV.] = GOV. not doing their job (a fine mess) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

    FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: dealing with The White House GOV. 2006 [are more departures on the way or ?] GOV. (can do will do) WHY WHY WHY ---- Revolt of the Generals = Rumsfeld under fire (a serious probem) We The People [American citizens] wants to know why

    The Main Issue is Corporation Manufacturing/General Industry in all things etc... Workplace Safety Health & Safety Do It Fix It Instead of Thinking About It (NOW)

    If you can't handle the situation Then Let the American Unions take over & solve your problems before ?(Where is the safety net - The American Unions)




    Focus on the Truth
    EPA Clean Air Act
    USA Crossfire

    Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation
    Home Page



    USA Mitch
    My boss is a Jewish Carpenter

     Statement of Faith




    If (Corporations) or (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]

    Michigan GOV. GOV.

    Operation: AND PLUS GOV.
    Operation: AND PLUS Michigan GOV.
    Operation: USA Complaints etc... in zero tolorance on regarding legal decision
    [Strive for consistency in etc... daily decisions special dealing with etc... exposurer]

    Operation: EPA [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH] special to stop paint exposurer dealing with etc... exposurer (life to short in 21st century)


    state of facts in my opinion common sense:
    If the employer is(are) not in Zero Tolerance after the facts DEQ dealing with clean air act, dealing with fumes and settlings coming from a business than the employer (owners) is(are) etc... liable with the etc... law etc... plus

    Fighting for Truth~Justice in my opinion : Safety First stop all ? until etc...


    Operation: CRACKDOWN

    Focus on the Truth
    USA Crossfire


    in my opinion
    Criminal charges should be brought against employers if they harm the property & neighhbor property. If a business is closed or sold it should make no difference, they should still be held accountable if property & neighhbor property are harmed.
    (You can run but you can not hide)



     UpDated August 2015

    2015 TimeTable USA Mitch Strategist 101


    USA Mitch ZTBI For Zero Tolerance
    USA Mitch

    The The Real Truth Hurts -facts list

    Why disputes should be settled before going to court.

    better be save than sorry or pay the price in legal matters etc... worker comp. plus etc...

    Cross your t's and dot your i's—digitally { XXX Paint Remover - ZTBI - Plant CISCO #s - ZTBI - toxic dump property (caught on tape) , before - off-limits, video & picturers coming soon }

    out of court settlement - approx. 1 millions $ for each year past 1983 = total of 32 million  for (?)

    (Proposal: ?( $$$$$ or ?) dollars, jail time{specially Federal & States Jailtime(no less than five years) Plus part time or life  community service -- inmate or at home with a tracking device etc... the federal would use each state Sheriff's Department to proform community service program - who have convicted only of a non-violent offense - inmate are monitored at all times by an armed Officer, and routinely complete work in many different areas.a tracking device etc...

     OR out of court settlement - approx. 1 millions $ for each year past 1983 = total of 32 million (2015)  for (?)) dollars, etc... to settle the disputes on these matters) USA Mitch P.O. Box 7773 Flint, Michigan 48507 Its ( in my opinion) will cost between 4 or 5 Billions dollars plus jailtime if its go to the Federal & State Courts (DA) -TIME IS EVERYTHING ask HARRY(hjp) plus face-off (in my opinion) 19?? thru 20?? BOD will forfeit their assests to save-face

    Federal Grand Juries--United States Attorneys +++ Michigan Courts one court of justice

    Truth - Justice

    Off the Walls Comments 101: in my opinion plus facts

    gone (retired - maybe) but not forgotten in my opinion will need a good arbitrator

    aftermath - USA Mitch will not go away until the disputes are settle - more facts list - dating from 19?? to-now etc... -TIME IS EVERYTHING

    2015 Operation: Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification then legal actions plus etc... IN 2015
    facts list - dating from 19?? to-now maybe will need a good arbitrator

    your not, yes I'm

     The The Real Truth Hurts

    USA Mitch - Mitch the Bitch
    Dedicated to the plant manager,
    and the personnel director (safety),
    financel manager and etc...,
    As of dating from 19?? to-now
    (You can run but you can not hide)
    We are not done yet.
    Cheer up! The worst is yet to come.

    WAIT & SEE (ask HARRY(hjp))


    General Motors Annual Report 1983


    [in my opinion]

    2011 Thing to do to save your health in the workplace Ask OSHAor Ask for Public etc... Help If the Employer etc... disagree then heavy fines & employee etc... take over with a union etc... policy or plus or employee etc... government policy inside the Company -- inorder to Face the Truth - Face the Facts - Face the Workplace Issues which can be Prosecute for all wrong doing was done to the employee etc... from the Signs of the Past-Present-&-Future that will be also Prosecute by US Gov. (dedicated to The Corporation BOD etc... from the Past-Present-&-Future) The employee have to live with the health problems but the employer etc... don't & usually the employee is history or fired inorder to cover-up it up. [Plus include all employer who exposed the Public to the health problems etc... because the Public have to live with the health problems but the employer etc... don't] # 101


    20011-12 Look to the Future DRPmaybe it Time for change New Blood in US Congress (Hello user-Future-friendly) & Executive Branch & Judicial Branch(Not doing their job - in my opinion) Plus New Blood in ?(BOD) Flint Engine OH! Where is the CRITIC REPORT(in detail)[also include Zap? (wrapup)in? & Toxic Dump? (wrapup)in? & Etc...? (wrapup)in?] CARD(freedom of information act U.S.)in my opinion about BOD, Specially the Chairman & CEO(all put on notice-Present & Past (wrapup)in? ) Team Concept(tell-all Certification-?) -jailtime-truth-justice-new look to the future - specially for the employee etc...


    CERTIFIED MAIL: Page 1 -- Copy of (letter of written notice sent on April 13, 1992)

    CERTIFIED MAIL: Page 2 -- Copy of (letter of written notice sent on April 13, 1992)


    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    Life comes at you(+) fast (in my opinion) what does USA Mitch want Operation: The employer(+) will forfeit their(+) assests & JailTime(no less than five years) Plus etc...} for their(+) wrong doing from the Past-Present-&-Future [The USA Congress (will make new Laws & Bills to fit the needs of the Past-Present-&-Future) & Federal Grand Juries--United States Attorneys +++ Michigan Courts one court of justice [will make it happen or USA Congress will make new Laws & Bills inorder to make it happen with the help of the USA GOV.] Face the assailant(+) (the Corporation with the Truth) then ? etc... :[it will happen ask! (ask USA Mitch]

    Click Here
    "The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"

    This is Pete - need help! focus on being a environmental toxicoloty test marmot for clean air (ZTBI)



    Main Home Page Flint Engine (in my opinion) The employer & then the employee & then The employer video of toxic dump plus etc??? & then the enforcers & then USA Mitch lawers 2011 You (+) don't have to agree with me(+), but it would be quicker to settle out of Court than pay 8 Billions dollars plus etc??? (in my opinion) Click here this is Team Concept Click here

     & then jailtime(no less than five years) ......,,,......


     2011 You (+) don't have to agree with me(+), but it would be quicker to settle out of Court than pay 8 Billions dollars plus etc... (in my opinion) Click here this is Team Concept Click here

    Jesus-God Bless America USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA

    Then comes JESUS-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics





    Update Flint Engine Press News


    Back to the Top

    Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
    NOI dealing with P-P-&-F


    Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : Transition of Bailout - wrongdoing - etc.

    What happen now went you(The Corporation or Firm or like) violate the Law of the Land from the Past & Present

    NO NO Bailout for violation the law of the Land wrongdoing - etc. YOU(+) will serve Federal Jailtime(no less then 5 years) with regular criminal (no exception) their will be fines or not plus all Bonus & High Salary received from The Corporation or Firm or like from the Past or Present will be paid back to a Fund for the American Citizens specially the American Citizens involve with the Corporation or like That means all BOD or like will have to serve Federal jailtime(no less then 5 years) & paid back all their Bonus & High Salary from the Past & Present in order to settle up from the Past & Present violation -- the law of the land if any BOD or like died from the Past or Present then the estate will paid back the Bonus & High Salary received from Corporation or Firms or like

    Their 2008 Bailout from the US Congress & The White House will have BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION Transition of Bailout from GOV. - wrongdoing - etc. Keep Then Honest click here (in my opinion)


    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

    2011 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: 2009 President - Elect Obama { other U.S. Executive Branch GOV that also include ALL US Federal & State Prosecutor} don't take control and Prosecute or Sanctions against The Corporation or like that violate the USA Law of the Land (The United States Constitution)

     Lists of Corporation or like that (maybe - in my opinion) violate the USA Law of the Land

     The Spirit of Financial Firm or like
    The Spirit of Corporation or like
    The Spirit of the Financial Firm or etc. or the Auto-Industrial or like Lobbyists
    The Spirit of China is (Communists Corporation Country -> Commists BOD)
    The Spirit of Russia (Soviet Union) is (KGB s' Corporation Country -> KGB BOD)

    The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." @# 8all #

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

    2011 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future COVERT OPERATION ::: 2009 US Judge[(s'(+)] Federal or State { other U.S. Judicial Branch GOV. that also include ALL US Federal & State Judge[(s'(+)]} don't take control and penalize(Jailtime(no less than 5 years)) or Sanctions against The Corporation or like that violate the USA Law of the Land (The United States Constitution)

     Lists of Corporation or like that (maybe - in my opinion) violate the USA Law of the Land

     The Spirit of Financial Firm or like
    The Spirit of Corporation or like
    The Spirit of the Financial Firm or etc. or the Auto-Industrial or like Lobbyists
    The Spirit of China is (Communists Corporation Country -> Commists BOD)
    The Spirit of Russia (Soviet Union) is (KGB s' Corporation Country -> KGB BOD)

      US Federal & State Judge[(s'(+)] is subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA @# 9 all #


    USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA on all illegal & legal matters]

    Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future in my opinion Court Operation 101 : USA Mitch in my opinion Court of USA in my opinion between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA Enough is Enough me, myself & I in my opinion comments between right & wrong truth & justice about the Court of Law in USA @# 10 #






    Operation ::: Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] has no soul

    [[[but each BOD or individual('s) in command do have a soul & each stockholders & each Human Being that support their action or due nothing in USA Gov. ( + )]]]
      any Human Being being punishment from their greed dealing with Past, Present, & future to come
    is in deep trouble with [We the People(American Citizens) & Jesus-GOD

      That are BEING --- an wrongdoer (((Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] give-up their legal right went they did wrong)) Don't respected any Human Being THAT NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH USA RULES & STANDARD dealing with Health & Safty Issues & or other Issues
      Greed is the answer --- Than having Moral -- Common Sense
      their Moral are shot to Hell
    their going straight to Hell not Heaven
      Jesus-God is the answer -- to enter heaven
    But some (very few !) Big Business who(+) do have respect for Human Being that IS 100% IN ACCORDANCE WITH USA RULES & STANDARD WITH Health & Safty Issues & or other Issues ++++++ Is that why! We the People need United States Bankruptcy Chapter 666 Bankrupty "WHO ARE NOT"
    ALSO Include The Three Branches (the U.S. Executive Branch GOV & US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judical Branch)) of USA Gov't has no soul but each who(+)(s') are partakers of US Gov't do have a soul ((((([[[[[[[{{{{{{{ THAT INCLUDE DEMS & GOP DO NOT HAVE A SOUL but each who(+)(s') are partakers do have a soul}}}}}}]]]]]))))))









    2009 Plant Manager -- Kathleen Dilworth

    (in my opinion) 2010 General Motors Doctor(s') from the Past (in my opinion) Hearing date to be set for involved (in my opinion) who! are the Doctor(s') from Top to bottom(shop doctor(s') exposed thousands to Health & Safety issues[Chemicals & ?(+)] (in my opinion) for wrongdoing from the Past (in my opinion) Has a History of VIOLATIONS ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA +++++

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    .......Flint Engine.........Go Mitch.........Get Mad

    to Flint Engine & USA American USA Party



    2009 Plant Manager -- Kathleen Dilworth

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    .......Flint Engine.........Go Mitch.........Get Mad

    to Flint Engine & USA American USA Party


    Operation ::: Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] has no soul

    [[[but each BOD or individual('s) in command do have a soul & each stockholders & each Human Being that support their action or due nothing in USA Gov. ( + )]]] is in deep trouble with [We the People(American Citizens) & Jesus-GOD That are BEING --- an wrongdoer (((Big Busimess [corporation or like(+)] give-up their legal right went they did wrong)) do have a soul or has no soul




    United States Bankruptcy Chapter 666 Bankrupty

    Issues. Greed (IN MY OPINION) , 2010 (THIS JUST THE BEGINNING) This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+) GMC ALL THE RETIRED MANAGEMENT IS NOT COVER UNDER United States Bankruptcy CHAPER 11 (IN MY OPINION) NO STATUDE OF LIMITATIONS FOR WRONGDOING HARRY(hjp) GMC-BOD & etc.(PLUS Ross Perot GMC- BOD) in trouble with the USA Law of Land (The United States Constitution) (freedom of information act U.S.) a date with a prison cell Health & Safety Issue [it will happen ask! (ask HARRY(hjp)) (? witness)] ROSS PEROT GMC- BOD ::::: RESINGED EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1986 (COULD BE A (?)WITNESS OR ) ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA ++++++


    United States Bankruptcy Chapter 11 Bankrupty no longer applies But United States Bankruptcy Chapter 666 Bankrupty Take-over No more free ride for Big Business (Corporation or etc.) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future that cause Criminal NEGLIGENCE If not then US Politicians are Corrupt @# 13

    Greed Greed
    2009 Plant Manager -- Kathleen Dilworth

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    .......Flint Engine.........Go Mitch.........Get Mad to Flint Engine [[[[This is the way going to be --- You(+) GMC BURN Me WITH PERMANENT MEDICAL CONDITIONS (IN MY OPINION) DO TO YOUR IF IF IF IT HAPPEN! IT MURDER (IN MY OPINION) , 2010 (THIS JUST THE BEGINNING) I BURN(Legal-System) You(+) GMC ALL THE RETIRED MANAGEMENT IS NOT COVER UNDER United States Bankruptcy CHAPER 11 (IN MY OPINION) NO STATUDE OF LIMITATIONS FOR WRONGDOING ]]]] & USA American USA Party

    UAU Logo (In My Opinion) USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist --- This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+)

    United States Bankruptcy Chapter 666 BankruptyNO STATUDE OF LIMITATIONS FOR WRONGDOING


    GMPT Flint V8 Engine Plant - Flint Engine South {{{GMPT Flint V8 CISCO# 18192}}} 2009 Plant Manager -- Kathleen Dilworth Work related injury exposed to chemicals; Employer:(Personnel Director) Industrial Domestic assault-intent to do bodily-(evidence-tape & Personnel Dirtector Name that intent to do bodily harm-coming soon!) & Flint V8 Engine Plant Hospital assault(theaten) willn't treat Me, until grievances are withdrawn Work related injury exposed to; This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+) ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA ++++++ GMC BOD from 1982 until now! WHY! JOHN & RON & etc. Lie in 2005 now! I has a witness (evidence)--- coming soon! Chapter 11 Bankrupty is dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future is void in 2010 all GMC BOD from 1982 until now! are in trouble that include US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) that owned part interest of taken then ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA ++++++ every employee that work in Flint V8 Engine Plant & Flint Engine Plant will be paid------ This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+)

    GMPT Flint V8 Engine Plant - Flint Engine South {{{GMPT Flint V8 CISCO# 18192}}} 2009 Plant Manager -- Kathleen Dilworth Work related injury exposed to chemicals; Employer:(Personnel Director) Industrial Domestic assault-intent to do bodily-(evidence-tape & Personnel Dirtector Name that intent to do bodily harm-coming soon!) & Flint V8 Engine Plant Hospital assault(theaten) willn't treat Me, until grievances are withdrawn Work related injury exposed to; This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+) ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA ++++++ GMC BOD from 1982 until now! WHY! JOHN & RON & etc. Lie in 2005 now! I has a witness (evidence)--- coming soon! Chapter 11 Bankrupty is dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future is void in 2010 all GMC BOD from 1982 until now! are in trouble that include US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) that owned part interest of if no action is taken then ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA ++++++ every employee that work in Flint V8 Engine Plant & Flint Engine Plant will be paid------ This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+)

    Michigan Governor --- Jennifier Granholm =happening now = PLEASER-than-DOER

    2010 Michigan Governor --- Jennifier Granholm =happening now = PLEASER-than-DOER(((( better to be DOER THAN a PLEASER OR BE PROSECUTE)))) = is a suck-ass with GMC - dealing with GMC toxic Industrial Plants(build in the Past) === It's ok to use in 2010 Present & Future = = ==filling & lining the pocket of ==(in my opinion)Michigan Governor --- Jennifier Granholm Is this a is this a to financial holding companies. --> [] GOT to STOP -> IS GOV. making the Lender etc.. richer & richer enough is enough -> let get real is this a to financial holding companies. [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] Michigan Governor has a Emotions & Behavior medical problems in making the right decisions for not doing the job (flip-flopping) about & If.Michigan Governor wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way.::: greed is "shameful" :::GMC =This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+)[Watch your back GOP & DEMS Truth~Justice (The Cost of Freedom in USA] 2010 Michigan Governor is a with (in my opinion) in sight of the American Citizens it will be (a person who has common sense plus Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7)


    the rights, wisdom, or virtues, etc... of the American Citizens in all social & economic, etc... issues putting the power of to support the American Citizens & not toward the support of large corporations will pursue the interests of the middle/lower & working classes @# 15



    United States Bankruptcy Chapter 666 Bankrupty
    To Put United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert E Gerber for the Southern District of New York on notice until for not taking proper action also put on Notice that still exists today GMC SocraticTalkingheads
    [What Happen] United States Bankruptcy Chapter 666 Bankrupty instead of Chapter 11 Bankrupty dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future that cause Criminal NEGLIGENCE ( what each employer did to cause Criminal NEGLIGENCE == being punishment for their action dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future - Federal Jailtime(no less then 5 years) & fines - from each employer & THEIR ASSOCIATES received payment from the Corporatiion -will given back to Chapter 666 Bankrupty -- their will be jailtime = no matter what) in making sure their no Bankruptcy Fraud why! In Order to File Bankruptcy Chapter 11 for the Corporation (BOD) to save face over Health & Safety Issues dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future from Criminal NEGLIGENCE which I, USA Mitch, Put United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert E Gerber for the Southern District of New York on notice until for not taking proper action also put on Notice that still exists today GMC SocraticTalkingheads Making the wrong(BOD) decisions on STRATEGY ::: In order to file for Chapter 11 Bankrupty --- Attorney for Debtors(STRATEGY) GMC motto: We the Corporation did no wrong ' Time will tell in the present & Future THAT WARRANT A LEGAL RIGHTS FOR JUSTICES Time will be on American Citizens went Chapter 666 Bankrupty take effect in 60 Days went passed by US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) in 2010 NOT THEN US Congess(111th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) ARE NEGLIGENCE part of Work related injury exposed to chemicals; (In My Opinion) USA Mitch --- This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+) ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA ++++++


    "The Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"

    Thoughts (Factoryman)

    .......Flint Engine.........Go Mitch.........Get Mad to Flint Engine & USA American USA Party

    UAU Logo (In My Opinion) USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist --- This is the way going to be --- You(+) BURN Me, I BURN(Legal-System) You(+) ++++++ in my opinion Court of USA ++++++

    GMPT Flint V8 Engine Plant - Flint Engine South {{{GMPT Flint V8 CISCO# 18192}}} 2009 Plant Manager -- Kathleen Dilworth Work related injury exposed to chemicals; Work related injury exposed to;

    [[[UAU[[[A Day Late or A Day Short NEWS BUT BUT BUT this Day come the real truth]]]UAU]]]



    I have not yet begun to fight
    I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
    I Shall know but one country ... I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American.

    USA Mitch

    I am an American
    What every Citizens should know

    I am a believer in The American Creed

    I am an American -- These rights and privileges are mine:
    I may think as I please.
    I may speak or write as I please, so long as I not intrerere with the rights of others.
    I have the right to vote. By my vote I choose the public officers who are really my servants.
    I have the right to chose my work, to seek any job for which my experience and ability have fitted me.
    I have the right to try to improve my lot through various means.
    I may seek justice in the courts where I have equal right with others.
    I have the right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

    I am an American -- These duties I share with my fellow citiens:
    It is my duty to obey my country's laws.
    It is my duty to informed as to the honesty and ability of candidates for public office.
    It is my duty, by my vote and my influence, to correct injustice.
    It is my duty to pay such taxes as have been devised by representatives elected by me, to defay the cost of govermnet.
    It is my duty to defend my country, if need should arise.
    It is my duty to abide by the will of the majorty, to stand behind my government, so my nation may be unified in time of crisis.

    I am an American -- I uphold my country's

    American Wit:
    Everbody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
    Too many people don't care what happens so long as it doesn't happen to them.
    It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.

    I am an American -- I an fully informed about
    How Our Government Works
    The Treasury Deptment, under ther Secretary of the Treasury, administer all financial affairs of the U.S. Government, including the issuance of money, and cerificates representing obligations of the Government.

    I am an American -- Watchworks of Democracy
    Jesus-God Bless America :The Almighty God (Jesus-God) who gave us life give us liberty at the same time.
    Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God.
    These are times that try men's souls.
    Public office is a public trust.
    We have room but for one language here and that is English, for we intend to that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house.
    There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 per cent Americanism,, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.
    I believe in democracy because it releases the energies of every human being.
    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.



    It's a Good Thing to Join a Union
    It's a good thing to do.
    Cause it will help you(+)
    Good by to unfair wages, Farewell long hours, too!
    That the Union makes us strong.
    We can break their haughty power; gain our freedom when we learn
    It's time to take a stand.
    There's a job that's got to be done
    and a fight that's got to be won.
    As long as you(+) permit the few
    To guide your destiny.
    There is no middle ground
    This fight is not in vain.
    Good luck to all of you(+)
    And we'll all be free
    When the workers have organized.
    The boss will be in for a big surprise


    USA Mitch UAU Stategist Rules of Principle & Ethic



    USA Mitch
    P.O. Box 7773
    Flint, Michigan 48507

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    USA Mitch
    Mitch the Strategist

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    All stuff (contents) etc...mail to USA Mitch become the exclusive property of USA Mitch.




    Can do Will Do USA Flint Engine North


      UAU Party



    UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it


    (UAU) USA American USA Party
    2015 In Making a Bad Sitution GOOD
    To revene your defeats and be a winner through POWER Principles
    -- and the essential element that makes them work

    July 18 2015 President Candidate ::: who! do  have respect for Human Being that IS 100% IN ACCORDANCE WITH USA RULES & STANDARD has principles & sense of well-being with American Citizens values -- One President Candidate -- has American Citizens values --That is U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!


    Jesus(Christ)-God(the Father) Bless(Holy Spirit) America

    Trinity-God Bless America

    The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self) # 13

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest # 14

    The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace # 15


     Islam is a religion of terrorism. By definition, terrorism is the “unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for ideological or political reasons.”

    Coming Soon! what COUNTRIES are part of Islam

       followup against the Constitution of the United States 

    Lets make the right decisions [] immediately
     Democratic Party face a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Everything from ZtoA

    October 30 2015 The White House -> President Obama-Dems  don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act - the penalty for treason is Dealth  Operation:know better:  President Obama (Democratic Party overseers -incude Hillary Clinton (why did Hillary as Secretary of Sate  called Turkey leader daily-US Congress Democratic Party-far left) Anti-christian (Democratic Party overseers butthole) & U.S. Anti-Israel Activity (Democratic Party overseers butthole) & Pro-Muslin  islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group -- beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam, including Quran == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers -(Is not are alliance to our way of life & ?)  are enemy(President Obama - Democratic Party giving them Aid and Comfort butthole) all Muslin (that include Muslim brotherhood) In Syria +Iraq plus other such as Pakistan - Afghanistan - Specialy Turkey & Saudi Arabia-All mosque in USA & through out the world are Headquarters for mulism Salafist jihadists group-(promote Wahthabi ) Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism then their Iran more etc. Countries are USA enemy(Muslin  islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group) will stop Democratic Party giving them Aid and Comfort    ----   American citzens take actions (vote each Democratic U.S. Senators. out of office maybe each U.S. Senators don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

       followup against the Constitution of the United States 

    Islam is a religion of terrorism. By definition, terrorism is the “unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for ideological or political reasons.”

    Coming Soon! what COUNTRIES are part of Islam



    0CTOBER 12 2015 Operation: Syria Christian State (SCS)-- Putin (Russia) will make this happen to save all christian from being kill will the help of the country Israel

       Do & Don't for President Obama & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist from

    October 13 2014  Muslin ISIS islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam, including Quran -- Muslin ISIS islamic state == hates consider themselves to be legitimate—and  the only true—practitioners of the faith --  Muslin ISIS islamic state == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers Muslin ISIS islamic states "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc.  ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic
    There’s No Difference Between ISIS and ISIL(

    then their Saudi Arabia (muslin islamic state and its the law requires that all citizens be Muslims and its human right record is poor (Religion in Saudi Arabia (non-Muslim religious material such as Bibles is illegal, in late 2014 a law was promulgated calling for the death penalty for anyone  bringing in the country any other non-Muslim religious beliefs other than Islam with the Wahhabi religious establishment in 1932-- It will be the religious through out  the world special USA       Saudi Arabia has spent an unbelievable $878B to promote Wahthabi in the U.S. that seek to replace our Constitution with the Quran   ---  the intrusion of Wahhabism into America is a threat to our security and to our way of life ----  and it is becoming increasingly clear that the reason for this failure is Washington unwillingness to risk a rupture with Saudi Arabia (Is not are alliance to our way of life & ?)  other countries that are not alliance to our way of life & special some countires in  U.N.   Former President Obama & US Congress failed to pursue a coherent political strategy aimed at de-legitimizing the ideology of Islamic terrorism in American & 100% alliance to Israel to keep this from happen & abroad & quit training  muslim military - enemy of America Citizens & ?
    Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD)   don't know their history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] to be violent jihad Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest --that are Muslin ISIS(ISIL) islamic stateSalafist jihadists”  are also Sunnis whose conflicts with Shiites [[Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW KLAN(Heart of Stone){SATAN} will be in control of The WORLD]] 2014 Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism 
    [ [ [ [ to present false information with the intention of deceiving USA PATRIOT Act dealing within U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch) ] ] ] ]


    ZTBI Operation:
    (SEPTEMBER 11 2015)  Mr. ObamaJesuscare  Operation:

    SEPTEMBER 11 2015PresidnetObama FBI, CIA & NSA & etc.  Operation:  all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be  The White House(President Obama) & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..)

    July 18 2015 President Candidate ::: who! do  have respect for Human Being that IS 100% IN ACCORDANCE WITH USA RULES & STANDARD has principles & sense of well-being with American Citizens values -- One President Candidate -- has American Citizens values --That is U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)


     +2015 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2015 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2015 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology
    IT WILL BE ---  WITH all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. IF not then The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch
    that also include ALL US Federal & State Prosecutor} don't take control and Prosecute or Sanctions against The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch that violate the USA Law of the Land (The United States Constitution) Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution 

    (in my opinion) USA OP-MOTTO: 'Honesty is the best Policy' BELIEVE ALL YOU READ on Flint Engine DON'T GET ME WRONG BUT I HATE THE DIRTY GREEDY WAYS The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch are doing from the past, present & future AND believe ALL OF WHAT YOU SEE's on Flint Engine now, (in my opinion) with the The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch 'BELIEVE NOTHING YOU HEAR AND HALF OF WHAT YOU SEE' USA Mitch Motto 'Don't tread on me!'

    (SEPTEMBER 11 2015)  Mr. ObamaJesuscare

    President Obama 10 daily duties of Christians  (Acts 5:42)

    1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)

    2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)

    3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)

    4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)

    5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)

    6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)

    7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)

    8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)

    9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)

    10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)





    July 18 2015 The Republican [GOP & Democrat(s)

    Include The Three Branches (the U.S. Executive Branch GOV & US Congess(114th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judical Branch)) of USA Gov't has no soul but each who(+)(s') are partakers of US Gov't do have a soul ((((([[[[[[[{{{{{{{ THAT INCLUDE DEMS & GOP DO NOT HAVE A SOUL but each who(+)(s') are partakers do have a soul}}}}}}]]]]])))))) But some US Congess(114th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (very few !)  who(+) do have respect for Human Being that IS 100% IN ACCORDANCE WITH USA RULES & STANDARD --- take control instead of ---- flp-flopping specially with the Supreme Court Justices of the United States for not knowing the Constitution of the United States - List of Five Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States & will be remove out of office - outmaneuver by the US Constitution states   that means ::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.--  wants to disarm each American Citizens inorder to take control -

    July 18 2015   :::::::: THOMAS JEFFERSON WOULD BE UPSET WITH U.S. Congress 114th - 2015 The White House within USA don't have repect for --  the United States Constitution


    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution

    Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution    Justice for Justice - no age statute the criminal act need to account for their crime the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public    Explain how & how the three appeals will be setup within two years the death row appeals process will not be far too complex and expensive is to be efficiently and effectively carried out before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public   Their will be no reasons to forestall perpetrators execution of the sentence imposed after two years (three appeals will be setup within two years)  that include all Past convict -- perpetrators instead life in prison will have three appeals within two years before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public 

    The US Supreme Court Justices is in support for Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution I do think US Supreme Court Justices  & Associates want to live a right old age >> So that Means Let stay alive (that effects every American Citizens in USALife for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution punishment Death penlty punishment
    Immediately following the execution of Bundy, Chief Justice william h. rehnquist called for changes in the procedure for appealing death sentences. Noting that the Supreme Court had turned down three emergency appeals by Bundy in the hours just prior to his execution, the chief justice said, "Surely it would be a bold person to say that this system could not be improved."

    the Supreme Court has moved to limit the number of appeals a death row inmate may file, arguing that endless appeals serve only to undermine the ability of the state to carry out its constitutionally sanctioned punishment


    The Fifth Amendment seems to supply a clearer basis for assuming the constitutionality of the death statute penalty. This amendment states that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." From this language, one can conclude that with Due Process of Law, death statute penalty punishment may be imposed.  >>> the language of the Fifth Amendment to support the argument that the death penalty was constitutional. Evolving Standards of life for life death statute penalty punishment

    Genesis 9:6 King James Version (KJV)    6 Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
    Numbers 35:30  King James Version (KJV)    30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.
    Numbers 35:31  King James Version (KJV)   31 Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.



    July 18 2015 Mr. Obama Turns to U.N. to Outmaneuver US Congress = Mr. Obama Iran executiveorder Deal circulated a legally binding draft to the 15-member U.N. Security Council So that mean USA  membership at the  U.N. Security Council is over &  the  U.N. Security Council will move It location out OF USA & Obama will be impeached the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.We the People Mr. Obama Iran executiveorder Deal  is built on "lies and deceit

    Washington is working on a new Security Council resolution making the nuclear executiveorder deal legally binding on the US Congrress

    The 14-page draft resolution, obtained by Foreign Policy, is likely to be put to a vote by early next week.

     It also instructs states to refrain from taking any actions that would undermine the agreement.

    However, if a resolution is approved by the Security Council early next week, any president, Democrat or Republican, would be legally required to comply with many of its key provisions.

    “If US Congrress were to veto the executiveorder deal, US Congrress — the United States of America — would be in noncompliance with this agreement and contrary to all of the other countries in the world.


    "Iran has killed more Americans than anyone other than al-Qaeda. They're going to get hundreds of billions of dollars to fuel their terror and military machine,". "Iran is different. It's a zealot country." We the People contends Iran cannot be trusted with any sort of nuclear program.

    "USA-- US Congress have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there is still time to avert them,"

    USA Mr. Obama Iran executiveorder Deal has granted legitimacy to Iran's hateful, murderous ways. This agreement is a tragedy for all who aspire for regional stability and fear a nuclear Iran."    "This agreement is bad. It rewards deceit, terror and warmongering. The mere thought of accepting the chief terrorist regime back into the family of nations is beyond belief Former President Obama  executiveorder Iran Deal
    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is publicly boasting how Iran got everything it wanted from the deal and much, much more.
    “Oh great nation of Iran this is the beginning of a new movement,.

    Former President Obama Vs. US Congress”  membership at the  U.N. Security Council is over &  the  U.N. Security Council will move It location out OF USA Then If not each  US Congress will be impeached the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment. by We the People --- turns to the US Constitution to outmaneuver US Congress

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist 1, 2, 3's NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

    July 21 2015Operation USA Making Laws thru the The Constitution of the United States USA, We the People, Don't Think So   Mr. Obama Iran  executiveorder Deal radical plan   Mr. Obama UN Iran executiveorder Deal Not Part of The Constitution of the United States in making laws for American Citizens, without US Congress is ones making the Law thru The Constitution of the United States not Mr. Obama & The United Nations ( UN - what sanction USA can & can't do - & Etc.[War] )  Now! Mr. Obama has the USA purse string – -  the right or power to manage the disposition of money $$$ – – to do as Obama wants $$$ USA, We the People, Don't Think So     The Constitution of the United States prevent that from happening The Federal Government - the US Congress has complete control over Mr. Obama purse string, must comply with all laws passed by the US Congress &  The Constitution of the United States   What Federal Reserve Bank Structure  Can & Can't Do dealing with The Constitution of the United States making decisions for Americans Citizens (We the People) dealing with interest rates & how  the U.S. Executive Branch  purse string $$$ be used

    July 15 2015  Operation: We The People 2015 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA (that include United Nation USA vistor that part of UN) & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions

    November 14 2014  IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2015 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA

    (Februsry 9 2015)will close Guantanamo Bay I thought The White House(Former President Obama) & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) that be process outside USA Borders THIS A MUST The White House sign our(s) DEAD SENTENCE inside of USA Borders against terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) are you going to open all the prison(s) inside USA Borders to terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..)Rule & Regulation can't be Maintain The White House(President Obama) can't Maintain Rule & Regulation at Guantanamo Bay

    I(USA Mitch) see a Bad Moon Rising. There's a bad moon on the rise...
    Bad Moon Rising
    Creedence Clearwater Revival__ then Play
    ::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice ::: @# 5

    Now! Obama is ---- flp-flopping
    September 8 2013 DID U KNOW::: If not Prove ItTHE FIRST AMERICAN PRESIDENT TO BE A AMERICAN Sunni MUSLIM Mr. Obama's is AMERICAN Sunni MUSLIM -- not a Christian that brief in the doctrine of that all human beings or all fallen creatures will ultimately be restored to right relationship with God
    Just the Tip of the iceberg       

    July 18 2015 DID U KNOW::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.


    July 15 2015 OPERATION:   THE FIRST US AMERICAN PRESIDENT Former President Obama undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values Now! Not Tomorrow --- Former President Obama put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts that in - in the Oval Office that  “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment
    July 18 2015 DID U KNOW::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.

    July 15 2015 OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice






           USA American USA Party    

    U.S. Criminalist Ozar

    Jesus Love You

    will close Guantanamo Bay in question! 

    If If the USA PATRIOT Act is not Renew then judge each  U.S. Senators that vote against the USA Patriot Act by their actions for the American citzens than American citzens take actions (vote each U.S. Senators. out of office maybe each U.S. Senators don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

    Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism 
    [ [ [ [ to present false information with the intention of deceiving USA PATRIOT Act dealing within U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch

       followup against the Constitution of the United States 
    Shariah(muslim) Military (Islamic law - Quran) -- as Muslim in the world is under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) if American-Muslim Citizen(s')  take action in Muslim Military that is treason against the United States - that include giving them Aid and Comfort under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) --- the penalty for treason is Dealth( will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea ) or Any American Citizen(s') take action in Muslim Military that include giving them Aid and Comfort Any US Congress (U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) taking $$$$ from any Muslim Country or person(s') or giving them Aid and Comfort even after retirement from U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch)

     10 daily duties of Christians  (Acts 5:42)

    1 Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3)

    2 Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23)

    3 Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46)

    4 Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47)

    5 Win souls (Acts. 2:47; 16:5)

    6 Preach Jesus (Act 5:43)

    7 Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)

    8 Discuss Scripture (Acts 19:9)

    9 Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28)

    10 Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)


    Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) maybe could not get a job drilling buttockshole in hobbyhorses - I think so - Lets make the right decisions


    will close Guantanamo Bay in question!

    (Februsry 9 2015)will close Guantanamo Bay I thought The White House(Former President Obama) & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) that be process outside USA Borders THIS A MUST The White House sign our(s) DEAD SENTENCE inside of USA Borders against terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) are you going to open all the prison(s) inside USA Borders to terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..)Rule & Regulation can't be Maintain The White House(Former President Obama) can't Maintain Rule & Regulation at Guantanamo Bay


    August 21 2012 inmyopinion Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) no-win-war -- the war-in-Pakistan & FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) training camps for muslim brotherhood taliban camps afghanistan taliban being train by NATO to teach others in Pakistan & FATA




    October 14 2014


    DID U KNOW::: the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.


    US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]





    November 14 2014 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2013 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2014 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

    will close Guantanamo Bay in question!

    November 14 2014 In Guantanamo Bay I thought The White House(Former President Obama) & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) that be process outside USA Borders THIS A MUST The White House sign our(s) DEAD SENTENCE inside of USA Borders against terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) are you going to open all the prison(s) inside USA Borders to terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..)Rule & Regulation can't be Maintain The White House (Former President Obama) can Maintain Rule & Regulation at Guantanamo Bay

    November 14 2014it's Time to make the efforts to reinvent itself and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S) & ETC OR EACH ONE US CONGRESS WILL BE are in deep trouble WITH THE American CitizensIf USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the waySome of US Congress &The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) will be Strips of US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV Leadership Role in US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV by We the People (American Citizens) dealing with the Future

    November 14 2014  IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2014 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA

    2014  IS Gov. walking on pins & needles - after the facts & truth about issues in USA - the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House Executive Branch maybe could not get a job drilling buttockshole in hobbyhorses - I think so - Lets make the right decisions [] immediately

    Operation: We The People 2014 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions


    November 14 2014

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God



    {The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2014 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO).

    US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]
      what about illegal immigration (can be or could be Terriots) -- in New York, N.Y. Out of control are U.N. bring in illegal immigration U.N. (Uniated Nations HQ) will be force out of New York, N.Y. in 2012 immediately ) in USA is not racial profiling Out of control in some States in USA

    November 14 2014PERK UP Who are the Twit JackAss Dems     in the U.S. Executive Branch, (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future to come PERK UP Twit definition  a silly annoying person : fool

    Then Who Are the Twit Repub Repblicans dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future to come that make no common sense

    Then November 14 2014Let make a App for [TwitJackAssDemsApp] & [TwitRupubRepblicansApp]  Go For It! 





           USA American USA Party    
    2015 In Making a Bad Sitution GOOD
    To revene your defeats and be a winner through POWER Principles
    -- and the essential element that makes them work

    a -0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


      PERK UP 
     UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it

    American Buffalo
    (commonly know as the American Bison)

    to USA American USA Party

    ...................UAU Party
     & UAU Follow-Up new up-date comments





    American Bison
    (commonly know as the American Buffalo)
    UAU Principle & Ethics Caucus

    Full View of UAU Party

    but - need - change if
    Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)


    ::: UAU Party Infrastructure taking action :::
    the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice


     Z-A Information Events   dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future that need to be address

    "The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"


     Z-A Information Events   dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future that need to be address
    CONTENTS LIST  Z-A Information Events
    Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A


    -We are in trouble(especially will God)



    New USA Order

    2013 NEW USA IRS TAX CODE Changes - update Coming Soon!

    Mr. Obamacare[Mr. Obamaexecutiveorder]
    will close Guantanamo Bay in question!

    U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

    Z-A Information Events dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future that need to be address

    Full View of UAU Party

    Full View of UAU Party

        but - need - change if
      Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)


    ::: UAU Party Infrastructure taking action :::
    the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

      PERK UP 
     UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it


    American U.S. November 2014 Election
    October 18 2014  Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future  being decided in November Election will it be good or bad for Americans to let the Democrat take-over U.S. Senate & any other U.S. offices which Former President Bill Clinton and Mrs. Hillary Clinton & All Democrat in Office supports Obama-Democrat-Party Team Concept (OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN)everythings that Democrat Do in U.S. House & U.S. Senate that speakout is for Mr. Obama-Democrat-Party(Democrat Party) that appose to be Winners in American U.S. Senate Future, November Election that will be same realm of faith(politics) that was in the Past-Present-&-Future Now! If so, we the People are in trouble,  which Democrat can't make the right decision in keeping American Save and not telling the truth

    October 14 2014

    October 13 2014  Muslin ISIS islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam, including Quran -- Muslin ISIS islamic state == hates consider themselves to be legitimate—and  the only true—practitioners of the faith --  Muslin ISIS islamic state == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers Muslin ISIS islamic states "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc.

    ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic
    There’s No Difference Between ISIS and ISIL(

    The White House -> Former President Obama-Dems  don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] to be violent jihad Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest --that are Muslin ISIS(ISIL) islamic stateSalafist jihadists”  are also Sunnis whose conflicts with Shiites [[Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW KLAN(Heart of Stone){SATAN} will be in control of The WORLD]] 2014 Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism 
    [ [ [ [ to present false information with the intention of deceiving USA PATRIOT Act dealing within U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch) ] ] ] ]

    What State Of Mind Is
    The US Congressional Leadership
    with the American Citizens

    Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
    Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
    Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving

    U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)


    US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



    There is no Peace to the wicked

    February 11 2013   :::::::: Time is running out! It seems Majority Leader Former Sen. Reid, Harry (D-NV) can't read between the lines, Dems & Some GOP can't handle it when We the People tell them the truth!



    (February 10 2013) IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2013 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2013 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

    will close Guantanamo Bay in question!

     May 2013will close Guantanamo Bay I thought Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) that be process outside USA Borders THIS A MUST The White House sign our(s) DEAD SENTENCE inside of USA Borders against terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) are you going to open all the prison(s) inside USA Borders to terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..)Rule & Regulation can't be Maintain The White House(Former President Obama) can't Maintain Rule & Regulation at Guantanamo Bay

    it's Time to make the efforts to reinvent itself and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S) & ETC OR EACH ONE US CONGRESS WILL BE are in deep trouble WITH THE American CitizensIf USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the waySome of US Congress &The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) will be Strips of US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV Leadership Role in US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV by We the People (American Citizens) dealing with the Future

    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2013 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA

    2013  IS Gov. walking on pins & needles - after the facts & truth about issues in USA - the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House Executive Branch maybe could not get a job drilling buttockshole in hobbyhorses - I think so - Lets make the right decisions [] immediately (s2)

    Operation: We The People 2013 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions


    December 2012

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God



    {The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2013 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO).

    US Congress & Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]
      what about illegal immigration (can be or could be Terriots) -- in New York, N.Y. Out of control are U.N. bring in illegal immigration U.N. (United Nations HQ) will be force out of New York, N.Y. in 2012 immediately ) in USA is not racial profiling Out of control in some States in USA

    February 21 2014PERK UP Who are the Twit JackAss Dems     in the U.S. Executive Branch, (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future to come PERK UP Twit definition  a silly annoying person : fool

    Then Who Are the Twit Repub Repblicans dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future to come that make no common sense

    Then February 21 2014Let make a App for [TwitJackAssDemsApp] & [TwitRupubRepblicansApp]  Go For It! 



    Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law  Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest 

     Jesus Love You - SALVATION is the answer to Muslim Problems ----- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self)

        followup against the Constitution of the United States 
    Shariah(muslim) Military (Islamic law - Quran) -- as Muslim in the world is under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) if American-Muslim Citizen(s')  take action in Muslim Military that is treason against the United States - that include giving them Aid and Comfort under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) --- the penalty for treason is Dealth( will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea ) or Any American Citizen(s') take action in Muslim Military that include giving them Aid and Comfort Any US Congress (U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) taking $$$$ from any Muslim Country or person(s') or giving them Aid and Comfort even after retirement from U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)--- the penalty for treason is Dealth

    Full View of UAU Party

    but - need - change if
    Moderate Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)


    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    GOV. don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly]

    Jesus-God Bless America USA-RULE OF LAW (The United States Constitution) in USA

    Then comes JESUS-RULE OF LAW principle & ethics  PERK UP   Let the Sunshine


    2014      PERK UP   Let the Sunshine   USA Gospel 

    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[  UAU Party Vs. Dems Party Vs. GOP Party   ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]




      PERK UP 
     UAU is like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it

    USA Mitch.-- Strategist --- Creature of Habit --- dealing with People US Gov't (All Three Branches that has Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be but should Maintain The Fruit of the Spirit 2014      PERK UP   Let the Sunshine





    A Christian beliefs & practices are not secrete daily duties of Christians -- Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk. 11:3) Take up daily cross (Lk. 9:23) Continue in one accord (Acts 2:46) Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk. 19:47) Win souls (Acts 2:47; 16:5) Preach Jesus (Acts 5:42) Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11) Discuss Scriptures (Acts 19:9) Carry responsibility (2Cor. 11:28) Exhort one another (Heb. 3:13)       Let the Sunshine

    If Iam [USA Mitch.-- Strategist] like Someone else, who will be like Me?




    November 26 2013Muslim Brotherhood-Mr. Obamacare Fiasco Won
    Affordable Care Act (ACA) :::: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)  is United States Federal Statute (March 23 2010)
    Muslim Brotherhood (Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law in Muslim area)
    Now! Mr. Obama is ---- flip-flopping Especially with Iran Crisis Iran Fiasco Won keep the Foreign Aid coming   US Congress Has Problems in Decision Making

    November 28 20132014 Just The Tip of Iceberg FOR the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future Vs. We the People ---- It time for a change in the the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV)Specially THE US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) We the People will have to vote straight GOP Specially in US Senate in order to   justices WHY


    November 24 2013 My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter  --- 

    Then --- their Boss is a Devil activity that destroy human life that disagree with their religion terrorism. is a part of it in today world  so that mean

    Islam is a religion of terrorism. By definition, terrorism is the “unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for ideological or political reasons.”

    Coming Soon! what COUNTRIES are part of Islam

    Coming Soon! what countries are part of Islam that is a religion of terrorism where “Allah” commands the Muslims to fight the unbelievers. "And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers, (Quran 2:191) Surah  is a revenge text. Muhammad  commanded the Islamic people to fight them (the unbeliever) wherever you may find them, and commands them to drive them out of their home because they did that to you. This is clearly terrorism. ALLAH URGES WAR  Back to the definition of terrorism, this verse must take the cake:

    "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful," (Quran 9:5).

    Muhammad  tells the Muslim people to slay the idolaters and ambush them simply because they are idolaters. === Fight till everyone converts

    Sahih Muslim (1:33) The messenger of Allah said: “I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad  is his Prophet, and they establish prayer and pay zakat.”


    As busy as an ant – anything is better than nothing 

    Mr. Bill Clinton as smooth As Silk -- Mr. Obamacare -- I smell A Rat – We the People  don’t understood  a single word – you’ve said:   But the truth is --- But as of now Here today, gone tomorrow American Health Insurance PolicyMr. Obamacare here to stay – right on target --- except Mr. Obamacare Web site – Somebody  got the $$$$$ --- Guest Who! --- Mr. Reid-Obamacare a costly Project that here to stay --- Seven Strikes and you’re out! Mr. Obama can’t give  a civil answer to a civil question!
    We the People are a stickler for details a clear definition, how it ties into the overall purpose == dealing with support of Muslim brotherhood -Sunni Islam  $$$$$ in destroying American Citizens way of life == Money will do most things – to pay one’s choice – there is more here than meets the eye  -- to know on which side one’s bread is buttered --  Is treason (Death Statute U.S. Constitution) if anybody in --- the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Past, Present & Future from taking $$$$$ from Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and home to Islam's two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina 

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy in which Sunni Islam is the official religion don't believe in US Constitution






    Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)

    WHY USA FORCING AMERICANS to kneel at the feet of foreign businesses and governments, begging for jobs and work enough is enough our forefathers would turn over in their graves

      U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus


    Affordable Care Act (ACA) :::: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)  is United States Federal Statute (March 23 2010)

    Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

    October 1 2013 Call it the Name that was Called Operation : Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)  is United States Federal Statute commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) First to Start with Dems & GOP couldn't  pronounce Affordable Care Act so they call  it  Mr. misleading American Citizens - Mr. Obama is Not God   maybe Dems & GOP should Have called It ::: Mrs. Pelosicare > Nancy Pelosi(D-CA; House Minority Leader) the promoter of Affordable Care Act (ACA)


    September 30 2013  Mrs. Pelosi- Promoter Operation : Foreign Big Business Promoter of Mrs Pelosi-Mr. to  save billions of $$$$$ which Foreign Big Business don't believe in US Constitution Who in Senate are kissing & Bowing to Foreign Big Business  Don't be like Mr. William J. Clinton Foundation is in where the $$$$ coming & going   Democrat Bullies --- that are OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price


    September 29 2013 :: a nonprofit group Foundation : Let's  find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    Detective work. You may need to do some detective work in order to unearth the information you need to find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    TIP: if you need to find information on a nonprofit organization - a charity, religious organization, professional association , etc. -- you are legally permitted to examine a copy of that organization's tax return (form 990). Contact the IRS: Freedom of Information Reading Room, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of the Treasury, P.O. Box 388, Ben Franklin Station, Washington! DC 20044; 202-662-5164

    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s')

    Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution    Justice for Justice - no age statute the criminal act need to account for their crime the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public    Explain how & how the three appeals will be setup within two years the death row appeals process will not be far too complex and expensive is to be efficiently and effectively carried out before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public   Their will be no reasons to forestall perpetrators execution of the sentence imposed after two years (three appeals will be setup within two years)  that include all Past convict -- perpetrators instead life in prison will have three appeals within two years before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public 

    The US Supreme Court Justices is in support for Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution I do think US Supreme Court Justices  & Associates want to live a right old age >> So that Means Let stay alive (that effects every American Citizens in USALife for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution punishment Death penlty punishment
    Immediately following the execution of Bundy, Chief Justice william h. rehnquist called for changes in the procedure for appealing death sentences. Noting that the Supreme Court had turned down three emergency appeals by Bundy in the hours just prior to his execution, the chief justice said, "Surely it would be a bold person to say that this system could not be improved."

    the Supreme Court has moved to limit the number of appeals a death row inmate may file, arguing that endless appeals serve only to undermine the ability of the state to carry out its constitutionally sanctioned punishment


    The Fifth Amendment seems to supply a clearer basis for assuming the constitutionality of the death statute penalty. This amendment states that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." From this language, one can conclude that with Due Process of Law, death statute penalty punishment may be imposed.  >>> the language of the Fifth Amendment to support the argument that the death penalty was constitutional. Evolving Standards of life for life death statute penalty punishment

    Genesis 9:6 King James Version (KJV)    6 Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
    Numbers 35:30  King James Version (KJV)    30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.
    Numbers 35:31  King James Version (KJV)   31 Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.



    January 15 20172017 DID U KNOW:::  Rebels- Sunni Muslim Brotherhood agendas Vs. Regine-Shiite Muslim this is a Holy jihad civil war  No-Win War  between Sunni Muslim Brotherhood & Shiite and the Countries that are Sunni Muslim what Countries are involved with the Rebels- Sunni Muslim Brotherhood agendas

    Rebels-Sunni Muslim Brotherhood are NOT Ours Alliance Partners If Any US Senator(s') vote for taken action in helping any Rebels -(a Holy jihad civil war)  Muslim Brotherhood agendas or like will be going against the US Constitution We the People will take action against the US Senators who vote for taking action in  Holy jihad civil war & any  U.S. House of Representatives support taking action in supports of helping  Democrat Bullies --- that are OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) in supports of taking Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid

    Far Left Liberal Democrats --that tell U.S. Congress GO FOR IT Rebels Regine Muslim agendas need help


    August 21 2012 inmyopinion  no-win-war -- the war-in-Pakistan & FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) training camps for muslim brotherhood taliban camps afghanistan taliban being train by NATO to teach others in Pakistan & FATA



    Must act now 'before it's too late'

    June  26 2013PresidnetObama IRS & NSA Operation:  IRS Scandal Intensifies & NSA Scandal Intensifies was not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution (GOV.) don't abide by the law(s) etc... -- then VULNERABILITIES -is- open to etc... [attack no phobias (the law(s) etc... It could be costly] more info

    June 12 2013 DID U KNOW:::  James Clapper stated: NSA does "not wittingly"  collect data on americans; but what about NSA Obamacare surveillance that can be or will be collect data on american Ron Wyden (D-OR) Senate Intelligence Committee  accused James Clapper  of lying about NSA Surveillance do we give up are liberty for are safety - you can't give up are liberty a little bit

    New Set of Gov't Rule for US IRS

    January 6 2013 Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury Weighs New TAX Scheme The White House (President Obama) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    how it will be

    The White House (President Obama) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (President Obama) IRS are in Rich Class

    New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Consist of TOMORROW which their will be a audit of of each IRS Employer & employee By the U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Internal Affairs Agency on a regular basis every other year (No Betrayal of Not Paying Their(+) Federal Income Tax)


    Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: Who! in US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class


    breaking news June 12 2013 Turkey Protesters [against Strict Islamic Law (Shariah)] defy COMMENTS  -- WILL TAKE CONTROL OF Turkey Gov't (just the beginning in Istanbul) Turkish Police & Military can be or will be in Can Turkey(Davutoglu(Turkish FM) put a stop to Turkey Protesters [against Strict Islamic Law (Shariah)] take-over



    There is no Peace to the wicked

    February 11 2013   :::::::: Time is running out! It seems Majority Leader Sen. Reid, Harry (D-NV) can't read between the lines, Dems & Some GOP can't handle it when We the People tell them the truth!

    February 10 2013 Mastermind Former President Obama -- State of the Union Address on Tuesday Will Be according to Mr. Obama ---- Not! in 2013 thru 2016 Will Dems -[Majority Leader Sen. Reid, Harry (D-NV)]-- Get on board or not with American Citizens --against dealing with Illegal Immigration-dual citizenship(who maybe be spy or etc. or U.N. Foreign Spy) & Gay marriage(What does Jesus-God ground rules on the subject or Lucifer-Satan) & Economy-Jobs[Business own by the American Citizens not by Foreign Citizens(Foreign Corp.) or dual citizenship]



    (February 10 2013) IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2013 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2013 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

    will close Guantanamo Bay in question!

     May 2013will close Guantanamo Bay I thought The White House(Former President Obama) & KEEP American Citizens Safe from terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) that be process outside USA Borders THIS A MUST The White House sign our(s) DEAD SENTENCE inside of USA Borders against terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..) are you going to open all the prison(s) inside USA Borders to terrorist or Like (illegal alien etc..)Rule & Regulation can't be Maintain The White House(Former President Obama) can't Maintain Rule & Regulation at Guantanamo Bay

    it's Time to make the efforts to reinvent itself and develop new ways in MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION(S) & ETC OR EACH ONE US CONGRESS WILL BE are in deep trouble WITH THE American CitizensIf USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the waySome of US Congress &The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) will be Strips of US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV Leadership Role in US Congress & U.S. Executive Branch GOV by We the People (American Citizens) dealing with the Future

    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2013 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA

    2013  IS Gov. walking on pins & needles - after the facts & truth about issues in USA - the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & The White House Executive Branch maybe could not get a job drilling buttockshole in hobbyhorses - I think so - Lets make the right decisions [] immediately (s2)

    Operation: We The People 2013 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions


    USA American USA Party (UAU Party)

    "Better Late Than Never"

    The White House -> (Former President Obama) :WHY USA FORCING AMERICANS to kneel at the feet of foreign businesses and governments, begging for jobs and work enough is enough our forefathers would turn over in their graves


    Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution

    January 16 2013Only hand guns(revolvers) will be registered & no Social Security number will be given out & Plus all Social Security Number given out inorder to have Credit Score will stop the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to Whoever it is (such as Vs. Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution) & taping business phone calls (for training purposes and your call may be monitored and recorded to insure in question --- can or maybe to be used in Court of Law) will be stop in being tape )  TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA --- So be it dedication to Barclays Bank Delaware with help of Blatt, Hasenmiller, Leibsker & Moore, PLLC ,,, Eduardo M. Pallares (P63559) & dedication to General Motor Corporation SO THAT MEANS FACE TO FACE communication WITH THE American Citizens that Business(etc.) want to Contact

    January 16 2013 Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution to protect American Citizens from Foreign invader Muslim Radicals ---- Militants, jihadists, and even al-Qaeda offshoots & Foreign Citizens(illegal immigation) & against wild animals that wants to Due body Harm inorder to protect their safety against predatory animals etc.
     We the People - As the right to Bear Arms -- Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States ConstitutionWill the US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD Respect the Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution Political Party Leaders Republican Leadership & Democratic Leadership

    January 16 2013   :::::::: THOMAS JEFFERSON WOULD BE UPSET WITH U.S. Congress 113th & 2013 The White House within USA don't have repect for -- Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution

    ----------------Muslim Brotherhood wants to disarm each American Citizens inorder to take control & etc. to each American Citizens ---------------------THE FIRST AMERICAN PRESIDENT TO BE A AMERICAN MUSLIM AS OF NOW! ::::: 2013 ::::: Prove It ::::: Mr. Obama's is AMERICAN MUSLIM -- not a Christian that brief in the doctrine of that all human beings or all fallen creatures will ultimately be restored to right relationship with God All Mr. Obama is doing helping the Muslim Brotherhood THE FIRST US AMERICAN PRESIDENT through the Mr. Obamaexecutiveorder to make this happen Former President Obama undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values U.S. Constitutionist Ozar

    Muslim Vs. USA(Constitution of the United States)

    Muslim Brotherhood (Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law in Muslim area)

    President Obama will destroy Marriage ActThat what Muslim Brotherhood wantinorder to help (in part) destory USA(Constitution of the United States)

     Team Concept within CNN Corporation against Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution what else in the United States Constitution

    January 6 2013   :::::::: THOMAS JEFFERSON WOULD BE UPSET WITH legal immigration within USA don't have repect for -- Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution need to be deported now! Why! does Piers Morgan threatens to deport self CNN BOD has a problem with the -- Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution -- what else in the United States Constitution all legal immigration within USA that on CNN BOD need to be deported now! No Team Concept within CNN BOD having no repect for the United States Constitution Just The Tip of Iceberg in explaining {why!} Why CNN did what CNN BOD did Charlie Rose (American Citizen) engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, business leaders would be more than qualified to replace Piers Morgan that Team Concept within CNN Corporation


     January 16 2013 Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution to protect American Citizens from Foreign invader Muslim Radicals ---- Militants, jihadists, and even al-Qaeda offshoots & Foreign Citizens(illegal immigation)
     We the People - As the right to Bear Arms -- Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States ConstitutionWill the US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD Respect the Second Amendment Bearing Arms to the United States Constitution Political Party Leaders Republican Leadership & Democratic Leadership

    U.S. Constitutionist Ozar


    What State Of Mind Is
    The US Congressional Leadership
    with the American Citizens

    Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
    Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
    Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite that mean to present false information with the intention of deceiving

    U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch)

    December 2012

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God



    {The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2013 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO) dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO).

    US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]
      what about illegal immigration (can be or could be Terriots) -- in New York, N.Y. Out of control are U.N. bring in illegal immigration U.N. (United Nations HQ) will be force out of New York, N.Y. in 2012 immediately ) in USA is not racial profiling Out of control in some States in USA


     November 19 2012USA Druggoers::::: Lets put a stop to major source of heroin, methamphetamines and marijuana in the United States -------- which marijuana is not legalized in US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEADwith not reverse the marijuana laws & will not treat it like cigarettes That is not Good Idea to Nationalizing in all 50 states In USA their are CIA, FBI & then ZTBI Zero Tolerance Bureau of Investigation need to take action now, not tomorrow, tomorrow never come as of now today The USA Borders need to be control by US Military Why! Why! Why! With the help of each state that border the border guard though borders, now, not tomorrow, [] what Hard core drug does on your body (don't use meth not even once) through TV ads etc... [ GOV. need help(getting kids attention) in educate the American citizens on all drugs etc.. reflect the dangers what it does to the body of an human being[] that is solety on prevention [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE Legislative BRANCH ] --> White House Blunders 100% War on Drug Crimes by helping the American citizens beat the Drug habit instead of jail time [senseless] and stop all drug traffic to USA. more serious etc.. crimes need to put in jail than ? immediate stop any known source Drug Traffic without any question [GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ]

    November 19 2012 Operation::::: USA Druggoers New Set of Law-Rules dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future for USA Druggoers New Set of Law-Rules American Citizens Druggoers need be set freed & make room for Hard core heavy traffickers launder pushers ---- explain how it will be in the new set of Law-Rules with not reverse the marijuana laws but added to & will not treat it like cigarettes We The People speak (not fair to American citizens) 2013 GOV. Put on Notice -> It time for change like The White House (President Obama) wanted & Lets put ::::: Mexican and Colombian drug lords on Forbes rich list Lets put a stop to Mexican and Colombian drug lords


    November 17 2012 Operation Don't Understand ::: Former President Obama put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts --- Democrat Party ----- Majority Leader of US Senate Democratic Harry Reid(NV) --- Oscar Underwood(AL) -- Joseph Taylor Robinson(AR) -- Alben W. Barkley(KY) -- Scott W. Lucas(IL) -- Ernest McFarland(AZ) -- Lyndon B. Johnson(TX) -- Mike Mansfield(MT) -- Robert Byrd(WV) -- George Mitchell(ME) -- Tom Daschle(SD) don't Understand WHAT Foreign Aid is for --- not let Foreign Countries to BUY military weapons to used against American Citizens & etc. Alliance Parters (& supply food to Military Armies) -[[[[[& Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, China, Russia, West Bank/Gaza, Egypt, North Korea, Burma, China, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Equatorial Guinea, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Swaziland, Turkey, Bahrain are NOT Ours Alliance Parters more complete list All Foreign Aid is cut off completely ---- under Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW -- their will be no democracy state -- only dictatorship -- but keep the US Foreign Aid coming -- only dictatorship & restore the land with new Building & etc. !


    January 6 2013 Update Coming Soon! for the 113th US Congress Health Care & also include all US Gov't etc. for the US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future - that has US Gov't Health Care
     Obamacare[Mr.Obamaexecutiveorder] to be the Same As for the 113th US Congress Health Care -- the 113th US Congress just lost their US Gov't Health Care!


    November 28 2012Mr. Obamacare[Mr. Obamaexecutiveorder] will include Dental & Eye Care Specially Physical Therapy for Health & Safety injury for American Serior Citizens & disabled(handicapped) Obamacare[Mr. Obamaexecutiveorder] will take Legal action against the Corporation or like & etc. inorder to serve prison time & fines to pay for that was added to Obamacare for their Crimial NEGLIGENCE Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice)))) AND No Co-pay where the insured pays a specificed amount out-of-pocket expenses for health-care services such as Doctor visits & Hospital visits & other office Medical visits such as X-Ray taken & Co-pay on Precriptions


    November 15 2012 Impeachment: Congressman calls Former President Obama a Liar ---- Rhetoric heats up over Benghazi attack --- Obama & Joseph Biden Jr. Impeachment: plus a investigation dealing with Mrs. Hillary Clinton & Mrs. Hillary aide involvement in Benghazi attack more why! & Mrs. Hillary aide comments: between a reporter 'tells reporter to '**** ***' [[[[[ inappropriate words to be used in holding a Public Office ]]]]] for daring to ask about Benghazi scandal (Mrs. Hillary Clinton aide goes ballistic over Libya questionsYou're Fired----November 15 2012 Now! Not Tomorrow --- Former President Obama put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts)


    We are in trouble(especially will God)

    November 08 2012 More than 6 million self-described “evangelicals” voted for Mr. Obama. Why & what else do the exit polls tell us about how Christians voted?

    evangelicals are in trouble(especially will God)

    evangelicals don't know their Bible more why!

    Can do Will Do
    November 7 2012 What is Mr. Obama up to in next four years

    Mr. Obamasame-sexmarriage [S-SM = Same-Sex Marriage( male-male female-female ) ]

    Is serfdom for the Muslim Brotherhood to USA,,, "But at the end of the day, when it comes time to make that decision, as President, all you have to guide you are your values, and your vision, and the life experiences that make you who you are." stated by Michelle Obama address the Democratic Nation Convention in Charlotte, .C.N. & also stated ::::::::: "if a young preacher could lift us to the mountaintop with his righteous dream and if proud Americans can be who they are and boldly stand at the altar with who they love then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream." same-sex marrriage( male-male female-female ) will be marriage at your Altar (S-SM) & your values, and your vision, and the life experiences that make you who you are --- Obama will make your decision in 2013you(Democrat) are in trouble(especially will God) Mr. Obama Is serfdom for the Muslim Brotherhood to USA


    Mr. Obama is anti-american insertion issues Why! Why! will do far more damage in a second term than he could do in his first, Mr. Obamacare will prove just the start

    Lest we forget! Lest we forget!

    Our county, made under Washington, saved under Lincoln, it is ours to keep it.

    Lets freedom never perish in your hands, But piously transmit it to your childen.

    Lets, freedom, truth and faith in God

    America! American! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!

    National injustice is the surest road to national downfall.

    The gentlemen in the government and in Congress are the servants of the people. Do not forget this important fact. and do not let them forget it.

    The holy faith that warmed our sires

     We are in trouble(especially will God) Democratsame-sexmarriage( male-male female-female ) with help of Majority Leader of US Senate Democratic Mr. Harry Reid(NV) --- Oscar Underwood(AL) -- Joseph Taylor Robinson(AR) -- Alben W. Barkley(KY) -- Scott W. Lucas(IL) -- Ernest McFarland(AZ) -- Lyndon B. Johnson(TX) -- Mike Mansfield(MT) -- Robert Byrd(WV) -- George Mitchell(ME) -- Tom Daschle(SD) BELIEVE 100% WITH *Former President Obama judge the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch by their actions for the American citzens than American citzens take actions (vote GOV. out of office) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way.

    unleaded ----- POLITICS .9
    plus ----- GREED .9

    premium ----- SERFDOM .9



    November 7 2012 Mrs. Michelle Obama address the Democratic Nation Convention in Charlotte, .C.N. stated ::::::::: "if a young preacher could lift us to the mountaintop with his righteous dream and if proud Americans can be who they are and boldly stand at the altar with who they love then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream." same-sex marrriage( male-male female-female ) will be marriage at your Altar (S-SM)

    we must "defend the sanctity of marriage (man - woman) husband - wife marriage in USA"

     To Be or Not To Be --- To Be

    July 23 2011 "DON'T ASK" ban ends 2011 Now! Do Ask - Do Tell We the People --- Want to know Maybe -- New Housing will starts in the US Military

    (((((((((((((((S-SM(((((((((((((((()))))))))))))Mr. ObamaTo Besame-sexmarriage the sanctity of marriage agree-with the US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & THE US Judical Branch ))))))))affiliations between more than two is not adultery dealing with Mr. ObamaTo Besame-sexmarriage)))))))))))

    To Be or Not To Be

    Is It Right or Not having Human Relationship Between (male - male) or (female - female)
    or (man - woman) having SEX - Human Relationship ===== Is this GIVE & Take with Jesus - Ask Jesus - Jesus-God is the answer To Be or Not To Be USA Jesus-God Bless America
    we must "defend the sanctity of marriage (man - woman) husband - wife marriage in USA"

    To Be or Not To Be(male - male) marriage or (female - female) marriage Vs.
    (man - woman) husband - wife marriage

    in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA Is It To Be or Not To Be specially same-sex marriage( male-male female-female ) and all their principles are wrong


    "The Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"

    in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them that Gays & Lesbians etc... same-sex marriage( male-male female-female ) are not GOV. Core Beliefs in USA Is It To Be or Not To Be same-sex marriage( male-male female-female ) and all their principles are wrong [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] - we must "defend the sanctity of marriage in USA" [] before GOD get mad the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch Blunders on same-sex marriage( male-male female-female ) {Is this a SIN against GOV. Core Beliefs in USA} & {a SIN against Core Beliefs of Conservative Christians (Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:20-19:29)} PLUS in my opinion - Operation: US Congress will pass bills & laws to keep all Social Security records straight went men becoming women or women becoming men (transgender people: having or planning surgery) can't change their status on their Social Security Record [We The People speak (not fair to American citizens if Social Security records are change -in my opinion)]


    August 17 2012 :::DID U KNOW::: Mr. President Obama Same-Sex Marriage Mr. President Obama will destroy Marriage ActDemocrat(s) in Public Offices in US Congress(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD BELIEVE 100% WITH *Mr. President Obama Same-Sex Marriage 2012 Majority Leader of US Senate Democratic Mr. Harry Reid(NV) --- Oscar Underwood(AL) -- Joseph Taylor Robinson(AR) -- Alben W. Barkley(KY) -- Scott W. Lucas(IL) -- Ernest McFarland(AZ) -- Lyndon B. Johnson(TX) -- Mike Mansfield(MT) -- Robert Byrd(WV) -- George Mitchell(ME) -- Tom Daschle(SD) if not speakout {if silent -in- --there is a ethical moral values} in USA is not racial profiling Does Pope Benedict XVI support Same-Sex Marriage that BELIEVE 100% WITH Same-Sex Marriage WHO are the Past Former Presidents BELIEVE 100% WITH *Former President Obama Same-Sex Marriage if not speakout {if silent -in- --there is a ethical moral values} in USA is not racial profiling



    Now! Obama is ---- flip-flopping

    October 11 2012 Israel Pressure U.S. dealing with Iran; i(Mr. Obama) don't want you(Israel) do anything, i(Mr. Obama) will do it for you(Israel) ------ Do you(American Citizens) believe that ---- Where is the Red line ??????????

     Operation: Follow-Up Protocall That The US Gov't Control hand-out to profit Wall Street -- Foreign Corporate-Stockholder before this happen Who are the Stockholders Judge the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch by their actions for the American citzens than American citzens take actions (vote GOV. out of office)

    September 25 2012 The White House - Former President Obama --- to addrerss U.N. (United Nations) on 9-25-2012 It.s U.N. (United Nations) responsibility to keep peace in Syria it not NATO or USA responsibility U.N. (United Nations) is ---- flip-flopping in taking action Just Do It - instead of talking/thinking about it ------SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD UNITED STATES or NATO CAN'T SAVE THE WORLD SPECIALLY IN Afghanistan September 25 2012 U.N. (United Nations) take over in Afghanistan NATO & USA Departure should be sudden -- Who training Who Operation::Afghanistan Military or Taliban (Muslim Brotherhood) Military It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Former President Obama Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid SPECIALLY IN Libya & Egypt-- (no way their be a democracy government) with help of Majority Leader of US Senate Democratic Mr. Harry Reid(NV) --- Oscar Underwood(AL) -- Joseph Taylor Robinson(AR) -- Alben W. Barkley(KY) -- Scott W. Lucas(IL) -- Ernest McFarland(AZ) -- Lyndon B. Johnson(TX) -- Mike Mansfield(MT) -- Robert Byrd(WV) -- George Mitchell(ME) -- Tom Daschle(SD) BELIEVE 100% WITH *President Obama


    September 15 2012 Within USA & abroad(National Interest) [how it will be revised 101]

    Now! Plain & simple It time to revises the Death Penalty – in USA to protection American Citizens from all Criminal Crimes (specially that include outside USA ) No Criminal Crimes goes unpunished against American Citizens

    September 14 2012 :::: :::: The White House - Former President Obama --- American Political Career is over in 2012 Now! Mr. Obama is ---- flip-flopping

    New 48 Hours in advance before it happen -- The blood on US Gov't Hands that new in advance!

    Romney Criticizes Embassy Reaction says apology for America's values wrong Romney was right in speaking out --- USA(Constitution of the United States) Freedom of Speech -- First Amendment to the United States Constitution

    ::::: :::Former President Obama Was Wrong for Apology against the America"s values dealing with Libya taken action on US Embassy to Muslim Radicals ---- Militants, jihadists, and even al-Qaeda offshoots Will take back his Apology for a wrongdoing dealing with freedom of speech in USA(Constitution of the United States ) President Obama undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values if not beyond Hope If Former President Obama wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way It will be an essential way for President Obama to move forward after an incident that undermine our own principles or sense of well-being with American Citizens values, If Former President Obama wants to be a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

    Muslim Vs. USA(Constitution of the United States)

    Muslim Brotherhood (Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law in Muslim area)--- Dictatorship(only -- not a democracy government specially dealing with Libya & Egypt-- no way their be a democracy government ) Vs. USA(Constitution of the United States) Freedom of Speech -- First Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Democracy Government -- is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives

    The other Muslim Brotherhood are Turkey(Davutoglu(Turkish FM)), Syria(Arab League member), Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan more Countries added to the list

    "Face the Truth of Where Things Stand" The White House - Former President Obama is a Turkish Such-ass by using (Davutoglu(Turkish FM) as a US Spokenman conveyed a message of warning from US to Assad


    New USA Order   only for the American Citizens to gain control of USA within  & Parts of The World within [that the US Legislative Branch & The US Executive Branch & The US Judicial Branch will take action] American Citizens will take control {The State of New USA Order} The US Congress & The White House & specially U.S. Supreme Court justices (in my opinion) should be (fired) by The American Citizens For (The United States Constitution) {The State of New USA Order} Ten day Action Rules set-up for the The US Congress & The White House for emergency action in making an resolution to make new bills & laws now! not tomorrow before it to late -- Why!

    The 1, 2, 3's of New USA Order (We the People) NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE IN NEVER QUIT!

      New USA Order (in my opinion) USA Patriotism --- in The US Congress & The White House ---- Its come a times went you(The US Congress & The White House) got to do the right thing for USA(American Citizens first) isn't it common sense ---- than the Foreign Citizens(illegal immigation & Foreign Corporation .. or like etc... ) comes second and all foreign aids stop until all the american citizens are protected first Lets get your Act together (USA Patriotism --- If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way We The People 100% USA CWW (USA CountryWorldWide)


    U.S. Ozar Branches (UAU Party)

    U.S. Overseer Ozar

    U.S. Constitutionist Ozar
    U.S. Criminalist Ozar
    U.S. Economist Ozar
    U.S. Legalist Ozar
    U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar U.S. OSHOzar
    U.S. Opinionist Ozar
    U.S. Prophet Ozar
    U.S. Zero Tolerance Ozar


    The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self)

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the the Corporation(s') & US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

    The Armor of God (God Bless America) ----------- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace


    US Congress & The White House & Etc...will change dual citizenship Policy in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



    Decenber 06 2016The USA Almighty 2017 IRS Googolplex
    IRS Googolplex New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws for 2017 Income Tax & hereafter No More free-arrange with $$$$$
    TOMORROW -- New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Taking the Plunge ! In Making IRS Googolplex {Plain & Simple ---- Right to the Point } IRS Motto: Higher Class is in trouble & will pay their(+) Federal Income Tax up-front [Specially the USA Corporation and etc. that gives to Non Profit Organizations & Bonus Payout (Federal Income Tax up-front ) & Foreign Corporation Investors Income dealing with USA (Federal Income Tax up-front ) & also that gives to USA Non Profit Organizations (Federal Income Tax up-front) All Personal – Personal Gross high-income earner Making over $250,000 that gives to Non Profit Organizations (Federal Income Tax up-front ) ]

    "Let it be preached from the IRS Googolplex Pulpit, proclaimed in

    U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH, and Enforced in Courts of Justices"
    The IRS Googolplex New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Consist of TOMORROW which their will be a audit By the Internal Affairs Agency on a regular basis (No Betrayal of Not Paying Their(+) Federal Income Tax) & each of IRS Employer & employee IRS hold the purse string to the USA future
    The White House  IRS will gives Life, Liberty, & Happiness -- Who are in need with the $$$$$. The American Citizens - come first in all things before Foreign Countries - PLUS Etc. (Specially the Poor class - let no American Citizens go hungry then come the US Aid to hungry People in the World Today! USA Gov't will make-sure the US Aid goes only to Hungry People in the World instead to that Who(+) has opportunity to the $$$$$
    UAU Party Motto: This will Happen - 2017 IRS Googolplex
     If not then the USA Gov't  pay the price with the American Citizens & God Jesus-God Bless America Their will be In The U.S. Executive Branch GOV -- IRS Googolplex Team Concept with the US Congess(114th Congress) & (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)
    US Congress & The White House  IRS $$$$$ need to & will stop funding The War in Afghanistan & Iraq ---The Afghanistan & Iraq are -- that was a poor countries to a wealthy countries Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda are using USA American Citizens IRS $$$$$ to increase their income Now! It A No-win War -> it over ---- Plus funding the illegal immigarant -> it over -- the American Citizens come first -- did you (+) hear that --I(USA Mitch -UAU Strategist ) do not think All three US Branches still don"t get it

    Operation: What happen to Upper Class at the end of Time --- & before end of Time -- Time will tell ->--- went Upper Class meet their destination---- Closer to Heaven or Hell -> Greed-$$$$$

    Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)

    SEPTEMBER 11  2017) OPERATIONWe the People 'USA  Rattlesnake Rule-Obstruction of Justice' IRS Googolplex

    New Set of Gov't Rule for US IRS

    Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury Weighs New TAX Scheme The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    how it will be

    The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS are in Rich Class

    New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Consist of TOMORROW which their will be a audit of of each IRS Employer & employee By the U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Internal Affairs Agency on a regular basis every other year (No Betrayal of Not Paying Their(+) Federal Income Tax)

    IRS IRS will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep IRS from any wrong doing & take action against the IRS Staff & employee  & keep IRS in check with the U.S. Constitution & IRS Staff & employee will be brought  to justice within IRS for wrong doing (Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within IRS if IRS Staff or employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from IRS




      We The People 100% USA CWW (USA CountryWorldWide)

    USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist




    Oh No ! ::: in my opinion court of USA ::: US Congress(113th Congress) turning US America's Middle Class into the Working Poor Class



    I have not yet begun to fight
    I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
    I Shall know but one country ... I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American.

    USA Mitch

    I am an American
    What every Citizens should know

    I am a believer in The American Creed

    I am an American -- These rights and privileges are mine:
    I may think as I please.
    I may speak or write as I please, so long as I not intrerere with the rights of others.
    I have the right to vote. By my vote I choose the public officers who are really my servants.
    I have the right to chose my work, to seek any job for which my experience and ability have fitted me.
    I have the right to try to improve my lot through various means.
    I may seek justice in the courts where I have equal right with others.
    I have the right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

    I am an American -- These duties I share with my fellow citiens:
    It is my duty to obey my country's laws.
    It is my duty to informed as to the honesty and ability of candidates for public office.
    It is my duty, by my vote and my influence, to correct injustice.
    It is my duty to pay such taxes as have been devised by representatives elected by me, to defay the cost of government.
    It is my duty to defend my country, if need should arise.
    It is my duty to abide by the will of the majorty, to stand behind my government, so my nation may be unified in time of crisis.

    I am an American -- I uphold my country's

    American Wit:
    Everbody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
    Too many people don't care what happens so long as it doesn't happen to them.
    It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.

    I am an American -- I an fully informed about
    How Our Government Works
    The Treasury Deptment, under ther Secretary of the Treasury, administer all financial affairs of the U.S. Government, including the issuance of money, and cerificates representing obligations of the Government.

    I am an American -- Watchworks of Democracy
    Jesus-God Bless America :The Almighty God (Jesus-God) who gave us life give us liberty at the same time.
    Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God.
    These are times that try men's souls.
    Public office is a public trust.
    We have room but for one language here and that is English, for we intend to that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house.
    There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 per cent Americanism,, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.
    I believe in democracy because it releases the energies of every human being.
    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.



    It's a Good Thing to Join a Union
    It's a good thing to do.
    Cause it will help you(+)
    Good by to unfair wages, Farewell long hours, too!
    That the Union makes us strong.
    We can break their haughty power; gain our freedom when we learn
    It's time to take a stand.
    There's a job that's got to be done
    and a fight that's got to be won.
    As long as you(+) permit the few
    To guide your destiny.
    There is no middle ground
    This fight is not in vain.
    Good luck to all of you(+)
    And we'll all be free
    When the workers have organized.
    The boss will be in for a big surprise


    USA Mitch UAU Stategist Rules of Principle & Ethic


    USA Mitch
    P.O. Box 7227
    Flint, Michigan 48507

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    USA Mitch
    Mitch the Bitch

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    Muslin ISIS islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam, including Quran -- Muslin ISIS islamic state == hates consider themselves to be legitimate—and  the only true—practitioners of the faith --  Muslin ISIS islamic state == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers Muslin ISIS islamic states "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc.

    ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic

    October 13 2014 Far Left Liberal Democrats  ( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'© )    (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) don't know their history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] to be violent jihad Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest --that are Muslin ISIS islamic stateSalafist jihadists”  are also Sunnis whose conflicts with Shiites [[Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW KLAN(Heart of Stone){SATAN} will be in control of The WORLD]] 2014 Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism 
    [ [ [ [ to present false information with the intention of deceiving USA PATRIOT Act dealing within U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE US Judicial Branch) ] ] ] ]
    an of his========================================================== W=================--=

     Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future
    the CRISIS in the World

    Jhe for ofThe Qdo not embr


    ce the American religs, when Wahhabi mosq


    u++s++Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

    +IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA 2016 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts (m)

    {The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2017 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). in USA need to be deported back to their Country [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military with their mother or father if not then a new process will be setup by the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...)

     Invasion of U.S. border in 2016
    (Land, Sea & Air)


    enough is enough
    catch & release by The White House, Executive Branch big 3 no no no has cross the line
    Raised the Red Flag
    Terrible Diseases & etc... that illegal alien are bring into USA
    GO Home & Get in Line (NOW) did you hear that GOV.

    Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. but is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] by not helping the American Citizens

    {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... [take action - in question situation] enforce the law on all broken borders (Land, Sea & Air) & all employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..} [] is this a

     CATCH & SENT BACK immediately dealing with broken borders (that could be Terrorist) in the USA (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & SENT BACK [in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc.. [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..][] we the people speak the time has come to deport all illegal invasion resident [] in days, not months[] immediately {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [It is possible to deport millions of illegal invasion resident (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?] illegal alien residents V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA by passing a bill its ok to break the law in USA by honoring illegal alien residents in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



    Operation : broken borders -- Human Trafficking etc... is illegal (wrong) in USACATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS (a serious probem-with Human Trafficking etc... ) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS[in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc... [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc...][] Human Trafficking etc... V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA ok to break the law in USA by honoring Human Trafficking etc... in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

     con"t _

    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2016 & 2017 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton can't do it then(Past) --- can't do it now(future) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA


    Dealing from Past-Present-Future  within U.S. Executive Branch .Former President Obama U.S. Executive Branch stand was right not to Say Operation : Raical Islamic Terroism or Raical Islam

    Muslim Ideology Clan Across the World to be Ideology Clan to be in Present-Future to come!

    Muslim Islamic Ideology Clan -Raical Islam- Raical Islamic Terroism - dealing from Past-Present-Future

    Islamic Ideology Clan [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] ----- Muslim Islamic Ideology Clan -- Muslin ISIS islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam clan, including Quran -- Muslin ISIS islamic state == hates consider themselves to be legitimate—and  the only true—practitioners of the faith --  Muslin ISIS islamic state == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers Muslin ISIS islamic states "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith et

    ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic
    There’s No Difference Between ISIS and ISIL(

    Muslim Islamic Ideology Clan trying to be as drug cartel that batches of heroin were  hitting the USA streets lace with potent drugs like synthetic fentanyl or carentanil, an elephant tranquilizer 100 times more powerful than heroin

    October 13 2014  Muslin ISIS islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam, including Quran -- Muslin ISIS islamic state == hates consider themselves to be legitimate—and  the only true—practitioners of the faith --  Muslin ISIS islamic state == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers Muslin ISIS islamic states "Islamic fascists" God's Muslim Warriors - Fighters for faith etc.

    ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic
    There’s No Difference Between ISIS and ISIL(

    The White House -> Former President Obama-Dems  don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] to be violent jihad Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest --that are Muslin ISIS(ISIL) islamic stateSalafist jihadists”  are also Sunnis whose conflicts with Shiites [[Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW KLAN(Heart of Stone){SATAN} will be in control of The WORLD]] 2014 Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism 
    [ [ [ [ to present false information with the intention of deceiving USA PATRIOT Act dealing within U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch) ] ] ] ]

    Sept 26 2016 Operation intrusion:  face a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Everything from ZtoA  

    The intrusion of Wahhabism into America is a threat to our security and to our way of life – It(Wahhabism){Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud stated) will be the religious through out the world special USA  –-- US Congress failed to pursue a coherent political strategy aimed at delegitimizing the ideology of Islamic terrorism in American & 100% alliance to Israel to keep this from happen & abroad & quit training  muslim military - enemy of America Citizens & ?

    Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud has spent an unbelievable $878B to promote Wahthabi in the U.S. that seek to replace our Constitution with the Quran  –- the intrusion of Wahhabism into America is a threat to our security and to our way of life –- and it is becoming increasingly clear that the reason for this failure is Washington unwillingness to risk a rupture with Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (Is not are alliance to our way of life &
    ?other countries that are not alliance to our way of life & special some countires in  U.N. Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (muslin islamic state and its the law requires that all citizens be Muslims and its human right record is poor (Religion in Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (non­ Muslim religious material such as Bibles is illegal, in late 2014 a law was promulgated calling for the death penalty for anyone  bringing in the country any other non­Muslim religious beliefs other than Islam with the Wahhabi religious establishment in 1932

    Each Wahhabi=The House of Saud Temple(mosques)  are the US based Headquarters (HQ) denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an organization Wahhabi=The House of Saud are coordinated. In the United States, – Wahhabi=The House of Saud worldwide influence "Satanic faith" -"a source of global terrorism (" From a free encyclopedia")
    Wahhabi=The House of Saud worldwide influence are in the 50 States of the United States of America   (the U.S. States with the most mosques were New York (257), California (246) and Texas (166))
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

    March 2 2014  New set of rule for IRS & NSA ::: no outsourcing 

    IRS & NSA committing Treason by knowing & ignoring wearable  of illegal immigrant Plus IRS taking the $$$$$ from illegal immigrant yearly income tax which the kickback payoff come from Gov't Bonus setup by IRS Attorneys IRS & NSA controlling staff  are incompetent & authorization to run the Gov't without proper control over IRS & NSA  can be  There are so many ways to address the IRS & NSA    Let Clean House (take the proper channel to stop the Criminal activity in IRS & NSA hot zone )  -> all options require a good understand of how IRS works  & some planning  in order to Clean House So Let Clean House  US Congress has more Power & Authorization than U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  (President Obama can be impeached by US Congress  for his criminal action if their one IRS can read your sensitive files - hear everything you say in order  bring criminal charges against you(American Citizens) by US Attorney General  which 100% against US Constitution But the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.

    November 28 2013New set of rule for IRS no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & IRS employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    IRS IRS will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep IRS from any wrong doing & take action against the IRS Staff & employee  & keep IRS in check with the U.S. Constitution & IRS Staff & employee will be brought  to justice within IRS for wrong doing (Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within IRS  if IRS Staff or employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from IRS


    November 24 2013New set of rule for NSA no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & NSA employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    NSA will monitor performance, achieve regulatory and accreditation compliance, and improve overall ... each type of organization  in the world & USA in order to keep American Citizens save – being harm – keep the world better place – American Citizens has nothing to hide went it come to American Citizens Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution NSA will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep NSA from any wrong doing & take action against the enemy  & keep NSA in check with the U.S. Constitution & NSA employee will be brought  to justice within NSA for treason (Death Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within NSA if employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from NSA


    Operation: SPY Chief NSA defend surveillance Program

    November 24 2013  SPY Chief NSA defend surveillance Program to absolutely help IRS to SPY on each US American Citizens in order to    So That Means  IRS & NSA know 100% who are the illegal immigrant in USA that US American Citizens face an array of threats from IRS -> specially dealing with Obamacare approved 100% by Mr. Reid -> Mr. Reid-Obamacare Fiasco  --- a complete & ignominious failure but not for IRS revenue income – follow up coming soon! Dealing with outsourcingMr. Reid-Obamacare website – who in U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH – who outsource to Foreign Corporation but not produce within US Gov’t


    November 24 2013New set of rule for NSA no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & NSA employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    NSA will monitor performance, achieve regulatory and accreditation compliance, and improve overall ... each type of organization  in the world & USA in order to keep American Citizens save – being harm – keep the world better place – American Citizens has nothing to hide went it come to American Citizens Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution NSA will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep NSA from any wrong doing & take action against the enemy  & keep NSA in check with the U.S. Constitution & NSA employee will be brought  to justice within NSA for treason (Death Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within NSA  if employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from NSA



    November 28 2013New set of rule for IRS no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & IRS employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    IRS IRS will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep IRS from any wrong doing & take action against the IRS Staff & employee  & keep IRS in check with the U.S. Constitution & IRS Staff & employee will be brought  to justice within IRS for wrong doing (Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within IRS if IRS Staff or employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from IRS

    October 1 2013PresidnetObama IRS & NSA will not shuts down we have

    New Set of Gov't Rule for US IRS

    January 6 2013 Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury Weighs New TAX Scheme The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    how it will be

    The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (Former President Obama) IRS are in Rich Class

    New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Consist of TOMORROW which their will be a audit of of each IRS Employer & employee By the U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Internal Affairs Agency on a regular basis every other year (No Betrayal of Not Paying Their(+) Federal Income Tax)



    January 6 2013 U.S. Overseer Ozar

    Update Coming Soon! Do & Don't -- to have & have not for 113th US Congress in 2013

    Political Party Leaders The U.S. House of Representatives for the 113th Congress Republican Leadership **Speaker of the House Former Rep. Mr. John Boehner
    *Politician Lobbyist -- I give order = I don't take order = your fired = no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy
    Political Party Leaders The U.S. House of Representatives for the 113th Congress Republican Leadership *Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor Represents Republicans on the House floor *Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy Assists leadership in managing party's legislative program *Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling Heads organization of all Republican Party members in the House *Republican Policy Committee Chairman Rep. Tom Price Heads Conference forum for policy development
     Political Party Leaders The U.S. Senate for the 113th Congress Republican Leadership *Minority Leader Sen. McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) *Minority Whip Sen. Kyl, Jon(R-AZ) *Republican Conference Chair Sen. Thune, John (R-SD) *Republican Policy Committee Chair Sen. Barrasso, John (R-WY *Republican Conference Vice Chair Sen. Blunt, Roy(R-MO)


    Just The Tip of Iceberg

    also COMING SOON 2013 TIP: How- to find information on nonprofit organization - if their paying the IRS -- take home Personal Income Tax,, received from nonprofit organization plus etc,,, (somebody could be in real trouble with IRS criminal enforcement)


    The Republican [GOP & Democrat(s)

    Congress Wealthy Part of The 50 Richest Members of The 113th Congress --19 Sen.-- The U.S. Senate for the 113th Congress

    Congress Wealthy Part of The 50 Richest Members of The 113th Congress --31 Rep.-- The U.S. House of Representatives for the 113th Congress

    Wealthy face the cliff Payroll withholding taxes will be impacted making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] 100% will be tax after $250,000 --- take home income -- on thier Personal Income Tax,,,with no Tax Shelters, deductions and loopholes making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] The first $250,000 will be Tax free then any Personal Income Tax,,,will be 100% tax after $250,000 with with no Tax Shelters, deductions and loopholes ,, then the Political Party Leaders Democratic Leader(s) & Republican Leadership are [are] US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

    January 6 2013 Why! The Wealthy tells (behind close doors) Specially in US Congress Wealthy to tell Fiscal Ciff, one-on-one to the The Republican [GOP & Democrat(s) "Step Aside" in allowing taxes to be paid to IRS Income Tax, making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners -- take home income We will Not Not Not PAY the same as Gross income that makes under $250,000 Wealthiest can't handle tax hike on thier Personal Income Tax,,,But it will Allowing taxes to rise for Wealthy making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners this will seem like an acceptable middle ground by comparison but this path would enormously help to the economy 2013 NEW USA IRS TAX CODE Changes inorder to pay their fair share Personal Income Tax,,, BUT NOW! Who making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners with all   –- the intrusion of Wahhabism into America is a threat to our security and to our way of life –- and it is becoming increasingly clear that the reason for this failure is Washington unwillingness to risk a rupture with Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (Is not are alliance to our way of life &
    ?other countries that are not alliance to our way of life & special some countires in  U.N. Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (muslin islamic state and its the law requires that all citizens be Muslims and its human right record is poor (Religion in Saudi Arabia =The House of Saud (non­ Muslim religious material such as Bibles is illegal, in late 2014 a law was promulgated calling for the death penalty for anyone  bringing in the country any other non­Muslim religious beliefs other than Islam with the Wahhabi religious establishment in 1932

    Each Wahhabi=The House of Saud Temple(mosques)  are the US based Headquarters (HQ) denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an organization Wahhabi=The House of Saud are coordinated. In the United States, – Wahhabi=The House of Saud worldwide influence "Satanic faith" -"a source of global terrorism (" From a free encyclopedia")
    Wahhabi=The House of Saud worldwide influence are in the 50 States of the United States of America   (the U.S. States with the most mosques were New York (257), California (246) and Texas (166))
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::USA::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    March 2 2014  New set of rule for IRS & NSA ::: no outsourcing 

    IRS & NSA committing Treason by knowing & ignoring wearable  of illegal immigrant Plus IRS taking the $$$$$ from illegal immigrant yearly income tax which the kickback payoff come from Gov't Bonus setup by IRS Attorneys IRS & NSA controlling staff  are incompetent & authorization to run the Gov't without proper control over IRS & NSA  can be  There are so many ways to address the IRS & NSA    Let Clean House (take the proper channel to stop the Criminal activity in IRS & NSA hot zone )  -> all options require a good understand of how IRS works  & some planning  in order to Clean House So Let Clean House  US Congress has more Power & Authorization than U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  (President Obama can be impeached by US Congress  for his criminal action if their one IRS can read your sensitive files - hear everything you say in order  bring criminal charges against you(American Citizens) by US Attorney General  which 100% against US Constitution But the US Constitution states in Article II, section 4, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sates,” are subject to impeachment.

    November 28 2013New set of rule for IRS no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & IRS employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    IRS IRS will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep IRS from any wrong doing & take action against the IRS Staff & employee  & keep IRS in check with the U.S. Constitution & IRS Staff & employee will be brought  to justice within IRS for wrong doing (Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within IRS  if IRS Staff or employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from IRS


    November 24 2013New set of rule for NSA no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & NSA employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    NSA will monitor performance, achieve regulatory and accreditation compliance, and improve overall ... each type of organization  in the world & USA in order to keep American Citizens save – being harm – keep the world better place – American Citizens has nothing to hide went it come to American Citizens Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution NSA will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep NSA from any wrong doing & take action against the enemy  & keep NSA in check with the U.S. Constitution & NSA employee will be brought  to justice within NSA for treason (Death Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within NSA if employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from NSA


    Operation: SPY Chief NSA defend surveillance Program ___now! By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)

    November 24 2013  SPY Chief NSA defend surveillance Program to absolutely help IRS to SPY on each US American Citizens in order to    So That Means  IRS & NSA know 100% who are the illegal immigrant in USA that US American Citizens face an array of threats from IRS -> specially dealing with Obamacare approved 100% by Mr. Reid -> Mr. Reid-Obamacare Fiasco  --- a complete & ignominious failure but not for IRS revenue income – follow up coming soon! Dealing with outsourcingMr. Reid-Obamacare website – who in U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH – who outsource to Foreign Corporation but not produce within US Gov’t


    November 24 2013New set of rule for NSA no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & NSA employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    NSA will monitor performance, achieve regulatory and accreditation compliance, and improve overall ... each type of organization  in the world & USA in order to keep American Citizens save – being harm – keep the world better place – American Citizens has nothing to hide went it come to American Citizens Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution NSA will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep NSA from any wrong doing & take action against the enemy  & keep NSA in check with the U.S. Constitution & NSA employee will be brought  to justice within NSA for treason (Death Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within NSA  if employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from NSA



    November 28 2013New set of rule for IRS no outsourcing  the IRS will not have access to NSA Record & IRS employee will be only American Citizens that 100% American Citizens – no American Citizens can be a employee that has dual citizenship Policy or marriage to & no USA prisoners (inmate) that in all 50 States immediately enough is enough [you(+) are 100% American Citizen or not] is this a  to Somebody or Party [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kickback scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] also include all US Gov't etc. New set of rule for the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future no outsourcing that will be within US Gov't  employment

    IRS IRS will be monitor within by Special Task Force  to keep IRS from any wrong doing & take action against the IRS Staff & employee  & keep IRS in check with the U.S. Constitution & IRS Staff & employee will be brought  to justice within IRS for wrong doing (Statute U.S. Constitution) by a appointed of three judges on a panel within IRS if IRS Staff or employee reveal any info to outside source in or out side of USA and even after retirement from IRS

    October 1 2013PresidnetObama IRS & NSA will not shuts down we have

    New Set of Gov't Rule for US IRS

    January 6 2013 Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury Weighs New TAX Scheme The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    how it will be

    The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (Former President Obama By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS are in Rich Class

    New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Consist of TOMORROW which their will be a audit of of each IRS Employer & employee By the U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Internal Affairs Agency on a regular basis every other year (No Betrayal of Not Paying Their(+) Federal Income Tax)



    January 6 2013 U.S. Overseer Ozar

    Update Coming Soon! Do & Don't -- to have & have not for 113th US Congress in 2013

    Political Party Leaders The U.S. House of Representatives for the 113th Congress Republican Leadership **Speaker of the House Former Rep. Mr. John Boehner
    *Politician Lobbyist -- I give order = I don't take order = your fired = no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy
    Political Party Leaders The U.S. House of Representatives for the 113th Congress Republican Leadership *Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor Represents Republicans on the House floor *Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy Assists leadership in managing party's legislative program *Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling Heads organization of all Republican Party members in the House *Republican Policy Committee Chairman Rep. Tom Price Heads Conference forum for policy development
     Political Party Leaders The U.S. Senate for the 113th Congress Republican Leadership *Minority Leader Sen. McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) *Minority Whip Sen. Kyl, Jon(R-AZ) *Republican Conference Chair Sen. Thune, John (R-SD) *Republican Policy Committee Chair Sen. Barrasso, John (R-WY *Republican Conference Vice Chair Sen. Blunt, Roy(R-MO)


    Just The Tip of Iceberg

    also COMING SOON 2013 TIP: How- to find information on nonprofit organization - if their paying the IRS -- take home Personal Income Tax,, received from nonprofit organization plus etc,,, (somebody could be in real trouble with IRS criminal enforcement)


    The Republican [GOP & Democrat(s)

    Congress Wealthy Part of The 50 Richest Members of The 113th Congress --19 Sen.-- The U.S. Senate for the 113th Congress

    Congress Wealthy Part of The 50 Richest Members of The 113th Congress --31 Rep.-- The U.S. House of Representatives for the 113th Congress

    Wealthy face the cliff Payroll withholding taxes will be impacted making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] 100% will be tax after $250,000 --- take home income -- on thier Personal Income Tax,,,with no Tax Shelters, deductions and loopholes making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] The first $250,000 will be Tax free then any Personal Income Tax,,,will be 100% tax after $250,000 with with no Tax Shelters, deductions and loopholes ,, then the Political Party Leaders Democratic Leader(s) & Republican Leadership are [are] US Gov't (All Three Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest

    January 6 2013 Why! The Wealthy tells (behind close doors) Specially in US Congress Wealthy to tell Fiscal Ciff, one-on-one to the The Republican [GOP & Democrat(s) "Step Aside" in allowing taxes to be paid to IRS Income Tax, making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners -- take home income We will Not Not Not PAY the same as Gross income that makes under $250,000 Wealthiest can't handle tax hike on thier Personal Income Tax,,,But it will Allowing taxes to rise for Wealthy making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners this will seem like an acceptable middle ground by comparison but this path would enormously help to the economy 2013 NEW USA IRS TAX CODE Changes inorder to pay their fair share Personal Income Tax,,, BUT NOW! Who making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners with all Tax Shelters, deductions and loopholes Pay less then approx. 2% (or nothing) IRS Income Tax then that makes under $250,000 The US Wealthy & Foreign Counties Wealthy involved with USA Economy that include David & Charles Koch THROUGH the Knock brothers motto::: We (Knock brothers) has an uncanny ability to throw everything up in the air and make it land in the right spot at the time opposition  Fiscal Ciff, one-on-one WILL take or will have control of the US Congess(112th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) Dedicated to GREEDY that include American International Group, Inc. (AIG) Citigroup Inc. (Citi Financial + Citi) JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase + Wamu) HSBC Group -> The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC + HFC) The Banks (THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS & THEIR ASSOCIATES) ::: ECONOMY CRISIS 
    oneline gambling giants American Citizens or Foreign Citizens that makes income in USA Foreign Citizen(s) or corporation(s) that make income over $1 has to pay their US IRS income tax up-front before received by the USA giver before pay-off

    (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD are afraid to setup a 2012 & 2013 NEW USA IRS TAX CODE Changes inorder to pay their fair share Personal Income Tax,,,,

    2012 & 2013 NEW USA IRS TAX CODE Changes by the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) that will be a fair & Just USA IRS TAX CODE Rule of Order

    Any American Citizens making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners -- take home income will PAY the same as Gross income that makes under $250,000 AND AND THROUGH NEW USA IRS TAX CODE Changes in 2012 & 2013, but NO changes in Tax Code under $250,000 Personal – Personal Gross high-income earner Making over $250,000 can only claims benefits up to $250,000 then Any American Citizens Making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners -- take home income will STOP AT $250,000 then their will be noTax Shelters, deductions and loopholes, no reduce in Taxes beyond Making over $250,000 For Making over $250,000 Personal – Personal Gross high-income earner inorder to pay their fair share Personal Income Tax,,,, WHY

    Let's SET The Tone for EACH American Citizen Personal Income TAX For the high-income earners inorder to pay their fair share Personal Income Tax,,,, New  IRS Tax CODE Rule of order !!!!! that include all Foreign Countries & Corp. & Foreign Workers will pay their Flat Tax (15% or more that not less

     than what the Personal – Personal Gross income earner that makes under $250,000 pay the IRS Personal Income Tax) Making over $1 dollar before it leave USA that include Wall Street Stock & Divident Payout Profits
     {Plain & Simple ---- Right to the Point } IRS Motto: Higher Class is in trouble & will pay their(+) Federal Income Tax up-front [Specially the USA Corporation and etc. that gives to Non Profit Organizations & Bonus Payout (Federal Income Tax up-front ) & Foreign Corporation Investors Income dealing with USA (Federal Income Tax up-front ) & also that gives to USA Non Profit Organizations (Federal Income Tax up-front) All Personal – Personal Gross high-income earner Making over $250,000 that gives to Non Profit Organizations (Federal Income Tax up-front ) ]

    it still will happen


    2011 THEIR WILL BE NEW CHANGES IN THE IRS ---- New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws for 2012 & 2013 income Tax & hereafter No More free-arrange with $$$$$

    TOMORROW Is Today
     THE NEW CHANGES CONSIST OF IN THE New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws for 2012 & 2013 income Tax & hereafter No More free-arrange with $$$$$
     CALLED IRS Googolplex


    May 2013 Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury Weighs New TAX Scheme The White House (Former President Obama __ now! By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    how it will be

    The White House (Former President Obama ___  By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (Former President Obama ___  By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS are in Rich Class


    U.S. Overseer Ozar Mr. Obamairs [Mr. Obamaexecutiveorder then

    2013 2012 & 2013 NEW USA IRS TAX CODE Changes 2012 & 2013
    Any American Citizens Making over $250,000 [high-income earners] Personal - Personal high-income earners -- take home income

    New Set of Gov't Rule for US IRS

    January 6 2013 Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury Weighs New TAX Scheme The White House (Former President Obama ___ By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    how it will be

    The White House (Former President Obama ___ By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (Mr. President Obama __  By President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris)) IRS are in Rich Class

    New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Consist of TOMORROW which their will be a audit of of each IRS Employer & employee By the U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Internal Affairs Agency on a regular basis every other year (No Betrayal of Not Paying Their(+) Federal Income Tax)


    May 2013Operation: Full View CRACKDOWN"Face the Truth" We the People Stand down with the IRS taking action against We the People  === Gov't IRS  want to Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice against WeThe People       The White House (Former President Obama) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist against We the People
    Putting The Reins on IRS Treasury Weighs IRS New TAX Scheme The White House (Former President Obama) IRS Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    how it will be

    The White House (Former President Obama) IRS comments Operation ::: No Way! --- We the IRS will be TAX like the Middle Class Who! in The White House (Former President Obama) IRS are in Rich Class
    IRS Income Tax, making over $250,000 [Gross high-income earners] Personal – Personal Gross high-income earners -- take home income We will Not Not Not PAY the same as Gross income that makes under $250,000 Wealthiest can't handle tax hike on thier Personal Income Tax,,,

    February 10 2013 Impeachment:

    UAU UAU (UAU Movement)Enforcing the Code by Raw Politics


    "Face the Truth & Facts of Where Things Stand"


    American Bison
    (commonly know as the American Buffalo)
    is the symbol of UAU (DR) (UAU DR) (DRP) (UAU DRP)
    Home Page


    Red White Blue
    God Bless America


    Principle & Ethics
    UAU Movement
    American Bison -Out IN The OpenOperations

    demoncracy-republic (DR)
    demoncracy-republic Party (DRP)

    Common sense
    Signs of the Present-Past-&-Future

    American Bison -Out IN The OpenIssues

    The Signs of Where Things Stand

    UAU demoncracy-republic (UAU DR)

    UAU demoncracy-republic Party (UAU DRP)


    USA Mitch.-- UAU Strategist
    (in my opinion)

    "Face the Truth of Where Things Stand"

    but - need - change if
    Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)


    ::: UAU Party Infrastructure taking action :::
    the Professional (Con Artists) the UNTOUCHABLE will be brought to justice

    in my opinion) Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : Transition of Bailout - wrongdoing - etc. > Keep Then Honest

     2008 Bailout from the US Congress & The White House will have BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION

    What happen now went you(The Corporation or Firm or like) violate the Law of the Land from the Past & Present no Bailout money can be used that received from The White House & US Congress

    NO NO Bailout for violation the law of the Land wrongdoing - etc. YOU(+) will serve Federal Jailtime(no less then 5 years) with regular criminal (no exception) Their will be no money USED from The White House & US Congress to Bailout the Financial Firm or etc. or the Auto-Industrial or like to beat the system on violation the law of the land - wrongdoing - etc. then their will be the switch from fines to jailtime(no less then 5 years) from the Past or Present plus all Bonus & High Salary received from The Corporation or Firm or like from the Past or Present will be paid back to a Fund for the American Citizens specially the American Citizens involve with the Corporation or like That means all BOD or like will have to serve Federal jailtime(no less then 5 years) & paid back all their Bonus & High Salary from the Past & Present -> in order to settle up from the Past & Present violation -- the law of the land if any BOD or like died from the Past or Present then the estate will paid back the Bonus & High Salary received from Corporation or Firms or like


    Forcing GOV. hand in deportation
    The True American Song nothing else

    The National Anthem
    The Star-Spangled Banner

    Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
    What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight'
    O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
    And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
    Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

    On the shore dimly seen, thro' the mists of the deep,
    Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
    What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
    As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
    Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
    In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream;
    'Tis the star-spangled banner: oh, long may it wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
    A home and a country should leave us no more?
    Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand,
    Between their loved homes and the war's desolation;
    Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
    Praise the Power that has made and preserved us as a nation.
    Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
    And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Tune: Anacreon in Heaven

    Written by Francis Scott Key on September 14th,1814.


    This song is NOT the National Anthem.

    "Our Anthem"
    (Translated from Spanish)

    Verse 1

    Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
    What so proudly we hail as night falls?
    Its stars and stripes floated yesterday
    In the fierce combat, the sign of victory
    The flame of battle, in step with liberty.
    Throughout the night it was said, "It is being defended."


    Oh, say! Does it still show its beautiful stars
    Over the land of the free, the sacred flag?

    Verse 2

    Its stars and stripes, liberty, we are the same.
    We're brothers, it's our anthem.
    In the fierce combat, the sign of victory,
    The flame of battle, in step with liberty.
    Throughout the night it was said, "It is being defended."


    "Oh, say! Does it still show its beautiful stars?
    Over the land of the free, the sacred flag?"


    The Pledge of Allegiance

    I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,

    one Nation under God,
    indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.



    0 1 2 3 4 5

    September 30 2013 Who in Senate are kissing & Bowing to Foreign Big Business  Don't be like Mr. William J. Clinton Foundation is in where the $$$$ coming & going   Democrat Bullies --- that are OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price

     September 29 2013 2013  Just The Tip of Iceberg TO find out where the $$$$ coming & going  Vs. On all  nonprofit organization - a charity, religious organization, professional association , etc.

    Detective work :::: On all  nonprofit organization - a charity, religious organization, professional association , etc.

    To Start with Mr.William J. Clinton Foundation :: a nonprofit group

    September 29 2013 Let's find out Operation: Mr. William J. Clinton Foundation :: a nonprofit group founded by Former President Bill Clinton : Let's  find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    A senior Muslim Brotherhood official Gehad el-Haddad that served for five years as a top official at the Clinton Foundation

    September 29 2013----------------

    Muslim Brotherhood Official, Former Mr. Clinton Foundation Employee Arrested ::::::::  A senior Muslim Brotherhood official who, until recently, had been employed by the William J. Clinton Foundation was arrested in Cairo on Tuesday and charged with inciting violence.  Gehad el-Haddad served as one of the Muslim Brotherhood's top communications officials until Egyptian security forces seized him as part of a wider crackdown on officials loyal to ousted former President Mohamed Morsi.   Before emerging as a top Brotherhood official and adviser to Morsi, el-Haddad served for five years as a top official at the Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit group founded by Former President Bill Clinton.

    September 29 2013Mr. William J. Clinton Foundation :: a nonprofit group founded by Former President Bill Clinton : Let's  find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    Detective work. You may need to do some detective work in order to unearth the information you need to find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    TIP: if you need to find information on a nonprofit organization - a charity, religious organization, professional association , etc. -- you are legally permitted to examine a copy of that organization's tax return (form 990). Contact the IRS: Freedom of Information Reading Room, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of the Treasury, P.O. Box 388, Ben Franklin Station, Washington! DC 20044; 202-662-5164

    September 29 2013 Muslim Brotherhood Official, Former Mr. Clinton Foundation Employee Arrested

    September 29 2013      The CIA & FBI & ETC. not doing their job in not knowing about Mr. Clinton Foundation


    U.S. Constitutionist Ozar --- :::::::::
    New Set of Gov't Rule for Former President Obama  -- 

    On all  nonprofit organization - a charity, religious organization, professional association , etc.

    To Start with Mr. William J. Clinton Foundation :: a nonprofit group

    September 29 2013 Let's find out Operation: Mr. William J. Clinton Foundation :: a nonprofit group founded by Former President Bill Clinton : Let's  find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    A senior Muslim Brotherhood official Gehad el-Haddad that served for five years as a top official at the Mr. Clinton Foundation (Employee Arrested)

    Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism 
    [ [ [ [ to present false information with the intention of deceiving USA PATRIOT Act dealing within U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch
    The White House -> Former President Obama-Dems  don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act [Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law] to be violent jihad Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest --that are Muslin ISIS(ISIL) islamic stateSalafist jihadists”  are also Sunnis whose conflicts with Shiites [[Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW KLAN(Heart of Stone){SATAN} will be in control of The WORLD]]

        followup against the Constitution of the United States 
    Shariah(muslim) Military (Islamic law - Quran) -- as Muslim in the world is under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) if American-Muslim Citizen(s')  take action in Muslim Military that is treason against the United States - that include giving them Aid and Comfort under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) --- the penalty for treason is Dealth( will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea ) or Any American Citizen(s') take action in Muslim Military that include giving them Aid and Comfort Any US Congress (U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) taking $$$$ from any Muslim Country or person(s') or giving them Aid and Comfort even after retirement from U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)--- the penalty for treason is Dealth

    February 9 2017the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader@hard-liner extremists( Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans) face a Diplomatic Tug-of-War within USA Everything from ZtoA Twit JackAss Dems need a mircle to save-face with American Citizen


    March 3 2017Plain Facts= Could be or not:  DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show
    Scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate DNA evidence, undermining the credibility of what has been considered the gold standard of proof in criminal cases.  

    DNA evidence,
    a= Conflicting Views on a Wider Police Use of DNA
    b= Janet Reno Was Unafraid of Science That Could Exonerate the Innocent
    c= Woman’s Lawsuit Says DNA Proves Mt. Sinai Doctor Assaulted Her

    2   paper, which has been published online
    a= Authentication of forensic DNA samples

    a= Health Guide

    4 forensics    Forensic Science      –---
    a=  Conflicting Views on a Wider Police Use of DNA
    b=  Push for Contentious DNA Method Outlasts the Case Calling for It




    The Tri-ominos American Team Concept Commonsense Conservative


    Tri-ominos American Healthcare Medical-Vision-Dental Act


    march 19 2017


    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God
    American citizens calling for an immediate end to sanctuary cities.

    United States Constitution(is the supreme law of the United States of America) VsIslam Constitution of the World(is the supreme law of Islam)
    American Citizens Vs. Islamic Muslim Citizens
    American Vs. Islamic Muslim

    March 31 2017 Overview --- What is happen In the World today Sharia Law In America - Sharia Law Advancing in America (Sharia Law - List of Key Rules-    The United States of America need to keep this from happening & process immigaration coming to U.S. Security the U.S. Borders --- need to take action  by US Congress, POTUS, Justice Department – SCOTUS or All Branches in US

    Operation : Islam Heartland of the World was in 1997 Now! 2017
          Islamic Muslim
    It expand 100% more across the world Islam of the World(Nation of Islam of the World) Most of these area of the World are Islamic Muslim Citizens migrants from traditional Islamic lands  - fusing it to Islamic ideals (Islamic Power) a guide for everyday life Islamic Muslim Citizens Islam teaches that there is no distinction between sacred and the everyday - Islam is a way of life rather than a "religion" Islam Constitution life is faith and faith is life faith 
    The World Is

    being takeover to be all Muslim Citizens of Islamic State of the World to be a  Islamic Muslim Citizens modern development for Allah=Creator - Prophet Muhammad Worldwide - Qur'an used as a system of law - a guide for  everyday life -  A country(nation) of the World without Borders -  Islam Constitution of Sharia Laws - pledge to Allah each Countries within Nation of Islam of the World  has a Mosque as a Capital & then the other Mosques are Mosque-headquarter-militants-jihadists(Jihad-duty of Muslims to maintain and spread Qur'an  Constitution of the World) military base operation there are three Islamic Muslim Citizens in each Mosque as Muezzin(who calls to prayer), Imam(who leads the community prayers) & Khatib(who preaches the Friday sermon)
    the cities of Makkah & Medina are Main Islam  headquarter Islam Nation of the WorldIslam Constitution of World - (part of: Islamic Muslim Citizens need to migrate to all Countries(nation) etc. to be a Citiznes of that Country(nation) within Islam Heartland of the World to spread the World of AllahSharia rule of  law(Sharia Law) inorder to control the World by Islam own governmenteach Islamic Muslim Citizens has dual citizenship


    Sharia Law - List of Key Rules According to Sharia Law:

    Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand.
    Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
    A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (compulsion in religion).
    A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
    A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
    A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
    Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad’s words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
    A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
    A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Religion of Peace).
    A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
    A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
    Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
    A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
    A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
    A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Errors in Qur’an).
    A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
    A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
    Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be “Halal”.
    Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
    The list gones onSee Sharia Law in America, in Canada, Uk,  Europe and  Saudi Arabia.

    In Islamic Muslim - countries(Islam Heartland of the World) the times of prayer are announced by a Muezzen calling from the Minaret.
    A translation of the call is as follows:
    God is most greatI bear witness that there is no
           god but God
    I bear witness that
    Muhammad is the
    messenger of God
    Hasten to Prayer
    Hasten to success
    Allah is most great
    There is no god but God.

    Sharia Law - Islamic Sharia Law Law In America - Sharia Law Advancing in America Law In Canada


    USA Mitch UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic

    March 12 2017

    The Pledge of Allegiance
    I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

     Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future

    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk  would be like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who don't have common sense cannot break it
    Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea

      UAU We the People ONE STEP AHEAD   IN KEEPING American Citizens Safe
    America First
    security, safety. education, promotion and economic growth
    Speak softly and carry a big stick

    === A single fact can ruin a good argument ===

    Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing
    Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other
    Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite to present false information with the intention of deceiving


    USA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2017creating
    employment & security
    I am a believer in The American Creed 

    (R)=GOP  (D)=Dems  AL   AK   AZ   AR   CA   CO   CT   DE   FL   GA   HI   ID  IL   IN   IA    KS   KY   LA    ME   MD   MA   MI   MN   MS   MO   MT   NE   NV   NH   NM   NC   ND   OH   OK   OR   PA   RI   SC   SD   TN   TX   UT   VT   VA    WV   WI   WY

    U.S. SENATE(R)=GOP        U.S. AL Senator(R)Richard Shelby      U.S. AK Senator(R)Lisa Murkowski   U.S. AK Senator(R)Dan Sullivan   U.S. AZ Senator(R)John McCain   U.S. AZ Senator(R)Jeff Flake   U.S. AR Senator(R)John Boozman   U.S. AR Senator(R)Tom Cotton     U.S. CO Senator(R)Cory Gardner    U.S. FL Senator(R)Marco Rubio   U.S. GA Senator(R)Johnny Isakson   U.S. GA Senator(R)David Perdue       U.S. ID Senator(R)Mike Crapo   U.S. ID Senator(R)Jim Risch       U.S. IN Senator(R)Todd Young   U.S. IA Senator(R)Chuck Grassley   U.S. IA Senator(R)Joni Ernst   U.S. KS Senator(R)Pat Roberts   U.S. KS Senator(R)Jerry Moran   U.S. KY Senator(R)Mitch McConnell   U.S. KY Senator(R)Rand Paul   U.S. LA Senator(R)Bill Cassidy   U.S. LA Senator(R)John Neely Kennedy   U.S. ME Senator(R)Susan Collins       U.S. MS Senator(R)Thad Cochran   U.S. MS Senator(R)Roger Wicker      U.S. MO Senator(R)Roy Blunt      U.S. MT Senator(R)Steve Daines   U.S. NE Senator(R)Deb Fischer    U.S. NE Senator(R)Ben Sasse   U.S. NV Senator(R)Dean Heller     U.S. NC Senator(R)Richard Burr   U.S. NC Senator(R)Thom Tillis   U.S. ND Senator(R)John Hoeven    U.S. OH Senator(R)Rob Portman     U.S. OK Senator(R)Jim Inhofe    U.S. OK Senator(R)James Lankford    U.S. PA Senator(R)Pat Toomey    U.S. SC Senator(R)Lindsey Graham     U.S. SC Senator(R)Tim Scott         U.S. SD Senator(R)John Thune      U.S. SD Senator(R)Mike Rounds     U.S. TN Senator(R)Lamar Alexander      U.S. TN Senator(R)Bob Corker      U.S. TX Senator(R)John Cornyn     U.S. TX Senator(R)Ted Cruz      U.S. UT Senator(R)Orrin Hatch      U.S. WV Senator(R)Shelley Moore Capito   U.S. WI Senator(R)Ron Johnson      U.S. WY Senator(R)Mike Enzi   U.S. WY Senator(R)John Barrasso

    U.S. SENATE(D)=Dems        U.S. CA Senator(D)Dianne Feinstein   U.S. CA Senator(D)Kamala Harris   U.S. CO Senator(D)Michael Bennet      U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal   U.S. CT Senator(D)Chris Murphy   U.S. DE Senator(D)Tom Carper  U.S. DE Senator(D)Chris Coons   U.S. FL Senator(D)Bill Nelson       U.S. HI Senator(D)Brian Schatz   U.S. HI Senator(D))Mazie Hirono      U.S. IL Senator(D)Dick Durbin   U.S. IL Senator(D)Tammy Duckworth   U.S. IN Senator(D)Joe Donnelly  U.S. ME Senator(I)Angus King   U.S. MD  Senator(D)Ben Cardin   U.S. MD Senator(D)Chris Van Hollen   U.S. MA Senator(D)Elizabeth Warren   U.S. MA Senator(D)Ed Markey   U.S. MI Senator(D)Debbie Stabenow   U.S.  MI Senator(D)Gary Peters   U.S. MN Senator(D)Amy Klobuchar   U.S. MN Senator(D)Al Franken     U.S. MO Senator(D)Claire McCaskil  U.S. MT Senator(D)Jon Tester      U.S. NV Senator(D)Catherine Cortez Masto   U.S. NH Senator(D)Jeanne Shaheen   U.S. NH Senator(D)Maggie Hassan   U.S. NJ Senator(D)Bob Menendez    U.S. NJ    Senator(D)Cory Booker   U.S. NM Senator(D)Tom Udall   U.S. NM Senator(D)Martin Heinrich   U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   U.S. NY Senator(D)Kirsten Gillibrand   U.S. ND Senator(D)Heidi Heitkamp      U.S. OH Senator(D)Sherrod Brown     U.S. OR Senator(D)Ron Wyden      U.S. OR Senator(D)Jeff Merkley      U.S. PA Senator(D)Bob Casey     U.S. RI Senator(D)Jack Reed      U.S. RI Senator(D)Sheldon Whitehouse    U.S. UT Senator(D)Mike Lee    VT Senator(D)Patrick Leahy   U.S. VT Senator(I)Bernie Sanders   U.S. VA Senator(D)Mark Warner   U.S. VA Senator(D)Tim Kaine   U.S. WA Senator(D)Patty Murray   U.S. WA Senator(D)Maria Cantwell   U.S. WV Senator(D)Joe Manchin   U.S. WI Senator(D)Tammy Baldwin


    US House of Representatives (D)(D)=Dems    Alma Adams(D-NC)12   Pete Aguilar(D-CA)31   Nanette Barragan(D-CA)44   Karen Bass(D-CA)37  Joyce Beatty(D-OH)3   Ami Bera(D-CA)7   Don Beyer(D-VA)8   Sanford Bishop(D-GA)2   Earl Blumenauer(D-OR)3   Lisa Blunt Rochester(D-DE)   Suzanne Bonamici(D-OR)1   Brendan Boyle(D-PA)13   Bob Brady(D-PA)1   Anthony G. Brown(D-MD)4   Julia Brownley(D-CA)26   Cheri Bustos(D-IL)17   G. K. Butterfield(D-NC)1   Mike Capuano(D-MA)7   Salud Carbajal(D-CA)24   André Carson(D-IN)7   Matt Cartwright(D-PA)17   Kathy Castor(D-FL)14   Joaquin Castro(D-TX)20   Judy Chu(D-CA)27   David Cicilline(D-RI)1   Katherine Clark(D-MA)5   Yvette D. Clarke(D-NY)9   Lacy Clay(D-MO)1   Emanuel Cleaver(D-MO)5   Jim Clyburn(D-SC)6   Steve Cohen(D-TN)9   Gerry Connolly(D-VA)11   John Conyers(D-MI)13   Jim Cooper(D-TN)5   Lou Correa(D-CA)46   Jim Costa(D-CA)16   Joe Courtney(D-CT)2   Charlie Crist(D-FL)13   Joseph Crowley(D-NY)14   Henry Cuellar(D-TX)28   Elijah Cummings(D-MD)7   Tony Cárdenas(D-CA)29   Danny K. Davis(D-IL)7   Susan Davis(D-CA)53   Peter DeFazio(D-OR)4   Diana DeGette(D-CO)1   John K. Delaney(D-MD)6   Rosa DeLauro(D-CT)3   Suzan DelBene(D-WA)1   Val Demings(D-FL)10   Mark DeSaulnier(D-CA)11   Ted Deutch(D-FL)22   Debbie Dingell(D-MI)12   Lloyd Doggett(D-TX)35   Michael F. Doyle(D-PA)14   Keith Ellison(D-MN)5   Eliot Engel(D-NY)16   Anna Eshoo(D-CA)18   Adriano Espaillat(D-NY)13   Elizabeth Esty(D-CT)5   Dwight Evans(D-PA)2   Bill Foster(D-IL)11   Lois Frankel(D-FL)21   Marcia Fudge(D-OH)11   Tulsi Gabbard(D-HI)2   Ruben Gallego(D-AZ)7   John Garamendi(D-CA)3   Vicente González(D-TX)15   Josh Gottheimer(D-NJ)5   Al Green(D-TX)9   Gene Green(D-TX)29   Raúl Grijalva(D-AZ)3   Luis Gutiérrez(D-IL)4   Colleen Hanabusa(D-HI)1   Alcee Hastings(D-FL)20   Dennis Heck(D-WA)10   Brian Higgins(D-NY)26   Jim Himes(D-CT)4   Steny Hoyer(D-MD)5   Jared Huffman(D-CA)2   Sheila Jackson Lee(D-TX)18   Pramila Jayapal(D-WA)7   Hakeem Jeffries(D-NY)8   Eddie Bernice Johnson(D-TX)30   Hank Johnson(D-GA)4   Marcy Kaptur(D-OH)9   Bill Keating(D-MA)9   Robin Kelly(D-IL)2   Joseph Kennedy III(D-MA)4   Ro Khanna(D-CA)17   Ruben Kihuen(D-NV)4   Dan Kildee(D-MI)5   Derek Kilmer(D-WA)6   Ron Kind(D-WI)3   Raja Krishnamoorthi(D-IL)8   Ann McLane Kuster(D-NH)2   James Langevin(D-RI)2   Rick Larsen(D-WA)2   John Larson(D-CT)1   Brenda Lawrence(D-MI)14   Al Lawson(D-FL)5   Barbara Lee(D-CA)13   Sander Levin(D-MI)9   John Lewis(D-GA)5   Ted Lieu(D-CA)33   Dan Lipinski(D-IL)3   Dave Loebsack(D-IA)2   Zoe Lofgren(D-CA)19   Alan Lowenthal(D-CA)47   Nita Lowey(D-NY)17   Michelle Lujan Grisham(D-NM)1   Ben Ray Lujan(D-NM)3   Stephen Lynch(D-MA)8   Carolyn Maloney(D-NY)12   Sean Patrick Maloney(D-NY)18   Doris Matsui(D-CA)6   Betty McCollum(D-MN)4   Donald McEachin(D-VA)4   Jim McGovern(D-MA)2   Jerry McNerney(D-CA)   Gregory Meeks(D-NY)5   Grace Meng(D-NY)6   Gwen Moore(D-WI)4   Seth Moulton(D-MA)6   Stephanie Murphy(D-FL)7   Jerrold Nadler(D-NY)10   Grace Napolitano(D-CA)32   Richard Neal(D-MA)1   Rick Nolan(D-MN)8   Donald Norcross(D-NJ)1   Tom O'Halleran(D-AZ)1   Beto O'Rourke(D-TX)16   Frank Pallone(D-NJ)6   Jimmy Panetta(D-CA)20   Bill Pascrell(D-NJ)9   Donald Payne Jr.(D-NJ)10   Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Ed Perlmutter(D-CO)7   Scott Peters(D-CA)52   Collin Peterson(D-MN)7   Chellie Pingree(D-ME)1   Mark Pocan(D-WI)2   Jared Polis(D-CO)2   David Price(D-NC)4   Michael Quigley(D-IL)5   Jamie Raskin(D-MD)8   Kathleen Rice(D-NY)4   Cedric Richmond(D-LA)2   Jacky Rosen(D-NV)3   Lucille Roybal-Allard(D-CA)40   Raul Ruiz(D-CA)36   Dutch Ruppersberger(D-MD)2   Bobby Rush(D-IL)1   Tim Ryan(D-OH)13   John Sarbanes(D-MD)3   Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)9   Adam Schiff(D-CA)28   Brad Schneider(D-IL)10   Kurt Schrader(D-OR)5   Bobby Scott(D-VA)3   David Scott(D-GA)13   José E. Serrano(D-NY)15   Terri Sewell(D-AL)7   Carol Shea-Porter(D-NH)1   Brad Sherman(D-CA)30   Kyrsten Sinema(D-AZ)9   Albio Sires(D-NJ)8   Louise Slaughter(D-NY)25   Adam Smith(D-WA)9   Darren Soto(D-FL)9   Jackie Speier(D-CA)14   Thomas Suozzi(D-NY)3   Eric Swalwell(D-CA)15   Linda Sánchez(D-CA)38   Mark Takano(D-CA)41   Bennie Thompson(D-MS)2   Mike Thompson(D-CA)5   Dina Titus(D-NV)1   Paul Tonko(D-NY)20   Norma Torres(D-CA)35   Niki Tsongas(D-MA)3   Juan Vargas(D-CA)51   Marc Veasey(D-TX)33   Filemon Vela Jr.(D-TX)34   Nydia Velázquez(D-NY)7   Pete Visclosky(D-IN)1   Tim Walz(D-MN)1   Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-FL)23   Maxine Waters(D-CA)43   Bonnie Watson Coleman(D-NJ)12   Peter Welch(D-VT)   Frederica Wilson(D-FL)24   John Yarmuth(D-KY)3

    US House of Representatives (R)=GOP      ------------------------------



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    Grayblueneck{imo(T)}in USA
    July 17 2017 (UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}- Definition - American Citizen or person evil ways to gain control increase power in USA that bye pass the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust that Grayblueneck has a Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
    Who! might be a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Wrong, or Ugly?
    A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}is not open and friendly person and prefers to pre-judge a person on race, gender and personal lifestyle

    August 7 2017(UAU helper)  Who! in U.S. Congress(115th) Senate Intelligence Committee That Might Be A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}All US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius are Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius  don't know the rule of law  (US Constitution)need to resign or US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius need to be eliminate(remove from US Congress)  (No ifs, ands or butts about it)   or will  be impeach for obstruction of Justices for not ? From the  present & future to be for not taking action for obstruction of Justices We the People, American Citizens (U.S. Constitution) see civilization as fragile and vulnerable. We the People, American Citizens  understood that the failure to address a conflict would mean a loss to the  “enemies of civilization”. Are Hypocrite -- If not, Why not? Proof It to We the PeopleAll US Congress - Senate Intelligence Committee Evil Genius don't know the rule of law  (US Constitution)dealing with James Comey & Mueller Evil Genius {The nation is now witnessing the last in the rise and fall of James Comey. is attempting to exact his revenge and assuage his battered ego with the help of Who!}

      a court order to integrate the state's public schools.
    The Civil Rights Act of 1960, which outlawed poll taxes and other racist measures meant to keep Blacks from Voting, was filibustered by 18 Democrats for 125 hours. Not one Republican US Senator opposed the bill. Its follow-up bill, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is one of the landmark pieces of legislation in American history. That, too, survived a filibuster by Democrats thanks to overwhelming Republican support.
    But, you(Amerian Citizens) might be thinking, all that's in the Past. What have Republicans done for Women and Blacks lately? The answer you'd hear from professors, journalists and celebrities is   not much." And this time, they'd be right. They'd be right because the Republican Party treats Blacks and Women as it treats everyone: as EQUALS. The Democratic Party never has, and it still doesn't. Today's Democrats treat Blacks and Women as VICTIMS who aren't capable of succeeding on their own.--------------------------------------------------------------------

    The truth is, this is just a new kind of contempt. So, there  a Party(The Democratic Party) with a long history of racism and sexism but it ain't the Republicans



     Invasion of U.S. border in 2016
    (Land, Sea & Air)


    March 6 2018Gun Control We the People  Humanism Super Talk We the People will not give up "our" gunsthat what keep We the People safe from  Criminal Enemy InvadersA Killer with a Wared MindGun Control will not keep the Criminals invaders from finding weapons to do Body Harm

    U.S. Constitutionist Ozar
    March 6 2018  Civil War State of the Mind (against "activist") Vs. US Congress(115th) are crazy(idiots)

    U.S. Constitution - Amendment II
    Amendment II - Right to Bear Arms
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
    Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights

    What right & what wrong Operation to be or not to be: The Legislators &  the Supreme Court Justices Liberal activist hard-liner extremists Judges are Politically - inaccurate; wrong to overturn U.S. Constitution - second Amendment  - Right to Bear Arms:       
      Civil War State of the Mind (against "activist")         We the People & The Constitution Vs. Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Legislators == Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists ==   Criminal Enemy Invader ==  Politically In trying to  change or Abolish or add to second Amendment that is a NO NO  It will not happen but it can happen & it should happen that all guns to have a serial number and be register with a back ground check but now it with
    Only those firearms subject to the National Firearms Act (NFA) (e.g., machineguns, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, silencers, destructive devices, and firearms designated as "any other weapons") must be registered with ATF. But  it should also
    With the THE U.S. Judicial Branch & the U.S. Executive Branch The US President is the commander-in-chief
    (the boss just like My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter)(which their only one  U.S. Executive Branch - FBI, IRS, NSA, CIA & etc. under one Branch not to be separate
    to keep the Branches from any wrong doing then follow-up by US Congress(115th) U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  so the weapons can be track down who own the weapon if the weapon fall in the wrong hand(criminal enemy)  --- then the weapons can be return to proper owner - US Constitution gun ownership Right to Bear Arms - Second Amendment - if not return the Branches can be taken to court!
    US Supreme Court Justices that are Liberal Activism Leaning need to be educated on US Constitution & that include US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) & part of  the U.S. Executive Branch       check it out   each Legislators in understanding the Constitution need to read:

    "The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R. C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D."

     in order to find what the United States Constitution of America's is all about  in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America's   Lock, Stock and Barrels                   

    So Remember, when Far Left Liberal Activism  Legislators, etc. annoys you it takes 41 muscles in your face to frown, But it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and hog-slap that So Call@#?!&! With a notice to resign from US Congress(115th U.S. Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) or THE U.S. Judicial Branch or U.S. Government employee ******* Pass it on      
    All Far Left Liberal Activism  Legislators & all American Citizens protester THE U.S. Judicial Branch & the U.S. Executive Branch & U.S. Executive Branch & all American Citizens against U.S. Constitution - Amendment II - Right to Bear Arms --- has no right to Bear Arms under their rule of law where are their weapons

    July 16 2024 Open  Borders(Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) --- please come to each Democrats USA Legislators Counties(lists of counties where to take up residence) to take of residence(to be are next door neighbors)

    (lists of counties where to take up residence)

    U.S. SENATEneed to be Updated (D)=Dems        U.S. CA Senator(D)Dianne Feinstein   U.S. CA Senator(D)Kamala Harris   U.S. CO Senator(D)Michael Bennet      U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal   U.S. CT Senator(D)Chris Murphy   U.S. DE Senator(D)Tom Carper  U.S. DE Senator(D)Chris Coons   U.S. FL Senator(D)Bill Nelson       U.S. HI Senator(D)Brian Schatz   U.S. HI Senator(D))Mazie Hirono      U.S. IL Senator(D)Dick Durbin   U.S. IL Senator(D)Tammy Duckworth   U.S. IN Senator(D)Joe Donnelly  U.S. ME Senator(I)Angus King   U.S. MD  Senator(D)Ben Cardin   U.S. MD Senator(D)Chris Van Hollen   U.S. MA Senator(D)Elizabeth Warren   U.S. MA Senator(D)Ed Markey   U.S. MI Senator(D)Debbie Stabenow   U.S.  MI Senator(D)Gary Peters   U.S. MN Senator(D)Amy Klobuchar   U.S. MN Senator(D)Al Franken     U.S. MO Senator(D)Claire McCaskil  U.S. MT Senator(D)Jon Tester      U.S. NV Senator(D)Catherine Cortez Masto   U.S. NH Senator(D)Jeanne Shaheen   U.S. NH Senator(D)Maggie Hassan   U.S. NJ Senator(D)Bob Menendez    U.S. NJ    Senator(D)Cory Booker   U.S. NM Senator(D)Tom Udall   U.S. NM Senator(D)Martin Heinrich   U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   U.S. NY Senator(D)Kirsten Gillibrand   U.S. ND Senator(D)Heidi Heitkamp      U.S. OH Senator(D)Sherrod Brown     U.S. OR Senator(D)Ron Wyden      U.S. OR Senator(D)Jeff Merkley      U.S. PA Senator(D)Bob Casey     U.S. RI Senator(D)Jack Reed      U.S. RI Senator(D)Sheldon Whitehouse    U.S. UT Senator(D)Mike Lee    VT Senator(D)Patrick Leahy   U.S. VT Senator(I)Bernie Sanders   U.S. VA Senator(D)Mark Warner   U.S. VA Senator(D)Tim Kaine   U.S. WA Senator(D)Patty Murray   U.S. WA Senator(D)Maria Cantwell   U.S. WV Senator(D)Joe Manchin   U.S. WI Senator(D)Tammy Baldwin

    US House of Representativesneed to be Updated (D)(D)=Dems    Alma Adams(D-NC)12   Pete Aguilar(D-CA)31   Nanette Barragan(D-CA)44   Karen Bass(D-CA)37  Joyce Beatty(D-OH)3   Ami Bera(D-CA)7   Don Beyer(D-VA)8   Sanford Bishop(D-GA)2   Earl Blumenauer(D-OR)3   Lisa Blunt Rochester(D-DE)   Suzanne Bonamici(D-OR)1   Brendan Boyle(D-PA)13   Bob Brady(D-PA)1   Anthony G. Brown(D-MD)4   Julia Brownley(D-CA)26   Cheri Bustos(D-IL)17   G. K. Butterfield(D-NC)1   Mike Capuano(D-MA)7   Salud Carbajal(D-CA)24   André Carson(D-IN)7   Matt Cartwright(D-PA)17   Kathy Castor(D-FL)14   Joaquin Castro(D-TX)20   Judy Chu(D-CA)27   David Cicilline(D-RI)1   Katherine Clark(D-MA)5   Yvette D. Clarke(D-NY)9   Lacy Clay(D-MO)1   Emanuel Cleaver(D-MO)5   Jim Clyburn(D-SC)6   Steve Cohen(D-TN)9   Gerry Connolly(D-VA)11   John Conyers(D-MI)13   Jim Cooper(D-TN)5   Lou Correa(D-CA)46   Jim Costa(D-CA)16   Joe Courtney(D-CT)2   Charlie Crist(D-FL)13   Joseph Crowley(D-NY)14   Henry Cuellar(D-TX)28   Elijah Cummings(D-MD)7   Tony Cárdenas(D-CA)29   Danny K. Davis(D-IL)7   Susan Davis(D-CA)53   Peter DeFazio(D-OR)4   Diana DeGette(D-CO)1   John K. Delaney(D-MD)6   Rosa DeLauro(D-CT)3   Suzan DelBene(D-WA)1   Val Demings(D-FL)10   Mark DeSaulnier(D-CA)11   Ted Deutch(D-FL)22   Debbie Dingell(D-MI)12   Lloyd Doggett(D-TX)35   Michael F. Doyle(D-PA)14   Keith Ellison(D-MN)5   Eliot Engel(D-NY)16   Anna Eshoo(D-CA)18   Adriano Espaillat(D-NY)13   Elizabeth Esty(D-CT)5   Dwight Evans(D-PA)2   Bill Foster(D-IL)11   Lois Frankel(D-FL)21   Marcia Fudge(D-OH)11   Tulsi Gabbard(D-HI)2   Ruben Gallego(D-AZ)7   John Garamendi(D-CA)3   Vicente González(D-TX)15   Josh Gottheimer(D-NJ)5   Al Green(D-TX)9   Gene Green(D-TX)29   Raúl Grijalva(D-AZ)3   Luis Gutiérrez(D-IL)4   Colleen Hanabusa(D-HI)1   Alcee Hastings(D-FL)20   Dennis Heck(D-WA)10   Brian Higgins(D-NY)26   Jim Himes(D-CT)4   Steny Hoyer(D-MD)5   Jared Huffman(D-CA)2   Sheila Jackson Lee(D-TX)18   Pramila Jayapal(D-WA)7   Hakeem Jeffries(D-NY)8   Eddie Bernice Johnson(D-TX)30   Hank Johnson(D-GA)4   Marcy Kaptur(D-OH)9   Bill Keating(D-MA)9   Robin Kelly(D-IL)2   Joseph Kennedy III(D-MA)4   Ro Khanna(D-CA)17   Ruben Kihuen(D-NV)4   Dan Kildee(D-MI)5   Derek Kilmer(D-WA)6   Ron Kind(D-WI)3   Raja Krishnamoorthi(D-IL)8   Ann McLane Kuster(D-NH)2   James Langevin(D-RI)2   Rick Larsen(D-WA)2   John Larson(D-CT)1   Brenda Lawrence(D-MI)14   Al Lawson(D-FL)5   Barbara Lee(D-CA)13   Sander Levin(D-MI)9   John Lewis(D-GA)5   Ted Lieu(D-CA)33   Dan Lipinski(D-IL)3   Dave Loebsack(D-IA)2   Zoe Lofgren(D-CA)19   Alan Lowenthal(D-CA)47   Nita Lowey(D-NY)17   Michelle Lujan Grisham(D-NM)1   Ben Ray Lujan(D-NM)3   Stephen Lynch(D-MA)8   Carolyn Maloney(D-NY)12   Sean Patrick Maloney(D-NY)18   Doris Matsui(D-CA)6   Betty McCollum(D-MN)4   Donald McEachin(D-VA)4   Jim McGovern(D-MA)2   Jerry McNerney(D-CA)   Gregory Meeks(D-NY)5   Grace Meng(D-NY)6   Gwen Moore(D-WI)4   Seth Moulton(D-MA)6   Stephanie Murphy(D-FL)7   Jerrold Nadler(D-NY)10   Grace Napolitano(D-CA)32   Richard Neal(D-MA)1   Rick Nolan(D-MN)8   Donald Norcross(D-NJ)1   Tom O'Halleran(D-AZ)1   Beto O'Rourke(D-TX)16   Frank Pallone(D-NJ)6   Jimmy Panetta(D-CA)20   Bill Pascrell(D-NJ)9   Donald Payne Jr.(D-NJ)10   Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)12   Ed Perlmutter(D-CO)7   Scott Peters(D-CA)52   Collin Peterson(D-MN)7   Chellie Pingree(D-ME)1   Mark Pocan(D-WI)2   Jared Polis(D-CO)2   David Price(D-NC)4   Michael Quigley(D-IL)5   Jamie Raskin(D-MD)8   Kathleen Rice(D-NY)4   Cedric Richmond(D-LA)2   Jacky Rosen(D-NV)3   Lucille Roybal-Allard(D-CA)40   Raul Ruiz(D-CA)36   Dutch Ruppersberger(D-MD)2   Bobby Rush(D-IL)1   Tim Ryan(D-OH)13   John Sarbanes(D-MD)3   Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)9   Adam Schiff(D-CA)28   Brad Schneider(D-IL)10   Kurt Schrader(D-OR)5   Bobby Scott(D-VA)3   David Scott(D-GA)13   José E. Serrano(D-NY)15   Terri Sewell(D-AL)7   Carol Shea-Porter(D-NH)1   Brad Sherman(D-CA)30   Kyrsten Sinema(D-AZ)9   Albio Sires(D-NJ)8   Louise Slaughter(D-NY)25   Adam Smith(D-WA)9   Darren Soto(D-FL)9   Jackie Speier(D-CA)14   Thomas Suozzi(D-NY)3   Eric Swalwell(D-CA)15   Linda Sánchez(D-CA)38   Mark Takano(D-CA)41   Bennie Thompson(D-MS)2   Mike Thompson(D-CA)5   Dina Titus(D-NV)1   Paul Tonko(D-NY)20   Norma Torres(D-CA)35   Niki Tsongas(D-MA)3   Juan Vargas(D-CA)51   Marc Veasey(D-TX)33   Filemon Vela Jr.(D-TX)34   Nydia Velázquez(D-NY)7   Pete Visclosky(D-IN)1   Tim Walz(D-MN)1   Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-FL)23   Maxine Waters(D-CA)43   Bonnie Watson Coleman(D-NJ)12   Peter Welch(D-VT)   Frederica Wilson(D-FL)24   John Yarmuth(D-KY)3

    Romans 7:15-20 New International Version (NIV)

    15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[a] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.



    April 22 2019 2019 Operation United States Obstruction-of-Justice ___  In the 2016 Election Collusion etc. : ____Democrats Party behind close door___decided to have Democrats Party ___ Winner-Take-All 2016 Election to defeat the GOP Party by (Democrats) spying & illegal conspiracy___ false documents____ the dossier to justify a Secret Surveillance:     Now! Follow Up - 2019 investigation to be perform by US Attorney General Barr- their will be no Special Counsel ___  no Members of the United States Congress do to their involvement - just The Grand Jury to decide whether to bring criminal charges or an indictment against a potential defendant -- usually reserved for Grand Jury indictment serious felonies. US Attorney General Barr is also looking at internal American spying, and led by Leftists would have executed the participants of a failed coup. Democrats Grand Jury indictmente are lucky MAY__BE that they'll only be indicted and imprisoned. But while he's at it, he should take a hard look at traditional spying. You know, enemy spies in our midist --- Now! 2019 Democrats are a regime. Their party attempted a coup and failed. They should be disbanded and forbidden from participating in political races in America.

    :::    each section will be up-dated add-to

    {{{{ dealing with}}}} Legal - US Contitution rule of law & etc. ::: 'Do & Don't' Legal :::

    {{{{ dealing with}}}} Conservative Views 'Common Sense' :::  'Do & Don't' :::

    Who! are American Politicians Carpetbagger Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class

    *Politican Lobbyist -- I give order = I don't take order = your fired = no collective bargaining = NO More Mr.(or Ms.) Nice Guy (imo}


    April 22 2019 To Be United States Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

    United States Bounty Hunter
    A United States Bounty Hunter is a person who captures fugitives and criminals for a monetary reward. The occupation, also known as bail enforcement agent, bail agent, recovery agent, bail recovery agent, or fugitive recovery agent, has historically existed in many parts of the world

    How to Become a United States BountyHunter: 14 Steps (with Pictures ...

    United States Bounty Hunter Education

    United States Bounty Hunter Careers and Job Description
    United States Bounty Hunter Career Information By State
    Who are United States Bounty Hunters?
    United States Bounty Hunter Job Description
    Preparing for a Career in United States Bounty Hunting

    Illegal immigration Bounty Hunter

    overhaul of Import law

    +May 5 2019 Operation Crackdown:UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic UAU Party favors a sweeping overhaul of Import law that would put many illegal immigrants on the path to legal residency but before that -- all illegal, has to be deported (deportation) inorder if illegal are working, give the jobs up, then the jobs(well-paying jobs with benefits) goes to & that should go to American Citizens ------- As of May 2019, hereafter ___ the legal immigation should be stop for TWO YEARS inorder to save American Jobs that should go to American Citizens that would solve our Nation's immigration problem to put American Citizens back to work Operation Crackdown: would save American jobs & American Citizens would be employed which now more than 11 Million illegal immigrants live in the U.S., which roughly two-thirds of them employed You(+) know how American Citizens been pigionholed: It finds a broad feeling neither the Tea Party nor US Gov't (All Three Branches) solving the problems  who(+) once considered themselves safe within the System How American Jobs(USA Import Inspector employee) can be created through the products, etc. --- being imported in USA being paid by China & other Foreign Countries through the US Tariff Tax placed on imported goods (etc.) all the imported goods enter the USA each one imported goods will be checked by the USA Import Inspector employee that will keep all illegal immigration out of USA & illegal Drug out of USA & the Proper Legal channels to enter USA
    How American Jobs(USA Import Inspector employee) can be created

    USA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2019  immediately Federal Government employment It could be it should be in order to protected   employment & security in all 50 States etc. Who?, What?, When?, When?, Where?, How? to created immediately employment in each 50 States etc. that each State employee paid by  Federal Government  in each 50 States etc.  that coming into USA by Land(Mexico & Canada), Sea, & Air(all 50 Federal States etc.) on Federal Land  as Airport that control by USA Federal Goverment – the $$$ will be coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America

    How to created jobs in United State of America immediately Land, Sea & Air employment in each 50 Federal State etc. –--- USA Import Inspector –-100% inspected what products ect. being imported in USA from ZtoA  ----- in order to see no added products etc. of any illegal things etc. being imported in USA from ZtoA  & quality & quantity(total bulk) products ect. enter the US  Import Inspector paid $$$ coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America   that import product etc. into USA setup by Federal Government but each 50 Federal States etc.  Import inspector employee must be Federal State resident but Federal State Import Inspector can be transfer to another Federal state then has to be resident of that Federal State, if their job opening if the importer don't setup easy access to the import products etc. & list of -- will be fine & sent back each  importer will have to pay 25cent on the dollar for what retail value -- each products being imported   2019     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch is in control it should be in order to  have employment & security in all 50 Federal State etc.  United State of America will be ONE STEP AHEAD in Making America Great again in creating employment & securityUSA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2019creating employment & security



    Foreign Aid & Aid To Be


    May 11 2019U.S. Economist OzarAll China products import to USA___ will be made in USA__ with help of USA Gov. Technology for each American Citizens to make each products import to USA __ to start their own Business___Made in USA__ Foreign Aid goes to ____Made in USA Business___USA  U.S. Executive Branch  POTUS will make this Happen not tomorrow


    July 29 2019__ U.S. Medicalist Ozar
    New set of rule 2019__2020 for U.S. Health Care by The U.S. Constitution Rule of Law (only for U.S. American Citizen ___ No U.S. Foreign Aid ___ U.S. Health Care go to Illegal immigrants within United States {All illegal immigrants that grated a court date ___ be remove from USA soil and process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay or like ___ process out side of USA until court date (if their No U.S. Foreign Aid $$$$ will have to leave Guantanamo Bay or like ___  U.S. Constitutionist Ozar, U.S. Adherentist Ozar, U.S. Economist Ozar, U.S. Medicalist Ozar, U.S. Occupational Safety & Health -ist Ozar & U.S. Legalist Ozar ___ It will happen due to The U.S. Constitution Rule of Law or {It will happen in 2019 __ sooner than later}

    (no more than) U.S. Adherentist Ozar

    July 16 2019 Let's Weed Out The Bad Ones   UAU We the People  Humanism Super TalkResign U.S. Constitutionist Ozar{It will happen in 2020 __ sooner than later} LIFE IS TOO SHORT SPECIALLY WENT SOMEBODY GET HURT BY A Special Counsel  NEGLIGENT or greed.& by the  Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists Democrats-specially to be Current Party leaders (mastermind plot to take over Dems Caucus Party without firing a shot) Called 'The Squad' (Our way or It's the highway) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D 14th NY), Ilhan Omar(D 5th MN), Ayanna Pressley(D 7th MA), Rashida Tlaib(D 13th MI [have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning(specially with all Americans of race, color, or religion)] U.S. Constitutionist OzarIn to be the Dems Overseers of the United States Congress(115th) NOT the or U.S. Ozar-UAU Party of the U.S BUT the US House of Representatives Democratic CaucusHouse Leaders __ Majority Leader Steny Hoyer(D 5th MD); Majority Whip James Clyburn(D 6th SC) & The speaker of the US House of Representatives  Nancy  Pelosi(D 12th CA) U.S. Non-ist Ozar  & then Senator Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT) & Senator(D NY)Chuck Schumer  Senate Minority Leader Schumer , Senator Dick Durbin(D IL) Senate Minority Whip  U.S. Non-ist OzarResign U.S. Constitutionist Ozar then Some DEM Agenda: ARE: Open Borders{serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases__ free Health Care & etc. to increase US National Debt  (But that OK)}, Abolish ICE, Higher Taxes, Free Everything(I mean everything__ United States Obstruction-of-Justice___US Contitution - rule of law___U.S. Constitution Bills of Right), Green New Deal(like the land of Brussels, Belgium(2019 Tour de France Landscape scenery___ place for everthing and everything in its place - that include human being___  No United States Foreign Aid to be), American Citizens freedom of speech is over with to start with DEM & Gun Control to start with DEM, Dems(Policy) abortion-termination of pregnancy will not change___maybe__why you(Dems) were not termination thru abortion( Life is to give ---- not to take) but their will be free US Birth Clinic for 12 months to terminate at will __to keep or be "Aboption" ____(only for American Citizens) and more to be added to list: etc. that Asshat with Who!as of are a KOOKY Caucus Party  U.S. Non-ist Ozar

    comments:Asshat with Who!

    the Far Left Liberal Democrats Party leader(Promoter of) That don't understand U.S. Constitution -Super Racial Far Left Liberal-Dems hard-liner extremist have problems  with  commonsense intelligence reasoning(specially with all Americans of race, color, or religion) more profoundly alliance – consistent with his values & agendas – Embraces G. Soros(an atheist:: Prove It ::) is his passionate messianic zeal – Leader of Dems Party Agenda – political power – social justice – obstruction for  protest(violent) – by using his charitable foundations – funder of Leftwing causes & groups – prime mover behind the Democratic Far Left Liberal Democrats Party – is one of the politically powerful individuals on earth –Think tanks that promote leftist policies: that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty: 

    May 11 2019U.S. Economist OzarAll China products import to USA___ will be made in USA__ with help of USA Gov. Technology for each American Citizens to make each products import to USA __ to start their own Business___Made in USA__ Foreign Aid goes to ____Made in USA Business___USA  U.S. Executive Branch  POTUS will make this Happen not tomorrow


    March 5 2024Far Left Liberal Activism Godless Party Legislators against We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law being violated  --- Enough is Enougth ---  can be & should be indicted for Destruction of Justices   nobody get free pass from wrong doing Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators Milking the System

    Lists of  Democrats (Liberal Activism) Godless Party Agena  their own Rule of Law & Why! It's against  We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law

    1... Sucks ass {USA MisFits} with Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) -- nobody get free pass from wrong doing (specially N.Y.)

     2... Sucks ass {USA MisFits}  -- are crazy(idiots) don't have common sense -are NEGLIGENCE Are Hypocrite - not to protect our homeland against Criminal Enemy Invaders do to their violent
    3... Anti-ICE  -- nobody get free pass from wrong doing - All Illegal immigrant( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) protesting in USA  be remove from USA soil & process out side of  USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay or == in USA -- All Banks , Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- & all collection agents in USA -   whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act   will be prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States

    4...the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena going to be a Dems Woke Party - Go For It - and see what happen! don't let this happen [U.S. Code>Part III>Subpart F>Chapter 73>Subchapter II> 7313)] (5 U.S. Code - 7313) === inciting a riot or civil disorder ;  organizing, promoting, encouraging, or participating in a riot  or civil disorder ; can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act; is a felony, be  ineligible to accept or hold any oposition in the Government of the United States; any such individual holding a position in the Government of the United States on the date his conviction becomes final shall be removed from such position

    5...'un-Christian' {USA MisFits}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena This Why! -- the DOJ Evil Genius -- the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 will give  Democrats Godless Party members  each one immunity - It will be Obstruction of Justice & prosecute each one Republicans This is Why!  the DOJ Evil Genius -- the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 to keep the American Citizens() from seeking Public Office

    the Democrats (Moderate Liberal Activism) 2024 Violation of the Obstruction of Justice not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution is a felony
    6...{USA MisFits -- Obstruction of Justice}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislator  under  their Democrats Godless Party  rule of law = no point in mincing words here: Your guilty until proven innocent -- but according to US Constitution Rule of Law -- dealing with criminal intent your innocent until proven guilty

    Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice {{{{In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info}}}}
    7...un-Christian' that is today, present & future to come if not stop by GOP & UAU & African-Americans {USA MisFits -- Obstruction of Justice}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  LegislatorsThe Deadliest Massacre in Reconstruction-Era Louisiana Happened 150 Years Ago In September 1868, Southern white Democrats hunted down around 200 African-Americans in an effort to suppress

    voter turnout

    Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info in 2024

    JULY 1 20182018 USA Military being bring home from foreign Countries to protect the American Citizens First(against innocent American Citizens that Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist do medical body harm) "The Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Legislators USA MisFits (don't know the True value of Life)   How to find all Illegal immigration( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist )   in USA -- All Banks{dedicated to BOD dealing with OneMain(Mr. Jay N. Levine, Prestent, CEO), SPS/ Select Portfollio Servicing Inc., Citigroup Inc., Synchrony Financial, HSBC Group, Elastic Republic Bank} are in trouble with US Constitution Rule of Law also dedicated to  Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA )turning a blind eye to US Constitution rule of law - in USA -- All Banks , Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- & all collection agents in USA  American Citizens whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act   will be prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States


    June 26 2018 GOP should take action on the Democrats  Legislators(US Congress115th) are sucks ass {USA MisFits} with Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist)
    2018 Mexico - United States Border War with the North Border Control to flood illegal terrorist into USA USA Military being bring home from foreign Countries to protect the American Citizens First(against innocent American Citizens that Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist do medical body harm)    to guard USA Southern Border  went USA can't keep out Terrorist coming through Southern Border All Illegal immigrant( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) protesting in USA  be remove from USA soil & process out side of USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay or under US Military Law   --- NO One will across the Border without a Pass Port   How to find all Illegal immigration( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist )   in USA -- All Banks{dedicated to BOD dealing with OneMain(Mr. Jay N. Levine, Prestent, CEO), SPS/ Select Portfollio Servicing Inc., Citigroup Inc., Synchrony Financial, HSBC Group, Elastic Republic Bank} are in trouble with US Constitution Rule of Law also dedicated to  Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA )turning a blind eye to US Constitution rule of law - in USA -- All Banks , Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- & all collection agents in USA  American Citizens whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act   will be prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States

     USA Mitch Principle & Ethics Crackdown -- Is it a criminal crime if a a falsify records
    Any Legislators or American Citizens whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act which Any Federal & State Legislators be removed   to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution  corrupt employee be fired &  prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States the new Attorneys General of the United States(85th AG) will take action & all Legislators will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  & any DOJ makes ruling for Criminal Enemy Invaders

    January 21 2018 USA Mitch.- Humanism Super Talk:  Essentials of American Government Roots & Reform
     ::::::USA::::::Evil Genius::::::USA::::::

    January 17 2018 Humanism Super Talka substantial gathering of intriguning facts --- Who? What? When? Where? Why? Operation: dealing with Haiti & Africa in touble with American way of life in USA --- do to Foreign Aid Greed $$$$ is not  Who? What? When? Where? Why? behind the screen control the flow of $$$$ behind close doors the rich is getting richer through the USA Govenment -{specially in Federal Aid paid in CASH $$$$ to Who! }--  The Dems(+) don't give a Rat Ass 
    What the IRS &  NSA & don't want American Citizens to Know (In MY Opinion)  the IRS - Super Power Of USA to make or break American Citizens & control flow of $$$$$ behind the screen control the flow of $$$$ behind close doors the rich is getting richer-Obstruction of Justice' IRS Googolplexon
    don't want American Citizens to Know about Past History The Real Truth News about their Acts of their Sinful Nature - to take control of American Citizens 

    Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the  US Gov't (All  Branches) Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest


    September 20 2016 Operation DACA Officer exmination : a smart decision to End  'Dreamer' Program
    DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is  an obstruction of Justices against the US Constitution)

    To Start with UAU (Flintengine Dotcom Strategist) We the People comments It will be the decision may be cruel, but it's a smart decision to End to 'Dreamer' Program that has shielded almost 800,000 immigrants no deportations could cost US economy more than $400 billion for American Citizens in having New Jobs! Which would allows two-year stays for certain undocumented immigrants who entered the country before their 16th birthdayOperation DACA Officer examination: who quality to be American Citizens ? Has to be Eighteen or older ? that don’t have criminal a record (No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA)? Seventeen & under not quality to be American Citizens & all illegal immigrant have crime records over Seventeen years or older will be deported If the Dems (Pelosi and Schumer, Plus Dems & GOP ) don’t agree then pay the price being & having  employment  in US Congress be determined  in coming elections & to start with dealing with Dems then the GOP (which are infuriated to put a End 'Dreamer' Program is an obstruction of Justices against the US Constitution)  which the entire Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists media complex( Lawmakers, journalists, and activists ) had a nervous breakdown Past & Present over GOP's position on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) which DACA   get Financial Aid(comment:California to provide $30 million to DACA students) and Undocumented Students are eligible for in-state tuition that is taken away from American Citizens students in order to educated US students  in creating new jobs in USA(work force - in community education, outreach, training and technical assistance on US Issues)


    June 21 2017(UAU-Helper) Just the begining to Have America First in security, safety, education, promotion and economic growth To Start with: maybe POTUS -will have spirited debate COMMENTS: Behind Close Door to get Truth Value -- what the American Citizens wants in their American Health Care then make the decison how American Health Care To Be WITH (each 50 State) THE Lower Middle Class, Lower poor Class-poverty, homelessness, and unemployment(suffer from lack of medical care, adequate housing and food, decent clothing, safety, and vocational training, & powerful reporting on Health Care as a Right of Citizenship in each 50 State dealing with do & don't on the Continuing Evolution of Reform WITH THE HELP OF POTUS TEAM IN TELLING WHAT AMERICAN CITIZENS(WALK OF FAITH IN USA}      So It Will Be -- Before it's too Late for 'American Citizens, We the People' FOREIGN LOBBYISTS Welfare AID IT OVER TO MAKE --FOREIGN UPPER CLASS - WHERE THE MONEY FLOWS IN U.S. Congress(115TH) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH  [WHO ARE Liberal Actism LEGISLATORS]) TO FOREIGN LOBBYISTS Welfare AID - to Have America First in security, safety, education, promotion and economic growth


    November 27 2016  In 2017 who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be America First  One Step Ahead Smarts(USA)  U.S.Gov will explains Smarts(USA)  Rule 1-10 how to be USA America Smarts(USA) in the coming Years as

    1- Money Smarts(USA) management: Techniques in Better control your money – pay off Debt – financial Goals_American Citizens set financial goals

    2- Office Smarts(USA):  the best ways to seek employment opportunities & American Citizens Perk caution that aren't taxable

    3- Tax Smarts(USA) Strategies: The 2017 who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control will have IRS explain how to pay less in taxes to increase Middle class income --The end of the year is the perfect time to get all of your tax strategy ducks in a row.  IRS explain how to avoid  American Citizens being put on IRS High-priority targets hit list. In order to keep  IRS U.S. Executive Branch to take way American Citizens property & assets in the form of money or chattels. It could be any item of economic value owned by an individual or corporation, especially that which could be converted to cash. Examples are cash, securities, accounts receivable, inventory, office equipment, real estate, a car, and other property.

    Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America will pay their fair share income tax

    4- Kids & college Smarts(USA) Strategies: for future -  presents – future goals = choosing the right college – government grants & scholarships = college-aid dollars toward low-income families

    5- Medical Smarts(USA) Solutions:   Self-defense tactics = aggressive surgeons unnecessary + Bypass surgery can be increased consumption of vitamins  - avoid rapid weight-loss  programs    American Citizens collecting more on their company Health Policy

    6- Estate Planning Smarts(USA):  IRS joint ownership Traps to avoid  –  Smarts(USA)  will provision – Smarts(USA)  ways in dealing with Trusts & Gift  in favor of American Citizens –  Unnecessary Life Insurance –- Cut estate taxes

    7- Consumer Smarts(USA):  The 2017 Executive Branch America First - will explain one-two-three 3 Strikes, You're Out not with Consumer Smarts(USA)  One Step Ahead = dealing with  –- Bargains for Seniors – quality & Safety test for quality of Products being purchased –  when you don't get what American Citizens paid for  – When your warranty expires & hiring a lawyer for a court case8- Travel Smarts(USA) Tips:  Flying on commuter Airlines & be reimburse the price of an airline ticket price drop after American Citizens buy it but before  American Citizens use it  –- avoid Hotel Hassles – luggage protection

    9- Gambling Smarts(USA) Secrets: Know the odds before – whenever American Citizens double his or her bankroll, pocket the original cash - in order to convert his or her original buy-in to cash – now American Citizens playing with house money – in that sense, the player no longer have anything to lose

    10- Security Smarts(USA) Tips: America First

    Far Left Liberal Democratsamericanconstitution   Far Left Liberal Democratsdoasisay  OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Far Left Liberal Democrats Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid  Just The Tip of Iceberg TO find out where the $$$$ coming & going

    Far Left Liberal Democrats know better --- dealing with Iran deal Far Left Liberal Democrats radical plan Far Left Liberal Democrats know better

    giving them Aid and Comfort  Any US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH that include U.S. Executive Branch & THE U.S. Judicial Branch (giving them Aid and Comfort    USA PATRIOT Act-- the penalty for treason is Dealth How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)

    July 18 2015 Far Left Liberal Democrats don't know the history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act

    October 30 2015 The White House -> President Obama-Dems  don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act - the penalty for treason is Dealth  Operation:know better:  President Obama (Democratic Party overseers -incude Hillary Clinton (why did Hillary as Secretary of Sate  called Turkey leader daily-US Congress Democratic Party-far left) Anti-christian (Democratic Party overseers butthole) & U.S. Anti-Israel Activity (Democratic Party overseers butthole) & Pro-Muslin  islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group -- beliefs if don't belief in total foes sacred of true Islam, including Quran == Its slaughter-and-condemnation-fest on non-believers -(Is not are alliance to our way of life & ?)  are enemy(President Obama - Democratic Party giving them Aid and Comfort butthole) all Muslin (that include Muslim brotherhood) In Syria +Iraq plus other such as Pakistan - Afghanistan - Specialy Turkey & Saudi Arabia-All mosque in USA & through out the world are Headquarters for mulism Salafist jihadists group-(promote Wahthabi ) Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism then their Iran more etc. Countries are USA enemy(Muslin  islamic state -- a Salafist jihadists group) will stop Democratic Party giving them Aid and Comfort    ----   American citzens take actions (vote each Democratic U.S. Senators. out of office maybe each U.S. Senators don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

    If If the USA PATRIOT Act is not Renew then judge each  U.S. Senators that vote against the USA Patriot Act by their actions for the American citzens than American citzens take actions (vote each U.S. Senators. out of office maybe each U.S. Senators don't know his history on Terrorist group &  USA PATRIOT Act) If USA GOV. wants to be a leader or is a leader. Either/or lead, follow or get out of the way

    Just The Tip of Iceberg -- USA PATRIOT Act  is intended to facilitate the prevention, detection and prosecution of international money laundering and the financing of terrorism 
    [ [ [ [ to present false information with the intention of deceiving USA PATRIOT Act dealing within U.S. Executive Branch that include (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch

       followup against the Constitution of the United States 
    Shariah(muslim) Military (Islamic law - Quran) -- as Muslim in the world is under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) if American-Muslim Citizen(s')  take action in Muslim Military that is treason against the United States - that include giving them Aid and Comfort under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) --- the penalty for treason is Dealth( will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea ) or Any American Citizen(s') take action in Muslim Military that include giving them Aid and Comfort Any US Congress (U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) taking $$$$ from any Muslim Country or person(s') or giving them Aid and Comfort even after retirement from U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch)

    Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law Acts of the Sinful Nature ----------- Should not be in the Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law  Impurity Malice Hatred Discord Jealousy Fit of Rage Selfish Ambition Dissensions Factions Envy Evil Desires Greed Anger Slander Deceit Dishonest 

     Jesus Love You - SALVATION is the answer to Muslim Problems ----- The Shield of Faith -- The Helmet of Salvation -- The Breastlplate of Righteousness -- The Belt of Truth -- The Sword of the Spirit -- Gospel of Peace The Fruit of the Spirit --- Should Be Maintain in the Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim Love(which seeks the highest good of others).....Joy(gladness, delight, a special presernce of God).....Peace(between individuals, harmony, unity).....Patiend(longsuffering, bearing trials without complaint).....Kindness(merciful, easy to bear, morally good and upright).....Goodness(usefull, generous).....Faithfulness(trust, conviction).....Gentleness(humble, meek).....Self-control(being in control of one's self)

        followup against the Constitution of the United States 
    Shariah(muslim) Military (Islamic law - Quran) -- as Muslim in the world is under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) if American-Muslim Citizen(s')  take action in Muslim Military that is treason against the United States - that include giving them Aid and Comfort under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) --- the penalty for treason is Dealth( will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea ) or Any American Citizen(s') take action in Muslim Military that include giving them Aid and Comfort Any US Congress (U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) taking $$$$ from any Muslim Country or person(s') or giving them Aid and Comfort even after retirement from U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)--- the penalty for treason is Dealth

    Full View of UAU Party

    but - need - change if
    Moderate Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)




    November 26 2013Muslim Brotherhood-Mr. Obamacare Fiasco Won
    Affordable Care Act (ACA) :::: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)  is United States Federal Statute (March 23 2010)
    Muslim Brotherhood (Strict Islamic Law (Shariah) as Muslim - (Quran provides strict radical plans - this Islamic law in Muslim area)
    Now! Mr. Obama is ---- flip-flopping Especially with Iran Crisis Iran Fiasco Won keep the Foreign Aid coming   US Congress Has Problems in Decision Making

    November 28 20132014 Just The Tip of Iceberg FOR the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & Specially THE US Judicial Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD  dealing with the Present-&-Future Vs. We the People ---- It time for a change in the the US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)  & The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV)Specially THE US Congress (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) We the People will have to vote straight GOP Specially in US Senate in order to   justices WHY

    January 15 20172017 DID U KNOW:::  Rebels- Sunni Muslim Brotherhood agendas Vs. Regine-Shiite Muslim this is a Holy jihad civil war  No-Win War  between Sunni Muslim Brotherhood & Shiite and the Countries that are Sunni Muslim what Countries are involved with the Rebels- Sunni Muslim Brotherhood agendas

    Rebels-Sunni Muslim Brotherhood are NOT Ours Alliance Partners If Any US Senator(s') vote for taken action in helping any Rebels -(a Holy jihad civil war)  Muslim Brotherhood agendas or like will be going against the US Constitution We the People will take action against the US Senators who vote for taking action in  Holy jihad civil war & any  U.S. House of Representatives support taking action in supports of helping  Democrat Bullies --- that are OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Liberal-DemsMans'© + Liberal-DemsWomans'©  Far Left Liberal Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) in supports of taking Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid

    Far Left Liberal Democrats --that tell U.S. Congress GO FOR IT Rebels Regine Muslim agendas need help



    November 17 2012 Operation Don't Understand ::: Former President Obama put on notice-made aware of a legal knowledge of certain facts --- Democrat Party ----- Majority Leader of US Senate Democratic Harry Reid(NV) --- Oscar Underwood(AL) -- Joseph Taylor Robinson(AR) -- Alben W. Barkley(KY) -- Scott W. Lucas(IL) -- Ernest McFarland(AZ) -- Lyndon B. Johnson(TX) -- Mike Mansfield(MT) -- Robert Byrd(WV) -- George Mitchell(ME) -- Tom Daschle(SD) don't Understand WHAT Foreign Aid is for --- not let Foreign Countries to BUY military weapons to used against American Citizens & etc. Alliance Parters (& supply food to Military Armies) -[[[[[& Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, China, Russia, West Bank/Gaza, Egypt, North Korea, Burma, China, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Equatorial Guinea, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Swaziland, Turkey, Bahrain are NOT Ours Alliance Parters more complete list All Foreign Aid is cut off completely ---- under Muslim(Islam)SHARIA LAW -- their will be no democracy state -- only dictatorship -- but keep the US Foreign Aid coming -- only dictatorship & restore the land with new Building & etc. !

    September 25 2012 The White House - Former President Obama --- to addrerss U.N. (United Nations) on 9-25-2012 It.s U.N. (United Nations) responsibility to keep peace in Syria it not NATO or USA responsibility U.N. (United Nations) is ---- flip-flopping in taking action Just Do It - instead of talking/thinking about it ------SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD UNITED STATES or NATO CAN'T SAVE THE WORLD SPECIALLY IN Afghanistan September 25 2012 U.N. (United Nations) take over in Afghanistan NATO & USA Departure should be sudden -- Who training Who Operation::Afghanistan Military or Taliban (Muslim Brotherhood) Military It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Price for Former President Obama Action & Supply the enemy with Foreign Aid SPECIALLY IN Libya & Egypt-- (no way their be a democracy government) with help of Majority Leader of US Senate Democratic Mr. Harry Reid(NV) --- Oscar Underwood(AL) -- Joseph Taylor Robinson(AR) -- Alben W. Barkley(KY) -- Scott W. Lucas(IL) -- Ernest McFarland(AZ) -- Lyndon B. Johnson(TX) -- Mike Mansfield(MT) -- Robert Byrd(WV) -- George Mitchell(ME) -- Tom Daschle(SD) BELIEVE 100% WITH *President Obama


    Decenber 06 2016The USA Almighty 2017 IRS Googolplex
    IRS Googolplex New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws for 2017 Income Tax & hereafter No More free-arrange with $$$$$
    TOMORROW -- New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Taking the Plunge ! In Making IRS Googolplex {Plain & Simple ---- Right to the Point } IRS Motto: Higher Class is in trouble & will pay their(+) Federal Income Tax up-front [Specially the USA Corporation and etc. that gives to Non Profit Organizations & Bonus Payout (Federal Income Tax up-front ) & Foreign Corporation Investors Income dealing with USA (Federal Income Tax up-front ) & also that gives to USA Non Profit Organizations (Federal Income Tax up-front) All Personal – Personal Gross high-income earner Making over $250,000 that gives to Non Profit Organizations (Federal Income Tax up-front ) ]

    "Let it be preached from the IRS Googolplex Pulpit, proclaimed in

    U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH, and Enforced in Courts of Justices"
    The IRS Googolplex New Set of Rules, Regulations & Laws Consist of TOMORROW which their will be a audit By the Internal Affairs Agency on a regular basis (No Betrayal of Not Paying Their(+) Federal Income Tax) & each of IRS Employer & employee IRS hold the purse string to the USA future
    The White House  IRS will gives Life, Liberty, & Happiness -- Who are in need with the $$$$$. The American Citizens - come first in all things before Foreign Countries - PLUS Etc. (Specially the Poor class - let no American Citizens go hungry then come the US Aid to hungry People in the World Today! USA Gov't will make-sure the US Aid goes only to Hungry People in the World instead to that Who(+) has opportunity to the $$$$$
    UAU Party Motto: This will Happen - 2017 IRS Googolplex
     If not then the USA Gov't  pay the price with the American Citizens & God Jesus-God Bless America Their will be In The U.S. Executive Branch GOV -- IRS Googolplex Team Concept with the US Congess(114th Congress) & (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)
    US Congress & The White House  IRS $$$$$ need to & will stop funding The War in Afghanistan & Iraq ---The Afghanistan & Iraq are -- that was a poor countries to a wealthy countries Foreign Investors & Tailban & Al-Qaeda are using USA American Citizens IRS $$$$$ to increase their income Now! It A No-win War -> it over ---- Plus funding the illegal immigarant -> it over -- the American Citizens come first -- did you (+) hear that --I(USA Mitch -UAU Strategist ) do not think All three US Branches still don"t get it

    Operation: What happen to Upper Class at the end of Time --- & before end of Time -- Time will tell ->--- went Upper Class meet their destination---- Closer to Heaven or Hell -> Greed-$$$$$

    Commonsense Conservative(but it(+) will need to be change if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens)


        followup against the Constitution of the United States 
    Shariah(muslim) Military (Islamic law - Quran) -- as Muslim in the world is under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) if American-Muslim Citizen(s')  take action in Muslim Military that is treason against the United States - that include giving them Aid and Comfort under USA Military Law(USA Military Court) --- the penalty for treason is Dealth( will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea ) or Any American Citizen(s') take action in Muslim Military that include giving them Aid and Comfort Any US Congress (U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) taking $$$$ from any Muslim Country or person(s') or giving them Aid and Comfort even after retirement from U.S. Executive Branch  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & The US Judicial Branch) How many if any will be executed by a firing squad and be burial at sea under USA Military Law(USA Military Court)--- the penalty for treason is Dealth


    18 U.S. Code §?2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally 


    (a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

    (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term "office" does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

    (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 795; Pub. L. 101-510, div. A, title V, §?552(a), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1566; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, §?330016(1)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)


    Black Life Matter(Ideology)(Anti- The U.S. Constitution Do Process of the Law Principle & Ethics)

    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    No Health Care Privacy any more 

    10th Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY)
    19th Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA)
    18th Jackson Lee, Sheila (D-TX)
    9th Cohen, Steve (D-TN)
    4th Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr. (D-GA)
    22nd Deutch, Ted (D-FL)
    37th Bass, Karen (D-CA)
    2nd Richmond, Cedric (D-LA)

    U.S. Nationalism Ozar
    October 23 2020November 3rd 2020 General Election Operation Do & Don't

    UAU{ U.S. Overseer Ozar} for American Citizens Vote for a Commonsense Conservative Candidate(s')

    October 25 2020*(List) Don't vote for ANY U House of Representative Democrat {Grayblueneck} Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

    All candidate(s') U House of Representative  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitution
    {Grayblueneck} Rep. Be Remove from US Congress
    12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)

    43rd Waters, Maxine (D-CA)Chair - Financial Services
    3rd Rep. Joyce Beatty (D OH)
    1st Rep. Lacy Clay Jr. (D MO)
    5th Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D MO)
    9th Rep. Al Green (D TX)
    5th Rep. Gregory Meeks (D NY)
    30rd Rep. Brad Sherman (D CA)

    10th Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY) Chair - House Committee on the Judiciary 
    9th Stanton, Greg (D-AZ)
    19th Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA)
    37th Bass, Karen (D-CA)
    15th Swalwell, Eric (D-CA)
    33rd Lieu, Ted (D-CA)
    46th Correa, J. Lou (D-CA)
    2nd Neguse, Joe (D-CO)
    10th Demings, Val (D-FL)
    22nd Deutch, Ted (D-FL)
    26th Mucarsel-Powell, Debbie (D-FL)
    4th Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr. (D-GA)
    6th McBath, Georgia's (D-GA)
    2nd Richmond, Cedric (D-LA)
    8th Raskin, Jamie (D-MD)
       8th Jeffries, Hakeem (D-NY)
    4th Dean, Madeleine (D-PA)
    5th Scanion, Mary Gay (D-PA)
    1st Cicilline, David (D-RI)
    6th Clyburn, James E. (D-RI)
    9th Cohen, Steve (D-TN)
    16th Escobar, Veronica (D-TX)
    29th Garcia, Sylvia (D-TX)
    18th Jackson Lee, Sheila (D-TX)
    7th Jayapal, Pramila (D-WA)

    28th Schiff, Adam (D-CA) Chair - House Permanent Select Committe on Intelligence
    7th Rep. Andre Carson (D IN)
    4th Rep. James Himes (D CT)
    7th Rep. Terri Sewell (D AL)
    15th Swalwell, Eric (D-CA)

    52nd Peters, Scott (D-CA)
    53rd Davis, Susan (D-CA)
    Rep. Border Control Protection NOT SO Rep. Be Remove from US Congress

    50th Rep. Vacant (D CA)
    51st Rep. Juan Vargas (D CA)
    2nd Rep. Ann Kirkpatrickm (D AZ)
    3rd Rep. Raul Grijalva (D AZ)
    2nd Rep. Xochiti Small (D NM)
    15th Rep. Vicenie Gonzala (D TX)
    28th Rep.  Henry Cueiliar (D TX)
    34th Rep. Filemon Veta (D TX)
    13th Rep. Charlie Crist (D FL)
    14th Rep. Kathy Castor (D FL)
    26th Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D FL)

    14th Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D NY)
    5th Rep. Ilhan Omar (D MN)
    7th Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D MA)
    13th Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D MI)

    12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)

    Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

    August 7 2017(UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}-  That Might Be A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius

    Grayblueneck{imo(T)}in USA
    July 17 2017 (UAU-Helper) Grayblueneck{imo(T)}- Definition - American Citizen or person evil ways to gain control increase power in USA that bye pass the US Constitution Rule of Law & In Jesus-God We Trust that Grayblueneck has a Ultimate Style(something is said, done, expressed, or performed) that is  ir·ra·tion·al – difficult – im·mod·er·ate; that can be cleverness of Fake News
    Who! might be a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Wrong, or Ugly?
    A Grayblueneck{imo(T)}is not open and friendly person and prefers to pre-judge a person on race, gender and personal lifestyle

    October 25 2020*(List) Don't vote for ANY US Senators Democrat {Grayblueneck}(Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats ) to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

    All candidate(s') US Senators Democrat Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to the U.S. Constitution
    {Grayblueneck} Senator Be Remove from US Congress
    U.S.  MI Senator(D)Gary Peters

    Alabama Senator Doug Jones (D)
    Delaware Senator Chris Coons (D)
    Illinois Senator Richard Durbin (D)
    Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey (D)
    Michigan Senator Gary Peters (D)
    Minnesota Senator Tina Smith (D)
    New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D)
    New Jersey Senator Cory Booker (D)
    New Mexico Senator Tom Udall (D)
    Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley (D)
    Rhode Island Senator John "Jack" Reed (D)
    Virginia Senator Mark Warner (D)

    Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

    *(List) vote for ANY US Senators  to  Political Party Platform for 2020

    to be the U.S.  MI Senator  In 2021 John James (R MI)

    Alaska       Senator  Dan Sullivan (R AK)
    Arizona     Senator  Martha McSally (R AZ)
    Arkansas   Senator  Tom Cotton (R AR)
    Colorado   Senator  Cory Gardner (R CO)
    Georgia    Senator   David Perdue  (R GA)
    Georgia     Senator  Kelly Loeffler  (R GA)
    Idaho         Senator  Jim Risch  (R ID)
    Iowa          Senator  Joni Ernst (R  IA)
    Kansas       Senator  Pat Roberts (R KS)
    Kentucky   Senator  Mitch McConnell (R KY)
    Louisiana   Senator  Bill Cassidy (R LA)
    Maine    Senator    is a (R) or (D to benot a true (R)        (R ME)          
    Mississippi    Senator   Cindy Hyde-Smith  (R MS)
    Montana        Senator  Steve Daines  (R MT)
    Nebraska        Senator  Ben Sasse (R NE) 
    North Carolina  Senator  Thom Tillis  (R NC)
    Oklahoma         Senator  Jim Inhofe  (R OK)
    South Carolina  Senator  Lindsey Graham  (R SC)
    South Dakota    Senator  Mike Rounds (R SUglyD)
    Tennessee         Senator  Lamar Alexander (R TN)
    Texas               Senator   John Cornyn (R TX)
    West Virginia  Senator   Shelley Moore Capito 
    Wyoming        Senator   Mike Enzi  (R WY)


    October 25 2020*(List) Don't vote for ANY other political leadership Democrats {Grayblueneck} Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats up for reelection 2020 to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020(List)

    All candidate(s') ANY other political leadership Democrats  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitution
    {Grayblueneck} Governor  Be Remove from each State

    Delaware Governor John Carney (D)
    North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper (D)
    Washington Governor Jay Inslee (D)
    Montana Governor Steve Bullock (D)
    American Samoa Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga (D)

    Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

    U.S. Legalist Ozar

    U.S. Nationalism Ozar
    October 23 2020November 3rd 2020 General Election Operation Do & Don't

    UAU{ U.S. Overseer Ozar} for American Citizens Vote for a Commonsense Conservative Candidate(s')
      U.S. Constitution Every American Citizens  Personal Mission should be to Learn & Grow for my Lord and King Jesus
    We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God

    American Citizen(s') Commonsense Conservative :

    "Well, Lord,if this is the end of my life, I'll just have to say how thankful I am, and what a wonderful privilege it's been,
    but if it's your will for me to live, then I just give myself to you all the more,  To the best of my strength."
    Lets Celebrate Your(American Citizen(s') Doxology Day(Luke 2:1) with a Commonsense Conservative USA American Citizens ( that U.S. Constitution We the People (United States of America) are a Nation that founded on the Principle of God American First in keeping U.S. Constitution from being by Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}Commonsense Conservative :Is Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extremists OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN


    November 3rd 2020 General Election Operation Do & Don't

    October 23 2020November 3rd 2020 General Election Operation Do & Don't dealing with Joseph Biden Jr., Pope Francis, UAW (as a UAW member__can speak out against UAW Political comments), then Donald Trump, and other political leadership Democrats in *(List) US 116th Congress _*(List) US Senators Democrat up for reelection 2020 & *(List) U House of Representative Democrat up for reelection 2020

    Joseph Biden Jr.{Grayblueneck} doasisay(Socratic-Talkinghead)::(Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats) Don't vote for  Joseph Biden Jr. & ANY US Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  {Grayblueneck} up for reelection 2020 to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

    October 23 2020Pope Francis TO Be _ All Democrat can't take Communion And all Catholic Christians (Catechism of the Catholic Church __ PART THREE  LIFE IN CHRIST__SECTION TWO "you shall love your neighbor as yourself" ___ Article 5 The fifth commandment "you SHALL NOT KILL" is a "CRIMINAL" practice (Abortion 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 ), Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law" the Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life); WILL Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of Law "HAVE TO COME TO USA TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN" imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life
    all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat {Grayblueneck}candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles


    October 23 2020UAW__UAW President  Rory Gamble Leadership ENDORSES Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck} Don't vote for ANY Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck} that UAW__ UAW President  Rory Gamble Leadership ENDORSES to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

    August 29 2019As a UAW Member ' Rattlesnake Rule'Conservative UAW Rank and File: UAW sets of rule ____ New Direction for UAW Rank and File  (will have to change  their Political Caucus (Stand) From the Far Left Activism NumskullDemocrats  Godless Party(out) to Conservative Caucus Party(in) to save USA UAW Rank & File Jobs__from USA Gov. DOJ__dealing with Far Left Activism NumskullDemocrats  Godless ways of Greed & Power is on the(their) Brain in U.S. Congress & US Gov. especially with Who are Numskull Liberal Activism in CIA, FBI, IRS & NSAmore Update dealing with Conservative UAW Rank and File: Solidarity House to be! UAW Region 1, 1A, 10, 28, 4, 5, 8, 9 & 9A (new leadership styles and frameworks) Conservative UAW Rank and File Legacee leadership styles


    Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil)

    October 23 2020US 116th Congress Democrat up for reelection 2020 *(List) Don't vote for  ANY US Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}  to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

    *(List) Don't vote for ANY US Senators Democrat {Grayblueneck}(Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats ) to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

    All candidate(s') US Senators Democrat Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to the U.S. Constitution
    {Grayblueneck} Senator Be Remove from US Congress

    U.S.  MI Senator(D)Gary Peters

    Alabama Senator Doug Jones (D)
    Delaware Senator Chris Coons (D)
    Illinois Senator Richard Durbin (D)
    Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey (D)
    Michigan Senator Gary Peters (D)
    Minnesota Senator Tina Smith (D)
    New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D)
    New Jersey Senator Cory Booker (D)
    New Mexico Senator Tom Udall (D)
    Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley (D)
    Rhode Island Senator John "Jack" Reed (D)
    Virginia Senator Mark Warner (D)

    Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

    *(List) vote for ANY US Senators  to  Political Party Platform for 2020

    to be the U.S.  MI Senator  In 2021 John James (R MI)

    Alaska       Senator  Dan Sullivan (R AK)
    Arizona     Senator  Martha McSally (R AZ)
    Arkansas   Senator  Tom Cotton (R AR)
    Colorado   Senator  Cory Gardner (R CO)
    Georgia    Senator   David Perdue  (R GA)
    Georgia     Senator  Kelly Loeffler  (R GA)
    Idaho         Senator  Jim Risch  (R ID)
    Iowa          Senator  Joni Ernst (R  IA)
    Kansas       Senator  Pat Roberts (R KS)
    Kentucky   Senator  Mitch McConnell (R KY)
    Louisiana   Senator  Bill Cassidy (R LA)
    Maine       Senator    is a (R) or (D to benot a true (R)          (R ME)          
    Mississippi    Senator   Cindy Hyde-Smith  (R MS)
    Montana        Senator  Steve Daines  (R MT)
    Nebraska        Senator  Ben Sasse (R NE) 
    North Carolina  Senator  Thom Tillis  (R NC)
    Oklahoma         Senator  Jim Inhofe  (R OK)
    South Carolina  Senator  Lindsey Graham  (R SC)
    South Dakota    Senator  Mike Rounds (R SD)
    Tennessee         Senator  Lamar Alexander (R TN)
    Texas               Senator   John Cornyn (R TX)
    West Virginia  Senator   Shelley Moore Capito 
    Wyoming        Senator   Mike Enzi  (R WY)


    October 23 2020*(List) Don't vote for ANY U House of Representative Democrat {Grayblueneck} Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020

    All candidate(s') U House of Representative  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitution
    {Grayblueneck} Rep. Be Remove from US Congress
    12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)

    43rd Waters, Maxine (D-CA)Chair - Financial Services
    3rd Rep. Joyce Beatty (D OH)
    1st Rep. Lacy Clay Jr. (D MO)
    5th Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D MO)
    9th Rep. Al Green (D TX)
    5th Rep. Gregory Meeks (D NY)
    30rd Rep. Brad Sherman (D CA)

    10th Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY) Chair - House Committee on the Judiciary 
    9th Stanton, Greg (D-AZ)
    19th Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA)
    37th Bass, Karen (D-CA)
    15th Swalwell, Eric (D-CA)
    33rd Lieu, Ted (D-CA)
    46th Correa, J. Lou (D-CA)
    2nd Neguse, Joe (D-CO)
    10th Demings, Val (D-FL)
    22nd Deutch, Ted (D-FL)
    26th Mucarsel-Powell, Debbie (D-FL)
    4th Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr. (D-GA)
    6th McBath, Georgia's (D-GA)
    2nd Richmond, Cedric (D-LA)
    8th Raskin, Jamie (D-MD)
       8th Jeffries, Hakeem (D-NY)
    4th Dean, Madeleine (D-PA)
    5th Scanion, Mary Gay (D-PA)
    1st Cicilline, David (D-RI)
    6th Clyburn, James E. (D-RI)
    9th Cohen, Steve (D-TN)
    16th Escobar, Veronica (D-TX)
    29th Garcia, Sylvia (D-TX)
    18th Jackson Lee, Sheila (D-TX)
    7th Jayapal, Pramila (D-WA)

    28th Schiff, Adam (D-CA) Chair - House Permanent Select Committe on Intelligence
    7th Rep. Andre Carson (D IN)
    4th Rep. James Himes (D CT)
    7th Rep. Terri Sewell (D AL)
    15th Swalwell, Eric (D-CA)

    52nd Peters, Scott (D-CA)
    53rd Davis, Susan (D-CA)
    Rep. Border Control Protection NOT SO Rep. Be Remove from US Congress

    50th Rep. Vacant (D CA)
    51st Rep. Juan Vargas (D CA)
    2nd Rep. Ann Kirkpatrickm (D AZ)
    3rd Rep. Raul Grijalva (D AZ)
    2nd Rep. Xochiti Small (D NM)
    15th Rep. Vicenie Gonzala (D TX)
    28th Rep.  Henry Cueiliar (D TX)
    34th Rep. Filemon Veta (D TX)
    13th Rep. Charlie Crist (D FL)
    14th Rep. Kathy Castor (D FL)
    26th Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D FL)

    14th Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D NY)
    5th Rep. Ilhan Omar (D MN)
    7th Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D MA)
    13th Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D MI)

    12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)

    Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

    October 23 2020*(List) Don't vote for ANY other political leadership Democrats {Grayblueneck} Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats up for reelection 2020 to DNC Political Party Platform for 2020(List)

    All candidate(s') ANY other political leadership Democrats  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats {Grayblueneck}out to destroy the U.S. Constitution
    {Grayblueneck} Governor  Be Remove from each State

    Delaware Governor John Carney (D)
    North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper (D)
    Washington Governor Jay Inslee (D)
    Montana Governor Steve Bullock (D)

    American Samoa Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga (D)

    Pope Francis Pope Francis_Jesus-God Rule of LawCatechism of the Catholic Church __all Catholic Christianscan't take Communion until exit from the Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats as a member of DNC or associate ____ if American Citizens vote for a Far Left Liberal Activism Democrat candidate or candidates is(are) associate with that Party principles

    February 26 2021Operation __ Who right & who wrong (who are sinner or not): Living in USA as a American Citizen live under the US Constitution In USA American Citizens live under the US Constitution but American Citizens  validate  US Constitution  Rule of Law __  any(all) American Citizens will be punished  that US Constitution is founded on Jesus-God Rule of Law under Christian values

    {What Does the Bible Say About Christian Values and Christian Life? &

    The values taught in the Bible are often the opposite of worldly values: kindness and respect for all people instead of power; humility instead of status; honesty and generosity instead of wealth; self-control instead of self-indulgence; forgiveness instead of revenge.Christian Values promote peace and good will among people in accordance with the purposes of God. We the People will never achieve perfection in this life, but those people who strive to obey God often find a sense of joy and peace that no worldly rewards can match       Worldly values include wealth, power, pleasure, revenge, fame, vanity and status. Worldly values promote jealousies, resentments and conflicts among people in accordance with the purposes of Satan           Here is a list of ten values or principles for living that are emphasized most strongly in the Bible:[1. Worship Only God 2. Be Kind to All People  3. Be Humble  4. Be Honest  5. Live a Moral Life   6. Be Generous with Time and Money  7. Practice what you Preach; Don't be a Hypocrite  8. Don't Be Self-righteous  9. Don't Retaliate  10. Forgive Others]
    US Constitution - is not a "Living Document "The Constitution Rule of Law is not a living organism it's a legal document." To claim that The Constitution is a living document that evolves on its own with the times is to say that there is no Constitution and you(American Citizens) have no Constitutional rights. Lets be clear what the Constitution is, it's an outline of limitations on Government.or Jesus-God Rule of Law is not a "Living Document"> American Citizens(s') will be a sinner against  US Constitution not only but Jesus-God Rule of Law goes hand & hand with each other be punished on earth & in heaven All Nation(specially China State Cartel Gov.___ China (Marx communist State). on earth & in HeavenWHO! In US Government are SINNER(American Citizens)   against The Constitution such as in each branches of USA A list ___from Past, Present & Future any Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators are SINNER (against The Constitution)

    >>>>>>>>>> then  Any Executive Order(s') goes against US Constitution>  IT'S A SIN___Specially Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  Joseph Biden Jr. Executive Order(s') goes against the US Constitution WHY! It's is not a "Biden Jr. Executive Order(s') Living Document" for "The Constitution is not a living organism&ldots; it's a legal document." Their a set of  US Constitution Rule of Law for Executive Order(s')  if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law & then Earmark if it goes against  US Constitution  Rule of Law Earmarks put into Bills from US Congress(117th) are

    CORRUPT Democrats  earmarking process robbing the Treasury loaded up big spending bills with special projects to benefit donors and local interest groups __Foreign Gov. Aid After all, earmarks are perhaps one of the most egregious ways to fool taxpayers into thinking it will

    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s')

    Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution    Justice for Justice - no age statute the criminal act need to account for their crime the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public    Explain how & how the three appeals will be setup within two years the death row appeals process will not be far too complex and expensive is to be efficiently and effectively carried out before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public   Their will be no reasons to forestall perpetrators execution of the sentence imposed after two years (three appeals will be setup within two years)  that include all Past convict -- perpetrators instead life in prison will have three appeals within two years before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public 

    The US Supreme Court Justices is in support for Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution I do think US Supreme Court Justices  & Associates want to live a right old age >> So that Means Let stay alive (that effects every American Citizens in USALife for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution punishment Death penlty punishment
    Immediately following the execution of Bundy, Chief Justice william h. rehnquist called for changes in the procedure for appealing death sentences. Noting that the Supreme Court had turned down three emergency appeals by Bundy in the hours just prior to his execution, the chief justice said, "Surely it would be a bold person to say that this system could not be improved."

    the Supreme Court has moved to limit the number of appeals a death row inmate may file, arguing that endless appeals serve only to undermine the ability of the state to carry out its constitutionally sanctioned punishment


    The Fifth Amendment seems to supply a clearer basis for assuming the constitutionality of the death statute penalty. This amendment states that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." From this language, one can conclude that with Due Process of Law, death statute penalty punishment may be imposed.  >>> the language of the Fifth Amendment to support the argument that the death penalty was constitutional. Evolving Standards of life for life death statute penalty punishment

    Genesis 9:6 King James Version (KJV)    6 Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
    Numbers 35:30  King James Version (KJV)    30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.
    Numbers 35:31  King James Version (KJV)   31 Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.




    USA Mitch
    P.O. Box 7773
    Flint, Michigan 48507

    Text Animations From

    Graphics Generatior From

    Animations From

    Animations From

    USA Mitch
    Mitch the Strategist

    Fight Spam! Click Here!
    The contents of this webpage are
    copyright © 2004-2020 USA Mitch,
    All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
    All stuff (contents) etc...mail to USA Mitch become the exclusive property of USA Mitch.


    September 29 2013Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution
    Dedicated to General Motor Corporation  Legal Staff(s')

    Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution    Justice for Justice - no age statute the criminal act need to account for their crime the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public    Explain how & how the three appeals will be setup within two years the death row appeals process will not be far too complex and expensive is to be efficiently and effectively carried out before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public   Their will be no reasons to forestall perpetrators execution of the sentence imposed after two years (three appeals will be setup within two years)  that include all Past convict -- perpetrators instead life in prison will have three appeals within two years before the convict will be executed by a firing squad all executed will be view by the public 

    The US Supreme Court Justices is in support for Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution I do think US Supreme Court Justices  & Associates want to live a right old age >> So that Means Let stay alive (that effects every American Citizens in USALife for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution punishment Death penlty punishment
    Immediately following the execution of Bundy, Chief Justice william h. rehnquist called for changes in the procedure for appealing death sentences. Noting that the Supreme Court had turned down three emergency appeals by Bundy in the hours just prior to his execution, the chief justice said, "Surely it would be a bold person to say that this system could not be improved."

    the Supreme Court has moved to limit the number of appeals a death row inmate may file, arguing that endless appeals serve only to undermine the ability of the state to carry out its constitutionally sanctioned punishment


    The Fifth Amendment seems to supply a clearer basis for assuming the constitutionality of the death statute penalty. This amendment states that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." From this language, one can conclude that with Due Process of Law, death statute penalty punishment may be imposed.  >>> the language of the Fifth Amendment to support the argument that the death penalty was constitutional. Evolving Standards of life for life death statute penalty punishment

    Genesis 9:6 King James Version (KJV)    6 Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
    Numbers 35:30  King James Version (KJV)    30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.
    Numbers 35:31  King James Version (KJV)   31 Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.






    July 16 2024  Democrat Party Platform WOKE: Democrat Party & members of US Congress(118th) Dems ( US Senate and the US House of Representatives___ (are Stupid)
    List of  100% Dems in US Congress(118th) agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform & 100% Democrat voters agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform {: between list of US Senate and the US House of Representatives}

    United States Senators
    The present United States Senators took a Oath of office to US Constitution > The oath reads:
    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

    July 16 2024 List of current members of the United States Senators
    Democrat Party & members of US Congress(118th) Dems ( US Senate  __List of  100% Dems in US Congress(118th) agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform & 100% Democrat voters agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform Hard Core Totalitarianism Woke Party

    Follow-up with 118th United States Congress ___ on ___ for  Update

    List of  100% Dems in US Congress(118th) The numbers refer to their Senate classes. 



    New Hampshire
    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York
    North Carolina
    North Dakota

    Rhode Island
    South Carolina
    South Dakota
    West Virginia


    United States House of  Representatives
    The present United States House of  Representatives took a Oath of office to US Constitution > The oath reads:
    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

    July 16 2024 List of current members of the United States House of  Representatives
    Democrat Party & members of US Congress(118th) Dems (  the US House of Representatives __List of  100% Dems in US Congress(117th) agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform & 100% Democrat voters agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform Hard Core Totalitarianism Woke Party

    Follow-up with 118th United States Congress ___ on ___ for  Update.















    New Hampshire

    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York
    North Dakota

    Rhode Island
    South Carolina
    South Dakota

    West Virginia


    Follow-up with 118th United States Congress ___ on ___ updates

    Non-voting members
        ?  District of Columbia. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D)      ?  Guam.  
        ?  Northern Mariana Islands. Gregorio Sablan (I)[r]       ?  United States Virgin Islands.

      Democrat Party Platform WOKE: Democrat Party & members of US Congress(118th) Dems ( US Senate and the US House of Representatives __List of  100% Dems in US Congress(118th) agree with Democrat Party Woke Platform & 100% Democrat voters agree with Democrat Party Platform

       List of current United States governors & current United States lieutenant governors



    September 26 2016on the hill Operation: immediately  U.N. (United Nations HQ) to Move from New York to  Private Islands ---- Islands for Sale WORDWIDE----? Island enlarge on the hill Operation: We The People speak UN (United Nations) need to Move out of New York I(USA Mitch) USA American USA Party agree   MORE REASON THAN ONE U.N.(United Nations HQ) SHOULD SHOULD SHOULD Move from New York to Private Islands ---- Islands for Sale WORDWIDE----? ? WHICH ---U.N.------  invites United Nations to set up headquarters _______ is ideally situated to make it an accessible meeting-point for World Leaders U.N.- the new FUTURE? ___TO TAKE CONTROL THEN COMES U.N. (United Nations HQ)

    Return to US Military Engineering University

    DO IT NOW!

    SEPTEMBER 4 2017)   Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be immediately U.N. (United Nations HQ) to Move from New York to  Private Islands Island enlargethen for the U.S. Military Engineering University

    December 25 2016 It not right --American Citizens will Pay the Pricewill take action in 2017The Gull It Time to take action & inforce the LawsTHE U.S. Judicial Branch have a problem in forming their dues that against the U.S. Constitution - but - need - change if(but it(+) It Does  U.N. (United Nations HQ)on the hill to Move from New York to  Private Islands  Island enlargeneed to be MOVE Out of USA - if it(+) go against the principle of the American Citizens It Does) within 100 days 2017  U.N. (United Nations HQ) be remove from United Nations HQ building for U.S. Military Engineering University
    return to DO IT NOW (move UN to Private Island)

    Return to on the hill

     December 21 2016 who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control will Educated all "U.S. Military" during & before leaving the U.S Military in the U.S. Military Engineering University China educated all their Military to be Master of Engineering -- to come up with new product ideas into a product inorder to export to USA -that were made in China that import billion of $$$$ IRS Tax free

    What about "China Military" How the China Military Soldiers being Used in China Gov't Specially in Education of each China Military Soldiers requirement to fullfill its duties & being educated in USA College in all matters of fact to gain control of the World & World Market Destroy the enemy with ease dealing with USA & Russia & any countries that try to interfere

    the China Military Soldiers {{{{ Watch Dog of the World specially in World Market in selling weapons that will be used against WHO!


    November 19 2016USA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2017  immediately Federal Government employment It could be it should be in order to protected   employment & security in all 50 States etc. Who?, What?, When?, When?, Where?, How? to created immediately employment in each 50 States etc. that each State employee paid by  Federal Government  in each 50 States etc.  that coming into USA by Land(Mexico & Canada), Sea, & Air(all 50 Federal States etc.) on Federal Land just as Airport that control by USA Federal Goverment – the $$$ will be coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America

    How to created jobs in United State of America immediately Land, Sea & Air employment in each 50 Federal State etc. –--- USA Import Inspector –-100% inspected what products ect. being imported in USA from ZtoA  ----- in order to see no added products etc. of any illegal things etc. being imported in USA from ZtoA  & quality & quantity(total bulk) products ect. enter the US  Import Inspector paid $$$ coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America   that import product etc. into USA setup by Federal Government but each 50 Federal States etc.  Import inspector employee must be Federal State resident but Federal State Import Inspector can be transfer to another Federal state then has to be resident of that Federal State, if their job opening if the importer don't setup easy access to the import products etc. & list of -- will be fine & sent back each  importer will have to pay 25cent on the dollar for what retail value -- each products being imported   2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have employment & security in all 50 Federal State etc.  United State of America will be ONE STEP AHEAD in Making America Great again in creating employment & securityUSA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2017creating employment & security

    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be  Part of Healthcare 2017 Revize the Medicare Fee Schedule – first 100 days (this will increase more income for American senior citizens & decrease Medicare $$$ being paid out)

    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates  (no more than  ) terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be immediately U.N. (United Nations HQ) to Move from New York to  Private Islands then for U.S. Military Engineering University

    Next 2017  Off-the-wall: suprising and unusual    who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be immediately terminate(to put out of existence) All Rats(called domestic rodents) in USA to save from the danger of transmission of many diseases they interfere with our economic and physical well being - threat to health - will bite babies in their cribs -&- any disbled or elderly persons -&- homeless
    Next 2017



    USA Mitch
    P.O. Box 7773
    Flint, Michigan 48507

    Text Animations From

    Graphics Generatior From

    Animations From

    Animations From

    USA Mitch
    Mitch the Strategist

    Fight Spam! Click Here!
    The contents of this webpage are
    copyright © 2004-2024 USA Mitch,
    All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
    All stuff (contents) etc...mail to USA Mitch become the exclusive property of USA Mitch.




     *October 24 2021why! is US Congress(17th) -Senator list __ House of Rep list-Betrayal){lets clean House) spending Millions of dollars a day for illegal migration for food, Clothing, Houseing, Medical & Location__out of General Federal Budget of the US Goverment & letting the illegal migration bring in illegal Drug(trafficking)  United States President Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) & the Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's has Total Control over the General Federal Budget of the US Goverment freedom to do as Joseph Biden Jr.(Harris) & the Biden Jr.(Harris) regime Administration's please(the liberty to do as Biden Jr.(Harris) want) President Biden Jr. $6 trillion budget(earmark) __ include earmark Federal Aid for illegal migration(First & American Citizens Second)

    *March 22 2021  Comments: Stop this foolish Act of Treason President elected Joseph Biden Jr.(Sneaky Joseph Do-gooder} doasisay-or-else), Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA-12th),  Senator(D)Chuck Schumer _____Act of Treason(US Constitution rule of law)___ against humanity illegal Migration that are violent protester & Invaders Terrorists ____ How many illegal Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases
     Act of Treason

    More Comments:

     +2015 IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2015 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2015 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology
    IT WILL BE ---  WITH all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. IF not then The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch
    that also include ALL US Federal & State Prosecutor} don't take control and Prosecute or Sanctions against The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch that violate the USA Law of the Land (The United States Constitution) Life for a Life Death Statute U.S. Constitution 

    (in my opinion) USA OP-MOTTO: 'Honesty is the best Policy' BELIEVE ALL YOU READ on Flint Engine DON'T GET ME WRONG BUT I HATE THE DIRTY GREEDY WAYS The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch are doing from the past, present & future AND believe ALL OF WHAT YOU SEE's on Flint Engine now, (in my opinion) with the The U.S. Congress U.S. Executive Branch that include the White House (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & THE U.S. Judicial Branch 'BELIEVE NOTHING YOU HEAR AND HALF OF WHAT YOU SEE' USA Mitch Motto 'Don't tread on me!'

    +October 24 2018 2018 Operation Border Crossing: US Congress (115th) sign your(ours) own death warrant by not passing a Bill to prevent the migration(Contagious diseases) from enter USA from Mexico immediately You & all registered voters can impeached each US Senators & United States House of Representatives Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Legislators [are crazy(idiots)don't have commonsense] by your Vote on November 6 2018 instead US Congress (115th) We the People don't like it, not even a little bit.   Any migration enter USA not following US Constitution Rule of Law But whether or not US Congress  should not stop Migration enter in this country they sign their own death warrant  their friend & family members How many  Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or Contagious diseases President Donald Trump need to stop all Mexico products etc. crossing the border from Mexico immediately No more TRADE with Mexico & used the US Military Power to stop all global migration from entering the USA  US South border fence is Federal Land is not Texas, Arizona, New Mexico & California   State Property All US Legislators & Etc. are crazy(idiots)don't have commonsense that is taking Foreign $$$ such as from China's(Marx communist State) & ect. Check this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer

    In My Opinion plus Facts
    February 15 2018Comments:DEALING WITH Criminal Enemy Invaders

    Give me a break These people in the US Congress 115th  are crazy(idiots) not to protect our homeland Operation:      An Illegal Alien - (are not Illegal immigration but are->) Are(is) Criminal Enemy Invaders-do to rule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime. that Bringing guns, drugs, disease and human leeches of jobs and American taxpayer -funded benefits   ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED ILLEGALS Criminal Enemy Invaders TO PLUNDER AMERICA AND STEAL FROM AMERICANS intent on taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate & being murder by the Military Criminal Enemy Invaders Gang (evildoer),Criminal Enemy Invaders protest in the streets of USA is illegal You bet it has! There is no question! need(will-be) to be deport immediate why are we overseas if we can't guard our own land(USA) from destruction No Legal Rights for the Criminal Enemy Invaders US Congress 115th(& etc.) overstepped their constitutional authority the idiots can't see what coming - with Open Border - Civil War US Military take immediate action against illegal invaders(before illegal invaders do body & social harm to American Citizens) Any US Congress 115th (& etc.)that Harbor or whereabouts the Criminal Enemy Invaders in their State(etc.)are guilty under rule of Law(US Constitution) but states: American Citizen is considered innocent unless proven guilty is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty But the CIA , IRS, FBI, NSA(Secret Service for FBI, IRS & CIA), Federal Reserve Board & Special Council(that are appointed)  { that each one think & believe their are separation of powers:(illegal) that makeup their own rule of law(is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary) from the US Executive Branch That include Federal Judges(include FISA) DOJ that might be - could be separation of powers:(illegal) from The Judicial Branch that makeup their own rule of law( is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary)(Lackluster FOIA Performance that illegal under the US Constitution) If any US Congress 115th don't vote 100% for Border Wall (that want Open Borders) & vote 100% to deport lawful Criminal Enemy Invaders will be with We the People for life to have  gained House seats or Senate Seats in US Congress 115th  for Thousands of individuals from foreign countries walk unchallenged across our southern border(& etc. Land, Sea & Air) every day. We don't know who they are, where they come from, or their intentions. It is an invasion by definition, and our US Congress 115th government condones it. Legalization will only make matters worse. Granting the people here illegally asylum will only encourage more illegal border crossing. Likewise, failing to enforce workplace and Criminal Enemy Invaders laws will only encourage more to ignore the law US Congress 115th has no knowledge of anything that America or the Constitution stands for. The People elected idiots and appoints those of lesser intelligence! The loonies try to give 20 million lawbreakers(Criminal Enemy Invaders) the ultimate prize of citizenship. If so, there will no longer be pride in being a citizen since any foreigner can cross our border will become one. Our politicians are the saddest people around and bringing down our once proud country. On the U.S. side, there has to be a robust integrated response of federal, state, and local law enforcement at the regional level (meshing with is going on in California, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico) that targets the cartel and transnational gang networks. That this country is drowning in people who have never been processed, because of years of absolute neglect by previous administrations. The scourge will be OVER POPULATION in the very near future, that will devastate our agriculture, water supplies, energy and oil  Each US Congress 115th has no reasoning to de-funding tresourceshe Border Wall. All those involved in the tabling of this important method, should be made an example of in future incumbent elections

    +September 20 2016 Operation DACA Officer exmination : a smart decision to End  'Dreamer' Program
    DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is  an obstruction of Justices against the US Constitution)

    To Start with UAU (Flintengine Dotcom Strategist) We the People comments It will be the decision may be cruel, but it's a smart decision to End to 'Dreamer' Program that has shielded almost 800,000 immigrants no deportations could cost US economy more than $400 billion for American Citizens in having New Jobs! Which would allows two-year stays for certain undocumented immigrants who entered the country before their 16th birthdayOperation DACA Officer examination: who quality to be American Citizens ? Has to be Eighteen or older ? that don’t have criminal a record (No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA)? Seventeen & under not quality to be American Citizens & all illegal immigrant have crime records over Seventeen years or older will be deported If the Dems (Pelosi and Schumer, Plus Dems & GOP ) don’t agree then pay the price being & having  employment  in US Congress be determined  in coming elections & to start with dealing with Dems then the GOP (which are infuriated to put a End 'Dreamer' Program is an obstruction of Justices against the US Constitution)  which the entire Far Left Liberal Activism hard-liner extremists media complex( Lawmakers, journalists, and activists ) had a nervous breakdown Past & Present over President GOP's position on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) which DACA   get Financial Aid(comment:California to provide $30 million to DACA students) and Undocumented Students are eligible for in-state tuition that is taken away from American Citizens students in order to educated US students  in creating new jobs in USA(work force - in community education, outreach, training and technical assistance on US Issues)

    November 11 2016 2017 USA illegal immigrant Reform with the help of U.S. Executive Branch --- Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status :   will solve the issue --- setup by We the People (U.S. Constitution)Commonsense Conservative now! 2017  that can prove that been in US 18 Years or over setup by We the People (U.S. Constitution) in US ???? Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years

    August 27 2016 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) setup by ???????????????????)Commonsense Conservative -> Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status : that guest immigrant involved any illegal immigrant that can prove that been in US 18 Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant - can't prove their statistics in USA need to be deported BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION for USA Guest immigrant status: FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: about illegal immigrant can be American Citizens in USA (processing illegal immigrants from USA)


    August 27 2016 "Face the Truth of Where Things Stand" Enough Posturing on Do & Don't on Immigration It Time to take action & inforce the Laws(immigation laws) & Save America from being Destory from illegal & legal UN (United Nations) Immigation & Foreign Legal & illegal Open Borders Immigation that cost Billions of $$$$$) & Foreign Diseases infections spread entering US from Legal & illegal Immigations


    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2017 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

    Operation: We The People 2017 GOV. Put on Notice all the vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) enter the USA & now in the USA [] immediately need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus be given an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature with an vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify vistor or quest (etc... quest worker) where-a-bouts plus all illegal immigrant etc.. (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions


    +(3)   September 28 2011 "Face the Truth of Where Things Stand" Enough Posturing on Do & Don't on Immigration It Time to take action & inforce the Laws(immigation laws) & Save America from being Destory from illegal & legal UN (United Nations) Immigation & Foreign Legal & illegal Open Borders Immigation that cost Billions of $$$$$) & Foreign Diseases infections spread entering US from Legal & illegal Immigations

       {The US CONGRESS better get their act together} OPERATION: 2011 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). in USA need to be deported back to their Country [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military with their mother or father if not then a new process will be setup by the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...)

    +April 30 2019 OPERATION: Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice

    What State Of Mind Is
    The US Congressional Leadership ()
    with the American Citizens

    Solid Mind --- Know between right & wrong & then do the right thing = President Donald J. Trump (road to 2020) :&:  2019 The Liberal hard-liner Dems(specially Pelosi & Schumer) are for theMigrant caravan - OK to enter the USA all illegal Immigations  ((((will have to speak english to become a American Citizens -- US Contitution - rule of law states)))) can & will take of resident at each Dems(US Congress) & each DOJ Dems   ((((DOJ-opponents of Reconstrution U.S. Constitution))))  &each Liberal hard-liner Dems   also Dems states: Open Borders Policy to be FORMigrant caravan  Dems states: All Dems(American Citizens) gun owners will have to turn in their firearms: will be(Specially Texas & Michigan UAW members)  all American Citizens Dems(Specially Michigan UAW members)  Should ___maybe__ will be Tax to pay for each Illegal Immigations stay in USA All Dems(American Citizens) freedom of speech is over withDems states that the  US Contitution - rule of law states: will be Dems(Policy) abortion-termination of pregnancy will not change___maybe__why you(Dems) were not termination thru abortion( Life is to give ---- not to take)

    Wishy-Washy --- In One Ear And Out The Other

    Lie --- say one thing and then do the opposite that mean to present false information with the intention of deceiving

    +October 28 2018 Stop migration that has Contagious diseases  enter in this country
     How many  Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases United States Democrats(all Dems) United States Open Border sign your(ours) own death warrant United States Democrats(all Dems) declared it OK! no big deal to stop serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases enter in this country Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA) Warren, Elizabeth - (D - MA),  Stabenow,  Debbie - (D - MI), Kaine, Tim - (D - VA), Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY)   Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI) 12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA-12th) Gavin Christopher (D-CA), Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), plus all  Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extremists OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN
    Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Legislators [are crazy(idiots)don't have commonsense] by your Vote on November 6 2018 You & all registered voters can impeached each US Senators & United States House of Representatives &  each  50 States Legislators by your Vote on November 6 2018 U.S. CT Senator(D)Richard Blumenthal,  U.S. DE Senator(D)Chris Coons  U.S. IL Senator(D)Dick Durbin,   Senator(D)Cory Booker,  12th Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA-12th),  Senator(D)Chuck Schumer declared It will not be! We the Democrats(all Dems)

    will take over the US Congress then the  Democrats(all Dems) Rule of Law! take overCheck this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer & The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R, C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D.

    sDoes illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA 2016 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2017 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts (m)

    {The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2017 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). in USA need to be deported back to their Country [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military with their mother or father if not then a new process will be setup by the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...)

     Invasion of U.S. border in 2016
    (Land, Sea & Air)


    enough is enough
    catch & release by The White House, Executive Branch big 3 no no no has cross the line
    Raised the Red Flag
    Terrible Diseases & etc... that illegal alien are bring into USA
    GO Home & Get in Line (NOW) did you hear that GOV.

    Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. but is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] by not helping the American Citizens

    {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... [take action - in question situation] enforce the law on all broken borders (Land, Sea & Air) & all employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..} [] is this a

     CATCH & SENT BACK immediately dealing with broken borders (that could be Terrorist) in the USA (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & SENT BACK [in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc.. [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..][] we the people speak the time has come to deport all illegal invasion resident [] in days, not months[] immediately {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [It is possible to deport millions of illegal invasion resident (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?] illegal alien residents V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA by passing a bill its ok to break the law in USA by honoring illegal alien residents in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



    Operation : broken borders -- Human Trafficking etc... is illegal (wrong) in USACATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS (a serious probem-with Human Trafficking etc... ) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS[in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc... [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc...][] Human Trafficking etc... V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA ok to break the law in USA by honoring Human Trafficking etc... in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]

     con"t _

     MY OPINION COURT OF USA Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future Homeland Security in USA 2016 & 2017 Guantanamo Bay (processing newly arrived illegal immigrants from USA) Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton can't do it then(Past) --- can't do it now(future) Guantanamo Bay or others etc. facilities will not be close UAU Party agree this will be in order to remove illegal immigrants (could be terrorist) immediately by the USA Military from within USA Borders or about to enter USA Borders to be process by the USA Military at Guantanamo Bay & other facilities like Guantanamo Bay will be used if Guantanamo Bay can't handle all newly arrived illegal immigrants to be process then the American Citizens will be safe from being harm etc. all illegal immigrants will be remove immediately from USA how to stop illegal etc. stuff from enter the USA Borders with help of new American Citizens workers (employee)employ by American Government paid by Foreign Counties to USA


    overhaul of Import law

    +May 5 2019 Operation Crackdown:UAU Strategist Rules of Principle & Ethic UAU Party favors a sweeping overhaul of Import law that would put many illegal immigrants on the path to legal residency but before that -- all illegal, has to be deported (deportation) inorder if illegal are working, give the jobs up, then the jobs(well-paying jobs with benefits) goes to & that should go to American Citizens ------- As of May 2019, hereafter ___ the legal immigation should be stop for TWO YEARS inorder to save American Jobs that should go to American Citizens that would solve our Nation's immigration problem to put American Citizens back to work Operation Crackdown: would save American jobs & American Citizens would be employed which now more than 11 Million illegal immigrants live in the U.S., which roughly two-thirds of them employed You(+) know how American Citizens been pigionholed: It finds a broad feeling neither the Tea Party nor US Gov't (All Three Branches) solving the problems  who(+) once considered themselves safe within the System How American Jobs(USA Import Inspector employee) can be created through the products, etc. --- being imported in USA being paid by China & other Foreign Countries through the US Tariff Tax placed on imported goods (etc.) all the imported goods enter the USA each one imported goods will be checked by the USA Import Inspector employee that will keep all illegal immigration out of USA & illegal Drug out of USA & the Proper Legal channels to enter USA
    How American Jobs(USA Import Inspector employee) can be created

    USA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2019  immediately Federal Government employment It could be it should be in order to protected   employment & security in all 50 States etc. Who?, What?, When?, When?, Where?, How? to created immediately employment in each 50 States etc. that each State employee paid by  Federal Government  in each 50 States etc.  that coming into USA by Land(Mexico & Canada), Sea, & Air(all 50 Federal States etc.) on Federal Land  as Airport that control by USA Federal Goverment – the $$$ will be coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America

    How to created jobs in United State of America immediately Land, Sea & Air employment in each 50 Federal State etc. –--- USA Import Inspector –-100% inspected what products ect. being imported in USA from ZtoA  ----- in order to see no added products etc. of any illegal things etc. being imported in USA from ZtoA  & quality & quantity(total bulk) products ect. enter the US  Import Inspector paid $$$ coming from Foreign Governments & Foreign Corporation etc, & USA Corporation(companies) move their operations out of America   that import product etc. into USA setup by Federal Government but each 50 Federal States etc.  Import inspector employee must be Federal State resident but Federal State Import Inspector can be transfer to another Federal state then has to be resident of that Federal State, if their job opening if the importer don't setup easy access to the import products etc. & list of -- will be fine & sent back each  importer will have to pay 25cent on the dollar for what retail value -- each products being imported   2019     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch is in control it should be in order to  have employment & security in all 50 Federal State etc.  United State of America will be ONE STEP AHEAD in Making America Great again in creating employment & securityUSA Free Speech(U.S. CONSTITUTION)2019creating employment & security


    Does illegal immigrant ever cross your mind

    2011 USA illegal immigrant Reform
    --- Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status :

    APRIL 2010 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2011 (in my opinion) setup by The White House (Former President Obama- in 2011) -> Heading called -> USA Guest immigrant status : that guest immigrant involved any illegal immigrant that can prove that been in US FIFTHTEEN Years or over to become a American Citizens PLUS after THREE years No CRIMINAL or illegal status against USA all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant - can't prove their statistics in USA need to be deported  BYLAW RULES AND REGULATION for USA Guest immigrant status: FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: about illegal immigrant can be American Citizens in USA (processing illegal immigrants from USA)

    IN MY OPINION COURT OF USA2011 Number One Issue dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future : in 2011 (in my opinion) all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- illegal alien resident etc..& illegal alien etc.. need to be finger printed & an DNA test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts (m)

    {The White House better get their act together OR US CONGRESS } OPERATION: 2011 (OR PRIOR TO) ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). dealing with the Past-Present-&-Future the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate & Executive Branch will have to pass BILLS & LAWS .. inorder to change this Policy in all 50 States that ALL BABY OR BABIES BORN IN THE USA FROM Illegal Immigrants OR Legal Immigrants OR NON-AMERICAN ETC... ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS IF THE MOTHER IS (ARE) NOT A AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST (PRIOR TO). in USA need to be deported back to their Country [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military with their mother or father if not then a new process will be setup by the The White House (U.S. Executive Branch GOV) & US Congess (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) through the law process etc...)

     Invasion of U.S. border in 2010
    (Land, Sea & Air)


    enough is enough
    catch & release by The White House, Executive Branch big 3 no no no has cross the line
    Raised the Red Flag
    Terrible Diseases & etc... that illegal alien are bring into USA
    GO Home & Get in Line (NOW) did you hear that GOV.

    Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV. but is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] by not helping the American Citizens

    {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... [take action - in question situation] enforce the law on all broken borders (Land, Sea & Air) & all employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..} [] is this a

     CATCH & SENT BACK immediately dealing with broken borders (that could be Terrorist) in the USA (a serious probem-with illegal invasion resident) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & SENT BACK [in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc.. [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs illegal alien resident workers etc..][] we the people speak the time has come to deport all illegal invasion resident [] in days, not months[] immediately {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [It is possible to deport millions of illegal invasion resident (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?] illegal alien residents V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA by passing a bill its ok to break the law in USA by honoring illegal alien residents in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



    Operation : broken borders -- Human Trafficking etc... is illegal (wrong) in USACATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS (a serious probem-with Human Trafficking etc... ) GOV. need to take real actions {USA GOV. all Military departments etc... enforce the law} CATCH & PROSECUTE EMPLOYERS immediately JAIL TIME & TAKE OVER BUSINESS[in question than we the people knew -- ] SPECIALLY against the employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc... [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc.. that employs Human Trafficking etc...][] Human Trafficking etc... V.s The Law of USA Its Time for a change in Congress If: the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate --- Honor a Criminal act etc... in the USA ok to break the law in USA by honoring Human Trafficking etc... in USA Lets take responsibility & respect first (no respect for the law) is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ]



    illegal are illegal under the laws of USA
    THAT broken the laws of USA

    illegal immigation resident workers etc... [are not American citizens] will lose their jobs under the laws in USA because the American citizens has the rights 'first' to the American jobs in USA because the employers are under [rule of law -- the employer be under OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME][] not tomorrow (a serious probem) or lose your business and property to GOV. under the laws of USA

    FACE THE FACTS OF THE TIMES: obey the laws of USA or ? = Operation: 2010 Crackdown -out of control - illegal immigation resident etc... : no amnesty - [no more free-hand out (welfare) from GOV.]. {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported}[] immediately by the USA GOV. Military tahe charge -- Clean up your own House first USA Executive Branch GOV.[It is possible to deport millions of illegal alien resident etc... (anything is possible) if not the Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic then why USA GOV. in War(overseas)?] (Terrorism) in the USA GOV. (can do will do) - the children born in USA by illegal immigation or legal immigation etc... are not American citizens [the parent had to be American citizens ... first] - -[Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] - [rule of law -- the employer be under OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME][] not tomorrow (a serious probem) protect the American citizens & american citizens jobs in USA ...

    in my opinion - Operation: Face the Truth -- GOV. have a Core Beliefs in USA --- One of them is English language - official language of USA - GOV. Core Beliefs in USA [Legal limbo: got to stop GOV. need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ] ...

    Deadly Situation controversy over problem-solving-- Security on broken borders [Watch your back GOP & DEMS Truth~Justice (The Cost of Freedom in USA] ...

    USA Face : -time is everything Face the truth - The end of illegal immigation -illegal allien etc...invasion & legal immigation in the USA for one year Let's start over sent all immigation back to their country [] immediately Jailtime for GOV. if they don't follow the laws of USA Let's protect the Americans in all things etc.. Lets put the USA prisoner etc.. to work instead of illegal immigation -illegal allien etc...invasion & legal immigation ...

    WHY WHY WHY OPERATION: The White House (Executive Branch GOV.) -(in my opinion) - NOT USING IT High Tech. Security Survey Equipment on the Broken Borders is this a to [ Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] USA GOV. need to explain itself in all matters (from bad to worse if it take a foot hold) in a chaos War over broken borders } ...

    Operation: Life without illegal alien etc...-or- illegal alien resident workers etc... bring job to American citizens did you hear that [] employers are getting richer (lobbyists are getting richer) -- yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it = GOV. not doing their job need help BILLS & LAWS U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH plus NAS(AMERICA'S MOST SECRET AGENCY not doing their job MAYBE NAS COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME ) [OPERATION: THE LAW ETC... COULD RECEIVE/OR FACE SERIOUS JAIL TIME for employer etc... plus illegal alien resident workers etc... back to their country] {all illegal immigrant undocumented immigrant -can't prove their statistics or can in USA need to be deported} [] immediately by the USA GOV. Military [no more free-hand out (welfare) from GOV.] If the employer etc... don't abide by the GOV. rules etc... than ? ...

    con"t _

    { that each one think & believe their are separation of powers:(illegal) that makeup their own rule of law(is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary) from the US Executive Branch That include Federal Judges(include FISA) DOJ that might be - could be separation of powers:(illegal) from The Judicial Branch that makeup their own rule of law( is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary)(Lackluster FOIA Performance that illegal under the US Constitution)


    June 24 2017(UAU-Helper)Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' that are or a Grayblueneck{imo(T)}Evil Genius In .  Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) in the US Congress(115th)  being influence(persuason)  by  Political LobbyistsSpecially Evil Genius it a must (June 24 2017Janet L. Yellen -need to be replacedplus Stanley Fischer, Jerome H. Powell, Lael Brainard  -- then Federal Reserve of (01-Boston * Eric S. Rosengren  (02-New York*  Willliam C. Dudley) (03-Philadelphia * Patrick T. Harker) (04-Cleveland * Loretta J. Mester) (05-Richmond * Mark L. Mullinix) (06-Atlanta * Raphael W.  Bostic) (07-Chicago * Charles L. Evans) (08-St. Louis * James Bullard) (09-Minneapolis * Neel Kashkari) (10-Kansas City * Esther L. George) (11-Dallas * Robert S. Kaplan) (12-San Francisco * John C. Willliams) -need to be replaced - is an ‘at-will’ relationship.  This means that neither you  nor US Government  has entered into a contract regarding the duration of your employment.  You are free to terminate your employment with US GOV.  at any time, with or without reason.  Likewise, POTUS (U.S. Executive Branch).  has the right to terminate U.S. Federal Reserve Board - leaders - employees, with or without reason, at the discretion of POTUS. Due to US Constitution rights to do so  is an ‘at-will’ relationshipif their a  problems with all or one of Board of Governors of the Reserve System  the duration of their employment. ALL Management Will Have To Be Appropriate, Responsible, Respectful, Courteous And Cooperative, Have To Have Safety Behaviors And Appropriate Manners. 24/7

    -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it (now)) being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists are putting the foot to the American Citizens In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be requlated, and but  Grayblueneck{imo(T)} Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) US Congress(115th) & Grayblueneck{imo(T)} Political Evil Genius view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the Banks  -if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal

    comments - Grayblueneck{imo(T)} Evil Genius by not putting a fix interest rate (will be no more than  7% rate) to the American Citizens Loans [specially the loans from the past (reduce all interest rates to reduce fix interest rates(will be no more than  rate); specially credit card interest rates which Loans & Credit Card Balance is not a loan just like IRS & Social Security are two seperate Branches so then two fix reduce interest rates(will be no more than  7% rate) on Loans & Credit Card Balance that is not a loan )] - the U.S. House of Representatives & & U.S. Senate & Specially Evil Genius are putting the foot to the American Citizens no earmarks on reduce interest rates the rich are getting richer & American Citizens are getting poorer yes they are -- rich gets richer & poor get poorer reverse it (now) the (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH & Evil Genius::: Oh My ! ::: Who's been naughty and nice ::: (in my opinion - are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a recession (in my opinion ) Evil Genius.   not saying anything on these matters at all (speak up - or be remove from the U.S. Congress & Through the law process etc...) Is GOV. Putting the money in the right places?

    Next 2017     who! in  U.S. Executive Branch control It could be it should be in order to  have no more High Interest APR rates(will be no more than  terminate Big Three Credit Score Firms would be knee-jerk reaction


    UAU We the People  Super Talk

    November 7 2017 The Life of your County is at Stake!!  in the efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
    Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress  (115th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremists using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments  Then from the Past & Present dealing with IRS(IMO is corrupted) , FBI (IMO is corrupted) & CIA(IMO is corrupted) that violate the USA rule of Law   IMO comment: if not, proof it  - dealing with We the FBI, etc. gives immunity as we see fit to travesty private gain for the cause(Far Left Liberal Activism) a free pass from potential jail time {IMO FBI, IRS, US Federal Reserve Board, CIA. NSA & Federal Judges are IMO corrupted : if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----

    June 17 2017Operation the Rise of the Deep State in America:We the People who are the congressional Deep State Democratic (groupthink Military-Industrial Complex) Ethic members in US Congress(115th) that has violated rule of law constitutional  taking gifts and benefits from Wall Street, etc...Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) in the US Congress(115th)  being influence(persuason)  by  Political Lobbyists (Is illegal{would be knee-jerk reaction} or legal) when lobbying(behind close doors) involves the exchange of something of value(goods, services, favors, even money) between lobbyists (or their employers)  and representatives in the political system if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal (for profit or benefit in the Present or Future(that include Past Political Legislators that perform duties for US Gov.) IRS(Activism) know but closed mouth - there is no getting around the Facts if so in trouble with the THE U.S. Judicial Branch) In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be requlated, and but Political  legislators(Liberal Fascism Activism) US Congress(115th) & Political FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the Banks  -if so then bribery has occurred then it illegal if this truth then the US Congress(115th) Political  legislators  (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ) & Political FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD in trouble with the U.S. Executive Branch & THE U.S. Judicial Branch (Let’s Get Rid of the Bad Apples- 'one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch' - - new blood in US Gov. )




    March 18 2017   
    the American Citizens need New Blood in Activism US Federal Reserve Board of Governors No ifs, ands or butts about it in 2017

    It could be it should bePOTUS (U.S. Executive Branch need to replace Activism Federal Reserve Board of Governors(are Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Ideology Clan but  Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats  (SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD) proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American Values.) no more High Interest APR rates to beWRONGDOING WHO! GETTING BLOOD MONEY PROFIT   BLOOD MONEY PROFIT (IS THIS PART OF The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA) US CONGRESS Activism LOBBYISTS BLOOD MONEY PROFIT with the WRONGDOER or Foreign WRONGDOER suck-ass that include with the Financial Firms BLOOD MONEY PROFIT THE 21 (+OR-) FINANCIAL FIRMS::: [ BLOOD MONEY PROFIT Activism Lobbyist or any corporation or corporate activism supremacists or GOV. etc... or corporate kick back scheme involving a manufacturing company etc... ] in my opinion court of USA your in trouble with The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ) ::: oops! with the help of U.S. Overseer Ozar & THE US ATTORNEY GENERAL

    American Citizens WILL PAY THE PRICE For diverting the Liberal Activism Rule of Law(Legal Realm)   LIBERAL ACTIVISM - WHO 'NOT CARE' About Ethics(moral Principles)   {{{ Liberal Activism Hypocrites }}}


    November 11 2016 Next Federal Reserve Board(suck-ass with Wall Street & etc. Money in the Bank) in 2017 will be explain - How the interest APR rates(no more - will be no more than dealing with all loan etc. Across-the-Board Cuts - Credit Card interest Rates willn't be so high) will be define(setup) for American Citizens for the future  GOP Commonsense Conservative will setup low (no more than  interest rates (this will increase low income hourly wage) Foreign investors USA high interest rates will be cut(no more than  (less Money in the Bank for Far Left Liberal Democrats {Gov't Power (recruitment-influential)} is over(stop)LyingCrooked Far Left Liberal Democrats


    UAU We the People  Humanism Super Talk 

    November 11 2016  credit score firms --Big Three-- will be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution -- The Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub.L. 93–579, 88 Stat. 1896, enacted December 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a), a United States federal law, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that No agency shall disclose any record which is contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person, or to another agency 

     the Financial Firms Leaders & credit score firms --Big Three (Made Billions of Dollars with No Strings attached to IRS & Gov't etc.) -> TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- plus all collection agents in USA
    to be terminated under rule of U.S. Constitution


    July 21 2015Operation USA Making Laws thru the The Constitution of the United States USA, We the People, Don't Think So   Mr. Obama Iran  executiveorder Deal radical plan   Mr. Obama UN Iran executiveorder Deal Not Part of The Constitution of the United States in making laws for American Citizens, without US Congress is ones making the Law thru The Constitution of the United States not Mr. Obama & The United Nations ( UN - what sanction USA can & can't do - & Etc.[War] )  Now! Mr. Obama has the USA purse string – -  the right or power to manage the disposition of money $$$ – – to do as Obama wants $$$ USA, We the People, Don't Think So     The Constitution of the United States prevent that from happening The Federal Government - the US Congress has complete control over Mr. Obama purse string, must comply with all laws passed by the US Congress &  The Constitution of the United States   What Federal Reserve Bank Structure  Can & Can't Do dealing with The Constitution of the United States making decisions for Americans Citizens (We the People) dealing with interest rates & how  the U.S. Executive Branch  purse string $$$ be used

    In My Opinion plus Facts
    February 15 2018Comments:DEALING WITH Criminal Enemy Invaders

    Give me a break These people in the US Congress 115th  are crazy(idiots) not to protect our homeland Operation:      An Illegal Alien - (are not Illegal immigration but are->) Are(is) Criminal Enemy Invaders-do to rule of Law(US Constitution) Section 8, Title 1325 of the U.S. code clearly states that those who enter the U.S. illegally are committing a crime. that Bringing guns, drugs, disease and human leeches of jobs and American taxpayer -funded benefits   ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED ILLEGALS Criminal Enemy Invaders TO PLUNDER AMERICA AND STEAL FROM AMERICANS intent on taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate & being murder by the Military Criminal Enemy Invaders Gang (evildoer),Criminal Enemy Invaders protest in the streets of USA is illegal You bet it has! There is no question! need(will-be) to be deport immediate why are we overseas if we can't guard our own land(USA) from destruction No Legal Rights for the Criminal Enemy Invaders US Congress 115th(& etc.) overstepped their constitutional authority the idiots can't see what coming - with Open Border - Civil War US Military take immediate action against illegal invaders(before illegal invaders do body & social harm to American Citizens) Any US Congress 115th (& etc.)that Harbor or whereabouts the Criminal Enemy Invaders in their State(etc.)are guilty under rule of Law(US Constitution) but states: American Citizen is considered innocent unless proven guilty is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty But the CIA , IRS, FBI, NSA(Secret Service for FBI, IRS & CIA), Federal Reserve Board & Special Council(that are appointed)  { that each one think & believe their are separation of powers:(illegal) that makeup their own rule of law(is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary) from the US Executive Branch That include Federal Judges(include FISA) DOJ that might be - could be separation of powers:(illegal) from The Judicial Branch that makeup their own rule of law( is the principle that one is considered guilty unless proven innocent) Govern Themselves(over step their boundary)(Lackluster FOIA Performance that illegal under the US Constitution) If any US Congress 115th don't vote 100% for Border Wall (that want Open Borders) & vote 100% to deport lawful Criminal Enemy Invaders will be with We the People for life to have  gained House seats or Senate Seats in US Congress 115th  for Thousands of individuals from foreign countries walk unchallenged across our southern border(& etc. Land, Sea & Air) every day. We don't know who they are, where they come from, or their intentions. It is an invasion by definition, and our US Congress 115th government condones it. Legalization will only make matters worse. Granting the people here illegally asylum will only encourage more illegal border crossing. Likewise, failing to enforce workplace and Criminal Enemy Invaders laws will only encourage more to ignore the law US Congress 115th has no knowledge of anything that America or the Constitution stands for. The People elected idiots and appoints those of lesser intelligence! The loonies try to give 20 million lawbreakers(Criminal Enemy Invaders) the ultimate prize of citizenship. If so, there will no longer be pride in being a citizen since any foreigner can cross our border will become one. Our politicians are the saddest people around and bringing down our once proud country. On the U.S. side, there has to be a robust integrated response of federal, state, and local law enforcement at the regional level (meshing with is going on in California, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico) that targets the cartel and transnational gang networks. That this country is drowning in people who have never been processed, because of years of absolute neglect by previous administrations. The scourge will be OVER POPULATION in the very near future, that will devastate our agriculture, water supplies, energy and oil resources Each US Congress 115th has no reasoning to de-funding the Border Wall. All those involved in the tabling of this important method, should be made an example of in future incumbent elections


    November 30 2021USA Tell-All dealing with US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) & His followers
    USA American Citizens

    2021 Out IN The OpenIssues Operations: USA Tell-All Urges US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) & His followers need to convert to Christianity [change your ways before to late] USA (US Congress__Whistleblower; Judicial branch__Whistleblower; & The White House__Whistleblower) [in my opinion] will Tell-All about the Politics of US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)___in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. government American Citizens invite US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) to embrace the Bible:
    Jesus is the Door (gate) good Shepherd.
    John 10
    7 So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
    9 "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
    11 "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
    14"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,
    USA Gov. will collapse & will be destroy by US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris) in the end No ifs, ands or butts about it


    Warning: Everyone's at risk went US President Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(Harris)(Antichrist-Cammander in Chief _ Satan-Wing Extremist Cammander in Chief)IS THE Overseer & His followers IS THE Overseer  & His followers
    try to take-over the USA


    USA Mitch
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    red_Aware_importment facts and issues dealing with: Joseph(Dictator) Biden Jr.(USB )  & the Biden Jr.(Harris)(USB ) regime(woke) Administration's

    __ Red White Blue


    July 3 2021

    Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea

           Face the True Fact (Good ^ Evil):

    It Great We The People have a LEADER UAU(UAU Party)

    February 14 2022

    The Life of your County is at Stake!! 
    in the efforts to Preserve the economic, social & cultural rights "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"
    Plus each Member of each 50 States of the US Congress(117th) have a legal obligation to respect, protect & fulfill these rights  such as the right to education, right to housing, right to adequate standard of living, right to health and the right to science and culture I, that each Member of the US Congress(117th) of each 50 States do solemnly swear the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Far Left Liberal Activism Lobbyist hard-liner extremists using the realm of politics to make a travesty private gain to the reconstruction USA Governments  Then from the Past & Present dealing with IRS(IMO is corrupted) , FBI (IMO is corrupted) & CIA(IMO is corrupted) that violate the USA rule of Law   IMO comment: if not, proof it  - dealing with We the FBI, etc. gives immunity as we see fit to travesty private gain for the cause(Far Left Liberal Activism) a free pass from potential jail time {IMO FBI, IRS, US Federal Reserve Board, CIA. NSA & Federal Judges are IMO corrupted : if not, proof it need to replace with American Citizens that has commonsense -----





    FBI Declares War on Traditional Catholics in Insidious New Intelligence Report - RedState

    China's Spy Balloon Reportedly Part Of Global Surveillance System; Photos From Wreckage Released

    *0Political Jargon: Political organized Governmental*2 ___Socialist Fascist Dictatorship____Police State*1 

    *1 an act committed in violation of the law__unlawfull activity
    *2 political unit or organization or family or administrative, bureaucratic, official, parliamentary, ministerial, regulatory, executive, managerial

    US House of Representatives 118th Congress

    US Senators 118th Congress

    US Senators 118th Congress

    United States Governors & Executives of U.S. & Territories

    August 25 2023  Acts of the Sinful Nature -----------(Nonconservatives)

    US Recall All Democrat(s) For being American Politicians Lobbyist for Big Business & Wall Street & Rich Class In the Coming Days Their will be Democrat(s) Bullies Empty Suit in Public Offices in US Congess(119th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) & Specially THE US Judical Branch SOCRATIC-TALKINGHEAD that will be fill by And in all 50 States Democrat(s) Bullies ---Their will be Empty Suit in Public Office

    EXCLUSIVE empty SuitLIST (in my opinion) to be OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN DEALING WITH THEIR(+) COMMENTSwho what why when where how

    of   U.S. Judicial Branch    U.S. Federal Judges  ________ 
    of US Congess(119th Congress) (U.S. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH)

     Operation Why!: Is Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extreme OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN support George Soros'(philanthropist, political activist) foundation $$$$ - Open Society Foundations pro migrants Open Society Foundations support a caravan of migrants bound for the United States that might have Contagious diseases  enter in this country & How many  Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases  now behind close doors --- Director of Democrats  Godless Party overseer - leader  -- US Congress Democrats  helper aim to subdue to take over USAviolent - The Sedition Act   convicted under The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65-150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years
    un-Christian ARE hard-liner extreme OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN  Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer  & declared Those Who Don't "Share Our View" Will Suffer "Collateral Damagethe Left(Dems) willn't Stop Pollitical Violence in America -- The Left unleashed it, the Left willn't Stop it. Violation of the Obstruction of Justice not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution is a felony

    Check this out! Only the Left maybe! Can Stop Political Violence in America  (The Left unleashed it, the Left must stop it) October 25, 2018   By Daniel Greenfield

    Stop migration that has Contagious diseases  enter in this country
     How many  Migration are serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases United States Democrats(all Dems) United States Open Border sign your(ours) own death warrant United States Democrats(all Dems) declared it OK! no big deal to stop serial killers & violent protester & Invaders Terrorists or  have Contagious diseases enter in this country all  Democrats  Godless Party  hard-liner extreme OUTRAGEOUS OUTLANDISH OUTSPOKEN
    Far Left Liberal Activism Democrats Legislators [are crazy(idiots)don't have commonsense] by your Vote in 2024 You & all registered voters can impeached each US Senators & United States House of Representatives &  each  50 States Legislators by your Vote in 2024   Senator(D)Chuck Schumer declared It will not be! We the Democrats(all Dems)

    will take over the US Congress then the  Democrats(all Dems) Rule of Law! take overCheck this out! Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer & The Politically Incorrect GuideTM to the Constitution by Kevin R, C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D.

    in 2024
    August 17 2023 It will be a Excellent choice   in making USA great again –-- But Went YOU(We the People)  vote for the GOP Candidate(that will be Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller  to be U.S. President in 2024 that the Republican President  Mr. Donald J. Trump elected would be  like a cable; American Citizens weave a thread of it each day & soon it becomes so strong that the people who(+) don't have common sense cannot break it
    Mr. Donald J. Trump will Stop any wrongdoer at any means by Land, Air & Sea


    JULY 16 2024Far Left Liberal Activism Godless Party Legislators against We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law being violated  --- Enough is Enougth ---  can be & should be indicted for Destruction of Justices   nobody get free pass from wrong doing Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators Milking the System

    Lists of  Democrats (Liberal Activism) Godless Party Agena  their own Rule of Law & Why! It's against  We the People  US Constitution Rule of Law

    1... Sucks ass {USA MisFits} with Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) -- nobody get free pass from wrong doing (specially N.Y.)

     2... Sucks ass {USA MisFits}  -- are crazy(idiots) don't have common sense -are NEGLIGENCE Are Hypocrite - not to protect our homeland against Criminal Enemy Invaders do to their violent
    3... Anti-ICE  -- nobody get free pass from wrong doing - All Illegal immigrant( Criminal Enemy Invaders Terrorist) protesting in USA  be remove from USA soil & process out side of  USA that will sent to Guantanamo Bay or == in USA -- All Banks , Big Three Credit Score Firms (TransUnion -- Experian --- Equifax -- & all collection agents in USA -   whereabouts any Criminal Enemy Invaders are can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act   will be prosecute to aid the 'enemies' of the  United States

    4...the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena going to be a Dems Woke Party - Go For It - and see what happen! don't let this happen [U.S. Code>Part III>Subpart F>Chapter 73>Subchapter II> 7313)] (5 U.S. Code - 7313) === inciting a riot or civil disorder ;  organizing, promoting, encouraging, or participating in a riot  or civil disorder ; can & will be  indicted for Destruction of Justices  according to US Constitution Rule of Law & be indicted for Destruction of Justices aiding and abetting it is, in fact, Criminal Crime Act; is a felony, be  ineligible to accept or hold any oposition in the Government of the United States; any such individual holding a position in the Government of the United States on the date his conviction becomes final shall be removed from such position

    5...'un-Christian' {USA MisFits}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena This Why! -- the DOJ Evil Genius -- the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024  will give  Democrats Godless Party members  each one immunity - It will be Obstruction of Justice & prosecute each one Republicans This is Why!  the DOJ Evil Genius -- the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 to keep the American Citizens() from seeking Public Office

    the Democrats (Moderate Liberal Activism) 2024 Violation of the Obstruction of Justice not appropriate according to U.S. Constitution is a felony
    6...{USA MisFits -- Obstruction of Justice}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, U.S. NY Senator(D)Chuck Schumer   Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  Legislators, House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY under  their Democrats Godless Party  rule of law = no point in mincing words here: Your guilty until proven innocent -- but according to US Constitution Rule of Law -- dealing with criminal intent your innocent until proven guilty

    Believability etc... Stress the importance of facts to prove a point are essential in the legal arena inorder to get results Truth & Justice {{{{In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info}}}}
    7...un-Christian' that is today, present & future to come if not stop by GOP & UAU & African-Americans {USA MisFits -- Obstruction of Justice}  the Democrats (Liberal Activism) 2024 Godless Party Agena Far Left Liberal  Activism Democrats  LegislatorsThe Deadliest Massacre in Reconstruction-Era Louisiana Happened 150 Years Ago In September 1868, Southern white Democrats hunted down around 200 African-Americans in an effort to suppress

    voter turnout

    Far Left Moderate Liberal Activism Democrats Godless Party Legislators In November Election PART of Inductive Reasoning in Unsuccessful being Elected  info


    What is Background Knowledge?
    Background knowledge is the amount of information or knowledge someone has on a particular topic. 
    Knowledge is not only cumulative, it grows exponentially.
    Background knowledge is acquired by the number of experiences someone has in life or the amount of knowledge they have retained from reading or listening. Reading a variety of genres of books, listening to multiple media sources, and engaging in conversations on multiple topics only increase someone's background knowledge. In addition, factual knowledge enhances cognitive processes like problem solving and reasoning. The richer the knowledge base, the more smoothly and effectively these cognitive processes operate."


    APRIL 22 2024:Message to President Donald Trump Should be & maybe  be next United States Attorney General

    -- Former Judge, Prosecutor, and Republican politician in New York. Jeanine Ferris Pirro  answer to your problem  & We the People dealing with USA Rule of Law  - Justice (DOJin all Legal Matter  -----  Former Judge Jeanine Ferris Pirro will be known to be an aggressive against Who abuse against USA Rule of Law No Matter Who it is ! 42 U.S. Code § 3617 - Interference, coercion, or intimidation

    ==Now - Not tomorrow but Now!  will make Big mistake by not putting Former judge Jeanine Ferris Pirro as United States Attorney General   - Time is important to make the proper legal decision Looking for Best of the Best = to take Legal action

    Final comments: It time to take action replace United States Attorney General with New Blood in DOJ = Before it to late - --- in order for President Donald Trump to "Drain the Swamp"

    April 16 2016   UAU      What is Background Knowledge?       UAU   April 16 2024
    Background knowledge is the amount of information or knowledge someone has on a particular topic. 
    Knowledge is not only cumulative, it grows exponentially.
    Background knowledge is acquired by the number of experiences someone has in life or the amount of knowledge they have retained from reading or listening. Reading a variety of genres of books, listening to multiple media sources, and engaging in conversations on multiple topics only increase someone's background knowledge. In addition, factual knowledge enhances cognitive processes like problem solving and reasoning. The richer the knowledge base, the more smoothly and effectively these cognitive processes operate."


    May 08 2024Dems Party take a stand:Whatever Mr. Joseph Biden Jr. does we agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems   _____  List of current United States senators   _____List of current members of the United States House of Representatives & then also agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% DOJ_Merrick Garland/D-ERA a true friend in need _for__Mr. Biden Jr. Clan (which US AG in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past-Present-&- then Future to be In USA forecast)_____List of current members of the United States Department of JUSTICE

    but what 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris' Dems Party & in Congress Dems Party ___ put out will come back in unexpected ways what the real true what Dems Party  stand for against US Constitution

    Anti-Israel 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'


    June 19 2024 in 2024Biden Jr.- ___ 118th Congress Dems ___indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)

    US President Joe Biden jr.(Oatmeal Brain)  ___ 118th Congress Dems ___indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)
    this will not Happen! Joe Biden jr. ___ 118th Congress Dems ___Dems Illegal Migration

    all the legal immigrant etc.. -or- Now!Joe Biden jr.Dems illegal alien resident etc..& Now! Dems illegal alien etc.. will not be finger printed & an DNA test & an HTD** test & an immigrantion number put on record with a picture ID & signature Plus all the legal immigrant etc.. be given a immigration card with an finger print & an DNA test & with a picture ID & signature an immigrantion number on a special ID paper that can not be duplicate [this will not Happen!] inorder to identify immigrant where-a-bouts
    ** HTD = Hair Test Diagnosis -- accurate - reveal every drug ingested, where the drug will remain for the life of the hair Hair test reliability & acceptance in the field of forensic tozicology

     "US President Joe Biden jr.(Oatmeal Brain)  ___ 118th Congress Dems ___indicates Hand-off (100% Dems Party agree)
    this will not Happen! Joe Biden jr.Dems
    by  guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border -
     but  on the other ____ border east & west coast will be guard by Military-armed forces "

    June 16 2024 in 2024 Operation in Detail Who! United States President Joseph(dictator) Biden Jr commander-in-chief- __ 118th Congress Dems ___ is commiting  Wrong Doing : by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border --- but  on  the border on east & west coast is being guard by Military-armed forces commander-in-chief-__ 118th Congress Dems ___  is commiting  Wrong Doing  by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border : to stop Illegal immigration from entering USA UNDER THE US Constitution Rule of Law NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICES by their Wrong Doing:is part of  by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems also  commiting  Wrong Doing : just the beginning to be brought to justices UNDER THE US Constitution Rule of Law commiting  Wrong Doing by not guardian the south border on other side of the border --- strip of ground on other side of  USA border : to stop Dems Illegal immigration from entering USA GOP &  UAU Party will take control


    May 08 2024Dems Party take a stand:Whatever Mr. Joseph Biden Jr. does we agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% Senate Majority leadership  Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)   Majority Whip  Dick Durbin (D-IL) ------ House Minority leadership Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Democratic whip  Katherine Clark (D-MA) in  Congress Dems   _____  List of current United States senators   _____List of current members of the United States House of Representatives & then also agree & support 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris'100% DOJ_Merrick Garland/D-ERA a true friend in need _for__Mr. Biden Jr. Clan (which US AG in all Matter dealing with US Constitution Rule of Law dealing with Past-Present-&- then Future to be In USA forecast)_____List of current members of the United States Department of JUSTICE

    but what 'Mr. Joseph(Oatmeal Brain) Biden Jr.- VP Harris' Dems Party & in Congress Dems Party ___ put out will come back in unexpected ways what the real true what Dems Party  stand for against US Constitution


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    List Why!
    Democrats Voters need to

     September 01 2024     

    (in my opinion) (Democrats Voters(Democratic & Independent Candidates)- are - retard stupid idiot jerk _*_flip-flopping _*_ Lame Duck that knows nothing about American Citizens needs are - because American Citizens still need clothes & food on the table --- During a InflationTop Voter concerns (1) Economy (2) Inflation (3) Debt (4) Gas (5) Crime (6) Border (7) Carters (8) Fentanyl (9) Abortion (10) Overdose

    Democrats Voters need to
    The Dems(Democrats Voters(Democratic & Independent Candidates) do not lie, but just don't tell the Truth
    The truth will always come out in the end
    Who hides the truth in order to deceived
    God is truth. He is honesty. When we tell the truth, we live as God wants us  to live. When we don't tell the truth by lying we go against what expects of us.

    Support Republican Candidates
    Mr. Donald J. Trump Commonsense Conservatives  Truth-teller  to be U.S. President in 2024